Our Savior Lutheran Church October • Volume 75 Issue 10 First Public Monument of Martin Luther Wittenberg, Germany Reformation Sunday October 29 Divine Service w/Communion 8:30 and 11:00

Reformation Sunday October 29 - Our Savior Lutheran … the fearless - well, to them, such Faith is indeed something to put down! 3 So the Empire struck back against Luther (and keeps

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Page 1: Reformation Sunday October 29 - Our Savior Lutheran … the fearless - well, to them, such Faith is indeed something to put down! 3 So the Empire struck back against Luther (and keeps

Our Savior Lutheran Church October • Volume 75 • Issue 10

First Public Monument of Martin Luther

Wittenberg, Germany

Reformation Sunday October 29

Divine Service w/Communion 8:30 and 11:00

Page 2: Reformation Sunday October 29 - Our Savior Lutheran … the fearless - well, to them, such Faith is indeed something to put down! 3 So the Empire struck back against Luther (and keeps


From the Pastor Pastor Kevin Martin [email protected]

Continued on page 3

“500” Takers not makers - that’s what we are; spongers, beggars after all, living off the bounty, mercy, and merits of Another. But oh, how high we’ll live - the things we’ll see, the places we will go, on this free ride! The slight pang of self-hatred, the humiliation that you feel at first, re-alizing you can’t provide a good life for yourself, quickly vanishes away in the ocean of His mercy and the grandeur of His Kingdom. So much so, that one will happily spend one’s whole earthly life in repentance, that is confession of our sin and trust in the mercy of Christ Jesus which takes away the sin of the world… That’s how I’d sum up the 95 theses of Martin Luther, the 500th anniversary of which we observe at the end of this month. The famous first thesis (many don’t get much further, as the 95 theses were designed for academic debate and are rather dense in their argumentation) “1. When our Lord and Master Jesus Christ said, ``Repent'' (Matthew 4:17), He willed the en-tire life of believers to be one of repentance” can seem to be a bit puritanical if you don’t press all the way through and also read some of Luther’s other works. A life of repentance sounds morbid, gloomy, and dull until you learn Luther’s more biblical take on the idea. Repentance in Greek is μετανοια metanoia - which means literally a “change of mind”. It depends on what you change from and what you change to, when you change your mind, whether it’s a good thing or a bad thing. We’ve all done it. Sometimes it’s been the best idea you ever had, when, for example against your earlier fear she might embarrass you, you change your mind and decide to go ahead and ask out the prettiest girl in Prof. Hall’s sopho-more English class. Sometimes, it’s one of the worst when you change your mind (after run-ning the red light) and decide that you can evade the police car whose lights just came on be-hind you, if you just give it a little more gas and take that quick right over the hill and duck into the wooded lot… or, uh, so I’ve heard from friends. When we change our minds in the biblical sense of “repent” - that is, change from thinking that we could probably qualify for heaven on our own merits, with just a little effort, a few good works, and a tiny bit of help from above - when we change from that mindset to thinking that we are really losers(!) who truly deserve to go to hell, and so put all our chips on the cross of Jesus Christ as our only hope and live by faith in Him alone, gleefully sponging off His merits and mercy, our prospects don’t dim or dull, but brighten, considerably…(!) The Bible has a delightful way of changing your mind in this respect too - from thinking Heaven has to be earned by considerable efforts on our part to realizing it’s like the best Party, the greatest Festival ever thrown with absolutely no security to keep anyone out! It’s only when you read most of the thing that this dawns on you, and then you go back and read it a couple more times (just to be sure!) and sure enough - that’s the way the Bible says it is - despite what so many have told you about it! The only one keeping you out of heaven is you - by your dreary moralism that makes you think you have to earn it by lots of ethical rigor and boring works and tedious religious knowledge. You can change your mind on that anytime you like and it will be a change from falsehood to Truth! You can see why they kicked Luther out for publishing stuff like this! “A man who knows he has an everlasting kingdom can dance through this life with joy,” Luther said. And it’s true! Knowing that everything, even the bad and painful stuff of this world is only leading us to that Place at the End of the World where we pass through the curtain and God takes His hands off our eyes and goes: “Look!” and what we see is so wonderful, beyond all description, eternal, and all ours to enjoy forever! How can you keep people with such Faith down in the dumps? How can you frighten or terrorize them? Well, you can’t! And as Augustine said “a fearless man will judge the world” and for those whose power and wealth depend on not being judged by the fearless - well, to them, such Faith is indeed something to put down!

