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Abalone, 29, 183-184, 255 black, see Black abalone corrugated, 216 green, 216 in SBA-2061, 130 in SLO-l77, 238 in SLO-884, 241 in SMI-261, 194 in SMI-438, 195 in VEN-853, 229

Abalone dishes, 224 Abalone pendants, 227, 228 Abalone pry bars, 189, 215 Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS), 61

of Del Mar skeleton, 43 of Laguna Woman, 217 of LAN-l71, 223 of SBA-1807, 74, 75 of SRI-116, 186 of SRI-l73, 186

Acmaea digitalis, 153 Acorn barnacles, 196 Acorns, 27, 47, 260 Agave, 261, 262 Agua Caliente Creek, 143, 145, 160 Agua Hedionda Lagoon, 203, 204, 206,

209 Alaska, 268 Albacore, 216 Alluvium, 12, 26, 35, 246

in SBA-1807, 68 in SBA-2057, 145, 146, 147, 159 in SBA-2058, 143 in SBA-2061, 118, 120 in SDl-149, 207

Alnus sp., 32 Alta California coast, 38



Alta California expedition, 30 Altithermal period, 9, 31, 254, 267, 271 Amino acid racemization, 9, 217 Amphibians, 28, 56, see also specific types

in SBA-1807, 93, 108, 110, 112, 113 in SBA-2057, 156 in SCL-178, 245

Amphineurans, 95, see also Chitons Amphistichus argenteus (Barred surfperch), 134 AMS, see Accelerator mass spectrometry Anacapa Island, 181 Anchovies, 30, 101, 102, 155,232 Angeles Mesa skeletons, 222-223 Animal effigies, 168, 264, 266 Anodonta sp., 271 Anthrosol, 146 Antiquarians, 38-39 Ants, 14 Arctocephalus townsendi (Guadalupe fur seal), 29 Argilliturbation, 72, 123, 132, 165 Argopecten sp., 206

in ORA-64, 220 in ORA-246, 218, 219 in SBA-96, 170 in SBA-2057, 153 in SBA-2061, 130 in SOl-H05, 211 in SOl-4630, 213

Arlington Canyon site (SRI-6), 191 Arlington Man, 184-186 Arlington Springs site, see SRI-173 Arroyo Bulito, 39 Arroyo San Augustin, 32, 33, 35 Artifacts, 38, 39, 40, 41, 262-266, 280, see also

specific types burial, 189, 266 research methods used in study of, 54, 55, 56

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Artifacts (Cont.)

in SBA-1807, 69, 72, 73, 75,113,115,116 in SBA-2057, 148-151,263 in SBA-2061, 124-129

Asia, 8, 251, 268 Asphaltum, 86, 93, 220, 233, 268 Asteraceae, 33 Astraea undosa (Wavy top), 152, 192 Atherinids, 155 Atherinopsis californiensis (Jacks melt), 134 Atlatls, 17,223,227,271 Australia, 268 Avila Beach, 238 Awls

in LAN-138, 224 in LAN-l71, 222 in ORA-64, 220 in ORA-246, 219 in SBA-142, 179 in SBA-552, 235 in SBA-1747, 172 in SBA-1807, 93 in SCL-178, 244 in SLO-2, 236 in SLO-l77, 238 in SLO-585A, 239 in SRI-3, 189 in YEN-I, 227 in YEN-853, 229

Badgers, 14,59, 109, 180,220,224 Bailard site (SBA-5), 177 Baja California, 21, 37, 45, 201, 256 Balanus sp., 130, 153 Bald eagles, 184, 194 Barnacles

acorn, 196 gooseneck, 196 in SBA-931, 231 in SBA-1807, 95, 98 in SBA-2061, 130 in SLO-877, 240 in SMI-433, 196 in SON-3481H, 247 in SRI-9l!15, 192

Barn owls, 194 Barracuda, 102, 103, 216 Barred surfperch, 134 Basketry, 48, 93, 189 Batiquitos Lagoon, 204, 205, 206, 209, 211, 255,

263 Bat rays, 206

in ORA-64, 220 in ORA-246, 219 in SBA-1747, 172

Bat rays (Cont.)

in SBA-1807, 101, 103 in SBA-2057, 154

Battered cobbles, 127


Battered core hammers, 113, 177, 225, 229 Battered hammerstones, 84, 127 Bay clams, 239 Bay mussels, 98, 130, 152, 221 Bay Point, 193 Bays, 6, 22, 25, 30, 34, 206, 254, 255-256

ORA-246 and, 219 ORA-386 and, 221 SBA-1807 and, 98 SBA-2057 and, 155 SON-3481H and, 247

Bay shellfish, 143 Beads, 54, 75

bone, 224, 236 serpentine, 179 shell, see Shell beads steatite, 168, 227 Hone, 171, 220, 235, 238, 265

Bears, 14, 22, 245 Bent-nosed clams, 152, 163,240,247 Beringia, 268, 269 Bifaces, 263, see also specific types

leaf-shaped, see Leaf-shaped bifaces in SBA-142, 179 in SBA-1807, 81-82, 91 in SBA-1912, 176 in SBA-1951, 175 in SBA-2057, 149, 151 in SBA-2061, 126 in SDI-21O, 209 in SDI-4935B, 208

Bifacial blades, 227 Bifacial chipped stone tools, 270 Bifacial drills, 79, 82 Bifacial flaked choppers, 83 Bifacial knives, 79, 81, 82, 270

leaf-shaped, 44, 81, 233 Bifacial manos, 219 Bifacial preforms, 174,207,212,219,233 Bifacial projectile points

leaf-shaped, 44 in SBA-1807, 79, 81, 82 in 515-218, 270

Bioturbation, 70, 71, 72, 120, 159, 165, 180, 243 Bipoints, 189, 194, 215, 227, 238, 239, 263 Bird guano, 195 Birds, 13, 14, 22, 28, 56, see also specific types

in LAN-138, 224 in ORA-64, 220 in ORA-246, 219 in SBA-97, 170

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Birds (Cont.)

in SBA-142, 180 in SBA-530, 233 in SBA-552, 235 in SBA-1807, 93,104-111,112,113 in SBA-2057, 156, 158, 160 in SBA-206l, 134-135, 138, 139, 140 in SOI-4392A, 211 in 501-4630, 213 in 515-218, 270 in SLO-2, 237 in SLO-877, 240 in SMI-261, 194

Black abalone in SCLI-43B, 216 in SOI-4392A, 211 in SMI-433, 196 in SMI-438, 196 in SRI-I, 188 in SRI-3, 188, 189 in SRI-911l5, 192 in VEN-l, 227

Black surfperch, 102, 103 Blades, 227, 239 Blood Alley, 244 Blue shark, 133, 172 Blunt transverse projectile points, 264 Boats, 17,25,48, 155,216,264,267,269 Bodega Bay, 246, 247 Bone artifacts, 91-93, 263, see also specific types

deer, 93 in KER-116, 271 in LAN-267, 225 in SBA-1807, 91-92, 93, 115-116 in SCLI-43B, 215 in 515-218, 270

Bone awls, see Awls Bone barbs, 93, 224, 229, 263 Bone bipoints, 194,227,238,239,263, see also

Fish gorges Bone botkins, 93 Bone burning, 56, 280

in ORA-386, 222 in SBA-142, 180 in SBA-1807, 104, 110-111, 112 in SBA-1912, 177 in SBA-2057, 156, 157, 165-166 in SBA-2061, 135 in SCL-178, 244 in 501-4405, 211 in SRI-26, 192 in VEN-853, 229

Bone collagen dating of Laguna Woman, 216-217, 218 in LAK-380/381, 270

Bone collagen dating (Cont.)

in LAN-159, 223 in MNT-229, 242 in SLO-2, 236 in SRI-173, 186

Bone fish gorges, see Fish gorges Bone flakers, 179, 227, 236 Bone flutes, 227, 228 Bone gelatin extracts, 223 Bone pendants, 227 Bone projectile points, 93 Bones, 16, 279

research methods used in study of, 54, 55, 56-57, 58

in SBA-1807, 70, 71 in SBA-2061, 120-121 in 501-4405, 211-212 in SLO-I 77, 238

Bone splinters, 215 Bone-to-meat conversion ratios, IS, 16, 58 Bone tubes, 227 Bone weight, 13, 112 Bonito shark, 30, 133, 206 Bony fish, 30, 56, 101 Borax Lake, 246 Boring tools, 86, 87 Bos taurus, see Domestic cows Bow and arrow, 48 Bowers, Stephen, 38-39 Bowls, 48, 168, 179, 211, 238, 239 British Columbia, 268 Brush rabbits, 108, 134, 156 Buchanan Canyon, 8 Buena Vista Lake site (KER-116), 271 Burial artifacts, 189, 266


Burials, 258, 264, 266, see also Cemeteries; Hu-man remains

cremation, 43 flexed, 189, 227, 237, 266 in LAK-380/381, 270 in LAN-138, 224 in LAN-159, 222 in LAN-l7I, 222-223 in SBA-9, 178 in SBA-96, 168 in SBA-142, 179, 180 in SBA-I747, 171 in SLO-2, 236, 237 in SLO-l77, 238 in SRI-I, 187 in SRI-3, 188-189,262 in SRI-116, 186 in VEN-I, 227

Burins,225 Burned rock, see Fire-altered rock

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Burrowing animals, 14, 109,253 in ORA-64, 221 in SBA-97, 171 in SBA-1807, 68, 71, 73 in SBA-2057, 146, 152 in SBA-2061, 120, 121, 123, 140

Butchering, IS, 56, 58, 183 in LAN-159, 223 in SBA-1807, 87, 104, 108, 109 in SBA-2057, 165

Cairns, 179, 227, 266 CAL-S342,263 CAL-629/630, 263 Caliche, 148, 157, 174, 178, 198 Calico, 8 California barracuda, 102 California Continental Borderland,

22 California hom shell, 152 California moles, 104, 172 California moray eel, 216 California mussels, 206, 274

in LAN-267, 225 in ORA-64, 220 in SBA-5, 177 in SBA-96, 170 in SBA-142, 179 in SBA-530, 233, 234 in SBA-931, 231 in SBA-1807, 98 in SBA-2057, 152, 153 in SBA-2061, 130 in SBA-2088, 172 in SBA-2118, 174 in SCRl-109, 197 in SOI-4392A, 211 in SLO-2, 237 in SLO-585A, 239 in SLO-877, 240 in SMI-433, 196 in SMI-438, 196 in SON-3481H, 247 in SRl-3, 188 in SRl-26, 192 in SRl-91115, 192 in VEN-853, 229

California piddock, 152 California sea lions, 29 California sheephead, 102, 216, 219, 220 California thornbacks, 172 Cambria, 22, 237 Campbell Tradition, 47 Canada de Alegria, 25, 26, 65, 66, lIS,



