Recovery of Face Value at Default: Theory and Empirical Evidence Rajiv Guha * December 2002 PRELIMINARY AND INCOMPLETE Abstract We examine defaulted bonds of predominantly US-based issuers who at the time of the initial default event had several publicly traded bonds outstanding. We find that in the vast majority of cases bonds of the same issuer and seniority are valued equally or within one dollar by the market, irrespective of their time to maturity. This strongly suggests that the amount recovered in default is best modelled as a fraction of face value at the time of default (RFV) as other assumptions, in general, cannot generate such a payoff pattern in bonds. We argue that this assumption is generated by the institutional framework which affects corporate bond pricing and thus is the only assumption with an underpinning theory. This may have important implications for empirical studies of credit risk which use models that do not incorporate RFV. While it has been remarked in the literature that RFV is often used in practice, up to now there has been little detailed discussion on why this should be the case nor any empirical support for such a hypothesis. In fact, some recent papers show support for alternative recovery assumptions. The results within strengthen the argument that the market may incorporate RFV when valuing corporate debt securities. * London Business School. [email protected]. I am grateful to Stephen Schaefer for comments and suggestions. The usual disclaimer applies.

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Page 1: Recovery of Face Value at Default: Theory and Empirical ...mx.nthu.edu.tw/~jtyang/Teaching/Risk_management... · Recovery of Face Value at Default: Theory and Empirical Evidence Rajiv

Recovery of Face Value at Default: Theory and

Empirical Evidence

Rajiv Guha∗

December 2002



We examine defaulted bonds of predominantly US-based issuers who at the timeof the initial default event had several publicly traded bonds outstanding. We findthat in the vast majority of cases bonds of the same issuer and seniority are valuedequally or within one dollar by the market, irrespective of their time to maturity. Thisstrongly suggests that the amount recovered in default is best modelled as a fractionof face value at the time of default (RFV) as other assumptions, in general, cannotgenerate such a payoff pattern in bonds. We argue that this assumption is generatedby the institutional framework which affects corporate bond pricing and thus is theonly assumption with an underpinning theory. This may have important implicationsfor empirical studies of credit risk which use models that do not incorporate RFV.While it has been remarked in the literature that RFV is often used in practice, up tonow there has been little detailed discussion on why this should be the case nor anyempirical support for such a hypothesis. In fact, some recent papers show support foralternative recovery assumptions. The results within strengthen the argument thatthe market may incorporate RFV when valuing corporate debt securities.

∗London Business School. [email protected]. I am grateful to Stephen Schaefer for comments and

suggestions. The usual disclaimer applies.

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1 Introduction

In this paper we examine, at the time of the initial default event, the value of bonds for

a sample of defaulted issuers having multiple publicly traded bonds outstanding. Con-

sidering the prices at the default date as a proxy for the recovery value of a given bond,

we find that the data supports the Recovery of Face Value at Default (RFV) assumption

as described in Duffie (1998)1 and Lando (1998). This recovery assumption states that

bondholders receive a fractional recovery of par at the default date. A primary implica-

tion of such an assumption is that bonds of the same issuer and seniority will converge to

the same value regardless of the remaining maturity. Our focus on the relative recovery

rates for bonds of the same issuer and seniority allows us to determine whether such an

assumption better describes the data compared with alternative recovery forms. We find

that in 83% of the cases in our sample the difference between the maximum and minimum

bond price for a given issuer is less than $1, a result which is hard to generate under

typical implementations of other recovery forms. To the best of our knowledge this is the

first study which shows empirical evidence regarding relative recovery values for bonds

with the same issuer and seniority.

There are a number of recovery value assumptions seen in the literature for default-

able debt modelling. While each embeds different empirical implications, it unusual to

see a theory associated with the recovery form assumed. We argue that a close study

of the institutional framework affecting the corporate bond should generate this theory.

Specifically, the bond indenture and relevant bankruptcy code should be the critical deter-

minants of the relationship between recovery values across bonds of the same issuer and

seniority. The debt acceleration clause found in the typical bond indenture generates the

hypothesis that an RFV assumption should hold. Our examination of the US bankruptcy

code does not lead us to generate an additional or a modified hypothesis on what the rel-

ative recovery values should be. Specifically, we can interpret from the code that recovery

values could easily deviate from RFV as a result of a specific bankruptcy plan, but not in

1This reference cites Brennan and Schwartz (1980) as an early example that used such a recovery

assumption in a (convertible) debt pricing model. Further references are listed below.


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a systematic or predetermined way. Our empirical results lend support to this assertion.

1.1 Related Literature

A major factor affecting the valuation of defaultable debt is the amount recovered by the

debtholder when default occurs. Estimating this recovery value is a difficult task for a

variety of reasons. First, the absolute priority rule is often violated in practice – due in

part to the complex nature of the bargaining game that takes place between the corporate

claimants at default. This feature seems to be especially important in the US bankruptcy

code (see Franks and Torous (1989)). Second, empirical evidence suggest that recovery

values vary across both firms and time. Characteristics of the company’s assets affect

the firm’s liquidation value at default2, while macroeconomic conditions defined by the

current state of the economy also seem to play a major role.3 In addition, the recoveries

can depend on whether default is triggered by financial rather than economic difficulties.

These combined facts have led researchers to model recovery as an exogenous variable

within pricing models which one can then estimate by using historical information.

In models with exogenous recovery a number of different assumptions have been made

regarding its form. In structural defaultable debt models, such as Longstaff and Schwartz

(1995) and Saa-Requejo and Santa-Clara (1999), it is usually assumed that the recovery

amount is a fixed fraction of an equivalent coupon and maturity risk-free bond. Alter-

natively in this class of model, it could be easily assumed that the recovery amount of

default is non-zero only for the principal. In this case, the recovery amount would be a

fixed fraction of a zero-coupon risk-free bond with the same maturity as the defaultable

bond (Collin-Dufresne and Goldstein (2001)). In intensity-based defaultable bond models

the recovery assumption is the main feature that distinguishes one model from another. In

Jarrow and Turnbull (1995) and Jarrow, Lando, and Turnbull (1997) debtholders, as men-

tioned above, receive a fixed fraction of the face amount at the maturity of the defaultable

2Altman and Kishore (1996) find that certain industries consistently have higher recovery rates. One

explanation for this is the nature of the assets.3? documents that the yearly average lows of recovery rates correspond to recession periods as well

as times where corporate default rates have peaked. Franks and Torous (1994) show that recovery is

significantly and related to the past performance of the aggregate stock market.


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bond. In Duffie and Singleton (1999) debtholders receive a fraction of the market value of

the defaultable bond just prior to default. This assumption is made mainly for technical

reasons as it leads to much simplified expressions for the price of risky debt. Following the

terminology used in Duffie and Singleton (1999) and Bakshi, Madan, and Zhang (2002),

we label the first two recovery assumptions described the Recovery of Treasury (RT and

RT-F)4 models; and the last assumption as the Recovery of Market Value (RMV) model.

Despite the large and expanding literature on defaultable bonds, the RFV assump-

tion has not always been addressed, especially in the empirical literature. Duffie (1998)

discusses this recovery form in the context of intensity-based models. He provides a few

tractable cases where prices of defaultable debt can be computed. This is important

for practical applications as such models are used to extract implied risk-neutral default

probabilities from traded credit instruments which can be used for valuation and risk

management of credit derivative products. Finkelstein (1999 and 2000) carries this point

forward and gives an example how this change in recovery assumption can substantially

affect the relative valuation of bonds of the same issuer and seniority as well as implied

risk-neutral default probabilities from market credit spreads. He also asserts that, in ad-

dition to recovery of par at default, the investor is owed the accrued interest on the last

coupon and incorporates this feature into the model.5 A similar point is made in Jarrow

and Turnbull (2000) when discussing which types of recovery assumptions can be used

within intensity-based models. They label the assumption the “legal claim approach”, ac-

knowledging that this form of recovery is often used by practitioners. However, in neither

of these papers is strong evidence given that RFV is a more correct assumption. This

paper attempts to provide this reasoning as well as empirical support. Hull and White

(2000) compare the RFV assumption with the RT assumption for pricing credit default


Other papers have done more extensive work comparing the different recovery assump-

4To distinguish between the case where coupons have non-zero recovery in addition to the face amount

and that where only the face value has non-zero recovery, respectively.5As we will notice later, this is a slight overspecification of the general point that the language in bond

indentures has a direct effect on the recovery value of bonds at default.


