•l! l: I ! ()i (, REENBELT OOPERATOR --------------------------------------a.------------ Published Every Thursday Bv The Greenbelt Cooperative Pu blishing Association. Inc.. 8 Parkway. Greenbelt. Maryland Vol. 14, No. 21: '.(Dick Whi-ttington'' to Greenbelt The Clare Tree Major children's theater oi :\ew Yvrk is presenting :t performance of "Dick \\'hitting- ton and His Cat" on Xoveml,er 30, at 3::'10 p.m. at ·the Grcen0elt theater, according tn theater, manager Jack Eskridge. Tickets are on sale at the h•)x· ofticc of the the- ater :--;o-:ember 29. The lD-· cal production is under the aus;1ices of the College Pa:rk branch of the Amer-ican of Cniversity \V ot 1cn. A< cording to a release from the theater headquarters in Plcasant- -\·ille, York. the play is built on the popular legend which gre\v up around Sir Richard \Vhi,ttington, four time Lord ayor of Lonrlon. The intention oi aL Clan· Tree :\1a- jor Productions, it adder!. is chiloren receive a ''Iibera) helpmg of knuwle<lge oi the world they live in." In this play. cmpha,;is is on f :>t·.rteenth century Englan<: and it:o ba•:kgir,nnrl. Featured periorm- er ill "Dick \Vhittington" is Xehu- chadnezzar, a famous cat who is one of anin1als in the· theat<·r's cntnpanics. Tl c Children's Theat-:r is a strict- lv n•Hl-c<:)mtn.crcial organizati(Jll, under a nonprofit-making men: bcrship charter granted hy the state , oi X l'W York. 1 ts perin,-m- ancc-; arc 'i><>ns<Jrc<l tl1ruughout the Cnitt·d anti Canada hy ci,:ic organiza:ion' whose obje;:t ;s to bt·in,, cntertaimncnt to the ;:otll'g people 111 their respective local iti•'S. P.Ci. Orchesl:ra Varied Program By Slye . 1 It is uti"iortunate that so few neo: pie t">ok advantage of the opportun; itv d; attending a fine orchestra f,;rniance last Sunday night in Center school auditorium. ; Tl e Pdt1Ce Georges County Sym)hony Orchestra. David chuk. Conductor, . ted an m- tcresting ::.nd varied program, op- ening \vith Mozart's II Pastore Re Ovet ture, and followed by the Sym- phony in F by Dittersclorf. Three 'seventeenth century Dutch _tunes, arrar ge<i by the late Hans Kmdler, conc·uded the first part of the pro- gram. . . t. The number followmg tn er- h "P.. mission was the majestic Mig!:' ty Fortress is Our .rango:d by Cailiet. Schubert s Bal- let for Rosamunda _was fol- lowe•l by the Ballet Sutte from Swat. Lake by Tschaikowsky. The concluding number, of .'r:o- mort'ow" from Symphome Mtma- was composed l;y George F. 1\.IcKay, an American composer. As an ellcore the third movement_ from the Symphonic was graciOusly played by the Orchestra. The orchestra is composed of _res- idents of Greenbelt ::.nd Pnnce Geor ... County and og Sunday was by members of the ·washington CiYic whic 1 Mr. Burchuk is ass1stant d1-, rector. Also playing in the ?rches- tra on Sunday were Frank cellist, who is director of the Um- V'Crsity of Maryland orchestra band. and Gordon Finlay, cornetist, of the Nav.; orchestra. Accompa- nist was Mrs. Marian Moore. Decorating Class To See Movie For the eighth interior decorating class in the adult education pr<;>- grarn November 30, a sound movte "We 'Decorate Our Homes" will be sho" n. A representative of the Pitts!Jt::·gh PlatP Glass Company will talk on paints and -::olor dy,- namics. , The class meets in room ?.24 of the ( lmilding at 8 p.m. i Ar.yonc interested is we!come. Greenbelt, Maryland. Thursday, 1\"ovember 24. 1949 Five cents Corcoran Shows Jlrt Of 4 Greenbelters Four Greenbelt are rep-,·- sented in the cu:rrcnt "Arti"i' of \\'ashingtr.n and Vicinity" cxitiLit a: the Corcoran Gallery in \\" a!;h- in;;;ton. The show contains nea -ly 220() of art. c!tnsen irom •)''Cr 1400 entries. Bc·njamin .\bramrJwitz. 3-L Ea<t- way, is rep:-esented hy two paint- ings. and Sophia Corwin. 7-X Re- search: Isad .. re Parker. 45-J f{i.Jgc: and 1 sidore Reuhen. 4-D Cre"cent. ha\·e one each on exhibit. A hranFJ\\'i tz. \\·ell-known in ·:he ·.:vashing-ton area for his work in oils and pen an<! ink. at prcs•:nt teaches painting at the \Vashin;5ton \Vorkshop Coop era r.iYc. II e ]·ad a one-man show at the Barnet At' en c;;d!ery Ja,t year. :J.ncl i1is paintir g-o; have been included in many gTcnp in \\"ashington. C<Jt·,,·in has studied paint- ing for many years. Her painti:cg in t!te Cnrcoran show is an qili life. the only one oi the f,mr pain ted in that style. The ;ninting h,· Parker is his i;:i- tial appearance iE an a1·t exhibit. al- thrmgh has studied and maintain- ed a cont;nuous ii,tercst in the stcb- jcct. .-\ttractinc.; attu1tinn ;;-.)!11 thl· siJO\\' S)'E:Ctato:·s is tlH' ':!!try or Tsidr1re Reuben. E;s still liiC'. ,·1:- titled "Fl"wer,o amid D.-.t-.'' ·.,·as executed with the use of a h·::.Yy n1aking- se,·eral stand otlt in re-lief. The tempt at >1: to trmch the ca'1Yas appeared :rre- sistihlc. to the ..-iewcrs. l{euben. "·ho has been painting- for seYeral was rept·esente<l in the Corcoran·s "·"'· s oi \Vashing-lon and Yi c: ni- ty" exhibit year. The show will be on exhibit for another month. GCS Sales Soar Greenbelt Consumer Sen·ices' saies reached a new high of $1?2,- 987 for the last four weeks, accord- ing to the general manager's report at the GCS board of direc:ors meeting last Friday night. This amount is an increase of 25% o\-ei" the same period last year, and the estimated net savings for this pe- riod is $4817 or 2.8% of gross sa:es. Also at this meeting the board approved the appo-intment of Rlth Hill as new manager for the bea·Jty shop. The board authorized gen- eral manager Sam Ashelman to ob- tain the sen.-ices of Morris :Mitchell, executive secretary of the South- eastrn Cooperative League, to do promotional wor.k and to direct an empioyee training progqtm in Greenbelt. The board of directors of GCS at- tended meeting of Eastern Coope- rative, Inc. in Kew York on S·.m- dav October 30. Bierwag- en: 'GCS board president, reported that progress was being made •on a plan for the reorganization of E CI. The board decided tc discuss bus situation at its regular me(ot\ng next Friday, because the bus is ope- rat;ng at a loss. Tentath·e plans are to call a meeting of people who need and use the bus to consider either curtailing the service or rais- ing the fare. ---- Leacue of latioas Tea• Meet Locals The undefeated Greenbelt E.oys' Club semor football team will en- tertain the strong League of Na- tions Bovs' Club of \Vashington this Sunday -afternoon at Braden Field in the first meeting of the two c:.t;bs. The opponents' roster includes boys of nine different national:ties. Kickoff is at 2:30. GVHC Will Elect: Board December 9 .\ hr ard '.i d irt:ctor,; wil: be elect- at a rncet- iiJg ca.1ied fo:- r;. accordiqr to G\-HC of the h,·,ard a• c :\fike S:Jzma·:. pre-idcnt: Ja:nc" \\'al-h. \·ice l,re"i- dent: HcnYinan: }·T enry f>ca:-!!lLtn. trea-.:1:rer: and l·ic·::1jan1:n (; }{a1J 1 Ji :\f,·,tTi" a::•: J<c\·. Et·ic T. Braund. 1: ·•' (·X- ceptlnn nf Sandhan' and are ()r the:- L.:·arrl c'; dircc:r.r,.: c,,· t 1 :(· Grec:r:lH.:·t :\f· .• -·.::,! Ho•n(· ()· .. ·;nl-r,Lip Cc·r;:• •r:ct· (;;_r ll ()C ;:wc:i·:cr in ! ; : .:- ditiO!:. the G:'lft{IJ( · 1wa-- ·_;, c , - ... \' .. · .. c;. 1 c·- _\,..:rl p1;J,•;::·_·l f, __ :-- t,,_ ace{ .7-!- 1() ·'::.· ,_ rl·p ·Jt..: fr ·i 1 I C Use Service or Else Says Capital Tr ansi·t n-: . l;l:;;;: \'."t_ '- Ex,.•h;t:'n;:.c tha.t public tr:,· ;- COil\'enien t. econcllnical. ;, t · i ,:, J. P lPtter tl:e: ... · ·,\T: offt:r' f--;ree!:bei· 1..: ti:1ar::::.1> t!"- sound frcnn tl1l· lj(-,int-(li- view. and implierl that gr...:ttcr p:;- tr..--)nag-c \\·:n h:.·· 1:et·•!e·l tt) the Greenbelt in opcrati·. r•. Greenhelt';; riding-poc·l l:a'.it. formed during :he earlY ,;"='" c·f the \Yar a•1•l greatly \':!:::::1 Capital increased i·- i:,rec and lowered it" service ma:ely twn year" age,, \'·a.:: :h.:: <>P- paro1t target c•i the implied t 1 .rtat. Con1mut<:rs ir<•m Greenbelt to downtown \Yashington art r.r,w pro\·ided a en:ry 2C• dur;ncr rush hours to the B:·:,nclJ- ,;il!e line. frequently dnri,,g c,j'f hours .. \verage travelling ti:1:(· dur- ing rush hours is an ho·1r ;, quarter to .'uch central locatin,-.'- ac 14th atHl G Sts .. X.\\- .. n-o·h a straight cash fare r,f 3R cent" one (Purclta-=e c,f three U. C. t·-- ken,; for 35 cent,.: ·:l!;, to 37' cent:-.'1 County PTA Council Meets Here Dec. 1 The regular meef::c- r:,; Prince Cou:1ty o; P;::rent- Teacher :\>scciatoonc ·.·.-:11 Le held on 1. at the Greenbelt Center .<:cl:o· ' a• K p.m .. with registrJ.tion be;:.:ir-:nic:g ;<t 7:30p.m. G. Gardner Shugart, superinter'- dent of Prince George" C. •un:y will dis .. uss "The Pro- cedures of Preparing the Sr:hor:,] Budget." This announcement was marie by \Vesley Darling, prcsiden t oi tll e County PTA Council, at a meeting of the executive committee held 10 at the resi<ie:1ce of Mrs. R. 0. Stelzer in L'ni·:t.:rsity Park Darling was elected pre5- ident to fill the vacancy :eft by Carroll F. Palmer who rec,igned re- cently when he moved to :!llontgr.'m- ery County from his horr1e ::: B!a· denshurg. PTA orgar:izations are to ha.-e their delegates at:c1d ·.ho' meeting, and the public ic. '50 Rate JOe Over '49; Pubf,ic Hearing Set By Carolyn R. Miller Greenbelt's tax rate will be $3.2556 per $100 assessed valua· ticn in 1950, $.1061 higher than 1949, if the budget presented Mon- day night to the city council by Manager Charles T. McDonald is adopted without change. \\.i:L disposition of the city ex- pee:(·•! in the t:ear future, the tax 1·;t1c 111ay becnn1e a n1nre urgent m:,·:•·:· t<t re,,:dent'i than at present. In c!i'vct, the city tax is a ''hidden :a:·:. :1- i: is includerl in the rent. C•mnccti-:Jn, :\fayor Hetty I l: :..:·:, ·:t retaindcd tl.e cr·,nnc-il · ;,: "l:•'n I'ublic Housing .-\dmin·· : ·:r;<t; 'l rai-cd (;;-ecnbelt r<:nts Ia,:: ... :.:·. reason to ·::,k" "<:111." cntnp;"able ·o sit11ilat· :... _ .. , :h: ;::-,.J.. They made no " . tl e r·f tl1c c:ty t! (·city tax ral.e. (I'HA -" "\1'1'1 each year t<• the city in Boost in Budget ·; · tc-nt:i:iH· i>\lflget tr,tal i:.:: ar1 incrl'a:--e r1i Sl..?JJ/1.77 -_ ,.,. ,. i- \··.::•.r. l'a,·nH·nt. f:·r,m PI [ :\ ,-,_ ... 1 ,f ta:-.:e'. if the: Ludgl·t j...; nnt :'t.:d t}H: cn11ncil. \vi11 ,,, .. •e•l i··: th(' ;unount of SJ:--;2,· .,,,,:,_.,, pl:\ th•: ... in ad- in.-.:ur:tl:ce and rt·tirt:- . ...;t-..: lia- 1': an1(Junt J-()r :-;ide-- . :> ,_ ·l park·:: rc...;tcn·at!rl:"! oi , :tl]. •ca:i •11 t•' the L·\·,·1 r<:'lttt·C't- ' 1 ::. -' ye:1r I •ut reduced by l'H.\; r! ;1. irnrn_ a part-tin1e :a ., :n the n1anag·cr s Hearing Dec. 12 1)tHiget calendar 1.': t. c council follows: discussic!l1 at t'·,_. ··cc-uiar meeting of December 5; <>pen !;cari:1g <•11 the Decem- !J,.-- 12: fmal appt·c,yal for '>" tr• PH.\. t·e;;ular meeting De- ccn hr:r 19. . Pfi.-\ Cor:nntm1ty Manager vVal- tc·:- s:mor: will be invite<! to confer \\·:t!; :\lcDonald before the hearing, tr \'::1ich he will also be invite(!. D:'!iculty in comparing the pro- p:•'-cd with the 1949 figures 1.\·;:," noted i:·1 that the unif()rm sys- tc-:11 oi municipal accounting- pre- cc,-iherl h,, dte State has heen fol- J.,._,.ed. .!VtcDonald's ac- c·.mp:;t·.yi:1g the budget, which •.vill he ic•:-mal'y presented at the Decem- her ;:;. meeting. is expected to help ;.,11 c• in making the com- pan<on. Thoma' J. Canning- cxr,re--ed regret that the budget cr.t:!r1 tF•t b•: lower in ,·iew of the ::,:-.: , ate. '·ta·:inz that future (Jnaybe :-.·.ar- i-.J·un·1 owners here will l.e ·age<!. tn the leas·t. It pni1:tcd rnlt that a rea:.sessment , i ::. e priip(·rty and any increase in Lt:il·h;g< will bring the tax rate Powers Sworn In :::,: .'.'<·r:J ;n ac citv solicitor early in ' r: meeting, \V. Powers (tr.v:n in 1941-42) said that r.e wa;; to be associate'! w1 ·: Green again. inter- t-'-' i:1 t:;e ccmmur.ity has continued '·'·:ce my sep,·ice in the Legislature Lasl: W Clot:hing Drive Hugf..'s parishioners are re- m:nt!erl that only the Thanksgiving v. eekenr! remains to contribute to the Catholic \Velfare Con- :'t-rer.ce·s an:1uJ.I clothing drive for relief. Clothing of all k>·.dc i< needed, with special empha- "i s <.':·: wearable and practical shoe:;. IJo:1ec;ions may be brought to 1! u.C!:·. ·" sch,:ol any time this wed:. I' can be made. when neces- '-"-:-:c. !Jy caL:ng :\frs. Arthur Cusick ;:,.: Greenbelt 3777 ior iniormaticm. r"':( ;::::" -:late for cr)llectirJnS {tnd 1 is night. -- .. __ at the time the char:er was passed." he said. :vTa,·"r I [arrington asked him to look further into the reason for the exclu.-icn of (jrecnhelt f--om the State law ·covering es:al•lishing of munic;pal housing authorities. "\Vhile it cannot he said t ·.. tt tln·re is a demand for a local lwnsing au- thority. we wc•nld like to L'"'plo;-e all [f a mnnicipal iuv autl1••rity should pnP:e to he <le- we would not w;c-1t to be blocked by the state law." she said. Greenbelt Exclusion ::\Tr. f'owcrs said that as lw rt·- tn;·ntht-r<·d the situation, pro\·isioa fr,r a Creenhclt ''"using authority \\·a.; f•xclu<kd ifl.Jll the general hill in )CI.)/ ltt c-:u-c "i a pos-,iblc confl'ct \\·itt, tl1e t<>\\'11 charter w 1ich passed at till' sanw scs.sion. Rt'· Ininrlccl h\· t]:(' rnavor that a cl:iil.Se a llotl'-·;1;1.!.!. had l"'en coJ.:aincd it! t11t' ot·iginal char- !<:·, !it' ·c;,:t\ Lc thnnght till' I;,.o],.,·al ( ;.,,·vrnrllc!lt pc·llple interl'.-<t<'rl in ( :r,·t·tJht·lr a ,k_,_,,j tltt• (; >\'tTllllt· to •:ct" ti:at clall'l' and ill' •' irl. Till· diciul!- to r('fer l l1is Jt,t· Jlirlr(' crqnpl<.:t<' infr!f1l1aii<,l1 . Report on Conference The me<·tit<g abo incl11dcd a re· P"rt nn JVIaryland ,,f i>lunicipalitit·s conference attended !J,· the city m:111agc-r. the mayor, and Councilman Steve :tvlc- Donalrl told tl1e C()Uncil, among oth- er things, nf tf1e high praise 'bestow- ed on Crccnhelt's police department in an a<ldress by Major R·.1xton M. ,,f the Marylan<l Po- lice. It was the only city !ipecifical- ly mentioned in any of the speeches. The major also referred to :JUr "lady mayor" but quickly adrle<l that the efficiency of the department could not he credited to her! (Tf i't keeps up. we don't sec why not.> The letter to all Greenbelters from Capital Transit was b:-ought to the council's attention by Mrs. Thom<.s Ritchie. It was learned that ::WcDonald is studying the transportation problem and will re- port in the near fut11rt. An invitation from the River<lale J I eights Citizens Association to flis- cuss the widening of Edmonston Road was accepted; Councilman Frank Lastner and the ci:y mana- ger agreed to attet1d. Berwyn Democrats Dance December 2 The 21st District Democratic Club, Eerwyn, Md., will hold a dance for its members and their guests on Friday, Decem'ber 2, at 10 p.m. at the Berwyn Rod and Gun Club, located approximately one mile west of the Baltimore Boule- var J at the M uirkirk overpass. Dance music will be furnished by Vickers' band from Annapolis, Md. A spot dance will be a f,!!Mure of the program, with some lu1cky cou- ple recfiving a valuable prize. Guests will be entertained by the Harmony Trio, Phyllis Kit·kpatrick, Edith and Frank Shegogu(:. George ''Mi1" Jones and his Barber Sbop Quartet will render several selec- tions. Tickets may be obtainf:d at the door, and the public is cordially in- vited to attend this gala affair. High School High Spots The Junior Red Cross drive at the high scl,ool was very successful this yeaL The student body turned' in a totai of $47.50, and 19 gift boxes. for children O\'erseas. . _ ..... "') I j I \