Canada de la Gaviota, 25, 26, 40, 76,91, 117, 139, 168, 170, 172

Canada del Agua Caliente, 29, 35, 139, 145, 153, 159

Canada de las Animas, 175 Canada del Cementerio, 26, 39, 171 Canada del Chiclan, 175 Canalino culture, 177, 224 Canis !amiliaris, see Dogs Carbon-14 dating, 9, 18, 19,32, 50, 51, 61-62,

62, 206, 272 of central California coast sites, 230 of Del Mar skeleton, 43 introduction of, 40-41 of KER-116, 271 of LAK-380/381, 270-271 of LAN-138,224 of LAN-I71, 222-223 of LAN-267, 225 of Los Angeles County coast sites, 222 of MNT-229, 242 of northern Channel Island sites, 182 of ORA-64, 219-220 of ORA-246, 218, 219 of ORA-386, 221 of Orange County coast sites, 216 paleodemography established with, 256-258 of San Diego coast sites, 201-204 of San Dieguito sites, 44, 205, 206 of San Luis Obispo County sites, 236 of SBA-5, 177 of SBA-9, 178 of SBA-71 , 179 of SBA-96, 168-169 of SBA-97, 170, 171 of SBA-142, 177, 179, 180, 181 of SBA-209, 231 of SBA-552, 234-235 of SBA-931, 232 of SBA-I747, 172 of SBA-1807, 65, 73-74, 75, 76, 113 of SBA-1951, 175 ofSBA-2057, 143, 148 of SBA-2061, 117, 123, 124, 139 of SBA-2088, 173 of SCAI-17, 214 of SCL-178, 244, 245 of SCLI-43B, 214-215, 216 of SCR-I77, 242-243 of 501-149, 207 of SOI-4392A, 209-210 of 501-4405, 211 of SLO-2, 236 of SLO-177, 238 of SLO-585A, 238

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Carbon-14 dating (Cant.) of SLO-801, 239 ofSLO-832,239-240 of SLO-877, 240 of SLO-884, 241 of SMI-261, 193-194 of SMI-350, 195 of SMI-438, 195 of SON-348/H, 247 of SRI-I, 188 of SRI-3, 188-189 of SRI-5, 190 of SRI-26, 191 of SRI-91115, 193 of SRI-1l6, 186 of SRI-173, 186 of YEN-I, 227-228

Carbonera Creek, 242 Carbon isotope analysis, 61-62, 197 Carlsbad, 209 Carpinteria site (SBA-9), 178 Carpinteria Slough, 178 Carpinteria Valley, 177 Caulolatilus princeps (Whitefish), 216 Cayucos, 240 Cemeteries, 38, 39, 46, 48, 179,258, 266, see

also Burials Central California coast

in Early Holocene, 229-245 prehistory of, 41-50

Ceramics/pottery, 209, 219 Cerithidea calif arnica (California hom shell), 152 Cerithidea sp., 219 Cervus nannodes, see Tule elk Chalcedonic chert artifacts, 86 Channel Islands, 9, 25, 39, 40, 41, 248, 255,

262, see also Northern Channel Islands; Southern Channel Islands

migration to, 267 paleodemography of, 256 population pressure on, 276 settlement patterns in, 259 subsistence economies in, 260

Chaparral, 27-28, 32, 59, 66, 145 Charcoal, 56, 61, 216

in LAK-380/381, 270, 271 in San Diego coast sites, 203 in SBA-552, 234-235 in SBA-2057, 146, 147 in SCAI-17, 214 in SCL-178, 244 in SCLI-43B, 214, 216 in SCR-l77, 243 in 501-149, 207 in SLO-l77, 238

Charcoal (Cant.) in SMI-350, 195 in SMI-438, 195 in SRI-5, 190 in SRI-173, 186

Charcoal Canyon, 196 Charmstones, 264, 266

in ORA-64, 220 in ORA-246, 219 in SBA-96, 168 in SBA-142, 179 in SBA-1807, 77, 79, 114 in SLO-585A, 238 in YEN-I, 227

Chendytes lawi, see Flightless ducks Chert artifacts, 26, 60

chalcedonic, 86 exotic, 48 Franciscan, see Franciscan chert artifacts Monterey, see Monterey chert artifacts in SBA-1807, 86, 91, 116 in SBA-1951, 175 in SBA-2057, 151 in SRI-6, 191

Chert cobbles, 59, 124 Chert cores, 241 Chert flakes, 192 Chia seeds, 27 Chile, 268, 277 Chione sp., 206, 224

in ORA-64, 220 in ORA-246, 218, 219 in ORA-386, 221 in SBA-5, 177 in SBA-96, 168, 170 in SBA-142, 179, 181 in SBA-1747, 171, 172 in SBA-1807, 74, 95, 98, 99, 113 in SBA-2057, 143, 148, 153, 154, 158 in SBA-2061, 130 in 501-4405, 211 in 501-4630, 213

Chione undatella, see Venus clams Chipped stone artifacts, 26, 56, 58-61,174

bifacial, 270 in LAN-138, 224 in ORA-246, 218-219 in ORA-386, 221 in SBA-142, 179 in SBA-931, 231 in SBA-1747, 171-172


in SBA-1807, 65, 69, 70, 71, 76, 79-91, 93, 113, 116

in SBA-1912, 175, 176 in SBA-2057, 149

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Chipped stone artifacts (Cant.) in SBA-2061, 122, 126-129 in SBA-2l18, 174 in SCLI-43B, 215 in SCR-I77, 242, 243 in SDI-149, 207, 208 in 515-218, 270 in SRl-3, 189 in VEN-l, 227 in YEN-853, 228-229

Chipped stone debitage, 55, 58, 60-61 in ORA-246, 219 in ORA-339, 218 in SBA-1747, 171 in SBA-1807, 87-91, 113 in SBA-1912, 176 in SBA-2057, 148, 150-151 in SBA-2061, 126, 128-129, 140 in SBA-2088, 172 in SCL-178, 244

Chitons, 29, 95, 130, 192, 240, 247, see also Am­phineurans

Choppers bifacial flaked, 83 in ORA-246, 219 in SCL-178, 244 in SDI-149, 207 in SDI-210, 209 in SDI-4630, 212 in SLO-2, 236 in SLO-585A, 239 unifacial flaked, 83 in VEN-l, 227

Chronological indicators in SBA-1807, 73-76, 123, 124 in SBA-2057, 147-148 in SBA-2061, 123-124

Chronological schemes, 50-51 Chubby my a clams, 152 Chumash Indians, 1-2, 25, 27, 28-29, 43, 103,

164-165, 167, 168 antiquarian study of, 38 culture historian study of, 40 history of, 48-50 SBA-97 and, 170 SBA-552 and, 234 settlement patterns of, 259 SLO-2 and, 236 SLO-832 and, 239 SRI-116 and, 186

Chunks, 82, 85, 87 Citellus beechyi, see Ground squirrels Clam disc beads, 179, 265 Clams, 15, 29, 255

bay, 239

Clams (Cant.) bent-nosed, 152, 163,240,247 chubby mya, 152 estuarine, see Estuarine clams gaper, 143, 170,247 jacknife, 95, 143,211 in KER-116, 271 in MNT-229, 242 Pismo, see Pismo clams purple, 95, 143, 147,245 in SBA-1807, 95, 98, 101 in SBA-2057, 153, 157 in SBA-2061, 123, 130-132 in SDI-4392A, 210 Venus, see Venus clams Washington, see Washington clams

Clarks Flat (CAL-S342), 263 Claystones, 26 Clear Lake, 246, 270


Clemmys marmarata (Western pond turtles), 108 Climate, 3-4, 8, 10, 22, 23, 27, 30-33 Clinacardium, 239, 247 Clovis people, 9, 175, 268, 270 Clovis projectile points, 43-44, 175, 246, 269,

272 Clupeid, 154, 155 Coarse-screen recovery, 112, 213, 279 Coastal bluff scrub, 27 Coastal dune vegetation, 27 Coastal migration theory, 267-269 Cobble hammers, 83, 205 Cobble hammerstones, 179, 229 Cobbles

battered, 127 chert, 59, 124 flaked stone, 187 metavolcanic, 78 sandstone, 26, 125, 191 in SBA-530, 233 in SBA-1807, 68, 78, 79, 82, 84, 85,

87 in SBA-2057, 146 in SBA-2061, 118, 127, 128-129 in SCL-178, 244 shale, 71 in SMI-433, 197 in SMI-438, 197 split, 82, 83, 84, 127, 140 in SRI-I, 187 in VEN-l, 227

Cockles, 95, 130, 224 Cod, 240 Cogs tones, 225, 227 Collagen dating, see Bone collagen dating Columbia Plateau, 205

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Column samples, IS, 54, 56, 57 in LAN-267, 225 in SBA-5, 177 in SBA-530, 232, 233 in SBA-552, 235 in SBA-1807, 94, 101, 104, 108 in SBA-1912, 176 in SBA-2061, 117, 131, 134, 135 in SCRI-109, 197 in 501-4630, 212-213, 213

Comals, 48, 224 Concave-based triangular projectile points, 227 Coniferous forests, 22, 32, 237, 242, 254 Contracting-stem projectile points, 47, 263

in SBA-96, 168 in SBA-97, 170-171 in SBA-142, 180 in SLO-2, 236 in VEN-l, 227, 228

Cooking, 104, 110, 116, 157, 183, 210, 229 Core fragments, 84-85, 221, 229 Core hammers, 174,205,262

battered, 113, 177, 225, 229 flaked, 225 in ORA-246, 219 in ORA-386, 221 in SBA-142, 179 in SBA-1807, 83, 84 in SBA-2118, 174 in 501-149, 207 in YEN-I, 227

Cores chert, 241 in LAN-171, 222 in ORA-246, 218 in ORA-339, 218 in ORA-386, 221 in SBA-1747, 172 in SBA-1807, 84-85, 86, 91, 113, 116 in SBA-1912, 176 in SBA-1951, 175 in SBA-2061, 126-127, 128-129, 140 in SBA-2088, 172 in SCL-178, 244 in SCLI-43B, 215 in SCR-I77, 242 in 501-149, 207 in 501-4630, 212 in SLO-2, 236, 237 in SMI-261, 194 in YEN-853, 229

Core scrapers, 219, 227 Core tools, 205, 262, see also specific types

in LAN-138, 224 in LAN-267, 225

Core tools (Cont.) in ORA-386, 221 in SBA-142, 179 in SBA-1747, 171 in SBA-1807, 82

