Reg: No 352 Volume No. 3476 Thursday December 29, 2016 Jaddi 09, 1395 www.outlookafghanistan.net Price: 15/-Afs Quote of the Day Email: [email protected] Phone: 0093 (798) 341861/ 799-157371 www.thedailyafghanistan.com Knowledge has a beginning but no end. Geeta S. Iyengar Ministry of Interior KABUL - A number of Wolesi Jirga members on Wednesday said the trilateral meeting be- tween Russia, Pakistan and China represented a weak Afghan government’s diplo- macy and asked the govern- ment to send the basic lines of foreign policy to the lower house for approval at the earli- est possible. Senior officials from Russia, China and Pakistan on Tues- day met in Moscow and de- cided to work towards remov- ing Taliban from the world body’s sanctions list in an effort to pave the ground for peace talks. However, there was no representative from Afghanistan. Kobra Musafawi, a lawmaker from Kabul, told today’s gen- eral session Russia had inter- fered in Afghanistan’s affairs to a great extent. He said the three-way talks in Moscow were aimed to show the Af- ghan government was weak and occupied. She said such meetings showed the Afghanistan gov- ernment’s performance had KABUL - The Ministry of In- terior (MoI) on Wednesday said Daesh militant group had been defeated in Afghanistan and the Afghan nation would decide about sanctions on Tal- iban. MoI spokesman Siddique Siddiqui remarks during an exclusive interview with Pa- jhwok Afghan News come a day after senior officials from Russia, China and Pakistan met in Moscow to discuss Afghanistan’s security situa- tion and peace in the country. However, Afghanistan was not invited to the meeting. It was a third round of talks among the three countries on the “deteriorating situation in Afghanistan”, particularly at the rise of the Islamic State (IS) group -- also known by its Arabic acronym Daesh. The previous two rounds had taken place behind closed doors. The announcement of the latest talks irked Kabul, which questioned the effec- KABUL - Senior officials from Russia, China and Pakistan have agreed on expanding tripartite consultations on Afghanistan and including other countries in the regional discussions. Russia and China, both perma- nent members of the United Na- tions Security Council, decided to work towards removing Taliban from the world body’s sanctions list in an effort to pave the ground for peace talks. In a joint statement issued at the end of their trilateral meeting, the three countries said: “The parties agreed to proceed with consulta- tions in an expanded format and would welcome the participation of Afghanistan.” The three-way talks that dis- Moscow, Beijing Want Taliban Sanctions to Go MPs Ask Govt. to Submit Foreign Policy for Approval MPs to President: Introduce Replacement for Sacked Ministers Special Forces Kill 1,551 Insurgents in Nine Months Afghans to Decide About Lifting Curbs on Taliban: MoI been weak and so its diploma- cy. She asked the unity gov- ernment to provide the house with basic foreign policy lines for approval as soon as pos- sible. Shakiba Hashimi, a public representative from Kanda- har, also termed the trilateral meeting as contrary to dip- lomatic norms, saying: “Un- fortunately Afghanistan gov- ernment doesn’t have a clear foreign policy.” Meanwhile, Fawzia Kaufi from Badakhshan said the tri- lateral meeting showed weak- ness of Afghanistan govern- ment’s diplomacy. “Russia, Pakistan and China want to make Afghanistan isolated in the region.” Had Afghanistan improved ties with regional countries, the three countries would not have held such a meeting on Afghanistan, she believed. Wolesi Jirga speaker Abdul Rauf Ibrahimi, while express- ing concern over the the trilat- eral meeting, said the Afghan government should not re- main ...(More on P4)...(2) KABUL - The National Mu- sic Institute on Wednesday launched its seventh winter music festival where students and musicians from around the country will be trained for eight weeks in preparation for concerts. “The National Music Institute has a good criterion; at least 50 percent of its students are street children,” said Rahil Mohammad Formuli, deputy head of vocational studies at Ministry of Education. “I want to build a world of music for myself. I want to have a master’s degree in this respect,” said Qanbar Naw- shad, a student at the institute. Meanwhile, the head of the institute, Nasir Sarmast, said they will send a group of 35 female musicians to Europe where they will play tradi- tional ...(More on P4)...(8) KABUL - Foreign Minister of Uzbekistan, Abdulaziz Kami- lov, received Afghan delega- tion in Tashkent, Uzbekistan’s Foreign Ministry report in a press release . The talks focused on prior- ity areas to further strengthen Uzbek-Afghan cooperation, as well as agreements reached at the previous bilateral high level events. Representatives of the Afghan delegation exchanged views on the results of the seconds meeting of the Uzbek-Afghan intergovernmental commis- sion on trade, transport and energy.According to the del- egation, the meeting helped discuss important directions of the joint work, including in the spheres of trade, trans- port, energy, agriculture and etc. Ambassador of Afghani- stan Syed Shahabuddin at- tended the meeting as well. (AKIPRESS) into peaceful life.” Russia and China confirmed their flexible approach to delisting Afghan individuals from the UN sanctions lists as their contribution to efforts aimed ...(More on P4)...