Referent and Legitimate Power

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  • 7/31/2019 Referent and Legitimate Power


    Referent power is individual power of an individual over the Team or Followers, based on a

    high level of identification with, admiration of, or respect for the powerholder/ leader.

    Nationalism, patriotism, celebrities, mass leaders and widely-respected people are examples

    of referent power in effect.

    Referent power is one of theFive Bases of Social Power, as defined byBertram Ravenand

    his colleagues in 1959.

    Definition: Referent power refers to the ability of a leader to influence a follower because of

    the follower's loyalty, respect, friendship, admiration, affection, or a desire to gain approval.

    Referent power is gained by a leader who has strong interpersonal relationship skills.

    Referent power, as an aspect of personal power, becomes particularly important as

    organizational leadership is increasingly about collaboration and influence rather than

    command and control.

    COERCIVE POWER. Coercive power results from the expectation of a

    negative reward if your wishes are not obeyed. For example,suppose you

    have counseled a subordinate twice for minor infractions of regulations. At the

    third counseling session, you threaten the subordinate

    with NJP. At the next occurrence of the un-desirable behavior, you place the

    subordinate onreport.Coercive power works, but is not the preferredmethod of

    leading subordinates. It works best if used when all else fails and you feel sure you

    cancarry through with a threat. Before giving a

    threat, you should have some insight as to howthe CO will handle the case.

    You do not want torecommend maximum punishment only to have the CO

    dismiss the case at mast.LEGITIMATE POWER.Legitimate power

    comes from the authority of your rate and

    position in the chain of command. You use this power in day-to-

    day business. Although legitimate power increases with added responsibilities,

    youcan decrease that power if you fail to meet all

    ofyour responsibilities.To increase your legitimate power, assumesome of thedivision officers responsibilities. Atfirst, the division officer will be glad to have

    thehelp. In time, the division officer will view theresponsibilities as yours a

    nd formally delegateadditional authority to you. That would

    increaseyour legitimate power without diminishing thepower of the division

    officer.Just as you can increase your legitimate

    powerby assuming more responsibility, you can decreasethat power by losing

    responsibility. For example,if you permit the division officer to assume

    someof your responsibilities, the division officer willeventually begin to viewyour responsibilities
  • 7/31/2019 Referent and Legitimate Power


    ashis or hers. You will then have less legitimatepower. However, when a su

    bordinate wishes toassume some of your responsibilities, formallydelegate tho

    se responsibilities to the subordinate.That makes the subordinate accountable to

    you.You then increase the subordinates power

    whileretaining your power.INFORMATIONAL POWER. Informationalpower depends on your giving or withholding ofinformation or

    having knowledge that others donot have. Use informational power when

    givingorders to subordinates. Give orders in such amanner that your subordi

    nates presume the orderoriginated at your level. When forced to

    complywith orders you do not agree with, dont introducethe order by sayin

    g "The division officersaid. . ." Phrase and present the order in amanner

    that leaves no doubt you initiated it.Rely on your own resources to stay fully

    informedinstead of depending on others. Subordinates maypresent unreliableinformation in a manner thatmakes it appear to be true. Superiors may becomeso

    involved with projects they forget to keep

    youinformed of tasks being assigned or upcominginspections. Information is

    power. Stay informed!REFERENT POWER. Referent powerderives from

    your subordinates identification

    orassociation with you. You have this power bysimply being "the chief."

    People identify with theideals you stand for.The chief has a pre-established

    image. You

    canenhance that image by exhibiting charisma,courage, and charm. An impro

    ved image increasesyour referent power. Always be aware of howothers will

    perceive your actions. A negative imagein the eyes of others will lessen your


    andrender you ineffective. Maintain a positive image!EXPERT POWER.

    Expert power comesfrom your knowledge in a specific area throughwhich y

    ou influence others. You have expertpower because your subordinates regard

    you asan expert in your rating. Subordinates may

    alsohave this type of power. When you combineexpert power with other

    types of power, you willfind it an effective tool in influencing others.However,

    when you use it by itself, you will

    findit ineffective.LEADERSHIPGood leadership is of primary impor-

    tance in that it provides the motivatingforce which leads to coordinated acti

    onand unity of effort. Personnel leadershipmust be fused with authority since a

    leadermust encourage, inspire, teach,

    stimulate,and motivate all individuals of the organi-zation to perform their

    respective assign-ments well, enthusiastically, and as ateam.Leadership must ensure equity for eachmember of the organization. Co

  • 7/31/2019 Referent and Legitimate Power


    ncerningactions in his or her area of responsibility,the leader should never

    allow a subordinateto be criticized or penalized except byhimself or herself or

    such other authorityas the law prescribes.Standard O

    Transformational changeA shift in thebusiness cultureofanorganizationresulting from achangein the underlyingstrategyand processes

    that the organization has used in the past. A transformational change is designed

    to be organization-wide and is enacted over aperiodof time.


