Regs Newsletter 2

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  • 8/14/2019 Regs Newsletter 2



    REGINALD BLANTONTexas Death Row.

    Interview with Dee, Founder of the Abolishment

    Movement 2008


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    When I first received a letter from Reggie in

    December, he said to me "You know what

    makes no sense at all? My having almost all my

    clothes on, I mean all the clothes I own,including head covering and an ugly green

    jacket, just to stay warm in my cage. I'm

    dressed as if I were outside." Reggie is a fighter,

    a fighter for human rights and member of

    DRIVE, an online death row organization that

    uses peaceful measures to fight against prison

    abuse, and injustices. Listed on the DRIVE site

    are numerous articles and poetry Reggie has

    written. Reggie was one of the participants of

    the Texas Death Row Hunger strike in whichseveral inmates protested the conditions on the

    Polunsky death row unit in Livingston Texas by

    going on a hunger strike.


    Here is my interview with Reggie, from his death rowcell, he speaks about his case, about his friend who h

    was accused of murdering, and shows how he i


    Reggie, can you please give us a bio of yourself

    I was born blue behind my twin brother, Robert, in a

    Oakland California hospital. My dad retired from th

    Navy and we moved to Texas, to be closer to mmamas side of the family, while getting away from

    California's earthquakes and rapidly growing gan

    culture. For 11 years I grew up in a househol possessed by dad's alcoholism, and because da

    would quit his jobs a lot, we had to move a lot. A new

    kid in the neighborhoods we moved to, I had to fight

    lot, not necessarily to fit in, but to be left alone

    Though initially fighting was something I didn't lik

    to do, I had to eventually adapt to its norms. Anywa

    early one morning mama rounded up my sistebrother, me and as much of our belongings we could

    fit into her bronco and moved us to an apartment sh

    already had waiting, divorcing herself from dad, th

    fights, and from what alcoholism was doing to ou


    However my relationship with mama was shattere

    by what I felt was stress-relieving, overkillin

    whippings she gave me. I held them against mam

    just as I did the divorce. Mama and I began arguinjust as she and dad did. I would leave the house teither get into a fight at school, or on my way hom

    from school, then again once I got home with mama.

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    So when it came time to deciding whose rules Iwould live by, mama's or the subculture, both of

    which were diametrically opposed to one another,

    I chose the latter especially since the family I

    identified with was outside mama's house. A

    family I identified with because we were alllargely rebelling with anger against something wedidn't understand. So living as one of them, I

    became one of them, a locc'd out crip

    Gangbanging and criminalism was the subculture

    norms, norms that led to my incarceration several

    times for non-felony crimes. After going to T. Y.C. (Texas Youth Commission), when I was 16, by

    the time I got out at 18, something about me

    changed. I wasn't changed by their so called

    "resocialization" program, but because I was

    disgusted with being caught up in the system, and

    the subculture that had me enslaved to it.Interesting enough, when I said "it" I meant both

    the "system," that is, the juvenile system as well as

    the subculture, both of which should be seen as

    part of the same body. At the age of 16 I was

    already in the 10th grade. When I was released, if

    that is the appropriate word, from T. Y. C. I hadmy GED. I had intentions of taking T. Y. C. up on

    their offer of 2-years of free college education tobecome a licensed vocational nurse, but my parole

    officer John Rubulcava, refused to do the

    necessary paper work to make it happen. In what I

    felt was a dire attempt to save my life, whichmeant getting away from my parole officer who

    seemed more concerned with violating my parole

    by forcing me to work full time while reporting

    and doing more community service than he was

    allowed to give me each week all by city bus, then

    writing me up if I was late, I tried to get him toauthorize, as they had done for another parolee,

    for me to take the A. S. V. A. B. after which if I

    passed, I would have been released from parole

    and into the hands of the military.

    But he flat out refused to even do this. So I took him

    to his supervisor who begged me to give him

    chance, and I did. Then a week or so later, I wa

    being snatched away from my girlfriend and her

    year old son whom I wanted to adopt, for th

    Capital murder of a friend of mine.

