1 REGIONAL FISHERIES LIVELIHOODS PROGRAMME FOR SOUTH AND SOUTHEAST ASIA (RFLP) --------------------------------------------------------- FINAL REPORT LEGAL AND TECNICHAL GLOSSARY & LEGAL TRAINING ON TIMOR-LESTE FISHERY LAW For the Regional Fisheries Livelihoods Programme for South and Southeast Asia Prepared by Filipe Alfaiate EMPREZA DI‟AK NGO 30 th September 2011

REGIONAL FISHERIES LIVELIHOODS PROGRAMME FOR SOUTH … · 4.2 From EMPREZA DI’AK ... biologist and a lawyer/law teacher both with extensive experience in Timor-Leste ... same time

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Page 1: REGIONAL FISHERIES LIVELIHOODS PROGRAMME FOR SOUTH … · 4.2 From EMPREZA DI’AK ... biologist and a lawyer/law teacher both with extensive experience in Timor-Leste ... same time








For the Regional Fisheries Livelihoods Programme for South and Southeast


Prepared by

Filipe Alfaiate



September 2011

Page 2: REGIONAL FISHERIES LIVELIHOODS PROGRAMME FOR SOUTH … · 4.2 From EMPREZA DI’AK ... biologist and a lawyer/law teacher both with extensive experience in Timor-Leste ... same time


Disclaimer and copyright text

"This publication has been made with the financial support of the Spanish Agency

of International Cooperation for Development (AECID) through an FAO trust-fund

project, the Regional Fisheries Livelihoods Programme (RFLP) for South and

Southeast Asia. The content of this publication does not necessarily reflect the

opinion of FAO, AECID, or RFLP.”

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© FAO 2011

Bibliographic reference

For bibliographic purposes, please reference this publication as:

Alfaiate, F. (2011), Legal and technical glossary and legal training on Timor-Leste

fishery law. Regional Fisheries Livelihoods Programme for South and Southeast

Asia (GCP/RAS/237/SPA) Field Project Document 2011/TIM/04.

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1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................. 5

2. LEGAL AND TECHNICAL GLOSSARIES ..................................................................... 6

2.1 Objectives ........................................................................................................................................................ 6

2.2 Team ................................................................................................................................................................ 7

2.3 Consultation Process Methodology .................................................................................................................. 7

2.4 Results of the Consultation Process ................................................................................................................. 9

2.5 National Workshop ........................................................................................................................................ 10 2.5.1 Date and Location .......................................................................................................................................... 10 2.5.2 Methodology.................................................................................................................................................. 10 2.5.3 Problems Encountered .................................................................................................................................. 10 2.5.4 Results ............................................................................................................................................................ 11

2.6 The Legal and Technical Glossary ................................................................................................................... 11

3. LEGAL TRAINING ........................................................................................................... 11

3.1 Date and location ........................................................................................................................................... 11

3.2 Objectives ...................................................................................................................................................... 11

3.3 Legal Training Methodology ........................................................................................................................... 12

3.4 Participants .................................................................................................................................................... 12

3.5 Team .............................................................................................................................................................. 13

3.6 Proceedings of each legal training session ..................................................................................................... 13 3.6.1 Session on Monday 18th July ......................................................................................................................... 13 3.6.2 Legal Training Monday 25th July ................................................................................................................... 17 3.6.3 Legal Training Tuesday 26th July ................................................................................................................... 21

3.7 Participant Feedback regarding the Training .................................................................................................. 23

4. RECOMMENDATIONS AND OBSERVATIONS ......................................................... 24

4.1 From the Participants ..................................................................................................................................... 24

4.2 From EMPREZA DI’AK ..................................................................................................................................... 25

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FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization

LoA – Letter of Agreement entered into by FAO and Empreza Di‟ak on the 17th of

February of 2011.

NDFA – National Directorate of Fisheries and Aquaculture

RFLP - Regional Fisheries Livelihoods Programme for the South and Southeast


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1. Executive Summary

The FAO Regional Fisheries Livelihoods Programme (RFLP) in Timor-Leste,

together with the National Directorate of Fisheries and Aquaculture (NDFA)

identified that there were gaps in both understanding and implementation of the

legal and technical terms used in the current fishing laws within the NDFA. This

was because Timor-Leste‟s fisheries legislation was originally written in

Portuguese and was only later translated into Tetum language. However as there

are no Tetum words to describe certain technical concepts a number of terms

remained in Portuguese or were directly (and not very clearly) translated.

The FAO RFLP 2011 approved work plan, under output one (aimed at promoting

and improving the establishment of co-management mechanisms for the

sustainable utilization of fishery products), planned to conduct some activities to

raise the capacity of NDFA fisheries planners (sub-output 2: capacity building for

fisheries managers and planners): among them, the development of a glossary of

technical and legal terms present in the current fisheries legislation as well as

specific training sessions on the topic.

Empreza Di‟ak is a Timorese NGO which has a program designed to promote the

development of the fishery sector in Timor-Leste named Ikan Di‟ak (“good fish”).

Empreza Di‟ak was asked to support the development of the above mentioned

glossary in Tetum of technical and legal concepts present in the current fishing

legislation and to deliver the legal training sessions to the NDFA staff on legal and

technical issues related to the above mentioned laws. Under an LoA agreement,

Empreza Di‟ak agreed to perform the following tasks:

Conduct a consultation process to identify gaps and questions that NDFA

staff had about the current fisheries legislation;

Develop a glossary in Tetum of technical and legal concepts identified as

problematic or confusing for policy makers and planners;

Conduct a National Workshop to present the glossary and get feedback from

key stakeholders about the contents; and

Design and conduct a three-day legal training course for NDFA staff and

provide assistance to the NDFA for awareness raising on the current laws

and regulations.

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Following its obligations under the LoA, Empreza Di‟ak is submitting this Final

Report to RFLP Timor-Leste. It details the methodology used, reports on the

proceedings and discussions, details problems encountered and provides

recommendations arising from the training and the consultation process with the

NDFA. The Legal and Technical Glossaries are annexed to this Final Report as

Annex 1 and Annex 2 respectively.

2. Legal and Technical Glossaries

2.1 Objectives

In accordance with section 2.1, Annex 1 of the approved LOA, Empreza Di‟ak

conducted the following objectives:

Conduct a consultation process to identify:

Knowledge, gaps and weaknesses of the NDFA staff in understanding the

technical part of the current fishing laws and policies;

Knowledge, gaps and weaknesses of the NDFA staff in understanding the

legal part of the current fishing laws and policies;

Concepts and ideas whose meaning is misunderstood by the NDFA staff

in law and policy texts;

Issues that were problematic or confusing to the NDFA planners; and

Issues of interpretation or that can create confusion to the staff in the

implementation of the law.

Based on the information gathered, develop a glossary in Tetum (including

illustrations when needed and available from secondary sources) covering

between 30 to 40 technical concepts; and between 30 to 40 legal concepts;

Facilitate and be responsible for arranging the logistics, venue and other

practical matters for an up to 2-day national workshop to present the

resultant draft glossaries in order to obtain feedback;

Present the results of the consultation and the content of the draft glossary at

the national workshop which had the following objectives:

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Receive suggestions and recommendations regarding the legal and the

technical glossary in order that Empreza Di'ak can complete glossaries

that are clear and useful; and,

Increase participant understanding of legal and technical terms and

discuss any of the terms where there is confusion with both the language

and with the meanings.

2.2 Team

The legal and technical sections of the glossary were drafted by a maritime

biologist and a lawyer/law teacher both with extensive experience in Timor-Leste

with the assistance of Empreza Di‟ak‟s staff working in the Ikan Di‟ak program

and, therefore, with experience and knowledge of the fishing sector in Timor-

Leste. The National Workshop was prepared and delivered by a training expert and

a project officer with the assistance of the above mentioned lawyer/law teacher.

The whole project was coordinated by Empreza Di‟ak‟s director.

2.3 Consultation Process Methodology

The overall process used for the consultations was participatory and the

consultation was task-orientated.

The consultation process kicked off with a meeting held on 17th March 2011

between the RFLP Timor-Leste team: Mr. Enrique Alonso, RFLP-TIM team

leader, Mr. Pedro Rodrigues, National Project Officer, and Mr. Manuel Abrani,

M&E Officer; and Mr. Filipe Alfaiate (Empreza Di‟ak‟s Director) to discuss which

would be the most suitable and efficient techniques and schedule for the

consultation process considering the project‟s goals and challenges. It was agreed


During the first two weeks of April, Mr. Pedro Rodrigues, Mr. Manuel

Abrani and Mr. Filipe Alfaiate would meet with the National Director of the

Fisheries and Aquaculture Directorate, the Fishing Industry Department, the

Aquaculture Department, the General Fisheries Inspection Department, the

Fishery Resources Management Department and with 9 of the 13 district

fisheries officers.

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A draft list of legal and technical terms to be used in the Glossary would be

prepared by Empreza Di‟ak before the meetings took place, so that a copy of

the draft could be provided to the participants. They would be invited to

provide their comments and contribution to the draft list. The goal was to

ensure that the glossary would focus on the legal and technical terms that the

NDFA staff (as well as the fishers themselves) find more difficult to grasp

and implement.

During the above-mentioned meetings, the participants expressed their

doubts about the Laws, Decrees and Ordinances that were applicable to the

fisheries sector in Timor-Leste. This information helped Empreza Di‟ak in

the design and delivery of the final training session to the NDFA staff, not

only during the preparation of appropriated training materials and hand-outs,

but also in the development of effective and participatory training sessions'

plans, etc.

Between 17th March and 11

th April 2011 Empreza Di'ak with the assistance of

RFLP staff prepared and facilitated the following meetings:

Meeting with the National Director of the Fisheries and Aquaculture

Directorate on 31st March;

Meeting with the Chief of the Fishery Industries Department and 11 staff

members on 31st March;

Meeting with the Chief of the Fisheries Inspection Department and seven

staff members on 4th April;

Meeting with eight District Fisheries Officers and one National Fisheries

Officer on 5th April;

Meeting with the Chief of the Fishery Resources Management Department

and 12 staff members on 6th April;

Meeting with one member of the National Consultative Council on 7th

April; and,

Meeting with the Chief of the Aquaculture Department and three staff

members on 12th April.

In each case the meeting started with an explanation by the RFLP representatives

about the purpose of the glossary, the consultation process goals, its phases and the

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type of collaboration that was being sought from key consulted stakeholders.

Afterwards, Empreza Di‟ak explained the draft term list, which had been

previously drafted and circulated to the consulted stakeholders. The stakeholders

then provided Empreza Di‟ak with their comments and feedback about the terms

chosen and suggested new terms. The meetings also included question time for

queries about fisheries legislation and related matters.

