RECUPERACIÓ D'ASSIGNATURES SETEMBRE 4t ESO CURS 2018-2019 Matèria: anglès 1. CONTINGUTS A RECUPERAR The contents of this subject can be found in the book Mosaic 4. The units are the following: - Starter Unit. Technology, free time activities, health and fitness, revision of basic concepts, present simple and present continuous. - Unit 1. Making a difference . Personality, collocations get and make, past simple and past continuous, describing personal qualities, an informal email. - Unit 2. Making money. Advertising, shopping, past simple and past perfect simple, adverbs, a formal email. - Unit 3. Power to the people . Technology, reading a magazine article, passive voice- past, present and future, expressing interest, satisfaction and hope, writing a discussion essay. - Unit 4. Live well. Aches and pains, sports, healthy habits, conditional sentences, understanding a blog, writing a blog entry, agreeing and disagreeing. - Unit 6. Good times . Entertainment, giving and asking for viewpoints, reported speech, writing a report. - Unit 7. In the news . Travelling, the weather, reading a newspaper article, future tenses, comparing and contrasting, a formal email. - Unit 8. The senses. Experiencing the senses, talking about animals, defining and non-defining relative clauses, giving instructions, completing a questionnaire. 2. PLA DE RECUPERACIÓ Els alumnes hauran de fer un examen dels continguts anomenats al punt 1 el mes de setembre. Per altre banda, hauran de lliurar les tasques que es detallen a continuació (activitats de gramàtica, vocabulari i expressió escrita). Per a practicar la comprensió lectora i la comprensió oral es recomana fer les lectures i audicions del workbook de les unitats detallades. C/ BISBE PONT Nº9, 07400 PORT D'ALCÚDIA. TEL. 971 54 72 46. FAX 971 89 78 30 www.iesportdalcudia.org [email protected]

RECUPERACIÓ D'ASSIGNATURES SETEMBRE 4t ESOiesportdalcudia.org/tasquespendents1819/4t ESO... · Per altre banda, hauran de lliurar les tasques que es detallen a continuació (activitats

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Page 1: RECUPERACIÓ D'ASSIGNATURES SETEMBRE 4t ESOiesportdalcudia.org/tasquespendents1819/4t ESO... · Per altre banda, hauran de lliurar les tasques que es detallen a continuació (activitats



CURS 2018-2019

Matèria: anglès


The contents of this subject can be found in the book Mosaic 4. The units are the following:

- Starter Unit. Technology, free time activities, health and fitness, revision of basic

concepts, present simple and present continuous.

- Unit 1. Making a difference . Personality, collocations get and make, past simple and past

continuous, describing personal qualities, an informal email.

- Unit 2. Making money. Advertising, shopping, past simple and past perfect simple,

adverbs, a formal email.

- Unit 3. Power to the people . Technology, reading a magazine article, passive voice- past,

present and future, expressing interest, satisfaction and hope, writing a discussion essay.

- Unit 4. Live well. Aches and pains, sports, healthy habits, conditional sentences,

understanding a blog, writing a blog entry, agreeing and disagreeing.

- Unit 6. Good times . Entertainment, giving and asking for viewpoints, reported speech,

writing a report.

- Unit 7. In the news . Travelling, the weather, reading a newspaper article, future tenses,

comparing and contrasting, a formal email.

- Unit 8. The senses. Experiencing the senses, talking about animals, defining and

non-defining relative clauses, giving instructions, completing a questionnaire.


Els alumnes hauran de fer un examen dels continguts anomenats al punt 1 el mes de setembre. Per altre banda, hauran de lliurar les tasques que es detallen a continuació (activitats de gramàtica, vocabulari i expressió escrita). Per a practicar la comprensió lectora i la comprensió oral es recomana fer les lectures i audicions del workbook de les unitats detallades.

C/ BISBE PONT Nº9, 07400 PORT D'ALCÚDIA. TEL. 971 54 72 46. FAX 971 89 78 30

www.iesportdalcudia.org [email protected]

Page 2: RECUPERACIÓ D'ASSIGNATURES SETEMBRE 4t ESOiesportdalcudia.org/tasquespendents1819/4t ESO... · Per altre banda, hauran de lliurar les tasques que es detallen a continuació (activitats



CURS 2018-2019

Matèria: anglès

Criteris de qualificació

Prova de setembre: 90%

➔ Comprensió escrita ➔ Expressió escrita ➔ Gramàtica i vocabulari ➔ Comprensió oral

Tasques a lliurar : 10%

Departament de Llengües Estrangeres Port d'Alcúdia, 20 de juny de 2019

C/ BISBE PONT Nº9, 07400 PORT D'ALCÚDIA. TEL. 971 54 72 46. FAX 971 89 78 30

www.iesportdalcudia.org [email protected]

Page 3: RECUPERACIÓ D'ASSIGNATURES SETEMBRE 4t ESOiesportdalcudia.org/tasquespendents1819/4t ESO... · Per altre banda, hauran de lliurar les tasques que es detallen a continuació (activitats



CURS 2018-2019

Matèria: anglès


The contents of this subject can be found in the book Mosaic 4. The units are the following:

- Starter Unit. Technology, free time activities, health and fitness, revision of basic

concepts, present simple and present continuous.

- Unit 1. Making a difference . Personality, collocations get and make, past simple and past

continuous, describing personal qualities, an informal email.

- Unit 2. Making money. Advertising, shopping, past simple and past perfect simple,

adverbs, a formal email.

- Unit 3. Power to the people . Technology, reading a magazine article, passive voice- past,

present and future, expressing interest, satisfaction and hope, writing a discussion essay.

- Unit 4. Live well. Aches and pains, sports, healthy habits, conditional sentences,

understanding a blog, writing a blog entry, agreeing and disagreeing.

- Unit 6. Good times . Entertainment, giving and asking for viewpoints, reported speech,

writing a report.

- Unit 7. In the news . Travelling, the weather, reading a newspaper article, future tenses,

comparing and contrasting, a formal email.

