email: [email protected] þ¼÷ªî¦ô¢Ù 27 áì÷J 2020 2 Marks Questions 1. Give suggestions to eradicate malnutrition among children? A: H Children must be supplied with milk, fruits and eggs. They must be checked up by doctors regularly. They have to be provided with medical facilities. 2. What do you suggest to implement National Food Security Act 2013? A: H Public distribution system should work properly. H Government should encourage high yielding food crops. H Government should provide subsidy to the food crops. H To face the droughts, the government has to provide godown facilities. 3. What are the measures do you suggest for improving the present distribution system? A: H Provide ration cards only to the poor and vulnerable groups. H Remove the fake ration cards. H Quantity and quality supplied by the government should be increased. H Check every month whether they are rationed in effective manner or not. 1. Public distribution system can ensure better food security for the people. Explain. A: H Yes public distribution system (PDS) surely ensures better food security for people. H Poor people cannot afford the market prices of regular food items and non food items. H They can purchase all these items at very subsidised prices with which they can have square meal a day. H The beneficiaries of particular village can show their ration card and receive food grains in their village without going to mandal head quarters. H All food grains are distributed through ration shops in every village. 2. Supposing the food grain has been affected in a particular year because of a natural calami- ty. In what ways can the government ensure higher availability of food grains for the year? A: H The government purchase food grains through FCI and stores in it. H Buffer stock is also there with the FCI. H It provides food grains to the victims through PDS. H The victims should be sheltered and given food. H At the time of natural calamities, food grains will supply to the victims at free of cost. 3. What are the steps to be taken for food security? A: H Food security is defined as a condition where all people at all times have physical and economic access to sufficient safe and nutri- tious food to meet their dietary needs and pref- erences for an active and healthy life. H Food security is possible only with increase in production though we have enough food stocks yet people suffer out of starvation. So there is a heavy need for food security. H National Food security act was made in 2013 legalising people’s right to food under this law 75% of people in rural areas 50% of the people in urban areas have the right to buy food grains from public distribution system. H This law also have provision of free cook meals for pregnant women lactating mother children aged 1 - 6 years coming to angan- waadis and mid day meals children aged 6 - 14 in school. H Through public distribution system provision of free cooked food surely ensures better security for people. 1. How can we improve the production of food grains? A: One way is to expand irrigation. Planting drought - resistant crops as per the local conditions. Water harvesting and crop rotation are used to raise production on a given piece of land. 2. What is agricultural diversification? A: Agricultural diversification means importance to variety of crops with in a agricultural area. 3. Write about Body Mass Index (BMI)? A: By using BMI the nutrition status among adult men and women measured. 4. What is the main motto of mid day meals? A: It is implemented in the part of the food security act to avoid malnutrition problem among the children. Nearly 14 crore children are benefited in this scheme. 5. Why coarse cereals are also known as nutri cereals? A: Coarse cereals are highly nutritious and wholesome grains. So they are called nutri cereals. 1 2 Mark Questions 1. Indian government has made Food Security Act in which year? A: 2013 2. National food security legalises people’s ........ A: right to food 3. Public distribution system is successfully implemented ....... areas. A: in southern state 4. The Bengal famine occurred in ........ A: 1943 - 1945 5. Examples of coarse grains are ......... A: Bajra, Ragi Target-2020 Tenth Social Studies Paper-1 100 100 Kanukolanu Srinivasa Rao Subject Expert Writer Food Security 4 Marks Questions 1 Mark Questions 4 Marks Questions 1. How does the life style of people influence the environment? What are your sugges- tions to protect the environment? A: Now a days human beings decided to enjoy their life in a comfortable manner. They don’t take even a cloth bag to bring vegetables. They use polythene covers. The plastic materials are very dangerous to the environment. Use of vehicles, refrigerators, air conditioners increased and they are damaging the environment. Suggestions to protect the environment: H Reduce the usage of plastic material. H Use bicycles for short distance. H Encourage plantation. H Reduce chemical fertilizers and encourage bio fertilizers. 