UNCORRECTED PROOF © Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2004, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford, OX4 2DQ, UK and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA 1 Regionalism Within Multilateralism: The WTO Trade Policy Review of Canada Keith Head and John Ries University of British Colombia 1. INTRODUCTION T HE World Trade Organisation’s 2003 Trade Policy Review of Canada (WTO, 2003a) begins with praise for Canada’s liberal and multilateral policies. Like most reviewers, however, the WTO indicates a number of areas where the subject could benefit from improvement. Specifically, the WTO Review identifies sectors where Canada remains overly protective and raises concerns over Canada’s re- cent inclination to sign bilateral trade agreements. In this paper we focus on the aspects of Canada’s trade policies that attracted WTO criticisms. We pay special attention to the regional trading arrangements that Canada has been pursuing and the potential economic harm these may be causing. The failure to advance the Doha agenda at the World Trade Organisation (WTO) Ministerial meeting in Cancun in September, 2003, has created the percep- tion that the WTO has ceased to be an effective forum of negotiation. A key element to the failure in Cancun was the emergence of a block of developing countries led by Brazil, China and India, who argued that agricultural reform proposed by developed countries was too limited and who resisted formal discus- sions of the so-called Singapore issues. 1 With multilateral trade liberalisation bogged down, nations have busily negotiated regional trade agreements. Canada is no exception, having already implemented the Canada-US Free Trade Agree- ment (CUSFTA) and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), more recent agreements with Chile, Israel and Costa Rica, with additional agree- ments in the offing. TWEC 655 Pages: 23 1 See The Economist (18 September 2003). The Singapore issues comprise trade and competition policy, trade and investment, transparency in government procurement, and trade facilitation (e.g., customs procedures).

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© Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2004, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford, OX4 2DQ, UKand 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA 1

Regionalism Within Multilateralism:

The WTO Trade Policy Review of


Keith Head and John Ries

University of British Colombia


THE World Trade Organisation’s 2003 Trade Policy Review of Canada (WTO,2003a) begins with praise for Canada’s liberal and multilateral policies. Like

most reviewers, however, the WTO indicates a number of areas where the subject

could benefit from improvement. Specifically, the WTO Review identifies sectorswhere Canada remains overly protective and raises concerns over Canada’s re-

cent inclination to sign bilateral trade agreements. In this paper we focus on the

aspects of Canada’s trade policies that attracted WTO criticisms. We pay specialattention to the regional trading arrangements that Canada has been pursuing and

the potential economic harm these may be causing.

The failure to advance the Doha agenda at the World Trade Organisation(WTO) Ministerial meeting in Cancun in September, 2003, has created the percep-

tion that the WTO has ceased to be an effective forum of negotiation. A key

element to the failure in Cancun was the emergence of a block of developingcountries led by Brazil, China and India, who argued that agricultural reform

proposed by developed countries was too limited and who resisted formal discus-

sions of the so-called Singapore issues.1 With multilateral trade liberalisationbogged down, nations have busily negotiated regional trade agreements. Canada

is no exception, having already implemented the Canada-US Free Trade Agree-

ment (CUSFTA) and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA),more recent agreements with Chile, Israel and Costa Rica, with additional agree-

ments in the offing.

TWEC 655 Pages: 23

1 See The Economist (18 September 2003). The Singapore issues comprise trade and competitionpolicy, trade and investment, transparency in government procurement, and trade facilitation (e.g.,customs procedures).

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This paper discusses the WTO Trade Policy Review of Canada in the contextof multilateral trade liberalisation being at a ‘cross-roads’ in large part because

developing countries want greater benefits. Section 2 examines patterns and trends

in Canadian trade. In this section we discuss tariff treatments for different tradepartners and Canada’s trade performance with poor countries. Section 3 reviews

the economic consequences of preferential trade agreements and the evidence

on trade creation and diversion in Canada’s primary regional trade agreements.Section 4 discusses NAFTA rules of origin to indicate the difficulty of complying

with a growing number of tariff treatments. A concern raised by the Review is

the number and duration of anti-dumping (AD) investigations and measures inCanada. In Section 5 we evaluate Canada’s use of AD measures in comparison

with other users. Agriculture and textile liberalisation has been a focus of WTO

liberalisation efforts and Sections 6 and 7 report developments in the agri-foodand textile and clothing sectors. We conclude by summarising the important

elements of the WTO’s 2003 evaluation of Canada.


Canada has experienced substantial increases in both imports and exports.

Exports and imports of products stood at C$149.0 billion and C$136.2 billion in

1990, respectively, and grew to C$380.8 and C$335.3 in 2003.2 This correspondsto annual growth of trade of 7 per cent. In 2003, Canadian trade in goods (im-

ports plus exports) summed to 59 per cent of GDP. Almost all of the increase in

exports and much of the increase in exports over this period is attributable togreater trade with the United States. Of the C$231.8 billion overall increase in

exports, increased exports to the United States accounted for C$215.2 billion (93

per cent), while C$115.5 billion of the C$199.0 billion total increase in Canadianimports (58 per cent) arose from additional imports from the United States. In

2003, the US accounted for 86 per cent of Canadian exports (up from 75 per cent

in 1990) and 61 per cent of Canadian imports (down from 64 per cent in 1990).This US trade dependency is the basis for the Review’s concern excessively

concentrated US trade.

