Reduced-Order Strategies for Efficient 4D-Var Data Assimilation azvan S ¸tef˘ anescu 1 Adrian Sandu 1 Ionel M. Navon 2 1 Computational Science Laboratory, Department of Computer Science, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University 2 Department of Scientific Computing,The Florida State University azvan S ¸tef˘ anescu , Adrian Sandu , Ionel M. Navon Reduced-Order Strategies for Efficient 4D-Var Data Assimilation 1/27

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Reduced-Order Strategies for Efficient 4D-Var DataAssimilation

Razvan Stefanescu 1 Adrian Sandu 1 Ionel M. Navon 2

1Computational Science Laboratory, Department of Computer Science, Virginia PolytechnicInstitute and State University

2Department of Scientific Computing,The Florida State University

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1 Motivation

2 Reduced Order Modelling

3 ROM 4D-Var DA systems - Choice of bases

4 4D-Var SWE DA reduced order systems

5 Numerical results

6 Conclusions and future research

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Incremental 4D-Var Data Assimilation Courtier et al. [9]

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Reduced order data assimilation

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Reduced order data assimilation

Replace the current linearized cost function to be minimized in theinner loop.

Surrogate models that accurately represent sub-grid-scale processes.-Benner et al. 2013.

Highly non-linear observation operators fully derived in the reducedspace.

Experiments at increased space and time resolutions.

Global convergence result for the solution of a trust region PODoptimal control problem using time-dependent Navier-Stokesequations (NSE) for viscous incompressible fluids as constraint - Arianet al. 2000.

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Proper Orthogonal Decomposition

The desired simulation is well approximated in the input collection -Aubrey et al. 1988.

Data analysis is conducted to extract basis functions, fromexperimental data or detailed simulations of high-dimensional systems

Galerkin projections that yield low dimensional dynamical models.

We assume a Petrov-Galerkin projection for constructing the reducedorder models. U denotes the POD basis and the test functions arestored in W . W TU = Ik , Ik being the identity matrix of order k . Forsimplicity we assume a POD expansion of x = U x.

Standard POD models: Its nonlinear reduced terms still have to beevaluated on the original state space making the simulation of thereduced-order system too expensive.

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Reduced Order ModellingStandard POD

N(x) = W T︸︷︷︸k×n

U x�U x︸ ︷︷ ︸n×1

, N(x) ∈ Rk (1)

where � is the componentwise multiplication Matlab operator and n isusually the number of spatial mesh points.

Tensorial POD

N(x) =[Ni


∈ Rk ; Ni =k∑



Ti ,j ,l xj xl . (2)

N(x) = T︸︷︷︸k×k2


T =(Ti ,j ,l

)i ,j ,l=1,..,k

∈ Rk×k×k , Ti ,j ,l =n∑


Wi ,rUj ,rUl ,r .

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Reduced Order Modelling

Standard POD/DEIM

N(x) ≈W TV (PTV )−1︸ ︷︷ ︸k×m

((PTUx)� (PTUx)

)︸ ︷︷ ︸



where m is the number of interpolation points, V ∈ Rn×m gathers the firstm POD basis modes of the nonlinear term while P ∈ Rn×m is the DEIMinterpolation selection matrix (Chaturantabut [6], Chaturantabut andSorensen [8, 7]).

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Reduced Order Modelling

We constructed reduced order Shallow Water Equations models - Itshares characteristics with the real atmosphere.

Alternating Direction Implicit scheme - accomodate for large CFLconditions.

Full ADI SWE Standard POD Tensorial POD POD/DEIM m=180 POD/DEIM m=70

CPU time 950.0314s 161.907 2.125 0.642 0.359

u - 5.358e-5 5.358e-5 5.646e-5 7.453e-5

v - 2.728e-5 2.728e-5 3.418e-5 4.233e-5

φ - 8.505e-5e 8.505e-5 8.762e-5 9.212e-5

Table : CPU time gains and the root mean square errors for each of themodel variables at tf = 3h for a 3h time integration window. Number ofPOD modes was k = 50 and two tests with different number of DEIMpoints m = 180, 70 were simulated.103, 776 spatial points.

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ROM 4D-Var DA systems - Choice of bases

The “adjoint of reduced” (AR) model approach formulates the firstorder optimality conditions from the forward reduced order model

Consistent KKT discrete optimality conditions; Reduced adjointmodel approximates poorly its full counterpart and POD bases relyonly on forward dynamics information.