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So the Empire struck back against Luther (and keeps striking back!) against those reckless enough to follow him down this narrow and difficult (but delightful!) path. Faith disarms tyrants of this world and the next. It takes away the fear of death, fear of punishment, fear of failure that haunts and binds up so many and makes kings and queens of those who live by IT. And with no fear, well, life becomes considerably more enjoyable… Heaven is when good things happen to bad people. By publishing this Biblical news, Luther unleashed a storm that still hasn’t stopped. Liberalism and conservatism, democracy and total-itarianism, socialism and capitalism, plus some other isms I’m forgetting at the moment - even the forces of social media(!) have labored mightily to get that genii back in the bottle, or failing that, to claim its power for their purposes. But it didn’t work then, and it won’t work now on the fearless, the beggars who live free off the merit and mercy of Christ Jesus by the Faith He grants through Word and Sacraments. The world hasn’t been the same since Luther posted those theses. In many ways, it has been worse, because the Devil will fight to keep what he thinks is his. Relatively few seem to have that necessary bit of self-hatred combined with the sense/swagger to say “well, even if He’s wrong, I like where Jesus’ head is at so much better than Adam Smith’s, Karl Marx’s, Charles Darwin’s the Pope’s et. al. and I’d rather go down swinging with Him than depend on those guys for life, health, and happiness!” I mean, if Jesus is wrong, you’ll never know it ac-cording to the above mentioned, and if He’s right, well… the places you will go, the things you will see! Which is where we started and where I think we’ll end. To be takers is humiliating for a world that takes pride only in being makers who “built that”. But for any and all who aren’t too proud to beg from Jesus, a life of repentance is truly the golden ticket… and the 500th anniver-sary of that renewed realization is worth a little celebration, I’d say.

Listen to Pr. Martin on KFUO.org

Friday, October 6, at 12 noon EST Thy Strong Word

Luke Chapter 16 The Parable of the Dishonest Manager

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Date Service of the Church Year

Service Time

Order of Service

Cantors Instrumentalists/



10/1/2017 17th Sunday

after Pentecost




DS w/Communion

Beth Hallowell

Ladies Chorus

Beth Hallowell

Ladies Chorus

Noël Hamm

Russell Wilcox

10/8/2017 18th Sunday

after Pentecost



DS w/Communion


Dean Boik & Dave Dickmander


Kimberly Schwartz


Noël Hamm

Russell Wilcox

10/15/2017 19th Sunday

after Pentecost




DS w/Communion

Laura Jordan


Alison Nack & Emily Zimmerman


Noël Hamm

Russell Wilcox

10/22/2017 20th Sunday

after Pentecost



DS w/Communion



Kerri Martinsen


Jubilate Ringers

Russell Wilcox

Noël Hamm

10/29/2017 Reformation




DS w/Communion


Choir &


Noël Hamm & Russell Wilcox

Russell Wilcox, Music Director/Organist Noël Hamm, Handbell Director/Organist

Russell Wilcox: [email protected] Noël Hamm: [email protected] Worship & Music

Choir Rehearsal Sunday, October 1, 9:00 a.m. Sunday, October 8, 9:00 a.m./12 noon Lunch provided Sunday, October 15, 9:00 a.m./12 noon Lunch provided Sunday, October 22, 9:30 a.m.

Jubilate Ringers Rehearsal Mondays, 6:30 p.m.