    Your currently on Texas Death Row, What wa

    your conviction and how long have you been on

    The row.

    I've been on death row now for 7 years which ca

    only be understood as lifetimes of incarnations. A

    for what I was convicted of, you are speaking of

    different type of conviction that I only hope leave

    people feeling convicted that the Judicial system, a

    least here in Texas, is broken. My brother Robe

    and his girlfriend Latoya arrived unexpected at mapartment, to cruise around and visit family an

    friends. With nothing to do, I left with them. Of th

    family and friends we visited with, Carlos Garz

    was one of them, or at least we tried to visit himHere is where things get difficult to discuss. Whe

    we left from Carlos's apartment after getting n

    response, we went to the other side of town to se

    some other friends. On our way to our respectiv

    homes, I asked my brother to stop by the pawn sho

    so I could pawn some jewelry. It was a last minutdecision on my part. What makes this difficult t

    talk about is the fact that the jewelry had previousl

    belonged to Carlos. So this alone is supposed

    infer my guilt. And, superficially, it would seem

    questionable. But while we were on the East side

    the particular side of town we were leaving frombefore we stopped by the pawn shop, somebody wa

    kicking in Carlos's door, killing him.

    Carlos and I had always traded or rolled dice fo

    jewelry we both wore. We always had a lot jewelry that was expendable to the both of u

    Besides I had been in a cleaning up process. I hamoved in with my girlfriend and changed my job t

    be closer to our apartment. I had told her that after

    sold the rest of my marijuana, I wasn't going to se

    drugs anymore.

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    I had already been pawning my jewelry, not because

    I needed money but because I was slowly cleaning

    myself up. The District Attorney asked the question,

    which I couldn't answer because my trial attorneyswouldn't let me testify, why I had gone all the way

    to the other side of town to pawn jewelry whenthere were pawn shops in the vicinity of where

    Carlos lived. If I had testified I would have

    explained that I didn't "go all the way to the other

    side of town to pawn jewelry."The friends and myDad we attempted to visit, who all lived in the same

    neighborhood as Carlos, was already on "the other

    side of town" from where my brother and I lived.

    We were just cruising, and seeing friends. The DA

    said "the other side of town" to imply we were

    running from something. Secondly, we went to "theother side of town" that is, the Eastside, to see some

    more friends, not to pawn jewelry. Again, pawning

    jewelry was a last minute thought. We were there,I

    had some jewelry I was slowly getting rid of

    already, so I sold it. As for why a pawnshop on the

    Eastside instead of where Carlos lived? Not onlywasn't I thinking about pawning anything, even if I

    had, a week or so prior when I attempted to pawn

    some jewelry at pawn shops in that area, they

    refused to give me anything close to the jewelry'svalue.My dad who had always pawned things, even

    warned me not to do business with the pawn shops

    in that area. But this is not it. Two and a half months

    before Carlos's murder, his girlfriend took some

    pictures of Carlos and me together with some other

    friends. In these pictures, not only did he have on

    some of my jewelry, but I had on the very same

    jewelry I was pawning. There were also pictures of

    another mutual friend of ours wearing some of the

    same jewelry, which he had gotten from me. These

    pictures were admitted into evidence at trial.

    Furthermore, Carlos's girlfriend who took these

    pictures,and the mutual friend wearing the jewellery

    I had given to him both testified at trial that the

    jewelry did belong to me, and that Carlos and I had

    traded jewelry in the past. What does this all mean?.

    Reginald Blanton On Texas Death Row

    That anybody that has something that previous

    belonged to their friend better not hope that frie

    is murdered? That's ridiculous! The real question

    why was all this evidence overlooked? T

    pawnshop was a rare incident of coinciden

    Carlos was my friend. Kill him for jewelry? Chea

    jewelry? If I was hard up for money like that, whdidn't I take any of that money that was said to b

    just laying around his apartment? Then, why m

    friend instead of a stranger? It doesn't make sens

    Besides, I'm not petty like that. I mean, I drove

    Mercedes Benz. On top of it all, I'm loyal. Carl

    and his cousin knew this. I've spent my money o

    them and was willing to die for them. They kne

    this. My realness is unquestionable. And though

    have done some stupid things in my ignorant year

    never would I pawn something I stole. That beyond comprehension. It's a commonly knowfact that pawned items are ran through t

    computer to determine if they are stolen.