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tions. While the intensity-based model presented in Duffie and Singleton (1999) assumes

a RMV, the authors also recognize the fact that for the case of corporate bonds RFV may

be more realistic assuming either liquidation at default or that absolute priority holds.

The main arguments used to support their RMV model in such cases are: 1) computa-

tional advantages versus the RFV model; and 2) absolute priority is not always maintained

in bankruptcy courts and liquidation at default is often avoided. Nevertheless, they in-

vestigate the pricing implications of models under both recovery assumptions and show

under chosen parameters that the implied credit spreads under the two assumptions are

similar. However, they also remark that it is possible under certain scenarios (e.g. bonds

with significant premium or discount, steeply upward or downward sloping yield curve)

that the RMV and RFV assumptions can have markedly differing spread implications for

a given exogenous recovery rate. Delianedis and Lagnado (2002) similar to Finkelstein

(2000) compare three recovery assumptions, RT-F6, RMV, and RFV, for the pricing of

credit default swaps and for inferring risk-neutral default probabilities from hypothetical

zero-coupon risk-free and risky term structures. They demonstrate the sensitivity of im-

plied conditional default probabilities to the recovery assumption and conclude that the

choice of recovery model is an important consideration for credit risk pricing. They find

that for most cases the RMV and RT-F models generate similar term structures of risk-

neutral default probabilities assuming some initial credit risky term structure while the

RFV assumption results in distinctly different probabilities. Interestingly, they argue that

the RFV model fails to generate admissible long-dated risk-neutral default probabilities.

The RFV assumption also leads to significantly higher default swap spreads than the other

two assumptions.

Bakshi, Madan, and Zhang (2002) analyze the effect of recovery on the price of de-

faultable debt in the context of intensity-based defaultable debt models using individual

corporate bond data. It is the first paper to provide an empirical test that compares dif-

ferent recovery concepts within such models. They compare three recovery assumptions:

RT-F, RMV, and RFV in a robust setting where recovery rates of each firm are stochastic

and a function of the underlying hazard rate which is in itself related to the stochastic

6No coupon-paying bonds were considered in their comparative analysis.


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riskfree rate process, all consistent with empirical data. The two main empirical findings

are: 1) the bond data better supports the notion of the RT-F assumption in that pricing

errors are significantly smaller; and 2) the RFV model provides the more stable implied

recovery rates.7 The authors explain their first finding by the fact that the RT-F model

recognizes time-value of money considerations and claim that such an assumption may

be more closer to truth in market valuation, compared to either RFV or RMV. We do

not address here the ex-ante effect of actual recovery form on bond prices as their paper.

However, our findings suggest that typical implementations of RT-F, which hold the ex-

pected recovery rate constant, may lead to a significant mispricing of bonds of the same

issuer and seniority as the assumed cashflow patterns of the bonds would be far different

than from reality.

The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 shows an example of RFV for the publi-

cized cases of Enron Corporation and Worldcom Incorporated. In Section 3 we discuss the

institutional factors that provide the framework which underlies this assumption. Section

4 discusses the data sources and selection procedure used. The core of the paper is found

in Section 5 where we describe the recovery values in the selected sample and compare

our data to hypothetical values generated by different recovery models. We offer some

concluding remarks in Section 6.

2 Recovery Convergence: Enron Corp. and Worldcom Inc.

We discuss in detail two “case-study” examples of RFV for corporate bonds. Specifically,

we examine prices of bonds issued by Enron Corporation and Worldcom Incorporated over

the period leading up to their initial default events. These companies are of particular

interest as they represent the two largest Chapter 11 bankruptcy filings in U.S. history.

While just examples, the two cases produce strong evidence of the phenomenon we wish

to document and show later is a pervasive feature of corporate debt.

Table I shows the prices and contractual details of nine bonds of the same seniority

(senior unsecured) within Enron’s capital structure. The shortest bond, #1, matures on

7Compared to the RT-F model. In the RMV model, the recovery rate is unidentified.


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3 April 2001; while the longest maturity bond, #9, matures on 15 July 2028. The coupon

rate varies across bonds, ranging from 6.40% to 9.125%. Table II shows the dealer bid

prices and respective yields to maturity for the bonds in the months and days leading up

to the official initial default event, a Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing on Sunday, 2 December

2001. On the following day the bonds that have a face value of par are quoted at the same

price of $21. However, the table shows that the bonds converged to within one dollar

of the same price a few days before, on 28 November 2001. On this date a previously

announced merger bid by a rival company, Dynergy Inc., was called off.

Figures 1 and 2 show the dramatic effect that convergence in recovery values has on the

corporate yield curve. The most striking feature of RFV is that yields on short maturity

bonds increase dramatically compared to long-maturity bonds. In price terms short bonds

suffer more on a relative basis compared to long-maturity bonds. Bond 1 declines 64% in

one day when the failed merger is announced while Bond 9 decreases 54%. At this same

date compared with 28 September 2001, when the bonds were trading at pre-distress level,

Bond 1 declines 80% versus 76% for Bond 9.

Table III and Figures 3 and 4 show a similar patter for the case of Worldcom Inc.

We observe the prices of 13 senior unsecured bonds as seen in Table I8. Bond #1, the

shortest dated bond, matures on 15 May 2003. The longest dated bond, #13, matures on

15 May 2031. The official initial default event occurs on 15 July 2002 when the company

misses interest payments on some of their outstanding bonds. At this stage bonds 1-5

are quoted at just a little over $14, the quoted price for bonds 6-13. When Worldcom

eventually files for Chapter 11 on 21 July, all 13 bonds are quoted at $13.25. Though

these cited dates may be the official dates of record for default and bankruptcy the bond

start trading near this level on 26 June 2002; when Worldcom announced that it had

hidden $3.8 billion in losses for over a year. Immediately, the bonds were quoted at close

to $11.50, apart from bond 1 which was quoted at $14. As in the Enron case the short

maturity bonds suffer comparatively more than the longer maturity bonds. On the day of

8For purposes of saving space in the tables we only show a table of the prices and yields for a subset

of the 13 bonds. The 4 bonds omitted, however, show the same pattern as those bonds described in the



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the news announcement the bond 1 declines by 80% while bond 13 decreases in value by

70%. These two examples display at least some evidence of RFV, a recovery assumption

generally not considered in most empirical studies of credit risk pricing.

3 Institutional Factors and Relative Recovery Values

In this section we discuss the effect institutional features may have on the relative recovery

value of bonds in the same seniority class. We restrict our discussion to the US market.

Understanding which institutional factors may affect defaulted bond prices and to what

extent is an important point. Any particular pattern that we may see in relative recovery

values should have an underpinning theory. We believe the foundation of this theory can

be found in the particular institutional details. We focus on: 1) the bond indenture, the

legal instrument that describes a borrower’s responsibilities and constrains their actions;

and 2) the bankruptcy code, which will affect the value of debt claims if the company files

for bankruptcy, and thus any ex-ante valuation of such claims.

3.1 Bond Indentures

The bond indenture sets out in detail the legally binding agreement between an issuer of

a bond and the bondholder. They cover considerations such as, but not limited to: 1)

contractual form of the bond; 2) amount of the issue; 3) collateral pledged (if a secured

issue); 4) protective covenants; 5) credit enhancements; 6) redemption rights and call

privileges; and 7) defaults and remedies. The indenture also provides for the appointment

of a trustee to act on behalf of the bondholders, in accordance with the Trust Indenture

Act of 1939 (TIA), to which, in general, all publicly sold corporate bonds must conform.

