Recovering Wolves 10-3-11

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  • 8/4/2019 Recovering Wolves 10-3-11


    Recovering Wolves' Territory, Ecological

    Integrity & Societal Balance Within

    Natureby Asante Riverwind

    Across the western U.S. the integrity,

    balance, and sustainability of naturalecosystems requires the recovery of native

    species whose presence has been diminished

    or extirpated. Within natural ecosystems

    predators are essential in maintaining the

    inherent checks and balances necessary for

    ecological viability.

    Wolf recovery throughout the west

    remains an ecologically necessary but as yet

    unrealized objective. Despite the best of

    intentions stated by various federal and state

    agencies and political representatives, thetrack record of recovery efforts to date has

    yet to evidence the levels of successful wolf

    establishment requisite for the recovery and

    viability of this species.

    There remains a foundational need for the

    objective inclusion of relevant scientific

    research as well as ecological wisdom on

    wolves, natural ecology, and wolf recovery. There remains the imperative need for responsible

    education throughout the affected regions where historic wolf territory still carries potential for

    renewed habitation. Entrenched archaic attitudes originating in domineering aggression against

    nature, and the imposition of myopic anthropocentric beliefs in contravention with the realities ofnatural ecology have resulted in a continued onslaught threatening the recovery and viability of

    wolves seeking return to their historic lands and roles.

    Contemporary "wolf management plans" and resultant harassment and lethal actions

    taken towards wolves are scientifically unsound and ecologically harmful. Wolf plans are fatally

    flawed, undermining wolf recovery by repetitiously authorizing the killing of wolves as they

    attempt to meet sustenance and safety needs while exploring the region to locate suitable

    territory. Absent a prolonged grace period, that reasonably compensates responsible ranchers

    while allowing wolves to explore and forage without harmful repercussion, wolf recovery will

    remain an elusive, unrealized goal.

    Caught-in-the-act permits: misnamed "wolf plans" (which more aptly should be referred to as"welfare ranching plans") provide for 'caught in the act permits' allowing lethal take if a wolf is

    seen in the act of attacking, which in the Oregon Wolf Plan for example is defined as biting,wounding, or killing. This and other language, such as that which allows the lethal take of

    wolves for simply chasing and harassing, significantly jeopardizes the fragile recovering gray

    wolf population, undermining the potential for eventual wolf recovery across the region.

    The recovery of former territory where wolves have been absent for a number of canid

    generations, where there exists no feasible pack memory or established pack patterns, will

    "Winter Wolf" by Asante Riverwind

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    require considerable time. In pioneering new territory, wolves require sufficient time and safety

    to discover suitable locations. Returning wolves are a mix of solitary individuals and small close

    knit groupings, not yet formed as functioning packs. In forming relatively stable packs and

    territory, wolves need sufficient time to establish pack protocol among compatible newcomers,

    including the rearing of new pups in reasonable safety.

    To achieve recovery objectives, provisions must be made to minimize disturbanceactivities in remote areas with the best wolf territory potential, while recognizing the sustenance

    needs of wolves must be met during this period. Allowance of, and adequate compensation for,

    wolf predation must be made during this recovery period for the region's various wolf plans to

    meet their purported recovery objectives. Ongoing scientific research must be incorporated into

    plan provisions, including intergovernmental cooperative regional agreements helping guide

    wolves towards suitable interconnected territories. For example, Oregon's eventual wolf recovery

    is dependent upon wolf populations in the region's adjoining states. The current harassment and

    killing of wolves in Idaho and Montana threatens the recovery of wolves in Oregon. For the

    visible-term future, until wolf recovery across the western U.S. has been demonstrably

    sustainably accomplished and returning wolves have grouped into varied packs with well

    established territories, there should be no allowance for lethal permits (with the possibleexception of addressing verifiable instances of rabies presence or human habituated repetitious

    malevolence by a rare individual wolf).

    Compensation program: Achieving the goals of wolf recovery in the western U.S. politically

    likely requires the establishment of a compensation program with sufficient funds and process

    for the timely compensation for lost livestock. Oversight agencies and the conservation aware

    public must continue to advocate that state legislatures, in cooperation with federal agencies and

    vested interests, create programs that both initiate proactive measures to minimize livestock loss,

    and provide reasonable compensation for such loss due to returning wolves. It is important that

    sufficient provisions be developed in compensation programs that preclude incentive for misuse

    and avoid unwarranted conflict. Affected agencies should develop programs that compensate

    producers who have taken recognized management measures to prevent and/or minimize wolf-livestock conflict prior to loss.

    Recovery numbers: Current management figures

    portending to reflect wolf recovery population levels

    are in reality little more than contrived formulations

    manipulated by artifice of political ranching

    interests. Instead, recovery must be founded upon

    the incorporation of relevant scientific research

    recommendations, verifiable evidence of well

    established propagating wolf packs with defined

    home territories, sufficient abundance of variedwolves across the region requisite for genetic

    diversity, and the measurable sustained achievement

    of wolf recovery objectives over time.