Cormorants, 194, 224 Corrugated abalone, 216


Coso Volcanic Field, 62, 75, 90, 123-124, 128, 175, 176, 221

Cottontail rabbits, 211 Cowry pendants, 227 Cows, 108, 109 Coyote Creek, 244 Coyotes, 14, 59, 213, 224, 233 Crabs, 29, 95, 131 Cremation burials, 43 Crepidula, 153, 219 Crescents, 45

eccentric, see Eccentric crescents lunate, i20, 264, 271

Crickets, 14 Croakers, 219, 220

spotfin, 154 white, 101, 102, 103, 134, 177,240

Crustaceans, 56, 95, 101 Cryptochiton, 130 Crystal Cove site (ORA-246), 218-219 Cultural fires, 27, 84 Cultural remains, 14,56,280

in SBA-142, 180 in SBA-1807, 70, 109-111, 112 in SBA-2057, 157, 165-166 in SBA-2061, 133, 135 in SMl-261, 194 in SRI-I, 188

Cultural resource management, 41 Cultural rock debris, 59-60 Culture change, 10-11 Culture historians, 39-40 Cutting tools, 176, 208 Cuyler Harbor, 195 Cymatogaster aggregata (Shiner surfperch), 134 Cynoscion nobilis, see White sea bass Cypraea spadicea (Cowry), 227

Daisy Cave site, see SMI-261 Deciduous forests, 242 Deer, 22, 28, 211, 271

in LAN-138, 224 in LAN-267, 225 in ORA-64, 220 in ORA-386, 222 in SBA-142, 180 in SBA-530, 233 in SCL-178, 245

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Deer bone artifacts, 93 Deer mice, 104, l34, l35 Del Mar Man, 9, 43 Del Norte County, 246 Delphinids, 29 Dendrocalibration, 62, 210 Dental caries, 14 Dentalium beads, 179, 265 Diablo Canyon, 238 Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, 236 Diablo Creek, 236 Diablo Range foothills, 244 Dietary conversions, 15-17, 180 Dietary reconstruction, 280, see also Subsistence

factors affecting, l3-17 research methods used for, 57-58 for SBA-530, 234 for SBA-1807, 94, 111-113, 166-167 for SBA-2057, 157-159, 166-167 for SBA-2061, l35-l39, 166-167 for SCRI-109, 197

Digging stick weights, see Donut stones Dipodomys sp., 104 Discoidal stones, 224 Disturbed vegetation, 27, 117 DNO-ll,246 Dogfish, 237 Dogs, 14, 157, 194, 220, 222 Dolphins, 28, 180 Domestic cow, 108, 109 Donut stones, 184, 189, 221, 262 Drills, 79, 82, 172

in SBA-142, 179 in SBA-1807, 79, 82, 86, 87 in SBA-1912, 176 in SBA-2061, 126 in SRI-26, 192 in YEN-I, 227

Droughts, 25 Dry-screening, 54 Duncan's Point Cave site, see SON-348/H Dune Dwellers, 184 Dwarf surfperch, 101, 102, 103

Eagles, 184, 194 Early Holocene, 8, 9, 17, 37, 51, 76, 93, 201-

249, 252, 253, 271, 272, 277-278 antiquarian studies of, 39 artifacts from, 262, 263, 264 central California coast in, 229-245 culture change in, 10, 11 culture historian studies of, 40 defined, 18 demography of, 258 eastern Santa Barbara coast in, 177-181

Early Holocene (Cont.) geography of, 161-163,255, 256 Los Angeles County coast in, 222-226 northern California coast in, 246-248 northern Channel Islands in, 181-197 Orange County coast in, 216-222 San Diego coast in, 201-2l3


Santa Barbara coast in, 21, 30-35, 161-199, 255, 259

settlement patterns in, 12, 259 shellfish importance in, 275, 276 social structure/complexity in, 266, 267 southern Channel Islands in, 2l3-216 subsistence/dietary reconstruction for, 12-l3,

58, 112 Ventura County in, 226-229 western Santa Barbara coast in, 167-177

Early Man age, 222-223 Early Period, 51, 75, 116, 123, 174, 175,

188 Earthworms, 14, 120 Eastern Santa Barbara coast, 40, 177-181 Eccentric crescents, 205, 246, 264

in ORA-64, 220 in SBA-1912, 176 in SCR-l77, 243 in SDI-149, 207

Echinoderms, 56 Echinoids, 95 Eel grass cordage, 194 Eel Point site, see SCLl-43B Eels, 216, 237 Elasmobranchs, 101, l33, 154, 2l3,

220 El Estero, 29 Elk, 235, 242, 245, 254, 271 Elkhorn Slough sites, 241, 242 Embayments, 35, l39-140, 162-163, 256,

278 Embiotocidae, see Surfperch Emeryville Shellmound, 274 Encinitas Creek, 209 Encinitas Tradition, 45, 51 End scrapers, 44, 207 Engraving tools, 44, 207 Eolian sand, 26 Erosion, 11, 12, 35, 114, 161-163, 252, 253,

257 in northern Channel Islands, 183 in SBA-2057, 146, 147, 159, 165 in SDI-149, 207 in SLO-877, 240 in SRI-26, 191, 192 in SRI-91/15, 192

Estait village, 168

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Estuaries, 6, 22, 27, 29, 30, 206, 254, 255, 277 ORA-246 and, 219 SBA-1807 and, 98, 101 SBA-2057 and, 153, 155 settlement patterns and, 258 SON-3481H and, 247

Estuarine clams, 206 in SBA-142, 179 in SBA-1747, 171, 172 in SBA-2061, 138-139 in SCL-178, 245 in SLO-585A, 239 in SON-3481H, 247 in SRI-26, 192 in SRl-91/15, 193

Estuarine pelecypods, 140 Estuarine shellfish, 40, 255

in SBA-5, 177 in SBA-9, 178 in SBA-1807, 114-115, 162 in SBA-2057, 143, 147, 158, 159, 160, 162,

163 in SBA-2061, 139, 162 in SOl-4392A, 210-211 in SOl-H05, 212

Estuarine shells, 61 in ORA-246, 218 in SBA-96, 168-170 in SBA-97, 170, 171 in SBA-1491, 168 in SBA-2061, 130-131 in SOl-210, 209 in SOl-4392A, 209-210

European contact, 1-2, 26, 48, 50, 166, 267, 279 Excavation techniques, 54-55

hand, 55, 238 mechanical, 55, 77, 79, 238

Exotic chert artifacts, 175 Exotic soapstone artifacts, 48 Exotic vegetation, 27

Fages, Pedro, 30, 48-49 Fault trenches, 65, 77 Fauna, 11, 18, 19, 54-58, 63, 279, 280, see also

specific animals of modern Santa Barbara coast, 26-27, 28-30 in ORA-64 , 13 in SBA-96, 169 in SBA-530, 233 in SBA-1807, 69, 70, 75, 93-114, lIS, 116 in SBA-2057, 146, 151-157, 160, 165 in SBA-2061, 129-135, 165 in SCRI-109, 197 in SLO-585A, 238 in SMI-261, 194

Fauna (Cont.)

in YEN-853, 229 Faunalturbation, 120, 121 Felsite artifacts, 209 Fern spores, 32, 33 Field methods, 53-55 Field screening, IS, 279

in LAN-267, 225 in San Diego coast sites, 206 in SBA-552, 235 in SOl-H05, 211 in SOl-4630, 212-213

Fine-screen recovery, IS, 54, 206, 279, 280 in SBA-1807, 104 in SBA-2061, 135 in SLO-2, 237

Fire-altered rock, 56, 59 in ORA-386, 221 in SBA-97, 170 in SBA-931, 232 in SBA-1747, 171 in SCL-178, 2H in SCR-l77, 243 in SOl-4392A, 210 in SOl-4630, 212 in SMI-433, 197 in SMI-438, 197

Fire-fractured debris, 126, 128


Fish, 13, IS, 23, 30, 31, 47, 56, 57, 206, 254, 260, 272, 276, see also specific types

in KER-116, 271 in LAN-138, 224 in LAN-267, 225 in ORA-64, 221 in ORA-246, 219 in ORA-386, 222 in SBA-5, 177 in SBA-96, 170 in SBA-97, 170 in SBA-530, 233, 234 in SBA-552, 235 in SBA-931, 232 in SBA-1747, 172 in SBA-1807, 70, 75,93,99-104, 110, 112,

113,114-115,116,134 in SBA-2057, 147, 154-155, 156, 160,

165 in SBA-2061, 122, 132-135, 139, 140 in SCL-178, 245 in SCLI-43B, 216 in SCRI-I09, 197 in SOl-4392A, 211 in SOl-4630, 213 in 515-218, 270 in SLO-2, 237

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Fish (Cont.) in sLO-877, 240-241 in sMI-261, 194

Fish gorges, 93, 172, 194, 215, 263, see also Bone bipoints

Fishhooks, 48, 134 Fishing lines, 134, 263 Fishing nets, 17, 93, I03, 134, 155, 263 Five Mile Rapids, 205 Flaked choppers, 83 Flaked core hammers, 225 Flaked hammerstones, 84 Flaked stone cobbles, 187 Flake fragments, 60, 91, 128, 129 Flakes, 60, 128, 262

chert, 192 retouched, 126, 140, 244 in sBA-1807, 70, 76, 91 in sBA-2061, 122, 123-124, 128, 129 in sCLI-43B, 215 in sLO-2, 237 in sLO-884, 241 in sRI-26, 192 in sRI-91115, 192 utilized, see Utilized flakes in YEN-853, 229

Flake scrapers, 227 Flake tools, 174, 205, see also specific types

in LAN-138, 224 in LAN-267, 225 in ORA-246, 219 in ORA-386, 221 in sBA-5, 177 in sBA-142, 179 insBA-1747, 171, 172 in sBA-1807, 85-87, 88-89, 113, 116 in sBA-1912, 176 in sBA-1951, 175 in sBA-2088, 172 in sBA-2118, 174 in sCR-l77, 242 in 501-4630, 212 in sMI-261, 194

Flexed burials, 189,227,237, 266 Flightless ducks, 171, 172, 224, 235 Flooding, 146, 160, 252, 254, 259 Flora, 26-27, see also Plant foods; Vegetation Fluted Point Tradition, 44, 269-270 Fluted projectile points, 256, 271, 272

Clovis, 43, 44, 175,269 Folsomlike, 43-44 from Mendocino coast, 246 in sBA-1951, 175 in sBA-2088, 173 in sCR-l77, 243

Folsom people, 9, 270 Food preservation, 2, 134, 160 Foxes, 180 Franciscan chert artifacts, 59

in sBA-1807, 82, 86, 87, 90 in sBA-2057, 149, 150 in sBA-2061, 128 in sBA-2088, 172 in sCL-178, 244

Freshwater shellfish, 271, 274 Frilled dogwinkle, 153 Fruits, 261

Gabel, Norman, 40 Gabrieleiio artifacts, 224 Gaper clams, 143, 170, 247 Garanon Canyon, 269 Garanon site, see sRI-1 Gastropods, 94, 95, 131, 152, 222 Gates of Hell hypothesis, 273, 275, 276 Gaviota Canyon, 39 Gaviota Creek, 30, 170 Gaviota Fault, 68 Genyonemus lineatus, see White croaker Geography, see also Paleogeography

of California coast, 21-23 of Santa Barbara coast, 21, 23-30

Geology, 25-26, 68 Giant mice, 184-186 Gibraltar, 277 Glen Annie Canyon site, see sBA-142 Global reservoir effect, 61