Page 5: Reformation Sunday October 29 - Our Savior Lutheran … the fearless - well, to them, such Faith is indeed something to put down! 3 So the Empire struck back against Luther (and keeps


Genesis Dr. Ridgeway is teaching on the book of Genesis in office 122 (9:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.)

Pastor’s Class Adult Bible Class with Pastor Martin will continue the study of Articles of the Augsburg Confession.

Tuesday Mornings 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. This class meets with Pastor on Tuesdays in the Conference Room. Pastor provides an in-depth look at the upcoming lessons for the following Sunday.

Wednesday Evening Class 7:00 - 8:15 p.m. “Hallmarks of Lutheran Identity” written by Alvin J. Schmidt. The class with Pr. Martin will be concluded on Wednesday, October 25th. On Tuesday, October 31, Reformation Day, the author, The Rev. Dr. Al Schmidt, will be at OSLC for a wrap up and Q/A on the book beginning at 7:00 p.m.


All Sunday School students 3 years old to adult will meet in the Fellowship Hall following the 8:30 service. The children will be dismissed to the

undercroft to sing and then on to their class.

2017-2018 Sunday School Staff Preschool: Vera Beers, Snjezena Woods

K/1st Grade: Carolina Cooper, Shelley Dorman, LeAnn Hirt 2nd/3rd Grades: Trevor Hirt, Britt Johnson, Nuria Zierz

4th/5th Grades: Marcella Cox, Janet Dickmander, Faith Orr 6th - 8th Grades: Karl Abbott, Dave Dickmander, Zach Dorman

9th - 12th Grades: Maureen Costello

October Teachers Preschool: Snjezena Woods K/1st grade: Shelley Dorman 2nd/3rd grades: Britt Johnson 4th/5th grades: Marcella Cox

6th - 8th grades: Zach Dorman 9th - 12th grades: Maureen Costello

Due to a scheduling conflict the week of October 15 Pastor’s weekly class will meet on


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Staff and Council

Our Savior Lutheran Church 1500 Glenwood Ave.

Raleigh, NC 27608-2338 Phone: (919) 832-8822

FAX: (866) 251-6054 (toll free) Web site: www.oslcraleigh.org

Pastor [email protected] Reverend Kevin Martin

Office [email protected] Maureen Costello

Music Noël Hamm [email protected]

Handbell Director/Organist Russell Wilcox [email protected]

Music Director/Organist


Budget $ 301,520 Income $ 298,907 Expenses $ 290,003

Net $ 8,904 *does not include rental


Church Council 2017-2018 President: Chris Nack Vice President: Matthew Cox Secretary: Todd Howell Treasurer: Sandy Ange Financial Secretary: Steve Schammel At-Large Member: Dave Dickmander Elders Chairman: Darwin Roseman

OSLC has purchased and installed an auto-mated external defibrillator (AED).

It is located in the Church Office in the First Aid cabinet [above the mail boxes].

The doors are clearly marked.

The LCMS churches in the greater Triangle will

celebrate the 500th Anniversary of the

Reformation on

Sunday, November 5, 2017

The event will include a worship service featuring main speaker, The Rev. Dr. Gregory P. Seltz, speaker of The Lutheran Hour radio hour.

Sunday, November 5, 2017 Community Worship service at 12:30 p.m. Community Service Event 2:00 - 6:00 p.m.


They are looking for volunteers to be advocates (assisting people to move in the clinic area from station to station), prayer teams, medical, dental, blood donors for blood bank, kid zone volunteers, door persons for directions, liaisons with food trucks.

If you are interested in volunteering in any way please visit www.trianglefaith.org and click on

the Volunteer Sign up link.

Training information is available there.

Next Council meeting: Tuesday, October 10

5:30 p.m.

The Church Office will be closed Wednesday, October 19 - Friday, October 20 to allow the staff to attend and participate in the Southeastern District

Church Workers Conference in Virginia. Please contact Darwin Roseman, Elders Chair, with any concerns. He can be reached at 919-244-9697 The office will resume regular hours on Tuesday,

October 24.