Indentures are necessarily bond specific documents and thus to some extent idiosyn-

cratic. However, most indentures are based on a model indenture form produced by orga-

nizations such as the American Bar Association9 and these model forms provide a useful

9The most cited documents are the American Bar Foundation Commentaries on the Model Deben-

ture Indenture Provisions (1971), the American Bar Foundation Mortgage Bond Indenture Form

(1981), and the Model Simplified Indenture of the Section of Business Law (1983). Recent at-

tempts to modernize these model indentures to recent changes in the capital markets include the


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guide to the contents of a typical-asked about indenture. The critical part of the indenture

that influences recovery value is found in the article concerning “Events of Default and

Remedies”; this is also outlined in the bond prospectus. In this article the term “Event of

Default”is defined in detail and may include the following: 1) failure to make an interest or

principal payment on a due date; 2) failure to perform any other covenants over a specified

time period; 3) any event of bankruptcy or receivership; and 4) trigger of cross-default

provisions. Next, the remedies available to the bondholder after default has occurred are

listed. The key point here is that a debt acceleration clause is usually specified. That is,

the trustee or the holders of a large percentage (usually at least 25%) of the aggregate

principal amount of the bonds outstanding can declare the principal amount immediately

payable. In many cases the accrued interest, if any, and the redemption premium, if any, is

also declared immediately payable. Furthermore, the indenture usually gives the trustee,

upon the event of default, the power to exercise a broad range of additional remedies on

behalf of the bondholders, including the right to sue for past due principal and interest.

The trustee or the majority of bondholders can also rescind any declared acceleration and

restore the status quo if the events which led to default are cured or waived, although

such an action is usually rare. As an example of the type of language that is commonly

used for this acceleration of debt payments, we reproduce below a paragraph from the

prospectus supplement of the 6.875% Enron Corp bond, maturing on 15 October 2007.

Notice that in this particular case neither a cross-default clause nor an acceleration of any

accrued interest/premium is specified:

“If an Event of Default described in clause (a) or (b) in the foregoing paragraph has occurred and is

continuing with respect to Indenture Securities of any series, the Indenture provides that the Trustee or

the holders of not less than 25% in principal amount of the outstanding Indenture Securities of that series

may declare the principal amount of all of the Indenture Securities of that series to be due and payable

Form Indenture and Commentary (2000), produced by the National Association of Bond Lawyers

(NABL); and the Revised Model Simplified Indenture (1999), prepared by the American Bar Asso-

ciation. (ABA). We primarily refer to these latter two documents, both which can be downloaded

from the internet (http://www.nabl.org/library/topicalmats/modelindent/2000/indenture2000.PDF and

http://www.abanet.org/buslaw/trust/rmsi0500.html), in our paper.


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immediately, and upon any such declaration such principal amount shall become immediately due and

payable. If an Event of Default described in clause (c) or (d) of the foregoing paragraph occurs and is

continuing, the Trustee or the holders of not less than 25% in principal amount of all of the Indenture

Securities then outstanding may declare the principal amount of all of the Indenture Securities to be due

and payable immediately, and upon any such declaration such principal amount shall become immediately

due and payable. (Section 502.)

A default under other indebtedness of Enron is not an Event of Default under the Indenture, and an

Event of Default under one series of Indenture Securities will not necessarily be an Event of Default under

another series.”

While additional information detailing the rights and remedies available to bondholders

is typically included in this section of the indenture, the main conclusions to be drawn

from bond indentures for our purposes are that: 1) the bondholders have an absolute

and unconditional right to receive payment of principal and accrued interest (if any and

specified) on the bonds and can institute suit for the enforcement of such payment; and

2) the debt becomes due immediately. Thus, the terms of the indenture mean that the

stated maturity of the bonds should have no impact on the price of the principal portion

of bonds within the same seniority class at default. This conclusion is independent of

the specific bankruptcy code that is applicable if the company makes such a filing and

provides the initial description of the recovery claim for defaulted issues within the same

seniority class.

3.2 Bankruptcy Code

The consequences of the indenture may put pressure on the obligor to cure the defaults if

they are able to do so and thus rescind the debt acceleration. Alternatively, the accelera-

tion may force the debtor to seek the protection of the bankruptcy courts, if such a filing

were not the initial default event. The Bankruptcy Act of 1978 is the main bankruptcy

code law of the United States. It defines the procedures for a liquidation, through Chapter

7 of its code, and for a reorganization through Chapter 11. While the debtor may attempt

to workout a reorganization outside Chapter 11, for most large companies with multiple


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bonds outstanding (the typical firm in our sample) Chapter 11 is the usual first option.

Chapter 11 protects the debtor company from its creditors while it attempts to work

through its financial difficulties. The objective of Chapter 11 is to preserve the company

while a plan for reorganization is worked out among creditors. The immediate effect

following a filing is that the bankruptcy court automatically suspends all default notices

from lenders. The next step is that the debtor company proposes a plan of reorganization

(which can be presented at the time of filing i.e. a prepackaged bankruptcy) describing

how creditors and shareholders are to be treated under the new plan. The claimants in

each class of creditors are entitled to vote on the plan. If the plan is approved, within

each class, by a majority of creditors by number and two-thirds by value, then the debtor

can seek confirmation of the plan from the bankruptcy court. If the court approves the

plan, a newly reorganized company emerges from bankruptcy.

The stage of the Chapter 11 process that most directly affects the relative recovery

values of bonds within the same class is the classification of claims as proposed in the

reorganization plan. The rules for allocation are based on Section 1122 of the 1978 Act.

We reproduce this section below:

“Section 1122. Classification of claims or interests

a) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, a plan may place a claim or an interest in a

particular class only if such claim or interest is substantially similar to the other claims or interests

of such class.

b) A plan may designate a separate class of claims consisting only of every unsecured claim that is less

than or reduced to an amount that the court approves as reasonable and necessary for administrative


The main point is that only substantially similar claims can be put into the same

class. However, because the guidance provided by the code is relatively broad, it may be

easier to determine what is not “substantially similar”than to say what is. Of course, we

would not expect secured and unsecured debt to be grouped in the same class. Yet within

the same seniority class no specific provisions are made for dealing with the bond-specific


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contractual details such as the maturity or coupon. As long as the court views a group

of securities as reasonably similar, the claims can be placed in the same class. Once the

allocation has been made, Section 1123 of the code, which describes the contents of the

plan, states that a plan:

“(a)(4)provide the same treatment for each claim or interest of a particular class, unless the holder of

a particular claim or interest agrees to a less favorable treatment of such particular claim or interest”

This allows for a wide range of allocations within each class as a result of bargaining.

For example, the relative recovery values might be strongly affected by the concentration

of claim ownership. One single creditor can block a plan if it holds one-third of the value

of any class of claimants. However, creditors are typically dispersed and it is difficult

to assess how the negotiating game may play out. Bondholder committees are usually

formed with the help of the trustee to speak on behalf of each class of creditors, but their

role for determining intra-class allocation is less clear. In general, it may be the case that

to appease certain bondholders versus others within the same class concessions could be

made in a proposed plan, leading to a recovery form inconsistent with RFV.

The role of the bankruptcy code on the ex-ante relative valuation of same seniority

defaulted debt is complex. While the bond indenture provides strict language on the

nature of the claim at default, the bankruptcy code only outlines a few general principles

regarding the allocation of the new claims. Therefore, the US bankruptcy code neither

implies that a RFV will hold, nor precludes it.

4 Data Description

4.1 Data Sources

This study uses data on issuers who have defaulted on their debt and on the details of

individual corporate bonds once the issuers have been chosen. We identify defaulted issuers

using the Moody’s corporate bond default database and we thus restrict the universe of

debt issuers to those having outstanding debt rated by Moody’s. In addition, we employ

Moody’s particular definition of a default event. The main features of the definition of


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a Moody’s default event is the occurrence of one of three events: 1) a missed or delayed

interest and/or principal payment, 2) a bankruptcy filing or legal receivership occurs, or

3) a distressed exchange where either the exchange had the purpose of avoiding default or

the new securities offered to the bondholders amount to a diminished financial obligation.

A full description of Moody’s definition can be found in Hamilton, Cantor, and Ou (2002).

Moody’s default research is also used for identifying the date and type of the initial default

event. For cases where this information is not available in the Moody’s reports we use

Bloomberg. Bankruptcy filing dates, if such an event occurred and was not the initial

default event, are also retrieved from Bloomberg.

We obtain individual corporate bond price data both before and after the default

event from the Dow Jones Interactive website (http://djinteractive.com) owned by the

Dow Jones Company, hereafter referred to as the “bond data source”. According to the

website the historical prices come from Tradeline, a product of SunGard Market Data

Services (http://www.tradeline.com). The underlying source of data is specified by either

the exchange where the bond is traded (e.g. NYSE) or labelled “Dealer-priced”, which

are dealer bid prices. We use only dealer bid prices due to the well known problems

inherent with exchange-traded corporate bond prices (Warga (1991)). Apart from the

coupon rate and final maturity date of each bond, very little static information for the

bonds is available on this website. We use Bloomberg, Moody’s Industrial Manuals, and

prospectuses for each individual bond to obtain more detailed static information.