2. What kind of environment did the spread of green revolution create? What lesson do this have for the future? A: Green revolution is association with the loss of soil fertility due to increased use of chemical fertilizers. Continuous use of ground water from the tube wells irrigation has reduced the water table below the ground. Chemical fertilizers polluted ground water, rivers, lakes etc. Many birds died after consuming insecticides. Lessons for the future: H Environmental resources like soil fertility and ground water are built up over many years. H Those issues will affect the life and liveli- hood of the people and destruct future. 3. Rapid extraction of minerals and other natural resources would adversely impact the future development prospects. Do you agree? A: Yes, I agree with it. We are extracting min- erals and natural resources rapidly. Modern industrial development and agri- cultural development are intensive in use of minerals and natural resources. If this is going on, the mineral deposits and natural resources will be depleted because of this tendency. The chances of future genera- tions to have access to their fair share of scarce resources are endangered. Moreover, the consequences in terms of impacts on the environment may induce seri- ous damage that go beyond the carrying the capacity of the environment. 1. How are the environmental movements? A: While each of these movements have slightly different contexts. They are essen- tially demanding the rights of local commu- nities over environment. Chipko movement acted to prevent the cutting of trees and reclaim their traditional forest rights that were threatened by contractors. Narmada bachao andolan has stood for the rights of the people over land forests and rivers. 2. Why do you think environment is called natural capital? A: Environment is also called natural capital because many naturally existing sub- stances like land, water minerals and ores products from trees and animals are central to the production process. The pri- mary sector activities manufacturing and energy sectors and other sectors of econ- omy too are dependent on natural resources in various degrees. 3. Why do you think the effects of climate change may be felt by all countries? A: Climate change affects all countries and people. Some may be more than the others. On climate change countries have tried to reach collective decisions. Many of these efforts we do not understand and cannot anticipate. Thus solutions at the global level with countries coming together become necessary. 4. Appreciate the organic farming that helps in protecting the environment? A: Organic farming is an ecological production management system that promotes and enhance bio diversity biological activity. It is based on minimum use of farm input management practices that restore maintain and enhance ecological harmony. 5. How is the loss of biodiversity being expressed in the letter of Bava Mahaliya? A: People like Bava Mahaliya are the treasures of traditional knowledge. They know the name of every tree, shrub, herb and their use. If they loss the access to forests, these knowledge would disappear. So the loss of biodiversity is a total loss of the earth it self. Sustainable Development With Equity 2 Marks Questions 1 Mark Questions 1. What is sustainable development? A: Development that meets the needs of the present without the compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs is known as sustainable development. 2. What is organic farming? A: The practice of cultivation without using the chemical fertilizers and pesticides. 3. What is special about Silent Spring? A: Silent Spring was a book written by a woman Rachel Carson in this book she explained how the spray of DDT effected on human beings. 4. Write any two suggestions to reduce environment pollution? A: Forests should not be cut down we should take care of them. Chemical fertilizers and pesticides are do not use in cultivation. organic farming must be encouraged. 1 2 Mark Questions 1. What is called a natural capital? A: Environment 2. To avoid environmental pollution it is necessary to switch over to ...... A: CNG(Compressed Natural Gas) 3. Chipko means ...... A: embracing or hug 4. The book Silent Spring main theme is ....... A: The effects of usage of DDT 5. Chemical pesticides are banned in ....... A: Sikkim Reduce Plastic.. Encourage Plantation Rachel Carson

