3Iny 1,1030 CJIEI\IlS’I’RY AND IXDUSTRY 345 the book concluding wit11 IL list of referelms and an indes. It is ii very rentlnl)le and up-to-dntc cpitomc of our lino\rlctlgc of tho subject.. PRECIPITATED CHALK : HISTORY, MANUFACTURE, ASI) STANDARDIZATION. Bv A. P. Wilson. MA. 2nd ed. Pp. 62. Birn<ngham : J. RC E. Sturge, Ltd., 1835. This slender volunic is almost unique. It is one of tho best pieces of propiignnda ~dticli the re\ wwer * has ever rend. Rigidly scientific, professiondly pre- cise, nnd benutifully illustrntcd, it would form n model for ranny R doctoral thesis. Its primary purpose is to show the physical propertics of precipitnted chalk nnd to cornpnrc tlieni with those of possible substitutes. It docs tliis in n most ndinirnblc manner. In II field of clicniistry and physics in which re.search wn8 inipcrntivc, it is nll to the credit of one firm of rnnmifnctiiring chemists tlrnt they under- took thir work in their own lnboriitories, estnblished their own tcchniqiie of testing niid tlicir own stnn- dnrds, niid then puhlishcd tlic results in such a forin as to raise thc stnndnrd quality of tlie product t.hroughout the world I Mnny other iiinniifncturing chemists do sonic work of this kind, hiit few if any do all thnt has been doiic iri this instance. For thosc \vho are cliiclly iiitcrcsted in the mero contcnte of the book, it tnny be mentioned thnt it contairis chnpters on the history and geology of chalk, tlic properties of precipitnted chnlk, chalk standards, iiscs of precipitnted chnlk, nnd testing chnlk, the last named being tho most important. Them is n useful glossnry, but no index I The 25 photographs nnd microphotographs nre pnrti- cularly attrnctivc. In its own field the book is invnlunble, biit it hn~ D fnr lnrgcr field of iisefiilness, nn~ncIy, ns nn objcct- lesson to all who widi to interest others (pnrticiilnrly those with an npprcciiitioti of ~ncthods of testing) in the proprties iitid uses of n clieinical prodnct. A. U. SEARLE fcw nimufacturcrs will bo :ihIe to tiinkc inucli use of it atid most glnss tcclmologists 11:ive tlie information in tlic so~irccs from \vhieIi this book lins I m n compiled. As n prclilninnry survey of t hc siibjcct the work is uscfid, but its :L monogriipli it is disiippoiliting, pnrtici~lii~ly to tliosc who piircltnse it in order to improve thcir products. Tlio Tentntivc Spccifica- tioti on pp. 116-7 is I)ceuliiirly ilissntisfyiiig. (IOUItS 1)15 CIIJMIK lSI)US1’1~11SI.I.IE. A. 13. S. 13y c:. Drlpollt. Val. I. Gdiidritlitds--Lcs Cottil~ustil~lcs. .l:p. vi + 18.1.. 35 fr. Val. 11. Lcs Iiiclustrics Aliidralcs. 1’1). iv + 337, 86 fr. Piiris : C::iu t.11 icr-Vil hi rs, 1 930. Tlic i1ppc:irmice of this oxc(:llcnt book is nil ittdicii- tiori of the iiicrciisitig nttcntiori wliiclt is l)eiiig $\mi iri Friiticc to the cduc:itioii of the chcmic:il cilgllicer :iid the indiist.riiiI cIicliiistl. ‘I!Iic c.oinpletcd work will coiisist. of five voliiiiics, wliiclt \\*ill cover tlic wldr riitige of iiitlustri:il rlic!inist.ry. Val. I tlrnli wit11 Kctierit1 principles nlid irit.11 cotn- l~iistil)l~ iiiiiteriitls. Followillg IL ~rcll-~lc~it~c~l itlid Iogiciil order, Prof. Ihpotit begins with ii tlcfiriition of ciipit;il iiitercst iind credit wigrs, piitciit rights, and Icitttlrcd mittcrs. Ilc tlirti Iiiys dowi t.lic priiiciplcs for t,lic dcsigii of :i fiictory :incl tliosc for tlic erection of pltitit for iiiising, scptir:it,ioii, cst.riict ioil, Altriition, drying, hciiting, cooling, cvitpor;itiotl, :itid rlistillittioii -fitiidiimciitiil opcixtioiis proper to the clicmicnl ciigiiiccr. rl‘lic tcclitiiqur iii cnch CILS(? is clciirly tlcscribctl :itid ~i~)p~op~iiitcly illtistriitctl. Soltic of tlirsc tlcscript,ioiis Iiiiglit with :itlviitit:igc Iliivc I)ccu csp:iritletl, particularly tltosc rcliit.iiig to filtration, cctit~rifiigitl pliiut, n1~1 iiilsorpt ioil, hit on tlic whole this iiitrodiicth tidequately ncliicvcs its pitrposc as 11 st;rtciiicnt of cllenliciil etigittccritig 1)riticiples. ti 31s works :ire well tlcscril)ctl, biit tlic distillntioii of woocl--wliicli might qipropri:itcly Iiuvc folloivccl tht of cod-is to iippcitr iu tlic fourth vo1itii1e, \rlticlt is not yet ~~til)Iislicd. Crnckiag, wllicli Iiils bccotiic so ititportiiiit trcliiiiccilly iti rcccnt yc:irs, liiirtlly receives iitlcqiiiiLc trciltti1ctit. 0111y tllc met hods of Ihbbs iiiitl l3crgius nrc dcscribcd, nnd tlicsc iivt as fully iis they iniglit I~nvc IJWII. A fuller Iiistoricnl ntitl tl~corct,ici~l review \voiild Iinw iniprovcd this scct,ion. Val. I1 t,rciit,s of t,lic production of gilscs, heavy clictinicnls, fccdi~ig stullk, silica, gl:iss, iiiitl t,lic tcclt- iiolopy of the ccrniiiic iiidiistrics. The sections rcliitiilg to’ siilt iiid fcctliiig atufik iirc wry siit,isfiict ory. 111 ge~icr~iI, th iirriiiigctticnt of tlic wliolc scction rcliitiiig to tlic tcclinology of giiscs is intelligent iiiirl tlcsiglictl to bring oot tlic iinliortunco of tlie npplicntion of fiintliuiictitiil principles of cliciiiicnl ciigiiiccring t o tlicso industries. Tliis book ciiti be tliorouglily rccoinmciidctl to stiitlcnts of industrid clicniistry and chemictiI cngitlccring, for wllotn i t his beeti tlcsigiictl. It is so arriingcd tht it cnii be studied lcssoii by lessoil by those titltitig ii University coiirso in industrial I1 llie tcch~~~logy of tlic till. oils :itid tlic Iiiy-oitt of

