Trademark Details This page is a part of the TrademarkNow™ trademark information system, delivering you up-to-date information from a number of trademark registries. TrademarkNow™ products offer an efficient and innovative technology-based approach to managing the entire trademark lifecycle. To learn more, visit our main website . Support MONAVIE ACTIVE ID US 85357556 Owner MONAVIE LLC Status Valid: Registered, as of 2012-02-28 Product details by class 05 (US 006, 018, 044, 046, 051, 052) Dietary and nutritional supplements; Dietary and nutritional supplements containing acai berry; Nutritional supplements in the form of drinkable gels (First use: 2007-11 (The mark was first used anywhere in a different form other than that sought to be registered at least as early as 08/25/2004.), in commerce: 2007-11 (The mark was first used in commerce in a different form other than that sought to be registered at least as early as 08/25/2004.)) 32 (US 045, 046, 048) Fruit juices and fruit drinks; Mixed fruit juice; Non-alcoholic beverages containing fruit juices (First use: 2006-08 (The mark was first used anywhere in a different form other than that sought to be registered at least as early as 08/25/2004), in commerce: 2006-08 (The mark was first used in commerce in a different form other than that sought to be registered at least as early as 08/25/2004)) Mark details Mark text MONAVIE ACTIVE Mark type Standard character mark Disclaimer No claim is made to the exclusive right to use "ACTIVE", except for the mark as shown Owner Details Name MONAVIE LLC Type Limited liability company, Delaware US Address 10855 S. River Front Parkway, Suite 100 South Jordan UT 84095 Attorney of record Jeffery M. Lillywhite Docket number US.MA.02 Correspondent JEFFERY M. LILLYWHITE MONAVIE LLC 10855 RIVER FRONT PKWY SOUTH JORDAN, UT 84095-5762 MONAVIE ACTIVE®, USPTO S/N 85357556 https://www.trademarknow.com/trademark/us/85... 1 de 3 07/12/13 13:04

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Trademark DetailsThis page is a part of the TrademarkNow™ trademark information system, delivering you up-to-date information from a number oftrademark registries. TrademarkNow™ products offer an efficient and innovative technology-based approach to managing the entiretrademark lifecycle. To learn more, visit our main website .




Status Valid: Registered, as of 2012-02-28

Product details by class

05(US 006, 018, 044,046, 051, 052)

Dietary and nutritional supplements;

Dietary and nutritional supplements containing acai berry;

Nutritional supplements in the form of drinkable gels(First use: 2007-11 (The mark was first used anywhere in a different form other than that sought to be registered at least as early as08/25/2004.), in commerce: 2007-11 (The mark was first used in commerce in a different form other than that sought to be registeredat least as early as 08/25/2004.))

32(US 045, 046, 048)

Fruit juices and fruit drinks;

Mixed fruit juice;

Non-alcoholic beverages containing fruit juices(First use: 2006-08 (The mark was first used anywhere in a different form other than that sought to be registered at least as early as08/25/2004), in commerce: 2006-08 (The mark was first used in commerce in a different form other than that sought to be registeredat least as early as 08/25/2004))

Mark details


Mark type Standard character mark

Disclaimer No claim is made to the exclusive right to use "ACTIVE", except for the mark as shown

Owner Details


Type Limited liability company, Delaware US

Address 10855 S. River Front Parkway, Suite 100

South Jordan UT 84095

Attorney of record Jeffery M. Lillywhite

Docket number US.MA.02




SOUTH JORDAN, UT 84095-5762

MONAVIE ACTIVE®, USPTO S/N 85357556 https://www.trademarknow.com/trademark/us/85...

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Registration Details

Registering office United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO, documents on TSDR)

Serial number US 85357556

Registration number US 4105171

Filing date 2011-06-27

Publication date 2011-12-13

Registration date 2012-02-28

Renewal due 2022-02-28

Status Registered (700), as of 2012-02-28

Type of mark Trademark


Date Event

2012-02-28 Registered-principal register (R.PR-A)

2011-12-13 Official gazette publication confirmation e-mailed (NPUB-E)

2011-12-13 Published for opposition (PUBO-A)

2011-11-23 Notification of notice of publication e-mailed (NONP-E)

2011-11-10 Law office publication review completed (PREV-O)

2011-11-09 Assigned to Legal Instruments Examiner (ALIE-A)

2011-10-18 Approved for publication - principal register (CNSA-O)

2011-09-20 Examiner’s amendment entered (XAEC-I)

2011-09-20 Notification of examiners amendment e-mailed (GNEN-O)

2011-09-20 Examiners amendment e-mailed (GNEA-F)

2011-09-20 Examiner’s amendment - written (CNEA-R)

2011-09-15 Assigned to examiner (DOCK-D)

2011-07-05 New application office supplied data entered in TRAM (NWOS-I)

2011-06-30 New application entered in TRAM (NWAP-I)

Earlier Rights Claimed


Relation Number

Prior registration 3111332

Prior registration 3766507

Prior registration 3770346

MONAVIE ACTIVE®, USPTO S/N 85357556 https://www.trademarknow.com/trademark/us/85...

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MONAVIE ACTIVE®, USPTO S/N 85357556 https://www.trademarknow.com/trademark/us/85...

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