Reduce Plastic.. Encourage Plantation 1 Mark Questions · H Reduce chemical fertilizers and encourage bio fertilizers. 2. What kind of environment did the spread of green revolution

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Page 1: Reduce Plastic.. Encourage Plantation 1 Mark Questions · H Reduce chemical fertilizers and encourage bio fertilizers. 2. What kind of environment did the spread of green revolution

email: [email protected]þ¼÷ªî¦ô¢Ù 27 áì÷J 2020

2 Marks Questions

1. Give suggestions to eradicate malnutritionamong children?

A: H Children must be supplied with milk,fruits and eggs. They must be checked up bydoctors regularly. They have to be providedwith medical facilities.

2. What do you suggest to implement NationalFood Security Act 2013?

A: H Public distribution system should workproperly.

H Government should encourage high yieldingfood crops.

H Government should provide subsidy to thefood crops.

H To face the droughts, the government has toprovide godown facilities.

3. What are the measures do you suggest forimproving the present distribution system?

A: H Provide ration cards only to the poor andvulnerable groups.

H Remove the fake ration cards.

H Quantity and quality supplied by thegovernment should be increased.

H Check every month whether they arerationed in effective manner or not.

1. Public distribution system can ensure betterfood security for the people. Explain.

A: H Yes public distribution system (PDS)surely ensures better food security for people. H Poor people cannot afford the market prices

of regular food items and non food items.H They can purchase all these items at very

subsidised prices with which they can havesquare meal a day.

H The beneficiaries of particular village canshow their ration card and receive foodgrains in their village without going tomandal head quarters.

H All food grains are distributed through rationshops in every village.

2. Supposing the food grain has been affected ina particular year because of a natural calami-ty. In what ways can the government ensurehigher availability of food grains for the year?

A: H The government purchase food grainsthrough FCI and stores in it.

H Buffer stock is also there with the FCI.H It provides food grains to the victims through

PDS. H The victims should be sheltered and given

food.H At the time of natural calamities, food grains

will supply to the victims at free of cost.3. What are the steps to be taken for food

security?A: H Food security is defined as a conditionwhere all people at all times have physical andeconomic access to sufficient safe and nutri-tious food to meet their dietary needs and pref-

erences for an active and healthy life.H Food security is possible only with increase

in production though we have enough foodstocks yet people suffer out of starvation. Sothere is a heavy need for food security.

H National Food security act was made in 2013legalising people’s right to food under thislaw 75% of people in rural areas 50% of thepeople in urban areas have the right to buyfood grains from public distribution system.

H This law also have provision of free cookmeals for pregnant women lactating motherchildren aged 1 - 6 years coming to angan-waadis and mid day meals children aged6 - 14 in school.

H Through public distribution system provisionof free cooked food surely ensures bettersecurity for people.

1. How can we improve the production of foodgrains?

A: One way is to expand irrigation. Plantingdrought - resistant crops as per the localconditions. Water harvesting and croprotation are used to raise production on agiven piece of land.

2. What is agricultural diversification?A: Agricultural diversification means importance

to variety of crops with in a agricultural area.3. Write about Body Mass Index (BMI)?A: By using BMI the nutrition status among

adult men and women measured.4. What is the main motto of mid day meals?A: It is implemented in the part of the food

security act to avoid malnutrition problemamong the children. Nearly 14 crorechildren are benefited in this scheme.

5. Why coarse cereals are also known as nutricereals?

A: Coarse cereals are highly nutritious andwholesome grains. So they are called nutricereals.


Mark Questions

1. Indian government has made FoodSecurity Act in which year?

A: 20132. National food security legalises

people’s ........A: right to food3. Public distribution system is successfully

implemented ....... areas.A: in southern state4. The Bengal famine occurred in ........A: 1943 - 19455. Examples of coarse grains are .........A: Bajra, Ragi


TenthSocial Studies Paper-1


Kanukolanu Srinivasa RaoSubject Expert


Food Security 4 Marks Questions

1 Mark Questions

4 Marks Questions

1. How does the life style of people influencethe environment? What are your sugges-tions to protect the environment?

A: Now a days human beings decided toenjoy their life in a comfortable manner.They don’t take even a cloth bag to bringvegetables. They use polythene covers.The plastic materials are very dangerousto the environment. Use of vehicles,refrigerators, air conditioners increasedand they are damaging the environment.