Goleta Slough, 29, 155, 177, 179, 180,255 Gooseneck barnacles, 196 Gophers, 14, 28, see also Pocket gophers

in ORA-64, 220 in ORA-386, 222 in sBA-5, 177 in sBA-530, 233, 234 in sBA-1807, 71, 109, 110 in sBA-2057, 146 in sBA-2061, 120 in 501-4630, 213

Gorgets, 224 Grasslands, 22, 27, 66,117,242 Grave goods, see Burial artifacts Grave pits, 227 Gravers, 126, 179, 225, 227 Great Basin, 1, 109,266 Great Plains, 272 Great Western site, see sOI-4392A Green abalone, 216 Green sea urchin, 153 Grinding tools, 26, 139, 166, 184, 215, 263 Grizzly bears, 245

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Grooved cobble netsinkers, 172 Ground Hog Bay, 268 Ground squirrels, 14, 104, 109, 172, 2l3, 240 Ground stone artifacts, 56, 174

in ORA-246, 219 in ORA-386, 221 in SBA-142, 179 in SBA-1747, 171-172 in SBA-1807, 65, 69, 77-79, 1l3, 114, 116 in SBA-1912, 175 in SBA-2061, 124-126, 127 in SCR-l77, 242, 243 in YEN-I, 227 in YEN-853, 228-229

Growth-ring analysis, 57, 103, 155, 160 Grunion, 155 Guadalupe fur seal, 29 Guitarfish, 101, 103,206, 216, 220 Gumboots, l30 Gweduck, 152 Gymnothroax mordax (California moray eel), 216 Gypsum Cave projectile pOints, 168, 219

Halibut, 154, 216 Haliotis corrugata (Corrugated abalone), 216 Haliotis cracherodii, see Black abalone Haliotis fulgens (Green abalone), 216 Haliotis rufescens, see Red abalone Haliotis sp., l30 Hammers, 116, 212

cobble, 83, 205 core, see Core hammers pebble, 207

Hammerstones, 26, 205 battered, 84, 127 cobble, 179, 229 flaked,84 in LAN-l38, 224 in ORA-386, 221 in SBA-530, 233 in SBA-1747, 172 in SBA-1807, 75, 79, 82-84, 85 in SBA-1912, 176 in SBA-1951, 175 in SBA-2061, 126, 127, 140 in SCLI-43B, 215 in 501-210, 209 in SLO-2, 236, 237 in SLO-585A, 238 in YEN-I, 227

Harbor seals, 29 Harpoons, 103 Harris site, see 501-149 Haverty skeletons, 222-223 Hearths, 91, 210, 214, 227, 243, 244, 270

Heat-treated artifacts in SBA-1807, 84, 86, 87, 91, 116 in SBA-2057, 150-151 in SBA-2061, 129, 140

Hides, 17 Highway 1, 226 Highway 101, 244 Hinnites multirugosus, 153 Hollister Ranch, 32, 175


Holocene, 30-35, 114, see also Early Holocene; Late Holocene; Middle Holocene

Hopper mortars, 77, 175 Horizontal distribution

in SBA-1807, 68-70, 94 in SBA-2061, 129, 140 in SCLI-43B, 214

Human remains, 184-186, 186, 187, 194, 271, see also Burials; Cemeteries

Humboldt County, 246 Hunting People, 47, 50, 178, 236 Hyperprosopon anale (Spotfin surfperch),

l34 Hypsurus caryi (Rainbow surfperch), l34

Ice-Free Corridor, 267, 268 Igneous porphyry artifacts

in SBA-1807, 78, 79, 82, 84, 86, 87, 90 in SBA-2057, 150 in SBA-2061, 128

Interior groups artifacts of, 262-263 migration of, 8, 9, 43, 269-271, 272 settlement patterns of, 259 subsistence economies of, 260

Intermediate Horizon, 47 Intertidal platforms, 6 Irvine site, see ORA-64 Isotopic analysis, 61-62, 166, 197,210 Isurus oxyrinchus, see Bonito shark

Jack mackerel, 216 Jacknife clams, 95, 143, 211 Jacksmelt, l34 Japan, 268, 269 Japanese Archipelago, 269

Kangaroo rats, 104 Katharina tunicata, 247 Keeled dove shell, 152 Kelletia kelletii (Whelk shell), 227 Kelp bass, 216 Kelp beds, 22, 27, 30, 102 KER-116, 271 Keyhole limpets, 192 Kitchen middens, 226

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Knives, 236, 239, 266, 271 bifacial, see Bifacial knives lanceolate, 235 leaf-shaped, see Leaf-shaped knives

Kurile Islands, 269

Laboratory methods, 55-63 Laboratory sorting, 15, 180 La Brea Tar Pits, see LAN-159 La Brea Woman, 223 Lagoons, 22, 34, 101, 153, 221 Laguna Seca, 244, 245 Laguna Woman, 9, 216-218 La Honda Canyon, 232 La Jolla occupation, 45, 46, 205-206

in SOI-149, 207 in SOI-210, 209 in SOI-4392A, 209-210 in SOI-4405, 211 in SOI-4935B, 208

LAK-36,246 LAK-380/381, 270-271 Lake Mojave, 263 Lake Mojave Complex, 207 Lake Mojave projectile points, 44 LAN-138, 222, 223-224, 262 LAN-159, 222, 223 LAN-171, 222-223 LAN-267, 82, 84, 222, 225-226 LAN-271, 222 Lanceolate knives, 235 Lanceolate projectile points, 220 Landforms, 11, 12, 26, 46, 70, 163-164, 252,

254,258-259 Land mammals, 47, 56, 198,260,262, 271-272,

277 in LAN-267, 226 in ORA-246, 219 in ORA-386, 221-222 in SBA-5, 177 in SBA-530, 234 in SBA-1807, 93, 108, 109, 110, 112, 113 in SBA-2057, 156, 160 in SBA-2061, 135, 139, 140 in SMI-261, 194

Landslides, 147 Last glacial, 210, 267, 269 Last Interglacial age, 26, 66, 68, 74, 118, 188 Late Holocene, 46, 79, 147, 255, 267, 277

Mendocino coast in, 246 in ORA-64, 219 Santa Barbara coast in, 26 in SBA-97, 170, 171 in SBA-142, 181 in SBA-552, 234

Late Holocene (Cant.) in SBA-931, 232 in SMI-261, 193 in SMI-433, 196

Late Period, 75, 76 Late Pleistocene, 32, 45, 222, 269

in LAN-159, 223 migration in, 267, 268 in SLO-l77, 237

Late prehistoric period, 47-48, 238. 266 Lathrap, Donald, 40 Leaching, 16, 57 Leaf-shaped bifaces, 236, 268

in KER-116, 271 in LAN-138, 224 in LAN-267, 225 in SBA-1951, 175 in SCR-l77, 242 in SRI-3, 189

Leaf-shaped bifacial preforms, 212 Leaf-shaped knives, 205, 207, 243, 268

bifacial, 44, 81, 233 obsidian, 189


Leaf-shaped projectile points, 205, 263, 268 bifacial, 44 in ORA-64, 220 in SBA-2088, 172 in SCLI-43B, 215 in SCR-l77, 243 in VEN-1, 227

Leakey, Louis, 216 Lean dog whelk, 153 Leopard shark, 172 Libby, W.F., 40 Limpets, 153, 192, 196 Ling cod, 240 Liquid scintillation counters, 61 Lithic scatters, 45, 69, 258 Lithic sites, 14,63, 115, 168, 174-177, 198 Little Harbor site (SCAI-17), 214 Littleneck clams, 29,95, 143, 172, 225, 240 Little Sycamore site, see VEN-1 Lizards, 134 Lobo Canyon, 186, 197 Lodge Hill, 237 Long-tailed weasels, 108 Los Angeles County coast, 43, 222-226, 253 Los Angeles Man, 222 Los Trancos Canyon, 218 Los Trancos Creek, 219 Lower Paleolithic, 8 Lunate crescents, 220, 264, 271

Mackerel, 216, 219 Macoma nasuta, see Bent-nosed clams

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Macoma sp., 219 Malaga Cove site, see LAN-138 Malibu, 1 Malibu Creek, 225 Mammals, 6, 13, 15-16,276, see also Land

mammals; Sea mammals; specific mammals in SBA-97, 170 in SBA-1747, 172 in SBA-1807, 75, 104-111, 115, 116 in SBA-2057, 158, 165 in SBA-2061, 134-135, 138 in SCL-178, 245 in SDI-4630, 213 in 515-218, 270 in SLO-2, 237 in SLO-877, 240-241 in VEN-853, 229

Mammoths, 183, 187, 188 Manos, 12,46,47,174,184,205,262-263,

266 bifacial, 219 in LAN-138, 224 in LAN-159, 223 in LAN-267, 225 in ORA-64, 220 in ORA-246, 219 in ORA-386, 221 in SBA-5, 177 in SBA-9, 178 in SBA-96, 168 in SBA-97, 170 in SBA-142, 179 in SBA-209, 231 in SBA-530, 233 in SBA-552, 235 in SBA-1747, 171, 172 in SBA-1807, 75, 77-79, 80, 83, 84,113,

116 in SBA-1912, 176 in SBA-1951, 175 in SBA-2061, 124-126, 140 in SCL-178, 244, 245 in SCR-l77, 242 in SDI-4392A, 209, 210 in SDI-4405, 212 in SDI-4630, 212 in SLO-2, 236, 237 in SLO-l77, 238 in SLO-585A, 238 in VEN-l, 227 in VEN-853, 229

Margarites, 153 Marine fish, 158 Marine mammals, see Sea mammals Marine resource exploitation, 7-8

Marine shells, 61, 201, 255 in LAN-271, 222 in SBA-552, 235 in SBA-931, 232 in SBA-1807, 93 in SBA-2057, 147-148 in SBA-2088, 172 in SCL-178, 245 in SCLl-43B, 214 in SDI-4392A, 210 in SDI-4630, 212 in SLO-80 1, 239 in SLO-884, 241 in SMI-433, 197 in SMI-438, 197

Marine submergence, 11 Marine transgression, 35 Maritime adaptations, 5-7 Marmes Rockshelter, 205 Marrow extraction, 108, 157, 165 Marshes, 25, 27,66 Martinez, Longinos, 49 Mauls, 84 Meadow mice, 104 Meat-to-protein ratios, 112 Meat weight conversions, 234 Megathura crenulata, 192 Melanesian Islands, 268-269 Mendocino County, 44, 175, 246