    I must emphasize we weren't the only one wh

    went to Carlos's apartment before his murder eith

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    But I need him to understand that my love for him

    is one that can't be devoured by this predatory

    system, one that was only concerned with using

    him. The other day in utter disgust, I finally threw

    away the only letter I had from my brother, one in

    which he was fighting to express emotions, another

    part of him was fighting to conceal. And as I say

    this, I feel like puking. Never, I mean never, has he

    told me he wanted to kill himself except for in that

    letter. I feel like I've lost my brother. My mama and

    step-pops has even said he's not the same. And just

    a couple of months ago, his girlfriend, a new

    girlfriend, searched me out and left a message on

    my Myspace page maintained for me by a friend,

    concerned about my brother. Here's a women I've

    never met telling me that all my brother does is talk

    about me. She was also trying to find out thesignificance of the number 7 because it was a

    number my brother was distraught over. I told her

    my brother thought as I did, that I was going to be

    murdered by the state last year, 2007. She said he's

    holding something inside that is tearing him apart

    and that she is losing her boyfriend. This death

    penalty thing is a Frankenstein. A living death that

    destroys lives. There is no healing in it. None! We

    are only killing ourselves spiritually, morally, and

    physically, by letting it go on it's rampage.

    Well, anyway, as we prepared for trial the DAs

    offered me a capital murder life sentence if I didn't

    force them to spend money by taking my case to

    trial where they would seek death against me.

    However, when I went back to court for an

    evidentiary hearing concerning my state habeasappeal on my wrongful conviction, when my

    appellant attorney, Scott Sullivan, asked the district

    attorney that tried my case, Tamura Butler, to takethe stand, I found it peculiar that when she was

    asked if she offered me a plea-deal she lied, saying

    she hadn't and that doing such wasn't the practice inthe Das office.

    Only later, after reading Supreme Court Justic

    Thurgood Marshall's opinion in Furman V

    Georgia, the 1972 case on which the death penal

    was abolished, I realized why Tamura Butler ha

    lied. You see, Thurgood Marshall said, DAs can

    claim the death penalty as a deterrent to crime

    they use it to manipulate defendants to plea for

    lesser offense. What I'm trying to say is how ca

    they claim that I'm such a "severe threat

    society" that I need to be killed by leth

    chemicals that they cannot even use on animal

    after offering to keep me alive if I didn't take them

    to trial? Hypocritical.

    I know I'm being a bit long winded, but it is vit

    that the people are made aware of how careful

    constructed my case and conviction was. When wpaneled the venire members, that is, called the 10

    people from which we were going to compose ou

    jury to come into the courtroom, after Tamu

    Butler made a comment to my attorney about

    black juror being the sole "holdout" juror in

    previous trial, which led to a mistrial, she calle

    for a jury shuffle, shuffling all the Africa

    American venire-members who were seated in th

    front of the courtroom, to the back. This was he

    first attempt to keep African Americans off mjury. She was hoping that we would amass a jur

    before interviewing them in a process called vo

    dire. And listen to that, "them." Here it is 2008 an

    we are still dealing with the "them" phenomenon

    Well, we fought our way through interviewin

    each venire member until we finally made it to ou

    first African African venire member. Yet, minu

    one, the district attorney only ended up using h

    peremptory challenges or strikes, which t

    defense gets the same number of, to exclude th

    rest of the African Americans from serving on



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    In light of the comment Tamura Butler made about

    the holdout African American jury and her jury

    shuffle, my court appointed attorneys raised a

    "Batson" claim, requiring her to give "race neutral"

    reasons for using peremptory strikes, which may be

    used to strike a venire member for any reason

    except race or religion Little surprise Tamura

    Butler's reasons were deemed "race-neutral" by the

    presiding judge, Juanita Vasquez-Gardner.

