Modified by: Patrick Clay, PharmD UNT System College of Pharmacy [email protected] O: (817) 735-2798 Originally designed and developed by: Frank Romanelli, Pharm.D., MPH, BCPS Professor of Pharmacy, Medicine, & Health Sciences Associate Dean for Education, University of Kentucky Recreational Drugs, HIV, and Antiretroviral Therapy

Recreational Drugs, HIV, and Antiretroviral Therapy

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Modified by: Patrick Clay, PharmD UNT System College of Pharmacy [email protected] O: (817) 735-2798 Originally designed and developed by: Frank Romanelli, Pharm.D ., MPH, BCPS Professor of Pharmacy, Medicine, & Health Sciences Associate Dean for Education, University of Kentucky. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Recreational Drugs, HIV, and Antiretroviral Therapy

Modified by:Patrick Clay, PharmD

UNT System College of [email protected]

O: (817) 735-2798

Originally designed and developed by:Frank Romanelli, Pharm.D., MPH, BCPS

Professor of Pharmacy, Medicine, & Health Sciences Associate Dean for Education, University of Kentucky

Recreational Drugs, HIV, and Antiretroviral Therapy

Page 2: Recreational Drugs, HIV, and Antiretroviral Therapy

Objectives Define the term “club drugs.” List potential clinical and toxic effects

of club and recreational drugs. Describe potential effects of

recreational drug use upon ARV therapy.

Discuss HIV specific adverse consequences of recreational drug use.

Page 3: Recreational Drugs, HIV, and Antiretroviral Therapy


Special K



Page 4: Recreational Drugs, HIV, and Antiretroviral Therapy

“CLUB DRUGS”‘Recreational Drugs’

*SOCIAL LUBRICANTS*Substances used in a

recreational fashion to enhance social experiences.

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Club Drugs

Not all recreational drugs are considered ‘Club Drugs’

Produce dis-inhibition Common substances of abuse at

bars, circuit parties, raves

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Rave Circuit Party All night parties

involving loud music, laser light shows, and marathon dancing.

Most commonly held in large open areas such as old warehouses.

Most commonly three day weekend events centered in large urban areas.

Attendees pay one lump sum to attend multiple events throughout the weekend culminating in one final large party.

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Club Drugs Methylenedioxymethamphetamine

(MDMA) “Ecstasy” Gammahydroxybutyric Acid

(GHB) “G” Ketamine

“Special K” Amyl and Butyl Nitrites

“Poppers” Methamphetamine

“Crystal” “Tina”

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Amphetamine derivative which leads to exaggerated levels of neurotransmitters throughout

the CNS.

• Ecstasy, E, XTC• M and M• Hug Drug

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Epidemiology Within the US, National Drug

Intelligence Center now equates MDMA use to that of heroin and cocaine.

MDMA estimated to be one of the fastest growing drug of abuse in the US.

2000: 1.4 million HS seniors used MDMA.

2005: 2.5% of HS seniors reported ‘ever-use.’

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Availability Amsterdam – “Ecstasy Capitol of the

World” Commonly manufactured in

clandestine laboratories High level of impurities and

contaminants (DM, ASA, Pseudoephedrine)

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What does “Hug Drug” look like?

Audience Participation time!

A. White tabletB. Pink capsuleC. Never scored

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History of Abuse Created in 1914 for appetite

control Used in 1970s as a means of

enhancing behavior therapy Entered club scene in 1980s Classified as a C-I 2001, FDA approval of trial

involving post-traumatic stress disorder

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Street Sales Sold in tablet form Typical tablet contains 50-150mg

of active ingredient Cost: $20-40.00 per tablet

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Pharmacology Structurally related to the

stimulant methamphetamine and hallucinogen mescaline

Increases levels of all NTs within CNS synapses

Inhibition of MAO

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Clinical Effects Increased energy Talkative, open-minded Intimacy Distorted senses Decreased fear, aggression,

defensiveness Hallucinations Teeth grinding

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Club Drug Paraphernalia

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Naturally occurring fatty acid derivative of CNS neurotransmitter GABA

Liquid E Gib, GBH, Grievous Bodily Harm,

Georgia Home Boy, “G” Soap, Scoop, Salty Water Easy Lay

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Availability Controlled substance C-I Internet recipes available Gammabutyrolactone (GBL) 1,4-butanediol (1,4-BD)