4.2 Data Selection

The full sample of defaulted issuers used for this study is determined as follows. First,

with the help of an investment bank, we perform a search of the Moody’s default database

to find all bond issuers which defaulted from January 1997 to May 2002 in the US and

Europe and filter those that had at least 5 (non-convertible) bonds outstanding at the

time of the initial default event. This generates a list of 32 issuers. Since the information

on the number of bonds outstanding for this search is taken from a different data source

from the one used to obtain prices, we further filter this list by checking, for each issuer,

whether price data are available for more than one bond. This step reduces the list to


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30 issuers. We then check whether we have data for more than one bond of the same

seniority type at the initial default event date. This further reduces the list to 26 issuers.

We augment this sample by searching through all the defaulted bond issuers as listed in

the Moody’s default reports for 2000, 2001, and the first quarter of 2002 and which are

not in the previous sample. This secondary search adds a further 16 issuers, a total of 42

issuers that are analyzed below.

We select bonds for each issuer as follows. For 33 of the 42 issuers all the bonds

available on the bond data source are considered, while for the remaining nine issuers a

subsample of the available bonds are used10. We then select bonds if a traded price exists

at the initial default date. We are interested only in bonds from the same issuer and with

the same seniority. Most of the bonds in our sample were senior unsecured debt. For

five of the issuers, they were subordinated unsecured debt. Table IV shows the selected

sample of issuers along with the number of bonds selected for each issuer.

4.3 Data Summary

We see in table IV that 38 of the 42 selected issuers are domiciled in either the US (34) or

Canada (4). Thus, for the most part, focusing on just one type of bankruptcy regime (US)

should be sufficient. Table V summarizes the issuer data by the year of default and by the

initial default event type. 37 of the 42 issuers (88%) were defaults since the beginning of

2000. The table also shows the mean and median default volume of the selected sample

of firms over time. Although the sample period is relatively short we find that the size of

the mean and median defaulted issuer, if proxied by default volume, has increased. This

is the case even though the largest default in history, Worldcom, is not included in the


The vast majority of initial default events were either a Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing

(48% of sample) or a missed interest or principal payment (38% of sample). However, even

if the initial event is not a bankruptcy filing, bankruptcy may still be imminent. Table VI

shows that in total 36 of the 42 issuers (86%) eventually file for Chapter 11 protection.

10In these case the number of available bonds were numerous enough that we saw it sufficient to download

a subset of bonds which covered as wide a range of maturities as possible.


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Twenty-three cases were conventional filings while the balance were prepackaged. The

majority (21 of 36) of the bankruptcies filed in the sample are still pending at the time

of maturity while in 15 of the cases the company has either emerged from bankruptcy or

completed through a different manner (i.e. sale of assets, merger). The table also describes

the length of time between the initial default event and the bankruptcy filing. The mean

and median times to file are 141 and 76 days respectively. The maximum number of days

between the two events is 409 days, while the minimum time is 7 days.

Table VII gives the distribution of the number of bonds in the sample issued by a

given company and the distribution of the range of maturities of bonds, issued by a given

company. The maturity range refers, for each issuer, to the difference between the final

maturity dates of the longest and shortest dated bonds. The table also shows that we are

able to examine only a small number of bonds for each issuer. For 26 of the firms we have

data for only 2 or 3 bonds while we have data for at least 6 outstanding bonds from six

issuers. For 25 of the issuers the maturity range is 5 years or less. The mean and median

maturity ranges are 7.34 years and 3.78 years respectively with a standard deviation of

8.49 years. The maximum range is 27.85 years and the minimum range is zero.

5 Relative Analysis of Recovery Values

This section summarizes the relative recovery values at default in our sample. An im-

portant issue is the metric used for determining how close the recovery values are. We

look at simple measures of dispersion in the data and these suggest that the RFV pattern

in recovery is pervasive. We then compare our data to hypothetical values generated by

alternative recovery assumptions.

5.1 Simple Dispersion Measures

The simplest measure of dispersion is the range, defined here as RVRange, i.e. the difference

between the maximum and minimum values in the data. Under strict RFV where no

accrued interest is included as part of the claim at default RVRange would be equal to

zero. When accrued interest is part of the claim, as specified in some indentures, we


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would expect the measure to be within the difference between accrued interest due on

respective bonds. Panel A of table VIII shows a distribution of this measure at two dates:

1) the initial default date and 2) the bankruptcy filing date. In 17 of the 42 cases (40%)

RVRange is zero, i.e. the recovery value is identical across issues. Furthermore, 29 of the

42 issuers (69%) have a RVRange less than or equal to $2. On the other hand, 6 of the

issuers show a RVRange greater than $5, the largest being $52.16 for Owens Corning. The

mean and median of the RVRange at the initial default date are 3.30 and 0.88 respectively.

The RVRange at the Chapter 11 filing date display a broadly similar pattern with a slightly

higher percentage (77%) of issuers having a value less than or equal to $2. In 15 of 36

issuers (42%) the RVRange is equal to zero while 3 of the issuers have a RVRange greater

than $5.

Panel B of table VIII shows the average deviation, RVAD, of each issuer’s bonds at the

initial default and bankruptcy filing dates. This measures the average absolute deviation

from the mean of an issuer’s bond prices at the specified date. This metric may be more

reliable as it averages across all bonds of a particular issuer, thus measurement errors due

to stale data from one particular bond are less problematic. We see that at the initial

default date 34 of the 42 issuers (81%) RVAD is at or below $2 and only two cases have

an RVAD greater than $5. Results at the bankruptcy filing date are similar where 31 of

the 36 issuers (86%) have a RVAD less than or equal to $2. The mean and median of the

average deviation of recovery values in sample are 1.20 and 0.31 respectively.

We also determine if for each issuer whether a mode in the set of bond prices exists.

A mode exists if the same price is quoted for more than one bond at a particular date.

Although the information is binary it may lend more support to RFV compared to other

recovery assumptions. For example, in the case of an RT or RT-F assumption we would not

expect, in general, to see any mode for bonds of differing maturities due to the discounting

effect. For the RMV assumption we would only expect to see a mode if the pre-default

prices of the different bonds were trading at the same level. Panel C of table VIII shows

that a mode exists for 27 of the 42 (64%) firms at the initial default date and 26 of the

36 firms at the bankruptcy filing date (72%).


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5.2 Examination of Outliers

The results of the previous section suggest that for a great majority of the default events

in our sample RFV is a good approximation to relative default values. Nevertheless, there

are cases where the pattern of default values is different and where such differences cannot

be accounted for by accrued interest. A closer look at these cases may help determine if

there are systematic reasons why RFV does not hold in all cases. We focus on the 4 cases

with the highest RVRange at the initial default date. These cases also had the 4 highest

RVAD at the initial default date and in two of these cases no mode in the recovery value

of defaulted bonds existed. These 4 selected issuers are: 1) Owens Corning; 2) Fruit of

the Loom, Inc.; 3) Southern California Edison Company; and 4) Polaroid Corporation.

We summarize these cases below. More detailed accounts can be found in Appendix A.

For the case of Owens Corning we find that 4 of the 6 bonds we obtain data for do in

fact display RFV at the initial default date. On further examination of the two remaining

bonds we find that the majority of amount outstanding for these bonds were tendered by

the company nearly two years before the default date. We believe these bonds suffered

from thin trading problem, and therefore the prices in our database did not reflect the

true economic value of the bonds. This conclusion is supported by the fact that eventually

the prices do trade at the same prices as the other bonds.

We analyze 3 bonds issued by Fruit of the Loom, Inc. At the initial default date (a

bankruptcy filing) two of the bonds, with a maturity differential of 20 years, show a RFV

pattern. However, the third bond of the same seniority, trades at a much lower price at the

default date and continues to do so throughout the sample. It is difficult to say precisely

why this bond is an outlier. It was issued in 1981, a little over a decade before the other

two bonds. Perhaps related to this, is the fact that this bond is managed by a different

trustee from that of the other bonds. We believe the best explanation for this departure

from RFV for this bond is that it is being considered to be in a different class than the

other bonds.