Figure 1 depicts the trends in Canadian imports from various trading partnersfrom 1990–2003. At the beginning of this period, Canada’s major sources of

imports were the other four members of the so-called Quad: the United States

(solid line), European Union (squares, summing imports from the 15 members asof 1995), and Japan (circles). Since the WTO is concerned about providing

market access with poor countries, we also show imports from countries to whom

2 These data are reported in Trade by Product available at <www.strategis.gc.ca>.

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Canada grants Generalised Preferential tariffs (GPT) and Least Developed

Country tariffs (LDCT).3 Given their rising prominence, we consider GPT coun-tries Mexico (diamonds) and China (inverted triangles) separately from other

GPT (triangles) origins. Trade is plotted on a log scale and thus the slopes of the

lines correspond to annual growth rates. The figure portrays a general growth inimports from 1990–2000. The growth rates are particularly strong for China and

Mexico in the period. After 2000, imports from the US and Japan fall a bit while

imports from China, LDCT and other GPT continue to rise. Particularly note-worthy is the near doubling of imports from LDCT countries in 2003, rising

from C$586 million in 2002 to C$1.0 billion the following year. This surge

corresponds to Canada’s decision to eliminate tariffs and quotas on LDCT im-ports. Imports from Bangladesh rose from C$164 million in 2002 to C$350

million in 2002. The post-2000 growth rates indicate that, while Canadian trade

remains strongly oriented to the US, recent trends have reduced this dependencysomewhat.

To assess how open a country is to trade, the conventional metric is to examine

‘openness’, defined as the sum of imports and exports divided by GDP.4 As noted

FIGURE 1Canada’s Imports From Major Countries and Tariff Treatments, 1990–2003

3 Canada grants LDCT to 48 countries.4 See, for example, Andrew Rose’s recent paper (forthcoming) that argues that WTO members areno more open than non-members. !

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in the Report (p. vii), Canada scores an impressive 80 per cent on this metric,more than double the openness of the United States. This measure suffers from at

least two important defects. First, there is a systematic tendency for large coun-

tries (as measured by national income) to have low measured openness relativefor any given level of trade barriers. Intuitively, this is because large economies

account for a large share of the world’s aggregate supply and demand and this

makes them appear more insular. Second, because bilateral trade is inverselyrelated to distance, remote countries tend to have lower multilateral trade levels.

We construct a benchmark of multilateral trade that accounts for size and

distance between trading partners. Let imports (M) from country i to country j begiven by Mij = πijYj, where Yj country j’s gross national income (GNI) and πij is

the share of j’s demand met by country i producers. This share depends on the

size of country i (because larger economies produce more of the goods thatconsumers demand) and the distance between i and j. Following evidence from

estimation of gravity equations we assume bilateral imports are proportional to

market size and inversely proportional to distance. To assure that πij is boundedbetween zero and one and that market shares reflect size and distance to alter-

native suppliers, we assume:

π iji ij


Y d

Y d



∑l l l


where � indexes the countries (including j ) from whom j consumers purchase

goods. Summing j’s imports, Mij, across foreign sources i gives an expression for

j’s total imports Mwj. Summing across j, leads to total world imports Mww. Thevariable of interest is country j’s share of world imports: Mwj/Mww. Using great-

circle distances and GNI data for 2002 from the World Bank’s World Develop-

ment Indicators (WDI), we calculate what Mwj/Mww should be for each countryand compare it to actual shares of world imports (also obtained from WDI).

Figure 2 plots on a logarithmic scale actual import shares against the theoreti-

cal benchmark for the set of countries with at least 0.5 per cent of world imports.If all countries imported according to the theory, the points would line up on the

45 degree line. Points below indicate actual imports less than the theoretical

prediction. We observe that the theory fits quite well for large countries such asthe United States (us), Great Britain (gb) and Germany (de). The same is true for

France (fr), China (cn), and Italy (it). India (in) falls far short of the benchmark.

Contrary to conventional wisdom, Japan (jp) imports more (5.5 per cent of world)than the benchmark predicts (4.1 per cent). In 2002, Canada accounted for 3.7 per

cent of world imports, a much larger share that Canada’s share of GNI that year

of 2.2 per cent, but less than the 3.9 per cent predicted by the benchmark. Thebenchmark takes into consideration Canada’s small size and proximity to the

large US economy and expects higher import shares than simple GNI shares

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would indicate. Thus, while Canada has increased imports at a steady rate, this

analysis suggests that Canada is no more open to imports than other large coun-

tries or what should be expected given its economic characteristics.An examination of trade by product reveals that Canadian trade is character-

ised by two-way trade in industrial goods, machinery and automotive products.

Table 1 contains two panels showing imports and exports from 1999–2003. Thefirst two rows of each panel report the value of trade whereas the other rows

show trade shares by major product.5 In 2003, industrial goods and materials,

machinery and equipment and automotive products accounted for 60.7 per centof exports and 70.3 per cent of imports. The shares of these products have

remained fairly stable over time. Canada’s overall trade surplus is accounted for

by trade in forest products and energy. Products sold by poor countries, agricul-ture and apparel and footwear, have small import shares in Canada – 6.3 per cent

for agriculture and 2.5 per cent for apparel and footwear. These industries are

highly protected and we will see later on, that even for these products, most tradeis with the United States.

FIGURE 2Canada’s Imports Relative to the Gravity Benchmark

5 These data come from Canadian Statistics available at <www.statscan.ca>. Unlike the tradefigures reported above, total trade includes ‘special transactions trade’ and ‘unallocated adjustments.’