Elders Meeting Tuesday, 10/3

5:30 p.m.

SED Treasurer’s and Stewardship Workshop Friday, October 6, 2017

9:00 - 3:00 p.m. Our Savior Lutheran Church, Raleigh

Circuit Forum Saturday, October 28

10:00 a.m. Our Savior

Lutheran Church

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We remember in prayer … Dr. Melanie Asbury, U.S.A.F., sister of Stephanie Farmer,

North Charleston, SC Brandon Baden, U.S.A.F., nephew of Britt & Sandi Johnson,

deployed to Jordan Lt. Mark Baden, U. S. Navy, Patrol Squadron VP-30, Jackson-

ville, FL Capt. Benjamin Brighton, U.S.M.C. Luke Deal, U.S.M.C., stationed in Washington, D.C. Will Driscoll, U.S.M.C. Cpt. Joshua Gilreath, U.S.A.F., nephew of Mona & Tim Potter Garrett Knutson, U.S. Army, son of Lori & Travis, stationed at

Fort Campbell Col. Sean LeRoy, U.S.A.F., cousin of Carolina Cooper SFC Ken Martinsen, National Guard, 130th MEB, NC SSG Brandon Radcliffe, U.S. Army, father of Allison Radcliffe Sgt. Major David Rieger, U.S. Army Maj. Johnny Sherrill, U.S.A.F., husband of Rachel Baden, KC-

135 Pilot, deployed to the Middle East Chaplain Greg Todd, U.S. Navy Chaplain Richard Townes, U.S. Navy Ken Woods, U.S. Army, brother of Tim Woods, stationed at

Fort Hood, TX Senior Chief Chris Yacur, U.S. Navy, husband of former mem-

ber Erin Schmidt Yacur, stationed in GA Justin Zehms, U.S. Army, nephew of Beth and Mark Hallowell

OSLC Members: Bruce Bailey, recovering from a serious fall Chuck Copello, at home recovering from back surgery Bill Fritz, recovering from a broken kneecap Cindy Fritz, loss of use and severe pain in both hands Dorothy Hader, at Hillcrest (Raleigh), recovering from recent fall Ken Hanck, Parkinson’s disease Joe Hayes, hospitalized Tommy Johnson, son of Dennis & Kandy Johnson, continuing health concerns Alice Jones, at Hillcrest (Raleigh) Georgia & Harv Kebschull, long-term health concerns Charlie Knox, serious health concerns Elizabeth Solovieff, recovering from surgery Faith Orr and family, mourning the death of Faith’s un-cle, Doug Carter Lori Schammel and family, mourning the death of Lori’s cousin, Billy Hardesky

Congregational Care Maureen Costello [email protected]

Coups for Troops Thanks for the donations! We have sent in 368,738 coupons! Keep them coming. Ruth Costello continues to coordinate our efforts to collect manufacturer’s coupons to be donated to military fami-lies. Coupons up to 3 months past expiration date ** can be used by military families. A collection envelope is available on the bulletin board. Pass along the coupons you receive and don’t use to those who can put them to great use.

A note from Seminarian Timothy Sheridan

Dear Our Savior Family,

Thank you so much for your generosity to me as I begin my second year of seminary studies. Your support, both financial and your prayers, letters, and well wishes, mean everything to me. I enjoyed serving a summer vicarage at Martini Luther-an Church in Baltimore and gained a great deal of experi-ence which will serve me well. My supervisor, Pastor Elliott Robertson, sends his greetings to OSLC and his friend, Pastor Martin. I am looking forward to another year of stud-ies before my full-year vicarage placement, which will be announced April 24, 2018. Of special note: My good friend, Dakota Monday, from Southeastern, who took catechetical instruction from Pas-tor Martin and was later received as a member of Ebenezer Lutheran Church in Greensboro is now a student here in Fort Wayne. Please keep him in your prayers as he under-takes fall Greek! I hope to see you all around Thanksgiving. May our gracious Lord bless and keep you. In Christ’s love,


Thank you all for the cards, thoughts and prayers after my mom’s passing. Though we know she is with our Lord it still was a difficult time. Knowing we had such support was comforting to us and we are very grate-ful to be part of such a warm and caring congregation.

