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a posteriori probability, 247 Abu-Mostafa, 369 Ackermann, 6 action potential, 15-16 activation function, 31 active data selection, 204 adaptive decorrelation, 202, 203 Amit,368 Aristotle, 307 ARMA,259 ART-l,2,3, 415 associative memory, 311-330 attention parameter, 414 attractor, 313 auto associative network, 310 autoregression, 258 axon, 10

B-diagram, 155 backpropagated error, 162 backpropagation, 149-171 - algorithm, 159 - and IFS, 194 - batch, 167 - in matrix form, 168 - locality of, 169 - off-line, 192 - on-line, 167, 192 - rediscovery of, 181 - second-order, 214 - step, 159 - through time, 172 - with momentum, 184 BAM, 336 - energy function, 338 - stability, 340 basin of attraction, 318 batch update, 103 Baum, 97, 147 bias, 61, 152 bipolar vectors, 131

- speedup, 202 bit climber, 441 bit-based descent, 430 Boltzmann distribution, 379 - physical meaning, 382 Boltzmann machine - definition, 375 - learning, 383 Boolean functions, 33 Boolean sphere, 131 - region's sizes, 132 bootstrap algorithm, 234 bootstrap method, 233 bootstrap set, 235 bootstrapped ME, 418 brachystochrone, 180 Bryson, 181

cascade correlation, 209, 412 Cauchy machine, 386 CCD,457 cellular automata, 8 cepstrum, 254 chain rule, 155, 157 Chervonenkis, 144, 147 Church, 6 classification network, 245 clipped derivatives, 199 cluster's cone, 111 CNAPS,468 codebook, 118 color vision, 306 committees, 237 complexity - P#NP, 273 - NP-complete, 274 - class P, 272 - class NP, 273 - classes, 272 - of learning, 271 - time and space, 272

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computability, 5 computation metaphor, 9 computation models, 5 connection updates, 450 connections per second, 450 control surface, 305 Cook, 284 correlation matrix, 186 cortex, 10 - motor, 391 - somatosensory, 391 cost function, 112 counterpropagation network, 418 Courant, 181 Crick, 22 crossover, 431 crosstalk, 315 cybernetics, 52 cytoskeleton, 22

data decorrelation, 202 data redundancy, 204 dead units, 102 decay term, 245 decision curve, 65 decoder, 36 dendrites, 10 diffusion, 12 Dreyfus, 180 duality, 64 Dynamic Adaption algorithm, 209

Edelman, 120 edge detection, 66 eight queens problem, 360 energy function, 106, 336 ENIAC,7 error correlation, 238 error function, 154 Euler, 147 Euler characteristic, 133 Euler equation, 180 evolution strategies, 447 extended - input vector, 61, 79 - weight vector, 61, 79

fan-in, 31, 52 fast learning - adaptive step methods, 204 - Delta-bar-Delta, 207 - QRprop, 212 - Quickprop, 211 - Rprop, 208

- Silva and Almeida, 205 fault-tolerance, 50, 52 feature detectors, 69

Index 499

feature space, 128 feed-forward computation, 165 Feldman, 424 FET,455 FFT,253 finite automata, 43 fixed-point, 460 fixed-point arithmetic, 201 Hip-flop, 343 floating gate transistor, 456 formants, 251 Fourier series, 24 Fourier transform, 252 - two-dimensional, 332 fractal geometry, 190 frequency modulation, 472 Fukushima, 70 function - monotonic, 34 - non-monotonic, 34 - synthesis, 36 function approximation, 267 - multidimensional, 269 fuzzy - axioms, 295 - cardinality, 293 - controller, 302 - entropy, 293 - entropy theorem, 293 - inference, 299 - networks, 303 - region, 290 - set, 289 fuzzy logic, 287-301

Gardner, 368 Gauss, 181 Gauss machines, 386 Gauss-Jacobi method, 192 Gauss-Seidel method, 192 general learning problem, 271 generalization, 143, 227 generalization error, 233 genetic algorithms - and neural nets, 443 - building blocks, 438 - convergence, 433 - deceptive problems, 437 - fitness, 431 - information exchange, 431

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500 Index

- Lamarckism, 440 - mutation, 437 - population size, 431 - recombination, 436 - schema, 434 - selection, 436 genetic coding, 431 genetic drift, 438, 439 Goldberg, 446 gradient descent, 149 graph labeling, 149 Grossberg, 120

Hadamard-Walsh transform, 49 Haken, 334 hardware annealing, 369 harmonic analysis, 47 Hebb,333 Hebbian learning, 21, 314, 337, 352 - geometric interpretation, 317 Hecht-Nielsen, 147, 474 Hessian, 218 Hessian matrix, 210 heteroassociative network, 310 hidden layer, 124, 243 Hidden Markov Models, 175 - training, 177 Hilbert, 6, 263 hitch-hiking bits, 438 HME,414 Hodgkin, 13, 27 Hodgkin-Huxley - equation, 16 - model, 13 Holland, 434, 446 holographic memory, 330 Hopfield, 341, 368 Hopfield model, 341 - and perceptron learning, 354 - complexity of learning, 356 - continuous, 372 - energy levels, 347 - energy of, 343 - implementation, 365 - stable states, 348 - weight matrix, 342 Hornik,266 Hubel,75 Huxley, 13, 27 hyperbolic tangent, 150

independent classifiers, 413 inhibition

- absolute, 40 - relative, 40 input layer, 124 integration function, 31 ion pump, 13 ionic channels, 11, 14, 22 ions, 11 Ising model, 346 Iterated Function Systems, 193