Metates, 12, 46, 47, 174, 184, 205, 262-263, 266

in LAN-138, 224 in LAN-267, 225 in ORA-64, 220 in ORA-246, 219 in ORA-386, 221 in SBA-9, 178 in SBA-96, 168 in SBA-142, 179 in SBA-209, 231 in SBA-530, 233 in SBA-552, 235 in SBA-1747, 171, 172 in SBA-1807, 75, 77, 83, 113 in SBA-1912, 176 in SBA-1951, 175 in SBA-2057, 147, 148, 160 in SBA-2061, 125-126 in SBA-2088, 172 in SCR-l77, 242, 243 in SDI-4392A, 209, 210 in SDI-4405, 212 in SDI-4630, 212 in SLO-177, 238 in SLO-585A, 238

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Metates (Cont.) in SLO-877, 240 in VEN-1, 227

Metavolcanic cobbles, 78 Metavolcanic rocks, 26 Metcalf Creek, 244 Metcalf site, see SCL-178 Mice, 213

deer, 104, 134, 135 giant, 184-186 meadow, 104 pocket, 104, 135

Microblades, 268 Microlith tools, 224 Microtus cali{ornicus, 104 Microtus sp., 134 Midden analysis pits, 225 Middens, 2, 4, 5,6, 7,9, 11, 12, 13, 16, 18,46,

76, 205, 271, 277, 278, see also specific sites antiquarian studies of, 38 of central California coast, 229-230 excavation techniques used in, see Excavation

techniques kitchen, 226 in lithic sites, 14 research methods used in, 57-58, 61-62 residential, 48 role of shellfish deduced from, 275 of San Diego coast, 204 of Santa Barbara coast, 29, 140, 147, 151, 155,

174, 251 of Santa Rosa Island, 183 in SBA-1807, 65, 69-70, 71, 74, 75, 77, 81,

84, 85, 87, 93, 94, 98-99, 104, 109, 115, 116, 124

in SBA-2057, 143-149, 151-152, 154, 155, 158, 159

in SBA-2061, 117, 121-122, 123, 126, 129, 130, 132-133, 139, 140

settlement patterns evaluated from, 259 techniques used in, 279-280 of western Santa Barbara coast, 168-174

Midden samples, 13, 56, 57 Midden soils, 195-196,214 Middle Holocene, 18, 79, 147, 222, 277

artifacts from, 262 culture change in, 10 geography of, 255 Los Angeles County coast in, 222 in ORA-64, 221 in ORA-386, 221 in SBA-9, 178 in SBA-97, 171 in SBA-142, 181 in SBA-530, 233

Middle Holocene (Cont.)

in SBA-1951, 175 in SCRI-109, 197 in SLO-I77, 238 in SLO-877, 240 in SMI-261, 193 in SMI-350, 195 in SMI-433, 196 in SRI-3, 189

Middle Period, 75, 91,179,239,242 Midshipman, 154, 155 Migration, 183, 267-272

coastal theory of, 267-269


of interior groups, 8, 9, 43, 269-271, 272 Milling equipment, 10, 46, 47, 198, 205, 208,

261, 262-263 in KER-116, 271 in ORA-64, 219 in SBA-142, 179 in SBA-552, 235 in SBA-931, 232 in SBA-1807, 83, 113, 166 in SBA-1912, 176 in SBA-2061, 140 in SBA-2088, 173 in SCLI-43B, 215 in 501-210, 209 in SOI-4392A, 209, 210 in SLO-2, 236-237 in SLO-I77, 238 in VEN-l, 227

Millingstone Horizon, 9, 10, 50, 51, 75,82,83, 91,93, 116, 159, 167, 177, 204, 205, 206

artifacts of, 262 history of, 45-47 in KER-116, 271 in LAN-267, 225, 226 in lithic sites, 174 in ORA-64, 219, 220 in ORA-246, 218, 219 in ORA-386, 221, 222 in SBA-9, 178 in SBA-96, 169 in SBA-97, 170 in SBA-142, 179, 180, 181 in SBA-209, 231 in SBA-552, 234-235 in SBA-931, 232 in SBA-I747, 171 in SBA-1912, 176 in SOI-4392A, 209 settlement patterns in, 259 in SLO-2, 236 in SLO-I77, 238 in SLO-585A, 238-239

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Millingstone Horizon (Cont.) subsistence/dietary reconstruction for, 12-13,

166, 198 in VEN-l, 226, 227, 228 in VEN-853, 229

Minimum Number of Individuals (MNI) calcula-tions, 13, 15, 16,57,58,245,247

Miocene age, 26, 218 Mission Period, 48 Mitra beads, 265 Mitrella carinata (Keeled dove shell), 152 MNI, see Minimum Number of Individuals calcu-

lations MNT-228, 241, 242 MNT-229, 241, 242 Moles, 14, 104, 109, 172 Molluscs, 56, 274-275

in SBA-1807, 79, 94, 113, 163 in SBA-2057, 163 in SBA-2061, 163

Monterey Bay, 153, 241, 242, 244, 256 Monterey Canyon, 241 Monterey chert artifacts, 59

in SBA-1807, 81, 82, 84, 85, 86, 87, 90 in SBA-2057, 144, 149, 150, 151 in SBA-2061, 126, 127, 128-129, 140 in SBA-2Il8, 174 in SMI-261, 194

Monterey County, 241-245 Monterey Formation, 26, 59, 86, 101, 133, 218 Monterey shale, 118, 133 Monte Verde, 268 Moon snails, 74, 130, 168, 170 Morro Bay, 236, 238, 239 Mortars, 47, 184,262

hopper, 77,175 in LAN-138, 224 in LAN-267, 225 in ORA-64 , 220 in ORA-386, 221 in SBA-142, 180 in SBA-931, 232 in SBA-1807, 75, 77 in SBA-1951, 175 in SCL-178, 245 in VEN-l, 227, 228

Mostin site (LAK-380/38l), 270-271 Mugu Lagoon, 130-131,255 Mule deer, 211 Mussels, 15, 29, 255, 274-275

bay, 98, 130, 152, 221 California, see California mussels in ORA-5, 217 in ORA-64, 219 in ORA-339, 218

Mussels (Cont.) in ORA-775, 217 platform, 153, 192, 196 in SBA-552, 234-235 in SBA-1747, 172 in SBA-1807, 95, 98 in SBA-2057, 152 in SBA-206l, 130 in SBA-2Il8, 174 in SCL-178, 245 in SDI-21O, 209 in SLO-l 77, 238 in SMI-261, 194 in SMI-350, 195 in SMI-433, 196 in SMI-438, 195 in SRI-I, 188

Mustela frenata (Long-tailed weasels), 108 Mytilus californianus, see California mussels Mytilus edulis, see Bay mussels Mytilus sp., 274

in ORA-339, 218 in SBA-1747, 172 in SBA-1807, 95 in SBA-2057, 153, 154 in SBA-206l, 132 in SCL-178, 245

Namu, 268 Nassarius mendicus (Lean dog whelk), 153 Natural fires, 27, 84 Natural remains, 14, 56, 280

in SBA-5, 177 in SBA-1807, 70, 109-111 in SBA-2057, 165-166 in SBA-2061, 133, 135 in SMI-261, 194 in VEN-853, 229

Natural rock debris, 59-60 Neotoma fuscipes, 104 Neotoma sp., 135 Nevada, 44, 263 New Britain, 269 New England coast, 6 New Ireland, 269 Newport Bay, 219, 220, 221 Newport Beach, 218 Nomgio village, 170 Noqto village, 234


Northern California coast, 201, 246-248, 253 Northern Channel Islands, 167, 181-197,214,

216,261, see also San Miguel Island; Santa Cruz Island; Santa Rosa Island

Northern Santa Barbara coast, 231-235, 254, 255

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North Pacific Coast, 8, 9 North Pacific Rim, 8 Notched projectile points, 215 Notorynchus maculatus (Sevengill shark), 133 Number of Individual Specimens, 13 Nuts, 79

Oak Grove People, Il, 45-47, 50, 51, 224 in SBA-5, 177 in SBA-9, 178 in SBA-71, 178, 179 in SBA-142, 180

Oak Grove site, see SBA-96 Oak pollen, 32 Oaks, 263 Oak woodlands, 22, 27, 66 Obsidian artifacts, 265

in SBA-I747, 172 in SBA-1807, 87, 90, 113, 116 in SBA-2061, 128 in 515-218, 270 in SLO-2, 236

Obsidian hydration analysis, 62 in SBA-1807, 73, 75-76, 139 in SBA-1912, 176 in SBA-1951, 175 in SBA-2061, 123-124, 139 in SCR-I77, 243

Obsidian knives, 189 Ochre, 219, 220, 221, 266 Olivella beads, 205, 264, 265-266

in LAN-138, 224 in LAN-267, 225 in ORA-64, 220 in ORA-246, 219 in ORA-386, 221 in SBA-142, 179 in SBA-530, 233 in SBA-552, 235 in SBA-I747, 172 in SBA-1807, 92-93 in SLO-2, 236 in SLO-585A, 239 in SMI-261, 194 in SRI-3, 189 in SRI-116, 186 in VEN-l, 227 in VEN-853, 229

Olivella biplicata, see Purple olive Olivella sp., 130, 245 Ollas, 48 Olympic Peninsula, 274 ORA-5, 216-218 ORA-64, 13, 219-221, 260, 262 ORA-246, 218-219

ORA-339, 218 ORA-386, 221-222 ORA-775,216-218


Orange County coast, 13,43,176,216-222,263 Oregon, 37, 44, 246, 269, 270 Orr, Phil, 41 Osteocalcin extracts, 223 Ostrea, 98, 113, 153, 158, 170, 211, 219 Ostrea lurida, see Pacific oysters Otoliths, 57

in SBA-1807, 101-102, 103 in SBA-2057, 154, 155, 160 in SBA-2061, 133-134

Owls, 194 Oysters, 29, 206, see also Pacific oysters

in LAN-138, 224 in SBA-1747, 172 in SBA-1807, 95,98 in SOI-4392A, 211 in 501-4405, 211 in SON-3481H, 247 in SRI-911l5, 193

Pacific Coast Highway, 218 Pacific mackerel, 216 Pacific Ocean, 21, 23, 25 Pacific oysters, 143, 206

in ORA-64, 220 in SBA-I747, 172 in SBA-1807, 95 in SBA-2057, 143 in SON-348/H, 247 in SRI-91/15, 193

Pacific Rim, 8, 251, 268 Paleocoastal Tradition, 9, 10, 44, 51, 203, 206,

271 in ORA-386, 222 in 501-210, 209 in SLO-2, 236 subsistence economies of, 261

Paleodemography, 256-258 Paleogeography,S, 253-256

culture change and, 10, 11 of Santa Barbara coast, 17,30-35,161-163,

255 Paleoindian Horizon, 9, 42, 256

history of, 43-45 in LAN-I71, 222-223 migration in, 269-270, 272 in SBA-1951, 175 in SCR-I77, 243

Paleolithic, 8, 269 Paleosols, 68, 189, 190, 191, 195 Palos Verdes Peninsula, 22 Panope generosa (Gweduck), 152

