Conditions Blinded Automatically fail any check requiring sight. Disadv. on attack rolls. Attackers have adv. on attacks. Charmed Cannot attack the charmer or target them with harmful abilities or effects. Charmer has adv. on interacting socially with the charmed creature. Deafened Automatically fail any check that requires hearing. Exhausted See Exhaustion table. Falling At the end of a fall a creature takes 1d6 bludgeoning dmg for every 10 feet they fell (max 20d6). A creature who takes damage this way is knocked prone. Frightened Disadv. on ability checks and attacks while the source of the fear is within sight. Cannot willing move towards the source of the fear. Grappled Speed reduced to 0. Ends when grappler is incapacitated, it is no longer within reach, or fails a skill contest. Incapacitated Cannot take any actions or reactions. Incorporeal Resistance against nonmagical dmg, even if from an incorporeal source. Can move through objects and other creatures but must end movement in an empty space. Invisible Considered heavily obscured for purpos- es of hiding. Adv. on attacks. Attackers have disadv. on attacks. Paralyzed Incapacitated. Cannot move or speak, unaware of surroundings. Weight inc- reases by a factor of ten and no longer age. Automatically fail Str and Dex saves. Attackers have adv. on attacks. Resis- tance to all dmg. Any poison or disease affecting the target is suspended and the target becomes immune to poison and disease. Poisoned Disadv. on attacks and ability checks. Prone Only movement option is crawl until stand up. Disadv. on attacks. Attackers within 5 ft. have adv., otherwise they have disadv. Can stand up using half your total movement speed. Restrained Speed reduced to 0. Disadv. on attacks and Dex saves. Attackers have adv. on attacks. Squeezing Considered one size category smaller for the purposes of movement through tight areas. Every foot of movement costs an extra foot Disadv. on attacks and Dex saves. Attackers have adv. on attacks. Stable 0 hp and unconscious but you don't need to make Death saves. Any damage taken causes the creature to stop being stable and to resume making Death saves. The Stable condition ends when the creature is no longer at 0 hp. If still at 0 hp after 1d4 hrs., regain 1 hp. Stunned Incapacitated and cannot move. Ability to speak is impaired but not lost. Auto- matically fail Str and Dex saves. Attackers have adv. on attacks. Unconscious Incapacitated. Cannot move or speak and unaware of surroundings. Drop any held items and fall prone. Automatically fail Str and Dex saves. Attacks have adv. and attacks within 5 ft. are critical hits. Character Advancement Level Experience Proficiency 1 0 +2 2 300 +2 3 900 +2 4 2,700 +2 5 6,500 +3 6 14,000 +3 7 23,000 +3 8 34,000 +3 9 48,000 +4 10 64,000 +4 11 85,000 +4 12 100,000 +4 13 120,000 +5 14 140,000 +5 15 165,000 +5 16 195,000 +5 17 225,000 +6 18 265,000 +6 19 305,000 +6 20 355,000 +6 Damage and Dying Unconscious When you are reduced to zero hit points you fall unconscious. There are no negative hit point values. Death Saving Throws Whenever you start your turn with zero hit points you must make a death saving throw. On a roll of 10 or higher, you succeed, otherwise you fail. On your third success you become stable while on your third failure you die. These results need not be consecutive. On a roll of 1 you suffer two failures while on a roll of 20 become stable and gain one hit point. Damage at zero hit points If you take any damage while at zero hit points you suffer a death saving throw failure. If this damage is from a critical hit you instead suffer two failures. If this damage is greater than or equal to your hit point maximum you suffer instant death. Skills Ability Score Associated Skills Strength Athletics Dexterity Acrobatics, Sleight of Hand, Stealth Constitution Concentration, Dehydration, Fasting, Forced March, Hold Breath Intelligence Arcana, History, Investigation, Nature, Religion Wisdom Animal Handling, Insight, Medicine, Perception, Survival Charisma Deception, Intimidation, Performance, Persuasion Entries for Constitution are common causes for a Con check, not skills. Traveling Pace Minute Hour Day Effect Slow 200 ft. 2 miles 18 miles Able to stealth Normal 300 ft. 3 miles 24 miles Fast 400 ft. 4 miles 30 miles -5 to Passive Perception Can check vs. DC 10 + each hour over 8, on fail suffer one level of exhaustion Monster Stats CR Prof Exp CR Prof Exp 0 +2 0-10 14 +5 11,500 1/8 +2 25 15 +5 13,000 1/4 +2 50 16 +5 15,000 1/2 +2 100 17 +6 18,000 1 +2 200 18 +6 20,000 2 +2 450 19 +6 22,000 3 +2 700 20 +6 25,000 4 +2 1,100 21 +7 33,000 5 +3 1,800 22 +7 41,000 6 +3 2,300 23 +7 50,000 7 +3 2,900 24 +7 62,000 8 +3 3,900 25 +8 75,000 9 +4 5,000 26 +8 90,000 10 +4 5,900 27 +8 105,000 11 +4 7,200 28 +8 120,000 12 +4 8,400 29 +9 135,000 13 +5 10,000 30 +9 155,000 Difficulty Classes DC Trivial 5 Easy 10 Moderate 15 Hard 20 Very Hard 25 Nearly Impossible 30 Exhaustiion Level Effect 1 Disadvantage on ability checks. 2 Speed halved. 3 Disadvantage on attack rolls and saving throws. 4 Hit point maximum halved. 5 Speed reduced to 0. 6 Death Donning Armor Category Don Doff Light 1 min 1 min Medium 5 min 1 min Heavy 10 min 5 min Shield 1 action 1 action Random Encounter DCs Threat Level Short Rest Long Rest 4hrs Travel Negligible 20 20 Evident 20 15 15 Severe 15 10 10 Immediate 10 5 5 Cover Degree Effect Half Cover Grants +2 bonus to AC and Dexterity saving throws. Three-quarters Cover Grants +5 bonus to AC and Dexterity saving throws. Total Cover Cannot be targeted directly by attacks or spells, although area of effect spells and abilities are still effective. Actions Action Effect Attack Use a melee or ranged weapon to strike an enemy. Spell Cast a known spell with an unused spell slot. Cantrips don't prevent bonus spells. Dash Move up to max speed in addition to the move action. Disengage Movement does not provoke an opportunity attack. Dodge Until next turn: Enemy attacks have Disadv. and Dex saves have Adv. Help Give an ally Adv. on next ability check or attack roll. Ready Prepare an action to be triggered later in the round. Search Look for something inobvious via Wis(Perception) or Int(Intvestigation). Interact Interact with an object such as drinking a potion.