REENBELT OOPERATOR - Greenbelt News Review · To See Movie For the eighth interior decorating class in the adult education pr grarn November 30, a sound movte "We 'Decorate

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REENBELT OOPERATOR AI~ INDEPE~JDENT NEWSP~PER --------------------------------------a.------------

Published Every Thursday Bv The Greenbelt Cooperative Pu blishing Association. Inc.. 8 Parkway. Greenbelt. Maryland Vol. 14, No. 21:

'.(Dick Whi-ttington'' C~ming to Greenbelt

The Clare Tree Major children's theater oi :\ew Yvrk is presenting :t performance of "Dick \\'hitting­ton and His Cat" on Xoveml,er 30, at 3::'10 p.m. at ·the Grcen0elt theater, according tn theater, manager Jack Eskridge. Tickets are on sale at the h•)x· ofticc of the Greenbel~ the­ater throu~gh :--;o-:ember 29. The lD-· cal production is under the aus;1ices of the College Pa:rk branch of the Amer-ican As~ociation of Cniversity \V ot 1cn.

A< cording to a release from the theater headquarters in Plcasant­-\·ille, ~(ew York. the play is built on the popular legend which gre\v up around Sir Richard \Vhi,ttington, four time Lord ~f ayor of Lonrlon. The intention oi aL Clan· Tree :\1a­jor Productions, it adder!. is t~1at chiloren receive a ''Iibera) helpmg of knuwle<lge oi the world they live in." In this play. cmpha,;is is on f :>t·.rteenth century Englan<: and it:o ba•:kgir,nnrl. Featured periorm­er ill "Dick \Vhittington" is Xehu­chadnezzar, a famous cat who is one of .s~vcral anin1als in the· theat<·r's ~:x cntnpanics.

Tl c Children's Theat-:r is a strict­lv n•Hl-c<:)mtn.crcial organizati(Jll, op~ ~~-ati:lg under a nonprofit-making men: bcrship charter granted hy the state , oi X l'W York. 1 ts perin,-m­ancc-; arc 'i><>ns<Jrc<l tl1ruughout the Cnitt·d Statc~ anti Canada hy ci,:ic organiza:ion' whose obje;:t ;s to bt·in,, wl;nle~omc cntertaimncnt to the ;:otll'g people 111 their respective local iti•'S.