Suggestions to protect the environment:H Reduce the usage of plastic material.H Use bicycles for short distance.

H Encourage plantation.H Reduce chemical fertilizers and encourage

bio fertilizers.2. What kind of environment did the spread of

green revolution create? What lesson dothis have for the future?

A: Green revolution is association with theloss of soil fertility due to increased use ofchemical fertilizers. Continuous use ofground water from the tube wells irrigationhas reduced the water table below theground. Chemical fertilizers pollutedground water, rivers, lakes etc. Many birdsdied after consuming insecticides.

Lessons for the future:H Environmental resources like soil fertility and

ground water are built up over many years.H Those issues will affect the life and liveli-

hood of the people and destruct future.3. Rapid extraction of minerals and other

natural resources would adversely impactthe future development prospects. Do youagree?

A: Yes, I agree with it. We are extracting min-erals and natural resources rapidly.Modern industrial development and agri-cultural development are intensive in useof minerals and natural resources. If this isgoing on, the mineral deposits and naturalresources will be depleted because of thistendency. The chances of future genera-tions to have access to their fair share ofscarce resources are endangered.Moreover, the consequences in terms of

impacts on the environment may induce seri-ous damage that go beyond the carrying thecapacity of the environment.

1. How are the environmental movements?A: While each of these movements have

slightly different contexts. They are essen-tially demanding the rights of local commu-nities over environment. Chipko movementacted to prevent the cutting of trees andreclaim their traditional forest rights thatwere threatened by contractors. Narmadabachao andolan has stood for the rights ofthe people over land forests and rivers.

2. Why do you think environment is callednatural capital?

A: Environment is also called natural capitalbecause many naturally existing sub-

stances like land, water minerals and oresproducts from trees and animals arecentral to the production process. The pri-mary sector activities manufacturing andenergy sectors and other sectors of econ-omy too are dependent on naturalresources in various degrees.

3. Why do you think the effects of climatechange may be felt by all countries?

A: Climate change affects all countries andpeople. Some may be more than theothers. On climate change countries havetried to reach collective decisions. Many ofthese efforts we do not understand andcannot anticipate. Thus solutions at theglobal level with countries coming togetherbecome necessary.

4. Appreciate the organic farming that helpsin protecting the environment?

A: Organic farming is an ecological productionmanagement system that promotes andenhance bio diversity biological activity. It isbased on minimum use of farm inputmanagement practices that restoremaintain and enhance ecological harmony.

5. How is the loss of biodiversity beingexpressed in the letter of Bava Mahaliya?

A: People like Bava Mahaliya are the treasuresof traditional knowledge. They know thename of every tree, shrub, herb and theiruse. If they loss the access to forests, theseknowledge would disappear. So the loss ofbiodiversity is a total loss of the earth it self.

Sustainable Development With Equity

2 Marks Questions

1 Mark Questions

1. What is sustainable development?A: Development that meets the needs of the

present without the compromising the abilityof future generations to meet their own needsis known as sustainable development.

2. What is organic farming?A: The practice of cultivation without using the

chemical fertilizers and pesticides.3. What is special about Silent Spring?A: Silent Spring was a book written by a woman

Rachel Carson in this book she explained howthe spray of DDT effected on human beings.

4. Write any two suggestions to reduceenvironment pollution?

A: Forests should not be cut down we shouldtake care of them. Chemical fertilizers andpesticides are do not use in cultivation.organic farming must be encouraged.