2.4 Results of the Consultation Process

The consultation process was very successful, and the participatory approach

adopted resulted in the active and very meaningful participation of several NDFA

department representatives.

Firstly, providing in advance the draft list of legal and technical terms prepared by

Empreza Di‟ak ensured that the participants understood the aims while having the

opportunity and time to prepare in advance for the meetings. The participants had

an opportunity to share their concerns, explain their needs and give their inputs,

which resulted in very significant contributions to the draft list.

The active involvement of NDFA departments from the outset of this project was

crucial for the production of a Glossary that was sufficiently broad, while at the

same time was both useful and user-friendly for the NDFA and for fishers all over

the country.

The LoA (section 2.1, ii) established that, based on the information gathered,

Empreza Di‟ak should develop a glossary in Tetum covering between 30 to 40

technical concepts and between 30 to 40 legal concepts. At the request of many

participants a significant number of technical and legal terms were added to the

draft list that was circulated before the meetings. As a result, when the consultation

process was finished the draft list had 88 technical terms and 96 legal terms.

RFLP decided that from the total number of 184 terms identified during the

consultation process, Empreza Di‟ak should create a glossary containing 32

technical terms and 49 legal terms all of which were selected by RFLP. It was

considered that some terms could be only translated into Bahasa Indonesia, while

some must be clearly explained in Tetum and included in the glossary. As such, the

remaining terms were translated by the RFLP technical staff, which had the

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technical capacity to do this task, and these were also presented at the National


Based on the term list provided by RFLP, Empreza Di‟ak produced a first draft

technical and legal glossary, which was presented in the National Workshop, as

explained below.

2.5 National Workshop

2.5.1 Date and Location

A full day National Workshop was held on 3rd

of August 2011 at Centro Juvenil de

Taibessi, Dili, Timor-Leste. RFLP sent out the invitations and the National

Workshop was attended by 24 people, 20 men and 4 women.

2.5.2 Methodology

Participants were given a brief presentation on the definition of a glossary, the

potential uses of this glossary and a brief discussion regarding the process

undertaken that brought about the version of the glossary that participants would

be reviewing. Participants were asked to not simply be critical of the glossary but

instead make real changes to the wording or meanings so that NDFA will

eventually have a clear and useful glossary.

The participants were placed into four small groups and were designated an equal

proportion of terms to read, review and then make revisions on. The morning was

spent reviewing the legal glossary and the afternoon was devoted to the review of

the technical glossary. There was an emphasis on using words and terminology that

was the most simple and most commonly used.

Participants also took part in an energizing game after lunch, which was to match

all of the technical terms with their matching diagrams.

2.5.3 Problems Encountered

Despite the initial explanations, there were still some difficulties with some terms

contained in the Glossaries. All the terms were taken out from the official Tetum

version of the Legislation pertaining to the fishing sector and such translation uses

a number of Portuguese-like terms which the participants did not understand or

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were unfamiliar with. A plenary session discussion assisted in the clarification of

the most difficult terms.

2.5.4 Results

The participants were able to review all the terms and their definitions and provide

useful feedback and recommendations. This information was highly relevant to the

drafters when preparing the final versions.

An added benefit of this process was that when some small groups reviewed terms

and definitions it became apparent that there was confusion regarding the meaning

of some terms. An example of this was the participants had difficulty in

understanding the term „negligence‟. A discussion led by Empreza Di‟ak regarding

responsibility helped clarify what the meaning of this term was.

2.6 The Legal and Technical Glossary

Thereafter taking the national workshop feedback into account Empreza Di‟ak

team produced the final version of the legal and technical glossary which are given

as Annex 2 and 3 of this report respectively.

3. Legal training

3.1 Date and location

The legal training was held in three full day sessions on the 18th, 25

th and 26

th 2011

of July at the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries meeting room. The first

training was attended by 23 men and 4 women. 25 staff participated in the second

one, of whom 3 were women. The last one was participated by 28 NDFA staff, 2 of

whom were women.

3.2 Objectives

According to the LoA, the objectives of the three-day legal training were to:

Increase participant understanding of Timor-Leste fisheries legislation;

Discuss current issues and challenges that the NDFA is facing whilst

implementing the above mentioned legislation; and,

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Discuss possible solutions together for the identified challenge.

3.3 Legal Training Methodology

The overall process used for both the training and the consultations was

participatory. The direction of the two meetings differed in that the three-day legal

training was process orientated where as the consultation was task-orientated.

Participants were often placed into small groups (action learning method) with

either questions or scenarios (experiential learning method) in which they were to

solve problems or find answers through group discussions.

Participants were required to refer to the fishing legislation at all times. This

learning model allowed participants take part in peer learning which being

involved in knowledge and experience sharing. The model also helped to deepen

their understanding through the presentations provided by the facilitator and the

information and reviewing of correct knowledge by the legal advisor, who was

present at all times.

Empreza Di‟ak also sought to use a range of learning techniques in order to engage

all the participants with both the materials presented and with the legislation. This

included drama, drawing and small and large group work. By using these methods

participants were able to build on their existing knowledge and experience.

The training also sought to be participant led, open-ended and flexible. This meant

that if an issue arose that required more time for discussion than was available in

order to reach a conclusion or complete understanding, the agenda was changed in

order to accommodate such discussion and learning to the extent possible.

3.4 Participants

The invitations to the training and consultation were distributed by RFLP in

partnership with NDFA. RFLP and NDFA chose the participants and arranged

logistics for the participants travelling from the districts.

Participant numbers on most days averaged approximately twenty-six. Participants

included people from NDFA departments such as Inspection, Aquaculture,

Industry and some district officers. The majority of the participants that took part

in all three days were highly motivated and eager to participate.

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3.5 Team

The Empreza Di‟ak training team was comprised of a lawyer/law teacher with

extensive experience in Timor-Leste, a training expert and a local training

facilitator. This project was coordinated by Empreza Di‟ak‟s director.

3.6 Proceedings of each legal training session

3.6.1 Session on Monday 18th July

The first day of the training sought to introduce the participants to the general

structure of Timorese law followed by a closer look at fishing legislation and the

role and competencies that NDFA have in relation to the implementation of the

legislation. The training then moved onto specific and focused areas within the

legislation such as fishing methods and apparatus as well as illegal fishing methods

within the Timorese context.

Topics addressed and description of the activities conducted:

First Topic: Global fish depletion (overview)

Proceedings commenced with an activity where participants were asked to place a

marker on a world map in the place where they believed the largest numbers of fish

were being caught. Participants were then shown a map that displayed global

fishing yields in which they could compare their guesses. They were then shown

an FAO graph showing global fish stock depletion, over exploitation, fully

exploited, recovering and under-exploited. Some of these terms were new for the

participants so there was some discussion regarding these terms.

Having discussed the global issue of fish stock depletion, participants listed the

reasons why they believed that it was important for Timor-Leste to have a fishing

legislation. The participants‟ answers were as follows:

To regulate the usage of aquatic resources;

To control fishing to ensure sustainability;

To regulate the activities of fishers;

To protect the fishing environment; and

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To ensure quality (of the ocean water and of the fish).

Second Topic: “Overview of the Law hierarchy system in Timor-Leste”

The legal consultant presented an overview of Timorese law and also answered

questions that participants had regarding Timorese law. In this session many

questions were raised and so participants requested that more time be spent on this

topic with additional information on the following days. In particular participants

were most interested in which laws to apply when there appeared to be a conflict or

confusion in the same area between different laws, namely the Decree Law 6.2004

and Governmental Decree 5/2004. One participant was confused about the

intersection of different laws such as the penal code with the fishing legislation.

The legal consultant was able to clarify the roles of different laws for different


Third Topic: Competencies of NDFA and other sectors in relation to different

types of legal diplomas, namely Laws, Decrees Laws, Governmental Decrees,

Ordinances and other Governmental diplomas

In order to deepen the participants‟ understanding of the law hierarchy in Timor-

Leste participants were divided into five small groups. Each group was asked to

focus on a specific type of legal diploma (e.g. group one was given the

Constitution, group two Decree Law 6/2004, group three the Governmental Decree

5/2004, and group four a ministerial diploma). Then, each group was asked to

answer the five questions below. Small groups walked around the room discussing,

reviewing and sometimes amending (with the continued input from the Empreza

Di‟ak facilitators) their answers. Please find below some of the questions used:

Who approves this diploma?

Who implements this diploma?

According to this diploma, what are the powers and authority of NDFA to

implement/enforce this law?

What other institutions or ministries does NDFA need to work with in order

to implement this diploma?

If NDFA wanted to change this diploma, whom would they need to lobby?

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Fourth Topic: Definitions of fishing categories, apparatus and methods according

to the applicable legislation.

This session primarily consisted of presentations from the Empreza Di‟ak

facilitators of definitions according to the legislation of categories of fishing and

categories of fishing apparatus (please refer to the power point presentations).

Participants were also involved in a matching game that involved matching correct

terms with the correct corresponding picture. Terms included types of nets, types

of fishing and fishing methods.

Fifth Topic: Discussion on illegal fishing in Timor-Leste (large group problem

solving activity)

Participants were asked to form groups based around their district of work or origin

and choose an illegal fishing act that occurs there and to describe this act in terms

of “where” and “why”. The issues were then problem solved in plenary discussion.

Below are some photos of participants presenting their discussions to the larger

group. The groups chose the following issues: i) catching turtles (purposefully and

as incidental by-catch), ii) using nets with too small mesh size, iii) coral fishing

and iv) using compressors (explosives). Below are the answers of each small


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Where? Why? Possible Solutions







Incidental catch.

Communities like

to eat turtle as a


Ceremonies and


Faulty fishing


Turtle meat and

turtle shell is easy

to sell.

There is a high

demand for “turtle

products” which

obtains a high


Socialization of the law and

community education

Enforce the law

Traditional ceremonies to

enforce the law (tara bandu).

Marine officers/police to

monitor beaches and areas

with high turtle populations.

Using nets

with too small

mesh size

Atauro Fishers do not

have the capacity

to purchase new

nets with larger

mesh size.

Offer assistance to the fishers

who are using illegal nets and

do not have the financial

means to purchase legal ones.

Assistance might be providing

them with legal nets and

confiscating their illegal nets.

Coral fishing Díli



Suai Loro



ceremonies and


Disseminate the Law in the

areas where it is happening

and, after that, start to apply

fines established in the

applicable Law to those caught

breaking the Law.

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Compressors /




An easy way to

catch many fish

quickly for

financial gain.

Socialisation activities with

fishers to explain to them the

rules contained in the

applicable Laws.

Summary of the most relevant discussions throughout the day

While discussing the above mentioned issues of illegal fishing, the issue of conflict

between traditional cultural practices and the law was raised. For example, when

discussing the issue of turtle fishing participants were asked if they believed that

socialization alone would stop current practices. It became apparent that

socialization alone was not an appropriate or realistic solution to addressing

traditional practices that are legally forbidden.

