Regional Workshop on the Use of Electronic Data Collection Technologies in Population and Housing Censuses Bangkok, 23-26 Jan. 2018

Regional Workshop on the Use of Electronic Data Collection ... · (MDIS) Statistical Information Service (KOSIS) Meta data DB for statistics SMS transmission (out) Real name authentication(out)

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Page 1: Regional Workshop on the Use of Electronic Data Collection ... · (MDIS) Statistical Information Service (KOSIS) Meta data DB for statistics SMS transmission (out) Real name authentication(out)

Regional Workshop on the Use of Electronic Data Collection

Technologies in Population and Housing Censuses

Bangkok, 23-26 Jan. 2018

Page 2: Regional Workshop on the Use of Electronic Data Collection ... · (MDIS) Statistical Information Service (KOSIS) Meta data DB for statistics SMS transmission (out) Real name authentication(out)

1. Overview of MIS in 2015 Census

2. Functions of MIS

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Page 4: Regional Workshop on the Use of Electronic Data Collection ... · (MDIS) Statistical Information Service (KOSIS) Meta data DB for statistics SMS transmission (out) Real name authentication(out)
Page 5: Regional Workshop on the Use of Electronic Data Collection ... · (MDIS) Statistical Information Service (KOSIS) Meta data DB for statistics SMS transmission (out) Real name authentication(out)

• IT Operation Team : Giving contract order, Introduction and installation of computer equipment

• System Management Team : Managing vendors

• EA Management Team : Maintaining EA DB, Household Registry DB

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Online training



Eup, myeon, and dong editing training

Survey management system

Personnel management

Enumeration Areamanagement

Training management

ICR entry system

Scanning management

Perception management

Correction management

Statistic Koreawebsite

Micro Data(MDIS)

Statistical Information Service


Meta data DBfor statistics

SMS transmission(out)

Real name authentication(out)

Industry & job class.automatic coding (in)

Registration of Census Progress(in)

080 call center (outside)

Census Portal

Information on2015 Census

Information on internet survey

Information on cyber training

Data Collection

Census form filing

Census form editing

Participation number location

Voluntary activity issuance

Household registrymanagement

Editing of household registry

Internet survey management

ICR management

Post-survey management

Senior citizen survey management

GIS system

Address search

Route map print-out

Boundary revision

Thematic map search

E&I system

Editing rules management

Data processing/analysis editing


Aggregation analysis system

Fixed type

Atypical type

Relative standard error

Transmission management

Level examination

e-Census Integrated Management System(MIS)

Internet Networke-Government Network

Related System

Service System

Statistics KoreaLocal government

Field staff








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�Separation between the internal portal for Field staffs and the external for the Public

�Having 3 depth for the easier use

<External Portal> <Internal Portal>

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Page 9: Regional Workshop on the Use of Electronic Data Collection ... · (MDIS) Statistical Information Service (KOSIS) Meta data DB for statistics SMS transmission (out) Real name authentication(out)

�Production of online training contents by a specialized entity

※ Pre-training (30 min.), Post-training (120 min), editing (10 min.)

�Management of online training subjects, course period, sequential learning status, and course statistics

<online Training Lecture Room Screen> <IMS Management Screen>

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� The completion rate of Field staff among local governments regarding pre-training appeared to be 94.0% higher than 2010

※ The completion rate in 2010 was 89.4%








전국 서울 부산 대구 인천 광주 대전 울산 세종 경기 강원 충북 충남 전북 전남 경북 경남 제주

(%) <Field staff of Online Training Completion Rate (2015)>

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�Recruiting and managing enumerator through MIS

�Management of Field staffs by granting an IMS use authority per

position and survey area by registering all personnel participating

in the census in IMS

�Designation of a supervisor in charge of enumerators

�Management of performance status in daily units and distribution

of EAs to enumerators

�Management of safety accidents occurring during field survey by

registering with IMS

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�Management of the system by the situation rooms throughout the nation performing field surveys through entering the zip code, address, and phone number at IMS.

�Providing Information regarding phone numbers of situation rooms managed by IMS to the public and respondents in real time on the census website and internet survey response screen

�Use of the address information of situation rooms for delivery of survey articles

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�Management of EAs that are grouped based on 30 households in the nation through an the EA DB (696,180 Eas) by classifying into samples and non-samples.

�Design of the system to allow automatic change of the household registry DB for field survey by changing the sampling status (Y/N) of the EA DB

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�Management of the total production quantity, quantity distributed per situation room, and remaining quantity of survey articles by registering with IMS

�Design of the system so that the situation room may request for additional distribution of insufficient survey articles through the IMS, which the requesting situation room may check the results of approval or rejection by the articles manager in real-time

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�Management of the field survey progress is available in two methods: (1) entering information in the household registry DB; (2) entering the number of households surveyed until a certain point every day per surveyor.

※ The reason for entering the household registry DB is to facilitate the calculation of the tentative result

�Management of the field survey progress rate in units of EA, surveyor, and situation room of each level

�Communication with situation rooms in each level through using the Q&A bulletin menu of IMS and 080 Call Center

�Notifications of the census situation room of Statistics Korea by using mobile phone text messages and notification menu of IMS

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� The household registry is composed of the address, subject status, type of residence, name of household head, number of household members, and survey condition

�Management of the address of the household registry to enter information by searching from the address DB, without the user having to directly enter, for connection with the GIS

�Verification of whether the respondent is subject to the sample survey based on the address of residence directly from the website, and verification at the 080 Call Center or situation room of the local government for non-verifiable addresses

�Operation of the data processing editing by the editing manager of Statistics Korea in line with the situation in the field by registering, removing, and revising the contents review rules on the editing rule (20 pieces) setting management menu

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�Classification of sample region and non-sample regions based on the address of respondents, and utilization in search and printing of the up-to-date route map of the EA

�Utilization of printing an enlarged map for areas distributing the EA route map which is densely printed

<Address Search Execution Screen>

<Sample Status Execution Screen>

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* Monitoring to prevent duplicates and omissions* Counting No. of Internet Responses in a real time* Printing out Internet Access codes

• Aggregates of participating


• Responses

• Participants Management

• Account Management

• Creation of Participation No.

• Look-up a Participation No.

• Tools to Manage Incomplete Surveys

• Monitoring Incomplete Surveys

• Information on the Participating


• Data Transfer outside the

Administrative Area

• Duplication

• Auxiliary Info.

Internet Survey Management System

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