    During my appeal, after examining the transcripts

    of the interviews of each venire member it was

    revealed that Tamura Butler asked questions

    differently toward those that became jury members

    than she had the African Americans she kept off.

    Whereas she educated the former as to the

    application of the law, she left the latter to theirown misconceptions as to justify excluding them

    from serving on my jury based on their so-called

    inability to apply the appropriate law. Then when

    we, my trial attorney, educated them of the law and

    they said that they could apply it accordingly,

    Tamura Butler claimed "vacillation," swaying

    opinion, as her race-neutral reason for striking

    African Americans from serving on mv jury. Aclassic example of using a persons ignorance

    against them.

    Going back to my State Habeas Corpus evidentiary

    hearing, after Tamura Butler took the stand, my

    attorney had also asked her what her reasons werefor her jury shuffle. She said that she wanted to

    move to the back venire members that were defense

    attorneys, social workers, and teachers, while

    moving to the front those with ties to law

    enforcement. However in the first 20 venire

    members, where 3 of the 5 African Americans onthe panel sat, there was only one teacher and

    nobody with any of. the occupations she said she

    was trying to shuffle to the back of the courtroom.

    The Federal Court Judge recently ruled in my cas

    that the jury shuffle was "racially motivated" an

    that Tamura Butler's race neutral reason for h

    peremptory strike against one African Americ

    was "more rationalization than rationale." Y

    contradicting himself, the Federal Judge Orland

    Garcia, unbelievably denied my claim that th

    prosecutor, Tamura Butler racially exclud

    African Americans from serving on my jury

    Yet this is not, the extent of Tamura Butler

    prosecutorial misconduct. The Northwest

    University School of Law, Center on Wrongf

    Convictions, compiled a study called "The Snitc

    System" in which they reveal that the fir

    wrongful conviction involved a "snitch." The stud

    also revealed that of the 111 exonerated from dearow, about half, 45.9% involved snitches. What

    this about? Every study I've read most cases I'v

    read, as well as most stories I've heard from peop

    on death row right now had a "snitch" most

    "jailhouse-snitches" involved in their convictions

    When I was going to trial my lawyer asked me if

    knew a Frank Trujiilo. I told him that the the nam

    wasn't recognizable. My lawyer told me th

    person knew me and would be testifying againme. One day after going back to the county ja

    from trial, I saw this one prisoner in the leg

    booths in booking I had been locked up around.

    threw my head back to say "what"s up" to him, yo

    know, just to say hello. He faintly moved his hea

    to say "what's up" back, but his expression struc

    me. It was like he was either shocked or didnrecognize me. I just kept on stepping to m

    destination. Then came the day during trial whe

    this Frank Trujiilo was supposed to testify againme. Into the courtroom walked the same person

    had said "what's up" to that day I came back from

    court. I was beyond words.

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    On that stand he told one lie after another. He said

    that we were friends in the freeworld though I didn't

    meet him until I was locked up in the county 6 for

    this crime. He said that I use to give him drugs

    "under the table" at this motel he supposedly worked

    at to pay for the room. He even said that I came tothe motel one day trying to sell him a gun of the

    same caliber used to murder Carlos. When I was

    being booked for Carlos murder I was thrown into a

    small room with about 15 people sitting around me.

    Everybody was asking everybody what they were in

    for." When I was asked I said "for the Capital Murder

    of my friend." When somebody else asked if I did it I

    emphatically said "hell nah, But this jailhouse snitch

    Frank Trujillo who was also present in this room

    which is when I first met him, said on the stand that Ihad bragged about killing Carlos in front of all these

    strangers. I was enraged. But what could I do about

    it? I wanted to curse him out but that would have

    only made me look worse. On top of it all my trial

    lawyers had me strapped in a testifying straitjacket.