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TABLE 1Canadian Trade Shares by Product

1999 2000 2002 2002 2003

ExportsExports $369.0 $430.0 $421.5 $414.3 $401.2Agricultural and fishing products 6.9 6.4 7.4 7.5 7.3Energy products 8.1 12.4 13.2 12.0 15.3Forestry products 10.9 9.9 9.5 9.0 8.6Industrial goods and materials 16.2 15.8 16.1 17 16.6Machinery and equipment 24.0 25.6 24.4 23.5 22.2Automotive products 26.4 22.8 22 23.4 21.9Apparel and footwear 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8Other consumer goods 3.0 2.8 3.1 3.4 3.5Special transactions trade 2.0 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.8Unallocated adjustments 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.6 2.0

ImportsImports $327.0 $362.2 $350.6 $356.5 $341.4Agricultural and fishing products 5.4 5.1 5.8 6.1 6.3Energy products 3.3 4.9 5.1 4.6 5.7Forestry products 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9Industrial goods and materials 19.0 19.1 19.5 19.3 19.1Machinery and equipment 33.1 33.9 32.1 29.7 28.8Automotive products 23.2 21.4 20.7 22.8 22.4Apparel and footwear 2.1 2.1 2.4 2.4 2.5Miscellaneous consumer goods 9.2 9.0 9.9 10.6 11.1Special transactions trade 1.9 1.8 2.0 1.7 1.5Unallocated adjustments 1.9 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8

Note:First row in each panel are in billions of Canadian dollars and the other figures represent share of total producttrade.

Source: Statistics Canada.

Trade patterns across goods and countries are partly determined by differential

tariffs that Canada applies. Figure 3 shows how Canada’s import tariffs vary

across two-digit HS product categories by displaying the mean and standarddeviation of tariffs within each sector. The vertical dotted line in Figure 3 shows

that the average most-favoured nation (MFN) tariff is 6.8 per cent. Sixteen out of

21 sectors have average tariffs below that mean. Tariffs are higher low-skillintensive areas like footwear and textile articles. They reach their peak (314 per

cent is the maximum) in the agri-food sectors (01,03,04). The fact that the stand-

ard deviation of tariffs in sector 01 (Live Animals and Products) is larger than themean is remarkable since tariffs are non-negative. It shows the extreme skewness

of the tariff distribution in this sector.

Canada extends most-favoured nation tariffs (MFN) to almost every country.However, ‘most-favoured nation’ is very much a misnomer: Many countries

qualify for ‘preferential’ rates. Canada currently has four regional trade agreements

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in force. Tariffs were phased out under the the North American Free TradeAgreement (NAFTA) over a 10-year period beginning in 1995. The Canada-

Chile Free Trade Agreement (CCFTA) was implemented in 1997 and calls for

the complete elimination of tariffs between the countries by 2003. The Canada-Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement (CCRFTA) came into force on 1 November

2002, and tariffs are to be completely eliminated by 2011. Finally, the Canada-

Israel Free Trade Agreement (CIFTA) eliminated tariffs when it was imple-mented in 1997. Canada also unilaterally extends tariff preferences to developing

countries through its General Preferential Tariff (GPT) and Least-Developed

Country Tariff (LDCT).6 Other preferential tariff arrangements include theCommonwealth Caribbean Countries Tariff and the New Zealand and Australia


Figure 4 displays average Canadian tariffs in 2002 by tariff treatment.7 Thefigure also indicates the dates of the phasing out of tariffs under regional trade

agreements. At 6.8 per cent, the MFN average is highest (aside from the general

tariff rate of 35 per cent applied to goods from Libya, Iraq and North Korea).

6 In February, 2004, Canada announced it would extend these two tariff programmes for anotherten years.7 These rates are simple averages across tariff lines as reported in Table III.2 of the review.

FIGURE 3Canada’s 2002 Tariffs Vary by Commodity

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Tariffs are lowest for regional trading partners and poor countries. Recall that in

2003 Canada eliminated tariffs on goods from the least developed countries.Even though Canada fully phased in its CUSFTA tariff reductions by 1998, the

average tariff level on the US remains positive because not all commodities

qualified for tariff elimination. In 2002 Canada imposed no duties on US-origingoods for 99 per cent of its tariff items. For the remainder, mainly agricultural

products, tariffs were very steep, averaging 225 per cent.


In addition to the four existing RTAs – NAFTA, CCFTA, CCRFTA, and

CIFTA – Canada is negotiating others. Discussions have been launched for a

Free Trade Area of the Americas and for free trade with the Andean Community(Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela), the European Free Trade

Association, and the Central America Four (El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras

and Nicaragua), and Singapore.Canada is not alone in its interest in regional trade agreements. The WTO’s

World Trade Report 2003 (WTO, 2003b), reports that 176 RTAs were in force in

FIGURE 4Canada’s 2002 Tariffs Vary by Country of Origin

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2003 with only four WTO members – Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, and Mongolia– not party to an RTA. The term used by the WTO, ‘regional trade agreements’,

has become a misnomer. The World Trade Report 2003 uses the term cross-

regional RTAs to refer to free trade areas between countries situated in differentgeographical areas. From 1996 to 2002, the WTO received notification of 25

cross-regional FTA and estimates that one-third of the RTAs currently being

negotiated are cross-regional (World Trade Report 2003, p. 51).Of course, just because other countries are forming RTAs does not necessarily

make it right for Canada to form them. Most economists agree that the first-best

trade policy is multilateral free trade. However, in the early 1990s, with theprospects for a completed Uruguay round looking doubtful, economists debated

the merits of the regional agreements that seemed to be proliferating. The debate

was about the second-best: Was a multilateral framework with positive tarifflevels better than one where some countries eliminated tariffs on a bilateral basis

through regional trade agreements? The debate centred around the question

of whether the trade creation generated by reducing tariffs between membersoutweighs the costs of trade potential being diverted away from efficient third-

country producers. Most RTAs also apply rules of origin. These rules, considered

in detail in the next section, undermine the ability of exporters to benefit frompreferential tariff treatments because compliance with the rules is costly and


In today’s policy context, when many countries again embrace bilateralagreements and the completion of the current (DOHA) multilateral trade round

again seems uncertain, it seems worthwhile to revisit that literature and the

conclusions it reached. It is now possible to add a consideration of the relevantempirical results.

