1 I Red Wine APRIL

RED WINE Magazine may 2016 (free)

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A contemporary Christian magazine publishing articles of how to find God, developing a relationship with Him. Controversial topics are discussed such as sex, love, money, etc.

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1 I Red Wine APRIL

2 I Red Wine APRIL

Editors Voice

It is amazing how much we could do if we would just let God get a hold of us and excavate our lives. Get down inside of us and bring out all those things He hid in us when He created us. We are a “love machine”. We were made with honor. The scripture that says you were fearfully and wonderfully made proves that (Psalm 139:14). No matter how you originated, whether your parents conceived you out of wedlock or because of a sexual molestation, it doesn’t matter. God takes what was meant for bad and makes it for good (Genesis 50:20). And only He can do that!

Happy Mother’s Day to all you mothers who go the distance everyday not really knowing exactly what is going to happen but still turn yourself inside out for your children. I know there are some fathers out there who are playing a dual role because of an absent mother. Though your day is coming, we will let you share the day with us because of your dual role.

This issue has so much to say. Please read it and re-read it and share it with your friends and family. Red Wine Magazine is getting ready to go through a major change here. We have brought on a new designer and God is going to help us soar to new heights.

Just remember, there is more to you than you know. Past going to BBQ’s, on cruises or hanging out with friends at the beach, you are God’s business. You are a business in the eyes of your eternal friend God.

We at Red Wine love you and we pray that you continue to come back every month. Have a wonderful spring and summer.

Dr. Diana

In The Spirit of Love

Dr. Diana

3 I Red Wine APRIL


TS6 Don’t You Have Something Important to Say?

7 Watching Your Words

9 The Choice

13 Single and Free

14 Does Affliction Ever Take a Holiday?

Quickly and Oftenpg5

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17503 La CanteraParkway, Suite 104-193

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Dr. Diana Hardy

Deborah Chiaravolliti

Dr. Diana HardyErica Johnson

Karen HueGustavo

Gagan Masoun

4 I Red Wine APRIL

How I Beat Cancer

5 I Red Wine APRIL5 I Red Wine APRIL

I was hit with a bout of the flu a few months back and I found myself in bed watching a little daytime television. Something I rarely do. Steve Harvey was taking questions from the audience and he was asked what he would tell his younger self. His answer was profound.

He said he would tell his younger self to forgive quickly. I was moved by this because forgiveness is hard for many of us. But most people will tell you they forgive. The question is do we do it quickly?

People tell us to forgive but rarely do they emphasize any urgency to forgive. In fact, society tells us we have the right to process what happened and how we feel about it so we are usually not in a hurry to forgive.

However, we lose precious time and energy holding things. We lose relationships holding on to unforgiveness. Forgive quickly is great advice. Kudos to Steve Harvey but actually God said it first.

Ephesians 4:26 tells us it is human to be angry but don’t sin and don’t let the sun go down on your anger. Anger can turn to sin when you don’t forgive. And the longer you hold on to anger the easier it is to become unforgiving. So we should let it go as soon as possible to avoid sinning. Anger rests in the bosom of fools (Ecclesiastes 7:9).

I mean, I would want to be forgiven quickly for my mistakes, so we need to extend that courtesy to others.

Especially since God said that if we want to

be forgiven, we must

So I agree, let’s all make a decision not just to forgive but to forgive quickly. It is such a waste to not forgive, so don’t wait, forgive quickly and forgive often.

In the Bible it says, “Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?” Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.”” (Matthew 18:21-22).

So even the Lord knew there would be some things that you may have to forgive over and over but that’s OK, just forgive quickly and forgive often. You won’t regret the decision.

Quickly and Erica Johnson

“Anger rests in the bosom of fools (Ecclesiastes 7:9).”


forgive (Luke 6:36).

How I Beat Cancer

6 I Red Wine APRIL 6 I Red Wine APRIL

The Bible tells us that we overcome the enemy by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony (Revelation 12:11). Look real closely at that. The ability to overcome the the enemy is not in the fact of having a testimony; the power is in the word of that testimony.

