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Abstract Syntax Tree, 21,23, 27, 55, 60,92, 94, 131 , 171

Action hierarchy, 119 decomposition, 119 example, 121 , 143 simplicity heuristic, 121 , 127 specialization, 119

Architectural Reenginering, 6 CASE

definition, 26 Call graphs, 10 Code-driven, 27, 30 Complexity, 7-8 Concept Clusters, 170 Concept Recognizer, 23-24, 26-27, 30, 41 , 61-62,

83, 101,164, 168 rule, 23

Concept recovery, 14 library scaling, 22, 26, 32, 36, 40, 135, 163-164 plan scaling, 22, 32, 36, 39, 68, 98,102- 103, 161 program scaling, 14, 22, 26, 32, 36,39-40, 67,

75, 78,91,98, 101 , 110, 134, 161 , 172 Constraint Satisfaction, 22, 43, 68, 118, 174

the revise subroutine, 152 FCDR, 51 , 72, 74 FCDR/NoVA, 85 FCDRIYA, 51 , 62, 75 , 79, 83, 85, 94, 96, 100,

107 FCDRIYA-modified,102 GM-CSP, 110, 159-160 and hierarchy, 52, 62, 103 arc consistency, 48- 49 backtracking search, 50, 72-73, 85

constraint propagation, 46-47, 49-50,72,75, 100- 101 , 108, 144

constraints, 44 domain values, 44 forward checking, 50 generate-and-test, 46, 50 hierarchical arc consistency, 151 index-part, 53 intelligent search, 46, 52 justification graph, 152 local consistency, 48 local search, 52 map color example, 44 node consistency, 48, 100 partial consistency, 50 partial solutions, 53, 85 path consistency, 48 problem relaxation, 53 really fulliookahead, 50 solution, 44 variables, 44

Constraint-based Understanding, 54 Concept Recognizer, 61-62 DECODE, 63 Layered MAP-CSP, 54,59,62, 131 , 133, 138 MAP-CSP, 54-55, 58, 61, 67, 72. 78-79, 88,

132- 133 Memory-CSP, 63-64, 84, 88 plan matching, 54 plan ordering, 54. 59, 64

Constraints, 35, 40. 142 explicit, 142 hard , 53 implicit, 142


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knowledge, 142, 144 soft,53 strong (or tight), 40, 88,98, 103 structural, 142, 144,159, 166 weak (or loose), 40,88

Control Restructuring, II Control flow, 12,23,27,32,37,57,88,92,100,

109,132,159, 161,163 dependencies, 23, 30 hierarchical, 37,103

DECODE, 23, 26, 29-30, 40, 63,84,86,164,168 Data flow, 10, 12,23,27,32,37,39,57,88,92,

100,109,132,159,161, 163 Gen++, 92 control dependency, 93 dependencies, 23, 30, 92, 105 flow-in, 94 flow-out, 94 guaranteed dependency, 92 possible dependency, 93 same-data dependency, 93

Data structures, 6, 8, 13, 162 Design Patterns, 167-168, 174 Documentation, 9 Domain Knowledge, 8 Empirical results, 68,72,85,91,108,110,160

Year 2000 domain, III, 163 actual distribution, 96 anomalous, 85 comparative, 83, 86, 88 generated distribution, 70,79, 88,96 generated programs, 69, 72, 85, 95, 163 methodology, 85 , 92, 94 multiple instances, 78,98 polynomial, 78, 88 real-world programs, 71, 88,91-92, 94, 112

Encapsulation, 5 Extended Layered MAP-CSP, 138,156

incomplete understanding, 139 minimal user interaction, 139 restricted explanations, 139

GRASPR, 32-33,35,40, 165-166 annotated data flow graph, 32 attribute transfer rules, 33 control environments, 32 flow graph grammar, 33, 36

Gen++, 92 Graph Parsing, 22, 32, 35 Graph matching, 110, 159-160 Graph-based understanding, 32-33,35,40,