Traditional law ceremonies (Tara Bandu) was one suggested possible solution to

address this complex issue. Further participant discussions revealed that the law

did not adequately address the cultural practices of Timorese people (such as using

coral and/or turtle for traditional ceremonies).

3.6.2 Legal Training Monday 25th July

Topics addressed and activities carried out were as follows:

First Topic: Further discussion regarding Law hierarchy

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In this session further questions were answered regarding the law after which the

participants were asked a number of true and false questions, in order to

consolidate their knowledge on this matter.

Second Topic: Types of licenses

Following a power point presentation and a questions and answers session

participants were divided into four small groups. Each group was asked to

complete a drawing of one of three different boat types, namely artisanal, semi-

industrial and industrial boat (following the division established by law). In each

boat the participants were instructed to draw the respective fishing apparatus and

other relevant items described in the applicable legislation. Participants were also

asked to identify the fishing methods that such boats were legally allowed to


Below are the drawing results of this exercise and the written descriptions.

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Third Topic: Real life scenarios regarding licensing and violations of the fishing

legislation vis-à-vis NDFA’s role

Participants were confronted with three different scenarios which addressed

relevant points and challenges emerging from the licensing process and fishing

related crimes that depicted situations that NDFA staff have to deal with. Then,

each of the four groups mentioned above were then invited to analyze one case and

try to answer the questions with reference to the specific applicable articles.

First real life scenario: A Dili NDFA district officer was

monitoring a family of fishers in Bebonuk. This family uses

boats with engines. The fish that they catch were sold to

restaurants and at markets. The district officer sees in his notes

that this area has not received awareness raising on the

legislation by the NDFA for over five years. The district

officer goes to remind them to update their licenses. When the

district officer arrives he discovers that they do not have

licenses at all. The family says they do have licenses as they

are still waiting on the results of their license application. The

district officer also sees that they are using trawling nets and

the family respond that they did not know these nets were


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Questions: (i) What should the district officer do in this situation? (ii) What are the

problems/legal breaches in this scenario? (iii) Are there any other ministries or

institutions that should be involved in this case?

Questions: (i) what are the questions that NDFA should ask to find out if the boat

qualifies under the Law as an artisanal, a semi-industrial or an industrial boat? (ii)

what fishing methods and/or nets would be illegal to use in Zone B?

Questions: (i) If the report is correct, what category of license should this boat and

its occupants have? (ii) Where does the legislation refer to cases such as this? (iii)

What other legislation needs to be implemented in this situation?

All the groups participated enthusiastically and it should be pointed out that, in

general, participants clearly identified sensible approaches to the issue(s) at hand,

including verifying existing reports (if any) and speaking to village chiefs before

any direct contact with fishers. In general the participants took a soft approach

rather than a hard-lined approach to local fishers without licensees and/or caught

using illegal nets. When talking about the above scenarios participants tended to

always give fishers the benefit of the doubt and an opportunity to correct their

actions either through information dissemination or through more direct action

such as confiscating illegal nets before applying any fines.

Summary of the most relevant discussions throughout the day

Second Scenario: NDFA receives a report that there is a foreign

boat conducting illegal fishing in Zone B.

Third Scenario: The NDFA receives information that there is a

tourist dive boat that has been operating without a license. This

boat has also been seen to be collecting coral.

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The above mentioned exercise raised many issues for discussion, including the

length of the licensing process and the existing difficulties with the payment of

licensing fees that apply to fishers living outside Dili. This topic was of primary

importance for the NDFA and RFLP, as based on the results, a new strategy has

been prepared in order to create a nationwide mobile licensing service. The

approach of awareness raising on the law and illegal nets was once again raised as

not always being an adequate measure to bring about change in fishing practices.

According to the NDFA participants artisanal fishers do not see there the benefits

of obtaining licenses other than to avoid a potential fine and hence fishers avoid

obtaining a license if they think they can get away without being caught.

Participants also discussed that the scenarios provided were quite realistic and

highlighted the difficulty of implementing the legislation in situations where

communities themselves were unaware of legalities regarding licenses and

prohibited fishing nets and gears.

There was some confusion over the definitions of fishing zones and the concepts of

„area of operations‟. Participants were confused with over which fisher category

could legally fish where. This was discussed at length using Zoning diagrams to

visually illustrate the legislated zones.

3.6.3 Legal Training Tuesday 26th July

Topics addressed and activities carried out were as follows:

First topic - Aquaculture

Participants discussed definitions of aquaculture and where aquaculture occurs in

Timor-Leste. They also discussed in small groups the rules and principles

established by the applicable Law on aquaculture. The head of the Aquaculture

Department provided participants with some information regarding the draft of the

aquaculture law.

Second topic - Inspection (including role play)

Following a presentation and a discussion on the applicable Law for NDFA

inspection activities, participants were each given an inspection specific real life

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case. They were then asked to create a drama (role play) on this incident and show

the larger group the issues and how NDFA staff could and should act. The

scenarios were as follows:

A subsistence fisher catching fish below the legal minimum size;

An artisanal fisher using nets with mesh size that is too small;

A semi- Industrial boat that did not meet hygiene standards; and

An industrial boat that did not carry a logbook.

Participants‟ followed adequate procedures in their role plays. All groups referred

specifically to the applicable legislation whilst conducting their role-play

inspection. The third group in particular listed the criteria for a semi-industrial boat

in terms of hygiene and noted that the boat under inspection did not meet such

standards since the boat did not have a toilet on board and separate areas for the

crew and for the caught fish.

Participants noted that all of these situations were real problems that they faced in

the field and that it was helpful to role-play how to implement the legislation in

such incidents. In addition the head of the inspection department, who was present

throughout the entire training and provided much useful assistance, took advantage

of this session to explain to his colleagues some aspects of NDFA‟s role regarding


Third topic - Species, minimum size and measuring fish.

For fish species training, participants partook in a fun activity where they matched

pictures of fish with their correct names (scientific, Tetum, English and local).

Participants then were asked to check on the legislation for the minimum size for

each of the provided fish species.

For fish size, Empreza Di‟ak led an overview of measuring fish in terms of

standard measurements and then progressed to problem solving on the issue of

measuring fish without rulers by both NDFA staff and fishers in the district.

Participants had an open discussion prompted by Empreza Di‟ak regarding

commonly found and available objects that could be used to measure fish when

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there no ruler was available. Participants discussed items such as machetes,

cigarettes, line, aqua bottles and using their arms.

Summary of the most relevant discussions throughout the day

The role play real life cases gave an opportunity for NDFA staff to share their

frustrations about feeling powerless to do anything about crimes such as illegal

semi-industrial and industrial fishing due to a lack of resources.

There was also a discussion regarding classification of aquaculture in the

legislation in terms of whether an aquaculture farm was considered subsistence or

commercial and the subsequent license that the pond owner would need. The

trainers helped participants to better understand the definition with drawings and

open questions and answer time.

In the session on fish measurement some participants stated that they did not have

prior knowledge or experience in measuring fish either with a ruler or with other

objects and they stated that this new information was very helpful.

In the session on minimum species size, participants also noted that the currently

applicable legislation was incomplete and inaccurate as it fails to refer to an

extensive number of species, that are commonly caught in Timor-Leste and refers

to an extensive number of species that are not caught in the sea around Timor-


3.7 Participant Feedback regarding the Training

Empreza Di‟ak distributed evaluation forms to all participants on the first day of

the training and the last day. Feedback was overwhelmingly positive. Many

participants stated that the training assisted their understanding. All participants

stated that they would like to have similar training courses in the future. All

participants said that the method used was useful and inspiring. Participants stated

that they would have liked more time to discuss general points of law. Below are

some translated quotations from participants:

“The training was very good because we now have more clarity and we are no

longer confused”.

“The dramas and the explanations have inspired me to work better”.

“The games were very good”.

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“The training was excellent as I now have a better knowledge and understanding

of the law”.

“This was a great opportunity for us to learn more and build our capacities”.

4. Recommendations and observations

4.1 From the Participants

In summary, the participants mentioned the following:

There is a need for further training or meetings that involve all stakeholders

(inter-ministerial) whose responsibility it is to implement the fishing law in

Timor-Leste, namely the marine police and the Ministry of Justice and the

Ministry of Finance.

It is necessary to revise completely the existing Tetum translation of the

fishing legislation. Participants have found that not only are unfamiliar

Portuguese words used (technical jargon), but also much of the Tetum is

unclear and sometimes even incomprehensible.

A policy and/or law needs to be put in place that protects the security of

NDFA staff, particularly those who may put themselves in danger in order to

enforce the law such as inspection staff.

There should be a continuation of training in the fishing legislation in 2012

for NDFA staff.

There is a need to devise a strategy on how to combat illegal fishing crimes

committed by foreigners.

The aquaculture draft law should be approved as soon as possible.

Regular meetings should be held between all district staff to share

information and knowledge as well as to discuss similar trends of crimes that

are occurring at the district level, as well as any other fishing issues.

There is a need for the continuation of awareness raising on the law in all

districts with a focus on areas that have not yet received awareness raising.

A legal advisor is needed for the whole Directorate.

Advocacy should be done for the creation of mechanisms that allow fishers

in the districts to finalize their fishing licenses there, without having to go to

Dili to do so.

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The processing of the licensing system should be improved by making it a

quicker and easier process for fishers to obtain their license, once they have

begun the application process.

Consider providing assistance for transport to Dili for fishers that need to

process their licenses.

Collate a database of all the active boats in Timor-Leste for monitoring and

registration purposes.

Provide a manual and specific training on inspection procedures.


In summary, Empreza Di'ak recommends the following:

It is urgent to revise the Tetum translation because:

It has serious mistakes (i.e. due to an erroneous translation of section 87

of the Decree-Law 6/2004 the NDFA staff were convinced that trawling

fishing was forbidden when actually only inland trawling is forbidden by


It does not properly translate key concepts from Portuguese into Tetum

and therefore makes implementation very difficult (i.e. instead of using

“riku soin” it uses “Rekursu” which most NDFA staff could not

understand); and,

Sometimes the translation is too literal and therefore it is very difficult to


More training is needed in order to consolidate what was learned in the legal

training and in the workshop. There are a group of NDFA staff that showed

a consistent knowledge of key areas, but even those need further training.

Most NDFA staff openly admit their lack of knowledge on basic aspects of

the applicable legislation.

It is crucial that the NDFA has the support of an experienced legal adviser

with capacity to understand, explain and help in implementing the fishing


It is also important that an internal document is drafted that establishes clear

roles for each department as well as clear rules regarding the areas that

overlap between departments and or ministries.