Out of the academic debate arose the concept of ‘natural’ trading blocs. The

idea, developed in Krugman (1991), is that continental trading blocs are naturalin the sense that they reinforce trade patterns that emerged as a consequence of

non-tariff trade costs. Lower tariffs then leads to much trade creation and little

trade diversion. If trade costs within continents were low relative to trade costsbetween continents, then there will be more intra-continental trade than inter-

continental trade. A continental free trade agreement will promote the already

substantial trade within continents without much consequence for trade outsidethe continent (since there was little to start with). Frankel, Stein and Wei (1998)

develop a model based on Krugman (1991) in which RTAs improve welfare if

inter-continental trade costs exceed a critical level. They use a gravity equation toestimate these trade costs and find that they are not high enough to allow for

welfare-improving RTAs.

Trade creation and diversion fundamentally depend on price elasticities. Ifgoods are substitutes and cross-price elasticities between products produced

by countries within trading blocs are high, then tariff reductions will generate

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substantial trade. On the other hand, trade diversion will be large if cross-priceelasticities between member and non-member country goods are high. This basic

point is addressed in Krishna (2003) who uses estimated price elasticities

to predict trade creation and diversion associated with hypothetical free tradeagreements between the United States and various trading partners. Interestingly,

he finds no significant relationship between the welfare effects of free trade

agreements and distance from the United States. He concludes that free tradeagreements between geographically proximate countries are not ‘natural.’

Two studies have examined trade creation and diversion effects of the CUSFTA

and the NAFTA. Clausing (2001) uses US import data for highly disaggregatedcommodities to relate import changes over the 1989–1994 period to tariff changes

mandated by the NAFTA. She estimates separate tariff effects for imports from

Canada and imports from the rest-of-world (ROW). Positive tariff effects onCanadian imports indicate trade diversion and negative tariff effects on ROW

trade reflect trade diversion. Figures 5 and 6 relate the magnitude of tariff re-

duction under the FTA to the growth in Canadian exports and imports duringthe implementation period.8 We group Canadian 3-digit manufacturing industries

8 These figures appear in Head and Ries (2003, p. 187). They were inspired by a similar figure inClausing (2001) that relates growth in US imports from Canada and rest of world from 1989–94 todifferent tariff groups.

FIGURE 5Canadian Export Growth During CUSFTA Implementation

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FIGURE 6Canadian Import Growth During CUSFTA Implementation

into quintiles according to 1988 tariff levels. Then we sum imports and exports toand from the US and rest-of world (ROW) by quintile groups and calculate the

percentage change from 1988–1998. Consistent with Clausing’s results, Canadian

export growth to the US rises sharply with initial tariffs, suggesting substantialtrade creation. No relationship is apparent for exports to ROW. Clausing finds

that CUSFTA tariff reductions explain over one-half of the increase in Canadian

shipments to the US over the period 1989–94.Romalis (2004) uses US and EU commodity-level import data to examine

trade creation and diversion due to the CUSFTA and the NAFTA. His study

differs from Clausing’s in a number of ways. Most importantly, he uses a dif-ference in differences estimation technique where changes in EU trade patterns

serve as a control when evaluating changes in US trade patterns. His study also

includes Mexico and covers a longer time period, 1988–2000. Like Clausing, hefinds substantial trade creation. In contrast to her results, his study reveals large

trade diversion effects of the RTAs, amounting to about one-third of the trade

creation. He explains the failure of Clausing to find trade diversion as a con-sequence of omitted variable bias. The reason why the US tended to have high

growth from ROW in high-tariff industries was that emerging economies such

as China increased their exports to all markets during this period. By differenc-ing out the EU import pattern, Romalis intends to control for overall growth in

exports of these countries.

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Canada’s trade agreements have never resulted in common external tariffs.

As a consequence, they always include rules of origin. In order to qualify for aparticular tariff treatment, it is necessary to meet specified rules of origin. The

ostensive purpose of rules of origin is to prevent an exporter from using a low-

tariff ‘backdoor’ to introduce goods from countries that would otherwise havebeen subject to higher tariffs. In practice they have the consequence of limiting

the ability of producers in one country to benefit from the tariff preferences built

into the agreement.The obvious way to determine origin in a world where intermediate inputs

might be sourced from many different countries is to specify a minimum ‘regional

value content.’ Specifically an agreement could require that some minimum shareof the production cost (or ex-factory price) involve domestic inputs including

labour. To qualify for tariff treatments other than free trade agreements, Canada

requires that a certain percentage of the ex-factory price of the good originate inbeneficiary countries. Additionally, it insists that the good be directly shipped

from a beneficiary country. The critical value content varies by treatment: it is

50 per cent for MFN treatment, 60 per cent for GPT, and 40 per cent for theLDCT.

Canada’s free trade agreements eschew minimum content rules that apply

to all goods and instead impose product-specific input requirements. We willconsider the NAFTA rules in some detail because they are complex and potenti-

ally impose significant distortions. Qualifying as a North American originating

good is at once very simple and exceedingly complex. The simple part is theNAFTA ‘Certificate of Origin’, a one page form that must be presented at customs.

In it the exporter certifies that the goods to be imported originate within the three

parties to the agreement (United States, Canada and Mexico). He also agrees toprovide proof of his claim if audited. He further indicates the criterion he used to

determine origin.

Article 401 of the NAFTA sets out four possible criteria that can be used toestablish North American origin.9 Criteria (a) and (c) are the most stringent since

they prohibit the use of inputs produced outside of North America. Criterion

(d) is intricately worded but seems like it would rarely apply (the good mustarrive in disassembled form but nevertheless its assembly must account for over

50 per cent of cost). The main criterion used for products incorporating non-

North American inputs (‘non-originating materials’) is reproduced verbatim inthe box below:

9 <http://www.customs.gov/nafta/docs/us/chap04.html>.