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BlindedAutomatically fail any check requiring sight. Disadv. on attack rolls. Attackers have adv. on attacks.


Cannot attack the charmer or target them with harmful abilities or effects. Charmer has adv. on interacting socially with the charmed creature.

Deafened Automatically fail any check that requires hearing.

Exhausted See Exhaustion table.


At the end of a fall a creature takes 1d6 bludgeoning dmg for every 10 feet they fell (max 20d6). A creature who takes damage this way is knocked prone.


Disadv. on ability checks and attacks while the source of the fear is within sight. Cannot willing move towards the source of the fear.

GrappledSpeed reduced to 0. Ends when grappleris incapacitated, it is no longer within reach, or fails a skill contest.

Incapacitated Cannot take any actions or reactions.


Resistance against nonmagical dmg, evenif from an incorporeal source. Can move through objects and other creatures but must end movement in an empty space.

InvisibleConsidered heavily obscured for purpos-es of hiding. Adv. on attacks. Attackers have disadv. on attacks.


Incapacitated. Cannot move or speak, unaware of surroundings. Weight inc-reases by a factor of ten and no longer age. Automatically fail Str and Dex saves.Attackers have adv. on attacks. Resis-tance to all dmg. Any poison or disease affecting the target is suspended and the target becomes immune to poison and disease.

Poisoned Disadv. on attacks and ability checks.


Only movement option is crawl until stand up. Disadv. on attacks. Attackers within 5 ft. have adv., otherwise they have disadv. Can stand up using half your total movement speed.

RestrainedSpeed reduced to 0. Disadv. on attacks and Dex saves. Attackers have adv. on attacks.


Considered one size category smaller for the purposes of movement through tight areas. Every foot of movement costs an extra foot Disadv. on attacks and Dex saves. Attackers have adv. on attacks.


0 hp and unconscious but you don't needto make Death saves. Any damage taken causes the creature to stop being stable and to resume making Death saves. The Stable condition ends when the creature is no longer at 0 hp. If still at 0 hp after 1d4 hrs., regain 1 hp.


Incapacitated and cannot move. Ability to speak is impaired but not lost. Auto-matically fail Str and Dex saves. Attackers have adv. on attacks.