P.Ci. Orchesl:ra Gi~1es Varied Program

By Aim~ Slye . 1

It is uti"iortunate that so few neo: pie t">ok advantage of the opportun; itv d; attending a fine orchestra per~ f,;rniance last Sunday night in th~ Center school auditorium. ;

Tl e Pdt1Ce Georges County Sym)hony Orchestra. David B~r­chuk. Conductor, . pr~sen ted an m­tcresting ::.nd varied program, op­ening \vith Mozart's II Pastore Re Ovet ture, and followed by the Sym­phony in F by Dittersclorf. Three

'seventeenth century Dutch _tunes, arrar ge<i by the late Hans Kmdler, conc·uded the first part of the pro-

gram. . . t. The firs~ number followmg tn er-

h "P.. mission was the majestic ym~; Mig!:' ty Fortress is Our Go~, ar~

.rango:d by Cailiet. Schubert s Bal­let ~·uite for Rosamunda _was fol­lowe•l by the Ballet Sutte from Swat. Lake by Tschaikowsky. The concluding number, "Mar~h of .'r:o­mort'ow" from Symphome Mtma­~ure. was composed l;y George F. 1\.IcKay, an American composer. As an ellcore the third movement_ from the ~arne Symphonic was graciOusly played by the Orchestra.

The orchestra is composed of _res­idents of Greenbelt ::.nd Pnnce Geor ... e~ County and og Sunday was augd~nted by members of the ·washington CiYic Orch~stra ~f whic 1 Mr. Burchuk is ass1stant d1-, rector. Also playing in the ?rches­tra on Sunday were Frank :SykSr~, cellist, who is director of the Um­V'Crsity of Maryland orchestra ~nd band. and Gordon Finlay, cornetist, of the Nav.; orchestra. Accompa­nist was Mrs. Marian Moore.

Decorating Class To See Movie

For the eighth interior decorating class in the adult education pr<;>­grarn November 30, a sound movte "We 'Decorate Our Homes" will be sho" n. A representative of the Pitts!Jt::·gh PlatP Glass Company will talk on paints and -::olor dy,­namics. ,

The class meets in room ?.24 of the ( omm~;nity lmilding at 8 p.m. i

Ar.yonc interested is we!come.

·--------·-,~------. -~-

Greenbelt, Maryland. Thursday, 1\"ovember 24. 1949 Five cents

Corcoran Shows Jlrt Of 4 Greenbelters

Four Greenbelt artist~ are rep-,·­sented in the cu:rrcnt "Arti"i' of \\'ashingtr.n and Vicinity" cxitiLit a: the Corcoran Gallery in \\" a!;h­in;;;ton. The show contains nea -ly 220() work~ of art. c!tnsen irom •)''Cr 1400 entries.

Bc·njamin .\bramrJwitz. 3-L Ea<t­way, is rep:-esented hy two paint­ings. and Sophia Corwin. 7-X Re­search: Isad .. re Parker. 45-J f{i.Jgc: and 1 sidore Reuhen. 4-D Cre"cent. ha\·e one each on exhibit.

A hranFJ\\'i tz. \\·ell-known in ·:he ·.:vashing-ton area for his work in oils and pen an<! ink. at prcs•:nt teaches painting at the \Vashin;5ton \Vorkshop Coop era r.iYc. II e ]·ad a one-man show at the Barnet At' en c;;d!ery Ja,t year. :J.ncl i1is paintir g-o;

have been included in many gTcnp ~haws in \\"ashington.

~1rs. C<Jt·,,·in has studied paint­ing for many years. Her painti:cg in t!te Cnrcoran show is an ah~~rl•:t qili life. the only one oi the f,mr pain ted in that style.

The ;ninting h,· Parker is his i;:i­tial appearance iE an a1·t exhibit. al­thrmgh he~ has studied and maintain­ed a cont;nuous ii,tercst in the stcb­jcct.

.-\ttractinc.; intens~ attu1tinn ;;-.)!11

thl· siJO\\' S)'E:Ctato:·s is tlH' ':!!try or Tsidr1re Reuben. E;s still liiC'. ,·1:­titled "Fl"wer,o amid D.-.t-.'' ·.,·as executed with the use of a h·::.Yy in1pa~~n. n1aking- se,·eral fl(Y.\"t~r..:

stand otlt in re-lief. The tempt at • >1:

to trmch the ca'1Yas appeared :rre­sistihlc. to the ..-iewcrs. l{euben. "·ho has been painting- for seYeral ~ e<.r~. was rept·esente<l in the Corcoran·s "·"'· ~-tist s oi \Vashing-lon and Yi c: ni­ty" exhibit la~t year.

The show will be on exhibit for another month.

GCS Sales Soar Greenbelt Consumer Sen·ices'

saies reached a new high of $1?2,-987 for the last four weeks, accord­ing to the general manager's report at the GCS board of direc:ors

meeting last Friday night. This amount is an increase of 25% o\-ei" the same period last year, and the estimated net savings for this pe­riod is $4817 or 2.8% of gross sa:es.

Also at this meeting the board approved the appo-intment of Rlth Hill as new manager for the bea·Jty shop. The board authorized gen­eral manager Sam Ashelman to ob­tain the sen.-ices of Morris :Mitchell, executive secretary of the South­eastrn Cooperative League, to do promotional wor.k and to direct an empioyee training progqtm in Greenbelt.

The board of directors of GCS at­tended ~ meeting of Eastern Coope­rative, Inc. in Kew York on S·.m­dav October 30. ~'alter Bierwag­en: 'GCS board president, reported that progress was being made •on a plan for the reorganization of E CI.

The board decided tc discuss ~he bus situation at its regular me(ot\ng next Friday, because the bus is ope­rat;ng at a loss. Tentath·e plans are to call a meeting of people who need and use the bus to consider either curtailing the service or rais­ing the fare.


Leacue of latioas Tea• Meet Locals

The undefeated Greenbelt E.oys' Club semor football team will en­tertain the strong League of Na­tions Bovs' Club of \Vashington this Sunday -afternoon at Braden Field in the first meeting of the two c:.t;bs.

The opponents' roster includes boys of nine different national:ties. Kickoff is at 2:30.

GVHC Will Elect: Board December 9

.\ hr ard '.i d irt:ctor,; wil: be elect-

(.<Jrp(-ra~inli at a 1T~en1her.:..~:1r: rncet­

iiJg tcr:ta:i\·c]}-~ ca.1ied fo:- :-)vc~.:n1b~r

r;. accordiqr to G\-HC ~,·crcary

of the h,·,ard a• c :\fike S:Jzma·:. pre-idcnt: Ja:nc" \\'al-h. \·ice l,re"i­dent: HcnYinan: }·T enry f>ca:-!!lLtn. trea-.:1:rer: and l·ic·::1jan1:n (; ·1· 1 !:-.r~·-r..

}{a1J 1Ji :\f,·,tTi" Sa~Jd]iaU". a::•: J<c\·. Et·ic T. Braund.

1: ·•' (·X-

ceptlnn nf Sandhan' and l.~;21_,"!:J·1. are al~----· nlt-!nrJct~ ()r the:- L.:·arrl c'; dircc:r.r,.: c,,· t 1 :(· Grec:r:lH.:·t :\f· .• -·.::,! Ho•n(· ()· .. ·;nl-r,Lip Cc·r;:• •r:ct· \\.11~('-~ \\.~i~ e~(·c-erl ~it ~~ :'r_"...:~~1::.r

(;;_r ll ()C ;:wc:i·:cr in ~1Lrc~1. ! ; : .:­ditiO!:. the G:'lft{IJ( · 1wa-- ~ ·_;, c , -

... \' .. · .. c;. 1 c·-

_\,..:rl p1;J,•;::·_·l f, __ :-- t~~c· D~:·~,::- t,,_

n1e~·t:ng. ace{ ,rd:~- .7-!- 1() }~.-.\, ·'::.· ,_ rl·p ·Jt..: fr _,~, t~ ~-- r-ftl(cr~ ·i r~., 1 I C

Use Service or Else Says Capital Tr ansi·t


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Ex,.•h;t:'n;:.c tha.t public tr:,· -· ;­COil\'enien t. econcllnical. ;, t · i ,:, J.

~1 P lPtter ~alri :h;""~~ tl:e: ... (:!""\.:(~.:- ~~ · ·,\T:

offt:r' f--;ree!:bei· 1..: ti:1ar::::.1> t!"­

sound frcnn tl1l· utility·~ lj(-,int-(li­view. and implierl that gr...:ttcr p:;­tr..--)nag-c \\·:n h:.·· 1:et·•!e·l tt) k·.~ep the Greenbelt ~en·;ce in opcrati·. r•.

Greenhelt';; riding-poc·l l:a'.it. formed during :he earlY ,;"='" c·f the \Yar a•1•l greatly expanJ~.:•l \':!:::::1 Capital Tran~it increased i·- i:,rec and lowered it" service app:-.~xi­ma:ely twn year" age,, \'·a.:: :h.:: <>P­paro1t target c•i the implied t 1.rtat.

Con1mut<:rs ir<•m Greenbelt to downtown \Yashington art r.r,w pro\·ided a bu~ en:ry 2C• r.1in~!tes dur;ncr rush hours to the B:·:,nclJ­,;il!e line. les~ frequently dnri,,g c,j'f hours .. \verage travelling ti:1:(· dur­ing rush hours is an ho·1r ~nd ;, quarter to .'uch central locatin,-.'- ac 14th atHl G Sts .. X.\\- .. n-o·h a straight cash fare r,f 3R cent" one wa~'- (Purclta-=e c,f three U. C. t·-­ken,; for 35 cent,.: ~educe~ ·:l!;, to 37' cent:-.'1

County PTA Council Meets Here Dec. 1

The ~econd regular meef::c- r:,; t:.'~ Prince Ger~rges Cou:1ty c:-ou!·,~i1 o; P;::rent-Teacher :\>scciatoonc ·.·.-:11 Le held on Thur~day, Decemhe~ 1. at the Greenbelt Center .<:cl:o· ' a• K p.m .. with registrJ.tion be;:.:ir-:nic:g ;<t 7:30p.m.

G. Gardner Shugart, superinter'­dent of Prince George" C. •un:y School~. will dis .. uss "The Pro­cedures of Preparing the Sr:hor:,] Budget."

This announcement was marie by \Vesley Darling, prcsiden t oi tll e County PTA Council, at a meeting of the executive committee held ~o"'.·ember 10 at the resi<ie:1ce of Mrs. R. 0. Stelzer in L'ni·:t.:rsity Park ~fr. Darling was elected pre5-ident to fill the vacancy :eft by Carroll F. Palmer who rec,igned re­cently when he moved to :!llontgr.'m­ery County from his horr1e ::: B!a· denshurg.

A~l PTA orgar:izations are u~g'.:'l to ha.-e their delegates at:c1d ·.ho' meeting, and the public ic. i~t\·it~:d

'50 T~rx Rate JOe Over '49; Pubf,ic Hearing Set December~~~

By Carolyn R. Miller Greenbelt's tax rate will be $3.2556 per $100 assessed valua·

ticn in 1950, $.1061 higher than 1949, if the budget presented Mon­day night to the city council by Manager Charles T. McDonald is adopted without change.