You have to tell people what God has done for you. Tell it however you want, but tell it. Write it, sing it, dance it, speak it, film it. And I am not talking about telling it just so others have hope that God will deliver them. That certainly is important but every time you proclaim your testimony, it overcomes the enemy in your own life.

First of all, it keeps you from forgetting what God has done already while you are waiting for Him to make the next move in your life. You have to remind yourself that the same God that got you out before still has the ability to get you out now. He told Israel don’t be afraid but instead remember what He did for them in Egypt as they

faced the challenges of entering the Promised Land (Deuteronomy 7:18).

It also keeps you grateful. If you focus on only what you need now, you will find it hard to be grateful for anything you already have or have overcome.

And it overcomes the enemy. If you keep confessing how God healed you, blessed you and delivered you, those things that oppressed you before won’t get you down so easily again. Almost every time I preach, I tell the people how purpose saved my life. They may be tired of hearing it but I cannot stop confessing it. It’s how I know God is real. There are all kinds of scholars and scientists who have theories on why we shouldn’t believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But I know that Jesus is real because He saved my life. I have proof that transcends textbooks and lab reports. I lived it personally and it is the truth. No one can take that truth away from me.

Don’t let anyone silence your testimony, not even you. Our relationship with God is quite personal but it was never designed to be private. The Bible tells us over and over to preach, teach, proclaim, speak and declare so God didn’t design a privacy filter for your salvation. He expects you to tell Him, the world and the devil who He (God) is to you and what He has done for you.

There’s a situation in your life right now that if you would just use the word of your testimony, you would get the victory. So don’t you have something important to say right now?

Be blessed!

Erica Johnson

Don’t You Have Something



7 I Red Wine APRIL7 I Red Wine APRIL

We’ve all heard that our words have power and we usually are being told that so we can confess something good. And that is important to do but we cannot forget that all words have power.

The Bible says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it and indulge it will eat its fruit and bear the consequences of their words.” (Proverbs 18:21).

It is just as important to not confess the negatives as it is to confess the positives. Now we are all guilty of saying things like, “I never get what I want” or “I always mess everything up.” But we really should be more careful about saying such things because the tongue is powerful.

There may be difficulties you struggle with in life simply because of a negative confession you make all the time. And because words are so powerful, we must be careful what we say to and about others, especially our children.

Telling a child they are dumb or difficult repeatedly can set them up to struggle in their life. They may not do well in school not because they are intellectually inferior but because of the power of negative words over their lives.

You were made in the image of God and God spoke everything into

existence (Genesis 1).

So you have the power to speak things into existence. You must use your power responsibly because as the Bible tells us, we can speak life or death. That’s why we must get God’s plan for our life so we can confess God’s will for our lives.

Tell your children they are smart and blessed no matter what their report cards says. Tell your spouse they are a blessing from God and the best partner you could have asked for even when your relationship is strained. Confess that you have what you need even when your bank account is low and you need a job. Confess your healing even when you feel sick. Because your words have power, if you confess the right things, your reality will start to reflect your confessions.

The Bible instructs us to call forth those things that be not, as though they were, or more precisely, confess the end result you desire (Romans 4:17). That is what we must speak and watch God do, not the current situation or the worst case scenario.

So by watching your words, you can watch your words come to pass.

Watching YourWordsErica Johnson

8 I Red Wine APRIL

9 I Red Wine APRIL

Erica Johnson

Love is a choice. God tells us that we clearly have to choose to love Him.

“Choose to love the Lord your God and to obey him and to cling to him, for he is your life and the length

of your days. . . .” (Deuteronomy 30:20).

And if you have to choose to love the One who created you, then it follows that anyone else we love we do so by choice. But the fact that God tells us to choose to love Him means that we are capable of making a choice and further that a choice is necessary.

I know we have been taught by society that it is supposed to just happen uncontrollably. That we get butterflies and heart palpitations and boom! We are in love. Or we have to love family, there is no choice.

But there must always be a choice. When you choose to forgive, you choose to love. When you choose to be obedient to God, you choose to love God.