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Paralabrax dathratus (Kelp bass), 216 Paralabrax maculatofasciatus (Spotted sand bass),

216 Paralichthys californicus, see Halibut Parapholas californica (California piddock), 152 Pauma, 45 Pebble hammers, 207 Pebble stone tools, 268 Pecked stone artifacts, 77-79 Pecking stones, 179 Pecten circularis, 221 Pecten shell rattles, 220 Pelagic skipjack, 206 Pelecypods, 74, 94, 95, 131, 132, 140, 153 Pendants, 227, 228 Penitella penita, 152 Perognathus californicus, 104 Perognathus sp., 135 Peromyscus nesodytes, 186 Peromyscus sp., 104, 134 Peru, 277 Pestles, 47, 48, 184,262

in LAN-138, 224 in LAN-267, 225 in ORA-64, 220 in SBA-142, 179 in SBA-931, 232 in SBA-1807, 75 in SCL-178, 245 in SRI-3, 189 in VEN-l, 227, 228

Phoca vitulina (Harbor seal), 29 Picks, 83 Pigs, 213 Pile perch, 102, 143, 154 Pilsbry's piddock, 152 Pimelomepoton pulchrum, see California sheep-

head Pine cones, 261 Pine nuts, 27, 210, 254, 260, 261 Pine pollen, 32, 33 Pines, 263 Pinnipeds, 29, 194 Pinto-basin projectile points, 220 Pinus muricata, 261 Pinus radiata, 23 7 Pinus torreyana, see Torrey pine Pismo Beach, 239 Pismo clams, 29

in SBA-97, 170 in SBA-2061, 131 in SLO-801, 239 in SLO-832, 240 in SLO-877, 240 in SLO-884, 241


Pismu village, 239 Pitted stones, 225, 227, 235, 237, 238 Plant foods, 8, 9, 12-13, 14,47,58,206,254,

259-261, 266, 277, 278 in LAN-138, 224 of modern Santa Barbara coast, 27-28 in SBA-530, 234 in SBA-552, 235 in SBA-1807, 113-114, 116 in SBA-2057, 160 in SBA-2061, 139 in SCRI-109, 197 in SDI-4405, 212 in SLO-2, 237 in VEN-l, 227

Platform mussels, 153, 192, 196 Platydon cancellatus (Chubby my a clams), 152 Pleistocene, 9, 261, see also Late Pleistocene; Ter-

minal Pleistocene geography of, 254 in LAN-l71, 223 maritime adaptations in,S, 6 in ORA-339, 218 San Diego coast in, 205 Santa Barbara coast in, 26 Santa Rosa Island in, 183-184 in SBA-1807, 68 in SBA-1951, 175 in SCLI-43B, 214 in SRI-I, 187 in SRI-173, 184, 186

Pleistocene Man, 187 Pocket gophers, 14

in SBA-1807, 108 in SBA-2057, 143, 156 in SBA-2061, 120, 121, 135 in SBA-2088, 172

Pocket mice, 104, 135 Point Arguello, 22, 231, 234 Point Arguello pipeline, 175 Point Conception, 22, 25,26,29,32,40,81,

173, 174, 175, 229 Point Pedernales, 232 Point St. George site (DNO-ll), 246 Polin ices lewisii, see Moon snails Polinices sp., 130, 153, 219 Pollen analysis, 31, 32-33, 146-147,210,254,

261 Pollicipes polymerus (Gooseneck barnacles), 196 Polyplacophora, 130, see also Chitons Pond turtles, 220 Population pressure, 276-278 Porichthys myriaster (Specklefin midshipman),

155 Porpoises, 28, 224

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Postglacial sea-level rise, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 34-35, 252, 273

in central California coast, 231 migration and, 267, 268, 269 paleodemography affected by, 257 paleogeography affected by, 161-163, 253-255 SBA-1807 and, 114 SBA-2057 and, 159 settlement patterns and, 12

Pottery/ceramics, 209, 219 Prehistoric period, 41-50, 238, 266 Prehistory of Santa Rosa Island (Orr), 189 Prionace glauca, see Blue shark Projectile points, 263, 266

bifacial, see Bifacial projectile points blunt transverse, 264 bone, 93 Clovis, 43-44, 172, 175,246,269 concave-based triangular, 227 contracting-stem, see Contracting-stem projec-

tile points fluted, see Fluted projectile points Gypsum Cave, 168, 219 Lake Mojave, 44 lanceolate, 220 leaf-shaped, see Leaf-shaped projectile points notched, 215 in ORA-64, 220 in ORA-246, 219 Pinto-basin, 220 in SBA-142, 179 in SBA-931, 232 in SBA-1747, 172 in SBA-1807, 75, 76, 166 in SBA-1912, 176 in SBA-2057, 149 in 501-149, 207 in 501-4405, 211 side-notched, see Side-notched projectile

points Silver Lake, 44 in SLO-l77, 238 in SLO-585A, 238 in YEN-I, 227

Protothaca sp. in ORA-246, 219 in SBA-96, 170 in SBA-1807, 98 in SBA-2057, 153, 157 in SBA-2061, l30 in SLO-2, 237 in SLO-585A, 239 in SON-348/H, 247

Protothaca staminea, see Littleneck clams Punta Arena, 197

Purisimeno Chumash, 40 Purple clams, 95, 143, 147, 245 Purple olive, l30, 153, 186 Pyramid Lake, 263

Quail Hill site (ORA-386), 221-222 Quartz crystals, 86, 221, 229, 239, 266 Quartzite artifacts, 26, 59

in LAN-171, 222


in SBA-1807, 78, 79, 81, 82, 84, 86, 87, 90 in SBA-2057, 150 in SBA-2061, 128

Quaternary plants, 31, 195 Queenfish, 102, 103, l34, 219

Rabbits, 14, 22, 28 brush, 108, 134, 156 cottontail, 211 in LAN-l38, 224 in ORA-64, 220 in ORA-386, 222 in SBA-142, 180 in SBA-530, 233 in SBA-1807, 110 in SCL-178, 245 in SOI-4392A, 211 in 501-4630, 213

Radiocarbon dating, see Carbon-14 dating Radio Point site (SRI-26), 191-192 Rainbow surfperch, l34 Rainbow trout, 103 Rainfall, 25, 30, 146, 255 Rancho Park North site, see SOI-4392A Rancho Real, 65, 69, 71 Range Pole Canyon, 195, 196, 197 RAR pollen, 32, 33 Rats, 104, 213 Ravens, 184, 194, 197 Rays, 30, 56, see also Bat rays

in SBA-142, 180 in SBA-1807, 101 in 501-4405, 211

Reamers, 176,219 Red abalone

in SLO-2, 236 in SLO-585A, 238 in SMI-261, 194 in SMI-350, 195 in SRI-I, 187 in SRI-3, 188-189 in SRI-5, 190 in SRI-6, 191 in SRI-26, 191-192 in SRI-91/15, 192 in SRI-173, 186

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Redwood forests, 21 Refugio Canyon, 40 Regional reservoir effect, 61 Reptiles, 22, 28, 56, see also specific types

in LAN-267, 225 in ORA-246, 219 in SBA-1807, 93, 104-1ll, ll2, 113 in SBA-1057, 156 in SBA-2061, 134-135, 140 in SCL-178, 245 in SDI-4630, 213 in SLO-2, 237

Research procedures, 53-63 Residential middens, 48 Retouched flakes, 126, 140, 244 Rhacochilus toxotes (Rubberlip surfperch), 216 Rhinobatos productus, see Shovelnose guitarfish Rhythymites, 30 Rincon Formation, 26 Riparian communities, 22, 28,66, ll7, 163 Rockfish, 102, 216, 219, 237, 240 Rodents

in ORA-64, 221 in ORA-386, 222 in SBA-5, 177 in SBA-97, 170, 171 in SBA-142, 180 in SBA-931, 231 in SBA-1807, 68, 71, 73, llO, 112, 113 in SBA-2057, 165 in SBA-2061, 120, 121, 123, 134-135,

140 in SCL-178, 245 in SLO-877, 240 in VEN-853, 229

Rogers, David Banks, ll, 39-40, 41, 45,169, 170,177,178-179,224

Rogers, Malcolm, 39, 206 Roncador stearnsii (Spotfin croaker), 154 Roots, 47, 184, 261 Round stingrays, 101 Rubberlip surfperch, 216 Rubbing stones, 227 Russian River, 247

Sage scrub, 27, 32,66, ll7 Salinas River, 242 Salmon runs, 6 Salt, 268 Sample size, 55 Sampling bias, 14-15 San Clemente Island, 13,213,214-216,264,

267, 268, 269 Sandbars, 255 Sand Canyon Wash, 221


San Diego County coast, 9, 39, 43, 76,176,224, 255

artifacts from, 262, 263 in Early Holocene, 201-213 geography of, 22 paleodemography of, 256 settlement patterns in, 259 subsistence economies of, 261

San Dieguito culture, 44-45, 51, 194, 205-206, 224

in KER-ll6, 271 migration and, 269 in ORA-64, 219 in ORA-339, 218 in SBA-1912, 176 in SCLI-43B, 215 in SDI-149, 206, 207-208 in SDI-21O, 209 in SDI-4392A, 201 in SDI-4405, 211 in SDI-4935B, 208

San Dieguito River Valley, 206, 207 Sandstone artifacts, 77, 78, 79, 82, 148 Sandstone bowls, 168 Sandstone cobbles, 26, 125, 191 San Elijo Lagoon, 204 San Francisco Bay, 22, 37, 242, 244, 252, 274 San Francisco Bay area, 256 San Francisco Bay estuary, 229, 241-242 Sanguinolaria nuttallii, see Purple clams Sanguinolaria sp.

in SBA-96, 170 in SBA-I747, 172 in SBA-1807, 98, ll3 in SBA-2057, 151, 153, 154, 157, 158 in SBA-206l, 130, 131-132 in SLO-2, 237 in SLO-585A, 239

San Joaquin Hills, 218, 221 San Joaquin Valley, 271 San Jose, 244 San Luis Obispo County coast, 1,43,45,201,

229, 236-241 artifacts from, 262 geography of, 22 paleogeography of, 254, 255 settlement patterns in, 259 subsistence economies in, 261

San Miguel Island, 181, 193-197, 198,263,267, 269

San Nicolas Island, 213-214 San Onofre, 39 Santa Anita, 39 Santa Anita Creek, 30 Santa Barbara Basin, 30, 31, 32, 254

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Santa Barbara coast, 1, 2, 15, 16, 17, 19, 43, 44, 50, 57, 58, 76, 93, 113-6, 123, 128, 159, 160, 161-199,201,224,271

archaeological history of, 37, 38-41 artifacts from, 124, 262 carbon-14 dating in, 61, 62 chipped stone artifacts of, 83, 122 Chumash Indians in, 48, 50 climate of, 3, 23, 27, 30-33 culture change in, 10-11 Early Holocene in, see Early Holocene eastern, 40, 177-181 middens of, 29,140,147,151,155,174,251 in Millingstone Horizon, 46, 47 modern geography of, 21, 23-30 northern, 231-235, 254, 255 paleodemography of, 256, 258 paleogeography of, 17,30-35, 161-163,255 settlement patterns in, 11, 12, 259 western, see Western Santa Barbara coast wildfires in, 59