\\.i:L disposition of the city ex­pee:(·•! in the t:ear future, the tax 1·;t1c 111ay becnn1e a n1nre urgent m:,·:•·:· t<t re,,:dent'i than at present. In c!i'vct, the city tax is a ''hidden :a:·:. :1- i: is includerl in the rent.

tl:i~ C•mnccti-:Jn, :\fayor Hetty I l: ~: :..:·:, ·:t retaindcd tl.e cr·,nnc-il · ;,: "l:•'n I'ublic Housing .-\dmin·· : ·:r;<t; 'l rai-cd (;;-ecnbelt r<:nts Ia,:: ... 1~·:-:: :.:·. t~l(:lr ~tatt~d reason \\~as to ·::,k" "<:111." cntnp;"able ·o sit11ilat·

:... _ .. , :h: ;::-,.J.. They made no " . tl e ~izc r·f tl1c c:ty t! (·city tax ral.e. (I'HA

- " "\1'1'1 each year t<• the city in

Boost in Budget ·; · tc-nt:i:iH· i>\lflget tr,tal i:.::

:.:.:~..!::. ·.'3.1~. ar1 incrl'a:--e r1i Sl..?JJ/1.77 -_ ,.,. ,. i- \··.::•.r. l'a,·nH·nt. f:·r,m PI [ :\

:· ,-,_ ... 1 ,f ta:-.:e'. if the: Ludgl·t j...; nnt l:~cr(·: :'t.:d h~- t}H: cn11ncil. \vi11

,,, .. •e•l i··: th(' ;unount of SJ:--;2,·

.,,,,:,_.,, pl:\ th•: l'J.~() hud.~t·t

1r:~·.( ... 1:-;t·~n~~~- inct·l';l.;.;(-~ in ad­:_.·-:~tli-t·. in.-.:ur:tl:ce and rt·tirt:-

. :~-" ...;t-..: a(.>~·nn1ul;t':.~rl-lca\·c lia-1': '-~ hi:.!.·iH~r an1(Junt J-()r :-;ide-­. :> ,_ ·l park·:: rc...;tcn·at!rl:"! oi t1l·~

, :tl]. •ca:i •11 t•' the L·\·,·1 r<:'lttt·C't­' 1 ::. -' ye:1r I •ut reduced by l'H.\;

r! ;1. ,~•l;ll~t!l' irnrn_ a part-tin1e t(~ :a ., ··-~ll· po:~itio;l :n the n1anag·cr s

Hearing Dec. 12 -~-~ 1)tHiget calendar a~ adopt~d

1.': t. c council follows: discussic!l1 at t'·,_. ··cc-uiar meeting of December 5; <>pen !;cari:1g <•11 the hud~et. Decem­!J,.-- 12: fmal appt·c,yal for snhmi~­

'>" tr• PH.\. t·e;;ular meeting De­ccn hr:r 19. .

Pfi.-\ Cor:nntm1ty Manager vVal­tc·:- s:mor: will be invite<! to confer \\·:t!; :\lcDonald before the hearing, tr \'::1ich he will also be invite(!.

D:'!iculty in comparing the pro­p:•'-cd 1Ju,i~:et with the 1949 figures 1.\·;:," noted i:·1 that the unif()rm sys­tc-:11 oi municipal accounting- pre­cc,-iherl h,, dte State has heen fol­J.,._,.ed. .!VtcDonald's me~sage ac­c·.mp:;t·.yi:1g the budget, which •.vill he ic•:-mal'y presented at the Decem­her ;:;. meeting. is expected to help ;.,11 c• •nce:~ned in making the com­pan<on.

c···t~ncilman Thoma' J. Canning­cxr,re--ed regret that the budget cr.t:!r1 tF•t b•: lower in ,·iew of the ::,:-.: , ate. '·ta·:inz that future (Jnaybe :-.·.ar- i-.J·un·1 h~me owners here will l.e .]j<,-,.,~, ·age<!. tn ~ay the leas·t. It '·'·~,, pni1:tcd rnlt that a rea:.sessment , i ::. e priip(·rty and any increase in Lt:il·h;g< will bring the tax rate

Powers Sworn In :::,: .'.'<·r:J ;n ac citv solicitor early in

' r: meeting, R~lph \V. Powers (tr.v:n ~olicitor in 1941-42) said that r.e wa;; deli~·bted to be associate'! w1 ~ ·: Green ~;elt again. ··~ry inter­t-'-' i:1 t:;e ccmmur.ity has continued '·'·:ce my sep,·ice in the Legislature

Lasl: W E~ekend ~or Clot:hing Drive

S~. Hugf..'s parishioners are re­m:nt!erl that only the Thanksgiving v. eekenr! remains to contribute to the ~arional Catholic \Velfare Con­:'t-rer.ce·s an:1uJ.I clothing drive for r.'n:~"eas relief. Clothing of all k>·.dc i< needed, with special empha­"i s <.':·: wearable and practical shoe:;.

IJo:1ec;ions may be brought to ·s~. 1! u.C!:·. ·" sch,:ol any time this wed:. I' ,~1-:-ups can be made. when neces­'-"-:-:c. !Jy caL:ng :\frs. Arthur Cusick ;:,.: Greenbelt 3777 ior iniormaticm. r"':( ;::::" -:late for cr)llectirJnS {tnd 1 :.~:-·.:r,, is S:.~nday night.

-- .. ~..._ __

at the time the char:er was passed." he said.

:vTa,·"r I [arrington asked him to look further into the reason for the exclu.-icn of (jrecnhelt f--om the State law ·covering es:al•lishing of munic;pal housing authorities. "\Vhile it cannot he said t · .. tt tln·re is a demand for a local lwnsing au­thority. we wc•nld like to L'"'plo;-e all pn~sihilitit·s. [f a mnnicipal hon~­

iuv autl1••rity should pnP:e to he <le­~i.-abk. we would not w;c-1t to be blocked by the state law." she said.

Greenbelt Exclusion ::\Tr. f'owcrs said that as lw rt·­

tn;·ntht-r<·d the situation, pro\·isioa fr,r a Creenhclt ''"using authority \\·a.; f•xclu<kd ifl.Jll the general hill in )CI.)/ ltt c-:u-c "i a pos-,iblc confl'ct \\·itt, tl1e t<>\\'11 charter w 1ich wa~

passed at till' sanw scs.sion. Rt'· Ininrlccl h\· t]:(' rnavor that a cl:iil.Se p'·nn11tin~~ a llotl'-·;1;1.!.!. authori~y had l"'en coJ.:aincd it! t11t' ot·iginal char­!<:·, !it' ·c;,:t\ Lc thnnght till' I;,.o],.,·al ( ;.,,·vrnrllc!lt pc·llple interl'.-<t<'rl in ( :r,·t·tJht·lr a ,k_,_,,j tltt• (; >\'tTllllt· to •:ct" ti:at clall'l' and ill' •' irl. Till· ~;1 diciul!- a.~T('(·rl to r('fer t~ l l1is file~ Jt,t· Jlirlr(' crqnpl<.:t<' infr!f1l1aii<,l1 .

Report on Conference The me<·tit<g abo incl11dcd a re·

P"rt nn ti~t: JVIaryland f.eag1~e· ,,f i>lunicipalitit·s conference attended !J,· the city m:111agc-r. the mayor, and Councilman Steve Coming~. :tvlc­Donalrl told tl1e C()Uncil, among oth­er things, nf tf1e high praise 'bestow­ed on Crccnhelt's police department in an a<ldress by Major R·.1xton M. l~idgely ,,f the Marylan<l ~)tate Po­lice. It was the only city !ipecifical­ly mentioned in any of the speeches. The major also referred to :JUr "lady mayor" but quickly adrle<l that the efficiency of the department could not he credited to her! (Tf i't keeps up. we don't sec why not.>

The letter to all Greenbelters from Capital Transit was b:-ought to the council's attention by Mrs. Thom<.s Ritchie. It was learned that ::WcDonald is studying the transportation problem and will re­port in the near fut11rt.

An invitation from the River<lale J I eights Citizens Association to flis­cuss the widening of Edmonston Road was accepted; Councilman Frank Lastner and the ci:y mana­ger agreed to attet1d.

Berwyn Democrats Dance December 2

The 21st District Democratic Club, Eerwyn, Md., will hold a dance for its members and their guests on Friday, Decem'ber 2, at 10 p.m. at the Berwyn Rod and Gun Club, located approximately one mile west of the Baltimore Boule­var J at the M uirkirk overpass.

Dance music will be furnished by Vickers' band from Annapolis, Md. A spot dance will be a f,!!Mure of the program, with some lu1cky cou­ple recfiving a valuable prize.

Guests will be entertained by the Harmony Trio, Phyllis Kit·kpatrick, Edith and Frank Shegogu(:. George ''Mi1" Jones and his Barber Sbop Quartet will render several selec­tions.

Tickets may be obtainf:d at the door, and the public is cordially in­vited to attend this gala affair.

High School High Spots The Junior Red Cross drive at

the high scl,ool was very successful this yeaL The student body turned' in a totai of $47.50, and 19 gift boxes. for children O\'erseas.

. -~·-'-·- _ .....

"') I

j I \

Page 2: REENBELT OOPERATOR - Greenbelt News Review · To See Movie For the eighth interior decorating class in the adult education pr grarn November 30, a sound movte "We 'Decorate


.t_ 1 . ----~

·, ....


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Of R P''Hr'ri~E

1. T" rppnr+ GrN•toht>ll newR fully, fairly and ac-l'urately. ? To !"•·•-..·· Th•• ~'·•·«I iniPrPRts of thE> crooper:=ttive movement.

Ts<-tdur•· Par,ker, Edit(Jr Bally Meredllh. A.o.;.•u),·,ttr Ji;,Jif.'J-r June Ringel, /l:eu:s Editor

STAFF , Rae Algazr~. Ellen Lins;m, Peggy 1Iarkfield, Dorothj.' M:::Gee,

Ca1·olyn R. Miller, Ralph G. Miller, Ekanor Ritchie, Ethel Rosen­:zwe:ig, Aimee S~yc, Charlotte Walsh, Charlotte \Varshaw, Peggy Wii1egarden.

BUSINESS STAFF J(·nny Klein R1u.ine:1s Manager. phone 4012

Sidney Spindel, .phone 5846 Sonia Garen, phone 1:706 ..-l~V~:>tl•.·>Lug Representative Suu~cription M.anu.ye;-

Ju(; O'Neill, phone •1657 Circulation Manager

The l•r•~ubdt ('""lleralt•l 1:< published e\'E1·y Thur·sday by the Gre·~nbelt C'<•r ,,.., .. .ti\·,_. l'ut.ibhitoL( AsHod .. thill, Inc., ~ Parkwny. Greenhelt, 1\-Iaryland, " r "" r.,-,,r;, '>rf!':ollizati .. n l'•·.,duco·d 1:.-y :. voluntto"er staff sincf'> No" .. :~937.

Sul•..,•·d rlinn·ral•·. ;l.i)P J)Pr vear hy mall. Delivered free to ~>very home h. _;,·•·t!rd .. -h .tt .. rrH.~ tlt·!jv~· .\ t~ under HUp(·J·vi.si<Hl of circulation ntanB.ger.