(1) Constitution be Taught at School Dostum Criticized for Being Absent from Work Winter Music Festival Launched in Kabul Afghan Delegation Holds Talks with Foreign Minister of Uzbekistan KABUL - President Ashraf Ghani said that organizations and individuals who had some- how violated the Constitution should be eval- uated and the fundamental law be taught at schools. The president said this during a meeting at the Presidential Palace with members of the inde- pendent constitutional oversight commission about preparations for observing the Consti- tution Week, a statement from the palace said. The week will begin on January 3. The over- night commission members briefed the presi- dent about preparations for the week, the statement said. The president said Afghanistan’s constitution was a national honour and the week should be celebrated with full ...(More on P4)...(4) KABUL - A number of lawyers and lawmakers on Wednesday said the continued absence of the First Vice President Abdul Rashid Dostum from work is against the national interests. They said government should address the alle- gations against Dostum as soon as possible. Dostum has not been at work since the alleged assault against former Jawzjan governor Ah- mad Eshchi last month. “Mr. Dostum feels annoyed and he wants to cut his cooperation with government day by day. This is doing big damage to the National Unity Government,” said Sher Khosti, former gover- nor of Khost. “The absence of him [Dostum] will create a big gap in government. It will affect public mind- set towards government and it will increase the distance between ...(More on P4)...(5) tiveness of a process on Af- ghanistan without its repre- sentation. In a joint statement issued at the end of their trilateral meet- ing, the three countries said: “The parties agreed to pro- cussed the current situation in Afghanistan were held in Mos- cow on Tuesday, with Kabul protesting its exclusions from the consultations. It was the third round of talks among the three countries on the “deteriorating situation in ceed with consultations in an expanded format and would welcome the participation of Afghanistan.” The three nations renewed their support for the reconcili- ation process in Afghanistan. Afghanistan”, particularly at the rise of the Islamic State (IS) group -- also known by its Arabic acro- nym Daesh. The previous two rounds were not publicly announced. The an- nouncement of the latest talks irked Kabul, which questioned KABUL - The Wolesi Jirga on Wednesday urged President Mo- hammad Ashraf Ghani to intro- duce replacements for unseated cabinet members in deference to the decision of public representa- tives. On November 2, the lower house summoned 16 cabinet members and impeached the ministers of foreign affairs, labour, public works, education, transport, com- munication and higher education in absentia. The Wolesi Jirga had earlier warned the ministers, who used less than 70 percent of their devel- opment funds, of being voted out if they failed to convince the legis- lators on budget spending. Shaken by the disqualification of KABUL - The Ministry of Interi- or (MoI) on Wednesday said that Afghan National Police (ANP) special forces have killed at least 1,551 insurgents over the past nine months, including 400 key insurgent commanders. The MoI statistics reveal that Special Forces carried out 1,482 special operations during this period with many operations targeting high profile insurgents. “The incident which happened in Shar-e-Naw of Kabul (Sep- tember) and the incident on the house of MP Mir Wali (this month), you (special forces) managed to avoid harm to others through your courage, profes- sionalism and skills,” said Jahed. “The participants agreed to continue efforts towards fur- ther facilitating the Afghan- led peace and reconciliation process according to the known principles of reintegra- tion of the armed opposition the effectiveness of a process on Afghanistan without its represen- tation. The three nations renewed their support for the reconciliation process in Afghanistan. “The par- ticipants agreed to continue ef- forts towards further facilitating the Afghan-ledpeace and recon- ciliation process according to the known principles of reintegra- tion of the armed opposition into peaceful life.” Russia and China confirmed their flexible approach to delisting Af- ghan individuals from the UN sanctions lists as their contribu- tion to efforts aimed at launching peaceful dialogue between Kabul and the Taliban, the statement added. ...(More on P4)...(3) five ministers, the government later moved the Supreme Court to explain the voting out of cabinet members by parliament. Fozia Kofi, a lawmaker from Badakhshan province, questioned the continued presence of unseat- ed ministers in their portfolios and asked the president to imple- ment the relevant law and respect the lower house decision. Abdul Wali Niazi, an MP from Badakhshan province, held a similar view. He said the lower house had discharged its respon- sibility based on the law. The gov- ernment should stop violating the law, he demanded. Speaker Ibrahimi said: “The min- isters were disqualified in line with the ...(More on P4)...(6) Interior Minister Taj Mohammad Jahed hailed the work of the spe- cial forces in counter-terrorism and said they have played a criti- cal role in eliminating key fig- ures. Jahed made the remarks at a ceremony in Kabul to mark the achievements by the Special Forces. He said they had managed in this time to foil a number of plots to take over major cities and dis- tricts. “The government leadership and supreme commander are deter- mined to further develop these forces so that major setbacks are imposed on the structure of the enemies ...(More on P4)...(7) President