    Confirming depredations: It is imperative that

    claims of depredation be meticulously and

    professionally investigated. It can be difficult at best

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    to ascertain whether a livestock carcass that has been foraged by wolves was already deceased

    and only subject to scavenge, or instead succumbed to wolf predation. Further, the absence of

    effective measures taken by affected ranchers to proactively thwart wolf predation of livestock;

    such as the accompaniment of wolf repelling guard dogs, the presence of herders, and the

    grouping and location of livestock during vulnerable periods; represents gross negligence on

    behalf an affected rancher, concerning which such poor behavior should not be rewarded witheither undeserved compensation or action against suspected wolves. Assessing and evaluating

    claimed wolf depredations must be the exclusive job of objective professionals absent vested

    interests, such as wolf research scientists and wildlife biologists. Assessments should not be

    conducted by Wildlife Service agents, as this agency is comprised of dubious professionals

    versed primarily in lethal predator control measures, with an ignomious track record of

    unwarranted lethal actions based upon the disreputable misuse of contrived science, and the

    manipulative distortion of factual realities.

    Depredation and lethal permits: Current depredation measures fall short of recognizing the

    inextricably interconnected role of all involved. Livestock producers within potential wolf

    territories or travel routes must responsibly take proactive measures to protect livestock and

    minimize opportunities for predation. Federal agencies managing suitable wolf territories mustavoid pro-longed management disturbance actions in remote locations, and within wildlife travel

    routes likely to be utilized by wolves as they seek new territories. Currently, management

    disturbance projects on federal lands plays a largely unrecognized role in pushing returning

    wolves towards areas where livestock conflict is likely, rather than encouraging migration

    towards more suitable territories. Politically independent objective scientific oversight must

    judiciously review these interconnected circumstances, identifying reasonable measures that can

    be taken to facilitate the continued migration of the wolves involved to suitable territories and to

    better protect affected livestock. All such measures should be responsibly taken with sufficient

    time allowed for effectiveness, well before any irretrievable actions are considered.

    Remaining proactive to reduce depredation: Innovative, solutions-oriented actions respectiveof the inherent rights of wolves and wildlife, and the ecological integrity of natural ecosystems,

    will be key to reducing livestock depredation and attaining successful wolf recovery. Proactive

    efforts must be effectively pursued and adequately funded. Cooperative community conservation

    efforts must be initiated, addressing oversight needs in regions where public wildlands and

    private ranchlands intermesh. The removal of livestock grazing on public lands in the near

    vicinity of known and suitable wolf territories should be enacted.

    Recovering Human Societal Balance Within the Integrity of Nature: Ultimately, recovering

    wolves successfully is inextricably interwoven with recovering the latent wisdom, humility,

    respect, and awareness of nature and the inherent connection of our species as part of nature.

    Humans have exceeded whatever natural checks and balances once kept our populations within

    sustainable balance. Human avarice and aggression have wrought havoc with geophysical

    ecosystems across the Earth, with a litany of devastated cultures, impoverished lands, and extinct

    species left in humanities wake across time. Contemporary human societies have brought this

    litany full circle, imperiling numerous species and the future quality of life for all across the

    globe. Current government and rancher plans calling for renewed killing of wolves represents a

    harmful return to archaic, aggressive, unsustainable, imbalanced anthropocentric delusions. Such

    unwarranted arrogance defies nature itself, of which we all are ultimately part. Today, political

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    will remains in thrall to the corrupt manipulations of financially vested ranching interests in

    contravention with nature, reason, and science. The plight of wolves behooves those aware of

    our place within nature's balance, respectful of the inherent right of all species with which we co-

    evolved to exist, to rise up in defense of wild imperiled nature. Together we can help educate and

    empower the populace. Together we can remove from power the entrenched corrupt politicians

    who have proven incapable of perceiving nature's wisdom, and repeatedly pushed abhorrentplans calling for the killing of wolves, including even wolf pups. Together, we can hold corrupt

    politicians, aggressive ranchers, and lethal agencies such as "Wildlife Services" accountable for

    their heinous policies that violate the letter and intent of the federal laws, including the

    Endangered Species Act, and which violate the higher laws of nature, of which we all are part.

    Together, we can help ensure that wolves, and all imperiled species, have a safe place and viable

    future across our public Asante Riverwind

    Wolves and Coyotesas all wild nature

    not something to be'man-aged', tamedmanipulated, controlled shot, trapped, poisoned

    darted, harmedradio collared, harassed

    studied, researchedcategorized, labeled;

    as if the naming and 'expert' conclusionsgive real understanding

    beyond presumptuous delusion...the untamable breath of life

    flows through us allwolves, coyotes,

    humans, phytoplanktonall our relations

    throughout living Earth...spirit dreams

    beyond knowingflow like a wild river

    through all beings...creation's energies

    dance within star sparked eyesrhythmic hearts

    and galactic spiral cores

    across the multi-verseof unknowable reality...the wisdom of humility

    the wonder of explorationand the magic of kinship

    await within the giftof human awakening

    which none may gift usbut ourselves...

    "Night Wolf Returns" by Asante Riverwind