Recorded Case No. 15-03984 Habeus STATEMENT Re Netwerk Management & Clipper Stadium Agreement for Sara McLachlan July 8, 2005 - Updated for Longs Park Foundation April 29, 2016

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  • 8/17/2019 Recorded Case No. 15-03984 Habeus STATEMENT Re Netwerk Management & Clipper Stadium Agreement for Sar…


    Hotmail -


    [email protected] Printed: Friday, March 30, 2007 1:29 PM

    From : Coleen Novak

    Sent : Friday, July 8, 2005 3:06 PM

    To : "Stan Caterbone"

    Subject : RE: Sarah McLachlan

    Hey St an

    Sar ah has f i ni shed her t our i ng on t hi s al bum. She was on t he r oad f or t he l ast 18 mont hs sowi l l be t aki ng a wel l - deser ved br eak. I ' l l f orwar d t hi s to our agent s f or any ot her art i st s andf or Sar ah dur i ng the next cyl ce i n 2- 4 year s.

     Thanks ver y much,c

    At 10: 00 AM - 0400 7/ 8/ 05, St an Cater bone wr ote:

    Col een,

    Encl osed are some document s and i nformat i on t hat you r equest ed. The Cl i pper St adi umcan

    accommodate a max of appr oxi mat el y 14, 000 wi t h the st age moved as f ar away f r om second baseand t oward the back of t he out f i el d. That woul d i ncl ude l awn seat i ng and usi ng t he f i el d. The Wi l l i e Nel son/ Dyl an concer t used t he st age at t he cl osest poi nt t o second base.

     Thi s st adi um i s sai d t o be one of t he f i nest mi nor l eague parks i n t he count r y and was j ustopened a f ew mont hs ago.

    I know you have many cl i ent s on your l i st t hat woul d be a sel l - out her e. Too many to name. You can access t he websi t e f or t he Lancast er Banst or mers at : 

    Let me know i f you or Sar a need anyt hi ng el se as f ar as t he r equest i s concer ned.

    Stay Saf e & Thank You,


    Stan Caterbone, CEO

     Advanced Media Group

    mailto: [email protected] 

    Website: Fax: (717) 427-1621

     Voice Mail: (717) 799-5915Mailing Address: 220 Stone Hill Road

    Conestoga, PA 17516

    - - - - Or i gi nal Message Fol l ows- - - -
    Fr om: Col een Novak

    &l t; [email protected]>
    To: [email protected]
    Subj ect : Sar ah McLachl an
    Date: Thu, 7 J ul 2005 14: 49: 22 - 0700

    Hi St an

    I am one of Sarah McLachl an' s managers. J ustr eachi ng out wi t h r egard t o the card you sent her . Can you send a f ormal r equest f or use of &quot ; Wor l d On Fi r e&quot ; f or your websi t e? Woul d t hi s be www. one. org? Al so any detai l s aboutt he Cl i pper Stadi umi nf o woul d be appr eci ated.

    Thanks somuch,
    Col een
    - -
    Col een Novak
    Net t wer k Management
    8730 Wi l shi r e Bl vd. ,#304
    Bever l y Hi l l s, CA 90211
    Ph: ( 310) 855- 0668
    Fx: ( 310) 855- 0674
    Ef ax: ( 310)388- 0803
    Cel l : ( 917) 861- 6309
    AI M: Col een212

    At t achment conver t ed: Maci ntosh HD: Lancast er Onl i ne. com_#E00CA. pdf ( PDF / CARO) ( 000E00CA)At t achment conver t ed: Maci ntosh HD: Lancast er Barnst ormer#E00CB. pdf ( PDF / CARO) ( 000E00CB)At t achment conver t ed: Maci ntosh HD: Lancast er Barnst ormer#E00CC. pdf ( PDF / CARO) ( 000E00CC)At t achment conver t ed: Maci ntosh HD: Wor l d on Fi r e Agreement . pdf ( PDF / CARO) ( 000E00CD)

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    Hotmail -


    [email protected] Printed: Friday, March 30, 2007 1:30 PM

    From : Coleen Novak

    Sent : Thursday, July 7, 2005 5:49 PM

    To : [email protected]

    Subject : Sarah McLachlan

    Hi St an

    I amone of Sarah McLachl an' s managers . J ust r eachi ng out wi t h r egard t o the car d you senther. Can you send a f ormal r equest f or use of "Worl d On Fi r e" f or your websi t e? Woul d t hi s bewww. one. org? Al so any det ai l s about t he Cl i pper St adi um i nfo woul d be appr eci ated.