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Further discussions around traditional fishing practices and possible

conflicts with the law should be encouraged and supported - e.g. coral

fishing or turtle fishing for traditional ceremony and practices. NDFA staff

are unable to change old cultural practices by simply raising awareness of

the fishing law. This needs to be further addressed if both the Ministry and

the public are to have faith in the fishing laws and their contextual relevance.

Revision of legislation is needed for aquatic species listed in the Ministerial

Diploma „Captured Species Minimum Fish Size‟ (No. 05/116/GM/IV/2005),

as many of the listed species are not found in Timor-Leste waters. More

importantly, a large number of species that are being commonly caught have

no minimum size limits and these species should be included in the list as

they are currently unprotected.

Current legislation has little or no coverage of Timor-Leste's cultural

customs and traditions and does not take them into proper consideration.

Current fisheries legislation needs urgent revision to reflect traditional

customs and traditions and the reality and the current development stage of

the national fisheries sector.

Further training on fish measurement is required; NDFA participants stated

that they have not received adequate training in this area and Empreza Di‟ak

had not enough time to address this issue in depth.

There should also be further training and/or capacity building in the area of

endangered species and /or conservation. On the first day of training many

of the participants shared that they did not know that it was illegal to catch

turtles to eat and also did not understand the concept of „endangered


General capacity building in the area of general knowledge regarding global

fish stocks is required. Many participants stated that the concept of global

fish depletion was a newly introduced concept to them and terms such as

„over exploited‟ and „depleted‟ were terms they were not familiar with.

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Sigla sira:

DL - Dekretu-Lei n.º 6/2004

DG - Dekretu Governu n. 5/2004

DNPA - Diresaun Nasionál Peska no Akikultura

MAP - Ministeriu Agricultura no Peska

1. Ajente Fiskalizasaun - ne’e mak funsionáriu sira husi MAP ne’ebé halo

fiskalizasaun hodi garante ema haktuir lejislasaun timor nia kona ba setor peska no

akikultura. Hodi nune’e sira iha kbiit oin oin, hanesan halo fiskalizasaun no inspesaun

ba ró hotu ne’ebé iha área marítima nasionál, ekipamentu kaer ikan, sasán, dokumentu

na materiál seluk ne’ebé bele uza nudar prova katak sala. Maski nune’e sira tenke

hala’o kbiit ne’e ho kuidadu no tuir lei no karik sira abuzu bele hasai nia ka bele krime

karik tuir gravidade husi sira nia atuasaun. Ajente fiskalizasaun sira bele monitor ka

fiskál ba peska (pontu 17).

Artigu sira ne’ebé prinsipál: art. 140 to’o 143 husi DL no art. 156 to’o 172 husi DG.

2. Averiguasaun/Averiguamentu (buka hatene) - prosessu ne’ebé hanesan faze

ne’ebé DNPA buka hatene liu husi investigasaun, tuir art. 190 husi DG, hodi hatene

akontese duni ka lae, faktu ne’ebé hakerek iha autu notisia (pontu 5), ne’ebé simu, no

rona sira ne’ebé akuzadu, sasin sira no halo análise ba prova ne’ebé sira simu. Bazeia

ba faktu ne’ebé sira hetan katak loos, DNPA hakerek relatóriu ida ho konkluzaun ba

Ministru (bainhira peska industrial, semi-industriál, alto mar ka ró ne’ebé tama iha

atividade relasiona ho peska) ka ba Diretór Nasionál Peska no Akikultura (karik peska

artezanál ka la’ós komersiál).

Artigu ne’ebé prinsipál: art. 190 husi DG.

3. Afretamentu Ró Peska - afretamentu hanesan kontratu ne’ebé ró peska nia

na’in ka reprezentante ruma halo hodi fo jestaun husi ró ba armador ida (fretadór),

ne’ebé la iha limite tempu, no karik bele iha opsaun hodi hola ró bainhira afretamentu

hotu. Iha Timor-Leste bele deit halo afretamentu ba ró semi industrial no industrial,

nasionál ka estranjeiru, no bainhira deit Ministru fó autorizasaun. Afretamentu ba ró

estranjeiru husi timor oan labele liu tinan 4 no konsidera nudar produtu nasionál

produtu hotu husi peska ne’ebé hetan iha tasi nasionál ka hetan transformasaun iha ró


Artigu sira ne’ebé prinsipál: art. 60 to’o 66 husi DG no art. 44 husi DL.

4. Akizisaun Ró Peska - signifika katak ema individuál ka koletivu (pontu 13 no

14) sosa ró peska ida. Ema ne’e bele sosa ró peska industrial ka semi industrial iha

Timor-Leste ka iha estranjeiru se hetan autorizasaun husi Ministru. Bainhira

autorizasaun iha ona sei presiza tan lisensa no halo rejistu.

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Atu sosa ró peska artezanal la presiza autorizasaun husi ministru. Maibé karik sosa iha

rai liur entaun presiza uluk autorizasaun husi ministru no ministru bele deit fo

autorizasaun bainhira atu uza ró ba peska esperimentál ka ba projetu ne’ebé aprovado

ona kona ba dezenvolvimentu husi peska artezanál. Ida ne’e nudar insentivu atu sosa

ró peska ne’ebé halo iha rai Timor.

Artigu sira ne’ebé prinsipál: art. 55 no 56 husi DG.

5. Autu Notisia (no nia forza probatória) - bainhira entidade ida husi sira

ne’ebé refere iha art. 187 husi DG hetan infrasaun (sala) ruma, hanesan atividade

ne’ebé lejislasaun husi peska bandu, entaun tenke hakerek autu notisia, iha ne’ebé

hakerek saída mak akontese no informasaun seluk ne’ebé relevante hodi DNPA bele

halo analiza prosesu no buka hatene saída mak akontese , no rona sira ne’ebé akuzadu

no sasin sira, iha prosesu averiguamentu nia laran (pontu 2).

Nune’e autu notisia hanesan dokumentu ne’ebé importante liu no tenke iha

identifikasaun husi se mak halo infrasaun, empreza no ró peska ne’ebé hola parte iha

infrasaun, fatin, loron no oras no diskrisaun husi infrasaun no se mak sasin ka

elementu seluk ne’ebé hakerek iha art. 186 husi DG.

Lei refere katak autu notisia vale duni to’o iha prova seluk ne’ebé kontra (art. 191 husi

DG). Ne’e signifika katak, karik fiskál ida hatete katak peskadór halo infrasaun no

peskadór dehan katak nia la halo infrasaun ne’e maibé sira la aprezenta prova ruma

ne’ebé sai nudar fundamentu ba faktu (hanesan sasin ka dokumentu sira) entaun saida

mak hakerek iha autu notisia mak vale.

Artigu sira ne’ebé prinsipál: art. 55 no 56 husi DG.

6. Bandu Remosaun Koral - artigu 85 husi DL bandu peska, foti ka remosaun ba

korál no mós bandu sosa ka faan korál ne’e. Bandu mós halo produtu ne’ebé halo ho

korál, husi korál ka uza korál uitoan. Remosaun ba koral signifika hasai ka foti korál

husi meti ulun, fatin ne’ebé nia moris no metin no rekolla ka foti signifika foti korál

ne’ebé iha tasi ibun ka ida ne’ebé la metin iha tasi okos.

Artigu sira ne’ebé prinsipál: art 85 DL.

7. Diploma Ministerial - desizaun husi Ministru ida, ka husi Ministru balu

hamutuk, kona ba matéria administrativa no asuntu ne’ebé tama ba sira nia área

kompeténsia, tuir hakerek iha Lei Orgânika husi Governu. Diploma Ministeriál sira iha

funsaun hodi ajuda Ministru sira hodi hala’o no halo implementasaun ba diresaun

política husi Governo no lejislasaun sira.

8. Deferimentu/Indeferimentu - deferimentu signifika fó autorizasaun ba pedidu

ida no indeferimentu signifika la fó autorizasaun ba pedidu ida. Por ezemplu, bainhira

peskadór ida husi lisensa peska ba DNPA, funsionáriu DNPA nian analiza pedidu no

haree ba rekizitu ne’ebé mai husi lejislasaun hodi peskadór bele simu lisensa peska.

Tuir mai, DNPA halo deferimento (aseita) ka indeferimentu (rejeita) pedidu ne’e.

9. Dekretu-Lei - Dekretu-Lei mak naran ne’ebé Konstituisaun Repúblika Timor-

Leste nian (pontu 26) fó ba Lei sira ne’ebé hetan aprovasaun iha Konsellu Ministru

husi Governu no vale hanesan Lei ne’ebé aprova iha Parlamentu Nasional. Exeptu iha

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kazu espesiál, ne’ebé Lei bele halo revogasaun ka mudança ba Dekretu-Lei no

Dekretu-Lei ba Lei. Regra jerál, bainhira iha kontradisaun entre Lei no Dekretu-Lei,

vale mak ida ne’ebé aprova ikus liu. Dekretu-Lei sira labele iha artigu sira ne’ebé

kontra Konstituisaun. Karik nune’e, entaun regra sira ne’e konsidera katak la’ós

konstitusionál no la iha valór.

10. Dekretu Governo - Dekretu Governou la hanesan Dekretu-Lei tamba iha nia

valór no funsaun ne’ebé oin seluk maski hetan aprovasaun hotu iha Konsellu Ministru.

Funsaun husi Dekretu Governu mak halo regulamentasaun ba saida mak hakerek iha

Lei ka Dekretu-Lei ruma, nune’e, labele kontra saida mak hakerek iha diploma sira

ne’e no iha konstituisaun. Maski nune’e sira bele revogasaun ba Diploma Ministeriál

sira (pontu 7).

11. Diariu Bordu Peska - livru ne’e´bé fó no hetan autentikasaun husi DNPA hodi

halo rejistu ba atividade husi ró sira kona ba peska ne’ebé hetan lisensa no tenke tuir

modelu ofisiál (ne’ebé iha Aneksu V husi DG). Diáriu Bordu Peska tenke nafatin iha

ró laran, ema ne’ebé hetan lisensa no Kapitaun ró nian bele kaer diariu bordo ne’e. Ró

hotu husi peska industrial no semi industrial ne’ebé hetan lisensa hodi hala’o peska

tenke hakerek iha Diáriu Bordu Peska. Bainhira ajente fiskalizasaun husu sira tenke

hatudu Diáriu ne’e. Karik sira lakon ka halo aat Diáriu ne’e, ida ne’e konsidera

hanesan infrasaun grave.

Artigu sira ne’ebé prinsipal: art. 27 husi DL no art. 139 no 140 husi DG.

12. Esforsu Peska - signifika operasaun peska hira ka arte peska nia kleur hira iha

peskaria ida, iha períodu tempu nia laran. Nune’e signifika uzo ne’ebé peska halo ba

rekursu peska nian. Esforsu peska tenke kontrola duni hodi garante sustentabilidade no

la peska liu kuantidade ne’ebé bele.