Southern California Edison Company is a unique case in our sample, since, although it

does experience a default event, no bankruptcy if filed and eventually the company is able


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to pay back the defaulted interest payments within the time period considered. Perhaps,

this resolution of the company’s difficulties was expected by the market and therefore their

issued bonds did not experience RFV at the time of default.

For the case of Polaroid Corporation, we find that only one day after the initial default

date the RVRange is equal to $2 as opposed to the $9 seen at the initial default date. By

the time Chapter 11 is filed, the three bonds we analyze display an RFV pattern. We can

conclude for this case that at the initial date there was some measurement error in the

data and that the prices use to measure the dispersion were not an accurate reflection of

their true value.

From these outlying cases we find no systematic large deviation away from the RFV

assumption that would either cause us to believe RFV is an inferior description for the

general case of defaulted debt or lead us to favor an alternative recovery assumption. In

only one case (FTL) does there exist data that we believe that we cannot fully explain if

RFV did indeed always hold.

5.3 Comparison of Recovery Assumptions

The basic dispersion measures seem to provide empirical support for RFV. Nevertheless,

it is useful to compare our results to what the data would look like if alternative recovery

forms were to hold. Specifically, we consider typical implementations of such recovery

forms where the expected recovery rate is assumed constant. We introduce some notation

to describe the assumptions we will compare11.

The recovery value at default date u for a bond maturing at time T and paying semi-

annual coupons at an annual rate c, RV Tc (u),can be written as the product between the

expected recovery rate, ω, 0 ≤ ω ≤ 1 and the expected claim amount. This latter term

defines the particular recovery assumption we wish to consider.

Recovery of Face Value at Default (RFV):

11This classification closely follows that described in Bakshi, Madan, and Zhang (2002) and Delianedis

and Lagnado (2002).


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RV Tc (u) = ωF (1)

This assumption takes the claim amount to be the promised face value of the bond F.We

ignore here for simplicity the accrued interest component that may be due to the bond

investor as a result of the language in the bond indenture.

Recovery of Treasury - Face Value (RT-F):

RV Tc (u) = ωD(u, T )F (2)

where D(u, T ) = EQu



−∫ Tu r(s)ds


, the value of the default-free zero-coupon

bond at time u maturing at time T. This assumption takes the claim amount to be

the promised face value F discounted at the default-free interest rate r.

Recovery of Treasury (RT):

RV Tc (u) = ω


D(u, T )F +2T∑


D(u, Ti/2)c




RT is similar to RT-F but also discounts any promised coupon payments at the

default-free interest rate and assumes those to be part of the claim amount.

Recovery of Market Value (RMV):

RV Tc (u) = ωP T

c (u−) (4)

where P Tc (u−) is the price of the risky coupon bond with coupon rate c and maturity

T just before the default event.

We construct the hypothetical recovery values as follows. First we impute the expected

recovery rate ω from the data by assuming that RFV holds exactly at the initial default

date. For 27 of the 42 cases this means we use the mode of the issuer’s defaulted bond

values even if the bonds have not converged to a unique value. This requires us to assume


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that measurement error exists for those bonds observed not converging to the mode. In

the remaining 15 cases we assume the mean of the bond values to be the expected recovery

rate. We discount future promised coupon and principal payments at the default date using

zero-coupon bonds estimated from the US dollar interest rate swap curve downloaded from


This procedure is sufficient for computing recovery value for the RFV, RT-F, and

RT cases. Constructing recovery values for the RMV requires some judgement. The

straightforward approach would be to assume the claim amount to be the bond price a

day before the Moody’s initial default date. However, there are cases where the default

event is perhaps not a surprise and bond prices have declined to close to their recovery

value leading up to their default date. In such cases, using the imputed recovery rate ω

would lead to markedly lower recovery values in default. Another possible interpretation

is that there is a lag between the Moody’s default date and the actual default event12. In

an attempt to correct for this we consider traded prices 30 days before the initial default

date to be the claim amount for the RMV assumption. Unfortunately, this proxy for

pre-default market prices does not succeed too well. Figure 5 shows that there is a close

correspondence between these values and the defaulted bond values. This shows the need

for further research on the actual timing of default events compared to those events which

may designate the official occurrence of default. In addition, it may also call to question

what value of the expected recovery rate, δ, should be inputted in models where an RMV

assumption holds.

Table IX shows the comparative dispersion statistics for the different recovery assump-

tions along with the empirical distribution. The RFV assumption, assuming no accrued

interest is due to bond investors, predicts that the RVRange and RVAD be equal to zero

in all cases. However, in a version where accrued interest is due we would expect that

many of the cases would fall between 0 and 1. As mentioned above this matches the

empirical data rather well. The RT-F assumption results in a range and average deviation

of recovery values noticeably exceeding those found in the empirical distribution. There

are 13 cases where RVRange is greater than 10. The mean of RVRange and RVAD for the

12The 19-day lag seen for the Worldcom Bonds in section 2 is a typical example of this.


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RT-F assumption is 9.34 and 3.36 respectively, versus 3.30 and 1.20 found in the empirical

distribution. This results from the cases where there exists a large maturity differential

between the shortest and longest dated bonds. Such an assumption could better fit the

data if the recovery rate, ω, were assumed to be time-dependent. The RT assumption

seems to fit the data better than RT-F with means for RVRange and RVAD of 3.75 and

1.45 respectively. The medians of RVRange and RVAD for the RT assumption are notice-

ably higher than those found in the actual data (1.98 and 0.92 versus 0.88 and 0.31). This

shift in the distribution is due to the fact that under the RT assumption bonds can never

converge to exactly the same recovery value unless they have the same coupon and matu-

rity. The RMV assumption, as mentioned, produces recovery values that are much lower

than those found in the data due to the pre-default prices being close to the defaulted

bond prices. Thus, we view any results regarding this assumption with caution. However,

to be complete we show that this same feature results in dispersion statistics for the RMV

assumption which are broadly similar to those found in the data. For example, in 8 of the

42 cases the bonds had converged to the same level, RVRange = 0, and a further 16 cases

show an RVRange less than one.

To summarize this section, the RFV assumption seems better at matching the empirical

data than typical implementations of the RT-F and RT assumptions. These two recovery

forms could be adjusted to generate RFV-type payoffs at default by making the expected

recovery rate parameter a time-dependent function. However, it seems difficult to know

how to ex-ante specify these functions in an economically sensible way. This argues in

favor for use of the RFV assumption in applications of defaultable debt models. The RT

recovery form seems to result in a close approximation to RFV, especially versus RT-F,

when holding constant the expected recovery rate. We conclude that if one were to use a

Recovery of Treasury model in pricing defaultable debt, it would be better to include any

promised coupon payments as part of the claim in recovery. It is hard for us to judge for

or against the RMV assumption given our data. More work is needed to understand the

timing of default events and to discover accurately what represents a pre-default price.


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6 Concluding Remarks

Corporate debt securities typically embed a long list of complicated institutional features

that lead to difficulty in applying standard asset pricing techniques. The importance of

bond indentures and bankruptcy code in affecting corporate bond pricing and related

economic issues has long been recognized and studied in the seminal works of Black and

Cox (1976), Smith and Warner (1979), and Franks and Torous (1989). We continued this

literature stream by highlighting that these important institutional features directly affect

how one should consider modelling the recovery form within defaultable bond pricing

models. Next, we examined a unique dataset of defaulted bond prices of predominantly

US-based issuers who at the time of the initial default event had several publicly traded

bonds outstanding. We found that in the vast majority of cases bonds of the same issuer

and seniority are valued equally or within one dollar by the market, irrespective of their

time to maturity. This result naturally suggests that the amount recovered in default

follows an RFV recovery form. While there are a few cases where significant departures

from RFV are seen, after further investigation we find no evidence of a systematic deviation

from RFV. While this initial evidence is supportive of RFV, as a final and important step

we examined our data considering typical implementations of alternative recovery forms

seen in the literature. We found that such forms can be inaccurate as a proper description

of the data.