Mark Questions

1. What is called a natural capital?

A: Environment

2. To avoid environmental pollution it isnecessary to switch over to ......

A: CNG(Compressed Natural Gas)

3. Chipko means ......

A: embracing or hug

4. The book Silent Spring main theme is .......

A: The effects of usage of DDT

5. Chemical pesticides are banned in .......

A: Sikkim

Reduce Plastic.. Encourage Plantation

Rachel Carson

Page 2: Reduce Plastic.. Encourage Plantation 1 Mark Questions · H Reduce chemical fertilizers and encourage bio fertilizers. 2. What kind of environment did the spread of green revolution

email: [email protected]þ¼÷ªî¦ô¢Ù 27 áì÷J 2020

2 Marks Questions

1. Define site features and situation features.Give one example for each from the placeyou live in?

A: Site Features: Site features defined as thecharacteristics of the place like topographs,altitude, water characteristics, type of soils,security, shelter from natural forces and soon. e.g.: Chatrapathi Shivaji built a fort in

Pratapgad Maharashtra.Situation Features: Situation describesthe connections with other places. Which ishaving good transport, network, marketingfacility. e.g.: Vishakapatnam is located onthe East coast and connects AP to manyplaces in and out side of India.

2. How does rural to urban migration increasethe purchasing power of people in ruralareas?

A: H Rural to urban migration increases thepurchasing power of people in rural areas.

H After getting settled in secure job themigrants send money to their families innative places which are known as remit-tances.

H When generates additional income for ruralfamily, they start purchasing land, vehicles,clearing of debts, construction of houseetc.

3. ‘Most children of migrant families becomedropouts. Do you agree with this statement?Justify your answer?

A: Yes, I agree with this statement1) As some migrants migrate in the middle

of the academic year they do not findschools for their children to join. This isone reason for dropouts.

2) Some migrants are not finding admis-sions to their children in schools for thefees which is affordable to them. This isalso a reason.

4. What are the reason for the expansion ofurban population?

A: Expansion of urban population is due to thefollowing reasons 1) Natural growth 2) Expansion of urban areas 3) Migration from rural to urban areas

5. Why are only unskilled workers from Indiawanted in West Asian countries?

A: H West Asian countries need the unskilledworkers to work in their factories andmanufacturing units at low salaries.

H These countries have plenty of oil mines.H Digging oil from the wells and other activ-

ities need unskilled workers. H These employees work on large scale

with low salaries 6. What is an Aerotropolis? How is it struc-


A: H Aerotropolises are the settlements thatare centred around large airports.

H In an aerotropolis the port function as acity in its own right.

H Many facilities live hotels, shopping, enter-tainment, food, business conferencing, etc.are provided right there.

H People can fly in conduct their business withtheir counter parts right there and fly outwith all the comfort of a city, with out the traf-fic and other problems.

H Some of the aerotropolises are emerging inthese places in India. Bengaluru internation-al Airport, Rajiv Gandhi International Airport.


Mark Questions

1. What type of settlement is Hyderabad?A) Metropolitan City B) Revenue Village C) Mega City D) Class 1 City

2. Heathrow International Airport is located inA) Dubai B) London C) Bangkok D) Baghdad

3. The total migrants in India, according toCensus 2011

A) 300 millions B) 305 millions C) 307 millions D) 310 millions

4. The Emigration Act in India was madein

A) 1991 B) 1993 C) 1983 D) 19815. Many unskilled labour migrate from India

toA) Canada B) Japan C) Germany D) Saudi Arabia

6. The largest city in population is A) Chennai B) Kolkata C) Delhi D) Mumbai

7. Today the number of villages in India areA) 5.4 lakh B) 6.4 lakh C) 5.6 lakh D) 6.6 lakh

Answers: 1-A 2-B 3-C 4-C 5-D 6-D 7-C

Additional Questions2 Marks

1. What are the reasons for migrations?2. Coastal places were of immense signifi-

cance for colonial powers. What do youthink were the reasons?