Esforsu peska oin seluk ba peskaria ida idak no depende ba arte peska tipu saida mak

uza no ba nivel teknolojia husi operasaun sira. Nune’e, iha peska liña, esforsu peska

totál bele númeru totál husi operasaun peska multíplika ba anzol hira mak uza husi

peskadór sira ne’ebé iha área ruma iha períodu tempu nia laran (semana, fulan, tinan,

ka kampaña peska). Kada loron sanulu, kapitaun sira husi embarkasaun peska

industrial no semi industrial tenke haruka ba DNPA informasaun jerál sira kona ba

kaptura no esforsu peska, ho nia estrutura tuir modelu husi aneksu VI, husi DG.

Artigu sira ne’ebé prinsipal: art. 157º alinea d) husi DL no art. 54º, 143º no Aneksu VI

husi DG.

13. Ema Kolektivu - empreza sira, Asosiasaun sira, ONG sira, Ajênsia sira no

Fundasaun sira mak ema koletivu no sira iha rejime juridiku ne’ebé la hanesan, iha

aspetu barak, rejime juridiku husi sidadaun sira, timor oan ka estranjeiru, ne’ebé

hanaran Ema singular (pontu 14). Lisensa ne’ebé husu husi peskadór ida ho nia naran

rasik konsidera katak lisensa ne’e husu husi ema singular. Lisensa ne’ebé husu husi

empreza ida tenke liu husi reprezentante ne’ebé iha autorizasaun no konsidera nudar

pedidu lisensa husi ema koletivu.

14. Ema Singular - ema singular mak ema individuál, timor oan ka estranjeiru.

Haree esplikasaun kona ba ema koletivu (pontu 13).

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15. Embarkasaun Koneksa - embarkasaun koneksa ka ró ba atividade koneksa

(relasiona) ho peska mak ró, beiro, navio, jangada no ró tipu seluk ne’ebé la uza iha

atividade peska, hanesan tau no foti rede, tau anzol no armadilla maibé fo apoiu ba ró

sira ne’ebé uza ba peska.

Nudar ezemplu ba atividade sira ne’ebé ró sira ne’e halo: transporte sasán husi ró ida

ba ró seluk, armazenamento ka rai ikan ka halo prosesamentu ba ikan ne’ebé peska,

fornesimentu ba sasán ne’ebé ró peska presiza hanesan mina no produtu seluk no

atividade ne’ebé halo iha tasi laran kona ba apoiu lojistiku ba ró peska. Hodi bele halo

atividade sira ne’e tenke iha lisensa husi DNPA no ró ne’e tenke iha rejistu iha DNPA


Artigu sira ne’ebé prinsipal: art. 13 husi DL no art. 21, 68.1 e) husi DG.

16. Emisaun Titulo Lisensa Peska - mak momentu ne’ebé DNPA halo títulu

lisensa peska (haree pontu 44) bainhira pedidu hetan diferimentu ona (haree pontu 8)

husi DNPA, ne’ebé tenke tuir modelu husi impresu sira ne’ebé iha Aneksu I no IV

husi DG.

Departamentu ne’ebé responsável husi DNPA tenke halo lisensa iha prazu loron 30 nia

laran bainhira pedidu hetan deferimento ona no bainhira peskadór hatudu prova katak

nia selu ona taxa ka koima ne’ebé karik iha. Karik lisensa ba ró peska estranjeiru

entaun bele fo lisensa deit bainhira sira selu kausaun (haree pontu 23). Titulu husi

lisensa tenke fo bainhira liu inspesaun ba ró peska ne’ebé atu simu lisensa.

Artigu sira ne’ebé relevante liu: art. 24 DL no 2 no 68 husi DG.

17. Fiskal Peska -mak funsionáriu husi MAP ho kategoria profisionál nudar fiskal

ka funsionáriu seluk ne’ebé kredensiadu hodi halo fiskalizasaun ba kumprimentu ba

lejislasaun peska nian – mak ajente fiskalisazaun (pontu 1) no iha podér barak, ne’ebé

define iha art 162 no 163 husi DG, liu liu podér hodi halo investigasaun, inspesaun,

foti prova sira no kaer ema no ró peska. Fiskal peska tenke hatudu nia identifikasaun

no nia tenke kaer kartaun identifikasaun ba fiskal peska, ne’ebé asina husi Ministru,

tuir modelu ne’ebé hetan iha Aneksu VII husi DG.

18. Fiskalizasaun Aktividadi Peska No Akikultura - atividade sira ne’ebé

Ministru no DNPA tenke hala’o hodi garante katak ema sira n’ebé halo atividade

peska no akikultura tuir duni lei timor nia, hanesan haree katak peskadór sira no sira

nia ró iha rejistu duni no katak sira iha lisensa ba peska ne’ebé tuir lei. Ró peska sira

hotu, nasionál ka estranjeiru, ne’ebé iha área marítima nasionál, iha portu kais timor

nian bele hetan fiskalizasaun. Ró peska sira ne’ebé nasionál bele mós hetan

fiskalizasaun iha tasi laran.

Atu hala’o fiskalizasaun ida ne’e labele atrapalla operasaun peska baibain husi ró

peska sira ne’e. Se mak hola parte iha atividade peska ne’ebé la tuir órden ne’ebé

ajente fiskalizasaun no monitor peska fo, konsidera katak krime dezobediénsia ho

kastigu tuir Kódigu Penál, no aumenta multa dolar amerika $200 to’o $30.000 (pontu


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Artigu sira ne’ebé prinsipál: art. 139 to’o 153 husi DL, art. 154 to’o 172 husi DG no

art. 4 husi Lei n.º 12/2004.

19. Fraudulentu - konsidera kata infrasaun peska grave ba mudança fraudulenta

(falsifikasaun) ba informasaun ne’ebé hakerek iha lisensa peska. Hahalok fraudulentu

mak bainhira ita bosok ema seluk, usa lian bosok no falsu. Alterasaun ka mudança

fraudulentu signifika mudança ne’ebé atu bosok ema seluk, por ezemplu, bainhira

hamoos naran ida husi lisensa peska no hakerek nia naran rasik hodi bosok katak nia

iha duni lisensa peska no bosok ba fiskal sira.

Artigu ne’ebé prinsipál: art. 157 alínea j) husi DL.

20. Graduasaun Pena - mak definisaun ba medida ezata ba pena ne’ebé atu fo ba

sala na’in ka maksala. Ezemplu, bainhira peskadór halo infrasaun grave ruma, hanesan

peska iha área ne’ebé bandu, nia tenke selu koima ida (pontu 23) no nia lisensa hetan

suspensaun husi fulan 1 to’o fulan 6 (haree art 157 no 161 DL). Hodi halo graduasaun

ba pena signifika hodi hola desizaun ba kleur hira mak atu halo suspensaun ba lisensa

(tenke minimu fulan 1 to’o másimu fulan 6). Ida ne’e tuir gravidade husi infrasaun

ne’ebé peskadór halo, karik grave liu entaun tenke suspensaun kleur liu.

21. Ierarkia Iha Lejislasaun - ema sira ne’ebé hotu ne’ebé servisu iha sector

peska, funsionáriu sira husi Diresaun Nasionál Peska no Akikultura, peskadór sira ka

ema ne’ebe selu ikan, tenke haktuir no respeitu ba lejislasaun timor nian ne’ebé sai

nudar regulamentu ba seitor peska. Lejislasaun ne’e iha regra sira ne’ebé hakerek iha

dokumentu oin oin, dala balu ho naran oin oin ne’ebé aprova husi entidade oin oin.

Dala balu mós dokumentu legál ka diploma sira ne’e iha kontradisaun ka kontra malu

no inconsistente. Nune’e importante atu esplika kle’an loos diploma ne’ebé mak iha

valór aas liu no nia mak manda bainhira iha diploma seluk ho regra ne’ebé la hanesan.

Nune’e primeiru, ho valór aas liu mak Konstituisaun Repúblika Timor Leste nian, tuir

mai Lei no Dekretu Lei sira, no tuir mai tan Dekretu sira husi Governu no ikus mak

Despaxu Ministeriál sira.

22. Inspesaun Previa - ró peska estranjeiru sira ne’ebé hakarak hatun iha Timor

Leste saida mak sira peska iha tasi klean ka iha tasi husi Estadu seluk tenke fo hatene

ba DNAP katak sira hakarak nune’e oras 48 molok sira tama iha fatin ne’ebé sira atu

hatun sasán. Karik DNPA fo autorizasaun ba sira hodi hatun, tenke halo iha fiskal

peska nia oin no sira tenke halo inspesaun ba ró peska molok nia hatun sasán.

Inspesaun ne’e hanaran inspesaun previa no fiskal peska sira tenke haree ba diáriu

bordu no peska, tenke haree arte no produtu sira husi peska ne’ebé iha ró laran no

lisensa peska.

Artigu sira ne’ebé prinsipál: Art. 70 to’o 74 husi DL.

23. Kausaun - iha kausaun bainhira ema ruma promete atu halo buat ruma no fó

ba DNPA osan uitoan hodi garante katak nia atu halo nune’e. Osan ne’e hanaran

kausaun. Ezemplu, karik ró peska ruma kaer tanba halo infrasaun grave, ró no ema

bele detidu to’o julgamentu. Maski nune’e karik sira selu kausaun sira bele ba maibé

sira tenke hola kompromisu katak sira la halai no sira haktuir sentença. Kausaun ne’e

sei fo fali ba sira karik hetan katak la iha infrasaun ka sira hetan kondenasaun maibé

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sira selu multa hotu. Karik sira hetan kondenasaun maibé la selu multa entaun uza

kausaun hodi selu nune’e.

Artigu sira ne’ebé prinsipál: art. 173 no 174 husi DL no art. 23, 32 no 171 husi DG.

24. Koimas - iha lian baibain koima no multa uza hanesan maibé iha lian juridiku

koima no multa la hanesan. Koima mak sansaun ne’ebé bele fo ba se mak halo kontra

ordenasaun no multa mak pena ne’ebé fo ba se mak halo krime. Koima mak osan

ne’ebé se mak halo infrasaun tenke selu no ida ne’e bele deside husi Ministru ka

Diretór husi DNPA.

Ezemplu, halo operasaun koneksa ne’ebé la iha autorizasaun. Definisaun ba koima nia

valór halo husi diploma ministerial hamutuk husi Ministru Agrikultura no Peska no

Ministru Justisa. Multa mak pena ne’ebé fo ba se mak halo krime, hanesan krime

relasiona ho peska, nune’e deside no aplika husi tribunal.

Artigu sira ne’ebé prinsipál: Art. 168 no 169 husi DL.