    This trial is the reason why I now have high-blood

    pressure. Another day when I came to my lynching

    of a trial, as I walked past the one-man holding cells

    behind the courtroom, I passed one cell where

    Tamura Butler a pretty prosecutor I might add, satnext to this same jailhouse snitch, knee to knee,

    talking to him. When they saw me they sort of staredat me shocked, like I caught them doing what I

    thought as I walked off: Tamura Butler using her sex-

    appeal to further coax Frank Trujillo to stay the

    course in their plot to kill me. During my appeal I

    asked my court-appointed federal attorney what had

    happened to this jailhouse snitch. He said though hehad several felonies pending in several states, after

    my wrongful conviction, all he received was 1-year,time served..He went home. Judge Paul J. Kelly Jr.

    said "If justice is perverted when a criminal

    defendant seeks to buy testimony from a witness it is

    no less perverted when the Government doesso."Where does it all stop? Little wonder why the

    majority of brothers here on Texas' death row

    subsist in various levels of despair. Her

    recently, we just lost another brother to suicide

    That's some 4 suicides in about as many year

    It's enough to be urged by an imate forc

    toward self-preservation, only to have youhands tied as you watch your own murde

    approach you; let alone to be encaged falsel

    under sensory-depriving conditions with a cas

    like mine, as many brothers have; a case o

    endless corruption, too much to begin breakin

    down. So what does most of these brothers do

    They sit silenced, until they are silentl

    murdered by the state, If they dont silently ki



    Are You Innocent?

    As for your question of "innocence" I cringe athat word. What does it mean? Obviously it ha

    lost meaning to most Americans, or mor

    specifically, citizens of Texas since they didn

    demand abolition or at the bare minimum,

    moratorium on the death penalty when th

    Lone Star State killed Todd Willingham, GarGraham, Francis Newton, Justin Fuller, an

    lord knows who else that was also innocent.sort of feel ashamed of that word "innocence

    Probably because I'm ashamed of being here.

    don't know how else to explain how that wor

    makes me feel. It's not enough to be innocenhere in America.


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    You either better have DNA evidence or a video of

    you at another location at the precise moment of the

    crime, to prove your innocence. What does thismean for people with a messy case like mine?

    Constant refusals from law firms I've contacted to

    help me? Certainly everybody doesn't have cases

    where there were DNA evidence.

    This whole system will make you feel guiltywithout really knowing why. I think innocence

    needs to be redefined because we are dealing with a

    situation that goes beyond the black and white lines

    of guilt and innocence which, when we are talking

    about capital punishment, respectively means life in

    prison or a death sentence and freedom. What 1mean is, what if I was indeed guilty? Does this take

    away from the man I have finally become? Myredemption? Anybody who is keen enough to see

    who I really am through my words, let alone my

    activism, knows the ghettos and hoods need people

    like me as much as they did Tookie Williams, to

    encourage growth and development.

    Texas, if not the whole American Judicial System,

    has a policy of condemnation that never takes into

    consideration that change is an inherent part of

    human nature. I mean, Texas' prison industrialcomplex is less concerned with true rehabilitation,

    and more with mere imprisonment.

    This says it all. I guess I will say that I've seen too

    many brothers around here who admit that they

    were guilty for their crimes but it was clear that

    they were changed men that could change the

    communities that they came from. yet their stories

    were poisoned and their value died on that gurney

    with a needle in its arm. So what is innocence?

    Do you feel that your lifestyle and gan

    association had anything to do with your fals


    I absolutely do. They placed a spotlight on me

    Police officers referring to my brother and I a

    the "Blanton Boys" or "Blanton Twins"? Tha

    says a lot. It's one of the reasons why I wacleaning up my look. I was even in the proces

    of downgrading my car from a Mercedes t

    something more practical. These things made m

    a target. Then when you get in the courtroom an

    you have golds in your mouth, Varsace glasses

    tattoos, and you are a member of the "notoriou

    CRIPS" with a criminal history? It doesn't matte

    how petty that criminal history is. It doesn

    matter that you don't "gangbang.". Skille

    prosecutors will scare the average juror in believing you are dangerous. I guess the re

    question is how do you become dangerous jus

    because you have these things? Perhaps becaus

    when these images are arranged right, the

    become symbols that tap into and dances wit

    those misconceptions that dwell in th

    subconscious of each juro

    Do you feel you were railroaded? Why?

