Refuge in Illinois Doctrine & Covenants 123:1 “491 claims at $1,300,000” Doctrine & Covenants 123:12 “Who are only kept from the truth because they know not where to find it.” Just because it’s interesting : Both Jessie James and Alexander Doniphan came from the Liberty area.

Refuge in Illinois Doctrine Covenants 123:1 491 claims at $1,300,000 Doctrine Covenants 123:12 Who are only kept from the truth because they know

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What was the next thing Joseph heard from Missouri? Governor Reynolds had shot himself (draw your own conclusion). Joseph said on another occasion, “I have always been afraid to ask God to kill my enemies because I know He will, and per venture they will repent, so I have not done that.”

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Page 1: Refuge in Illinois Doctrine  Covenants 123:1 491 claims at $1,300,000 Doctrine  Covenants 123:12 Who are only kept from the truth because they know

Refuge in Illinois

Doctrine & Covenants 123:1“491 claims at $1,300,000”

Doctrine & Covenants 123:12“Who are only kept from the truth because they know not where to find it.”

Just because it’s interesting:

Both Jessie James and Alexander Doniphan came from the Liberty area.

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Who was the longest serving Bishop in the Church on record?

Elijah Sheets (55 years!)

After Joseph and the others had escaped from Liberty, Governor Reynolds harassed the Prophet constantly.

It became so bad that one day the Prophet wrote in his journal, “Heavenly Father, if Governor Reynolds will not leave me and this people alone, then take him away.”

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What was the next thing Joseph heard from Missouri?

Governor Reynolds had shot himself (draw your own conclusion).

Joseph said on another occasion,

“I have always been afraid to ask God to kill my enemies because I know He will, and per venture they will repent, so I have not done that.”

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General Clarks words at Far West:Another article yet remains for you to comply with, and that is that you leave the state forthwith, and whatever may be your feelings concerning this, or whatever your innocence, it is nothing to me. I am sorry gentlemen, to see so great a number of apparently intelligent men found in the situation that you are.

You have always been the aggressors. You have brought upon yourselves these difficulties by being disaffected and not being subject to rule.

My advice is that you become citizens.

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Sad Stories!The Saints began to leave.

They were given until April 1st to get out.

The Missourians did not care how they got out.

All of the Saints animals were either stolen or killed.

Many of the Saints lived in makeshift shelters and the blizzards of Northern Missouri took there toll on the sick and many died.

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Joseph Kingsberry and his wife Caroline finally left in the latter part of January.

Caroline had dropsy which is a disease that was very painful (the fluid filled the tissues of the body which if you laid on your back it would drown the heart).

Caroline’s legs swelled up so much that the fluid caused her tissues in her legs to burst. Joseph had to take Caroline 200 miles to get across the Mississippi and into Northern Missouri. It was a two week journey.

During their journey it either rained or snowed every day, the roads were a mess. Caroline had to sleep sitting up which caused her entire body to swell. She was in terrible pain and eventually died because of the dropsy. This was a difficult test for her family.

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John and Andrew Little were brothers who owned one wagon to move both of their families. When they arrived at the Mississippi River they camped in the river bottoms so they had some protection from the wind.

While camping, the river froze and they were able to take their wagon and families across the river. They stayed in a tiny cabin which barely accommodated them. Within a day, the owner asked them to leave because he had someone else he wanted to rent it to. They vacated into another shelter where one of the wives gave birth to a little boy.

The owner of that shelter asked them to leave on the same day that the baby was born. The baby died because of exposure.

Most people have not heard the story about the Little family.

Several hundred people died as a result of what the Missourians did to them.

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Levi Hancock was a General Authority of the Church and had given everything he had to help the people get out of Missouri.

His last milk cow was shot by the mob. He skinned the cow to get some meat and leather.

His oldest child was shot by the mob and miraculously healed. The mob later found the same child and whipped him with hickory rods until his back was blistered and bleeding.

Levi had one blind horse and five people to get to the Mississippi River. He built a wagon with an old foot lathe. He had no feed for the horse. That was how he and his family left Missouri.

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His children had no shoes and Levi’s wife’s feet were wrapped in rags. As they camped that night his wife took off the rags by the fire to warm her feet and to dry the rags.

Levi prophesied and said, “I feel impressed to say that the Lord will provide a pair of shoes.”

After the rags were dried, his wife reached over the log and there were a pair of shoes. They fit her feet perfectly. They had no idea where the shoes came from.

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When they finally got to Quincy, Illinois, their horse was all but dead, and Levi had no way of taking care of it. He led the horse down to the frozen river, put some hay down for the horse and then chopped a hole in the ice so that the horse would drown.

It is difficult for us to comprehend what the Saints went through during that period of time.

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George MillerThough he did not remain faithful to the end, he did become a presiding Bishop of the Church.

At one time in the History of the Church there were 16 Presiding Bishops.

Brigham Young put an end to that in 1877. He called one and released the others. Edward Hunter received that call.

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From that time to today we have had only one presiding Bishop of the Church at a time.

George Miller was a very prominent man and is mentioned in the Doctrine & Covenants. The Savior promised him “Eternal Life” if he would remain true and faithful.

At the time of the war he was a very wealthy farmer that lived about 60 miles from Quincy. He had a large flock of sheep but the wolves kept killing them. He decided that he better sell before he lost any more.

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He ended up taking 500 head of sheep across the Mississippi into northern Missouri looking for buyers. He had a hard time finding anyone to purchase his sheep because most of the Missourian men were chasing the Mormons.