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History of Abuse Early 1990s - Dietary supplement

purported to increase muscle mass, increase libido, metabolize fat

Mid-1990’s - Popularity increased, euphoric effects recognized

Late 1990’s – Established club and date rape drug, FDA ban on OTC sales

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History of Abuse 2000 – C-I status in US Early 2000 - GBL and 1,4-BD

become popular precursor sources of GHB

FDA issues warning letters re: GBL and 1,4-BD

Commonly imported from Europe Manufactured from internet recipes

and clandestine labs

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Street Sales Oral dosage form Typical dose “one

capful” Often admixed into

water bottles $5.00-$10.00/dose

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Pharmacology Normally 1/1000th the concentrations of

GABA within CNS GHB endogenous CNS chemical Mediates: sleep cycles, temperature,

memory Gets in your head easily (lipophilic,

crosses BBB rapidly) Impacts levels of growth hormone

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Clinical Effects Dose-related CNS depression Amplification with ethanol or other

CNS depressants Often ingested to counteract

euphoric effects of ecstasy

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What rec drug was found in the characters

portrayed in the movie, Armageddon

A. XB. Kit KatC. PoppersD. Ice

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Derivative of phencyclidine (PCP), introduced in the 1960s

and used as a dissociative anesthetic

Special K, “K”, Kit-Kat, Super K Jet, Super Acid

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Availability C-III - Injectable

prescription formulation (Ketalar®)

Use has dwindled with advent of safer, more effective anesthetics

Common vet agent Difficult to manufacture

and most often acquired through diversion of the Rx product

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History of Abuse Believed to have entered rave

scene in mid-1980s Originally may have been an

adulterant of MDMA tablets As abusers became familiar with

the effects of ketamine, its use as a sole agent emerged

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Street Sales Injection product (IV or IM) Ingestion Smoking Snorting $80.00/gram

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High bioavailability by both IV or IM route

Oral doses not as well absorbed and undergo first pass metabolism

Interacts with and inhibits NMDA channels (PCP)

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Clinical Effects Analgesic effects at lower doses, with

amnestic effects at increasing doses Dramatic feelings of dissociation

“floating over one’s body” into “K-land” or “K-holes”

Visual hallucinations and lack of coordination are common

Many abusers report effects dependent upon the setting within which the drug is abused

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Amyl and Butyl Nitrites

Volatile nitrite and nitrate derivatives originally intended to produce vasodilatory effects

on patients with coronary artery disease.


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Originally crushable, mesh enclosed pearls

RX product until 1960 when moved to OTC status

1969 FDA re-instated RX status subsequent to reports of abuse

Banned in 1988

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Page 38: Recreational Drugs, HIV, and Antiretroviral Therapy

Street Sales Inhalation Sold in small amber glass

ampoules Typical unit dose for sale contains

10-30 cc of drug Cost: $10-20 per ampoule

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Clinical Effects Feelings of a “rush”, warmth,

dizziness Reduce anal sphincter tone Increased sexual intensity Methemeglobinemia Early association with HIV and KS Interaction with PDEs**

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MethamphetamineCrystal, Tina, glassSpeed, Meth, Crank

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Historical AspectsWorldwide

Synthesized in late 1800s and studied in the 1930s

First epidemic occurred during and after WWII (1945-1957)

By 1948 - 5% of Japanese aged 16-25 were users, restrictions enacted in 1951

Gradual west to east movement of MA use from Japan, to Hawaii, to the US west coast (motorcycle gangs)

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Historical AspectsUnited States

1950s: inhalational products available OTC 1960s: popular use of MA/MA derivatives for

obesity 1970s: restrictions and underground production

increases 1980s: shifts to college students, females, young

professionals 1990s: clandestine labs emerge 1996: Comprehensive Methamphetamine Control

Act 2000s: enhanced enforcement and regulation;

greater international (Mex) trafficking – reductions in Mom & Pop production?