    I do feel I was railroaded and not only becausof what I've already said, but consider thi

    Carlos' apartment door was kicked in. Detective

    were able to take a clear close-up picture of th

    tread-print left on the door. The shoes I wore th

    entire day of Carlos' murder was taken by polic

    to be examined for blood-splatter and anythin

    else that would link me to his murder. Of cours

    they didn't find anything. However, I told m

    trial lawyer, Anthony Cantrell, to get these shoe

    to show the jury that the 12-inch shoe-print oCarlos' door wasn't mine. These shoes are a siz

    9. But my own attorney grilled me about i

    saying "Okay, okay, we're going to get them

    right now!" as if I was lying and to see if I woulfreeze up. Needless to say, he never got th


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    Railroaded? I presented to my State Habeas Corpus

    attorney, Scott Sullivan, several vital claims for

    him to include in the appeal he was supposedly

    filing for me, one of which was about my shoes not

    matching the shoe-print on the door. It was

    especially important that he included all the claims

    possible at this particular stage of my appeal

    because if he didn't whichever claims he left out

    would be lost forever, barred from ever being

    raised in later appeals. Different character, same

    plot. Mr. Sullivan refused to raise these innocent

    claims in my appeal. So I compiled all the carbon-

    copies of letters I sent him, pleading to him to file

    my claims, and went to the court with it all

    showing Judge Juanita Vasquez-Gardner, of the

    399th District court in San Antonio, how my own

    attorney refused to represent my legal interest. Butshe utterly ignored what I sent to her certified mail.

    So, then I went to the State Bar of Texas about

    what Scott Sullivan had done to my appeal but they

    felt he had not committed any professional

    misconduct and referred me back to Juanita

    Vasquez-Gardner's court. I was ignored and swept

    under the rug with all the other silenced. When my

    Federal attorney attempted to file these claims to

    the Federal court, the Federal judge said the claims

    were procedurally barred from being heard withouteven considering how I diligently sought to have

    my legal interest represented, only to be ignored by

    my state habeas attorney, the judge over my State

    Habeas Corpus appeal, who was also my trial

    judge, and even the State Bar of Texas, who is

    supposed to make sure that lawyers do their jobs.

    This stuff makes me sick.

    What stage is your appeals at?

    My appeal was denied by the 5th circuit court of

    appeals. My last resort, at least judicially, will be

    the Supreme Court.

    How do you spend your time on Death Row?

    I try to divide my day into 8-hours of rest, 8

    hours of self-reflection, research, and 8-hours o

    writing. Because I'm largely at war with Maya

    the Sanskrit term for illusion, I'm fighting my

    self-illusions, seeking to realize my Highest selfI have found this is the only way I'm able to find

    that space inside the pyramid of my being

    imperturbable by the harmonious-chaos tha

    surrounds me. From this place I find my inner

    strength which I hope shines forth as inspiration

    for all these brothers here on the row. From thi

    place I find the strength to delve into intens

    studies, searching for keys, keys that may unlock

    within me insights, solutions to the problems tha

    plague us within these walls, and the us outsidethese wails; that is, our brothers and sisters in

    freeworld society.