.\•h(·r·tt~i••e n,<,~ ~~·~ ~llhf'uite-d hy mail. or hy phoning Greenhelt 3131 ail• · · : .. •' n. :\!t,,•fL·~~ :)llfJ ~ru~sday~.

. News tlla) ''" s~>bm::ted hy phone to Greenbelt 3377, by m~ii or dt:liY­er,.d to tltc (,re<·nbelt Tobacco St0.-e or the Cooperator Office, phone Gr• ennclt .H 31. Ed i·oria1 o•1ices are open alter i5 :30 p.m. !\·1ondays and Tu:o.,day:;, :\ews deadline i~ 10:30 p.m. of the !\londay prt!ceding pub­licati""·

Vo'. 14 Thursday, November 24, :!.949 No. 14 ----Bati:le Over - 'War On

Capital Transit's letter to Greenbelters last week ce-rtainly in­dic . .t.l.es that o'ne of the battles in the giant tn.nsportation utility's co:..1st2.nt war against its Greenbelt patrons is over, and another abc ut ·to begin. Victors in the first skirmish are decidedly The Pec·ple. Af:..er all, u;c aren't writing thern letters telling them how wonderful we are if they'd only try us!

It's a lhr:iUing-and rare--experience to see Power recog::1.i·~e Pee ple.. Greenbelters, justif:ahly angry at a huge rate increase CQilpled with a decreaf;le in service, decided to find more convenient anci economical means uf commuting. The Cooperator, in an ef­tort to expand the car-pool progrHm, offered f:cee advertising space to ~hose wanting or offering a ride. In the ·~wo years that have pas3ed since that time, the number of people forced to commut<~ via putlic transit has dwindled to a highly unsatisfactory number, :from Ca{•itrtl Transit's standpoint. (Hince the staff continues to 0ppose tnc public-be-damned attitude of the "public utility," notices of ridf's or riders wanted will again be received by telephone.)

Vvashingtonians, sick of having the transit monopoly's high raks, poo1· ·service, and enforced music-listening shoved down tl1eir th:co>ats, should t<~ke a leaf from· the Greenbelt book. For whib C~I=ital Transit can threaten us with abandonment of the mE·2.ger sel"'rice still left us, we doubt if those tactics would succeed with the thousands of riders in the whole area.

7~ 7~ &etttM, THANKS FROM JCC

want to thank the people of· Grcenhelt who patronized the ba­

·zaat and rummage sale held by the Jewish Community Center and made it a success.

Mr. McDo~<..ld has our sincere appreciation for . having suggested

'and allowe_d us the usc of the swim­ming pool loboy. It was a wonder­ful spot even though we almost froz•• :c> death. \Ve certainly can't thart k the weather man.

\Ve were happy to ha'l.·e disposed of what was !cit over by giving the shoes, hnth old and new. to St. Hugh's Parish for its clothing drive, and all other rummage to the PTA of the Xorth F.t•d ~chon! in con­.nc..:tion ·with i _, rummag-e sale. p!an­ne.[ for t!tc future.

Saily Branr!nn. Chairman

NOT SCHIZOPHRENIC The»e are har,.,h words when ap­

plied as in The Cooperator lead news story of last we~k. They have elicited rejoinder from t!te accuserl, all of which contributes little to the ba.."iic unity we must haYe ·if we are to achieve ownership of OU!' City.

As one with knowledge of the facts, I can sav Th~ Cooperator was undulv concer'ned that the Board of GVHC had lost sigh~ of its only le­gitimate •)bjectiYe, namely mutual purchase of Green he! t for its resi­dents. The EDITOES, however, had. just enough information to make them break a story which

, 'w.'ls not nnly news. but which in .their minds gave rise L serious mis­f:ivings as to the direction in which GVH<;:: was moving. Had our po­sitions been reversed. many of us would have reacterl a~ tJ,ey did.

It will serve no useful purpose he1·e to argue details of the story t)r to refute certain misinterpreta1ions ·or mis-statements-Better that the excitement and heat be directed to con<;tructive ends. GVHC will now call a ·tnemb~rship meeting. Mis­takenly perhaps. but none-the-l:!ss sincerely, it has not dor.e so be­·Causc of the absence of specific in-

formation \vhich would b;:-ing the men1bers out. Past experien =·~ r,f G~IHOC ha.; cer:ainly demonstrat­ed that t<;o many people were ·,,·ill­ing to let a few iace tl•<> frustratin~­task of keeping the objecti,:e ali,·c· until PlL\ finally is in a pn,ition t<• take act;c,n under Public Law CO. Rlst Cong. That time is near (rc­ganlless of how often we have tltr.ught so ir·. the past).

-~he G:O.lHOC and the G\'llC Boards of Directors (the lo.tter com­pri:;e<l of el(·cted Yeteran :nentoer.; r>f thc fanner I ha\·e contitHl•~<l t-·· \\-rJrk closely together. \Vhile <:x­pl• 1·ing the ro-sihilitie~ cf fina•:ing­through a kcal ho~1sin.!:!: autltn1 ·,_\· created hy tl:e City oi Gree·1bc!t. wbich. incidentally. is net an iw.tr:l­mcntalit,· of the Feder;.] Go,·ern­nlet~:, tj;t: t\\·(_. Board~ ha\·(' rna(ic t·<>al pro.c;rc-.'S toward a'<suring 1i ;:u1-

cing- t"or a ~traight n1utual P'-lr(! · .... :--c-. 1 .. ~~·~ ha\·e tLat 111eeting! I1- ·:r·u

do not ]JaYe crnl(l<lcnce };1 yn:1r r·r.:..:­cnt Veteran' m~1tual kade:··:lti]•. cl!ange it. ln1~ ,j,_,n·t aband•<L "r jer,_ pardizc the nu:ual plan. Y c,n haYc an org-anization whicL c~;n q111li::: all of u' a.; a p1·eference ):!':· ··:!· · :::·­dcr the lw. The objectiYe i~ \ .. -,.rth ot:t· best effort. \\- e ha ,·e :i1c : u d i­vidual and coliecti\·e ability tr ,:,, th'; job. Let's get on with it--.,·i:h that unity of pttrpr,se "'·hich will not be deniec:.

Sherrod Ea .;t

THANKS lEGION The \ V om;;.n' s Club wishes to ex­

press its appreciation tn Comman­der John S. Kenestrick and the _·\merican !',e!<ion for the:r graci.:Ju< generosity i1, alio\\·ing the beautiiul ,;pacious Legion Building to be user! ior the Clu')'s afternoon meetiMr held xo,·eml::er 17.

!1.-fr:::. Stanley R. Edwa-~<1::

TURKEY TALK To all t''e p2trons of t!te C.-,m­

munitv Church Bazaar dinnet'. wh< were ;II ~et for tur'Key and h2.d tc be satisf.e<l wi·h ham. we nft'er m;:· si1:cere apCJ!ogy. \\'e harl no ·.dea \';e wot:ld have such a large crcwrl.

!\Irs. Ke'1neth Powell

-::=--: -------..- --:--- -· ·.=-- ..

Lucky Kids Win lucky Books

\\.inner.:. '·!· t:~e I~ucky E 11.•k~ at t>.e Ii1~r~t!·y \-.-c:·e joyce 1\·: l.v ,r: !ll

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-NOR SNAFU In a rat :1 er p~c-•um p: i ·. e c-::· ·r: t ;

neerlle tl1e C\.lli__' hoarol ,.,,_:~ .,i ;, :-.uppn~(·r~ i1:ac-:i· ·i-.. t:te rapi~·r. i·· t:l,.:

h.::-u:d' oi t)Ur ~. c~t! _11lU:! .· ~.l-­bcconle rt tv: J-(·d ... ~-~rl ... ,\- ·- ·

··r!, c- co:-~ :l1; t.·:: c~.:' •• ;· t ht.· i•( . ~: \· t:

The Cooperator anrl in t:.e 1;\.l!l­llrlarrl. al1•l t1:c (tl:l.ti.lcilt·~· r ·1 [;\"ill­in The Cooperator ha\·,- <:::·· -·c: a gr:c\·r·u:--: hlo\\-. ·r:::i.t C(l:·i·~:·.:.c-_· ,:. -

~,-,far a.: :t r • .. :;)··(·.;.e:~t .... t~-~- ·-.•. ·

and ac-ti··iii 1 nii.::~t l:a\·1:· 11 t.::.

111 ()::.:. : '\" .:d l13. h :..... ~1 .. s ,_. t 1::

11Ci-.!."Ot i a ti 011 ~-

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t ~ f11:'1 ~;. --t·h:~ '.Jt:. j:: has ,·> ~~~- r·t.·'l 111an~: !•t.·~ ....... :-~):·17_::..·-. . •. t· 1 cxpl· ·rt· r~· JL·--:--: i~l ti1c..'

· .. t'

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('_~ ..... (,j. : ··.e rv~: l_r,:~·::--. l ~n1: rl.~.

a:::: th(· ~ale , i. (~:-._· ... ·:J.1tt.:lt t, ·: ~--· ~-~1:~·

to (;\-:it-. i-.. ;:;.:,1-:·•~.J:l~...·t··~ 1: ;t ·,,_i• t.-

bnn:,-rl·rl Cooperator n·' ~u1n~··.1,,1:...:. c:t; 1 :-~.._· 111:i1le

't ' ''~ t' tra:::-:nlt:=:::!: i: . .-.~~--~~~tti 111t:;;i·~'pa 1 1·. ::-;,,..:: ;,,_:t' :l'

• • I\\.

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t!.L:. lt j ... :.·· a·· ... ···:<t'i\·._. ; .:· ~ 1: •: ~. ( l 1) ,_. ... i . ·, 1: l' 1. j ll ... :

e'\·v;-y ',·~1t.:r C• •::c~··\·;. 1 Jh.' ;,'·.l.

(" l ~ <... ' ':'! ;t 11 ~' . :1 l.". i o I l\: - 1' 1 1 , .

}..: 1~ .: a i·.·r1t:··:~·= ~1~1:71·-~--

Ei.L!iot ,,f ..:i:--~~ccn pt:· 1~' .... T •'

<;\-!ll b.:,rl ,,,- t'<: ci·_ 1·;1at ,,.<.: ~~-{)ll:~~ 1Jc ccn ... · .. :~-·- ·.·l'

pa...::---ic.~ a1(ll·~- :-:u..:-:~ 1~~-.-_· ,··;··>·· a:1 open n1c..:ct:ng t-1 a\ n~~: t·,:.· j 111 -.:~~

bili·.\' t~i runl••r- :.n 1 tl: ;•:.l"-·:.'.! 1 ' ··1 nli~:-nf~_,rnl~ttin· ._-. ·Il!c-... a- ~l ·: ·~ ·~ ~-..~rp:--i:-e.