He finally sold the sheep. Along the way he repeatedly heard about the Mormon’s situation and began to sympathize with them. When he got back to Quincy his health began to break down and he had know idea what to do with his farm. He understood that he needed to have someone take care of it for him.

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He owned the following:

Three hundred acres of tillable land, between 5,000 and 8,000 bushels of grain for which there was no market. A large quantity of bacon and lard. 250 head of hogs, 100 head of cattle along with sheep. Poultry and 14 well selected horses, well suited for saddle or harness and three yearling colts.

In the process of trying to determine what to do with his farm he felt impressed to ask if the Mormons could help him.

He owned a home with 8 large rooms. He also owned two smaller homes.

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He met Joseph Smith Sr. soon after he had been recommended to him as someone who would help.

Joseph Sr. told George Miller that he and his sons would take charge of the farm. Joseph Sr. then praised God that George had been sent to the Saints and that he was an answer to their prayers.

Joseph Sr. told the destitute Mormons to come and get provisions to subsist on.

George Miller turned out to be a “Savior” to the Saints.

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Doctrine & Covenants 118:5

It was a simple revelation which quickly got complicated. On April 26th, 1839 the Twelve were to dedicate the temple spot in Far West, Missouri before they left on their mission to England. Joseph Smith Sr. thought the Lord would not require it of them because of the persecutions from their enemies.

Brigham Young, however knew the doctrine too well and he would not be deterred.

The mobs also knew about the revelation because of apostates. One apostate was Isaac B. Russell who said that Joseph was not a prophet because that revelation was one that would not be fulfilled.

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The mob and apostates bragged continually how that was one revelation that would not come to pass.

Theodore Turley was told that he would give up Mormonism after the mob prevented the prophecy from coming to pass.

Turley jumped to his feet and said, “In the name of God, that revelation will be fulfilled.”

The above event happened 21 days prior to April 26th, 1839.

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The night before the revelation was to be fulfilled John E. Page was unsure whether he wanted to go. Brigham Young insisted that he should. They stayed just outside of Far West.

After midnight they gathered at the temple lot. Seven members of the Twelve were present (two had not yet been ordained).

Both Wilford Woodruff and George A. Smith were ordained Apostles at the Far West Temple spot.

George A. Smith was 22 years old. Willard Richards would have been ordained also but he was serving in the British Mission Presidency.

Willard was ordained later in England.

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They excommunicated several people from the Church, including Isaac Russell, John Goodson and their wives.

They rolled a stone on one of the corners and Brigham Young dedicated the site of the temple.

Darwin Chase and Norman Sheer were ordained 70’s.

They sang “Di – Ahman” as they departed to take up their journey and start their missions.

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A Classic Story:As they had completed their meeting in Far West and began traveling out of town, Theodore Turley asked a couple of the Twelve if they would wait for a few moments because he wanted to say goodbye to his old friend Isaac Russell. The sun was just barely up enough to give some light when he knocked at the Russell home.

Mrs. Russell was dumbfounded to see Theodore Turley. Theodore Turley said, “I have come to say goodbye. I have taken up my mission with the Twelve.” Isaac Russell said, “What day is it?” Theodore Turley said, “It’s April 26th!”

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It turned out that the mob had simply forgotten about the date. This event was considered by the Saints to be a great miracle from God.

Isaac Russell could not speak. Theodore Turley bore his testimony to Isaac Russell and his wife. Theodore then left, never to see Isaac in mortality again.

Isaac Russell never came back to the Church even after witnessing such a great prophecy fulfilled.

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Nauvoo in 1839There was a lot of illness in July of 1839. The prophet’s homestead was jammed with people. His whole yard was covered with people. He invited them to come and camp on his land.

People were so sick that some were dyeing. Joseph exercised great faith and mighty prayer and the Holy Ghost purged his sick body and cleaned it every whit (3 Nephi 8:1). Joseph stood on his feet and healed everyone on his property.

He blessed and healed everyone he came across that day.

Joseph crossed the river in a canoe and went to Montrose, Iowa.

He healed Brigham Young and took him with him to heal others.

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They went to the home of Elijah Fordham (designed the 12 oxen in the Salt Lake City Temple). Elijah was on his death bed and the Prophet got down beside him and heard his faint heart beat. Joseph then yelled at him at the top of his lungs, “Elijah, can you hear me?” Apparently Elijah somehow made it known to Joseph that he could.

The Prophet than commanded him in the name of God to stand on his feet.

Elijah stood up.

Joseph then asked Elijah if he would come with him and Brigham as he needed his faith. Elijah said that he would, but he needed a bowl of milk and bread before he would be ready to go.

The healings of Montrose spread like wildfire. It was truly a day of the power of God in the area.

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A stranger rode up almost breathless after hearing that Joseph Smith was raising the dead and healing the sick. His wife had begged him to go and get the Prophet Joseph to bless their sick twins. He asked if Joseph would come and heal his children (just three months old).

The Prophet told him no, but gave his red hanky to Wilford Woodruff and told him to do it.

He told Wilford that when he arrived to wipe the sweat off the twins foreheads with the red hanky and they would be healed instantly.

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Wilford later testified it was as Joseph said it would be.

Wilford went to return the hanky to Joseph and the Prophet told him to keep it. He said It would serve as a bond between them in this life.

Wilford Woodruff later used the same handkerchief in Salt Lake City to heal his daughter who was sick unto death. He spread it on her chest and by the morning she was healed.

I’ve always wondered if the non-member who’s twins were blessed and healed by Wilford Woodruff ever joined the Church.

(Acts 19:12)