Refractory blocks for glass tank furnaces. By J. H. Partridge, B. Sc., Ph.D. With a Foreword by Prof. W. E. S. Turner, O.B.E., D.Sc., M.Sc. Pp. x + 128. Sheffield: Society of Glass

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Page 1: Refractory blocks for glass tank furnaces. By J. H. Partridge, B. Sc., Ph.D. With a Foreword by Prof. W. E. S. Turner, O.B.E., D.Sc., M.Sc. Pp. x + 128. Sheffield: Society of Glass

3Iny 1,1030 CJIEI\IlS’I’RY A N D IXDUSTRY 345

the book concluding wit11 I L list of referelms and an indes. It is ii very rentlnl)le and up-to-dntc cpitomc of our lino\rlctlgc of tho subject..

PRECIPITATED CHALK : HISTORY, MANUFACTURE, ASI) STANDARDIZATION. Bv A. P. Wilson. MA. 2nd ed. Pp. 62. Birn<ngham : J. RC E. Sturge, Ltd., 1835.

This slender volunic is almost unique. It is one of tho best pieces of propiignnda ~dticli the re\ wwer *

has ever rend. Rigidly scientific, professiondly pre- cise, nnd benutifully illustrntcd, i t would form n model for ranny R doctoral thesis. Its primary purpose is to show the physical propertics of precipitnted chalk nnd to cornpnrc tlieni with those of possible substitutes. It docs tliis in n most ndinirnblc manner. In II field of clicniistry and physics in which

re.search wn8 inipcrntivc, i t is nll t o the credit of one firm of rnnmifnctiiring chemists tlrnt they under- took thir work in their own lnboriitories, estnblished their own tcchniqiie of testing niid tlicir own stnn- dnrds, niid then puhlishcd tlic results i n such a forin as t o raise thc stnndnrd quality of tlie product t.hroughout the world I Mnny other iiinniifncturing chemists do sonic work of this kind, hiit few if any do all thnt has been doiic ir i this instance.

For thosc \vho are cliiclly iiitcrcsted in the mero contcnte of the book, it tnny be mentioned thnt i t contairis chnpters on the history and geology of chalk, tlic properties of precipitnted chnlk, chalk standards, iiscs of precipitnted chnlk, nnd testing chnlk, the last named being tho most important. Them is n useful glossnry, but no index I The 25 photographs nnd microphotographs nre pnrti- cularly attrnctivc.