People today choose to marry and then as quickly choose to divorce when the real choice to be made was to love each other through the difficulty and through the change. I mean in society today, everyone is so fiercely protective of their right to make choices. They want to choose their sexuality, choose their gender, choose their spouses, you name it.

But the only choice you need to make to find happiness is to choose love. Choose to love God by serving Him and seeking His counsel for everything in your life. Let God choose your spouse; let Him tell you where to live and what to do for your work.

You see, you make the choice to love God and that one choice allows God to bless you and provide for you so you don’t have to make so many other decisions. Without Christ as your Lord and Savior, you are faced with many decisions that you were never supposed to make for yourself. But in Christ, you just have to get up every day and choose to love God. Love Him through service and obedience and relationship and He supplies all your needs.

He has plans to bless you and prosper you

(Jeremiah 29:11).

And once you master choosing to love God, you will be able to choose love in every other relationship in your life. So make the best choice of your life right now and choose to love.


10 I Red Wine APRIL

Almost everyone is familiar with the idea of seed faith. Jesus said if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can move a mountain (Matthew 17:20). But faith is not the only thing that starts with a seed. Doubt also starts with a seed. You start doubting one thing and that one thing turns into a few things and suddenly you are in a crisis of faith.

The serpent planted doubt in Eve’s mind. She clearly said she cannot eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. But the serpent told her she won’t die but rather will become wise like God (Genesis 3). So basically, mankind fell because of doubt.

And it is no different today. So many profess Jesus but only live the parts of the Bible they are comfortable with because they doubt the rest and more specifically, they doubt the consequences of not living by the Word of God.

Doubt is destructive because without faith it is impossible to please God and doubt hinders your faith. And faith is how you get anything in the Kingdom.

Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them.” (Mark 11:23).

One “friend” telling you that it doesn’t take all that to serve God, can plant a seed of doubt. One conversation could plant a seed of doubt. So I plead with you today to consider Proverbs 4:23:

“Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the

course of your life.”

Guard your heart, mind and soul against doubt. Don’t let people speak into your life who do not serve God. Don’t compromise your beliefs to make or keep friends. Of course we all will face difficult situations and choices but instead of doubting, cling to your faith and having done all, just continue to stand (Ephesians 6:13).

The Bible tells us,

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what

we do not see.” (Hebrews 11:1).

We must shut the door on doubt and walk with confidence and assurance not in ourselves or our abilities but in the power that God possesses. But even more than that, God can do anything, give you anything but what really, really matters is that He keeps His Word to you and shows you that He takes your needs and desires very seriously. So trust in Him and do not doubt. The Lord rewards those who diligent seek Him (Hebrews 11:6)!Seed



Erica Johnson

12 I Red Wine APRIL

13 I Red Wine APRIL

As I sit here this morning, I am thinking of all the people out there who feel weighed down with life’s conditions, problems and situations whether financial, emotional, family or marital. God does not intend for anyone to be weighed down. In fact, He said who the Son of Man sets free is free indeed (John 8:36). And on this great morning of April 18th, you want to be free and more importantly God wants you to be free.

Today is tax day and people are dreading how much they are going to owe; afraid to have their taxes done.

But God said be not afraid, be of

good courage, don’t fear

(Joshua 1:9). Where am I going with this? You may be thinking I am not single, I am married. But what I am talking about is not that kind of single. I mean you as an individual in the eyes of God; He wants you to set your focus on Him so He can be your strength. Some of you have lost your strength and your hope. God wants to restore all of that. It is yours for the taking. You just need to know that it exists. If you go to God with a heavy heart, God will take that weight off of you.

I have two important scriptures for you. “. . . let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us . . .” (Hebrews 12:1). “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” (1 Peter 5:7).