Our results on post-default recovery form may be particularly interesting given that

some recent research in this area has found that RFV can be a suboptimal recovery form

under certain empirical measures . A joint understanding of the results presented here and

those found in these other papers still remains to be done. On the current research agenda

is first trying to quantify the valuation and hedging effects of the RFV recovery form for

modelling defaultable debt within a structural credit risk model. While our results do

not necessarily imply that the market presumes RFV when valuing bonds, it would be

useful to see the implications that the RFV form would have for theoretical prices and

sensitivities compared to alternative recovery forms. Performing this within a structural

model framework would allow us to examine the effect of recovery form on fundamental


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corporate bond valuation. Future work could examine the empirical implications of any

potential findings. At this stage we can only conjecture that incorporating RFV in corpo-

rate bond models is necessary to properly model such debt and to accurately assess credit

risk in empirical studies.

One obvious source of concern here is the quality of the data for these distressed bonds.

It is well known that liquidity in such markets can often be scarce and that the pricing of

individual bonds can be greatly affected by the dispersion in ownership of the particular

bonds. These are all legitimate concerns that may affect some of the points we have made.

However, given that we witness a certain empirical regularity across a sizeable number of

issuers, along with conversations we have had with various market participants we feel

confident in our main arguments. However, it still may be useful to study more in depth

the microstructure of the distressed debt market. Another area of further research within

this topic is the effect that the credit derivatives market may have on recovery values.

The most widely traded credit derivative is the plain vanilla credit default swap13. In a

typical credit swap the counterparty who has bought protection against a default event

for a particular issuer must physically deliver a bond to the protection seller in exchange

for par if the issuer has indeed defaulted. In general, the protection buyer can also choose

among a range of pari passu bonds of a particular issuer in deciding which one to deliver.

It seems possible that this recent development in the credit markets will have an effect on

both the absolute and relative levels of defaulted bond values. Determining exactly how

may be useful for corporate bond valuation.

13See Duffie(1999) for a description.


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Table I: Contractual Details of Selected Bonds Issued by Enron and Worldcom

Enron Corporation Worldcom Incorporated

ID Coupon Maturity ID Coupon Maturity

1 9.125% 01-Apr-03 1 7.875% 15-May-032 7.875% 15-Jun-03 2 6.250% 15-Aug-033 6.625% 15-Nov-05 3 7.550% 01-Apr-044 6.400% 15-Jul-06 4 6.500% 15-May-045 7.125% 15-May-07 5 6.400% 15-Aug-056 6.875% 15-Oct-07 6 7.375% 15-Jan-067 6.750% 01-Aug-09 7 8.000% 15-May-068 7.375% 15-May-19 8 7.750% 01-Apr-079 6.950% 15-Jul-28 9 8.250% 15-May-10

10 7.500% 15-May-1111 7.750% 01-Apr-2712 6.950% 15-Aug-2813 8.250% 15-May-31


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Table II: Enron Bonds: Prices and Yields Leading up to Bankruptcy

Shown below are the dealer-bid prices and yields of 9 selected Enron bonds whose contractual details arefound in Table I. All bonds are senior unsecured debt. The initial default event date defined by whenEnron files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy is 2 December, 2001. On 28 November, 2001 it became apparentthat a potential merger bid by a rival company would not take place.

Panel A: Prices

ID 31-Jul-01 31-Aug-01 28-Sep-01 31-Oct-01 21-Nov-01 23-Nov-01

1 106.23 106.28 106.89 87.09 69.89 64.952 104.87 104.91 105.47 82.19 62.88 63.923 102.61 102.74 103.75 78.19 57.76 61.844 101.13 101.78 103.13 77.7 57.74 60.825 104.3 104.59 105.74 77.9 56.72 59.826 102.53 103.25 104.33 76.89 65.4 59.817 100.49 100.81 100.68 77.73 61.66 58.768 101.04 101.93 97.69 74.66 56.63 57.819 94.5 96.15 91.37 73.93 54.86 56.81

ID 26-Nov-01 27-Nov-01 28-Nov-01 29-Nov-01 30-Nov-01 03-Dec-01

1 50.01 58.07 21 22.03 19 212 49.99 57.07 21 22.03 19 213 47.95 56.12 21 22.1 19.01 214 46.97 55.14 21 22.12 19.01 215 44.99 54.15 21 22.12 19.01 216 44.99 53.16 20.99 22.13 19.01 217 44.98 53.19 21.01 22.13 19 218 41.97 49.2 22 22.12 19 219 40.99 47.99 21.99 22.08 18.98 21

Panel B: Yields

ID 31-Jul-01 31-Aug-01 28-Sep-01 31-Oct-01 21-Nov-01 23-Nov-01

1 5.17% 4.95% 4.36% 20.01% 39.78% 46.76%2 5.11% 4.97% 4.52% 21.41% 42.69% 41.48%3 5.92% 5.88% 5.59% 13.85% 23.53% 21.33%4 6.13% 5.97% 5.64% 12.86% 21.09% 19.63%5 6.23% 6.16% 5.91% 12.82% 20.68% 19.34%6 6.37% 6.23% 6.01% 12.49% 16.19% 18.29%7 6.67% 6.62% 6.64% 11.11% 15.42% 16.36%8 7.27% 7.18% 7.61% 10.58% 14.12% 13.83%9 7.42% 7.28% 7.72% 9.69% 13.05% 12.61%

ID 26-Nov-01 27-Nov-01 28-Nov-01 29-Nov-01 30-Nov-01 03-Dec-01

1 73.38% 58.05% 185.17% 178.31% 201.70% 187.26%2 62.71% 51.22% 155.33% 149.69% 168.90% 157.04%3 29.86% 24.55% 62.34% 60.08% 66.98% 62.48%4 27.18% 22.46% 54.76% 52.76% 58.82% 54.89%5 26.88% 21.92% 51.24% 49.32% 55.10% 51.30%6 25.34% 21.15% 48.15% 46.33% 51.76% 48.20%7 21.82% 18.34% 41.23% 39.65% 44.47% 41.28%8 18.75% 16.17% 34.00% 33.82% 39.09% 35.52%9 17.25% 14.84% 31.58% 31.45% 36.53% 33.06%


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Table III: Worldcom Bonds: Prices and Yields Leading up to Bankruptcy

Shown below are the prices and yields of 9 selected Worldcom bonds whose contractual details are foundin Table I. All bonds are senior unsecured debt. The official initial default event date defined by whenWorldcom misses an interest payment is 15 July, 2002. The Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing occurs on 21July, 2002. On 26 June, 2002 it became public information that the firm had concealed $3.9 billion oflosses for more than a year.

Panel A: Prices

ID 31-Jan-02 28-Feb-02 28-Mar-02 30-Apr-02 31-May-02 18-Jun-02

1 103.27 99.69 95.62 75 84.5 813 103.06 98.50 91.47 60 73.5 705 99.22 96.45 86.51 50 57 54.56 100.00 97.66 87.40 49 56 538 101.96 97.80 86.65 45.5 54 49.59 103.09 101.06 88.83 48 50 47.510 97.68 96.35 83.88 47 49 46.512 85.28 82.31 69.66 42 38.5 3913 99.05 96.12 80.66 44 43 42

ID 21-Jun-02 25-Jun-02 26-Jun-02 27-Jun-02 15-Jul-02 22-Jul-02

1 75 68.5 14 17 14.25 13.253 61.5 57.5 11.5 13.75 14.25 13.255 49 46.5 11.5 13.75 14.25 13.256 48.5 45 11.5 13 14 13.258 45.5 42 11.5 13 14 13.259 44 42 11.25 14 14 13.2510 43.5 41 11.5 13.5 14 13.2512 37.5 36.5 11 14 14 13.2513 40 38 11.25 13 14 13.25

Panel B: Yields

ID 31-Jan-02 28-Feb-02 28-Mar-02 30-Apr-02 31-May-02 18-Jun-02

1 5.21% 8.13% 12.11% 39.36% 27.36% 33.82%3 6.02% 8.34% 12.48% 39.01% 26.72% 30.51%5 6.65% 7.58% 11.31% 32.04% 27.37% 29.49%6 7.37% 8.09% 11.56% 31.68% 27.20% 29.51%8 7.28% 8.29% 11.31% 29.35% 24.48% 27.22%9 7.73% 8.07% 10.31% 22.52% 21.72% 22.90%10 7.85% 8.07% 10.26% 20.68% 19.93% 21.02%12 8.34% 8.66% 10.31% 16.87% 18.33% 18.11%13 8.34% 8.61% 10.36% 18.87% 19.30% 19.75%