Christel Lefort

Thank You for your Prayers, Cards, and calls during my recent hip surgery. It was very much appreciated. Also a Big Thank You to the Ladies from the Altar Guild who filled in for me in September while I was recovering.

Jean DeKarske

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Anastasia Jeffcoat Taylor Morris Heather Orr

God’s richest blessings on Valentina Annamarie Vuotto, daughter of

Melissa and Ugo Vuotto, who was baptized on September 16.

Harold Leslie 10/1 Chris Nack 10/1 Noël Hamm 10/2 Steve Carpenter 10/3 Jane Knox 10/5 M.J. Heidepriem 10/6 Todd Howell 10/9 Jim Metzger 10/13 Megan Roseman 10/13 Steve Schammel 10/15 Helga Copello 10/19 Erika Rosenberger 10/22 Kurt Christiansen 10/24 Ryan Kelly 10/24 Joe Baden 10/25 Charlie Woest 10/25 Deb Sayles 10/26 Corrie Swanson 10/26 Don Ridgeway 10/29 Kathleen Costello Floyd 10/31

Evonne Beattie Tom Dalbo

Fragedakis Family: Nick & Tami Isaac and Petra

Hauschild Family: Daniel & Brenda Joshua and Rachel

Paul Keefer Beth Mazak

Colleen Timmons Vuotto Family: Melissa & Ugo


Walk where Luther walked. You may not live in sixteenth-century Germany, but on

Sunday, October 15, 2017 you can walk in the footsteps of Martin Luther at Reformation Walk.

Our Savior Lutheran Church October 15, 2017 3:00 - 6:00 p.m.

Your whole family will enjoy the sights, sounds, and tastes of the Reformation and learn how the

world changed forever.

We still need your help …


Cookie makers [see Karen Lockamy]

Kitchen help

We will have a Sewing Day on Saturday, October 7, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. Kerri Martinsen is coordinating the sewing event. Bring your sewing machine and sew on-site or take the material and patterns home to sew.

Set-up and decorating will be on Sunday, October 8, following the late service.

Rehearsal and final costume fitting is scheduled for Saturday, October 14, 2:30 - 5:00.

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Caring Ministries

Linen Drive October 22 - November 5

OSLC will sponsor a Linen Drive benefiting Families Together

For use for families residing in transitional apartments and to provide linens to families as they move into their permanent housing.

Tabernacle Baptist Church Salvation Army Migrant Ministry

We will be collecting new and/or gently used:

Blankets Sheets

Pillowcases Bath towels

Hand & Face cloths Kitchen towels

Crib sheets Baby/Youth blankets

Mattress pads

Help us fill up the basket in the lobby with donations!

Appropriate linens will be donated to the SPCA

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Operation Christmas Child

Help us spread the joy and love of Christmas to those in need!

Bailey Wagner is once again coordinating our efforts in this program. The cost for shipping is box is $9.00/box. The next few Sundays,

during the coffee hour, Bailey will be collecting monetary gifts to offset the shipping costs associated with the project.

Checks may be made out to OSLC with OCC in the memo-line.

How do you join the fun?

1. Pick up a shoebox today — please return to OSLC no later than 11/19.

2. Choose either boy or girl and the specific age group (2-4), (5-9), (10-14)

3. Fill the box ... What goes in a shoebox? “Wow” item - Delight a kid with a medium to large item that will capture the child’s attention the instant he or she opens the box. Ideas include: soccer ball with pump, stuffed animal, puppets, trucks, doll [baby, Bar-bie], musical instrument, outfit, shoes

Other Suggestions: Toys children will immediately embrace such as yo-yos, toy cars, jump ropes, balls, toys that light up and make noise (include extra batteries)