The “reduced adjoint” (RA) approach projects the first orderoptimality equations of the full system onto the POD reduced spaces

Accurate low-order surrogate models; Its not clear what informationshould be included in the reduced basis used for full space gradientequation projection

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ROM 4D-Var DA systems - Choice of bases

To guide the POD bases snapshots selection process for reduced dataassimilation systems governed by non-linear models

Consistent and accurate reduced Karush Kuhn Tucker (KKT)optimality conditions - accurate reduced POD adjoint model solutionsand gradient with respect to their full counterparts

Every type of reduced optimization involving adjoint models andprojection based reduced order methods including reduced basisapproach will benefit.

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ROM 4D-Var DA systems - Choice of bases

We derive the optimality conditions as in the AR approach

Forward POD manifold Uf is computed using snapshots of the fullforward model solution only x ≈ Uf x

Petrov-Galerkin (PG) projection; the test functions POD basis Wf isdifferent than the trial functions POD manifold Uf

JPOD(x0) =1


(xb − Uf x0



(xb − Uf x0





(yi − H(Uf xi )


(yi − H(Uf xi )



subject to xi+1 = W Tf Mi (Uf xi ) = Mi (xi ), i = 0, ..,N − 1. (5)

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ROM 4D-Var DA systems - Choice of bases

Reduced adjoint model

λi = UTf MT

i Wf λi+1 + UTf HTR−1


(yi − H(Uf xi )

), i = N − 1, 1;

λN = UTf HTR−1


(yN − H(Uf xN)

)and λ0 = UT

f MT0 Wf λ1


Reduced Cost Function gradient

∇x0JPOD = −UTf B−1


(xb − Uf x0

)− λ0 = 0; (7)

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ROM 4D-Var DA systems - Choice of basesRA approach: the full forward and adjoint models and the gradientare projected onto separate reduced manifolds

Uf , Ua and Ug are the trial POD reduced subspaces and Wf , Wa andWg are the test functions POD manifolds, xi ≈ Uf xi , λi ≈ Uaλi ,i = 0, ..,N.

Reduced forward model:

xi+1 = Mi (xi ), i = 0, ..,N − 1. (8)

Reduced adjoint model:

λi = W Ta MT

i Uaλi+1 + W Ta HTR−1


(yi − H(Uf xi

), i = N − 1, 1

λN = W Ta HTR−1


(yN − H(Uf xN)

)and λ0 = W T

a MT0 Uaλ1,


Reduced Cost Function gradient

∇x0JPOD = −W Tg B−1


(xb − Uf x0

)−W T

g Uaλ0 = 0; (10)

ROM 4D-Var DA systems - Choice of bases

AR adjoint model:

λi = UTf MT

i Wf λi+1 + UTf HTR−1


(yi − H(Uf xi )

), i = N − 1, 1;

λN = UTf HTR−1


(yN − H(Uf xN)

)and λ0 = UT

f MT0 Wf λ1


RA adjoint model:

λi = W Ta MT

i Uaλi+1 + W Ta HTR−1


(yi − H(Uf xi

), i = N − 1, 1

λN = W Ta HTR−1


(yN − H(Uf xN)

)and λ0 = W T

a MT0 Uaλ1,


For Petrov Galerkin and Galerking projections:

Wf = Ua = Ug , and Wa = Uf = Wg , and Uf = Ua = Ug . (13)

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ROM 4D-Var DA systems - Choice of bases


Assume that in an open subset there exist unique solutions for thehigh-fidelity xa0 and AR reduced order xa0 optimization problems . Assumethat the model and observation operators M and Hi , i = 0, ..,N are twicecontinuously differentiable and the Hessian of the cost function Jevaluated at the minimizer of high-fidelity problem is positive definite.Then there exist “impact factors” ξ, νi and µi ∈ RM , i = 0, ..,N such thatthe error in a component of the high-fidelity optimizer computed using theminimizer of reduced order problem is approximated to first order byformula

ε(x0)− ε(xa0) ≈ ∆fwd + ∆adj + ∆opt, (14)

where x0 = Uf xa0.

Becker and Vexler 2005.

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ROM 4D-Var DA systems - Choice of bases

Forward model contribution:

∆fwd = −N−1∑i=0


(Uf W T

f − I

)Mi ,i+1(xi )


Adjoint model contribution

∆adj = −µTN(

Wf UTf − I



(yN −HN(xN)




(Wf UT

f − I


i ,i+1λi+1 + HTi R−1


(yi −Hi (xi )



Optimality equation contribution:

∆opt = −ξT(

Wf UTf − I



(xb0 − x0



4D-Var SWE DA reduced order systems

Algorithm 1 Standard and Tensorial POD SWE DA systems

Off-line stage

1: Generate initial conditions u, v and φ.2: Solve full forward ADI SWE model to generate state variables snapshots.

3: Solve full adjoint ADI SWE model to generate adjoint variables snap-shots.