Reg: No 352 Volume No. 3476 Thursday December 29, 2016 ... 29, 2016/Fron… · Reg: No 352 Volume No. 3476 Thursday December 29, 2016 Jaddi 09, 1395 Price: 15/-Afs Quote of the Day

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Page 1: Reg: No 352 Volume No. 3476 Thursday December 29, 2016 ... 29, 2016/Fron… · Reg: No 352 Volume No. 3476 Thursday December 29, 2016 Jaddi 09, 1395 Price: 15/-Afs Quote of the Day

Reg: No 352 Volume No. 3476 Thursday December 29, 2016 Jaddi 09, 1395 www.outlookafghanistan.net Price: 15/-Afs

Quote of the Day

Email: [email protected]: 0093 (798) 341861/ 799-157371


Knowledge has a beginning but no end.

Geeta S. Iyengar

Ministry of Interior

KABUL - A number of Wolesi Jirga members on Wednesday said the trilateral meeting be-tween Russia, Pakistan and China represented a weak Afghan government’s diplo-macy and asked the govern-ment to send the basic lines of foreign policy to the lower house for approval at the earli-est possible.Senior officials from Russia, China and Pakistan on Tues-day met in Moscow and de-cided to work towards remov-ing Taliban from the world body’s sanctions list in an effort to pave the ground for peace talks. However, there was no representative from Afghanistan.Kobra Musafawi, a lawmaker from Kabul, told today’s gen-eral session Russia had inter-fered in Afghanistan’s affairs to a great extent. He said the three-way talks in Moscow were aimed to show the Af-ghan government was weak and occupied.She said such meetings showed the Afghanistan gov-ernment’s performance had

KABUL - The Ministry of In-terior (MoI) on Wednesday said Daesh militant group had been defeated in Afghanistan and the Afghan nation would decide about sanctions on Tal-iban.MoI spokesman Siddique Siddiqui remarks during an exclusive interview with Pa-jhwok Afghan News come a day after senior officials from Russia, China and Pakistan met in Moscow to discuss Afghanistan’s security situa-tion and peace in the country. However, Afghanistan was not invited to the meeting. It was a third round of talks among the three countries on the “deteriorating situation in Afghanistan”, particularly at the rise of the Islamic State (IS) group -- also known by its Arabic acronym Daesh.The previous two rounds had taken place behind closed doors. The announcement of the latest talks irked Kabul, which questioned the effec-