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(b) Each of the non-originating materials used in the production of the good undergoes anapplicable change in tariff classification set out in Annex 401 as a result of productionoccurring entirely in the territory of one or more of the Parties, or the good otherwisesatisfies the applicable requirements of that Annex where no change in tariff classification isrequired, and the good satisfies all other applicable requirements of this Chapter.

Annex 401 is a 243 page document that specifies for every tariff item (8-digitclassifications) what inputs must be sourced from within North America in order

for the final good to be deemed of North American origin. For some products,

such as passenger cars, Annex 401 mandates a regional value content of not lessthan 50 per cent.10 For most products, Annex 401 specifies particular tariff class-

ifications of inputs that, if non-originating, make the final good non-originating.

To illustrate, we consider the example of televisions. This case is importantbecause Japanese TV makers such as Sony have been eager to supply the North

American market with assembly factories located in Northern Mexico.

There are seven different tariff items corresponding to different types of TVs.The most common is probably 8528.12.bb, single picture tube, non-projection,

non-high definition, televisions with display diagonals exceeding 14 inches. The

rules of origin are shown below:

A change to tariff item 8528.12.bb from any other heading, except from tariff item 8529.90.ddor 8540.11.aa or more than one of the following: tariff item 7011.20.aa, tariff item 8540.91.aa.

Tariff item 8529.90.dd comprises combinations of the following parts:(a) video intermediate amplifying and detecting systems; (b) video processing

and amplification systems; (c) synchronising and deflection circuitry; (d) tuners

and tuner control systems; (e) audio detection and amplification systems. Tariffitem 8540.11.aa is the most important part of the TV, the cathode ray tube. Tariff

items 7011.20.aa and 8540.91.aa are, respectively, the glass cone and the phos-

phorescent glass panel onto which the cathode emits electrons. Thus for a TV tobe deemed North American origin, its most important part cannot be imported,

nor can one import two of the important components of that part, nor can one

import a set of other specified parts. The rule against importing both cone andglass panel is actually redundant because the rule of origin for cathode ray tubes

imposes this same requirement.

10 Even in this case, the actual rule is not what it appears to be. A footnote in Annex 401 refersto Article 403 which notes that ‘Notwithstanding Annex 401’ the regional content must rise to62.5 per cent in 2002.

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The NAFTA rules of origin also contain a de minimus rule, stating that a goodcontaining non-originating materials that do not satisfy the Annex 401 rules may

still qualify as long as those parts constitute less than 7 per cent of the final

good’s cost. This would certainly not help for a cathode ray tube, though it mightmatter for the 8529.90.dd list.

The existence of such stringent rules suggests a few possible options. First an

exporter could certify itself as North American and hope that it is not called uponto prove the case. Second, a vertical industry cluster can form within the region,

allowing for adherence to the rules of origin. Finally, the exporter could opt to

just pay the MFN tariffs. In the case of televisions, the MFN tariff in Canada is5 per cent. Mexico appears to be forming a vertical cluster. James Gerber (2000)

reports that ‘between 1995 and 2000, the number of cathode-ray-tube manufacturers

increased from 2 to 5, television manufacturers grew from 8 to 12, and glass manu-facturers from 0 to 2.’ Trade data show that the US, which used to source large

volumes of cathode-ray-tubes from Japan, now mainly imports them from Mexico.

Rules of origin not only create administrative costs, they may also generate asecondary source of trade diversion. Consider cathode ray tubes which have a

MFN tariff of 6 per cent. Since NAFTA allows North American-made goods to

enter Canada duty free, the NAFTA can cause trade diversion from a non-membercountry producing the good, say Japan, to a member country, say Mexico. Suppose,

however, that Japan is the low-cost producer even when the tariff is added and

thus based on tariff-inclusive prices, Japanese cathode ray tubes are preferable toMexican ones. Trade diversion may still occur because of the vertical linkage

between cathode ray tubes and television. As discussed above, in order to qualify

for duty free imports of televisions under the NAFTA, TVs must use cathode raytubes of North American origin. Thus, a TV producer may choose to purchase

Mexican-made cathode ray tubes even if their tariff-inclusive price is higher than

Japanese tubes. In this way, trade diversion can be compounded by rules of origin.The upper bound on the costs associated with complying with rules of origin is

the MFN tariff rate. Firms will not spend more on compliance than they gain

from qualifying for low preferential tariffs relative to MFN tariffs. In the extremewhere compliance costs exceed their benefits, goods enter at the MFN rate and

the RTA neither creates nor diverts trade.


Contingency measures authorised under WTO agreements include safeguards,

anti-dumping duties (ADDs), and countervailing duties (CVDs). The picture that

will emerge is that Canada has targeted these measures at one sector – steel.Canada has never used safeguard measures allowed under the WTO Agree-

ment on Trade in Agriculture and the WTO Agreement on Textiles and Clothing.

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Only once – for nine steel products in 2002 – has Canada initiated a safeguardinvestigation. Likewise, countervailing duty investigations do not occur frequently.

According to WTO statistics, Canada initiated 12 CVD investigations from 1995

to 2003 (there were 168 initiations in the world over this time period). TheReview notes that there has been an increase in CVD investigations in Canada

since the last review (6 of 12 cases since 2000). Seven of these investigations

resulted in countervailing duties. Six of the seven are on product sector XV ‘BaseMetals and Articles of Base Metals’ that includes steel products.

The application of anti-dumping duties is of greater concern. According to the

WTO, Canada has launched 122 of the world’s 2,416 investigations since theWTO’s inception in 1995. During the same period it was targeted in 25 cases.

Canada is clearly a large net user of the measures. This raises the question of

whether Canada is an over-user, or under-targeted, or both.Figures 7 and 8 depict anti-dumping initiations relative to trade cumulated

over the period 1995–2002.11 The idea is that if all countries had the same

11 Trade data are only available through 2002. The figures include only countries that account formore than one half of one per cent of world imports. They are drawn using a log scale so that thetwo largest economies (the US and European Union) do not compress the other countries into thelower left corner.