     Thanks so much,Col een- -Col een NovakNet t wer k Management8730 Wi l shi r e Bl vd. , #304Beverl y Hi l l s, CA 90211

    Ph: ( 310) 855- 0668Fx: ( 310) 855- 0674Ef ax: ( 310) 388-0803Cel l : ( 917) 861- 6309AI M: Col een212

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    THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT (the “agreement”) is made and entered into this _______ day of MONTH, YEAR , by and between Lancaster Baseball Club, LLC, a

    Lancaster, Pennsylvania limited liability company d/b/a Lancaster Barnstormers(hereinafter “Licensor”), PROMOTER NAME. (hereinafter “Licensee”).


    WHEREAS, Licensor leases and operates a sports facility in Lancaster,Pennsylvania currently known as Clipper Magazine Stadium and, subject to the consentof the Redevelopment Authority of the County of Lancaster (the owner of ClipperMagazine Stadium), has the power and authority to license the use thereof to others forthe purpose of holding and presenting certain events; and

    WHEREAS, Licensee desires to license the use of the Stadium and its facilitiesand adjacent areas from Licensor, and Licensor desires to license the use thereof toLicensee, for the purpose of holding and presenting a concert with NAME OFBAND(S)(the “Event”), all subject to the terms and conditions set forth below.

     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and agreementscontained herein, and intending to be legally bound hereby, the parties agree as follows:

    1. Grant of License; Premises:

    Licensor hereby grants to Licensee license to use, and Licensor shall makeavailable to Licensee, that portion of Clipper Magazine Stadium and its facilitiesand adjacent areas as may be necessary for the presentation of the Event,including the Stadium’s field, seating facilities, access areas, public address,sound systems, corridors, stairways, walks and lavatories in or about the Stadium,and such other areas or parts of the Stadium as may be necessary for the presentation of the Event, all upon the terms and conditions set forth herein.Licensee hereby agrees to, and shall, use the Stadium to hold and present theEvent as contemplated by this Agreement.

    2. Term; Scheduling:

    A. The term of the license granted hereby shall begin on DATE AND TIME and shall expire on DATE AND TIME (the “Term”).

    B. In addition to the period set forth in the preceding section, Licensor shallmake the Stadium available to Licensee, without charge, for (i) preparation of the Event and delivery, move-in and set-up of Licensee’sfreight and other properties on TIME AND DATE, and (ii) load-out

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    immediately following the conclusion of the Event, ending at a mutuallyagreed time but in no event later than TIME AND DATE. 

    C. Coordination of any and all deliveries for the Event will be theresponsibility of Licensee. If load-out shall run beyond the mutually

    agreed upon time, Licensee shall be liable for any additional expensesincurred by Licensor, including, but not limited to, payments to unionlabor, if applicable.

    D. Licensor and Licensee agree that the Event shall be held “Rain or shine”; provided, however, that is Licensor reasonable believes rain or otherinclement weather is likely to present a hazard or danger to patrons,Licensor shall advise Licensee thereof, and the Event shall be cancelled(unless the parties mutually agree to postpone the Event to another date).In the event of any cancellation of the Event due to the foregoing,Licensee shall pay to Licensor an amount to cover any and all

    Reimbursable Expenses (defined in Section 6B) incurred by Licensor in preparation for the Event. In the event of thunderstorms at the time of theEvent, the Event shall be delayed until such thunderstorms have passed.

    3. Duties of Licensee:  In connection with the presentation of the Event, Licenseeshall provide (or cause to be provided) and pay for the following:

    A.(1) All participants and staff required for the proper presentation of the

    Event, including, but not limited to, set-up and take-down personnel, together with Workers’ Compensation Insurance withrespect to such personnel;

    (2) All tangible items of property necessary for the proper presentationof the Event, including, but not limited to, all productionequipment, stage and all other materials and supplies necessary fora concert.