KABUL - Senior officials from Russia, China and Pakistan have agreed on expanding tripartite consultations on Afghanistan and including other countries in the regional discussions.Russia and China, both perma-nent members of the United Na-tions Security Council, decided to work towards removing Taliban from the world body’s sanctions list in an effort to pave the ground for peace talks.In a joint statement issued at the end of their trilateral meeting, the three countries said: “The parties agreed to proceed with consulta-tions in an expanded format and would welcome the participation of Afghanistan.”The three-way talks that dis-

Moscow, Beijing Want Taliban Sanctions to Go

MPs Ask Govt. to Submit Foreign Policy

for Approval

MPs to President: Introduce Replacement

for Sacked MinistersSpecial Forces Kill 1,551 Insurgents in Nine Months

Afghans to Decide About Lifting Curbs on Taliban: MoI been weak and so its diploma-

cy. She asked the unity gov-ernment to provide the house with basic foreign policy lines for approval as soon as pos-sible.Shakiba Hashimi, a public representative from Kanda-har, also termed the trilateral meeting as contrary to dip-lomatic norms, saying: “Un-fortunately Afghanistan gov-ernment doesn’t have a clear foreign policy.” Meanwhile, Fawzia Kaufi from Badakhshan said the tri-lateral meeting showed weak-ness of Afghanistan govern-ment’s diplomacy. “Russia, Pakistan and China want to make Afghanistan isolated in the region.”Had Afghanistan improved ties with regional countries, the three countries would not have held such a meeting on Afghanistan, she believed.Wolesi Jirga speaker Abdul Rauf Ibrahimi, while express-ing concern over the the trilat-eral meeting, said the Afghan government should not re-main ...(More on P4)...(2)

KABUL - The National Mu-sic Institute on Wednesday launched its seventh winter music festival where students and musicians from around the country will be trained for eight weeks in preparation for concerts.“The National Music Institute has a good criterion; at least 50 percent of its students are street children,” said Rahil Mohammad Formuli, deputy head of vocational studies at Ministry of Education.“I want to build a world of music for myself. I want to have a master’s degree in this respect,” said Qanbar Naw-shad, a student at the institute.Meanwhile, the head of the institute, Nasir Sarmast, said they will send a group of 35 female musicians to Europe where they will play tradi-tional ...(More on P4)...(8)

KABUL - Foreign Minister of Uzbekistan, Abdulaziz Kami-lov, received Afghan delega-tion in Tashkent, Uzbekistan’s Foreign Ministry report in a press release .The talks focused on prior-ity areas to further strengthen Uzbek-Afghan cooperation, as well as agreements reached at the previous bilateral high level events.Representatives of the Afghan delegation exchanged views on the results of the seconds meeting of the Uzbek-Afghan intergovernmental commis-sion on trade, transport and energy.According to the del-egation, the meeting helped discuss important directions of the joint work, including in the spheres of trade, trans-port, energy, agriculture and etc. Ambassador of Afghani-stan Syed Shahabuddin at-tended the meeting as well. (AKIPRESS)

into peaceful life.”Russia and China confirmed their flexible approach to delisting Afghan individuals from the UN sanctions lists as their contribution to efforts aimed ...(More on P4)...(1)

Constitution be Taught at School

Dostum Criticized for Being Absent

from WorkWinter

Music Festival Launched in


Afghan Delegation Holds Talks with

Foreign Minister of Uzbekistan

KABUL - President Ashraf Ghani said that organizations and individuals who had some-how violated the Constitution should be eval-uated and the fundamental law be taught at schools.The president said this during a meeting at the Presidential Palace with members of the inde-pendent constitutional oversight commission about preparations for observing the Consti-tution Week, a statement from the palace said.The week will begin on January 3. The over-night commission members briefed the presi-dent about preparations for the week, the statement said.The president said Afghanistan’s constitution was a national honour and the week should be celebrated with full ...(More on P4)...(4)