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Epidemiology MA now the most widely abused

substance in world following cannabis

35 million estimated MA abusers versus 15 million cocaine abusers

Estimated 5% of US residents have used MA at least once

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Epidemiology In US from 1992-2002, MA-related

admissions to treatment programs rose from 10 to 52/100K persons

Extent of MA abuse seems to be concentrated in West, Midwest, and South

Subpopulations: MSM, homeless, rural areas

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Clandestine labs“Meth Labs”

Utilize readily available and inexpensive chemical products and internet recipes to produce MA

Meth labs carry toxic and explosive risk and considered hazardous waste sites by authorities = costly clean-up

Usually designed to be mobile (trailers, automobile trunks, hotel/motel rooms)

Chemistry beakers, mason jars, coffee filters

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Methamphetamine Labs

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Cost Compared to other illicit drugs:

inexpensive $25 per 1/4 gram $100 per gram $1,700 per ounce

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Clinical Effects - Acute “rush” or “flash” Flight or fight response Increased HR, BP, body temperature Euphoria, alertness, energy Enhanced sense of well-being/self-

esteem Increased libido and pleasure from

sexual activity

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Clinical Effects - Chronic Pilot study Subjects: 65 active MA abusers (by

urine screen) Control: 80 non-abusers Poor memory (p=0.03) Manual manipulation of information


Cho A, et al. J Addic Dis 2002; 21:21-34.

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Adverse Effects - Chronic Emotional liability (insomnia?) Paranoid psychosis (insomnia?) Memory loss (grey matter loss) Cognitive dysfunction (grey matter loss) Dermatologic pathology (“crank bugs”) Burns Poor dentition – “meth mouth” Withdrawal/Tachyphylaxis

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“meth mouth”

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“crank bugs” “meth sores”

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“meth decay”

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HIV Recreational Drugs


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Recreational Drug Use (MA)

Halkitis PN, et al. J Urban Health 2005; 18-25.

450 MSM/bisexual men 293 (65%) reported MA use in the

previous 4 month time-span AA men less likely to report MA use

(p<0.001) Mean age of MA users: 33±7.9


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Recreational Drug UseMansergh G, et al. Am J Pub Health 2001.

Cross-sectional study of 295 gay and bisexual males in SF Bay Area who attended a circuit party in previous year.

75% reported use of MDMA 58% reported use of Ketamine 25% reported use of GHB 49% reported having had protected anal

sex and 28% unprotected

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Recreational Drug UseMansergh G, et al. Klitzman RL, et al. Am J Psychiatry 2000.

Pilot study of 169 gay and bisexual men at three NYC clubs.

One-third of all respondents reported use of MDMA at least monthly.

Use of MDMA was statistically significantly correlated with recent and repeated unprotected anal sex.

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Recreational Drug Use Colfax GN, et al. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2001.

Cross-sectional study of gay and bisexual males in SF to examine prevalence of club drug use and high risk sex practices during circuit parties.

80% reported use of MDMA 66% reported use of Ketamine 29% reported use of GHB 21% of HIV+ and 9% of HIV- persons

reported having unprotected anal sex.

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Recreational Drug Use Mattison AM, et al. Journal of Substance Abuse 2001.

Non-random sample of 1169 circuit party attendees in 3 separate venues.

50% of respondents reported using MDMA within last 30 days

Use of MDMA and ketamine were associated with high risk sexual practices.

Most common reason for attending circuit party was “to have uninhibited sex.”

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Recreational Drug Use Ostrow D, Plankey M, Cox C, et al. JAIDS 2009;51:349-55.

MACS cohort of HIV-seronegative MSM 1998-2008 (n=6,972 males)

Reporting use of both PDEs and other recreational drugs (n=1,667)

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Results Ostrow D, Plankey M, Cox C, et al. JAIDS 2009;51:349-55.

HIV + (n=57) HIV – (1610)

No drug use 33% 60%

2 or + URASP 21% 5%Poppers +/- PDEs 33% 23%

Stimulants 33% 16%

Ethanol (low-mod) 60% 68%

Ethanol (mod- high) 25% 23%

Risk of seroconversion increased from: 2.99 (single drug) [95% CI 1.02-8.76]

8.45 (3 drugs (MDMA, ‘poppers’, PDEs) [95% CI 2.67-26.71]

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Results Ostrow D, Plankey M, Cox C, et al. JAIDS 2009;51:349-55.