\\~c arc- c~';.1~ri~1e:·l. 1:1 i _. .\ ..• ~ (•ur 111nti\·e..; are ~~) i:npt: . .(; t.: i ~1--- ·,,_,

1nake u< ,,-,,ncler \\·he:lt .. -~ :. :.:l:J­ha7-ard tra11'!~Jittal \\ c)~:l· ,:l hh\ c

been better aitt·r all. ~i1~ce the inccpt:!J!l ui C\-1! (_- t':e

t'lt-Ctcd bnar·' n'c:,J'·o:-:·.; ni ,-~\: I-H )i-1 a\·<· ;-1cti\ l ;\ pa:-·!c:p:~t,_·,l •: :·;: (;\· f-{< · h(13r'~ l~lt.·(·t111L!.

\\-c :::.:!.\-c bee-:~ ~'ai:1:-u~l:- :l,' -

tLf· lal-~( ( ·:· :>·Y:-- ~~1J ·~~· 1

\it~<::-: ~J·.:t c·.-~~~l ~-,~~y; \'."(· h'·' ,. ~


c•r JIU~:ti\"t' f;u·' ... ttl 1•.::~~:-- \\ ·' 1 ;

1:<1t puhl:--;1 l:.:~n -~r- <·-r· -...t:· • •-i .. · pat·t~cn1~1ri:,· ir·. a- i! <..;t--:. ~...·:.

nl::-t;:t c~u: ... ,_. ~:itfi,:ui!:,- i:~ : .t· ti(lll:--L:p:-- :1nd r.e_~···_::it:·.I--

.\ i·.-:~..~eti~~.-!" ~,: t:l,_. n1·.·::··,v·· ... ;-:

tc··:.~at1'-·t.·~~~- :--c:;c"ll.!~e·: f, ·- 1·- .-l; ]), c'<·!nlwr '). 1 '--i'l i:· t ,_. • ·· · ·

1-:~.1 ~111 111 g.

I'--··,. E.v,•;;Jt:tll. 5· T·t.-~

(~recnb,~ 1 t \-t:':(·Li!1 1-l,,u ... i:·._· t_". ··~,

See \\Kukla, Frzn & Ollie" Tuesdays d.~d Thursdays, 7 P. M .... "Hopalong Cassiay" Sund~ys at 6 P. M. both oo WNBW.

B\' Dorothy Fleisher (Ed P•JtC': ·we reprint this

woek the following Community ClL·st Llka first pr:nted in The C·-,r,punto;- in 1947.)

Thrre i.~ a n/(V.'iill that "thf.'f'C I-' ;,, ', rr:: _j.-; _11 in g i l'i ng tlw n i il l'C­

rr,, il•rJ. Happiness basically drprnr/.<; upon the home enl'irc,n­n;rilt. <('hich in turn is bn:-;e(l u,·,,-, il t};: e er-onom ic conditions in tJ;r hr;mE.

01u ;ou;·pose in gwmg to the Cr'Jiil ;;wnity Chest is to ass·ist the family during some difficult pcriorl to a.ttnin the necessary co iii mod it ies so that the family ii/('!/ be able to retain a healthJJ physical and u:ell-balanced men­fr:' attihuie. Children are easily di.~turbcd. particularly when the prtrr';,fs w~e ill. unemployed or inruprtbl'e of gil'ing their chil­rhcn the ne~essary attention. This normally leads to confusion unrl fnustration.

L1 a v:ell-bnlanced happy '11a­tio;! it !8 of the utmo.<;t necessity t h r:t peop-le be properly fed, clnthed. housed, and medically rrtte;uled. Your small contribu­tir;<~ i.~ defin-itely instrumental i11 uss.ist::nq the Community Chf'st to pr·oride those in ne'3d u·itJ• tl1r means of retaining f li r i r sdf respect and position until such time as communal c\s­sistrulc€ is no longer required. Thr 1rork of the Communitv r}Jrst i•: n0t: to be confused with t 1,c <rQr)', of the County Welfare Er,ni·d.

Thr spi,·ihwl satisfaction of flir kllonledge that one in need l ns lJeen assisted by our contri­bution is all the cOJnpens«tion vr rmdd r-oss?bly de8ire.