3. Too much of migration led to the occu-pation of river banks and grazing lands.What would be the consequences?


TenthSocial Studies Paper - I


G. Viswa PrasadSubject Expert


Settlements - Migrations

1. What are the urbanization problems. Doyou observe in your area nearby urbanarea?

A: H Over populationH Urban Slums are emerged in large

scale due to migration H Water supply problemsH Sanitation is not proper in some locali-

tiesH Drainage system, some times create

problems, particularly in the rainy sea-son.

H Main problem in urban area is air pol-lution due to number of vehicles aswell as factories near by.

H Solid waste is generated in a largescale in urban areas. The disposal ofsolid waste becomes major problem inurban areas.

H Due to the concrete cover all over theland in the urban area ground waterlevels have been decreasing.

2. Do you think migrants are trouble mak-ers/trouble shooters in their destinations?Justify your answer?

A: H Migration takes place basically to earnlivelihood.

H Basically no migrant wants to be atrouble maker or trouble shooter.

H But, with the poor economic condi-tions, the migrants do not give goodeducation to their children.

H The locals feel insecurity as they facesevere competition from migrants injobs.

H In longer course, the migrants chal-lenge locals in every field in jobs, innativity. The illiterate children ofmigrants become anti social elementsoften.

H Thus though not in the beginning bypassing of time, the migrants are con-sidered trouble makers and troubleshooters as they begin fighting for theiridentity.

3. People migrate from rural areas mainlydue to insufficient employment opportuni-ties and inadequate income. Is that migra-tion fulfill their needs and desires?

A: H Only few migrants are able to getemployment in organised sector.

H Most urban migrants have to work aslabourers like hawkers, painters, repairpersons, construction labour etc.

H Some get employment as casuallabour in some industries.

H Hence migration will not always befruitful.

H Some people take up new jobs andacquire new skills.

H There will be no job security anddecent income for some others.

Additional Questions

4 Marks

1. Explain about the problems of urban-ization?

2. Write down the advantages and thedisadvantages of the people whenthey migrate?

4 Marks Questions 1 Mark Questions

1. Define the birth place?

A: Place where the person was born.

2. Name different kinds of activities in asettlement?

A: Educational, medical, religious andcommercial etc.

3. What is Migration?

A: The movement of people from oneplace to other place is called migration.

4. Which activity made early people to set-tle down in one area?

A: Agriculture made early people to settledown in one area.

5. What is Situation?

A: Situation describes the connections withother places.

6. What are public facilities?

A: The services provided by the govern-ment for the welfare of the people areknown as public facilities.

e.g.: Schools, Hospitals, Parks etc.

7. What type of migrants from our countrymigrate to West Asia?

A: Semi skilled and unskilled workers.

8. Why do people migrate from ruralareas?

A: Insufficient employment opportunity, lowwages make rural people to migrate.

9. Define metropolitan city?

A: A city having population between onemillion to ten millions.

10. Explain about the seasonal migration?

A: The type of work which is only for aduration of less than 6 months is knownas seasonal migration.

11. Which three cities in India have morethan 10 million population each?

A: Mumbai, Delhi and Kolkata

12. Why are embassies set up?

A: Embassies set up by the Indian govern-ment in different countries are expectedto follow the legal procedures and protectthe welfare of the international migrantsas given in the Emigration act.

13. Name some of the aerotroplises whichare emerging in India?

A: 1) Bengaluru International Airport

2) Indira Gandhi International Airport -Delhi

3) Rajiv Gandhi International Airport -Hyderabad

14. How many types of migrations arethere? What are they?

A: There are two types of migrations. Theyare

1) Internal migration

2) International migration

Additional Questions

1 Mark 1. What are mega cities?

2. What is aerotropolis?

3. What is the most common reason forfemale migration?

4. Define Urbanization.

Why do people migrate?Pratapgad Fort

Page 3: Reduce Plastic.. Encourage Plantation 1 Mark Questions · H Reduce chemical fertilizers and encourage bio fertilizers. 2. What kind of environment did the spread of green revolution

email: [email protected]þ¼÷ªî¦ô¢Ù 27 áì÷J 2020


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