    B. All ASCAP, BMI and licenses required for the use of copyrighted orlicensed music in connection with the presentation of the Event, and allother licenses or permits required in connection with the use of theStadium for the Event, all of which licenses and permits shall be procured by Licensee prior to commencement of the Term and presented toLicensor upon request;

    C. The advertising, promotion and publicity campaign necessary anddesirable to promote the Event; and

    D. Fifty complimentary tickets to the Event, which Licensor may use in itsdiscretion.

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     4. Duties of Licensor: In connection with the presentation of the Event, Licensor

    shall provide, or cause to be provided, the following (the costs of which shall be borne by Licensee, except as otherwise expressly provided below):

    A. At Licensor’s cost, use of the Stadium, public address systems and suchother parts or areas of the Stadium as may be necessary for Licensee to present and produce (if applicable) the Event;

    B. Electricity and other utilities for lighting, heating, air conditioning andother services used in conjunction with the Event and the set-up andremoval related thereto, as customarily provided for baseball events;

    C. Cleaning and janitorial service during and after the Event;

    D. All necessary support services (as determined by Licensor in its sole

    discretion), including, but not limited to, all ancillary staff necessary tohold the Event at the Stadium (other than those being provided byLicensee pursuant to Section 3A(1) above), including ushers, doormen,emergency medical technicians, security personnel and parking attendants;and

    E. Additional items, personnel, and services, other than those set forth above,which Licensee requests to be provided in connection with the Event andwhich Licensor is reasonable able to provide, such as stagehands for set-up, take-down and productions, additional production requirements, andlighting and/or sound equipment other than the current sound or lightingsystem in the Stadium used for baseball events, all of which shall besubject to the approval of Licensor and shall be provided at additional costto Licensee.

    5. Marketing and Advertising; Sponsorships:

    A. Licensee, at its expense, shall provide the necessary personnel to, and shalluse its reasonable best efforts to, market and promote the Event. Licensoragrees to assist Licensee in marketing and promoting the Event by providing in-Stadium advertising of the Event prior to the Event.

    B.(1) Other than the in-Stadium advertisements provided by Licensor as

    set forth in Section 5A above, all advertisements for the Eventshall be developed by Licensee (including, but not limited to, alladvertising, publicity and promotions material, press releases, poster, flyers and handbills) and shall be produced at the sole costand expense of Licensee.

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    (2) Without the prior written approval of Licensor, which approvalmay be withheld in Licensor’s sole discretion, Licensee shall not permit any commercial banner, signage, advertisement or promotional announcement to be posted or made within theStadium. In the event Licensee approves any in-Stadium banner,

    signage or advertisement, the exact location of any such signage oradvertisement shall be subject to the approval of Licensor, andshall not interfere with, cover up, or obscure any pre-exitingsignage in the Stadium.

    (3) (I) Subject to the provisions of Section 5B(2) and Section5B(3)(ii), Licensee shall have the right to sell sponsorships for the Event.All revenues generated from the sale by Licensee of such sponsorshipshall be retained by Licensee, provided that all such sales shall be subjectto the prior written approval of Licensor.

    (ii) Each advertising or promotional agreement which Licenseeenters into with a third party (a “Third Party Agreement”)respecting in-Stadium signage shall include a provision requiringtermination or preemption thereof in the event that any provisionsthereof conflict with any obligations of Licensor in any agreementnow or hereafter entered into between Licensor and an advertiserrequiring exclusivity in the advertisement or sponsorship of any product or service which is the subject of such Third PartyAgreement. Licensee shall provide a written list of existingsponsors upon execution hereof and (if applicable) at least thirty(30) days prior to the commencement of the Term. In the evenLicensor requires termination or redemption of such Third PartyAgreement, Licensor shall give Licensee five (5) days prior writtennotice thereof, and such termination or preemption shall beeffective upon Licensor’s delivery of such notice.

    (4) Licensee shall make mention of the name “Clipper MagazineStadium” as the site of the Event in connection with anyadvertising or promotion thereof. All promotional materials shallcontain the standard Clipper Magazine Stadium name. However,Licensor must approve all such uses of the Clipper MagazineStadium name prior to dissemination of any promotional materials,which approval shall not be unreasonable withheld or delayed.

    (5) All advertisements for the Event presented by Licensee pursuant tothe provisions of this Agreement (including, but not limited to, alladvertising, publicity and promotions material, press releases, posters, flyers, handbills and radio and television commercials)shall be submitted by Licensee to Licensor for its prior approval before use.

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    6. License Fee: 

    A. In consideration of the license granted hereby and Licensor’s agreement to provide the items set forth in Section 4 hereof, Licensee shall pay Licensor

    the following (collectively, the “License Fee”):

    (1) A fee of Gross Proceeds (as defined below) as follows:

    Gross Proceeds Fee to Licensor

    All tickets sold, base rental feeOn a per ticket sold basis $3.00 per ticket sold


    The term “Gross Proceeds” as used herein means gross proceeds from thefees charged for admission to the Event.

    (2) Reimbursable expenses of Licensor as listed in Sections 4Bthrough 4E, inclusive, and elsewhere in this Agreement(collectively, the “Reimbursable Expenses”).