Re''- Edwin E. Pieplow, Minister Phone W A. 0942

l- -~.-. ;.,:·;n:l'n!~:er 2S - '"I'l1e I.~ydia ',.,:·,, t:1·c'(·1, at tl.e l1nnH' of Mrs. ~::,--:·-- Ch-:1-trnn'. 3.:;-L Rirlg-l·, at

~~~::.·1~~\·. :'1·\·cn1hcr 2/ - Sunday '~' !'"'' lc•r a11. ll :3U: :\c!ult Bilole ,-:;,-'. 1.~: Church ~en·;ce, 12:30; :

1o·- ::·'JJ1d;,~.- Grcenhelt i~ to atte·1rl t; "-' e-.-e:1in,:· ''Cr'l.'ice in !\·It. Rainier ?.' ,...; J•.t~:'. Tran-pr;rtatir•n will be i·_:r:. i-: "(().

\'.'c· irH'.'d<J.y. :-;,,,·ember 30 - Jun­i.)r C•)nfirmation clas~ at 7 p.n1.; ·~i-c)H.':· 'Piritual life crmh·rence at :-' IJ.::L fur adults.


Sunday: Mass•·s. 7:30, i-<:30. 9:.m and 11 a.llt. in the parish hall. Pa­rishioners receiving H·.•ly Com­muni,n arc a.;kc-d !ll g-o t.) the altar !Jy the center i!isle and return by the .;ir\" ai.;]e_.; tn avoid congestion in t!1 l' churc 1o.

;;;at11rda\·: Confe..:'i•>ns, 3 to 5 p.n1. i"r tl1e cllilrlrcn and 7 tD ():30 for a<lnlt:-:. in the chapel.

Bapti,ms: 1 p.m. in the chapel, l'Vcry Sunday.

\V cdnesday: f\ avena services, i :45 p.m. in the chapel.


Ministers Rev. Edward H. Bon:wl, Jr.

Phone :8241 Rev. Eric T. Braund

Phone: 5001

Sunday, November 27 - 9:30 a.m., Sunday school at North End and Center schonls; 10 a.m., 1Ien's Bible clas~: i0:.i5 a.m., Clottrch nursery, art.' and crafts room, Center 5Cionol: 11 a.m., Church worship. The Rev­erend ::Vfr. Bonsall will Jlreaclo.

\\'edne~day. :t\ovemhcr 30- .Q, p.m. Senior chnir rehearsal.

Thur;;day. December - 7 p.m. _Tttni"r choir rchrar~al.


Phone Shepherd 0035 Sunday, November 27 - Sunday

,,·1,,,,,]. 'J:45 a.n1.: mnrning wn.,,hip, 11 a.m. Seo·mon: "( )nc Desire."

:.ronda:-;. No'·•·mher 2R. The Sun­day ScJJ,ol H~>arrl will meet in the Church at R p.m. .-\11 llll'mhers arc urged to he present, to help make plans for tl•e Christmas season.

luesday. X o\·cm her :~9 The !\1ethrJClist mcn will bo\\'l at College l'ark ;tt 7 p.m. (:\"ot•· change in tim<>.)

\\'erlnl'srlav. Xnvemhcr 30 - The Friendsl:ip DihiP Class will meet in thv h<,mc of l\1r. and Mr•. Alvin E. .\lle<t. 19-l- Hidgc, at ;~ p.m.

Tltnrsoby, 1\cH'cmhcr Jl - Regu­lar clt•1ir rehearsal in the Church bc­-~-inning- promptly at 7 p.m.

HEBREW SERVICES Morris Sandhaus, Rabbi

Greenbelt 3593 F ric!ay, _\' ovem her 25 - Candle­

lighting 4:21 p.m.; services R:30 JUn.

St. Hugh's Plans Bingo :\ bingo party will be held on

~J onday. Decem her 5 at 8:30 p.m. in St. Hugh's auditorium. Funds frnm this bingo will purchase blinds for the audit"rinm windows.

.\11 cash prizes and a door prize will ht, offered.

.~~. 6t .... ~~ .--:.. ~~ ~~~;. • .,~~·· ...... ~··~~~·. ·~--~~~;~-~~~;~~~~~~~-~._ ~-~. ~-~---~-~~~. ~~~,~~:~~~i~~~~~~


jj REPAIRS ALL l~~~ MAKES CARS fi ·: ~~ :: Car Painting-- Body Work ~~ =.~ 6210 RALTniORE AVENUE ;~:-

Hn-Elf<D.\LE, )iD. HYattsville 0<136 .. ._;~~~~~!.!·i~~~~~~~~!,~..t;~~~·~~;~~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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HALF-GALLON delicious Sealtest bulk Ice Cream

$1.05 rag. p·rice

PLUS "Scocp-Riiteu


$1.05 vafr:fr.~

at you•· Seahest Ice Cream d :=aler


_.__ ---·-·· __..._ -.,..

... Jtll

Page 3: REENBELT OOPERATOR - Greenbelt News Review · To See Movie For the eighth interior decorating class in the adult education pr grarn November 30, a sound movte "We 'Decorate

Fox Tales By Sa:n Fox

Swimming Pool: Look for many new impro\:ements in the pool for the sammer oi '9.~0. The grass area arounrl th(' pr,ol is being cemented so tl~at the children "\viii not bring mud int0 the h;;.hy pool. There will he other imprnn~ment·s at a latet· date. Drop In..,.: .·\11 hoys an<! girl~n­teresting in jclining the Drop Inn Bowling L,.aguc get in :ouch with Recn·ation Department. It is a league for the :ten agers. C::>me in and find out abntlt the league, many nf y<:)llr friends have already joined up .. -

P. E. Classes: Parents wishing to come to the Physical Education classes anc! see their c!1ildren at play are welcome to do so. Come in and see the prc,gram at the Center and ~ or~h End ~chools. Christmas Plans: The ):" nrth End school will puc nn a Christmas Pa­geant, sponsore<l by the Hecreation :!\lu~ic Department for all c:1ildren and their parents on December 21 athl 22. Christma<; music will he play1·d at t1te Cet:ter through Christ-

, mas Eve to December 30. from 7 i p.m. to 10 p.m. Also on Christma"

Eve Santa Claus will give out Christ;nas cane:s :o all children. an<! the Glee Club w:ll go a:-.mnd the c-ity in a truck singing Christmas carols .. · ..

Lincoln Re-Elected '

President of Care ~F\V YOI~ K (CXS) - Murray

D. Lincoln, ·pre~idcnt of the Coop!> rati,·e League of the CSA, and ·•r11~ident and general Inanager of ·ar:n Bureau In>urance C01npanie~.

Co>brnbus, Ohio, has iu:t been re-e.lected president of th~ Ccoperative





Affiliated wit"

Far111 Sure.-,u Mutual Firte IMUranu C.. Forn1 Bureau life Insurance Co.

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Our drug supplies ar~ con­tinually renewed. Many drugs exposed to the air suffer losses of potency that render them ineffec-

:1 tive after a time. I~ I~ IO I~ I~

When we compound your prescription, we use only

:; drugs that are as potent ·;


I as at the time <Jf manufac­ture. This is important for your health.


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~ DRUG STORE j ......................... •

300 Boxing l=ans See Boy's Club Show

:\pp1·oximateiy 300 far1s turned

''ttt rl.t the community huildin'-' la•t

Sa:urday night to witnes~ the ii:-,;t

of rt :--erie' of bnx11:g sh•~Y:s sta:.(C"i

hy the Greenbelt Br,y•' Club. Th: Berwyn Bnys' Club br,li,hed r:H:

oppo<itinn in the initial er.c.-·un:er. .-\t the cnnclu>i•m of t'1e eight ho·.!t" g,,]) Do,·e. president of the fl,\.,· Club ~pr:n"oring gr<,up. :)re-;e:~:-ed _T ,,)111 ~or,ne and hi~ iamily Woth lifetime admission card-. to local hoy< dub e...-ents. ~rr. X<,oae will he reme:nhcrerl as the rec•:nt r:,o!io jackpot winner who dr,na:e•l one oi his prizes. $1000 >Yorth of hn:,ing equipmnt, t.-, the local club.

In the first hout of th·~ eYening-. :\r!1old Prada deci~ir,ned Bohln· Tayhr in the 50-lb. clas:;. In the 60-lh. contest. Bobbv ~fcLaug!llin won over Dickie T;yl<)r. Sonny Longnecker of Berwyn W<>t1 the nnrl over Billy Andrusic 0f Greenbelt in tl:e 65-lb class. B\HldY ::-~ee:· an<! hi~ Ben\·yn opponen~. George Dan­ieL;, inught a dra\\· in the 7.3-lh. clash and Fred Comings \YO'l a clo"e clecision OYer Terldy I-Ia...-e;~~ a<. 90-lb. Chari<',· I I owe,· of Green­belt outpointerl. Kenny- Lauterhac-k nf the Yisiting team in a 95-lh. !'Crap. Fred Lauterback gained a TKO OYer Tish ~fyrick iu the 1·1.'-!'•. di­vision. The final bout \Ya~ a 3-round exhibition hy Eddie Bttrt•,n and Sonny Rukman. hoth of Ber­wyn.

for An1erican Remittanc-~·' tn Eur­ope, pcpularly known a< C.\RE. Thi~ will he the fnurth C"l'~e.:u­

ti,·e ten11 fnr !vfr. Lincoh. \\' 1 ~·· ba­sen·erl as presi<lent oi C.\ H L <nee it was create<! a little oYer :'1rc-Cc years ago. Harold ~fin•""· r~pn:­selltin;.?; tlte ConQTC;.?;ati"t~?.] c:lri-­tian service committee.'"''" :-c·-eleq­e<l as treasureL

Since its inception C.\ I~ E h;,,

shipped more than s,;o.ooo.onn \\' ·:·th nf fond and textile packa.Q"e-= i. ·r re­lief pl'rposes in E•:rnpe :nd .\•ca. :'\ow ser..-ing 20 c-ou,ltric" arout<rl ·he worlcl. it has hecome a ma;or factor in in tern a tiona] re: i.~:'

St:. Hugh's Announces Turkey Winners

\\'i::t:e:-.;; in tl-!e tu··kc:.· r:.d'::c- ;:p-.:J­'•)red by ::::t. Hu.gh', l':,~c::-.:,· G::oJ' reu::::y a:-.., ~l:-• . .T ... I' :\lcC. y. • i 11- F Lz,:::·e! l i :·· r ;,.·: a:: l .\. 'T,·.drl \1\-~iy:-

o: \\·,a .. ':i~;g~··· .. "·': ·=- ::::~- t·-) ;,::•: ~! ,-;,!:' \._. \~ L(1:1::!". _L ... t •. ~ ·:~·~c~~:~u--L.". H:·:-.:dc..:. \\-('.· :. t·::-k~_-~,- :· r

F. Za: ... ,;,k ··:· :·,,2 '::,~ :. T' •rt(r. ~··r:na:J :-.r. l r>. ~J··. L<•:Jcr -ta:c.l.

1(<-~rne<i. Her l~r.,~:i:..··· \·:a..:. •)n t'1e

-=an1c day. e1e:c~ed n::~::~·~: •. :· X ~r:h­

an:1ltr•li. :\fa:=;:-=;tchu~e·::-=. a~:t-·r ~t. ba~­tic i:1 \\' 1 ·ch :-t reco.:··•: ·.t:a-:. i.I_·C('~­

>ary. It \\·a, hi< tLi~.J ;:,:~-! tor<t <t,·­ce--iul tr~- k·r ti:e j. h.

Boys' Down

Club Seniors Sha1nrocks

By Don McCollum The B.-1\·,· Cluh <e:·i r tc:am

up it- iiiti; qraight Yi~:-·.ry o' t':e year bv downing the Ri,·er·hle Sl.a~1!:••~~k,_ 20-1~....::. ·J-:-:t: ~ 1 1a:11r-.·:k .... ~··pe!~v'! vp i2..::: \\-~th t·\· t~•t: -;l.:.- v:::..: in the r1r-::t (p1ar-t(·L (~a~~ (;-J.:...:.:n. (~I-een 1 )<:!: end. \':en: ~-~-.-~ r 1111 a pa...:...:: in t~1e .:.(·..__~,-,nd qt~ar:,_.:-- ;· r a .:.,_~.J:··:.

.a:11l I~ i': C). :\r a~; t.'~ny .;-.··~·· Y<:r·t·.:~l t :1 t: ex·r-a 1) .~:-~. lca\·:::1g :··.t ..:.._·::1· .r..: 1Jl'­

hi:~(L 12-~. c:d t~le ll:i~:-

'fhc th;:·cl {lu;trt~~t· 1 p·"·1 c·l \.•;it~ .. ~ b:t.n:....:· ;·,,r t:lt..' Scnicr-~. \\-~th t~Jt.~

s::~i111rt·:·ck:-: (lcc;-t in ( t:::- 1"1\':n t(·r-r~­tnn·. G·,;.;,;,, fell rn :1 ;:.::~')',. J,c-­I:ii:-d :hl· .S:Jalll!·ock..:' .if· .;i.~. Jl'.:tt~ng t:.(- (;re(·ilbt:~tcr~ a~~t.:-:-{ 1 13-12.

1:: t'1c i·,ur:!1 quar·. ·:-. :'.:: ~: ~,·r·

r(•ck--- t.':l.!nt.• b:1.ck }-~tr~: ::• i:~:~.~r~er~t a p;>.:.;.: r-,:: f:e .Seninr:--· .~:Ly;~,--1 11th'. \\'i::. ~-It' :--=-: : .. :~~r- ·~-~~-- ·;l:-::···- t · t>c a:!-. !h~·\- \\·('nt ,,\·t..r {, -r ~: ·, ·:~~-· 10\':··~

t·1 .-...::~~.- .. ~ :~1c11~ t:·c ;!..·:~~1 (,:: :c ;;·~;t'',. ll, .~-...:tct~<..T cai·ryinc·. :-.t>~

~rl:c ~c-J:illj'.:. rt..:~:cd ,,-- r tt-. t~l~__· .....:.· .1 --.r ,c1-_· .... 7-~- 1 ~ :i· <:. \\·!·~1

11:t~c tl:;:.~: J·..:I:. f;,,j .. ·,-:···r. i·.::;·.:tr..<~-



Open 6 a.m. tn 12 ~11dn;~ht :

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For your THANKSGIVING DINNER u·e· hace: ~

IMPORTED CHILEAI'\1 CHAMPAGNE - Special - bottle 2.49: VINTAGE OF 1937 1



half gaL 1 .09 I

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l HARVEYS CHOCOLATE EGG-NOG 30 proof ~ prepared with whiskey, rum and brandy - $2.52 fifth

I OLD OVERBROOKS old fashioned Egg-nog pre­pared with brandy, blended whiskey and rum.