Santa Barbara County, 31, 43, 229 Santa Barbara Island, 213-214 Santa Catalina Island, 213-214 Santa Clara County, 241-245 Santa Clara River, 32 Santa Clara Valley, 244 Santa Cruz County, 241-245 Santa Cruz Island, 22, 140, 181, 197 Santa Cruz Mountains, 242 Santa Lucia Canyon, 32, 33 Santa Monica Bay, 223 Santa Monica Mountains, 226 Santa Rosa Island, 9, 41, 43,181,183-193,194,

197, 198, 266, 267, 269 Santa Ynez fault, 68 Santa Ynez Mountains, 23, 25-26, 66 Santa Ynez River, 231 Santa Ynez Valley, 90, 199 Sardines, 30, 263

in SBA-5, 177 in SBA-931, 232 in SBA-1807, 101, 102, 103, 104 in SBA-2057, 154, 155

Saxidomus nuttalli, see Washington clams Saxidomus sp.

in ORA-246, 219 in SBA-96, 170 in SBA-142, 179 in SBA-1747, 171, 172 in SBA-1807, 98-99 in SBA-2057, 148, 153, 157 in SBA-2061, 130 in SBA-2088, 173 in SLO-2, 237

Saxidomus sp. (Cont.) in SLO-585A, 239 in SON-3481H, 247

SBA-5,177 SBA-9,178 SBA-1O,178 SBA-11,178 SBA-71,178-179 SBA-75, 16 SBA-96, 40, 168-170 SBA-97, 39, 168, 170-171 SBA-142, 177, 179-181 SBA-209, 231 SBA-530, 231, 232-234 SBA-552, 231, 234-235 SBA-712,231 SBA-931, 79, 231-232, 262 SBA-1491, 168 SBA-1747, 168, 171-172


SBA-1807, 19,63,65-116,117,130,134,139, 140,143,145,146,147,150,154,156, 160-167,172

chipped stone artifacts in, 65, 69, 70, 71, 76, 79-91,93, 113, 116

chronological indicators in, 73-76, 123, 124 dietary reconstruction for, 94,111-113,166-

167 distribution of archaeological materials in, 68-

73 faunal remains in, 69, 70, 75, 93-114, 115,

116 formation processes in, 165-166 function of, 166-167 ground stone artifacts in, 65, 69, 77-79, 113,

114, 116 location, context, and structure of, 163-165 pecked stone artifacts in, 77-79 research methods used in, 54-57, 60-61 SBA-5 compared with, 177 SBA-142 compared with, 180 SBA-1912 compared with, 176 settlement patterns in, 166-167 shell and bone artifacts in, 91-93 soil of, see Soil stratigraphy of, 66-68, 71

SBA-1912,175-177 SBA-1951,175 SBA-1952, 174 SBA-2028, 124 SBA-2057, 19, 143-160, 161-167, 172

artifacts in, 148-151,263 chronological indicators in, 147-148 dietary reconstruction for, 157-159, 166-167 distribution of archaeological materials in, 147 faunal remains in, 146, 151-157, 160, 165

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SBA-2057 (Cont.) formation processes in, 165-166 function of, 166-167 location, context, and structure of, 163-165 research methods used in, 54-55, 56, 57,61 SBA-142 compared with, 180 settlement patterns in, 166-167 soil of, 145-147 stratigraphy of, 145-147, 152

SBA-2058, 143 SBA-2060, 174 SBA-2061, 19, 63, 117-141, 143, 145, 146, 147,

150, 154, 156, 160, 161-167, 172 artifacts in, 124-129 chronological indicators in, 123-124 dietary reconstruction for, 135-139, 166-167 distribution of archaelogical materials in, 120-

123 faunal remains in, 129-135, 165 formation processes in, 165-166 function of, 166-167 location, context, and structure of, 163-165 research methods used in, 54, 55, 56, 57, 61 SBA-5 compared with, 177 SBA-142 compared with, 180 SBA-1912 compared with, 176 settlement patterns in, 166-167 soil of, see Soil stratigraphy of, 117-120

SBA-2088, 168, 172-173 SBA-2118, 168, 173-174,255 SCAI-17,214 Scallops, 206

in LAN-138, 224 in ORA-386, 221 in SBA-1807, 95 in SBA-2061, 130 in SOI-4392A, 211 in 501-4405, 211 in YEN-853, 229

Schumacher, Paul, 38 Sciaenidae, 134 Scientific archaeology, 40-41 SCL-178, 2H-245, 259, 263 SCLI-43B, 13, 214-216, 256, 264, 268 Scomber japonicus (Pacific mackerel), 216 Scoops, 224 Scotts Valley site, see SCR-I77 SCR-l77, 241, 242-243, 260, 263 Scraper planes, 205, 227, 262 Scrapers, 87, 205, 264

core, 219, 227 end, H, 207 flake, 227 in LAN-267, 225

Scrapers (Cont.) in SBA-1912, 176 in SBA-2057, 149 in 501-149, 208 in 501-210, 209 in 501-4630, 212 side, 44, 194, 207 in SLO-585A, 239 in VEN-1, 227

Screen biases, 13, 14-15, 279 Screening, 14-15, 57

coarse, 112, 213, 279 dry, 54 field, see Field screening fine, see Fine-screen recovery in LAN-267, 226 in ORA-64, 220, 221 in ORA-386, 221 in SBA-96, 169 in SBA-530, 234 in SBA-I747, 172 in SBA-1807, 93-94, 101, 108 in SBA-2057, 151, 153-154, 155, 165 in SBA-2061, 130, 131, 134 in SCRI-109, 197 in SOI-4392A, 211 in SLO-585A, 238 in SLO-877, 240-241 in SMI-261, 194 water, see Water-screening

SCRI-I09, 197 Sculpins, 102 501-149,203,205,206-208,209,224,262 501-194, 204, 206 501-210, 203, 204, 205, 206, 209, 262 501-293, 206 501-685, 206 SOI-4392A, 206, 209-211, 224, 262, 263 SOI-H05, 211-212 501-4630, 212-213 SOI-4935B, 208 501-8654, 260 501-9649, 263 SDM-W-49, see SOI-4392A SDM-W-596 (501-4630), 212-213 Sea bass, 102, 103, 134, 154, 155 Seabirds, 103, 158 Sea grass cordage, 263 Seagulls, 184, 194, 197 Sea lions, 28, 29, 108, 180, 224, 271 Seals, 28, 29, 271

Guadalupe fur, 29 harbor, 29 in LAN-138, 224 in ORA-64, 220


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Seals (Cant.) in·SBA-142, ISO in SBA-lS07, lOS

Sea mammals, 6, 23, 47, 56, 206, 254, 260, 272, 277

in LAN-13S, 224 in SBA-530, 233, 234 in SBA-552, 235 in SBA-931, 232 in SBA-lS07, 93, 103, lOS, 110, 112, 113 in SBA-1912, 177 in SBA-2057, 156, ISS in SBA-2061, 135, 139, 140 in SCLI-43B, 215-216 in SCRI-109, 197 in SDI-4630, 213 in SMI-261, 194 in SRI-26, 192

Sea otters, 2S, lS4, 220, 224 Sea urchins, 95, 9S, 153, 194, 216 Sebastes sp., 216 Sedimentary cores, 30-31, 32, 33 Sedimentation, 252, 253, 255, 256, 269

in Early Holocene Santa Barbara coast, 30, 34-35

paleodemography affected by, 257 paleogeography affected by, 161-163, 254 in SBA-lS07, 114 in SBA-2057, 159, 160 settlement patterns affected by, 11, 259

Seeds, 27, 46, 47, 19S, 254, 260, 262, 263, 276, see also specific types

in ORA-3S6, 222 in SBA-931, 232 in SBA-lS07, 113 in SBA-2057, 160 in SBA-2061, 139 in SDI-4392A, 210 in SDI-4405, 212

Separate origins model, 9 Septifer bifurcatus, see Platform mussels Septifer sp., 130 Seriphus politus, see Queenfish Serpentine beads, 179 Serpentine bowls, 179 Settlement patterns,S, 11-12, 166-167, 25S-

259 Sevengill shark, 133 Sewing artifacts, 93 Shaker screens, IS Shale,6S

Monterey, lIS, 133 siliceous, 26, 59-60, 133 Sisquoc, 146

Shale cobbles, 71

Sharks, 30, 56 blue, 133, 172 bonito, 30, 133, 206 leopard, 172 in SBA-96, 170 in SBA-142, ISO in SBA-lS07, 99, 101, 112 in SBA-2061, 122, 133 sevengill, 133


Shell artifacts, 91-93, 116, see also specific types Shell Beach, 239, 241 Shell beads, 47, 4S, SO, 264-265, 266

clam disc, 179, 265 Dentalium, 179, 265 in LAN-159, 223 in LAN-267, 225 Mitra, 265 Olivella, see Olivella beads in ORA-339, 21S in SBA-14 2, 179 in SBA-lS07, 114 Trivia, 265

Shellfish,S, 6, 12-13, 16, 17, IS, 23, 46, 19S, 205, 251, 254-255, 259-260, 261, 262, 266, 267, 269, 272, 273, 277, 2S0, see also specific types

bay, 143 estuarine, see Estuarine shellfish freshwater, 271, 274 in LAN-13S, 224 in LAN-267, 226 of modern Santa Barbara coast, 29-30 in ORA-64, 220 in ORA-246, 219 in ORA-3S6, 221, 222 population pressure and, 27S research methods used to study, 56, 57 role in coastal economy, 7-S, 274-276 of San Diego coast, 206 of Santa Rosa Island, lS4 in SBA-142, ISO in SBA-530, 233-234 in SBA-552, 235 in SBA-931, 231-232 in SBA-1747, 172 in SBA-lS07, 94-99,112-113,114,116,117,

130, 166-167 in SBA-2057, 151-154, 157-15S, 166-167 in SBA-2061, 117, 122, 130-132, 135, 13S-

139, 140, 166-167 in SBA-211S, 174 in SCLI-43B, 215, 216 in SCRI-I09, 197 in SDI-4405, 211-212 in SDI-4630, 213

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Shellfish (Cont.)

in SLO-2, 237 in SLO-l77, 238 in SLO-585A, 239 in SLO-877, 240 in SON-348/H, 247-248 in YEN-I, 227

Shell middens, see Middens Shells, 16, 279

estuarine, see Estuarine shells in LAN-138, 224 in LAN-267, 225 marine, see Marine shells in MNT-229, 242 in ORA-386, 221 research methods used to study, 54, 55, 56-