Agent Risk Stimulant




PDE 3.443 drugs 8.45

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Recreational Drug Use Semple SJ, Strathdee sa, Zians J, et al. BMC Public Health 2010;10:1-6.

321 participants in a safer-sex intervention surveyed

Survey: drug use and sexual behavior Cohort split into groups based on preferred

sexual venue: private (home); commercial (bathhouse); public (restroom)

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Recreational Drug Use Semple SJ, Strathdee sa, Zians J, et al. BMC Public Health 2010;10:1-6.

Commercial:> gay, better educated, ↑ club drugs

High risk sex greatest in commercial and public groups

Public group:> alcohol use, heavier overall drug use, ↑ depression

Mean 4.2-7.3 gm of MA in last 30 d

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Implications Rec drugs inc high risk sexual

encounters inc rate of STIs. Potential for fatal interactions in HIV

seropositive patients using rec/club drugs. Potential effects of club drug use on

adherence to antiretrovirals? Potential deleterious disease-related effects

withstanding issues surrounding other STIs and ARV adherence

Page 69: Recreational Drugs, HIV, and Antiretroviral Therapy

-PEARLS- ‘Respect ritonavir’ Start low and have friends nearby Don’t neglect ethanol (ddI, ABC) Sildenafil: 25 mg q48h

Vardenafil: 2.5 mg q72hTadalafil: 10 mg q 72h

Adherence to ARVs, ancillary meds, appointments, etc.

Don’t forget the needles Patients use recreational drugs … just ask …

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Why Adopt a Broad View of

Adherence? A broad view of adherence:

– recognizes that adherence is not only about taking one’s medications

– actively engages patients in health care and treatment

– values the health impacts of “non-medical” interventions, including controlled drug use, stable housing, social supports, harm reduction, and good nutrition

– improves patients’ self-efficacy– provides more opportunities for success

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Adherence: defined Any action that improves,

supports, or promotes the health of a person living with HIV with respect to HIV treatment and care, including physical, mental, and psychosocial well-being.

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Adherence through HP

“..helping a patient who uses drugs adhere to a

complex medical regimen can support an upward

spiral of self-esteem and the adoption of healthier


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Why focus on adherence in substance abusers?

There is systemic discrimination against substance users– Less access to care– Less access to ART– Slower decline in morbidity and

mortality Providers often lack training in the care

of substance users and may have negative attitudes towards them

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Poor Adherence = …

(audience participation time!)

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HIV resistance:adherence

Page 76: Recreational Drugs, HIV, and Antiretroviral Therapy

Audience poll:

A. “An individual should be drug free for one month before they can start antiretroviral therapy.”

B. “An individual should be drug free for three months before they can start antiretroviral therapy.”

C. “An individual should be drug free for six months before they can start therapy.”

Page 77: Recreational Drugs, HIV, and Antiretroviral Therapy

Correct answer:


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Adherence & Drug of Choice

Heroin: use may be more regimented– Users may have an easier time w/

adherence Cocaine/Crack: use may be more sporadic

– Intense mood swings may interfere with adherence

Methamphetamine: unclear, but use may be more sporadic and interfere with adherence

Alcohol: may have most negative impact on adherence due to blackouts and memory loss

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HIV, Psyche, Substance Abuse

Up to 50% to 80% of HIV-infected persons are affected by mental illness.

Triple diagnosis of HIV, substance use, and mental illness is common.

Up to 80% of HIV-infected patients in methadone maintenance require psychiatric consultation for mental illness.

Untreated depression can compromise medication adherence and make HIV infection more disabling.

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Health Promotion I Taking all antiretrovirals, on time

exactly as prescribed Taking meds to prevent

opportunistic infections Keeping regular medical

appointments Eating a nutritious diet Exercising regularly

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Health Promotion II Participating in a drug treatment

program Controlling drug use or sobriety Practicing safer sex and drug

injection Taking a multivitamin Stopping smoking Connecting with a support network

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Take Home Points Individualize treatment plans to each

patient’s needs. Recognize the specific challenges of working

with HIV infected substance users. Use knowledge and tools to overcome these

challenges and to advocate for patients. Consider the boundaries for non-medical

providers offering HIV adherence and health promotion counseling.

Explore opportunities to link with providers across disciplines to strengthen adherence support.