; $2.72 fifth \

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Beers and lVines at Popular Prices


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November 24, 1949 GREENBELT CIOPERAT()R Three plunged LIP to the 1-ioot line. Tne ti!ne bad run down to 15 seconds and ·ioistetter. with few second!' k; ... went ove:r fur the winning tally.

CoacL \\'alter H. Dean wishes to ::,J.t:k the team i"r it< splcr.<iid per­r,.r:nance t!•i• tir,;t half of the sea­,(Jil. II e commell'cr! that tl1c' line i..: t:'!e h(~:~t Le'=-- had in h:s f,,ur yc~1rs

Tbc Seni• •r<' line has had much J.p:>,<ti·.-•:1 th:, year. and has shown

;, great ncrio,rmance. The Seniors, \'.·'t': th,,:r i;;nd-hitting forward 1va1l a::d ia-r backfield attac-k, haYe hope ·i goin;r undeieated this sca~on.

l\f r. and Mrs. Lewis E. ] oltnson, 3<J_ L Ridge Road a':J.nounce the en­gagement of their daughter, Jane Ellen, to Robert P. Mel!)\·, son of :\lr. and :\Irs. Olaf .S. Meli>y of Ce­darhnrg. \\'isconsin. The wec!ding ha,.; been set for June.

~~iss J oil nson at t•ende<l gram mat· and high school here, graduating ir<>m Greenbelt High in 194S. She was actiYe in athletics and was on the basketball tean, ior three years. Sinc-e graduation she has been em­ployed by the go-.·ernment. l\fr. ~Ieiby is with the :\!avv as an air-

' .\n ~·P"1ogy i~ better than an ex- man attached to the An~c-ostia Na\·-p,anatt<~l;--a:l<l q:t:c-kcr. al Base. ~-.:.e- .................... 0.,.. ..-: ' .. •. ·....-Ake..::1tve.oe-e...:A ~~.--.J!:~'!.'J~~::-•-.)•···•::-.•-::•·")•oe:--.oeoer:~•oe.,ec·...-.•...,•·--'•.,•-::.•~•--,ec4o•-o~~2.~J ~ e - .._, .... v ---·.,ev '-'-----~•o•o•o.aeoeoeoeoeoe;JeotK>ez).Oeoeo~eo.o.cet:·eoeoeoeo ... ~....,...,_


~.' g'~ .. , ' ce 1

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~· 1', .. :: avoid .. ~ ~ ~ -• r.e . ., . -,. :: Frozen ;~ . .. .. .. . ~ a• ~~

:: Gas LinE~s ~~ ~- ~~ • • 1

~ ~ . .) . ~ . ., "• ,.:. . ., . , .. :• Condensation of moisture from the air on the inside wauJ~ ;: Clf your ga.s tank is caused by sudden changes in temperatur~:~; ;~ ... W~TER ,I~ Y_OUR GASOLINE is the result of this con·~~ •• c.ensat1on. This m turn causes FROZEN GAS LINES and"4 :: starting troubles on cold mornings. • ' ;~ :• SO~ VENTS to disperse this water will prevent this trouble§§ :: Cold weather is here - Now is the time to add one of these!~ •: prcducts to your gas tank to insure starting on cold morn-~~ :• Ltg~; this winter. · ~~ . ~ . ~ . ~

:• CHRISTY DRY GAS-Triple action for Dry Gas - ca!l 75c =~ . ~

:: DROlJT - Absorbs water in Gas Tank ;~ • c.an - 75c •·o . ~

~ ~

~= Sold and recommended by ~.·~~

~~ '1r our Co-op Service Stt1tion ~ :• •.• e·.:e:•~G-•:"•' e-c:er•" ,.. ,. r r , ,. ~~

&'7«.?'..--~~-.Qxq-... .Q'>~~~.q-.~~~:q,<Q: ~ ~

· •~• -4' .:e:.-•-• ~~ue A,_;.ti_ • ~ -~ -~-~ ~-!~~~~!~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~,~~~~~~~~~~~i~:g~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~

§ ~ ~ ~~U, ~~4 §

t 1deat ~ ~ BABY SHC>ES t t '· white ~ ~ . ~ § sizes 3 to 8 § § § § § § ~ § 'j


~ IN IDEAL FLEXIBLE HARD SOLE SHOES ~ t VALET SI-IOP ~ ~ § ~ K .-.Q-.<Q-.•q,.q-~ ... .q-~~~~.Q'>'.Q><Q';~~.Q'>'~'Y




Earl!! 't-isitors tcill receice a gift froru Santa himself





·- ·----------·-. ----.... :~-~~--- ---=:--:--:-----------· -_

Page 4: REENBELT OOPERATOR - Greenbelt News Review · To See Movie For the eighth interior decorating class in the adult education pr grarn November 30, a sound movte "We 'Decorate

w ' .

•• - t


Four GREENBELT COOPERATOR November 2! 1949 ~f~<. Fechtelt'r "·a~ acc"'1~f'~>~~ie-r1 b>· ~fr~. C. F. Erck. spnn~ r ior th~ Eleanor R·-•O:'tcYelt c·~:'-• i:' \\'as!l­ingtnn. D. C. Plan-. \'. vr,· r::a•le t.' rf:"t_'JI;"irt.: ~·.\"•' basketS. fc•r j"(·"'l:,· ::~:~1-

CLASSIFIEDS 3 cents per word, mtntmu"n

50 ·cents, payable in advance. Bring to basement of 8 Parkway Monday night. For informJLti.on call 3131 on Monday eve-11-ings between 8:30 and 11 p.m.

PHCTOGRAPHS taken by ap-pointmei!t-H;;,ns JorR:ensea, 19-E Hillside Road. Phone 5637.

MOVING? Fumiture, freigh·t, o.· express-anything, anytime, any­where. Bryan Motor Express. Call Greenbelt 4751.

HOME RADIUS repaired-30-day guarantee. Reasonable prices. .Pick-up and delivery. 14-M Lanrel. Gr. 7762 .

LOCAL WASHI~.;"S MACHINE SERVICE--AutomatiC and con­ventionai models expertly re­paired .. Reasonable. Guaranteed. Free estimates. GR 6707.

WATCH REPAIRING. Scientific timing. Pearls restrung and jew­elry repaired. All work guran­teed. Brooks, 12-A Hillside Road, 7452.

WATCHES AKD CLOCKS re­p;.ireil. all work guaranteed. 25 years' experience. Work called foi and delivered. F. A. Trudeau, 10-L Plateau Place, Greenbelt 5537.

CAR and home radios repaired by licensed radio engineer. Tele­vision service. 1 i-K Laurel Hill. Gr. 6632.

. J e'l.velry :-epairs. Diamonds reset. · remounted. :-\ eck chains, stret,ch

bands, and ·other jewelry repair­ed. Vance E. Harrison, 24-D Crescent. Phone 3312.


Vacuun1 cleaners - flooYer - new and used.' Local rcpresentati ve, Joseph C. L<>Yeless, 14-K Laurel II ill. Phone 4451.

If there is a bride-to-be in vour family. giYe Bell Flowers a -ring fo:: a free estimate, or call at our

- shop m Coliege Park - UNion 9493.

TELEVISION -REPAIRS made quickly and expertly by graduate engi.1eers. Call Lewis, Greenbelt 5557 or Martin, TOwer 5712.

Boys' and girls bicycles 26 and 28 inches in best of condition, .$15.00 each. A sm::.ll deposit will hold for Christmas. Ice Skates with shoes, all sizes $2.50 a pair. Call Gr. 3273 after 5 p.m.

HARD RUBBER TIRES installed on wagons, scooters, tricycles, etc. Also some good prices on quality bicycles and tricycles. Stuart, 14-C Ridge Road, Green­belt 3776.

FOR SALE- TELEVISION SET, 7 inch Motorola VT71. Excellent c0ndition. Call Tower 5712.

HOLIDAY DR ESSES ARE HERE, , Brand names, quality merchandise, moderate prices, sizes 1 \o 14 a11d sub-teens: cot­tons, taffetas, corduroy, wool.


.A.LSO HOCSE ,DRESSES SMARTLY STYLED, guaran­teed color fast. $2.98, sizes 12 to 42. Use om lay away plan. · L.

Navy Wives Club Meets New Sponsor

The Truman Rid<llc: :-\av•· \Y:ve" Club welcomed it,- I:C\\' .. ":knS·•r. ::\irs. \\'. ~L Fechtekr. at th~ :-\oY­emher 15 meeting at the h )!-.'1e ,.f ::\fr~ .. \•leline Ho\\·c. 6-Q Platt·au. -

Schurr. .11- D Ricke. 33t)(;. ;, ;ter 4 p.m. :\11 dav Satnrr\aY.

FOR :::ALE - . Che-.v.iet. JSlJ7 2 door. L·xcel1cnt run!:lng CJi1(i:tion. S200 or IH:-t nff('r unrkr. l l!r·,ne Greu1helt x301.

------FOL-~D. D I A ~r 0 ~ D ]{ I~G.

Owner muq iden:ii-.·. Call CJUJ7. \\-(J::\U:X TO T.\. ~E CARE oi

.home and chilr!ren. Cal! Green­belt 5541.

$8940 buys 4 room house. ·)ig k .. t, on pretty hilltop. :-\ear ~hr~·land land Cni\·et·sity. Autnma:ic. hot water heat anrl firepiace. Con­venicn t transportation. s h :)]:•ping. Desirable neighbors. Pn."ent S750 Desirable neighbors. Present G.I. loan with S54. combit:::d pay­men:s. Call Fontaine, 308(.

H -r- ""' to Luve ~:t t!'l $ ~·~ 4V a mon!·h

It's easy! Eat less, live with your reiat1ves ar.d don't spend your money on luxuries:

Thousands of people will have to learn to live on $~0 a month, more or less, when 1;he:v reach age 65 .•. because their monthly Social Security check will be smaller than the]' now exp(.ct.

How much will your B. S. check ue when you ree.ch 65? I can tell you. And I ca:1 also tell you how you can ad,i an­other $50 m· $100 to it E:very month at low cost. Just c<ll~

Sidney S. SpindE~I 33-T Ridge Road

Res.: Gr. 5846

Bus.: District 2700

----------------------------Occidental Ufe laawa•• Ce•P•I' el C.R ......

i:it...:=- a: ·rh~!::k,:::;-:Ying ~~:-, , '-.··· tc~cr e:•.::,:·t.::-: ... ,:~1 i::.:erl ... · ~-- :l:: -·:t::~:

~.-~:\·:tit·:-- a:1 l :utu:·e ~·~·:;:.:.~. ~:.:·,1

nlc:r~~~.:~·:-- in L . ..-:a:c,l ::.:.:1.: ~: ·-· ("-::~:~:-. .., I!1g yt.:·a::- \'::.:


and Dinners

BEER AND WINE Berwyn Heights. l\Id.

TOWER 9669 Closed on JJfondays

=-----------..-.---·-·· .... ~ : . i GREENBELT , i ~ t THEATRE PROGRAM ' ; ~ ! Phone 2222 !

i================t i THUR. - FRI. NOV. 24 - 25 f ! ! • D. O'Connor - G. DeHaven !

f "'YES Sl1 t f. THAT'S MY BABY'' ~

7 & 9 • I ; i ;

::;_ .. SATURDAY NOV. 26 f William Elliott •

~ '·HELLFIRE" • •!.: •

:,; i C•·:~:inUO:JS fr<"•l~l 1 r.J:1 . ~ ' ~ Superman Serial & Cartoon t + --·----------·- ------- l 1 SUN. - MON. NOV. 27 - 28 l ;, Dana Andrews - Marta Toren f I ''SWOP.D IN THE DESERT" f t St,n~1:tY: l:>·nlt.:·.u·-.u:: :·· ·\:~:. 1 p :·;:. !

' i ;..r,- n hy: 7 & 9 ~ ~ ------- -·---- ; t TUE. -WED. NOV. 29 - 30! . ; ! L. Darnell - R. Widmark •

i 'SLATTERY'S HURRICANE'~ ! 7 & 9 ~ + . ------·------ + ; ! t THUR. - FRI. DEC. 1 - 2 f ; Myn·1a Loy - Robert Mitchum !

~ "RED PONY" i i 7 & 9 ~






Free tram;portation from the Center to the Le1~ion Hall on Co-op Bus at 8:40 p.m. - Home again ever Co-op Route a.t conclusion of evening.




! ! t +





Thanksgivir.tg Day Store Hours:

For your convenience The Pantry

will be openfrom 9 a.m. to 12

noon. It will be parked in ,

front of the Drug Store.

9 a.m. - 9 p.m.

shows at 7 & 9

1 P.M.- 10 p.m.

pharmacy only 1 - 6 p.m.


I f +

I i

I ; The Co-op Bus w\11 not be in service !

!_~~~-~~~~~~~ ~~~~~c~~:~: ...... l -----------·· ..... ----------

; ~ ~ ~.~~~·~~~II~~~~~-~~~~~.~.~;~~~~~~~;~;~;~;.~;~;~~~~;~;!·~~~;~~~~~;~~~~~;~;.~;~;~~~;~;~;;~;.~~~·~;~~~~! I I I I I I I I \ I I


l \ \ t


Save Money On Your Dry Clea1ning Valet Shop Delivery Truck You

Prices Prices Save M EI\I'S SUITS .75 .95 .20 TllJXEDOS .75 1.00 .25


TR(}USERS .40 .50 .10 OVERCOATS 1.00 1.25 ·25 NEGKTIES .10 .15 .OS DRESSES ·75 .95 .20 SKIRTS .. 40 .50 .10 BLOUSES .40 .65 .25 SWEATERS .40 .65 .25

.All of our dry cleaning is done by LANE's CLEA~'ERS, one of the best and most modern dry cleaning plants in 1iV ashington. Have your fall clothes cleaned now. Also blanket;;, drapes and slip covers.

j Valet Shop ~~~~~

Con1plete Sltlck of Liquors, Beers, Win•~~, and Cordials Minimum Prices Courteous Service

Open 6 a. m .. to 12 p. n~. Jimmy Porter 8200 Baltimore· Blvd.

College Parl:, Maryland


i •I