- Unit 8. The senses. Experiencing the senses, talking about animals, defining and

non-defining relative clauses, giving instructions, completing a questionnaire.


Els alumnes hauran de fer un examen dels continguts anomenats al punt 1 el mes de setembre. Per altre banda, hauran de lliurar les tasques que es detallen a continuació (activitats de gramàtica, vocabulari i expressió escrita). Per a practicar la comprensió lectora i la comprensió oral es recomana fer les lectures i audicions del workbook de les unitats detallades.

C/ BISBE PONT Nº9, 07400 PORT D'ALCÚDIA. TEL. 971 54 72 46. FAX 971 89 78 30

www.iesportdalcudia.org [email protected]

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CURS 2018-2019

Matèria: anglès

Criteris de qualificació

Prova de setembre: 90%

➔ Comprensió escrita ➔ Expressió escrita ➔ Gramàtica i vocabulari ➔ Comprensió oral

Tasques a lliurar : 10%

Departament de Llengües Estrangeres Port d'Alcúdia, 20 de juny de 2019

C/ BISBE PONT Nº9, 07400 PORT D'ALCÚDIA. TEL. 971 54 72 46. FAX 971 89 78 30

www.iesportdalcudia.org [email protected]

Page 5: RECUPERACIÓ D'ASSIGNATURES SETEMBRE 4t ESOiesportdalcudia.org/tasquespendents1819/4t ESO... · Per altre banda, hauran de lliurar les tasques que es detallen a continuació (activitats

1 Making a difference Extra practice

1.1 Vocabulary

Personality adjectives

1 * Complete the adjectives with a, e, i, o or u.

1 Helen is k _ n d. She says and does nice things.

2 Lucy is always t r _ t h f _ l. She never tells lies.

3 Mark is s _ n s _ b l _ . He doesn’t do silly things.

4 Talk to Matt about any of your problems. He’s very

s y m p _ t h _ t _ c.

5 When I need help, I ask Joseph. He’s d _ p _ n d _ b l _ and always there for


6 Emily is very _ p t _ m _ s t _ c. She’s positive about everything.

2 ** The underlined words are in the wrong sentences. Write them next to the correct sentences.

1 Claire enjoys meeting new people. She’s very dedicated.


2 My parents always listen and give me helpful advice. They’re very

enthusiastic. ………………………

3 Thanks for my present. It’s really supportive of you. ………………………

4 I’m really outgoing about cooking. I love it! ………………………

5 John works very hard because he wants to do well. He’s very kind.


3 *** Complete the text with the adjectives.

dedicated enthusiastic kind optimistic sympathetic truthful

I’m really (1) ………………………… about hockey. It’s my favourite sport and I

play for a local hockey team.

Our coach, Anna, is completely (2) ………………………… to our team – she

does everything to make us the best. She is a positive person too and is always

(3) …………………………… about our chances of winning matches. Anna is

always (4) ………………………… with us and says exactly what she thinks of

our abilities. However, she does this in a (5) …………………………… way – she

is never horrible or unfriendly. After every match, we get together and talk for a

short time. Anna is (6) ………………………… when we lose and doesn’t get

angry. Fortunately, we don’t lose very often!

Spectrum 4 Student’s Book Unit 1

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1 Making a difference Extra practice

1.2 Grammar

Past simple, past continuous and used to

1 * Choose the correct option.

1 They played / were playing football when it started to rain.

2 My parents met / was meeting at primary school.

3 My brother didn’t use / used to like coffee, but he likes it now.

4 I wasn’t seeing / didn’t see Leo this morning.

5 You used / use to cry a lot when you were a child.

6 Hannah didn’t work / wasn’t working when I phoned her.

2 ** Tick () the sentences with the correct underlined verbs. Correct the wrong ones.

1 They didn’t used to have a TV. ………………………

2 While I wrote a text, my phone rang. ………………………

3 Just when I was feeling hungry, I found a café. ………………………

4 Was Emma living in London when she was meeting Ben? ……………………

5 We was switching on the radio and heard the news. ………………………

6 I used to love that TV programme when I was a child. ………………………

3 *** Complete the texts. Use while, when or the correct past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in brackets for 1–6. Use the correct form of used to for 7–10.

I (1) …………………………………… (look) at Susie’s Facebook page

(2) ……………… I saw some photos of her holiday. (3) ……………… I was

waiting for the bus to arrive, I (4) ………………………… (decide) to send her a

text. Just when I (5) ……………………………………… (look) for her number, my

phone (6) ………………………… (ring). It was Susie!

Did you (7) ………………………… go to the same primary school as Jason? I

didn’t. I only met him six months ago. I (8) ………………………… think he was

unfriendly because he didn’t (9) ………………………… say much. Now I realize

that he’s actually very shy. I (10) ………………………… be like that, but now I’m

really outgoing.

Spectrum 4 Student’s Book Unit 1

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1 Making a difference Extra practice

1.3 Vocabulary

Collocations: get and make

1 * Choose the correct option.

1 get / make a difference to 4 get / make an effort

2 get / make used to 5 get / make an impression

3 get / make permission 6 get / make involved

2 ** Complete the expressions in the dialogue.

a difference an effort permission the feeling the most of used to

Jane Have you spoken to that new student, Alex, yet?

Luke No, I haven’t. I get (1) …………………………………… that he isn’t very


Jane Well, it can take a long time to get (2) ………………………………… a new

school. I think that we should make (3) ………………………………… to

invite him to a party.

Luke Good idea! If Alex meets us outside school, it might make

(4) ………………………………… .

Jane Let’s make (5) ………………………………… the good weather on

Saturday and have a barbecue at my house.

Luke Are you sure?

Jane Well, I need to get (6) ………………………………… from my parents first,

but I’m sure it’ll be OK.

3 *** Choose the correct option and then complete the expressions.

Job interview tips

Think about your appearance. You should (1) get / make a _ e _ _ _ _ _

to look clean and well-presented.

Make sure you arrive on time. You won’t (2) get / make a g _ _ _

i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ if you are late.