School supplies: pens, pencils and sharpeners, crayons, markers, notebooks, paper, solar calculators, coloring and picture books

Accessories: T-shirts, socks, hats, sunglasses, hair clips, jewelry, watches, flashlights (include extra batteries)

A Personal Note: You may include a note to the child and a photo of yourself, your family or group. If you like, you may include your name and an address (please use the church address - 1500 Glenwood Ave., Raleigh, NC 27608) the child may be able to write back. Do NOT include: Candy; toothpaste; used or damaged items; war-related items such as toy guns, knives, or military figures; chocolate or food; seeds; fruit rolls or oth-er fruit snacks; drink mixes (powdered or liquid); liquids or lotions; medications or vita-mins; breakable items such as snow globes or glass containers; aerosol cans.

4. Return the filled box - identified with gender and age group - to the Church Office no later than Sunday, November 19.

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Mark your calendars ...

10:30 - 11:30 a.m.

Game Night Friday, October 27

6:00 p.m.

Elders Meeting Tuesday, October 3, 5:30 p.m.

Crafters …

Do you like to knit, crochet, embroider/needlework, draw/paint, beadwork, paper craft, hand sew or some other form of hand craft-ing? If so, join fellow OSLC members with the same interests, on the first Tuesday of each month at 11:45 in the Conference Room, following Bible Study.

Chrismon Group Tuesday, October 10 11:45 am.

Tuesday, October 3 Former OSLC choir director and member, Kevin Lorenz and his

polka band will be playing at the Raleigh Beer Garden on

Sunday, October 8th, 5:00 - 9:00 p.m.

Altar Guild Meeting Saturday, October 14

10:00 a.m.

Martin Luther Birthday/ New Member Dinner

Sunday, November 12 5:30 p.m.

Everyone is invited to join us for our annual Potluck

honoring our new members and celebrating the

birthday of Martin Luther. Sign up in the Fellowship Hall.

Due to a scheduling conflict the week of October 15 Pastor’s weekly class will meet on


the LWML Bible Study will meet on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18

Homes for the Holidays

Saturday, December 2,


Mark your calendars. Watch for more info!

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The LCMS churches in the greater Triangle will celebrate the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation on

Sunday, November 5, 2017 12:30 Worship Service

The event will include a worship service featuring main speaker, The Rev. Dr. Gregory P. Seltz,

speaker of The Lutheran Hour radio hour. A community service event will follow worship including a

health and dental clinic for the afternoon and early evening. The afternoon events will include an art show and

choral concert.

If you are interested in volunteering in any way please visit www.trianglefaith.org and click on the Volunteer Sign up link.

Training information is available there.

Touched Twice by God’s Love - Free Health Clinic Dorton Arena, NC State Fairgrounds, Raleigh, NC

Free Health Clinic 2:00 - 6:00 p.m.

For more information: www.trianglefaith.org

Schedule: Change the World: One Life at a Time – November 5th

Worship Service – 12:30-1:30 p.m. (main stage)

Clinic Opens – 2:00 p.m. runs until the end of the event Art Show Opens – 2:00 p.m. runs until event conclusion on Arena Floor

Music Festival (2 p.m., 4 p.m., 6 p.m. – Main Stage)

Choral Festival – 2:00 – 3:00 p.m.

Handbell Festival – 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. Performance Stage – 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.

Rev. Dr. Greg Seltz (3 p.m., 5 p.m. – Main Stage)

Freedom for You, Freedom for All, 3 p.m. Reformation Mission, 5 p.m.

They are looking for volunteers to be advocates (assisting people to move in the clinic area from station to station), prayer teams, medical, dental, blood donors for blood bank, kid zone volunteers, door persons for directions, liaisons with food trucks.

PLANNING MEETING: Monday, October 9, 7:00 p.m. Resurrection Lutheran Church


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PLM - Families Together Let’s Face It!