FIGURE 7Who (Over-)Uses ADD? 1995–2002

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propensity to use ADDs and if targets were chosen in proportion to exports, then

ADD use should be proportionate to imports and targeting should be proportionate

to exports. The straight line in the upper figure corresponds to equal shares ofADD use and import shares, whereas the line in the lower figure equates targeting

shares and export shares.

Countries above the line in Figure 7 may be thought of as over-users. Canadainitiates only slightly more anti-dumping cases than one would expect based on it

imports. The real outliers turn out to be South Africa (za) and India (za). On the

other side, Japan almost never uses ADD despite accounting for over 5 per centof the world’s imports. Figure 8 shows that Canada is notably under-targeted

relative to its exports. In part this reflects a general tendency of high-income

countries to be under-targeted. For example, Switzerland (ch) is hardly ever(4 out of 2,206 cases) targeted despite generating 1.4 per cent of the world’s

exports. It would also seem that Canada’s high propensity for exporting to the

US, which Figure 7 shows to be an under-user, also helps. There is little aware-ness of this in the Canadian press, which depicts Canada as a victim of US anti-

dumping policies.

At the time the Review was written, Canada had 91 measures in place. Thisnumber exceeds the 72 new measures instituted since 1995 due to the frequent

long duration of ADDs in Canada. The Review notes that 9 per cent of the

FIGURE 8Who is (Over-)Targeted? 1995–2002

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FIGURE 9Canada’s Anti-dumping Duties at the End of 2001, by Target

measures had been in place for 10 years or more. Another concern of the Review

was the increase in anti-dumping usage – 33 new measures were imposed in 2000

and 2001, although this fell off considerably to zero and five in 2002 and 2003.64 of the 91 measures (70 per cent of the total) in place were on steel products.

It should be noted that Canada is not the only country that tends to apply ADDs

to steel. 528 of the 1,511 positive determinations globally between 1995 and2003 are in sector XV. The portion of the base metal sector’s measures is 134 of

205 for the US, 71 of 187 for the EU, and 32 of 62 for Mexico.

Which countries bear the brunt of these measures? Figure 9 is a re-expressionof data derived from Chart III.4 in the Review showing the existing 91 anti-

dumping duties in force in Canada on 31 December 2001, by country and sector.

The figure reveals the prevalence of steel cases that account for virtually allmeasures in place for countries other than China and the United States. With 16

measures, the EU is the number one target.

While the frequent use of anti-dumping duties is a concern to the WTO, thereare a couple of factors that mitigate their damage. First, according to the Review,

the Canadian International Trade Tribunal estimates that anti-dumping measures

affect less than 1 per cent of imports (p. 47). Second, Canada operates a ‘pro-spective system’ that allows targeted exporters to raise their export prices to the

‘normal’ price and avoid import duties. While in most circumstances, exporters

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are worse off when they are required to price at a higher level (at the normalprice), at least under Canada’s system they are able to pocket the difference

rather than have a tariff applied that accrues to the host government.


Agriculture policies in Canada are important to study for a couple of reasons.

First, this sector was a main source of the impasse in the Cancun meetings where

a block of developing countries led by Brazil, China, and India, representing two-thirds of the world’s farmers, rejected the EU and US proposed agricultural

framework. They objected to the continuation subsidies and trade barriers. More-

over, the limited response by the US and EU on the needs of four WesternAfrican countries – Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad, and Mali – for freer trade in

cotton, was seen as a lack of concern for the poor. Lacking quid pro quo conces-

sions on trade and agriculture, poor countries refused to advance the Singaporeissues. Canada, like the EU and US, maintains a number of market distorting

programmes in agriculture that impede exports from developing countries.

A second reason to study agriculture is the sector’s importance to Canada.According to the Review, the agri-food sector, which includes unprocessed, semi-

processed, and fully processed farm products, accounts for 4 per cent of Canadian

GDP and while the related distribution, food retail, and food services sectorcontributed another 4.3 per cent of GDP. The sector is Canada’s third largest

employer. While trade in agricultural products is small relative to that of manu-

factures, trade is important to the industry. In 2003 exports totalled C$24.3 andimports C$20.6 billion,12 making Canada the world’s third largest exporter and

fifth largest importer. The top exports that year were wheat and oilseeds. Imports

were more diversified with wine being the largest item. As is the case withoverall trade, the United States takes the largest share – 64 per cent of exports

and 62 per cent of imports. Japan was the number two destination, with imports

of C$2.3 billion. A few poor countries succeeded in selling relatively smallamounts of agri-food into Canada: C$510 million, C$436 million, and C$287

million for Mexico, Brazil, and China. The Review states that 25 per cent of agri-

food output was exported in 2001 (up from 15 per cent in 1996), while importswere 15 per cent of output that year.

The WTO Agreement on Agriculture endeavours to lower certain types of

agricultural support. It classifies support into three categories. Support that doesnot distort trade is called ‘green box’ and is exempt from reductions. This includes

some types of direct income support for farmers, environmental protection, and

12 The 2003 data comes from <ats-sea.agr.ca/stats/stats-e.htm>.

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regional development programmes. Subsidies that are accompanied by produc-tion limits are termed ‘blue box’ and are also exempt. Support measures that

distort trade such as subsidies and price supports are labelled ‘amber box.’ Amber

box supports are measured as Aggregate Measures of Support (AMS) and WTOmembers are required to reduce them if they exceed de minimis levels set at 5 per

cent of agricultural output for developed countries and 10 per cent for develop-

ing countries. Canada commited to reduce total AMS from C$5.2 billion in 1995to $4.3 billion in 2000. According to the review, Canada last notified the WTO

about domestic support in 1999 when it was well below its mandated WTO

ceiling.The Review acknowledges that Canada’s farm support is low relative to that

of other OECD countries. Canada’s support relative to GDP is 0.7 per cent, about

half the OECD average. Producer support as a per cent of farm receipts was17 per cent in 2001 compared to the OECD average of 31 per cent. The Review

also notes that Canada is shifting away from commodity-specific support and

towards income ‘safety nets’ for farmers. In June 2002, Canada announced C$8.2billion in new spending under the Agricultural Policy Framework with the goal

of improving product quality and business performance in the agri-food sector. A

significant amount of the spending will be green box.Total government spending supporting the agri-food sector was about C$6.2

billion in 2001/02 and the Review notes an upward trend in support. The largest

expenditures are federal and provincial income stabilisation programmes (C$2.5billion) and crop insurance (C$451 million). Both are reported to the WTO as

amber box.