In its own field the book is invnlunble, biit i t h n ~ D fnr lnrgcr field of iisefiilness, nn~ncIy, ns n n objcct- lesson to all who widi to interest others (pnrticiilnrly those with an npprcciiitioti of ~ncthods of testing) in the proprties iitid uses of n clieinical prodnct.


fcw nimufacturcrs will bo :ihIe to tiinkc inucli use of it atid most glnss tcclmologists 11:ive tlie information in tlic so~irccs from \vhieIi this book lins I m n compiled. As n prclilninnry survey of t hc siibjcct the work is uscfid, but its :L monogriipli it is disiippoiliting, pnrtici~lii~ly to tliosc who piircltnse it in order to improve thcir products. Tlio Tentntivc Spccifica- tioti on pp. 116-7 is I)ceuliiirly ilissntisfyiiig.

(IOUItS 1)15 C I I J M I K lSI)US1’1~11SI.I.IE.

A. 13. S.

13y c:. Drlpollt. Val. I. Gdiidritlitds--Lcs Cottil~ustil~lcs. .l:p. vi + 18.1.. 35 fr. Val. 11. Lcs Iiiclustrics Aliidralcs. 1’1). iv + 337, 86 fr. Piiris : C::iu t.11 icr-Vil hi rs, 1 930.

Tlic i1ppc:irmice of this oxc(:llcnt book is nil ittdicii- tiori of the iiicrciisitig nttcntiori wliiclt is l)eiiig $\mi ir i Friiticc to the cduc:itioii of the chcmic:il cilgllicer : i i d the indiist.riiiI cIicliiistl. ‘I!Iic c.oinpletcd work will coiisist. of five voliiiiics, wliiclt \\*ill cover tlic w l d r riitige of iiitlustri:il rlic!inist.ry.

Val. I tlrnli wit11 Kctierit1 principles nlid irit.11 cotn- l~iisti l) l~ iiiiiteriitls. Followillg I L ~ r c l l - ~ l c ~ i t ~ c ~ l itlid Iogiciil order, Prof. Ihpot i t begins with ii tlcfiriition of ciipit;il iiitercst iind credit wigrs, piitciit rights, and Icitttlrcd mittcrs. Ilc tlirti Iiiys dowi t.lic priiiciplcs for t,lic dcsigii of :i fiictory :incl tliosc for tlic erection of pltitit for iiiising, scptir:it,ioii, cst.riict ioil, Altriition, drying, hciiting, cooling, cvitpor;itiotl, : i t i d rlistillittioii -fitiidiimciitiil opcixtioiis proper to the clicmicnl ciigiiiccr. rl‘lic tcclitiiqur i i i cnch CILS(? is clciirly tlcscribctl :itid ~i~)p~op~ii i tc ly illtistriitctl. Soltic of tlirsc tlcscript,ioiis Iiiiglit with :itlviitit:igc Iliivc I)ccu csp:iritletl, particularly tltosc rcliit.iiig to filtration, cctit~rifiigitl pliiut, n 1 ~ 1 iiilsorpt ioil, hit on tlic whole this i i i trodiicth tidequately ncliicvcs its pitrposc as 11 st;rtciiicnt of cllenliciil etigittccritig 1)riticiples.

ti 31s works :ire well tlcscril)ctl, biit tlic distillntioii of woocl--wliicli might qipropri:itcly Iiuvc folloivccl t h t of cod-is to iippcitr i u tlic fourth vo1itii1e, \rlticlt is not yet ~~til)Iislicd. Crnckiag, wllicli Iiils bccotiic so ititportiiiit trcliiiiccilly i t i rcccnt yc:irs, liiirtlly receives iitlcqiiiiLc trciltti1ctit. 0111y tllc met hods of Ihbbs i i i it l l3crgius nrc dcscribcd, nnd tlicsc iivt as fully iis they iniglit I ~ n v c IJWII. A fuller Iiistoricnl ntitl tl~corct,ici~l review \voiild I i n w iniprovcd this scct,ion.

Val. I1 t,rciit,s of t,lic production of gilscs, heavy clictinicnls, fccdi~ig stullk, silica, gl:iss, i i i i t l t,lic tcclt- iiolopy of t h e ccrniiiic iiidiistrics. The sections rcliitiilg t o ’ siilt i i i d fcctliiig atufik iirc wry siit,isfiict ory. 111 ge~icr~iI, t h iirriiiigctticnt of tlic wliolc scction rcliitiiig to tlic tcclinology of giiscs is intelligent iiiirl tlcsiglictl to bring oot tlic iinliortunco of tlie npplicntion of fiintliuiictitiil principles of cliciiiicnl ciigiiiccring to tlicso industries.

Tliis book ciiti be tliorouglily rccoinmciidctl to stiitlcnts of industrid clicniistry and chemictiI cngitlccring, for wllotn i t his beeti tlcsigiictl. It is so arriingcd t h t it cnii be studied lcssoii by lessoil by those titltitig ii University coiirso in industrial

I 1 llie t c c h ~ ~ ~ l o g y of tlic till. oils : i t i d tlic Iiiy-oitt of