It’s incredibly hard to look into the eyes of a child and fully accept you’re seeing a homeless per-son. But childhood homelessness is real and rising in Wake County. The number of homeless chil-dren and youth in our school system has increased a mind-numbing 56 percent in the past seven years and the numbers are increasing more rapidly – a staggering 27 percent in the past two years. We can solve this problem but first we have to face it square on as a community. Families Together provides emergency housing and a pathway to safe, stable housing for hundreds of homeless families with children every year. Together we can do more! Now is the time to join us or to renew your support. Learn more at FamilesTogetherNC.org. Check out the matching gift oppor-tunities to double the value of your gift. Together we can fulfill the promise of a community where there are no homeless families and where all of our kids can thrive. See the op-ed by Families Together Executive Director Lisa Rowe for more about the loss of af-fordable housing and its impact on rising student homelessness. Link to article: http://www.newsobserver.com/opinion/op-ed/article172287507.html

Homecoming Baskets

When a family moves into their new home, we like to celebrate with the gift of a Welcome Basket. Filled with cleaning supplies both for the house and the body, these baskets help families start off on the right path to a healthy, happy home. The long hot summer has left our shelves in need of restocking and your donation of any of these supplies would be greatly appreciated. For more in-formation or to schedule a drop-off or pick up, please contact [email protected] or call 919.212.1123 x 232.

Landlord Recruiting

Building relationships with landlords is integral to organizations serving the homeless. Families Together works tirelessly to house families experiencing homelessness. We also focus on young people aging out of foster care. We are in need of rental property owners that are interested in talking with our Housing Navigator Kevin Atkins or Mentor Advocate Karen Lassiter. To learn how you can become part of the solution of ending family homelessness, please contact Kevin Atkins at [email protected] or Karen Lassiter at [email protected]. Kevin and Karen can meet or talk with you individually, or would be happy to meet with interested groups to discuss possible partnerships.

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LWML Debbie Roseman

[email protected]

LWML SUNDAY – OCTOBER 1ST In all of our 40 districts the LWML will be celebrated during the month of October and usually on the first Sunday of the month. Please take time to read the bul-letin insert and familiarize yourself with the grant pro-jects chosen by the Carolinas District and the national LWML. Mite boxes are available for anyone who wishes to help. Debbie Roseman would be happy to answer any questions you might have. LWML EVENING BIBLE STUDY WEDNESDAY, OCT. 18, 7 P.M. You are encouraged to come and

share with this small group of ladies who meet to have fellowship, hear about upcoming LWML events and dis-cuss a Bible study. The topic is usually taken from the Lutheran Woman’s Quar-terly. This group is open to all as we value

the opinions and experiences each one has to share. Due to scheduling conflicts the Bible study will be held on Wednesday this month. LWML LUNCH BUNCH TUESDAY, 0CT. 24, 12:30 P.M. The LWML Lunch Bunch will go to the Vil-lage Deli and Grill in Cameron Village this month. It is located at 500 Daniels Street. If you wish to carpool from church, please indicate that when you sign up on the sheet on the LWML bulletin board in the lobby. MITE COLLECTION - SUNDAY, OCT. 22 There are many ways to help fund the many grants that the Carolinas District and the na-tional LWML have chosen. Mite boxes can be found on the console beneath the LWML bulletin board in the lobby. An acrylic collection box is also there for you to drop in spare change. Envelopes are locat-ed in the back of the pew racks. The LWML is a strong arm of support for LCMS mission work at home and across the globe. Won’t you join us in this endeavor? We can’t all be missionaries, but we can all help by sharing what we have been blessed to have – “a trust, oh Lord, from Thee.” MITE COLLECTIONS – August Mites - $21.50

