Reducing Owner Risk through Effective GMP Negotiations Steve Zannoni, Director Project Management Consultants LLC

Reducing Owner Risk through Effective GMP Negotiations...GMP Set ‒ Explains A/E’s statement of intended scope with respect to incomplete elements ‒ Identifies “quality and

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Page 1: Reducing Owner Risk through Effective GMP Negotiations...GMP Set ‒ Explains A/E’s statement of intended scope with respect to incomplete elements ‒ Identifies “quality and

Reducing Owner Risk through Effective GMP Negotiations

Steve Zannoni, DirectorProject Management Consultants LLC

Page 2: Reducing Owner Risk through Effective GMP Negotiations...GMP Set ‒ Explains A/E’s statement of intended scope with respect to incomplete elements ‒ Identifies “quality and

Reducing Owner, Architect, and Construction Manager Risk

through Effective GMP Negotiations

Steve Zannoni, DirectorProject Management Consultants LLC

Page 3: Reducing Owner Risk through Effective GMP Negotiations...GMP Set ‒ Explains A/E’s statement of intended scope with respect to incomplete elements ‒ Identifies “quality and


• What is a GMP?

• Why a GMP?

• What are the risks?

• What tools are available for reducing risks for

the Owner, Architect and Constructor?


Page 4: Reducing Owner Risk through Effective GMP Negotiations...GMP Set ‒ Explains A/E’s statement of intended scope with respect to incomplete elements ‒ Identifies “quality and

What is a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP)?

Page 5: Reducing Owner Risk through Effective GMP Negotiations...GMP Set ‒ Explains A/E’s statement of intended scope with respect to incomplete elements ‒ Identifies “quality and

What is a GMP?

• Constructor guarantees a not-to-exceed price

for the construction of a building project

• Show of hands: How many of you have participated in a project with a GMP?

‒ Liked it

‒ Hated it

‒ Unsure


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Why a GMP?

• Reduce or eliminate bid risk

• Owner’s financing requirements

• Owner’s schedule

• Project complexity


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What are the Risks?

• Scope disputes

• Budget and wants are not in alignment

• Timing

• Added work and costs to both architect and

construction manager

• Cumbersome process that reaps no benefits


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GMP Process

• Should be a relatively easy process

• Many times it is difficult and time consuming

• Why?

– Team not communicating effectively

– Team has failed to honestly deal with

challenges early, especially budget issues

– One or more team members have

unreasonable expectations


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Tools for reducing Risk

• Walking through the process


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Construction Manageras Constructor


Trade Trade Trade




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Construction Manageras Constructor


1. Pre-construction services

2. Guarantee of price (GMP)



Trade Trade Trade



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General Conditions

Costs of the Work




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General Conditions

Costs of the Work

ContingencyFinal Cost

Savings (Incentives)



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General Conditions

Costs of the Work


Final Cost

Cost Overrun = CM Risk



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Construction Manageras Constructor


1. Pre-construction services

2. Guarantee of price (GMP)

3. Accommodates partial fast track

4. Pre-qualification of bidders


1. GMP timing



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Start Construction

Risk of ScopeDisputes

Cost of Modifications


0GMPTimingRisk Curve


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GMP Timing

• What has been your experience with GMP timing?

– Earlier than 75% CD documents

– 100% CD documents

– After 100% bid has occurred


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Construction Manageras Constructor


1. Pre-construction services

2. Guarantee of price (GMP)

3. Accommodates partial fast track

4. Pre-qualification of bidders


1. GMP timing

2. GMP contingency



Trade Trade Trade



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GMP Contingency

• Owner contingency

• Construction contingency

• Design contingency

• What has been your experience with project contingencies?

– Successful

– Unsuccessful

– Doesn’t matter


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Construction Manageras Constructor


1. Pre-construction services

2. Guarantee of price (GMP)

3. Accommodates partial fast track

4. Pre-qualification of bidders


1. GMP timing

2. GMP contingency

3. Scope disputes



Trade Trade Trade



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The GMP Scope Dispute

• Owner seeks GMP at 75% complete

Construction Documents

• CM offers GMP with standard “Qualifications

and Assumptions”

• When final CDs are issued, CM legitimately

claims “new scope” and requests extras

• Owner and Architect claim scope is

“reasonably inferable” from GMP documents –

deny extras

• Disputes arise – potential cost overrun 22

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The GMP Scope Dispute

• What has been your experience with GMP scope disputes?