ID 21-Jun-02 25-Jun-02 26-Jun-02 27-Jun-02 15-Jul-02 22-Jul-02

1 44.43% 57.89% 438.35% 373.50% 471.50% 518.88%3 39.67% 44.76% 203.29% 181.19% 182.57% 194.27%5 33.97% 36.29% 111.19% 99.51% 98.80% 104.19%6 32.95% 35.97% 105.48% 97.54% 94.26% 98.05%8 29.84% 32.42% 87.78% 80.80% 77.34% 80.51%9 24.67% 25.78% 76.27% 63.57% 63.59% 66.53%10 22.40% 23.67% 67.62% 59.04% 57.30% 59.98%12 18.80% 19.30% 62.64% 49.38% 49.45% 52.27%13 20.71% 21.78% 72.63% 62.98% 58.45% 61.67%


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Table IV: Sample of Defaulted Issuers

Listed are the defaulted issuers whose outstanding bonds at the time of default are examined in this paper.The source of the data is Moody’s corporate bond default database. The filtering procedure which weused to arrive at this sample is described in Section 2.4. Panel A shows the issuers that were selected withhelp of an Investment Bank’s database. Panel B shows those issuers selected in our second pass search ofMoody’s data. The far right column shows the number of bonds for each company available for the study.

Default Issuer SelectedName of Company Year Domicile Bonds

Panel A: Issuers from Bank Database1 Armstrong World Industries, Inc. 2000 US 42 Call-Net Enterprises Inc. 2001 Canada 23 Chiquita Brands International, Inc. 2001 US 44 Comdisco, Inc. 2001 US 65 Enron Corp. 2001 US 96 Exodus Communications, Inc. 2001 US 37 Federal-Mogul Corporation 2001 US 38 FINOVA Capital Corporation 2001 US 69 Frontier Corporation 2002 US 210 Fruit of the Loom, Inc. 1999 US 311 Gaylord Container Corporation 2002 US 212 Integrated Health Services, Inc. 1999 US 313 Kmart Corporation 2002 US 1114 Laidlaw Inc. 2000 Canada 615 Loewen Group International, Inc. 1999 Canada 416 Lomas Financial Corporation 1995 US 217 LTV Corporation (The) 2000 US 218 McLeodUSA Incorporated 2002 US 419 NTL Communications Corp. 2002 US 220 Owens Corning 2000 US 621 Pacific Gas and Electric Company 2001 US 522 Penn Traffic Company 1998 US 423 Southern California Edison Company 2001 US 524 USG Corporation 2001 US 225 Viatel, Inc. 2001 US 226 XO Communications, Inc. 2001 US 5

Panel B: Issuers Collected from Moody’s Reports1 Amresco, Inc. 2001 US 22 Bethlehem Steel Corporation 2001 US 23 Burlington Industries Inc 2001 US 24 ContiFinancial Corporation 2000 US 35 Doman Industries Limited 2002 Canada 26 Global Crossing Holdings Limited 2002 Bermuda 47 Globalstar, L.P. 2001 US 38 Metromedia Fiber Network 2002 US 29 Netia Holdings II B.V. 2001 Poland 210 Paging Network, Inc. 2000 US 311 Polaroid Corporation 2001 US 312 PSINet Inc. 2001 US 413 Regal Cinemas, Inc. 2000 US 214 RSL Communications PLC 2001 Bermuda 315 Teligent Inc 2001 US 216 United Pan-Europe Communications N.V. 2002 Netherlands 3



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Table V: Time-series Distribution of Initial Default Events

Initial default events by year and type of selected sample of issuers as listed in table IV. The data selectionprocedure is described in section 2.4. The “Other” column aggregates 3 types of default events (distressedexchange, payment moratorium, rating withdrawn) that occurred in the time sample. Mean and median(by issuer) default volumes are also shown on the right 2 columns.

Missed Suspension of Mean MedianYear Chapter 11 Payment Payments Other Total Volume(MM) Volume(MM)1995 1 0 0 0 1 $480 $4801998 0 1 0 0 1 $1,025 $1,0251999 2 1 0 0 3 $976 $9102000 4 2 1 0 7 $1,034 $8002001 10 7 2 2 21 $2,556 $1,9501Q2002 3 5 0 1 9 $3,042 $2,596Total 20 16 3 3 42 $2208 $1397


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Table VI: Type and Timing of Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

The number of firms in the sample which eventually filed for Chapter 11 and if it was done on a prepackagedbasis versus a traditional filing. A description of the timing between the initial default event and theChapter 11 filing is shown as is the bankruptcy status as of 15 August 2002.

Type of Bankruptcy Filing

Prepack 13Normal 23

Total: 36

Bankruptcy Status

Emerged 9Completed 6Pending 21

Days between Default and Filing

0 200-30 530-100 5over 100 6


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Table VII: Distribution of Issuers in Terms of Bond Data

The firms are sample are distributed with respect to the number of bonds selected for each firm and thematurity range in years of the selected bonds. The maturity range is defined as the difference betweenfinal redemption maturities of the longest dated bond and the shortest dated bond for each firm. Theright column shows the number of firms for each designated bin shown in the left column.

Number of Selected Bonds for Each Company

2 173 94 75 36 4

>6 242

Bond Maturity Range in Years

0-2 132-5 125-10 815-25 5>25 4



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Table VIII: Dispersion Statistics of Relative Recovery Values at Initial Defaultand Bankruptcy Filing Dates

Reports the distribution of three dispersion measures: the Range (Panel A), the Average Deviation (PanelB), and the Existence of a Mode (Panel C) of the relative recovery values in the sample. Two dates areexamine: 1) the initial default date and 2)the bankruptcy filing date. The range, denoted by RVRange isthe difference between the maximum and minimum prices of an issuer’s bonds at the specified date. Theaverage deviation, RVAD, is the average of absolute deviation from the mean of an issuer’s bond prices atthe specified date. Sample mean and median values are also shown. A mode exists for a particular issuerif the same price is quoted for more than one bond.

Panel A: Range of Recovery Values

Default Date Filing Date

RVRange = 0 17 150 < RVRange ≤ 1 8 71 < RVRange ≤ 2 4 62 < RVRange ≤ 5 7 55 < RVRange ≤ 10 4 1

RVRange > 10 2 2

Total 42 36Mean 3.30 2.97Median 0.88 1.00

Panel B: Average Deviation of Recovery Values

Default Date Filing Date

RVAD = 0 17 150 < RVAD ≤ 1 13 151 < RVAD ≤ 2 4 12 < RVAD ≤ 5 6 35 < RVAD ≤ 10 1 1

RVAD > 10 1 1

Total 42 36Mean 1.20 1.08Median 0.31 0.35

Panel C: Existence of Mode in Recovery Values

Default Date Filing Date

Mode Exists 27 26No Mode 15 10

Total 42 36


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Table IX: Comparative Dispersion Statistics of Theoretical Relative RecoveryValues at the Initial Default Date

Reports the distribution of two dispersion measures: the Range (Panel A) and the Average Deviation(Panel B) for the 4 different recovery assumptions described in Section 5.3. The assumptions are: 1) RFV(Recovery of Face Value), 2)RT-F (Recovery of Treasury - Face Value), 3) RT (Recovery of Treasury), and4) RMV (Recovery of Market Value). The assumptions were used to create hypothetical recovery values atthe initial default date for comparison with the empirical distribution from table VIII which is reproducedin the last column. Accrued interest which may be due to the bond investor under some interpretationsof RFV is ignored. Sample mean and median values are also shown.

Panel A: Range of Recovery Values

RFV RT-F RT RMV Empirical

RVRange = 0 42 1 0 8 170 < RVRange ≤ 1 0 10 15 16 81 < RVRange ≤ 2 0 7 6 7 42 < RVRange ≤ 5 0 7 8 5 75 < RVRange ≤ 10 0 4 10 2 4

RVRange > 10 0 13 3 4 2

Total 42 42 42 42 42Mean 0.00 9.34 3.75 2.08 3.30Median 0.00 3.40 1.98 0.31 0.88

Panel B: Average Deviation of Recovery Values

RFV RT-F RT RMV Empirical

RVAD = 0 42 1 0 8 170 < RVAD ≤ 1 0 18 21 25 131 < RVAD ≤ 2 0 6 11 3 42 < RVAD ≤ 5 0 8 8 5 65 < RVAD ≤ 10 0 7 2 1 1

RVAD > 10 0 2 0 0 1

Total 42 42 42 42 42Mean 0.00 3.36 1.45 0.75 1.20Median 0.00 1.59 0.92 0.14 0.31


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 920










Bond Number




Figure 1: Enron Corporation Bond Prices

The plot shows prices for nine bonds issued by Enron Corporation at three different dates leading up totheir official default date on 3 December 2001. The bonds are sorted by maturity, their contractual detailsare found in Table I.