25. Konfiskasaun - sansaun ne’ebé bele fo bainhira halo infrasaun no Estadu

Timor nian foti, no la selu kompensasaun, sasan husi se mak halo infrasaun.

Lejislasaun Timor nia ba seitor peska define konfiskasaun hanesan lakon sasan ho

favor ba estadu (pontu 32).

Bainhira tribunál sira halo kondenasaun ba ema ruma kona ba krime ne’ebé hakerek

iha Lei n.º 12/2004, tribunál sira tenke haruka konfiskasaun ka lakon ho favór ba

Estadu ba saida mak sira peska, ba arte peska sira no ba meiu peska no ekipamentu

peska ne’ebé iha ró laran no mós konfiskasaun ba ró hotu. Bein sira ne’e fa’an iha

hasta pública, fo ba instituisaun pública ruma ka halo destruisaun.

Bainhira ró peska semi-industrial ka industrial hala’o peska iha bé maritima nasional

no la iha lisensa, Estadu Timor nia bele halo konfiskasaun ba sasán hotu. Bainhira ró

estranjeiru ne’ebé la iha lisensa no halo nafatin peska iha tasi nasionál no bainhira ró

sira lori fornesimentu no mina ba ró peska no la iha autorizasaun husi DNPA hodi halo

nune’e, Estadu Timor nia bele halo konfiskasaun la’ós ba sasán deit maibé ba ró hotu.

Bainhira halo konfiskasaun, bein ne’ebé foti bele fa’na no osan husi ne’e tenke

depózitu ba Tezouru ka iha fatin ne’ebé Tezouru haruka. Karik la faan entaun bele fo

ba instituisaun ruma ka halo destruisaun.

Artigu sira ne’ebé prinsipál: art. 163 no 164 husi DL, art. 197 to’o 199 husi DG no art.

5 husi Lei n.º 12/2004.

26. Konstituisaun - konstituisaun husi Repúblika Demokratika Timor Leste nia

(Lei Inan) aprova iha 2002 no nia mak lei fundamentál husi rai laran, no sidadaun hotu

no Lei, Dekretu Lei, Dekretu Governu no Despaxu Ministeriál tenke tuir.

Konstituisaun mak regula funsionamentu husi sistema polítiku (ezemplu: eleisaun no

poder no kompetensia sira husi Prezidente Repúblika, husi Governu no husi

Parlamentu Nasionál) no direitu polítiku sira (ezemplu: direitu votu no liberdade

espresaun), ekonómiku (ezemplu: direitu ba propriedade privada) no sosiál (ezemplu:

direitu ba saúde) husi sidadaun sira. Aspetu seluk ne’ebé relevante mos hakerek iha

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Konstituisaun hanesan, funsionamentu husi tribunál sira no obrigasaun atu uza rekursu

naturál sira husi rai laran hodi fo benefísiu no dezenvolvimentu ba país.

27. Komisaun Rekonsiliasaun ba Konflitu Peska - Ministru sei harii komisaun

rekonsiliasaun ba konflitu peska, ne’ebé inklui funsionáriu na’in tolu husi Ministériu

hodi halo mediasaun ba konflitu sira entre peskadór sira, ne’ebé mai husi sira nia

atividade peska.

Karik ema hato’o keixa, ko’alia ka hakerek, husi peskadór ruma ka operadór peska

ruma kontra peskadór ka operadór peska seluk, entaun komisaun tenke hasoru malu

iha oras 48 nia laran hamutuk ho peskadór ka operadór peska ne’ebé hola parte iha

problema hodi buka hetan solusaun ruma ne’ebé parte rua simu. Karik meditasaun

ne’e la funsiona entaun peskadór sira sei iha mekanismu seluk hanesan rekursu ba

tribunál sira.

Artigu ne’ebé prinsipál: art. 200 husi DG.

28. Konsellu Konsultivu Nasional - órgaun tékniku no apoiu ba Ministru

Agrikultura no Peska ne’ebé tenke rona molok atu hola desizaun kona ba

konservasaun ba rekursu sira no jestaun ba peska, definisaun husi peskaria ne’ebé

prinsipál no husi total hira mak bele peska, definisaun ba kota peska nian, definisaun

ba ró másimu hira make bele hetan lisensa ba peskaria ida-idak ka definisaun ba

espésie saida mak labele kaer.

Konsellu tenke hala’o enkontru kada fulan tolu no bainhira konsellu tenke ko’alia

kona ba kestaun ne’ebé relasiona ho peska no akikultura, Ministru tenke konvida ba

enkontru reprezentante sira husi asosiasaun peskadór artezanál, industrial no semi

industrial no mos reprezentante sira husi instituisaun nasionál ne’ebé relasiona ho

peskiza sientifika ba tasi kona ba rekursu biolójiku akuátiku sira no inspesaun ba ikan

peska, no karik partisipasaun husi kuadru tékniku seluk husi DNPA no reprezentante

sira husi instituisaun públika seluk ne’ebé iha relasaun ho seitor peska.

Artigu sira ne’ebé prinsipál: art. 200 husi DG, art 173 husi DG.

29. Konsesaun Lisensa Peska - konsesaun mak autorizasaun ne’ebé Estadu fo ba

ema privadu (ema singular ka ema kolectivu) ba períodu tempu ne’ebé define, hodi

sira bele uza ka halo esplorasaun ba bein ne’ebé pertense ba ema hotu, bein públiku.

Rekursu peska nasionál nian pertense ba Estadu Timor no ema privadu, nasionál ka

estranjeiru, bele deit uza ne’e karik Estadu Timor, liu husi MAP, fo ba sira lisensa.

30. Krime Dezobediénsia - krime dezobediénsia ne’ebé hakerek iha art. 4 husi Lei

12.2004 buka atu reforsa autoridade husi ajente fiskalizasaun sira ba sira hotu ne’ebé

hala’o atividade ne’ebé relasiona ho peska no akikultura.

Se mak la simu hodi haktuir órden sira husi ajente fiskalizaun ka monitor peska,

bainhira sira hala’o sira nia knaar, halo krime ne’ebé define iha artigu 244º husi

Kódigu Penal ne’ebé estabelese katak se mak la tuir ka halo dezobediénsia nafatin ba

órden ka mandadu ne’ebé tuir lei, no fo hatene tuir regra, ne’ebé mai husi autoridade

ka funsionáriu ne’ebé kompetente, hetan pena prizaun to’o tinan 3 ka multa (dolar

Amerika $200 to’o $30.000).

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31. Kompeténsia Tribunál Nian - Tribunál sira husi Timor deit mak tuir lei bele

deside karik ema ruma kulpadu ka lae kona ba krime ruma. Kona ba krime sira ne’ebé

relasiona ho peska, se mak deside mak tribunál ne’ebé besik liu husi área ne’ebé fatu

sira akontese, tuir art. 11 husi Lei 12.2004.

Iha situasaun sira ne’ebé iha relasaun ho konfiskasaun, lakon ró ka sasán no arte peska

nian ka ikan ka osan husi fa'an ikan ka ekipamentu no instrumentu sira seluk ho favor

ba Estadu, kazu sira ne’e tenke haruka ba tribunál ne’ebé kompetente. Iha kazu sira

ne’e tribunál kompetente hetan liu husi kritériu husi Artigu 50 no tuir husi Kódigu

Prosesu Sivil.

32. Lakon Sasan Ho Favor Ba Estadu - ida ne’e mak situasaun ne’ebé se mak

halo krime ka infrasaun lakon nia sasan, hanesan ikan ne’ebé nia kaer, arte peska

ne’ebé nia uza ka nia ró. Sasan sira ne’e sei faan ka fo ba instituisaun solidariedade

sosiál, konforme kazu ida-idak. Lakon sasan ho favor ba estadu iha signifikadu

hanesan ho konfiskasaun (pontu 25).

33. Lisensa Koletiva no Lisensa Individual - lisensa ba peska rekreativa bele

individual, bainhira fo ba ema singular (pontu 14) ka koletiva (pontu 13) bainhira fo ba

asosiasaun, klube ka empreza turismu, hodi halo peska rekreativa (halimar) ho sira nia

membru, asosiadu ka kliente sira.

Artigu sira ne’ebé prinsipál: art. 123, 124 husi DG.

34. Legislasaun Aplikável - lejislasaun ne’ebé aplicável ba asuntu ruma mak

Dekretu-Lei (pontu 9), Lei, Dekretu Governu (pontu 10) no Diploma Ministeriál

(pontu 7) sira ne’ebé iha regra sira ne’ebé regula asuntu ne’ebé refere.

35. Neglijénsia - se mak halo neglijénsia mak halo buat ruma la iha atensaun no la

iha kuidadu. Ezemplu, peskadór ne’ebé la iha atensaun no nia husik nia arte peska iha

be laran liu tempu ne’ebé lei fo, la halo nune’e ho intensaun maibé nia la kuidadu no

haluha. Nune’e nia husik rede iha bee laran tamba neglijénsia. Se mak halo infrasaun

tamba neglijénsia labele simu punisaun makaas hanesan se mak halo nune’e ho


36. Preskrisaun - preskrisaun mak bainhira Estadu lakon direitu atu fo punisaun

tamba nia la halo nia servisu iha tempu ne’ebé determina. Bainhira nia iha

koñesimentu kona ba infrasaun grave ruma DNPA no entidade sira seluk iha tinan rua

hodi fo kondenasaun ba se mak halo infrasaun ne’e. Liu tinan rua se mak halo

infrasaun labele hetan kondenasaun ona.

Artigu sira ne’ebé prinsipál: art. 152 husi DG no 182 husi DG.

37. Reinsidensia - bainhira ema halo krime ka infrasaun ne’ebé hanesan liu dala

ida, bainhira ema halo fali sala ne’ebé nia halo ona.

38. Polegada - polegada mak sasukat ida ba komprimentu ne’ebé uza iha rai

Inglatera. Polegada ida hanesan sentímetru 2,54. Polegada mai husi medida husi ita nia

polegar husi ita nia liman rasik.

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39. Punivel - hahalok ka aktu ne’ebé punível mak hahalok ka aktu ne’ebé tenke iha

sansaun ruma. Ezemplu, peska ho arte peska sira ne’ebé bandu ne’e buat ruma ne’ebé

ilegál nune’e merese duni hetan sansaun. Nune’e peska ho arte peska ne’ebé bandu

hanesan punível ho koima no ho suspensaun ba lisensa peska husi fulan 1 to’o fulan 6.

Nune’e, peskadór ne’ebé uza arte peska ne’ebé bandu sei hetan koima no suspensaun

ba nia lisensa husi fulan 1 to’o fulan 6.

40. Rejistu Nasionál Ba Profisionál Peska - peskadór sira hotu ne’ebé halo peska

iha Timor-Leste, iha Timor nia Bé marítima ka lagoa sira, no moris husi peska tenke

rejistu iha rejistu nasionál ba profisionál peska.