165-166 Heuristics, 25, 35, 40, 54, 84,149, 160

constraint ordering, 50-51, 106 domain-value pre-filtering, 101 dynamic variable ordering, 50, 62, 107, 132 early evaluation, 26, 35, 51,62 graph node order, 35 implication, 27-28, 30, 64 indexing, 27, 61, 63, 84, 88 instance set lookahead, 30, 64, 99-100 interleave constraints, 30, 62 locality as data-flow, 88 number of constraints, 62 simplicity, 121, 127-128 specialization, 27, 29 static variable ordering, 30, 107 sub-concept grouping, 25, 52,62, 101 value filtering, 25,99 value set reordering, 25 variable ordering, 50

Hierarchical arc consistency, 151 downward revision, 153 upward revision, 154

Impact Analysis, 12,23,27, 57,88,92, 100, 109, 132,159,161,163

Interface, 6-7 Layered MAP-CSP, 54,59,62, 131, 133,138, 156,

163,166 accuracy, 134 extensions, 138 scalability, 134, 164 simplicity, 133

Library-driven, 23, 27 MAP-CSP, 54-55,58,61,67,72,78-79,88,

132-133,136,161-163,166 constraint, 56-57 efficiency, 57, 71, 75, 95 solution strategies, 57, 72 solution, 56 variable, 56

Modularization, 12,89, 116 NP-hard, 35,40,57,78,130,147,160 Object-Oriented

libraries, 6, 145 Occam's Razor, 128 PU-CSP, 140,156,164

and complexity, 147 and constraint-propagation, 144 elements, 140 heuristics, 149 interactive bottom-up, 148, 164 interactive top-down, 149, 164 solution strategies, 148

Plan Recognition recovery

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plan scaling, 22, 32, 36, 39, 68, 98, 102- 103, 161 Plan Recognition, 19,35

program scaling, 14,22,26,32, 36, 39-40,67, 75, 78, 91,98,101,110,134, 161,172

abstraction, 22, 143, 151 and Artificial Intelligence, 118, 160, 174 and Occam's Razor, 128 and complexity, 130 and program understanding, 160 bottom-up, 22, 30, 61 , 64, 148, 160 canonicalization, 27, 30, 161 closed perception, 126 code representation, 20 effectiveness, 22, 39, 135 efficiency, 14, 22, 26, 32, 36, 39-40, 57, 71 , 75 ,

91,95,135 explanation graph, 127 hierarchy, 24, 37, 61 , 103, 118 hypothetical , 118 imprecise, 118, 137 incomplete library, 129 incorrect, 127 inefficient, 130 library development, 169 library layering, 29-30, 60 open perception, 126-127 plan definition, 19,21 , 27, 32, 55 plan instance, 19,70, 117 plan library, 19,24,27,117,160, 162, 172 plan matching, 20 plan selection, 20 precise, 118 principle of minimal exact-coverage, 128 process, 20, 38, 40, 68 top-down, 22, 24, 149, 160 versus rule-based techniques, 171-172

Plan Recogntion library scaling, 22, 26, 32, 36, 40, 135, 163-164

Plan abstract, 22, 143, 151 canonical, 27, 30, 161 definition , 19, 21 , 27 , 32, 55 hierarchical, 24, 37, 61 , 103,118-119 instance of, 19,70, 117 library layering, 29-30, 60 library, 19,24, 27, 117, 160, 162,172

Planning, 53 abstract search, 53 and abstraction, 53 non-monontonic property, 53

Program Understanding


Concept Recognizer, 23- 24,26-27,30, 41 , 61-62,83,101,164,168

DECODE, 23, 26, 29-30, 40, 63, 84, 86,164, 168

GRASPR, 32-33, 35, 40, 165-166 PU-CSP, 140,167 Programmer's Apprentice, 32 Unprog,32, 36, 39-40, 165-166 Year 2000 application, 2, III and concept clusters, 170 and locality, 136 architectures for, 9 automated, 2, 4, 9-10, 12-15 bottom-up, 22, 30, 61, 64, 148, 160 by blocks (clusters), 135 code-driven, 27, 30 complexity control , 35, 40, 58, 67 complexity, 35,40, 57, 78, 130, 147,160 concept recovery, 14 conceptual, I, 4, 6-7, 10, 12-14, 16, 19 constraints, 35, 40, 142 definition, I divide-and-conquer, 135, 157 effectiveness, 22, 39, 135 efficiency, 14,22, 26,32,36,39-40,57,71 , 75,