Price support programmes raise incomes to farmers without requiring directgovernment expenditures (the costs are borne by consumers). These are wide-

spread in Canada’s dairy sector and have resulted in producer prices for milk

being double the world price. Prices for eggs, chicken, and turkey are also set byauthorities rather than the market. These commodities account for 25 per cent of

total farm receipts. Price supports are complemented by supply management

and import restrictions. Producers must purchase production quotas to participatein the domestic market. Import quotas apply to supply-managed commodities

subject to small ‘in-quota’ tariffs. These import quotas often amount to less than

5 per cent of domestic consumption. Hence, the quotas have high ‘fill rates.’High (often prohibitive) tariffs apply to imports beyond quota levels. The Review

lists complicated in quota tariffs, out-of-quota tariffs, and fill rates for agri-food

products in Table IV.1. The tariffs vary according to type of importer and thetable reveals out-of-quota tariffs exceeding 200 per cent for milk, chicken, and


Free trade partners and some other partners are granted special privileges onagri-food sales to Canada. In the case of wheat and barley, US, Mexican, and

Chilean producers can export unlimited amounts to Canada duty free. Some

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partners are given reserved access to the quotas. As described earlier, thesepreferential arrangements create trade but also generate inefficiencies associated

with trade diversion.

The review notes the important role the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) plays inCanadian trade. The CWB is a state-trading enterprise that has exclusive authority

to handle all wheat, durum wheat, and barley sold for domestic consumption or

exported in Canada. With export sales of C$4.2 billion in 2000–01, it is one ofCanada’s top five exporters. The CWB provides farm support through advance

payment and other financing programmes. This support is reported as amber box.

The Government of Canada guarantees to the CWB the principal and interest ofall credit receivables and lends money to the CWB at lower than market interest

rates. This raises the concern that Canada is subsidising exports.

Indeed in 2003, the US took Canada to WTO dispute arbitration, contendingthat the Canadian Wheat Board discriminated against imports and subsidised

exports. On 6 April 2004, the WTO Panel agreed with the US that CWB rules

concerning grain handling and transportation violate national treatment. How-ever, it also ruled that the CWB activities conformed with WTO state trading

obligations to operate in on a commercial and non-discriminatory basis. The US

is appealing the decision.An area that has drawn much controversy is health standards that restrict food

imports. Canada appears to be in full compliance with the WTO’s Agreement on

Sanitary and Phytosanitary Standards (SPS) which covers food safety measures�–Canada has never been a defendant in an SPS dispute at the WTO. Nevertheless,

the Review expresses concern about:

‘the strict use of sanitary and phytosanitary measures by Canada, which could result in barriersor increased costs for exporters from other countries’ (p. ix).

The Review notes that Canada made 62 notifications to the SPS committeebetween 2000 and mid 2002, an increase from the 40 reported in the previous

Review. Many were new regulations concerning maximum residue levels for

chemicals contained in food. Canada enacted emergency measures in 2000, sus-pending imports of live animals in countries with outbreaks of foot-and-mouth

disease. Imports of live ruminants require a full risk assessment and Canada

recognises, when possible, studies done by other NAFTA countries and meatinspection systems of other countries.

Canada faces competing pressures concerning agricultural liberalisation. As a

country with an abundance of arable land and a slight net exporter of agriculturalproducts, it stands to gain from worldwide agricultural liberalisation. Canada has

been active in demanding adherence to existing WTO agreements: It has been the

complainant numerous times in SPS disputes at the WTO, including disputeswith the EU concerning hormone treated beef and genetically modified food.

On the other hand, Canada can only push liberalisation along gradually as many

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agri-food sectors have enjoyed high levels of protection and the elimination ofthis protection imposes significant costs on a small but politically strong con-

stituency. On balance, Canada realises that its broad interests are served by

further agricultural liberalisation and it is committed to the current round ofWTO agriculture negotiations.


Clothing and Textiles account for 3.3 per cent of manufacturing GDP and6.9 per cent manufacturing employment. According to the Review, the industries

are characterised by small establishment size and extensive outsourcing. The

industries have experienced large increases in both imports and exports over thelast decade with exports to shipments around 42 per cent and imports at 60 per

cent of consumption in 2001. The US absorbs the lion’s share of Canadian

exports – 93 per cent for Textiles and 96 per cent for Clothing. Imports originateprimarily from China and the United States. The only least developed country

that supplies Canada to any considerable extent is Bangladesh with a 3 per cent

share of imports.Clothing and Textile trade are governed by the WTO Agreement on Clothing

and Textiles (ATC). Imports are restricted by both tariffs and quotas. The Review

reports that average MFN tariffs for textiles and clothing will fall to 8.5 per centand 14.0 per cent, respectively, according to WTO commitments. Duty remission

programmes have been in place to lower the costs of imported materials and

complement product lines of Canadian clothing producers. Outerwear fabrics,shirt fabrics, outwear clothing, blouses and shirts are eligible for duty remission.