You want to appear dependable. Explain that you like to (3) get / make

t _ _ _ _ _ d _ _ _ quickly and efficiently.

You want to appear outgoing and enthusiastic. Explain how you

(4) get / make i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in activities in your local community.

It will (5) get / make a d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ if you appear keen to learn new

skills. Explain that if you aren’t good at something, you keep trying until

you (6) get / make b _ _ _ _ _ at it.

Spectrum 4 Student’s Book Unit 1

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1.3 Grammar

Present perfect continuous and present perfect simple

1 * Tick () the sentences that talk about an action which has finished.

1 Alice has read three books this summer. ……

2 We’ve been learning English for five years. ……

3 The charity has been helping children since 1994. ……

4 We’ve raised £50 for a school in Africa. ……

5 Look! I’ve done all my homework. ……

6 Ben has been playing video games for hours. ……

2 ** Choose the correct option.

Emma Look at this blog. It’s by a young British woman called Rachel. She’s

(1) been living / lived in a small village in Tanzania (2) for / since ten


Max Has she (3) been working / worked there?

Emma Yes, she has. Apparently, she’s (4) been knowing / known about this

village (5) for / since she was eighteen and it didn’t use to have a

primary school.

Max Has she (6) been opening / opened a school there?

Emma Yes, she has. It’s (7) been being / been open (8) for / since three

months now.

Max That’s incredible!

3 *** Complete the text with for, since or the correct present perfect simple or continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

Olly (1) …………………… (work) as a paper boy (2) …………………… three

years now. He does it every weekday before school. His alarm goes off at 6

a.m., but he doesn’t mind. He (3) …………………… (get) used to waking up

early! It’s 6.45 a.m. right now and he (4) …………………… (deliver) twenty

newspapers so far.

Olly (5) …………………… (not spend) any of his money so far – in fact, he

(6) …………………… (save) over £1000. He’s going to use the money to visit

his two brothers in Australia. They (7) …………………… (travel) around the

country (8) …………………… last December and Olly wants to see them.

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2 A consumer’s world Extra practice

2.1 Vocabulary


1 * Match the verbs to the definitions.

1 advertise …… A send out programmes on radio or television

2 appear …… B say something is good and someone should try it

3 broadcast …… C be on TV or in a film / play

4 claim …… D publicize

5 recommend …… E say something is true without evidence

2 ** Read the comments about a new shampoo and choose the correct option.

1 It contains vitamin E.

A recommend B exaggerate C inform

2 I like the smell of it.

A appeals B broadcast C exaggerate

3 Buy one bottle and get one free.

A claim B appear C promote

4 ‘Go on, try this new shampoo.’ ‘OK, I will.’

A inform B convince C appeal

5 You’ll have the most beautiful hair in the whole world.

A exaggerate B recommend C appear

3 *** Complete the text with the words.

advertise appeals appear broadcast claim promoting

Acting really (1) …………………… to me, so I’m in a drama club at school. I’m

going to (2) …………………… in a play for three nights next week and I’m the

star of the show. I’m sure that I’ll be terrified on the final night because they’re

going to (3) …………………… it live on local TV.

The school’s publicity department has done a good job (4) ……………………

the show and they’ve sold all the tickets. Some art students designed a beautiful

poster to (5) …………………… the play. On it, they (6) …………………… ‘It’ll be

the best show you’ve ever seen!’ I hope they’re right!

Spectrum 4 Student’s Book Unit 2

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2 A consumer’s world Extra practice

2.2 Grammar

Past simple and past perfect simple

1 * Are the verbs in bold past simple (PS) or past perfect (PP)?

1 By 2012, my brother had appeared in two TV commercials. ……

2 The film had started by the time I found my seat. ……

3 We went to that café because you’d recommended it. ……

4 I hadn’t met a celebrity before yesterday. ……

5 We’d raised £50 before we had the charity auction. ……

2 ** Choose the correct option.

1 My mum bought / ’d bought some shampoo because she saw / ’d seen it

on TV.

2 By four o’clock, all the students went / had gone home.

3 They didn’t visit / hadn’t visited London before last Saturday.

4 Ana studied / hadn’t studied English before she came / ’d come to our


5 I didn’t go / hadn’t gone to the cinema because I saw / ’d seen the film


3 *** Complete the sentences with the past simple or past perfect forms of the verbs in the box.

become very popular buy some shoes eat four hamburgers not do well score two goals

1 Leon …………………………………………………………… in his exams

because he hadn’t studied for them.

2 Last Saturday, I …………………………………………………………… that I’d

seen in a magazine.

3 By 2010, the restaurant ……………………………………………………………

and it was difficult to book a table.

4 We were late for the match. By the time we arrived, Messi ……………………


5 Jack didn’t feel well because he …………………………………………………

…………………………………… for lunch.

Spectrum 4 Student’s Book Unit 2

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2 A consumer’s world Extra practice

2.3 Vocabulary


1 * Match verbs 1–6 to definitions A–F.

1 browse …… A give money back to a customer

2 select …… B spend time looking at things

3 purchase …… C ask a customer for money

4 charge …… D negotiate a cheaper price

5 refund …… E choose something

6 bargain …… F buy something

2 ** Choose the correct option.

1 I buy lots of clothes here because there’s a big selection / supplier to

choose from.

2 Nina only paid £30 for a designer jacket. What a charge / bargain!

3 There isn’t any fresh milk in the shop today because of a problem with their

supplier / browser.

4 The highest refund / bid at the fundraising auction last night was £1200 for a

pair of football boots!

5 Supermarkets have special offers to make consumers / selections buy


6 This shirt is too big. Can I get a purchase / refund, please?

3 *** Complete the shopping words.

become very popular buy some shoes eat four hamburgersnot do well score two goals

Shopping habits

In England, if you want to buy something on a Sunday, you can go into a shop

and (1) p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ it. However, before July 1994, it was illegal for shops to

open on Sundays.