91 , 95, 135 for reengineering, 4 hypothetical , I5 , 30, 118, 131 imprecise, 134 knowledge mapping, 12 library-driven, 23 , 27 mental models, 9 other applications, 8 partial , 14,16,40,85,131 plan-based, 160 precise, 134 scaling with library size, 22, 26, 32, 36, 40, 135,

163-164 scaling with plan size, 22, 32, 36, 39, 68, 98,

102-103, 161 scaling with program size, 14,22, 26,32, 36,

39-40, 67, 75, 78, 91,98,101 , 110, 134, 161 , 172

supporting programmers, 14, 16 tool support, 2, 4, 9-10, 12-15 top-down, 22, 24,149, 160 with user interaction, 135, 137, 167

Programmer's Apprentice, 32 Programmers, 1- 2,7-8, 12- 13 Programming Languages

Assembly, 26 C, 3, 6, 8, 13, 20, 92,112,143, 161

Page 12: REFERENCES - Springer978-1-4615-5461-5/1.pdf · REFERENCES Allemang, D. (1990). Understanding Programs as Devices. PhD thesis, Ohio State University, Department of Computer Science


C++,5-6, 169 COBOL, 3, 7- 8, 12-13, 23, 26, 37, 89, 162, 170 LISP, 33,36 imperative, 5- 6, 12 object-oriented,5-6, 12

Programming documentation, 9 life cycle, 9 paradigms, 4-5 programmers, 1- 2, 7-8, 12-13

Programs data structures, 6, 8, 13, 162 modularization, 12, 89, 116

Reuse, 5 Scaling

library, 22, 26, 32, 36,40,135,163- 164 plan, 22, 32, 36, 39, 68, 98, 102-103, 161 program, 14,22,26,32,36, 39-40,67,75,78,

91 , 98,101 , 110, 134, 161 , 172 Search

constraint ordering, 50-51, 106 variable ordering, 50

Semantic understanding, 1,4,6-7, 10, 12- 14, 16, 19

Software Maintenance, 2, 8-9 costs, 2 environments, 9

Software Reengineering, 2, 6, 9 new technology, 4

Software abstraction, 14 analysis-Gen++,92 architecture, 6, 23, 174 call graphs, 10 code patterns, 14 complexity, 7- 8 concept recovery, 14 concept, 5, 7,12,23 control flow analysis, 12,23, 27,32,37,57,88,

92, 100, 109, 132, 159, 161 , 163 data flow analysis , 10, 12,23, 27, 32, 39, 57 , 88,

92, 100, 109, 132, 159,161,163 data use analysis, 37 design concepts, 14-15, 17, 20, 23-24, 26, 29,

33 , 36, 159

domain knowledge, 8 encapsulation, 5 evolution, 7 impact analysis, 12,23, 27, 57, 88, 92, 100, 109,

132,159, 161,163 interactions, 8 interface, 6- 7 re-invented wheel , 7 reuse, 5 rewriting, 5, 27 size, 7, 14 structure diagrams, 10 structure in, 9, 12,14,89 structured,5 translation, 5 unstructured, 5

Structure diagrams, 10 Subgraph Isomorphism, 58 Tools for Understanding, 2,4,9-10, 12-15

COBOLISRE, 168 Rigi , 168 Software Refinery, 12, 168 TXL, 12 Xinotech, 12 modularizers, 135, 160, 164 slicers, 135, 170

Translation, 5 Unprog, 32,36, 39-40, 165-166

HMODEL, 37 , 166 Proper decomposition, 38, 40 STIMP, 37, 39-40, 166 control concepts, 36

User interaction, 135, 137, 139, 160, 164 block suggestion, 137 code descriptions, 137 explanation suggestion, 138 recognition advice, 138

Year 2000 Problem (Y2K), 2-4, 12, III, 162, 170- 172

date packages, 8 dollar cost, 2 four digit dates, 3, 12 leap year, 3, 7-8,13, III, 162, 171

Grep command, 169