EASTERN ZONE FALL RALLY SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2017 PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH GOLDSBORO, NC Registration and Hospitality 8:30 – 9:00 am Event 9:00 am – 2:00 pm Rev. John Drosendahl, our Carolinas District Jr. Coun-selor, will lead us in an overview of the Reformation by tracing Luther’s steps from Wittenburg to Leipzig to Worms to Augsburg. Our Gifts from the Heart will go to benefit the Wayne County Pregnancy Crisis Center. Any appropriate items will be accepted. A registration fee of $5.00 will include lunch. Please let Debbie Roseman know by October 8 if you plan to attend. She’ll be letting the registrar know how many from Our Savior are coming. LWML ONGOING COLLECTIONS Travel size toiletries Used eyeglasses Don’t forget to collect travel size toilet-ries as you vacation. The toiletries are given to the Matthew Ministry at Jordan Lutheran Church. Teams from Jordan hand out these items to the homeless in downtown Raleigh twice a month on Saturdays. You will find collection baskets for these items on the shelves of the console beneath the LWML bulletin board.

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Prayer Guide PRAYER #1

Dear Father, we pray for children around the world who are hungry. Some are starving and many perish each day. Bless the efforts of Mercy Meals of the Heartland, as they provide nourishing meals to orphanages, churches, and feeding sites. May the food sustain the bodies of these children and Your Word nourish their souls. In Your Holy Name, we pray, Amen.

PRAYER #2 Dear Lord, You taught us that we must meet the physical needs of our brothers and sisters as well as their spiritual needs. Let us always be thankful for the food on our ta-bles, and be more aware of opportunities to help the hun-gry. Have mercy on children around the world who are starving. May this grant provide life-saving food along with the message of eternal life through You. In Your Pre-cious Name, we pray, Amen.


We thank you Lord, for the staff and volunteers of Mercy Meals of the Heartland. We are grateful for partnerships with Orphan Grain Train and other Christian organizations that enable food to be delivered around our nation and world. Thank you for giving the LWML the opportunity to

reach out to the hungry with nutritious meals and the Good News of the Gospel. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.

PRAYER #4 Dear Jesus, You taught us to pray for our daily bread. Let us also pray for those who are without food today. As we give our mite offerings, we pray that they will help allevi-ate hunger in our country and around the world. The problem is great, but Your unfailing love is greater. In providing daily food for those in need, may we also have the opportunity to reach out to children and families with the saving message of the Gospel. We ask this in Your name. Amen.




Mission Grant Story Mercy Meals of Siouxland, (MMOS), a ministry of Faith Lutheran Church, Sioux City, Iowa, began packaging fortified rice/soy Mercy Meals in June of 2012. The nutrient-filled meals are packaged at the church and donated to Orphan Train (OGT) in Nor-folk, Nebraska, for shipping to hungry children in the United States and overseas. OGT delivers the meals and shares the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the recip-ients, feeding souls as well as bodies. Jesus commanded his disciples to feed the hungry in Matthew 14:16. He had mercy on the crowds, feed-ing them with five loaves and two fishes. As Christ’s disciples today, we are called upon to continue to show mercy, feed the hungry, and spread the Gos-pel. In its first years, MMOS packaged 907,391 meals at a cost of 13 cents per meal. All meals are packaged by volunteers one Saturday each month. Between 25 and 80 volunteers participate in two 90-minute packing sessions. Each session begins with a prayer for compassion on the hungry and those who have not heard Jesus’ message of salvation. Thousands of children worldwide die every day from starvation or hunger related diseases. In Haiti, moth-ers make mud pies from dirt, oil, and salt to feed to their children. In the Philippines, 1,500 families live in a garbage dump each day. Hunger is a growing problem in the United States as well. Mercy Meals have been shipped to Cornerstone Children’s Ranch, Ysleta Lutheran Mission in Texas, and Nava-jo reservations in the Southeast, as well as India, Haiti, Nicaragua, Philippines, Ecuador, Kenya, Ne-pal, Romania, and more. This LWML Mission Grant will fund supplies and packaging for 308,000 Mercy Meals over the next two years and bring the Gospel to thousands.

Providing Food and the Gospel to Starving Children

Mercy Meals of the Heartland, $40,000

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October 2017

1500 Glenwood Avenue Raleigh, NC 27608-2338

75th Anniversary

1942 - 2017