Nowadays, shops can sell items for six hours on Sundays. Many of the larger

shops open 30 minutes earlier so we can (2) b _ _ _ _ _ . We can (3) s _ _ _ _ _

the things we are going to buy and put them into our trolley, but we can’t

actually purchase anything until 10 a.m.

The shopping habits of the (4) c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ are constantly changing.

However, one thing that never changes is our desire to buy things cheaper and

get a (5) b _ _ _ _ _ _ . Discount shops that (6) c _ _ _ _ _ less are always very


Spectrum 4 Student’s Book Unit 2

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2.3 Grammar

enough, (a) few, (a) little, lots of, plenty of, too much, too many

1 * Read the sentences and write the correct word.

a little enough not enough too many too much

1 I asked for one cake and he’s given me two! ………………………

2 I’ve got two or three Euros in my pocket. ………………………

3 A ticket costs €25 and I’ve got exactly €25 here. ………………………

4 How much? €15 for two coffees! ………………………

5 A sandwich costs €4, but I’ve only got €3.50. ………………………

2 ** Choose the correct option so that the second sentence means the sameas the first.

1 He knows a large number of people.

He knows … people.

A a few B too many C lots of

2 There are more books here than we can read in a week.

There are … books to read in a week.

A a few B too many C too much

3 We need a small number of things from the supermarket.

We need … things from the supermarket.

A plenty of B a few C a little

4 Not many teenagers go to that shop.

… teenagers go to that shop.

A Few B Little C Enough

5 ‘Is there any water?’ ‘Yes, a small amount.’

‘Is there any water?’ ‘Yes, … .’

A a few B a little C too much

6 There’s more food than we need here.

There’s … food here.

A too much B too many C not enough

3 *** Correct the underlined mistakes. There may be more than one correct answer.

1 The shop wasn’t popular. Very little people went there. ………………………

2 I’ve packed too much clothes and now I can’t close my bag.


3 It’s 5.58 p.m. and the shop closes at 6 p.m. That isn’t few time to buy

everything I need. ………………………

4 Shopping online is extremely popular. A few people do it these days.


5 ‘Would you like milk in your coffee?’ ‘Yes, please. Just a few.’


6 There’s too plenty to see in the museum in one day. We’ll have to come back

another day. ………………………

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3 The energy of tomorrow Extra practice

3.1 Vocabulary

Technology adjectives

1 * Match adjectives 1–6 to definitions A–F.

1 electronic …… A using natural energy

2 mechanical …… B using a machine

3 innovative …… C using the sun’s energy

4 sustainable …… D not using wires

5 wireless …… E using electricity

6 solar …… F using new ideas

2 ** Choose the correct option.

1 When you eat sugar, a solar / chemical reaction in your body produces


2 We always buy green / wireless products that don’t cause damage to the


3 I love technology and I always want the latest hydro-electric /

high-tech devices.

4 It’s a sustainable / smart key, so it opens the door electronically.

5 Wind and solar power are examples of alternative / mechanical energy.

6 Do you think wind-powered / alternative cars will be popular in the future?

3 *** Complete the technology adjectives in the adverts.

Save up to 80% on the cost of electricity with our (1) e……………-s……………

light bulbs.

Download our Wi-fi app and enjoy (2) w……………………… internet when

you’re out and about.

Visit the largest (3) h……………-e……………………… power station in the

country and learn how water is used to create energy.

Charge your mobile phone for free with our powerful (4) s……………… charger

– all you need is sunlight!

Come to the Science Fair this weekend and see all the latest inventions. You’ll

be amazed at the (5) i……………………… ideas!

Do you prefer a battery-powered watch or a traditional (6) m……………………

one? Whatever your taste, come to BestWatch for the best selection in town!

Spectrum 4 Student’s Book Unit 3

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3 The energy of tomorrow Extra practice

3.2 Grammar

The passive: past, present and future (will)

1 * Write the words in the correct order to make passive sentences.

1 in China / made / your smartphone / Was ?


2 by / aren’t / Kinetic devices / used / everyone .


3 were / Solar panels / last year / installed .


4 be / will / Where / electric cars / sold ?


2 ** Write sentences with the correct passive form. Use by if necessary.

1 The competition / win / a sixteen-year-old girl (past)


2 Energy drinks / not sell / in our school (present)


3 Millions of lives / change / this small device (future – will)


4 Energy-saving light bulbs / use / in many houses (present)


5 those wind turbines / install / last year / ? (past)


3 *** Rewrite the sentences using the past, present and future passive. Useby only if necessary.

Silent discos

1 Everyone wears wireless headphones at a silent disco.


2 The headphones detect a signal and people hear music.


3 People first used the term ‘silent disco’ in 2005 at Glastonbury Festival.


4 The Oxford Dictionary Online officially recognized the term in 2011.


5 Will they adapt the technology to other forms of entertainment?


6 We will hold silent opera events in the future.


Spectrum 4 Student’s Book Unit 3

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3.3 Vocabulary

Function verbs

1 * Complete the verbs with a, e, i, o or u.

1 relax, stop being active = r _ s t

2 use energy = b _ r n

3 increase = b _ _ s t

4 move = t r _ n s p _ r t

5 fix = r _ p _ _ r

2 ** The underlined words are in the wrong sentences. Write them next to the correct sentences.

1 Something is wrong with my laptop. It process all the time.


2 Food that absorb energy slowly is better for us. ………………………

3 Read the instructions and perform the information before you start the exam.


4 Students crashes better at school if they eat breakfast. ………………………

5 How long does it take for your body to releases the energy from food?


3 *** Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the boxes.

burn release

1 When fuel is ……………………… , how many gases are ……………………

into the air?

boost perform

2 Ralph ………………………… well in a test last week, so it’s really

……………………… his confidence.

crash process

3 I’ve got problems with my computer. When it ………………………… a lot of

information, it ………………………… .

transport rest

4 After …………………………… all the furniture to our new flat, we sat down

and ………………………… for a while.