Incapacitated. Cannot move or speak and unaware of surroundings. Drop any held items and fall prone. Automatically fail Str and Dex saves. Attacks have adv. and attacks within 5 ft. are critical hits.

Character AdvancementLevel Experience Proficiency

1 0 +22 300 +23 900 +24 2,700 +25 6,500 +36 14,000 +37 23,000 +38 34,000 +39 48,000 +4

10 64,000 +411 85,000 +412 100,000 +413 120,000 +514 140,000 +515 165,000 +516 195,000 +517 225,000 +618 265,000 +619 305,000 +620 355,000 +6

Damage and Dying

UnconsciousWhen you are reduced to zero hit points you fall unconscious. There are no negative hit point values.

Death SavingThrows

Whenever you start your turn with zero hit points you must make a death saving throw. On a roll of 10 or higher, you succeed, otherwise you fail. On your third success you become stable while on your third failure you die. These results need not be consecutive. On a roll of 1 you suffer two failures while on a roll of 20 become stable and gain one hit point.

Damage at zerohit points

If you take any damage while at zero hit points you suffer a death saving throw failure. If this damage is from a critical hit you instead suffer two failures. If this damage is greater than or equal to your hit point maximum you suffer instant death.

SkillsAbility Score Associated SkillsStrength AthleticsDexterity Acrobatics, Sleight of Hand, StealthConstitution Concentration, Dehydration, Fasting, Forced March, Hold BreathIntelligence Arcana, History, Investigation, Nature, ReligionWisdom Animal Handling, Insight, Medicine, Perception, SurvivalCharisma Deception, Intimidation, Performance, Persuasion

Entries for Constitution are common causes for a Con check, not skills.

TravelingPace Minute Hour Day EffectSlow 200 ft. 2 miles 18 miles Able to

stealthNormal 300 ft. 3 miles 24 miles ▁Fast 400 ft. 4 miles 30 miles -5 to Passive

PerceptionCan check vs. DC 10 + each hour over 8, on fail suffer one level of exhaustion

Monster StatsCR Prof Exp CR Prof Exp0 +2 0-10 14 +5 11,500

1/8 +2 25 15 +5 13,0001/4 +2 50 16 +5 15,0001/2 +2 100 17 +6 18,000

1 +2 200 18 +6 20,0002 +2 450 19 +6 22,0003 +2 700 20 +6 25,0004 +2 1,100 21 +7 33,0005 +3 1,800 22 +7 41,0006 +3 2,300 23 +7 50,0007 +3 2,900 24 +7 62,0008 +3 3,900 25 +8 75,0009 +4 5,000 26 +8 90,000

10 +4 5,900 27 +8 105,00011 +4 7,200 28 +8 120,00012 +4 8,400 29 +9 135,00013 +5 10,000 30 +9 155,000

Difficulty ClassesDC

Trivial 5Easy 10Moderate 15Hard 20Very Hard 25Nearly Impossible 30

ExhaustiionLevel Effect

1 Disadvantage on ability checks.2 Speed halved.3 Disadvantage on attack rolls and saving throws.4 Hit point maximum halved.5 Speed reduced to 0.6 Death

Donning ArmorCategory Don DoffLight 1 min 1 minMedium 5 min 1 minHeavy 10 min 5 minShield 1 action 1 action

Random Encounter DCsThreat Level Short Rest Long Rest 4hrs TravelNegligible ▁ 20 20Evident 20 15 15Severe 15 10 10Immediate 10 5 5

CoverDegree EffectHalf Cover Grants +2 bonus to AC and

Dexterity saving throws.Three-quarters Cover Grants +5 bonus to AC and

Dexterity saving throws.Total Cover Cannot be targeted directly by

attacks or spells, although area of effect spells and abilities are still effective.

ActionsAction Effect

AttackUse a melee or ranged weapon to strike an enemy.

SpellCast a known spell with an unused spell slot. Cantrips don't prevent bonus spells.

DashMove up to max speed in addition to the move action.

DisengageMovement does not provoke an opportunity attack.

DodgeUntil next turn: Enemy attacks have Disadv. and Dex saves have Adv.

HelpGive an ally Adv. on next ability check or attack roll.

ReadyPrepare an action to be triggered later in the round.

SearchLook for something inobviousvia Wis(Perception) or Int(Intvestigation).

InteractInteract with an object such as drinking a potion.