    B. At the conclusion of the Event, Licensor and Licensee shall conduct a preliminary settlement respecting all items of income and expense whichare subjects of this Agreement. At said settlement, Licensee and Licensorshall preliminarily account to the other for all income items received byeach as of such date and shall make payment to the other (if applicable) ofany and all sums due to the other in accordance with this Section 6, exceptkids under 3 years of age. A final settlement shall be made by the partieswithin seven (7) business days following the expiration of the Term.

    C. Licensee acknowledges that use of all Suites and other “Premium Seating”areas of the Stadium (including the picnic, hospitality and VIP areas of theStadium) are not hereby licensed to Licensee. Licensor hereby grantscomplimentary tickets to all 22 skybox holders. Licensor agrees not to use picnic area. Licensor will have the opportunity to sell other premiumseating in suite level.

    D. Licensee shall pay Licensor the License Fee and any and all additionalfees due hereunder without abatement, deduction or set-off. Licensormay, at its election, collect all or any part of the License Fee duehereunder out of the receipts of fees charged for admission, but whateversource, or concessions provided by or on behalf of Licensor, and Licensorshall have a first lien upon and security interest in such receipts to the

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    extent of any amount required to be paid to Licensor by Licenseehereunder.

    7. Licenses: 

    Licensee shall secure in advance, prior to commencement of the Term, (a) alllicenses and permits that may be required by or in connection with the use of theStadium for the Event and (b) all licenses required by any performing artssocieties, such as ASCAP and/or BMI, for music or other works to be utilized ordisplayed in connection with the Event. Licensee shall do all other acts necessaryto comply with all laws and requirements of all public authorities and all rules andregulations of Licensor in connection with the presentation of the Event.

    8. Concessions; Merchandising: 

    A. Licensor specifically reserves to itself and its concessionaires the right to

    sell, and the right to retain proceeds from the sale of refreshments and beverages, parking privileges and all other concessions at the Event.

    C. Licensee will pay Licensor 20% of the net sales for selling Licensee’smerchandise, including but not limited to: clothing, CD’s, programs, andother souvenirs. Any sales tax is the responsibility of the Licensee.

    9. Broadcasting:

    Without the prior written approval of Licensor, which approval shall not beunreasonably withheld or delayed, Licensee shall not in any manner transmit,record or videotape or otherwise reproduce or disseminate any part of, or adescription of any part of, the Event (including, but not limited to, radio,television, cable television, commercial television, closed circuit television and/or pay television, video disc or phonograph recording).

    10. Insurance:

    A. Licensee shall obtain, at its own cost and expense, commercial generalliability insurance in the name of Licensee which shall insure alloperations of Licensee contemplated by this Agreement and thecontractual assumption of liability reflected by this Agreement. Suchinsurance shall be written with a limit of at least One Million Dollars($1,000,000.00) per occurrence combined single limit for bodily injuryand property damage liability, personal injury liability and coverage for allacts and/or omissions of Licensee. Such insurance shall be endorsed to be primary as respects claims out of Licensee’s negligence to and notcontributory with any coverage of Licensor, Lancaster Barnstormers or theCity of Lancaster, Pennsylvania which may be applicable to the claim.Licensee shall also cause the required policy of insurance to include

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    Licensor, Lancaster Barnstormers and the Redevelopment Authority of theCounty of Lancaster as additional insureds with respect to the operationsand obligations contemplated by this Agreement.

    B. Licensee shall also maintain, at its own cost and expense, Workman’s

    Compensation Insurance in respect of its players, performers and otheremployees whose services are contemplated by this Agreement.

    C. Certificates evidencing insurance required pursuant to this Section 10 shall be provided to Licensor not less than ten (10) days prior tocommencement of the Term. The policies shall also provide, and thecertificate shall so note, that the coverage’s may not be canceled or that amajor change in coverage may not be implemented without at least thirty(30) days’ prior written notice given to Licensor.



    E. In the event that Licensee fails to procure and present the aforesaidinsurance, Licensor shall have the right, but not the obligation, to do so onLicensee’s behalf and at Licensee’s expense and shall be entitled toreimbursement for the costs thereof as part of the License Fee due and payable hereunder.

    F. None of Licensor or its officers, partners, employees or agents shall beresponsible or liable for any loss or damage to the personal property ofLicensee or its employees, players, performers or agents in connectionwith its use of the Stadium hereunder.