57, 58 of San Diego coast, 203 of Santa Rosa Island, 183-184 in SBA-97, 170 in SBA-142, 179-181 in SBA-530, 232 in SBA-1807, 68, 70, 71, 75 in SBA-2057, 143, 146, 165 in SBA-2061, 123 in SCL-178, 244 in SDI-4392A, 209 in SLO-2, 236 in SLO-l77, 238 in SLO-585A, 238 in SLO-801, 239 in SLO-832, 239-240 in SLO-877, 240 in SLO-884, 241 in SMI-433, 196-197 in SMI-438, 196-197

Shell-to-bone ratios in SBA-142, 180 in SBA-530, 233 in SBA-1747, 172 in SBA-1807, 70 in SDI-4405, 212 in SDI-4630, 213 in SLO-l77, 238

Shell-to-meat ratios, 13, 15, 16, 280 in SBA-1807, 112-113 in SBA-2057, 158

Shell weight, 13, 17, 112 Shiner surfperch, 134 Shoshonean groups, 43 Shovelnose guitarfish, 101, 206, 216 Shovel test pits, 172 Siberia, 268 Side-notched projectile points, 47, 263

in SBA-142, 180, 181

Side-notched projectile points (Cont.)

in SBA-530, 233 in SBA-1951, 175 in SLO-585A, 239

Side scrapers, 44, 194, 207 Sierran foothills, 263 Sierras, 1, 90 Siliceous rock, 128 Siliceous shale, 26, 59-60, 133 Siltstone cobbles, 197 Siltstones, 26 Silver Lake, 263 Silver Lake projectile points, 44 Simonton Cove, 195 Simonton Soil, 195, 196 515-218, 270, 271, 272 Sisquoc Formation, 26 Sisquoc shale, 146 Site clusters, 198 Site formation processes, 14, 165-166 Skunk Point site (SRI-91/15), 192-193 Skyrocket site (CAL-629/630), 263 Slate artifacts, 82 Slicing tools, 264 SLO-2, 236-237, 255, 262, 265 SLO-l77, 237-238 SLO-585A,238-239 SLO-801, 239 SLO-832, 239-240 SLO-877,240-241 SLO-884,241 Smelt, 155 SMI-261, 193-195,256,263,264 SMI-350, 195 SMI-433, 195-197 SMI-438, 195-197 Snails, 95

moon, 74,130,168,170 turban, 192, 194, 216, 231, 240, 255

Snake River, 266 Snakes

in ORA-64, 220 in SBA-142, 180 in SBA-1807, 108, 109, 110, 113 in SBA-2061, 134 in SDI-4630, 213 in SLO-877, 240

Snowfall,25 Soapstone artifacts, 48, 227, 228 Social structure/complexity, 266-267 Soil, 14,63

of lithic sites, 174, 198 midden, 195-196, 214 of modern Santa Barbara coast, 25-26


of SBA-1807, 63, 66-68, 71, 72, 76,93, 109

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Soil (Cont.) of SBA-1912, l76 of SBA-2057, 145-147 of SBA-2061, 63, 117-120, 124, 129, 132,

139,140 ofSCR-177,242-243 Simonton, 195, 196 of SRI-91115, 192

Soil mixing, 55, 123 Soil pH, 63, 68, 118, 146 Soil samples, 54 SON-3481H, 247-248, 253, 255, 278 Sonoma County, 246, 256 South Mrica, 277 Southern California coast, 8-9, 41-50, 253 Southern Channel Islands, 213-216, 263-264,

see also San Clemente Island; San Nicolas Island; Santa Barbara Island; Santa Catalina Island

Spalls, 14, 61, 84, 172 Spanish settlers, 38 Spatulate tools, 224, 227, 274 Specklefin midshipman, 155 Sphyraena argentea, 216 Split cobbles, 82, 83, 84, 127, 140 Split-punched beads, 239 Sporormiella, 32 Spotfin croaker, 154 Spotfin surfperch, 134 Spotted sand bass, 216 Squirrels, 14,28, 104, 109, 172,213,220,224,

240 SRI-I, 187-188, 269 SRI-3, 188-189, 190, 223, 262, 266 SRI-5, 189-190 SRI-6, 191 SRI-26, 191-192, 255 SRI-91115, 192-193 SRI-116, 186 SRI-173, 184-186,256,264 Steatite beads, 168, 227 Steatite bowls, 168 Steatite pipes, 221 Steelhead fish, 30, 102, 103 Stone beads, 171, 220, 235, 238, 265 Stone bowls, 48, 211 Stone drills, 172 Stone pendants, 227 Stone tools, 183 Stratigraphic mixing, 99, 178 Stratigraphic profiles, 53, 54, 55

for SBA-96, 168 for SBA-1807, 66-68, 71 for SBA-2057, 145-147, 152 for SBA-2061, 117-120

Stratigraphic profiles (Cont.) for SDI-21O, 209 for SLO-585A, 239 for SLO-801, 239 for SMI-261, 193

Streams, 25 in SBA-552, 235 in SBA-1807, 66, 164-165


in SBA-2057, 145-146, 147, 159, 165 Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis (Green sea

urchin), 153 Strongylocentrotus sp., 153, 216 Subsistence, 10, 12-l7, see also Dietary recon­

struction economies of, 259-262

Surface reconnaissance and collections, 53, 54, 65

Surfperch black, 102, 103 dwarf, 101, 102, 103 in ORA-246, 219 rainbow, 134 rubberlip, 216 in SBA-931, 232 in SBA-1807, 102 in SBA-2057, 154 in SBA-2061, 134 shiner, 134 in SLO-2, 237 in SLO-877, 240 spotfin, 134

Survey Point site (SRI-5), 189-190 Sweetwater Mesa site, see LAN-267 Sylvilagus bachmani, see Brush rabbits Sylvilagus sp., 134, 211

rage/us califomianus, see Jacknife clams rage/us sp.

in ORA-246, 219 in SBA-1807, 98, 113 in SBA-2057, 151, 153, 154, 157, 158 in SBA-2061, 130

Tahkenitch Lake, 246 Tarring pebbles, 224, 239 Technology, see Artifacts Tecolote Canyon, 255 Tecolote Point site, see SRI-3 Tectonic uplift, 34, 114,252 regula sp., 192, 237, 239 Teleosts

in ORA-64, 220 in SBA-96, 170 in SBA-142, 180 in SBA-1807, 101, 102, 103 in SBA-2057, 154

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Teleosts (Cont.) in SBA-2061, 133, 134, 135 in SDI-4630, 213

Terminal Pleistocene, 8, 32, 33, 34, 43, 246, 248, 278

artifacts from, 264 geography of, 254, 255 in LAK-380/381, 270 migration in, 269 settlement patterns in, 12 in 515-218, 270 in SRI-5, 190

Texas Street, 9 Thais lamellosa (Frilled dogwinkle), 153 Thomomys bottae, see Pocket gophers Thornbacks, 101, 154, 172 Thunnus alalunga, 216 Tivela sp., 113 Tivela stultorum, see Pismo clams Tizon Brown Ware pottery, 211 Tool manufacture, 108, 157, 165 Topanga, 45 Torrey pine, 210, 261 Trace element analysis, 166 Trachurus symmetricus (Jack mackerel), 216 Trachycardium sp., 130, 239 Trade, 49, 113, 245, 265-266 Transverse Ranges, 25-26 Tresus nuttallii, see Gaper clams Tresus sp.

in SBA-96, 170 in SBA-2057, 153, 157, 158 in SBA-2061, 130 in SLO-2, 237 in SLO-585A, 239

Trivia beads, 265 Trout, 103 Trumpets, 227 Tubers, 47, 184,261 Tule elk, 235, 254 Tule Lake site, see 515-218 Tuna, 30 Turban snails, 192, 194, 216, 231, 240, 255 Turtles, 108, 113, 180, 220 UCLJ-M-15, see SDI-210 Ungulates, 235 Unifacial flaked choppers, 83 U nifacial too Is, 270 Upper Paleolithic, 269 Utilized flakes, 82, 126, 140, 148, 149, 229,


Vandenberg Air Force Base, 79, 231 Vandenberg region, 231-235, 255 Vegetation, 30-33, see also Flora; Plant foods

VEN-l, 12,226-228 VEN-294, 229, 260 VEN-853, 228-229, 259, 260


Ventura County, 12,43, 130-131,226-229,253 Ventura River, 32 Venus clams, 224

in ORA-386, 221 in SBA-96, 168 in SBA-97, 170 in SBA-1807, 75 in SBA-2057, 143 in SDI-4392A, 210-211 in SDI-4405, 211

Vertebrates, 13, 198, 206, 280 in ORA-64, 221 in ORA-246, 219 in SBA-96, 170 in SBA-931, 231 in SBA-1747, 172 in SBA-2057, 155-157

Vertical distribution in SBA-1807, 70-73, 94, 99 in SBA-2061, 120-121, 140 in SCLI-43B, 214 in SDI-4405, 211 in SRI-6, 191

Volcanic rock, 59 Voles, 134, 135

Wallace, William, 40, 226, 227 Warfare, 49-50 Washington, 37, 274 Washington clams

in SBA-5, 177 in SBA-1807, 95 in SBA-2057, 143 in SBA-2088, 172 in SBA-2118, 174 in SLO-877, 240 in SRI-26, 192 in SRI-91/15, 193

Water-screening, 15, 55-56, 206, 279 in LAN-267, 225 in SBA-142, 180 in SBA-2057, 144 in SDI-4405, 211-212 in SDI-4630, 213 in SLO-585A, 238

Wavy tops, 152, 192 Weasels, 108 Wedges, 189 Weight Method, 15, 57 Western Pluvial Lakes Tradition, 44, 51, 208,

269-270, 271 Western pond turtles, 108

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Western Santa Barbara coast, 76, 212 in Early Holocene, 167-177 lithic sites of, 174-177 middens of, 168-174 paleogeography of, 254 subsistence economies in, 260, 261

Whales, 26, 28-29, 239 Whelk shell trumpets, 227 Whetstones, 227 White croaker, 101, 102, 103, 134, 177,240 Whitefish, 216 White sea bass, 102, 103, 134, 154 Wildfires, 27-28, 59,91, 109, UO, 135, 165,

195 cultural, 27, 84 natural, 27, 84

Winchester Canyon site (SBA-71), 178-179

Wishbone Hill site (ORA-339), 218 Wolf eels, 237 Women, 266, 275 Wood rats, 104, 135

Xeric plants, 9, 261 Xerothermic period, 9, 31


X-ray fluorescence analysis, 62, 75, 90, 128

Yardang Canyon, 195, 196, 197 Yellowtails, 30, 102, 103, 220 Yucca plants, 145, 261, 262 Yuman occupations, 207, 209

Zalophus californianus (California sea lions), 29

Zirfaea pilsbryi (Pilsbry's piddock), 152