Refugees around the World and in Turkey UNHCR Istanbul Field Office

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Refugees around the World and in Turkey

UNHCR Istanbul Field Office

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Refugees around the World–General

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Refugees around the World –General

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Refugees around the World–Syria

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Refugees around the World

• The Syrian crisis is theworld’s largest refugee crisisfollowing the Second WorldWar.

• The number of Syriannationals displacedinternally exceeds 7 million.

• More than 4.8 millionSyrians have becomerefugees in neighboringcountries.

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• UNHCR was established in December 14, 1950 by theUN General Assembly

• UNHCR’s headquarters is in Geneva, Switzerland

United Nationals High CommissionerFor Refugees

• The role of UNHCR is to protectrefugees on a global scale, to finddurable solutions for refugeeproblems as well as lead andcoordinate international actionsresponse to refugee crises.

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International and National Legal Framework

• A- International Legislation

• 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees (Turkey)

• 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees (accededGeographicalLimitation – Turkey)

• 1954 Convention related to the Status of Stateless Persons (Turkey ratified the Convention and entered into force on 26/06/2015)

• 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness (Turkey is about to accede the Convention)

• B- National Legislation

• Constitution (Art. 90)

• Law on Foreigners and International Protection No.6458

• Implementation Directive of LoFIP

• Law on the Protection of Family and Prevention of Violence against Women No. 6284

• Child Protection Law No. 5395• Regulations and Circulars

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1951 Convention –Refugee Definitions

• Outside of Country of Origin

• Well founded fear of persecution.

• 5 Reasons

– Race

– Religion

– Nationality

– Membership to a particular social group

– Political Opinion

• 1967 Protocol:

– Time Limitation

– Geographic Limitation

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• Article 1 FThe provisions of the 1951 Geneva Convention shall not apply to any person with respect to whom there are serious reasons for consideringthat:(a) he has committed a crime against peace, a war crime, or a crime against humanity, as defined in the international instruments drawn upto make provision in respect of such crimes;(b) he has committed a serious non-political crime outside the country of refuge prior to his admission to that country as a refugee;(c) he has been guilty of acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.

• Article 31The Contracting States shall not impose penalties, on account of their illegal entry or presence, on refugees who, coming directly from aterritory where their life or freedom was threatened, enter or are present in their territory without authorization, provided they presentthemselves without delay to the authorities and show good cause for their illegal entry or presence.

• Article 33No Contracting State shall expel or return (“refouler”) a refugee in any manner whatsoever to the frontiers of territories where his life orfreedom would be threatened on account of his race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion.

• Article 351. The Contracting States undertake to co-operate with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, or any otheragency of the United Nations which may succeed it, in the exercise of its functions, and shall in particular facilitate its duty of supervising theapplication of the provisions of this Convention.2. In order to enable the Office of the High Commissioner or any other agency of the United Nations which may succeed it, to make reports tothe competent organs of the United Nations, the Contracting States undertake to provide them in the appropriate form with information andstatistical data requested concerning:(a) The condition of refugees,(b) The implementation of this Convention, and;(c) Laws, regulations and decrees which are, or may hereafter be, in forcerelating to refugees

The 1951 Convention– Important Articles

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Refugees in Turkey

• Turkey has always been at a central position in refugee movements dueto its historical and geographical situation.

• Turkey stands as theworld’s most refugeehosting country (2. Pakistan,3. Lebanon).

• As of March 2016, thenumber of registeredSyrian nationals hasreached 2.724,946 (according to theTurkish Government). 273,882Syrian refugees live in camps as ofMarch 2016.

• Turkey also hosts more than 200,000 refugees from Iraq and othercountries.

• To the date, the Turkish government has spent more than 8 billion $ inresponse to the Syrian refugee emergency.

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Refugees in Turkey: Syrian refugees by Province

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Refugees in Turkey: Density of Syrian refugees by Province

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Refugees in Turkey: Non-Syrian refugees by province

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Refugees in Turkey: Non-Syrian Refugees

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• During the last 55 years, the UNHCR and Turkey have been working together in close partnership

• UNHCR operates in Turkey through the country office in Ankara andfield offices in Istanbul, Van, Gaziantep, Hatay and Sanliurfa.

• Currently the office in Turkey operates with 335 staff. Of the totalstaff, 49 are international, 28 are National Officers, 195 are generalservices staff and 63 are volunteers.