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 90











Bond Number


ld (



Figure 2: Enron Corporation Bond Yields

The plot shows redemption yields for nine bonds issued by Enron Corporation at three different datesleading up to their official default date on 3 December 2001. The bonds are sorted by maturity, theircontractual details are found in Table I.


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0 2 4 6 8 10 12 1410











Bond Number




Figure 3: Worldcom Inc. Bond Prices

The plot shows prices for thirteen bonds issued by Worldcom Incorporated at three different dates leadingup to their official default date on 15 July 2002. The bonds are sorted by maturity, their contractualdetails are found in Table I.


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0 2 4 6 8 10 12 140










Bond Number


ld (



Figure 4: Worldcom Inc. Bond Yields

The plot shows redemption yields for thirteen bonds issued by Worldcom Incorporated at three differentdates leading up to their official default date on 15 July 2002. The bonds are sorted by maturity, theircontractual details are found in Table I.


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0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 450











Issuer Number



Default Date30 Days Pre−Default

Figure 5: Average Bond Prices at Default Date and 30 Days Prior

The plot shows the average bond price as a percentage of par across all issuers both at the official Moody’sdefault date and 30 days prior to this date.


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A Description of Outlier Cases

In this appendix we give a more detailed description of the four cases outlined in Section 5.2. The fourselected cases are: 1) Owens Corning; 2) Fruit of the Loom, Inc.; 3) Southern California Edison Company;and 4) Polaroid Corporation.

Owens Corning

On 5 October 2000, Owens Corning filed for Chapter 11 protection, this was also the initial defaultevent. We obtained data for 6 of their bonds with the same seniority (senior unsecured), with maturitydates ranging from 1 June 2002 to 1 August 2018 and coupon rates ranging from 7% to 8.875%. On thisannounced date 4 of the 6 bonds converge to the same price of $2814. However, the 8.875% bond due 1 June2002 has a quoted price of 80.16, while the 9.375% bond due 1 June 2012 is quoted with a price of $53.23.Examination of the prospectuses show no covenants or other features of their indentures that should causethese two bonds to diverge from the other bonds. We study the news reports related to these two bondsand find that on 20 July 1998 Owens Corning announced a debt tender offer for this pair of bonds. Of theoriginal $150 million of the 2002 bonds, $110 million was purchased by the company leaving $40 millionoutstanding. Of the original $150 million of the 2012 bonds, $143 million was purchased leaving $7 millionoutstanding. This is in contrast to the other 4 bonds which had an amount outstanding equal to the debtamount originally issued, ranging from $250 million to $400 million. One reasonable conclusion to make isthat these two bonds suffered, relatively speaking, from thin trading problems which affected their pricequotes. Such a conclusion seems especially plausible for the 2012 bond as in just a few weeks time (15November 2000) it is trading at the same level (28) as the 4 bonds which had converged at the defaultdate. The 2002 bond, although it decreases in price substantially during these weeks after default, staysat a quote on average 30 dollars higher than the other 5 bonds until the last week of July 2001 when it tooalso converges to the same price of 28 on 30 July 2001. We believe that this anomaly is due to the relativelack of marketability of the two bond which deviate from RFV. This is a result of: 1) the small amountoutstanding; and 2) the relative short remaining maturity left on the bond. If this interpretation is correctthen we can regard Owens Corning, the most deviating case under the simple dispersion measures in oursample (RVRange = 52.16 and RVAD = 17.20), as another example of a company which experiences RFV.

Fruit of the Loom, Inc.

Fruit of the Loom, Inc. filed for Chapter 11 protection, its initial default event, on 29 December 1999.The company was eventually bought by Berkshire Hathaway, Inc., a deal announced in November 2001 andapproved by the court in April 2002. We obtained data for 3 senior unsecured bonds: 1) 6.500% Note due15 November 2003; 2) 7.000% Debenture due 15 March 2011; and 3) 7.375% Debenture due 15 November2023. At the default date bonds 1 and 3 converge to a price of 36 and stay converged throughout thebankruptcy period. However, bond 2 at the default date is quoted at 23 and throughout the bankruptcyperiod is quoted at, on average, two-thirds of the price of the other two bonds. From examining the detailsof the bond we find that bond 2 is callable unlike the other bonds, which are all straight. Yet this featureis unlikely to cause such a price discrepancy, given the unlikelihood of the company calling the debt back.We look at the amount of the issue outstanding to see if marketability may be the cause of the discrepancy.While only $75 million of the original $125 million issued is outstanding for bond 2, we believe that thissize is adequate for the bond to be traded as frequently as the other bonds. Bond 2 was issued in 1981as opposed to 1992 and 1993 for bonds 1 and 3. In fact, it was an original Northwest Industries (whichincluded Fruit of the Loom) bond before Fruit of the Loom emerged as its own entity. However, we cannotfind any information on why this would affect the relative valuation of the bonds. Bond 2 is managed by adifferent trustee than bonds 1 and 3, which are managed by the same trustee. Thus, one conclusion couldbe that the $300 million of debt overlooked by the trustee for bonds 1 and 3 has a better recovery due tothese two bonds being put into a different class than bond 2, although all 3 bonds are senior unsecureddebt. With the information15 available this seems to be the most plausible conclusion. Not considering

14All bond prices are quoted as dollar amounts per $100 face value.15We are unable to find the bond indenture for bond 2.


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bond 2 and its various idiosyncrasies, the behavior of bonds 1 and 3 does support the RFV hypothesis,and is particularly significant given the maturity differential of 20 years.

Southern California Edison Company

On 15 January 2001 Southern California Edison defaulted on interest payments on $200 million ofnotes. We collected data on 6 bonds, with maturity dates ranging from 1 June 2001 to 1 April 2029.Immediately following the default event the RVRange decreased from 22.58 to 9.26. However, in only a fewweeks time this metric had drifted back up to 15 and we see little evidence going forward of the bondsconverging. This case is unique in our sample in the sense that, although the firm defaults, no bankruptcyis filed and eventually the company is able to pay back the defaulted interest payments within the timeperiod we consider. The default occurred due to the power crisis California was experiencing at that time.Over the following months it defaulted on due interest and principal payments while struggling to convincestate lawmakers to approve a rescue plan to avoid bankruptcy. In October 2001 the company reached anagreement with the California Public Utilities Commission to use a portion of customer bills to pay itsdebt, and in March 2002 it was able to pay its creditors defaulted payments. We can conclude that in thiscase the bond prices did not represent true defaulted prices in the sense that the market had incorporateda strong probability of a rescue in its valuation. If the company would have had to file for Chapter 11protection, a RFV could have been a definite possibility

Polaroid Corporation

On 11 July 2001 Polaroid Corporation announced it would not be making its scheduled bond interestpayment due later that month, signifying its initial default event. A few months later on 12 October 2001the company filed for Chapter 11. We have data for 3 unsecured bonds: 1) 6.75% Note due 15 January2002; 2) 11.50% Note due 15 February 2006; and 3) 7.25% Note due 15 January 2007. Prior to the defaultannouncement the quoted prices for the 3 bonds in the above order are: 44.5, 28.5, and 24.5. After thedefault event the prices are 24.5, 17.5, and 15.5, an asymmetric decrease of value percentage-wise, but stillnot exemplary of RFV (RVRange = 9.00) . However, the following day the prices are 27.5, 26.5, and 25.5.Indeed, the RVRange does not go above 4 over the following weeks and usually is within the $3 range. Asthe filing date approaches the bonds converge and at filing date all bonds are quoted at price of 7. We canconclude for this case that at the initial date there was some measurement error in the data and that theprices used to measure the dispersion were not an accurate reflection of their true value.


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