Spectrum 4 Student’s Book Unit 3

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4 Live well Extra practice

4.1 Vocabulary

Phrasal verbs

1 * Match the verbs 1–5 to A–E.

1 Cheer up! …… A Relax.

2 Slow down! …… B Reduce speed.

3 Chill out! …… C Be happier.

4 Cut down! …… D Do some exercise.

5 Work out! …… E Use less.

2 ** Complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs.

calm down cut down face up to open up to work out

1 You should …………………………………… on the amount of sugar you eat.

It isn’t healthy.

2 I always ……………………………………… my mum and tell her everything.

3 To keep fit, Joe and Matt ………………………………… regularly at the gym.

4 It can be difficult to ………………………………… your problems and do

something about them.

5 Doing yoga is a great way to …………………………………… when you’re

feeling stressed.

3 *** Correct the underlined mistakes.

Ali Come on, Lucy, (1) slow down! Why are you so unhappy?

Lucy I’m really stressed about my exams. I study for hours, but I can’t

remember anything. I need to (2) chill out the fact that I’m not going to

pass them.

Ali I think you need to (3) calm down on the number of hours you’re studying

and do some exercise.

Lucy Exercise?

Ali Yes, it’s the best thing to do when you’re worried about something. Why

don’t you go swimming or (4) chill out at the gym after school? It’s a great

way to (5) face up to and feel less stressed.

Lucy OK, I’ll try that. Thanks, Ali. You’re very supportive.

Ali That’s what friends are for, Lucy. You can (6) cheer up me about your

problems whenever you like.

1 ………………………………

2 ………………………………

3 ………………………………

4 ………………………………

5 ………………………………

6 ………………………………

Spectrum 4 Student’s Book Unit 4

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4 Live well Extra practice4.2 Grammar

The first and second conditional

1 * Do the sentences describe possible or imaginary situations? Write P (possible) or I (imaginary).

1 If I had a dog, I’d walk more. ……

2 I’d work out more if I were you. ……

3 We’ll buy a sandwich if we’re hungry. ……

4 If she doesn’t go to bed now, she’ll be tired tomorrow. ……

5 If there was a gym near here, he’d go every day. ……

6 Your English won’t improve unless you practise. ……

2 ** Choose the correct option.

1 What will Sasha wear if she goes / went to the gym tonight?

2 My parents wouldn’t be angry if I paint / painted my bedroom yellow.

3 How would you feel if your friend has / had a terrible accident?

4 I ’ll / ’d be in a bad mood if my team doesn’t win the match.

5 Oliver won’t / wouldn’t know where we are unless someone tells him.

6 If I need / needed to eat more healthily, I’d cut down on fast food.

3 *** Write first and second conditional sentences. Then write a different result.

(first) feel sleepy at 9 p.m. not stay up late

If I feel sleepy at 9 p.m., I won’t stay up late.

I’ll go to bed early.

1 (first) be hungry later not eat chocolate



2 (second) not have a good friend not be happy



3 (first) get some homework today not leave it until next week



4 (second) decorate the classroom not paint it black



5 (second) be a millionaire not spend all the money at once



6 (first) want to chill out tonight not go to the gym



Spectrum 4 Student’s Book Unit 4

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4 Live well Extra practice

4.3 Vocabulary

Aches and pains

1 * Answer the questions with the correct phrases.

a bruised knee a broken leg aching muscles a sore back itchy skin

What do you sometimes get after …

1 a serious skiing accident? ……………………………………

2 doing a lot of exercise? ……………………………………

3 sleeping on the floor? ……………………………………

4 using something you are allergic to? …………………………………

5 walking into a chair? ……………………………………

2 ** Complete the dialogues with a word from each box.

A aching dislocated itchy sprained swollen

B foot muscles shoulders skin wrist

A Stop scratching!

B I can’t help it. I used some new soap and now I’ve got itchy skin.

1 A How did you feel at the end of the marathon?

B I had ……………………… ………………………… , but nothing serious.

2 A Why can’t you put your shoe on?

B I’ve got a ……………………… …………………… . Look at the size of it!

3 A Why can’t you play tennis?

B I’ve got a …………………………… …………………… so I can’t hold my

racket properly. It’ll be better soon.

4 A What do doctors do with ……………………………… …………………… ?

B They move them into the correct position.

3 *** Complete the text with the correct words.

Poor Matthew! He’s a professional rugby player and he hates getting sports

(1) i…………………… . At the moment, he’s got a (2) d……………………………

shoulder after running into someone during a match yesterday. He thought he

had a (3) b……………………… wrist too because he couldn’t move it. However,

after an X-ray, the doctor said it was only (4) s……………… . Matthew has also

got a (5) s…………………… eye after someone on the other team hit him! He

can’t open it properly because it’s swollen and very (6) b…………………………

– it’s purple and yellow!

Spectrum 4 Student’s Book Unit 4

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4 Live well Extra practice

4.3 Grammar

The third conditional

1 * Look at the sentences and choose the correct option.

1 Jane would have won the race if she hadn’t fallen over.

Did Jane win the race? Yes / No

Did she fall over? Yes / No

2 If they had seen Messi, they would have got his autograph.

Did they see Messi? Yes / No

Did they get his autograph? Yes / No

3 If Ben and Andy hadn’t run into each other, they wouldn’t have injured


Did Ben and Andy run into each other? Yes / No

Did they injure themselves? Yes / No

4 We wouldn’t have had aching muscles if we had done lots of stretching first.

Did we have aching muscles? Yes / No

Did we do lots of stretching first? Yes / No

2 ** Choose the correct option.

1 If I had / would have sprained my ankle, I had / would have gone to


2 What would have / had happened if you hadn’t / wouldn’t have cut down

on fizzy drinks?

3 If my parents wouldn’t have / hadn’t gone to the same university, they

hadn’t / wouldn’t have met each other.

4 You had / would have enjoyed the concert if you would have / had come.

5 How would you have / had you felt if you would have / had stayed up late?

3 *** Complete the third conditional sentences with your own ideas.

If I had woken up at 9 a.m., I would have been late for school.