One new item – high-quality fabrics – was added to the list since the last WTO

review. The total remission was C$32 million in 2001.On 1 January 2002, Canada commenced phase three of the phasing out of

quotas by eliminating quotas on products representing 18 per cent of 1990 im-

ports. The growth rate of existing quotas was raised to 27 per cent. As stipulatedby the ATC, the remaining quotas (representing 49 per cent of 1990 imports),

will be eliminated on 1 January 2005, when all clothing and textiles will be

integrated into the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. Canada has neverimposed transitional safeguards on textiles and clothing authorised under the

ATC. In 2002, Canada did negotiate bilateral restraint agreements with China

and Taiwan following China’s WTO accession.In 2001, 49 per cent of clothing imports entered under quotas and Canada was

restraining imports of textiles and clothing of 32 WTO members. Table IV.4 of

the Review lists 53 country/product combinations with quota utilisation ratesexceeding 90 per cent in 2001. Presumably these represent products constrained

by the quota that will benefit from their elimination.

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Effective from 1 January 2003, Canada has provided 48 Least DevelopedCountries (LDCs) duty-free and quota-free access to the Canadian market. While

the preferential treatment extends to all goods, it is particularly relevant in textiles

and clothing, important export products for poor countries. There is already evid-ence that concessions by Canada have paid dividends – Canadian imports from

Bangladesh of clothing and textiles more than doubled from 2002 to 2003. Prior

to 2002, Bangladesh was one of the few LDCs that filled their quotas. It seemslikely that LDCs would have increased their exports to Canada by even more,

were it not for the restrictions on input-sourcing due to rules of origin under the

LDCT regime.13

Canada’s preferential agreements such as NAFTA, CCFTA, and CCRFTA

also liberalise trade in textiles. The CCRFTA calls for Canada to eliminate its

quantitative restrictions on clothing and textiles originating in Costa Rica. How-ever, under each of these agreements, the ‘yarn forward’ rule or origin requires

that yarn used in apparel must originate within an agreement partner country.

Man-made fibre sweaters must have sweaters originating within the region. TheAgreements allow specific quota amounts (the Tariff Preference Level) of non-

originating clothing and textiles. The Review comments that NAFTA quotas have

been mostly filled, suggesting that they have had a binding effect on commerce.


In her summary observations, the Chair of the Review, Mary Whelan, states


. . . adjustments in [Canada’s] trade policies have confirmed that its trade regime is amongst theworld’s most transparent and liberal, notwithstanding barriers to imports in a few albeit import-ant sectors (p. vxvii).

This liberal trading regime has enabled Canada to enjoy high levels of imports

and exports and, arguably, maintain economic growth. While Canada’s share ofworld imports exceeds Canada’s share of world income, our benchmarking exercise

reveals that Canada’s import performance is about what might be expected given

its size and location. While it is heavily oriented towards the United States, thereare some signs of diversification. Since 2000, Canada’s trade with the US has

declined (in Canadian dollars) while its trade with least developed and other

developing countries has risen.While Canada does indeed impose policies that distort trade, it does not appear

to be more protectionist than other similar countries. It has signed a number of

13 In their study of the Africa Growth Opportunity Act, Mattoo et al. (2003) estimate that USimports from Africa would have grown by nearly five times as much if the exporters had not beenobliged to adhere to the strict rules of origin in that agreement.


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regional trade agreements but so do most other countries. The evidence to dateshows North American free trade has led to substantial trade creation, along with

a smaller amount of trade diversion. Canada initiates only slightly more anti-

dumping cases than one would expect based on its imports. Protection exists foragri-food products but its agri-subsidies are low relative to other OECD countries.

Barriers to trade in textiles are being dismantled and the Least Developed Coun-

tries have enjoyed nearly free access to Canadian markets since 2003.In Canada’s report to the Review team, it states:

The WTO is the cornerstone of Canada’s trade policy and the foundation for our relationshipswith trading partners (p. 152).

Canada continues to make liberalisation efforts in the context of WTO initiatives,

including the Doha round. This behaviour suggests that the recent increase inRTA formation and the continuing high level of trade integration with the United

States do not signal diminished commitment to the multilateral trading regime.


Clausing, K. A. (2001), ‘Trade Creation and Trade Diversion in the Canada-United States FreeTrade Agreement’, Canadian Journal of Economics, 34, 3, 677–96.

Frankel, J., E. Stein and S-J Wei (1998), ‘Continental Trading Blocs: are they Natural or Super-natural?’, in J. Frankel (ed.), The Regionalization of the World Economy (Chicago: ChicagoUniversity Press), 91–113.

Gerber, J. (2000), ‘Maquiladoras in Transition: It’s Not Just Cheap Labor Anymore’, Cross-BorderEconomic Bulletin (September), Online access at <http://sandiegodialogue.org/Report/Sept%2000/cbeb.html>.

Head, K. and J. Ries (2003), ‘Free Trade and Canadian Economic Performance: Which TheoriesDoes the Evidence Support?’ in R. G. Harris (ed.), North American Linkages: Opportunitiesand Challenges for Canada (Calgary: University of Calgary Press).

Krugman, P. (1991), ‘The Move to Free Trade Zones’, Policy Implications of Trade and CurrencyZones (Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City).

Mattoo, A., D. Roy and A. Subramanian (2003), ‘The Africa Growth and Opportunity Act and itsRules of Origin: Generosity Undermined?’ The World Economy, 26, 6, 829–51.

Romalis, J. (2004), ‘NAFTA’s and CUSFTA’s Impact on International Trade’ (University ofChicago GSB, manuscript).

The Economist (2003), ‘The WTO Under Fire’, (18 September www.economist.com).World Trade Organisation (2003a), Trade Policy Review: Canada 2003.World Trade Organisation (2003b), World Trade Report 2003 <www.wto.org>.

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