Judd, 284

k-means, 107 k-nearest neighbors, 107 Kanerva, 284 Karmarkar's algorithm, 95 Karp, 284 Kelley, 181 Kirchhoff laws, 453 Kohonen, 333 Kohonen learning, 394 Kohonen networks - choice of dimension, 405 Kolmogorov, 265 Kolmogorov networks, 266 Kolmogorov's theorem, 265, 284 Kosko, 308, 368 Koza, 447 Kung, 474

learn ability, 145 learning - competitive, 102 - corrective, 90 - reinforcement, 78 - supervised, 78, 99 - unsupervised, 78, 101 - with hints, 281 learning constant, 86 Lernmatrix, 454 linear associator, 185 linear programming, 92 linear regression, 229 - multiple, 230 linear separability, 63 - absolute, 80 local minima, 105, 145, 152 logical basis, 38 logistic regression, 232 Lukasiewicz, 307

majority function, 36, 50 Mamdani, 307 Markov chains, 376

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Marr, 68 maximum entropy, 417 McCulloch, 30, 52 McCulloch-Pitts unit, 32 membership function, 288, 289 memistor, 474 metagenetic algorithms, 439 metastable states, 403 Metropolis algorithm, 429 Minsky, 32, 55, 97, 474 mixture of experts, 414 momentum rate, 188 multifiop, 357 mutation operator, 431

neocognitron, 70-73 Nernst formula, 12 NETtalk, 246 network - architecture, 123 - asynchronous, 46 - capacity, 320, 324 - extended, 154, 162 - fiat, 280 - invariants, 283 - Lagrange, 178 - linear, 243 - McCulloch-Pitts, 31 - of functions, 31 - pulse coded, 472 - pyramidal, 71 - recurrent, 42, 171 - symmetries, 441 - synchronous, 46 - weightless, 42 - with stored state, 47 network function, 23, 153 neural hardware, 449 neuron, 9 - abstract, 20 Newton, 26 Newton's method, 211 Nilsson, 147 NMDA channel, 20 node perturbation, 221 noise, 371 nomography, 264 number of regions, 139

offset term, 199 Ohm's law, 453 Oja, 114 Oja's algorithm, 114

Index 501

optical computers, 469 optimal modules, 413 orthogonal projection, 328 output layer, 124 overfitting, 144

Papert, 55, 97 paramecium, 22 parity function, 50 pattern recognition - translation invariant, 331 pay-off matrix, 445 PCA, 202 PDP group, 22, 149 Peano curve, 395 Penrose, 334 perceptron, 55 - classical, 55 - definition of, 60 - diameter limited, 58 - error, 81 - learning, 65, 77 - learning algorithm, 84 - learning complexity, 91 - limited order, 58 - stochastic, 58 phonemes, 254 Pitts, 30 pocket algorithm, 90 polytope, 83 principal components, 112-117 prisoner's dilemma, 445, 447 pseudo-Newton method, 211 pseudoinverse, 325

Ramon y Cajal, 27 random search, 429 RAP, 464 receptive field, 57, 68 Rechenberg, 446 recursive computation, 30 retina, 55, 68 reversal potential, 12 Rosenberg, 246 Rosenblatt, 55, 75, 120, 453, 474 Rprop, 208 Rumelhart, 181

Sanger, 117 SAT,274 satisfiability, 275 schema theorem, 437 Schwefel, 446 second-order backpropagation, 218

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502 Index

Sejnowski, 120, 246 self-organizing networks, 389 set of support, 289 SFI,260 Shannon, 9 Shastri, 424 shattering, 137 SHRUTI,424 Sigma-Pi unit, 65 sigmoid, 149 - derivative, 150 silicon retina, 74-75 SIMD,466 simplex algorithm, 93 simulated annealing, 373, 374, 434 SLM mask, 470 speech recognition, 250-258 - feature extraction, 250 - hybrid, 250 speech synthesis, 246 spurious states, 319 state transitions matrix, 377 Steinbuch, 333, 474 step function, 32 stereographic projection, 132 stochastic automata, 336 stochastic optimization, 428 summation - spatial, 20 - temporal, 20 switching states, 41 synapse, 18 Synapse neurocomputer, 463 synaptic gap, 18 synergetic computer, 334 systolic arrays, 451, 461 - one-dimensional, 463 - two-dimensional, 461

Taylor series, 24 temporal differences, 260 Tesauro, 120

thermal equilibrium, 379 threshold functions - number of, 141 threshold logic, 29 time series, 258 tit for tat (TFT), 446 training set, 153 transition probability, 175 traversing value, 156 TSP, 361 Turing, 6 Turing machine, 6, 44, 272

Valiant, 147 Vapnik, 144, 147 variational problems, 178 VC-dimension, 137, 142 vector processors, 460 visual cortex, 390 visual field, 391 von der Malsburg, 120, 390 von Helmholtz, 27 von Neumann, 8, 52

weight decay, 330 weight perturbation, 221 weight selection, 197 weight sharing, 173 weight space, 64 weight update, 162, 167 Werbos, 181 White, 266 Widrow, 474 Wiener, 52 Wiesel, 75 winner-takes-all, 103, 395

XOR, 62, 124, 138, 171

Zadeh, 287, 307 zebra stripes, 397 Zuse, 6