1 If I hadn’t come to this school, ……………………………………………


2 My teacher would have been annoyed if …………………………………


3 If it had snowed last weekend, ……………………………………………


4 I would have injured myself if ………………………………………………


5 If I had been born in the UK, ………………………………………………


Spectrum 4 Student’s Book Unit 4

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6 Good times Extra practice

6.1 Vocabulary

Reporting verbs

1 * Match the verbs and comments.

1 agree …… A ‘It was great. You should do it, too.’

2 deny …… B ‘That’s right.’

3 complain …… C ‘And another thing …’

4 recommend …… D ‘That isn’t satisfactory.’

5 add …… E ‘That isn’t true.’

2 ** Complete the sentences with the correct verbs.

added asked confirmed agreed said suggested told

1 ‘Look! There’s a new film on,’ …………………… Jake.

2 ‘I’ve heard it’s very good,’ Ed …………………… Jake.

3 ‘Yes, it’s an excellent film,’ …………………… Kate.

4 ‘I actually saw it last night,’ she …………………… .

5 ‘Let’s go and see it tonight,’ …………………… Ed.

6 ‘What time does it start?’ …………………… Jake.

3 *** Complete the sentences with the correct form of a reporting verb. There may be more than one answer.

Last week, Louis (1) r…………………… a restaurant to me called Smokey

Joe’s. He (2) t………………… me about the most amazing steaks on the menu.

He also (3) a…………………… that it wasn’t expensive. It sounded great, so I

texted two of my friends and (4) s……………………… going there for a meal.

They (5) r……………………… immediately and we went on Saturday night.

Well, what a disappointment! The service was terrible and the steaks were cold,

so we (6) c………………………… to the manager. It wasn’t cheap either. When

I (7) m……………………… it to Louis, he (8) d……………………… everything

and said he’d never even been to Smokey Joe’s!

Spectrum 4 Student’s Book Unit 6

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6 Good times Extra practice

6.2 Grammar

Reported speech

1 * Complete the reported speech with the words.

been could had was were

1 ‘Rollercoasters are fun.’ She said that rollercoasters ……………… fun.

2 ‘I’ve never been on a dull one.’ She added that she ……………… never

been on a dull one.

3 ‘The best theme park is in America.’ She told me that the best theme

park ……………… in America.

4 ‘It was an amazing experience.’ She said that it had ………………… an

amazing experience.

5 ‘You can travel really fast.’ She mentioned that you ……………… travel

really fast.

2 ** Complete the missing words in the reported speech.

1 ‘I saw my cousin last week,’ said Marcus.

Marcus said that he ……………………………… cousin ………… week

………………… .

2 ‘I can stay here until tomorrow,’ Helen told us.

Helen told us that she …………… stay …………… until …………

………………………………………… .

3 ‘These films are our favourite,’ said Harry and Tom.

Harry and Tom said that …………… films ………………………………


4 ‘I’ve never seen this cat before,’ Jane said to Philip.

Jane told Philip that she ………… never ……………………… cat before.

5 ‘I did my homework yesterday,’ mentioned Alice.

Alice mentioned that she ……………………………………… homework

…………………………………………… .

3 *** Choose the correct option and complete the reported speech.

‘I enjoyed the meal last night.’ Joel recommended / mentioned that

he had enjoyed the meal the night before.

1 ‘We didn’t break these windows last week.’ The children denied / told

that ……………………………………………………………………………………


2 ‘The service in the restaurant was terrible yesterday.’ The customer

complained / asked that …………………………………………………………


3 ‘This book is the best book I’ve read.’ Natasha said / asked that ………


4 ‘We can go to your party next week.’ Ellie and Mark confirmed / told

Matthew that …………………………………………………………………………


Spectrum 4 Student’s Book Unit 6

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6.3 Grammar

Reported questions, requests and commands

1 * Write the words in the correct order to complete the reported questions, requests and commands.

1 (a monologue / what / was)

Jake asked him ..................................................................................

2 (we / whether / comedy / liked)

The comedian asked us......................................................................

3 (could / if / help / I)

You asked me......................................................................................

4 (quiet / be / to)

Someone told the children...................................................................

5 (not / laugh / to)

I told Sarah..........................................................................................

2 ** Choose the correct option.

1 ‘Why do you want to be a scriptwriter?’

The reporter asked her … to be a scriptwriter.

A why she wants B why wanted she C why she wanted

2 ‘Did you enjoy the sketch?’

My friend asked me … the sketch.

A had I enjoyed B if I had enjoyed C if enjoyed I

3 ‘Could you tell us a joke?’

We asked Harry whether … a joke.

A he told us B he could tell us C could he tell us

4 ‘Don’t go to that venue!’

Leo told him … that venue.

Spectrum 4 Student’s Book Unit 6

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A not go to B go not to C not to go to

5 ‘Buy your tickets online.’

I told my friends … tickets online.

A to buy their B to buy his C buy their

3 *** Correct the reported questions, requests and commands.

1 They asked me I was good at making people laugh.


2 He told me go on the stage.


3 I asked whether they could move the spotlight?


4 We asked her how many sketches she has written so far.


5 Someone asked us if could we open a window.


6 My best friend told me to not do it.


Spectrum 4 Student’s Book Unit 6

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7 In the news Extra practice

7.1 Vocabulary

Phrasal verbs: travel

1 * Choose the correct option.

1 This is my station, so I’m going to get back / off the train now.

2 We’ll be late for school unless we speed up / over.

3 Our plane couldn’t take off / away due to a technical problem.

4 They stopped over / on in Manchester on their way to Scotland.

5 Let’s get away / up from here this weekend and visit the coast.

2 ** The underlined phrasal verbs are in the wrong sentences. Write them next to the correct sentences.