• Some of the specialized units within the offices include the PolicyDevelopment Unit, Protection and Documentation Unit, RefugeeStatus Determination Unit, Resettlement and Voluntary RepatriationUnit, Programme Unit and Public Relations Unit.

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Area of Responsibility

• Registration of refugees

• Refugee Status Determination

• Durable solutions

• Prioritization in the protection of vulnerablegroups (UAMs, survivors or torture, elderly, persons with special needs)

• Support in the development of policies andstrategies

• Capacity Building – State and Civilian Organizations

• Cooperation with NGOs

• Coordination and working with humanitarian organizations, other international organizations and other UN Agencies.

• Advocacy and Technical Support (Legal, operational)

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• Besides technical support, UNHCR also provideshumanitarian assistance to refugees in Turkey.

• UNHCR humanitarian assistance amounts to over $260million (cash voucher, tent, winterization assistance, food andvocational training)

• 34 mobile registration centers have been donated.


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• UNHCR has been designated as the lead agency for therefugee response for planning and coordination among theUNCT members. Currently, UNHCR is the co-lead of 3RP withUNDP.

• Under the regional and global leadership of UNHCR andUNDP, UN and partners are implementing the 3RP to supportthe Government of Turkey’s protection and assistanceresponse to meet the needs of refugees and hostcommunities in 2015 and 2016.

• UNHCR underlines the importance of international solidaritythrough financial support and responsibility sharing throughresettlement

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TURKEY–3RP Sectorial Overview

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TURKEY –3RP Sectorial Overview

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Refugees/Migrants Emergency Response -Mediterranean

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Refugees/Migrants Emergency Response -Mediterranean

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Refugees/Migrants Emergency Response - Mediterranean

• Lack of durable solutions after 5 years into the crisis leads to increase in irregular movements.

• A significant increase in the numbers of refugees attempting to reach the European Union through the Mediterranean and Aegean seas is observed.

• Risks and consequences of irregular movement• in 2014, 3279 and in 2015, 3771 persons lost lives while trying to reach to Eurpoea. • UNHCR is working in cooperation with sates in the region for the response to the situation

in Mediterranean and Aegean Sea

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Legal Framework –Timeline

2013 201404 07 10 2014 04 07 10

LoFIP Ratified4/4/2013

Removal and Reception Center Regulation


Foreign Student Circular9/23/2014

TPR Ratified10/11/2014

AFAD Health Circular IssuedAll Province


LoFIP Entered into Force


AFAD Circular on Services


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2015 2016


07 08 09 10 11 12 2016 02 03

AFAD & MoH Protocol7/1/2015

08/2015 AFAD Health Circular10/12/2015

Child Birth and Marriage Regulation10/13/2015

LoFIPImplementation Regulation3/17/2016

Migrant Health Center Directive


UAC Directive


MoH Directive on Health for TPR


Legal Framework –Timeline

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6458 Law on Foreigners and International Protection

• Concise and consolidated legal framework

• A new civilian institutionalized International Protectionsystem in accordance with 1951 Geneva Convention,relevant EU acquis communautaire and the case-law ofEuropean Court of Human Rights.

• Establishment of Directorate General of MigrationManagement

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6458 Law on Foreigners and International Protection

• Core principles of International Refugee Law andInternational Protection are embodied withindomestic law• Principle of non-refoulement

• Non penalization for irregular entry

• Suspensive effect of appeals

• Domestic legal remedies against administrativedetention

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6458 Law on Foreigners and International Protection

• 4 categories of International Protection:

• Refugee

• Conditional Refugee – Turkey’s Geographical Limitation to 1951 Convention

• Subsidiary Protection

• Temporary Protection

• Access to Rights and Services:

• Registration – Designated Satellite Cities – Documentation

• Access to health care services

• Access to education services

• Access to labour market

• Access to social assistance and solidarity

• Access to legal aid through Bar Associations

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Temporary Protection Regulation

• Law on Foreigners and International Protection Article – 91

• Scope:

• Nationals of Syrian Arab Republic arriving from the Republic of Syria, stateless persons, refugees

• Persons arriving after April 28, 2011

• Right to Temporary Protection: Being excluded from the general

procedural requirements to enter the country.

• Non penalization for irregular entry

• Principle of non-refoulement

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Temporary Protection Regulation

• Access to Rights and Services:

• Registration – Documentation • Access to health care services• Access to education services• Access to labour market • Access to social assistance and solidarity • Access to legal aid through Bar Associations

• Accommodation• 26 Camps in South East Turkey• Childcare Institutions • Women Shelters • Urban Setting

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