God does not lie so all of this is true. All you have to do is put your hand up to God. Stretch your hand up to God and tell Him every problem that is going on in your life. And then ask Him to encourage you. Ask Him for what you need. If you need hope, ask God for it. He’s not always going to give you what you want but He will give you what you need because it will satisfy your soul and set you free from all of these external weights the world has laid on you. And from demonic oppression. Maybe your family has sickness running in it like cancer, diabetes or high blood pressure but that is a curse. You don’t have to have it because mom or dad or a sibling had it. All you have to do is cast your cares on God the Great Physician. Your doctor can’t heal you of diabetes but the

Great Physician can. But He is in the spirit not the natural.

Those that worship God must do so in spirit

and in truth (John 4:24).

So you must get in the spirit.

I want to give you a word that today you can be washed and cleaned from everything that’s got a hold of you today. The Bible says He will wash us with His Word (Ephesians 5:26). When you start reading, it will cut stuff off of you. So get into the Word today.

God bless you. Remember we love you here at Red Wine Magazine.

Dr. Diana


14 I Red Wine APRIL14 I Red Wine APRIL

I bet if you were at a BBQ, sitting around family and friends and you all started a conversation about problems, hard times and troubles, things that keep coming back and you don’t get a breather, there would be a lot to say.

Sometimes if you ask people what seems like a silly question to some, “Does affliction ever take a holiday?”, they would probably chuckle, one of those real short laughs. One that clearly states that I am in agreement, I know what you mean. But let’s dig a little deeper.

Affliction comes into the life of everyone. Now it depends how you define affliction. Some of you look at it for what it really is and say, “Yeah, sometimes I have problems.” But you don’t want to call it an affliction.

Then there are those of you who live under the banner of affliction. And you have gotten so used to it that you would think something was wrong if you didn’t have it. I am sure many people would agree that there are some in our lives that have become a victim to affliction and they can’t seem to get out of it no matter what they do.

They go 20, 30 years being trapped by the results of affliction. And sometimes in families no one seems to have the answer. Which amazes me because there are many of us who say we believe God and we are Christians. Then why is it that we don’t have the solution to the affliction problem?

The Bible clearly states, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous; but the Lord delivers him out of them all.” (Psalm 34:19). So that is saying that whether in Christ or not, you will have afflictions. So that is not really the question. The question is is it possible for you to find the exit to freedom?

I say yes! What do you say? The Bible says He will deliver you out of them all. It matters if God is in your life. It matters if you have allowed Him to penetrate every area of your life and have

given over your afflictions to Him.

That’s why God said

cast all your cares on Him

for He cares for you (1 Peter 5:7).

He wouldn’t be asking you to tell Him about everything that troubles you and you attract if He didn’t have the answer and solution to get you out. After all, God is trying to show how much He loves you. He is trying to expose you to the Kingdom and what He has already built waiting to turn it over to you.

Deliverance is the

children’s bread (Matthew 15:26).

So God can and will deliver you if you would allow Him. Does that mean you will not go through affliction? No, He already told us many are the afflictions . . . . but you will be delivered out of

them. You won’t be in them forever; they won’t overcome you if you would let the Lamb of God lead you out. This is the reason Jesus ever lives to make intercession for you (Hebrews 7:25). He is praying for you at the throne of grace.

It is important to get in God and stay there and make a solid decision that you are going to turn your life completely over to Him and be single-minded. I’m not talking about marital status. I am talking about taking your mind and turning it over to Him and establishing your faith in trust in Him and not yourself. Because if you could have come out of this thing on your own, you would have done it.

I know you are smart and intelligent, maybe even matriculated at an Ivy League University, but face it you have not been able to get yourself out of trouble in a constructive way and remain out without something similar coming and trapping you the same.

Afflictions come with a purpose. Sometimes we get them because of our decisions and choices. Other times they are ordered by the Lord because they are an instrument in His hand to bring the greatness He placed in you out. I know that it is hard for some of you to believe and you are having a hard time waiting on Him to

do what you have been asking Him to do for years now in prayer. But God is faithful. He is your paradigm shift. Give all your stuff to Him, good and bad. God said when you commit something to Him; He will bless it (Proverbs 16:3).

Dr. Diana

Does Ever Take A Holiday?

Affliction God said when you commit something to Him; He will bless it (Proverbs 16:3).