4: Compute one 4D-Var iteration5: Compute a POD basis using snapshots describing dynamics of the for-

ward and adjoint trajectories and B−10

(xb − Uf x0


6: Compute reduced order model coefficients.

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4D-Var SWE DA reduced order systems

Algorithm 1 Standard and Tensorial POD SWE DA systems

On-line stage - Minimize reduced cost functional JPOD (4)

1: Solve forward reduced order model (5)2: Solve adjoint reduced order model (6)3: Compute reduced gradient (10)

Decisional stage

4: Project the suboptimal reduced initial condition generated by the on-line stage and perform steps 1 and 2 of off-line stage. Using full forwardinformation evaluate the high-fidelity J. If ‖J‖ > ε3 or |∇J| > ε4 thencontinue the off-line stage from step 3, otherwise STOP.

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4D-Var SWE DA reduced order systems

The on-line stage - minimization of the cost function JPOD performedon a reduced POD manifold

The stoping criteria are

‖∇JPOD‖ ≤ ε1, ‖JPOD(i+1) − JPOD

(i) ‖ ≤ ε2, MXFUN ≤ iterMax (16)

The off-line stage - outer iteration - general stopping criterion

‖J‖ ≤ ε3 or |∇J| ≤ ε4.

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Numerical Results

ADI SWE model

3% Gaussian perturbations added to the initial conditions ofGrammeltvedt [10] and generate twin-experiment observations atevery grid space point location and every time step

Background state is computed adding a 5% Gaussian perturbations toGrammeltvedt initial conditions.

Background and Observation error covariance matrices are diagonal.

The length of the assimilation window: 3h.

BFGS optimization method (CONMIN)

We use ε1 = 10−14 and ε2 = 10−5.

We select 31× 23 mesh points 91 time steps and use 50 POD basisfunctions. MXFUN is set to 25 and ε3 = 10−16 and ε4 = 10−12.

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Numerical Results - Choice of POD basis

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 9010









Number of iterations

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 9010












0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 9010








0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 9010








Grad red. of adj. + adj. of red.Grad adj. of red.

Grad full

Cost func − red. of adj. + adj. of red.Cost func − adj. of red.Cost func − full

Figure : Tensorial POD/4DVAR ADI 2D Shallow water equations – Evolution ofcost function and gradient norm as a function of the number of minimizationiterations. The information from the adjoint equations and gradient has to beincorporated into POD basis.

POD based SWE 4D-Var DA systems

n = 151× 111 space points, number of POD basis modes k = 50,MXFUN = 15 and ε3 = ε4 = 10−3,.

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 3510







Number of iterations



hybrid POD/DEIM m=30hybrid POD/DEIM m=50standard PODtensorial PODFull configuration

(a) Iteration performance













Cpu time



hybrid POD/DEIM m=30hybrid POD/DEIM m=50standard PODtensorial PODFull configuration

(b) Time performance

Figure : Number of iterations and CPU time comparisons for the reducedOrder SWE DA systems vs. full SWE DA system.

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Conclusions and future research

New efficient POD bases selection strategies for POD based reduced4DVar data assimilation systems governed by nonlinear state modelsusing both Petrov-Galerkin and Galerkin projections.

Consistent reduced Karush Kuhn Tucker (KKT) optimality conditions+ accurate reduced POD adjoint model solutions and gradient withrespect to their full counterparts.

Galerkin projection - one single POD basis is required and thecorrelation matrix must contain snapshots from both forward andadjoint full models. Include also the optimality condition information.

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Conclusions and future research

The speed up gain increases directly proportional with the the meshsize

Stabilization strategies proposed by Amsallem and Farhat[1], Bui-Thanh et al. [5] must be pursued in order to obtain feasiblePetrov-Galerkin reduced order data assimilation systems

Multifidelity techniques: Local in time adaptive ROMs. (Peherstorferet al. [13], Rapun and Vega [16]);

Exploit the structure of the weak constraints variational approach(Tremolet [20]), consistent and accurate reduced KKT conditions(Stefanescu et al. [19]) and formulate a piecewise-in-space-timeapproximation strategy that uses different ROMs on differentsubintervals, and constructs them concurrently;

Expand the research for WRF.

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Manuscripts related to the present research effort

R. Stefanescu, A. Sandu, I.M. Navon POD/DEIM Strategies forreduced data assimilation systems, Journal of ComputationalPhysics,2015.

R. Stefanescu, A. Sandu, I.M. Navon Comparison of POD reducedorder strategies for the nonlinear 2D Shallow Water Equations,International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 2014.

R. Stefanescu, I.M. Navon, POD/DEIM Nonlinear model orderreduction of an ADI implicit shallow water equations model, Journalof Computational Physics, Vol 237 , pp 95–114, 2013.

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POD/DEIM Strategies for reduced data assimilationsystems

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