1 Bad weather forced us to come across and go home. …………………………

2 Mia is going to get on her brother at the airport. He’s going travelling for six

months. …………………………

3 It’s fun to explore and set off interesting places. …………………………

4 It takes an hour for me to walk to school, so I have to turn back early.


5 The bus was full so I couldn’t see off it. …………………………

3 *** Complete the advert with the phrasal verbs.

come across get away get off get on set off stop over

Cruise the Mediterranean with Stylish Cruises

Relax: as soon as you (1) ……………………… our luxury ship at the start of

your trip, you’ll feel as if you’re on holiday.

Taste: with top international chefs in all our restaurants, you’ll

(2) ……………………… exciting new dishes on the menu.

Travel: (3) ……………………… from one place in the morning and you’ll be

admiring the sunset in another place in the evening.

Explore: in port, you can (4) ……………………… the ship and discover the

beautiful sights on foot.

Be flexible: when we’re in port for more than one night, you can

(5) ……………………… in a hotel if you wish.

(6) ……………………… from it all with Stylish Cruises – the BEST cruise

holidays in the Mediterranean.

Spectrum 4 Student’s Book Unit 7

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7 In the news Extra practice

7.2 Grammar

Future continuous

1 * Match 1–5 to A–E.

1 What will you …… A be setting off on holiday.

2 In an hour’s time, we’ll …… B studying in August.

3 I won’t be …… C travelling at 8 p.m?

4 How long will …… D be doing this time tomorrow?

5 Will you still be …… E you be spending in London?

2 ** Complete the email with the future continuous form of the verbs.

Hi Lucy,

I forgot to tell you that I (1) ……………………………… (not come) to your party

on Saturday because I’ll be in Ibiza. Sorry! I can’t believe that this time

tomorrow, I (2) …………………………… (not work). I (3) …………………………

(sunbathe) on a beautiful beach.

Anyway, I (4) …………………………… (think) about you on Saturday and I hope

the party goes well. What (5) ……………………………………… (you / do) on


I must go now. The taxi (6) …………………………………… (arrive) in ten

minutes’ time and I haven’t finished packing yet!


3 *** Imagine you’ll be in London this time next week. Answer the questions using the words in the box or your own ideas. Use the affirmative and negative future continuous.

visit the famous sights / practise my English / do lots of shopping /

use the Tube / walk everywhere / travel by taxi /

traditional British food / tapas / pizza and pasta

1 What will you be doing?



2 How will you be getting around the city?



3 What will you be eating?



Spectrum 4 Student’s Book Unit 7

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7 In the news Extra practice

7.3 Vocabulary

Nouns: weather

1 * Match 1–5 to A–E and write the nouns.

1 hurri …… A zzle …………

2 torn …… B cane …………

3 dri …… C ard …………

4 hail …… D ado …………

5 blizz …… E storm …………

2 ** Replace the underlined words with the correct word.

breeze frost gale mist sleet

1 A tree fell over in the strong wind last night. ………………………

2 We turned back because of the mix of rain and snow. ………………………

3 There’s a light wind today. ………………………

4 Look at the light fog coming down the mountain. ………………………

5 Drive carefully! There’s a thin layer of ice on the roads today. ………………

3 *** Complete the dialogue with the correct weather words.

Leah It’s so hot, isn’t it? If only there was a gentle (1) b……………… , but

there’s no wind at all.

Josh Let’s close our eyes and imagine something cold.

Leah OK, … I’m imagining (2) f……………… on the ground in winter.

Josh I’m imagining a (3) b…………………… and the snow is blowing all around


Leah That’s a bit extreme!

Josh Talking about extreme weather, did you hear what happened on a beach

in Russia? It was over 40°C and people were sunbathing when suddenly

the sky went black and there was a violent (4) h………………………… .

People were actually injured by the balls of ice.

Leah No way! Storms scare me, especially tropical ones like a (5) h……………

or a (6) t………………… .

Spectrum 4 Student’s Book Unit 7

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7 In the news Extra practice

7.3 Grammar

Future tenses

1 * Look at the uses. Complete the table with 1–7.

1 a prediction based on evidence (Oh no! Look at the car. It … )

2 a fixed future plan or arrangement (We … to Germany next month.)

3 a promise (I … your birthday, don’t worry!)

4 a timetabled event (The class … at 2 p.m.)

5 a prediction based on what we think or believe (He thinks the rain … later.)

6 a future intention (I’ve decided I … a new umbrella.)

present simple present continuous

be going to will

4 …… …… , …… …… , …… , ……

2 ** Complete the sentences with the correct words.

’ll (×2) is ’re going ’re going to ’s going to won’t

1 According to the weather forecast, there …………………… be frost tonight.

2 That TV programme …………………… on at 8 p.m. tomorrow.

3 Here! Have my seat. I …………………… stand up.

4 They …………………… to a festival in July. They’ve already got the tickets.

5 I …………………… be late next time, honestly!

6 We …………………… learn about hurricanes in next week’s lesson.

7 Maybe we …………………… go to the beach tomorrow.

3 *** Look at the information and write sentences in the correct future tense.

You have an air ticket to London for today.

(I / fly) I’m flying to London today.

1 You’re a speaker at the conference in London next week.

(I / speak)


2 We intend to discuss strange weather phenomena.

(We / discuss)


3 The arrival time of your flight is 15.35.

(My flight / arrive)


4 You promise to buy something nice in London.

(I / buy)


5 The weather forecast for next week in London is for rain.

(it / rain)


6 You suddenly decide to take an umbrella.

(I / take)


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8 The senses Extra practice

8.1 Vocabulary

Idioms: have and take

1 * Complete the table with the phrases.

a good nose for an open mind it easy

it from me no idea your breath away

have take







2 ** Choose the correct option.

1 There’s no need to walk so fast. We can take … .

A our breath away B our time C our mind off

2 ‘How does your dad take … work at weekends?’ ‘He usually goes cycling.’

A an eye for B his mind off C it easy

3 ‘How much was the painting?’ ‘I don’t know. I didn’t take … the price.’