• What has been your experience in resolving GMP scope disputes?


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An Approach to Avoiding GMP Risks

• Facilitated GMP Approach


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What is the Facilitated GMP Process?

• Well defined GMP Documents

• “Narrative Design Intent Prose Statements”

delivered with GMP Documents

• Initial Q&A based on all documentation

• Facilitated GMP session

• Sign-Off on revised GMP Documents, Design

Intent Statement and Q&A Statement



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• Bring together the

Owner, A/E, and


• Facilitate

agreement on

intended structure

and content of the

set of documents

upon which GMP is

based. (“GMP Set”)

• Engage in a

normal cost review

and reconciliation

process up until

the date of

submission of the

GMP Set of


• A/E delivers GMP

Set with the “Prose

Statement” that:

‒ Details all


design elements

contained in the


‒ Explains A/E’s

statement of

intended scope

with respect to



‒ Identifies

“quality and

quantities” that

will appear in

the Construction


• CM submits

proposed GMP


qualifications and

assumptions based

on the GMP Set

Step 6Final GMP

• CM prepares the

final GMP

Amendment with

attachments for the

Owner’s approval

and signing

• Owner, A/E, CM

meet to reconcile


discrepancies or


related to:

‒ GMP Set

‒ Allowances

‒ CM’s




• Structured and



• Agreements

reached are


• Qualifications

and assumptions

modified and


Step 5A/E & CM



Step 4CM



Step 3A/E



Step 2Cost Review



Step 1GMP “Set”


Facilitated GMP Process


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Facilitated GMP Process

• Bring together the Owner, A/E, and CM at the start of the project to organize the GMP Process


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Organizational Meeting of the Project team at the start of the project.

Need to have a serious discussion about:

• Scope and timing of GMP(s) and the

development of a realistic project schedule

• Level of detail for the GMP Basis Documents

• Coordination of estimate protocol

• Estimates by A/E and CM should include all

the GMP elements. SD & DD estimates

should be a “dress-rehearsal for the GMP”


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Organizational Meeting (cont’d)

• Solicitation of bids before execution of the

GMP Amendment

– What is an acceptable strategy?

– Are there early subcontact packages

executed prior to the GMP Amendment?

• Purpose/function of different contingencies:

– CM Contingency

– Owner Contingency

– “Risk Holds”?

• Shared Expectations!

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Facilitated GMP Process

• Engage in a normal cost review and reconciliation process up until the date of submission of the GMP Set of documents


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Cost Review and Reconciliation

• At each design phase, the estimate should be

a dress rehearsal of the GMP.

– Estimate formatted as GMP, including

contingencies, fees, general conditions, etc.

– Draft Assumptions and Clarifications

document is prepared

– Allowances are identified

– Alternates are identified

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Facilitated GMP Process

• A/E delivers GMP Set with the “Design Intent Statement” that:‒ Details all incomplete

design elements contained in the GMP Set

‒ Explains A/E’s statement of intended scope with respect to the incomplete elements

‒ Identifies “quality and quantities” that will appear in Construction Documents.


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Facilitated GMP Process

• CM submits proposed GMP including Qualifications and Assumptions based on the GMP Set


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Proposed GMP


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Assumptions and Clarifications


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Facilitated GMP Process

• Owner, A/E, CM meet to reconcile any discrepancies or disagreements related to:‒ GMP Set‒ Allowances‒ CM’s Qualifications

and Assumptions• Structured and

facilitated session • Agreements reached

are documented• Qualifications and

assumptions modified and documented


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GMP Reconciliation Facilitated Meeting

• Owner, A/E and CM meet to

reconcile discrepancies and/or

disagreements related to the GMP


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GMP Reconciliation of:

• GMP Set and Design Intent Statement

• Cost of work and any required value


• Allowances

• CM’s Assumptions and Clarifications

• Schedule

• Alternates


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Group Discussion

• From the six-step process presented, what are your thoughts?

• What did you like?

• What didn’t you like?

• What would you change?


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Closing Remarks

• Confirm and identify project’s GMP Budget

– Starts with accurate Budget

– Confirmed at start of project - be willing to

tell Owner the bad news

• Define scope/timing expectations for the

project’s GMP and have buy-in by all parties

• Identify realistic expectations

• A good GMP process only works if the team

members are informed and engaged!


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