Reform in Germany Switzerland

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  • 7/30/2019 Reform in Germany Switzerland


    Reform: Germany & Switzerland

    *Brother Martin (Luther)

    *A very complex figure: both shallow & deep*Deeply spiritual & shockingly vulgar

    *By some, revered and loved

    *By others, one of the great rogues

    *Hundreds of books written about him, fairly recently.

    *Hans Hillerbrand The Reformation: A Narrative History)

    *Heiko Oberman Luther: Man Between God and the Devil

    *Roland Bainton Here I Stand

    *John Dillenberger, ed. Martin Luther: Selections from his Writings

    *Preparation for Leadership

    *Born into middle class family (1483)

    *Sent to university to prepare for law

    *Became an Augustinian monk

    *Tormented by his inabilities before God

    *Vicar over 11 monasteries

    *Degrees in theology/ Bible : Professor at Wittenberg (1513)

    *Still tormented:

    *teach it until you believe it

    *Critical Teaching: lectures on Psalms and Romans

    *the just shall live by faith (Rom.1:16-17)


    *Two Formative Moments:

    *a visit to Rome (1511)


    the indulgence campaign by Tetzel*

    *The Testing Years: 1517 1521

    * The 95 Theses (1517) mostly about indulgences & forgiveness

    *wide dissemination, objection, debates (1518-19)

    The famous doors

    *Critical Booklets: (1520)

    *On Good Works: all Christians are holy

    *The Babylonian Captivity of the Church

    *critiqued the sacraments as power tools

    *The Freedom of the Christian Man defining the life of faith, grace and Biblical truth

    *Address to the Nobility :


    *Excommunication, Trial & Condemnation: Diet of Worms (1521).

    *Protector: Frederick the Wise (Saxony)


    Frederick and his castle

  • 7/30/2019 Reform in Germany Switzerland


    *In the Wartburg: Confined but productive

    *Erasmus Greek NT becomes a German NT

    *Translations /revisions of the Mass

    *Catechisms : adults and children

    *Translated, composed and adapted much hymnody

    Peasants under the Bundschuh

    *The Peasants Revolt (1525) the appeal to Pastor Luther

    *Response: The Admonition to Peace*Neither the Nobles or Peasants listened

    *The Peasants began to terrorize

    *Appeal to Luther by the nobility:

    *Against the Murdering and Robbing Hordes of Peasants

    *100,000 peasants slaughtered

    *Results of the Peasants War:

    *Luther became suspectto the peasants

    *Lutheran church tied to the nobility

    *The Protestatio to the Diet, 1529-30

    *A statement both of support and principles

    *Several northern princes, imperial cities

    Ulrich Zwingli & Zurich


    *Classical humanist education

    *Became a noted Biblical preacher, with an emphasis on the Gospels

    *Called to preach at Zurich

    Early modern Zurich the Great Church in Zurich

    *Reform with a Twist:

    *More moralistic than Luther (Gospels)

    *Disagreed on the nature of the Eucharist

    *Rejected the use of music and art in church

    *No new songs psalms

    *Plain churches

    *A shift of resources:

    *From monasteries to compassion and new schools

    Luther annotated New Testament annotated

    *Took a leading role in Zurich government:

    *Great conflict with Catholic authorities

  • 7/30/2019 Reform in Germany Switzerland


    *A food embargo, then war

    *Zwingli took the field, died at battle of Kappel in 1531.


    *Martin Bucer, the peaceful reformer (Strassburg)

    John Calvin (1509-1564)

    *Educated in classics (Cicero!) and law

    *Well received in Paris aristocracy; holder of benefices

    *Father excommunicated in 1529

    *A dissident in Paris, resigned benefices 34

    *Early Career (1534-40)

    *Served in Basel, Geneva, Strassburg

    * The Institutes of the Christian Religion 1535

    *Returned unwillingly to Geneva in 1541

    *Profound and coercive (?) rule over the city

    *Highly intellectual and highly moral

    *Rigorously Biblical

    *Structures of Geneva:

    *Ordonnannces Ecclesiatiques

    *The Consistory: church and city together

    *The Academy

    *(a famous moment: Servetus)

    *The Reformed Churches:

    *Dutch, Swiss and German Reformed Churches

    *Presbyterian Church of Scotland

    *English Puritans and Baptists*French Reformed = Huguenots