    This is why I have embraced the name Omar

    Huduma, which is Swahili for "The Highes

    Service." Not only do I strive to realize omari

    the highest, that is, my highest self, but I dedicate

    my life to the upliftment of my sisters and

    brothers as the highest huduma, that is, service

    have to give. Together with my cadre of brothers

    Christopher Young, Gabriel Gonzalez, Rober

    Will, and Kenneth Foster, who is now serving a

    life sentence, we have breathed life into

    movement we call D.R.I.V.E.: Death Row Inner

    Communalist Vanguard Engagement

    We are fighting for the abolition of the Death

    Penalty and as humane living conditions a

    possible as long as we must be confined under an

    inhumane sentence of death. We're fighting by

    not only educating the public of the atrocious andfar-reaching nature cf the Death Penalty, but by

    hopefully being representative of the hope and

    human dignity that still exist within these wall

    of death.

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    We have taken Direct Action within these walls of

    death nonviolently protesting these sensory-

    depriving conditions and for better treatment by thisadministration.

    We dedicate a lot of time toward helping brothers

    within these wails overcome their self-illusions,whether it be racism or misogyny, while trying to

    get them to see that they shouldn't just givethemselves to a man-made demise as their fate

    because they still have worth, one worth fighting

    for. We are literally fighting from the inside out in

    every sense.

    What are your feelings about the death sentence?

    It's counter-justice. It doesn't promote healing withthe victims' family; it creates extended victims with

    the prisoners' family; it ignores the humanity of the

    condemned; it hardens the hearts of those that in

    some way or some form promotes the process

    leading up to the condemned's state sanctioned

    murder; and it takes not only tax-dollars away from

    rehabilitation programs badly needed but it takes

    the lives of the condemned, who could very well

    promote the rehabilitation of others that will

    identify more with them than anybody else.

    The death penalty is racially inclined do you see this

    as a form of genocide

    You know genocide is defined as the systematic

    destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group.

    Though the death penalty is racially inclined, ifracism wasn't a factor, it would be harder for

    District Attorneys to secure convictions, we would

    still be speaking of a systematic destruction via the

    Judicial Persecution System of a cultural group oras I would rather say those largely from the

    subculture. And the bottom line will always be thebottom class. If brothers and sisters on death row

    could afford a topnotch defense team, they would

    not be on death row.

    If we look at those that made it off death row,

    was largely one of two factors that played a rol

    in it:

    They either had a law firm or innocence projec

    fighting for their lives, or a mass grassroo


    What abuses have you and others endured at th

    Polunsky Death Row Unit?

    I watched as a neighbor of mine, Kenneth Clark

    died in his cage because medical refused to hel

    him. Geronimo Gutierrez is suffering from

    painful medical condition and the medication his being given is not taking away his pai

    Michael Sigala's sinus condition has gotten so ba

    that fluid has built up in one of his ears to th

    point that he has lost all his hearing in that ea

    and the medication provided to him is n

    enough. Medical has a notorious unwritten policof only being concerned about a death row

    prisoners' health only if their lives are

    immediate jeopardy. As long as we are alive unt

    the state kills us, they have served their purpose

    Our grievance system is broken. Generall

    grievances either come up missing or we get runaround responses to them. Some of the food the

    dish us is uneatable. Some brothers who ar

    suffering from mental illnesses are mistreated b

    officers who don't know how to deal with them

    Officers refuse to feed or recreate some of them

    As for my brothers in the DRIVE movement, as

    result of our nonviolent protest, we have bee

    subjected to excessive uses of force. We hav

    been denied food, recreation, and showers. Whave had all our property taken away from u

    against policy. We've had our mail tampered wit

    or sometimes thrown away. There was even on

    occasion where I was forced I mean carried into

    cage smeared in feces and urine.

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    I need an attorney that will aggressively fight formy life as if it were their own in the Supreme

    Court should my 5th circuit appeal get denied.

    This attorney may just want to work in

    conjunction with my Federal attorney. Thisattorney needs to be knowledgeable in the law as

    it pertains to procedural default. Likewise, if mycase is reversed, I will need an attorney to

    aggressively represent me at another trial.

    My plight needs as much media exposure as

    possible specifically here in Texas not only

    emphasizing the injustices in a wrongfulconviction, but also my genesis into manhood,

    my self-evolution, my redemption, in spite of

    charges that I would never amount to anything.