Artigu sira ne’ebé prinsipál: art. 111 husi DL

41. Revogasaun – lei ida ne’e vale to’o lei foun iha kona-ba asunto hanesan.

Vijénsia husi lei bele hetan suspensaun iha períodu tempu ruma nia laran no iha tempu

ne’e lei iha maibé la tenke tuir. Maibe dala ruma aplikasaun lei nian bele hapara deit.

Lei sira hotu ka la vigora ona baibain ho razaun tamba hetan revogasaun husi lei

ne’ebé ho valór hanesan ka aas liu. Despaxu Ministeriál labele halo revogasaun ba

Dekretu Lei maibé Dekretu Lei bele revoga Despaxu Ministerial.

42. Residiva - residiva ka reinsidénsia mak bainhira ema halo fali infrasaun ne’ebé

nia halo ona no hetan kondenasaun ona. Situasaun ne’e bele sai baze hodi aumenta

sansaun ne’ebé atu aplika. Konseitu ne’e importanti loos atu halo graduasuan pena

(pontu 20).

Artigu ne’ebé prinsipál: art. 168 husi DL.

43. Suspensaun - suspensaun mak bainhira buat ruma la iha efeitu ona. Peskadór

ne’ebé hetan suspensaun ba nia lisensa iha períodu tempu ruma nia laran labele peska

iha períodu tempu ne’e nia laran. Maski nune’e bainhira prazu ne’e hotu nia la presiza

husu lisensa foun, nia bele deit hahú fali nia atividade.

44. Titulo Lisensa Peska - karik pedidu ba lisensa peska hetan deferimento (pontu

8) DNPA tenke halo emisaun ba dokumentu ofisiál ne’ebé peskadór bele hatudu ba

fizkal peska hodi hatudu katak nia iha lisensa duni. Dokumentu ne’e tenke tuir modelu

ne’ebé iha aneksu I husi DG, tuir art 18 husi DG, no tenke iha informasaun ne’ebé

refere iha art 25 husi DG.

Artigu sira ne’ebé prinsipál: art. 23 husi DL, art. 18 no 25 husi DG.

45. Transmisaun Lisensa Peska - ida ne’e signifika fo ka transferénsia husi

lisensa peska husi ró peska ida ba ró peska seluk no ida ne’e bandu no labele halo

exetu kazu ne’ebé define iha art. 29 DL, hanesan por ezemplu bainhira iha

autorizasaun ministerial.

Artigu sira ne’ebé prinsipál: art. 29, 28 husi DL no art. 28 husi DG.

46. Direitu Ba Kuota Peska - rekursu peska hotu iha Timor-Leste no iha Timor

nia Bé laran mak propriedade husi Estadu Timor. Se mak husi lisensa ba peska simu

husi Estadu autorizasaun ida (konsesaun) hodi hala’o peska iha rekursu sira ne’e

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maibé autorizasaun ne’e nia limite iha. Tamba Estadu iha devér hodi garante

sustentabilidade husi seitor peska no bainhira peska barak liu bele hahotu rekursu

peska lalais. Nune’e ba peskaria balu bele define katak iha rejime quota, nune’e

peskadór ida-idak iha limite ba kuantidade totál ne’ebé nia bele peska iha períodu

tempu ruma nia laran.

Artigu sira ne’ebé prinsipál: art. 34 to’o 38 husi DG.

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1. Aparellu anzol – Aparelho de anzol / Kail talin no Kail isin(Longline em Inglês)

Ida ne’e bele hanaran mós palangre ka espiñel. Ida ne’e inklui tali ne’ebé prinsipál naruk

(madre), husi ne’ebé sai tali ki’ikoan balu (estrallu) ne’ebé iha anzol ida ka liu. Bele uza ba

iha superfisie (bé leten), bele pelájiku (bé klaran) ka fundu nian (bé okos). Bele mós metin

iha tasi okos ka la’ós.


Nó de travamento – nó travamento; Missanga – missanga; Destorcedor - destorsedór

Ilustrasaun1 - http://www.afma.gov.au/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/pelagic_longline.jpg

Palandre pelájiku

Buoylines – tali bóia (palampu); Mainline - tali prinsipal; Baited hooks – anzol ho iska;

Snoods–estrallu; Rádio beacon - Feixe rádiu

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Ilustrasaun2 - http://www.fao.org/figis/servlet/IRS?iid=8252

Ilustrasaun3 - http://www.afma.gov.au/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/demersal_longline.jpg

Palangre demersal

DAN Buoy - Bóia (palampu) markasaun; Mainline - tali principal; Baited hooks – anzol ho

iska; Snoods–estrallu; Anchor – ankor

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2. Arte Peska autorizadu – Arte ba peska ne’ebé hakerek ona iha lei no la hetan bandu,

hanesan peska ho ho rede serku ka ho rede emallar. Peska ho rede arastu bele, exceptu peska

rede arastu ba tasi ibun, ida ne’e hetan bandu husi Artigu 87º husi Dekretu-Lei N.º 6/2004

husi 21 Abril. Peska ne’ebé uza esplozivu (ex. peska ho dinamite) hetan bandu husi lei.

3. Rede arastu–Tuir rede ne’e nia naran ita bele komprende katak ida ne’e hanesan rede ida

ne’ebé bele dada, liu liu husi ró. Rede ne’e hanesan kone ida, ho nia ibun naruk no nia forma

mantein liu husi fatuk-todan iha nia kabo fundu nian no boia sira (palampu) iha nia kabu

mestre (ne’ebé kaer rede ibun nia leten). Bainhira ró la’o rede nakloke nafatin liu husi

odamatan rua, estrutura halo ho ai ka besi, ne’ebé dada liu husi kabu ne’ebé metin iha nia oin

hodi halo sira halai ba sorin sorin. Odamatan rua ne’e hetan ligasaun ho rede liu husi kabu

sira. Kabu sira ne’e nia naruk bele to’o 200 m. Odamatan sira ne’e mak halo ikan sira tama

iha rede ne’ebé dada, hodi aumenta tan rede nia efisiénsia.


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Ilustrasaun4 - Adaptado de Sparre & Venema (1997)

Ilustrasaun5 - http://www.afma.gov.au/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/demersal_trawl.jpg

Arastu demersal Otterboards – Odamatan; Warps – Kabuarastu; Headline – kabu mestre;

Ground rope – kabu fundo; Bridle – tali

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Ilustrasaun6 - http://www.afma.gov.au/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/midwater_trawl.jpg

Arastu pelájiku

Ilustrasaun7 - http://www.fao.org/figis/servlet/IRS?iid=7155

4. Rede serku–Rede sira ne’e kaer ikan tamba hale’u ikan husi sorin sorin no husi okos, hodi

ikan labele hala’i no uza to’o iha okos liu. Bele ró ida ka rua mak kaer.

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Ilustrasaun8 - FAO Fisheries technical Paper 222

Ilustrasaun 9 - http://www.fao.org/figis/servlet/IRS?iid=7036

5. Rede emallar–Rede sira ne’e mak rede ida ka rua ka tolu (rede tresmallu) vertikál ne’ebé

kaer ikan ne’ebé tama iha rede. Rede sira ne’e mantein hamrik nafatin liu husi bóia / palampu

sira iha leten (madre) no fatuk-todan (sumbu/makadade) iha okos. Bele kesi hamutuk iha

okos, iha klaran ka iha superfisie. Bele mós iha ankor ba okos, ka la’o ba mai kesi ba ro (drift

gill nets). Rede deriva sira ne’e bandu husi Artigu 102º husi Dekretu husi Governu N.º

5/2004 husi 28 Jullu.

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Ilustrasaun10 - http://www.fao.org/figis/servlet/IRS?iid=7933

6. Armadilla sira / Bubu sira –Ida ne’ebé mak mosu beibeik liu mak kaixa ne’ebé tau iha

tasi okos, ne’ebé ikan sira tama no susar atu sai fali.

Armadilla sira ne’e prepara kedas hodi nune’e ikan tama labele sai fali. Armadilla bele iha

iska iska(hahan ba ikan) iha laran ka la’ós.

Armadilla sira ne’e bele mós kesi metin iha fatin, signifika katak la presiza foti hodi bele foti

ikan. Haree Gamboa n.º 17 nudar ezemplu.

Ilustrasaun 11 - http://www.fao.org/figis/servlet/IRS?iid=7503

(ex. Tipo bubur)

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Ilustrasaun12- http://www.afma.gov.au/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/fish_trap.jpg

Bridle – tali; Entrance – dalan tama; Small fish escape hole – dalan sai ba ikan kikoan;

Weighted base – Fatuk-todan

7. Dada ho saku duplu – Arte Peska ne’ebé atu hanesan arastu (dada) maibé iha saku rua

ne’ebé suku/kesi hamutuk, sorin ho sorin. Ida ne’e halo hodi labele lakon rezultadu husi

peska bainhira dada no saku ida sai aat. Haree mós 3. Rede Arastu.Uzu ba arastu saku duplu

hetan bandu husi Artigu 87º husi Dekretu-Lei N.º 6/2004 husi 21 Abril

8. Uza kualker redi tipu drift net – Ida ne’e signifika uza rede ruma ne’ebé la’o ba mai la

iha diresaun ne’ebé define (deriva). Bainhira ita koalia kona ba rede deriva, ita koalia kona ba

rede emallar ka tresmallar, no rede deriva mak sira ne’ebé la metin iha okos maibé sira

ne’ebé la’o ba mai tuir kurente, hamutuk ho ro. Rede sira ne’e bele iha komprimentu to’o 60

km no nia aas bele to’o metru 30. Rai barak bandu ona rede sira ne’e tamba rede ne’e halo aat

ka estraga no kaer espésies oin oin ne’ebé asesóriu (hanesan lumba-lumba no lenuk), rai

seluk tau limite ba rede nia boot no ba nia dook hosi tasi ibun. Nudar ezemplu, Portugal tau

limite naruk metru 500, aas metru 10 no nia dook husi tasi ibun tenke pelumenus liu milla

nautika 1. Uza ba rede sira ne’e iha Timor-Leste hetan bandu husi Artigu 102º husi Dekretu

Governu N.º 5/2004 husi 28 Jullu.

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9. Arte peska ne’ebé halo aat tasi okos iha bé tasi ka bé marítima nasional – ida ne’e

mak arte peska (métodu/ ekipamentu peska / kaer ikan) ne’ebé halo aat ka estraga tasi okos.

Ida ne’e aplika liu liu ba rede arastu okos nian, ba draga sira, ba eksplosivu toksiku ex dina,

nsst. ne’ebé bandu husi Artigu 87º husi Dekretu-Lei N.º 6/2004 husi 21 Abril.