A note of B no idea C it from

4 Ask Tom to recommend a restaurant. He’s got … places to eat.

A a good nose for B an open mind C it easy

5 I think Lisa should be an interior designer. She’s got … colour.

A it from B her mind off C an eye for

3 *** Replace the underlined words with an idiom. Use the correct form of the verb.

have a good nose for have an open mind take it easytake note of take your breath away take your mind off

1 Pay attention to the new timetable. The last bus leaves at 23.30 now.


2 I had no idea the art exhibition would be so good, but some of the pictures

really surprised me.


3 You should go shopping with Megan. She is really good at finding a bargain.


4 ‘What are you doing right now?’ ‘I’m just relaxing.’


5 Take it from me, exercise is the best way of helping you forget a problem.


6 If you don’t consider new and different ideas, your life will be dull and



Spectrum 4 Student’s Book Unit 8

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8 The senses Extra practice8.2 GrammarDefining and non-defining relative clauses

1 * Choose the correct option. Then tick () the sentences with non-defining relative clauses.

1 The restaurant, who / which is on Oxford Road, serves Thai food. ……

2 Giancarlo, whose / who parents own this café, can’t speak Italian. ……

3 That’s the restaurant where / whose my sister used to work. ……

4 I’ve never heard of the celebrity chef who / which has just opened a

restaurant in town. ……

5 I’m trying to avoid eating food who / which contains sugar. ……

6 Giles, where / who was at the party last night, is a food critic. ……

2 ** Choose the correct option.

1 My parents … are going to learn how to make pasta in Italy.

A who love cooking B , that love cooking, C , who love cooking,

2 Take it from me, the cake … was delicious.

A , which Eva made B , which Eva made, C which Eva made

3 He’s the boy … father is a professional chef.

A who B whose C , whose

4 Is there a place near here … I can get a sandwich?

A which B where C , where

5 That’s the blog … I read every week.

A who B , which C that

6 They’re the people … recommended the restaurant to us.

A who B whose C , who

3 *** Complete the text with the clauses. Add the correct relative pronoun and use commas if necessary.

are gluten-free has space for 40 customers

have eaten there I live name is Kate

they used to sell flowers

Have you heard of The Garden? It’s a new organic café in the village near

(1) ………………………………………………………………… . It’s in an old shop

(2) ………………………………………………………………………… . The owner

(3) …………………………………………………… has a good nose for business.

She’s taken note of the current demand for healthy eating and there are plenty

of dishes (4) ………………………………………………………………………… .

The café (5) ……………………………………………………………………………

is open daily from 8 till 5. So far, all the people I know (6) …………………………

………………………………………………………………… say that it’s very good.

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Els alumnes han d’entregar les següents redaccions el dia del’examen.


Write an informal email to a friend about an activity that has had a positive effect on your life or in your community. Use informal linking expressions and the prompts to help you. Write about 150 words. (15 marks)

Paragraph 1: Greet your friend. Ask them two things about themselves. Introduce the activity by telling them what you have been doing recently.Hi … , How are you? What have you … ?Paragraph 2: Give more details about the activity. Where and when did it take place? What did it involve? What happened in the end? Was it successful?Basically, it involved … / We …Paragraph 3: How has your opinion about the activity changed? How did you feel about the experience? What conclusions have you come to about this activity?I used to think that … but … Paragraph 4: Say that you have to go, explain why and end the email appropriately.Anyway, I’ve got to / I have to … because / otherwise …


Write a letter of complaint about the bad service you received at a restaurant. Setout the letter correctly and use the questions and prompts to help you. Use formallanguage and some intensifiers. Write about 150 words. (15 marks)

Paragraph 1: Address the letter appropriately. Greet the person. Explain what you are complaining about. When were you at the restaurant? Who were you with?I am writing to complain about …Paragraph 2: Give details about the problem you experienced at the restaurant and explain who it affected.When I / we … The service was totally …Paragraph 3: Provide information about another aspect of your problem.Furthermore, when we … we were …Paragraph 4: Say what your opinion of the restaurant was and how this experience has changed it. Finish by suggesting what the restaurant shoulddo. Then end the letter appropriately.

Until … I had always thought that …

Page 32: RECUPERACIÓ D'ASSIGNATURES SETEMBRE 4t ESOiesportdalcudia.org/tasquespendents1819/4t ESO... · Per altre banda, hauran de lliurar les tasques que es detallen a continuació (activitats


Write an opinion essay about one of these topics or an idea of your own that is connected to energy.

• the use of nuclear power to generate electricity• using public transport and cycling to reduce pollution• recycling rubbish to reduce wasteUse the prompts to help you. Use these conjunctions to link your ideas. Write about 150 words. (15 marks)

neither … nor both … and …

Paragraph 1: Explain what the current situation is and state your opinion.Paragraph 2: Present arguments in favour of the topic.… offers (two) main advantagesParagraph 3: Present arguments against the topic.However, there are some disadvantages to …Paragraph 4: Conclude by saying what choices we have and state your opinion again, drawing on the evidence / arguments you have presented.

In conclusion / summary, there are advantages and disadvantages


Write a blog about an activity you have recently taken up. You can invent one. Use the questions and prompts to help you. Use informal English. Write about 150 words.(15 marks)

Day 1: Tell readers what activity you have taken up. Where and when do you do it? What was your first experience of the activity like?Day 2: Give more details about what you do when you are taking part in this activity. What reaction does it produce in you and other people? How do you feel when you finish the activity? What changes do you think it might produce in you in the future?Day 3: Talk about another experience you had while doing this activity. What have you learned from doing this activity? What objectives are associated with it? What is your overall opinion of these objectives? Do youthink continuing with this activity will achieve them?

Page 33: RECUPERACIÓ D'ASSIGNATURES SETEMBRE 4t ESOiesportdalcudia.org/tasquespendents1819/4t ESO... · Per altre banda, hauran de lliurar les tasques que es detallen a continuació (activitats


Write a story beginning with the sentence below. Use the questions, sequencing words and expressions to help you. Write about 150 words. (15 marks)

It was midnight and Jason was home alone …

at first at that moment while as … asthen / next after that afterwards a little later

Finally in the end …