    I need people to relentlessly pursue,firstly,

    influential people that are against the Death

    Penalty such as senator Rodney Ellis, GreenParty's presidential candidate and former Georgia

    senator, Cynthia McKinney, or Green Party

    presidential candidate from San Antonio, Cate

    Swift and those like them to persuade them to use

    their influence to persuade the Texas State Bar to

    accept and entertain the grievance I'm trying to

    file against Scott Sullivan for refusing torepresent me; since the first grievance I attempted

    to file against him was classified as an "inquiry"

    and dismissed. We need pressure on the Texas

    State Bar to do the right thing. This grievance can

    be found on my myspace page.

    We also need these influential people to persuade

    others like them to stand with them in their

    demand for true justice in my case. I need people

    to use my plight as a means to further build thegrassroots movement to abolish the DeathPenalty.

    I need people especially here in Texas and if the

    are not in Texas to persuade people they may know

    here in Texas to be willing to take to the streets; t be my voice and the voice for the voiceless; t

    distribute literature on my plight everywhere the

    go. Until someone enlightens me of a more viabl

    approach this is the only way I believe we can levethis imbalanced scale of so-called justice.

    At this time if there is anything you would lik

    to add to the interview please do so

    I need to say this to Carlos' Mama: Ma'am if tha

    was you staring at me when my defense attorney

    told me to sit facing those seated in the courtroom

    if you are wondering what I tried to say to you said "I didn't do it." I can't find the words to encas

    what I feel about the pain you have gone throughYour lost is mine. Though I don't know what yo

    still feel I will say I hurt not only because of all tha

    has grown out of Carlos murder but every time th

    state of Texas kills one of my brothers.And the

    guilt or innocence doesn't affect one way or anothe

    this pain I feel. Just as I believe if Carlos was eve

    sent to death row and the state of Texas killed him

    whether he was guilty or not wouldn't affect on

    way or another the pain that you would feel. Th

    more important thing is I offer all the love of mbeing to you and your family. I mean all the love o

    my being, everything I am. And Ms. Garza pleas

    let me say also I would like for you to conside

    meeting my Mama. Because I believe you will se

    yourself in her as well as her pain.

    May love, all our love, heal your wounds. I fight s

    mothers like yourself, and family members for tha

    matter, wont have these wounds.

    Dee, thank you from the depths of my soul fo

    giving me this opportunity. Being able to spill a

    these things from my cup has done something t


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    WOUNDED (sos)

    She has never cried so hard, so utterly, in her life. She cries as if her life depended on it. In fact,lives do depend on it. Dark, angry clouds havent even known raindrops the size of her tears. O the

    hurt. Her gapping mouth frowns with wails from her agony. I havent realized how my face contortsfrom the mere sight, the mere sight ofmy wound. Ive been wounded by the mistreatment of

    Humanity who sits curled up like an abused child, precious child, in the corner of our souls, neglected

    by the US; neglected by the STATE; neglected by this administration; and what hurtso it hurtseven

    more, neglected by my fellow death row prisoners, whose faces turn away from this child because they

    feel they dont deserve her. And when they turned their confused faces with tears in their eyes, it rippeda hold through my flesh; one so profound, I can peer through it to my Soul, to that child, the child that


    I lay wounded in the ditch of my cage, left to die, this child and me. Passerbys hear the cries from my

    woundtheir reflection, but they refuse to face themselves, passing US by. My wound cries for US,

    which means YOU. The child in me, in US, needs YOU. WE can heal, but it must be TOGETHER; Icant do it alone,

    My wound is bleeding my Soul.

    PleasePlease dont pass US by.



    Anna Terrell

    Phone # 210 508 7616

    [email protected]

    Ann Morrison


    [email protected]

    Sandie Blanton

    Phone# 011 44 1935 414176(please note this is a UK Phone #)

    [email protected]


    [email protected]

    Snail Mail Address

    P.O. BOX OR 760776,

    San Antonio,

    Texas 78245

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