10. Tipu kasku–Kasku husi ro peska nia tipu. Kasku ro nia iha relasaun ne’ebé diretu ho nia

utilizasaun. Nune’e bele V, loos, kabuar, em túnel, nsst. http://www.boatus.org

Flatbottom – kasku loos; Round bottom – kasku kabuar; Deep V hull – kasku V; Tunnel Hull

– kasku túnel

11. Konves –Konvés prinsipál mak estrutura loos ne’ebé sai ka kutak ba kasku no sai

hanesan superfisie atu hala’o servisu.Bele mós hanesan rai ne’ebé peskadór sira sama

bainhira sira hala’o peska.

Ilustrasaun 13 - http://www.fao.org/figis/servlet/IRS?iid=7841

12. Konves nakloke – Konvés ne’ebé nakloke i.e.la taka. Haree Konves n.º 11. Iha kazu ne’e

ro la iha espasu tan atu servisu iha kraik. Ezemplu ba ro konves nakloke mak beiro, ro ne’ebé

ita hetan beibeik iha Timor-Leste no iha Dili.

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Ilustrasaun 14 - http://www.fao.org/figis/servlet/IRS?iid=7967

13. Buka no (salva) salvamentu – Operasaun buka no salva (salvamentu) (lokalizasaun no

resgate) ba ro iha situasaun emerjénsia ka naufrájiu.

14. Direito geral titular lisensa nian – Direitu sira ne’ebé hetan se mak hetan lisensa atu


15. Entidade benefisiáriu lisensa nian – ema koletivu ka individuál ne’ebé hetan lisensa ba


16. Espiñel – Naran seluk ne’ebé fo ba aparellu anzol. Haree nº 1.

17. Gamboa sira – Naran husi armadilla espesifiku ida. Armadilla sira ne’e prepara hodi

aproveita impaktu husi tasi sa’e no tasi tun . Gamboa sira tau iha tasi bainhira tasi sai.

Bainhira tasi tun ikan sira metin iha laran no bele foti ho fásil.

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Ilustrasaun 15 - http://www.fao.org/figis/servlet/IRS?iid=7509

18. Ijiene sanitária – Prosedimentu sira ne’ebé halao hodi garante kualidade husi ikan atu

han, ka ba saida mak sei atu uza ikan ne’e. Iha Timor-Leste to’o agora seidauk iha lejislasaun

ne’ebé espesifiku kona ba kestaun ida ne’e. Nudar ezemplu iha Uniaun Europeia lei obriga ro

peska hotu atu:

Labele kahur Ikan ho be restu(reziduál) iha poraun okos, ho xuar, ho mina, ho óleo,


Iha superfisie, ekipamentu no materiál hotu ne’ebé besik ka kona ikan tenke

antikorozaun, lizu ka loos no fásil atu hamoos, fasi no dezinfesaun .

Uniaun Europeia obriga mós hodi:

Parte husi ro ka kontentor sira ne’ebé uza hodi tau ikan ne’ebé kaer tenke moos no ho

kondisaun di’ak, labele hetan kontaminasaun ka kahur ho mina sira ka be foer husi

poraun nia okos.

Bainhira ikan tama iha ro laran tenke rai didiak iha fatin n’ebé la iha kontaminasaun

ka loron ka manas seluk labele kona. Bé atu fase ikan tenke serbe moos ka be hemu.

Ikan ne’ebé kaer, exetu bainhira rai nia sei moris, tenke tama iha malirin lalais. Karik

ida neé labele halo iha tasi laran entaun tenke lori mai rai lalais.

Regra sira ne’e uza hodi garante kualidade husi ikan ne’ebé kaer (Haree n.º 20) husi

momentu kaer kedas to’o ikan tama iha konsumidor nia liman. Iha deskrisaun ba regra iha

etapa hotu hotu, husi kaer, manutensaun iha ro laran, hasai husi ro, halo transformasaun, no

faan, nsst. Importante katak Timor-Leste halo lejislasaun hodi implementa regra sira ne’e iha

rai laran.

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19. Manuzeamentu – Halo buat ruma uza liman, ezemplu tau ikan iha poraun, iha kaixa sira,

hasai husi kaixa, haree ikan nia boot, nsst.

20. Norma Kualidade –Prosedimentu sira ne’ebé define iha lejislasaun hodi garante

kualidade husi ikan ne’ebé kaer /ijiene sanitária.Iha Timor-Leste seidauk iha lejislasaun

ne’ebé espesifiku kona ba ida ne’e. Haree n.º 18 Ijiene Sanitária.

21. Palangre deriva no fundeadu– Palangre (Haree n.º 1 Aparellu anzol), ne’ebé bele metin

ba tasi okos ka deriva (la’o ba mai iha tasi okos).

22. Peska Gillnet – Peska ho rede emallar. Haree n.º 5

23. Peska armadilla (Peska bubur) – Peska ne’ebé uza armadilla sira. Haree n.º 6

24. Peska ho rede arrasto – Peska ne’ebé uza rede arastu. Haree n.º 3

Rede arastu bele dada husi ro ida ka rua no bele iha tasi klaran (arastu pelájiku) ka iha tasi

okos (arastu fundu). Ro ida bele mós dada rede rua ne’ebé kesi sorin ho sorin (arastu duplu).

Bainhira arastu fundu, kabu fundu nia bele iha bobine hodi arastu bele halo iha tasi okos

ne’ebé iha fatuk no mantein nafatin la les. Kidun husi rede, ne’ebé kaer no rai ikan, hanaran

saku. Rede ne’e bele uza mós hodi arastu ba tasi ibun, maibé ida ne’e hetan bandu husi

Artigu 87º husi Dekretu-Lei N.º 6/2004 husi 21 Abril.

25. Peska ho redi serku – Peska ne’ebé uza rede serku. Haree n.º 4. Bai-bain uza ro ida boot

uitoan no ro ida kiik oan. Ro boot hetan Ikan lubun no pára. Ro kiik tau rede haleu kardume

(eskala ki’ik) no ba fali to’o iha ro boot hodi taka saku. Rede dada mak ba ro boot hodi hasai


26. Peska marítima – Peska iha tasi (ezemplu entre Díli no Ataúro), ne’ebé la hanesan peska

iha bé mota nian ka bé midar (ezemplu iha mota Comoro ka lagoa Maubara)

27. Peska non-komersial – Peska ne’ebé nia rezultadu (i.e. ikan ka buat ne’ebé kaer, etc) la

uza atu faan ka hetan lukru. Bele peska atu han, peska halimar ka investigasaun nsst.

28. Peska semi-industrial –Peska ne’ebé halo ho ro semi-industrial. Artigu 47º no artigu sira

ne’ebé tuir husi Dekretu husi Governu n.º 5/2004 husi 28 Jullu define nudar rekizitu ba ró

sira ne’e:

Ro nia naruk entre metru 8 no 20;

Iha motor

Iha Autonomia liu oras 72

Iha haris fatin/sentina

Iha poraun hodi rai ikan ho izolamentu térmiku (malirin)

Iha fatin ketak atu rai hahan

Haketak fatin toba, haris fatin, motor nia fatin no poraun rai ikan nia fatin

Iha radar, sonda no komunikasaun liu husi rádio

Meiu ba salvamentu no emerjénsia

Produsaun ka armazenamentu ba bé meu

Tuir lejislasaun ne’ebé vigora peska semi-industriál bele hala’o deit ba:

Ró nasionál ho distansia 3-20 mn (milla nautika – nautical miles) husi kosta norte no


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Ró estranjeiru ho distansia 16-20 mn (milla nautika – nautical miles) husi kosta sul

29. Rede emallar deriva – Rede emallar ne’ebé la metin ba tasi okos ka la uza ankora. Haree

n.º 5 Rede emallar no n.º 8 Uza kualker rede tipu drift net.Uzu ba rede sira ne’e hetan bandu

husi Artigu 102º husi Dekretu Governu N.º 5/2004 husi 28 Jullu.

30. Sistema localizasaun automátiku ba embarkasaun/ro – sistema ne’ebé fo dalan ba

autoridade reguladora ba peska sira (iha ne’e mak DNPA) hodi hatene lokalizasaun,

rumu/diresaun no velosidade/lalais husi ro peska nian. Ida ne’e importante hodi halo

monitorizasaun ba atividade peska ilegál ka bainhira iha avaria ruma iha ro peska nian ka

naufrájiu ruma akontese.

Ilustrasaun16 - http://www.afma.gov.au/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/vms.jpg

Fisheries management agencies, Office of boat owners, processor, buyers - Ajénsia sira

jestaun ba peska, eskritóriu husi ró nia na'in sira, prosesadór, kompradór sira; Land earth

station – Estasaun ba rai; Inmarsat-C and other communications satélites - Inmarsat-C no

satélite komunikasaun seluk; Global positioning system - Sistema Pozisionamentu Globál

31. Total ikan ne’ebé bele kaer –kuantidade limite ba ikan ne’ebé bele kaer iha períodu

ruma nia laran, relasaun ba espésies ka peskaria ruma ka totál husi peskaria, no haree nafatin

ba preservasaun, renovasaun no sustentabilidade husi rekursu. Valor ne’e define liu husi

estudu ne’ebé halo ba rekursu peska ne’ebé iha iha rai laran. Tenke define husi Ministru, ho

apoiu tékniku husi DNPA no tenke hatama iha planu ba jestaun ba peska.

32. Vara iha saltu - implika katak iha vara (au ne’ebé ho naruk metru tolu to’o neen) no

téknika saltu nian (haksoit). Téknika ne’e mak dada ikan mai laran dala ida ho forsa makaas

hodi halo ikan haksoit. Au bele fleksibilidade maka’as. Iha au nia leten kesi fiu ka tali nylon

ne’ebé ho naruk ki’ik liu au, ho anzol ki’ik ne’ebé la iha tarak / barbela, hodi halo katak fásil

uitoan atu foti ikan.

Bainhira hatene katak kardume atu hakbesik, mestre halo roó halai to’o besik, to’o metru 30-

40 husi kardume ne’e. Bainhira besik ona nia halo ró lao neineik no tau ró iha estibordo (part

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e liman loos) ka bobordu (parte liman karuk), tuir sorin ne’ebé prepara atu kaer ikan. Iha

momentu ne’e, tineiru (Peskador ne’ebé responsável kona ba iska iska moris iha tanke sira)

hahú soi iska ba tasi laran hodi halo atún halai mai leten. Bainhira sonda fo konfirmasaun

katak kardume ne’e iha ro nia okos duni, nia halo ativu xuveiru (tubu ida ne’ebé soi be

makaas ba tasi laran), hodi halo katak atún ladun hatene katak peskador sira iha neba no halo

bè nakdoko iha leten, hanesan iska halo bainhira koko halai, hodi sira mai hodi koko han.