KABUL - A number of lawyers and lawmakers on Wednesday said the continued absence of the First Vice President Abdul Rashid Dostum from work is against the national interests.They said government should address the alle-gations against Dostum as soon as possible.Dostum has not been at work since the alleged assault against former Jawzjan governor Ah-mad Eshchi last month. “Mr. Dostum feels annoyed and he wants to cut his cooperation with government day by day. This is doing big damage to the National Unity Government,” said Sher Khosti, former gover-nor of Khost.“The absence of him [Dostum] will create a big gap in government. It will affect public mind-set towards government and it will increase the distance between ...(More on P4)...(5)

tiveness of a process on Af-ghanistan without its repre-sentation.In a joint statement issued at the end of their trilateral meet-ing, the three countries said: “The parties agreed to pro-

cussed the current situation in Afghanistan were held in Mos-cow on Tuesday, with Kabul protesting its exclusions from the consultations.It was the third round of talks among the three countries on the “deteriorating situation in

ceed with consultations in an expanded format and would welcome the participation of Afghanistan.”The three nations renewed their support for the reconcili-ation process in Afghanistan.

Afghanistan”, particularly at the rise of the Islamic State (IS) group -- also known by its Arabic acro-nym Daesh.The previous two rounds were not publicly announced. The an-nouncement of the latest talks irked Kabul, which questioned

KABUL - The Wolesi Jirga on Wednesday urged President Mo-hammad Ashraf Ghani to intro-duce replacements for unseated cabinet members in deference to the decision of public representa-tives.On November 2, the lower house summoned 16 cabinet members and impeached the ministers of foreign affairs, labour, public works, education, transport, com-munication and higher education in absentia.The Wolesi Jirga had earlier warned the ministers, who used less than 70 percent of their devel-opment funds, of being voted out if they failed to convince the legis-lators on budget spending.Shaken by the disqualification of

KABUL - The Ministry of Interi-or (MoI) on Wednesday said that Afghan National Police (ANP) special forces have killed at least 1,551 insurgents over the past nine months, including 400 key insurgent commanders. The MoI statistics reveal that Special Forces carried out 1,482 special operations during this period with many operations targeting high profile insurgents. “The incident which happened in Shar-e-Naw of Kabul (Sep-tember) and the incident on the house of MP Mir Wali (this month), you (special forces) managed to avoid harm to others through your courage, profes-sionalism and skills,” said Jahed.

“The participants agreed to continue efforts towards fur-ther facilitating the Afghan-led peace and reconciliation process according to the known principles of reintegra-tion of the armed opposition

the effectiveness of a process on Afghanistan without its represen-tation.The three nations renewed their support for the reconciliation process in Afghanistan. “The par-ticipants agreed to continue ef-forts towards further facilitating the Afghan-ledpeace and recon-ciliation process according to the known principles of reintegra-tion of the armed opposition into peaceful life.”Russia and China confirmed their flexible approach to delisting Af-ghan individuals from the UN sanctions lists as their contribu-tion to efforts aimed at launching peaceful dialogue between Kabul and the Taliban, the statement added. ...(More on P4)...(3)

five ministers, the government later moved the Supreme Court to explain the voting out of cabinet members by parliament.Fozia Kofi, a lawmaker from Badakhshan province, questioned the continued presence of unseat-ed ministers in their portfolios and asked the president to imple-ment the relevant law and respect the lower house decision.Abdul Wali Niazi, an MP from Badakhshan province, held a similar view. He said the lower house had discharged its respon-sibility based on the law. The gov-ernment should stop violating the law, he demanded.Speaker Ibrahimi said: “The min-isters were disqualified in line with the ...(More on P4)...(6)

Interior Minister Taj Mohammad Jahed hailed the work of the spe-cial forces in counter-terrorism and said they have played a criti-cal role in eliminating key fig-ures. Jahed made the remarks at a ceremony in Kabul to mark the achievements by the Special Forces. He said they had managed in this time to foil a number of plots to take over major cities and dis-tricts. “The government leadership and supreme commander are deter-mined to further develop these forces so that major setbacks are imposed on the structure of the enemies ...(More on P4)...(7)