    11. Indemnity:

    A. Licensee shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Licensor,Redevelopment Authority of the county of Lancaster and the County ofLancaster and each of their affiliates and each of their officers, agents andemployees from and against (i) any and all losses, costs, expenses

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    (including, but not limited to, attorney’s fees), damages and liabilitiesarising out of or in connection with any breach by Licensee of any of itsrepresentations, warranties, covenants or agreements contained herein and(ii) any and all losses, injuries or damages to any person or any propertyarising out of or sustained in connection with the exercise of the privileges

    herein granted or the provision by Licensor of materials, equipment orservices in connection therewith, except for any and all losses, expenses,costs, damages and liabilities arising out of Licensor, RedevelopmentAuthority of the county of Lancaster and Lancaster County’s negligence.

    B. Licensor makes no warranty or representation to Licensee of any kind(express or implied) regarding the suitability of or compliance withapplicable laws by the Stadium, or any portion thereof, as built, for anyaspect of the use Licensee expects or intends to make of the Stadium.Accordingly, Licensee acknowledges and agrees that it has made anadequate investigation and inspection of the Stadium and has made its

    own determination regarding the suitability of the Stadium for Licensee’s proposed use and is satisfied with the condition, fitness and order thereof.Licensee further agrees that the Stadium shall be delivered by Licensor toLicensee “AS IS,” “WHERE IS” and “WITH ANY AND ALL FAULTS”and without warranty, express or implied, as to the merchantability orfitness for the use thereof for any particular purpose. Licensee herebywaives any claims against Licensor and the Redevelopment Authority ofthe County of Lancaster and their affiliates and their respective officers,agents and employees for defects in the Stadium, including latent defects.Commencement of the use of the Stadium by Licensee shall be conclusivethat the Stadium was in good repair and satisfactory condition, fitness andorder when such use commenced.

    C. Licensor and its affiliates, and their respective officers, agents andemployees, shall not be liable to Licensee, and Licensee waives all claimsagainst such parties, for injury, death, or damage to person or propertysustained by Licensee or any person claiming through Licensee resultingfrom any condition, accident or occurrence in or upon the Stadium or anyother part of the Stadium, except for any and all claims arising out ofLicensor’s and its affiliates negligence.

    D. This Section 11 shall survive any termination or expiration of thisAgreement.

    12. Admission:

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    During the Term hereof, all admittance into the Stadium shall be by generaladmission and, subject to any and all use and occupancy restrictions imposed bythe Redevelopment Authority of the County of Lancaster and its applicableagencies, patrons will be granted admission to the Stadium only upon payment ofan admission fee to Licensee. Licensee and Licensor shall mutually agree on the

     price of admission. Licensee shall be solely responsible for collecting theadmission fees and shall serve as the custodian of record for the admission fees.Upon any cancellation of the Event for any reason, Licensee shall be responsiblefor refunding any admission fees paid in advance.

    13. Remedies Upon Breach:

    In the event any party fails to perform any of its obligations herein, the non- breaching party shall give the breaching party notice in writing of such breach. Ifthe breaching party shall not cure said breach within ten (10) days after receipt ofnotice if a monetary breach, or within thirty (30) days after receipt of notice if a

     breach of any other nature, the non-breaching party, at its option , shall have theright to (i) cancel this Agreement by giving five (5) days written notice thereof tothe breaching party, (ii) sue the breaching party for legal or equitable relief,and/or (iii) pursue any other remedy allowed hereunder or under applicable law; provided, however, in the event thee non-breaching party may suffer irreparableharm as a result of the breaching party’s breach, then it shall not be required togive written notice to the breaching party, or to wait any period of time before pursuing any remedies hereunder or under applicable law.

    14. Minors; Foreign Nationals:

    In the event that any minor or foreign national is scheduled to appear in the Eventwhich is the subject of this Agreement, Licensee shall, in advance of such Event,obtain all necessary Employment Certificates and other permits andauthorizations as may be required by any governmental authority.

    15.  Compliance With Laws:

    A. Licensee shall abide by, conform to and comply with, and shall causeevery person under its direction or control who is connected with the performance of any aspect of this Agreement to fully abide by, conformto and comply with all applicable laws, rules, regulations and ordinancesof the United States of America, the State of Pennsylvania, LancasterCounty, City of Lancaster, and their respective agencies, as well as allrules and regulations of Licensor for the use, occupancy and operation ofthe Stadium. If Licensee is controlling any sale or distribution of ticketsor is charging an admission fee, Licensee will comply with all federal,state or municipal laws, statues, ordinances or regulations relating to the payment of or taxes or charges on tickets, admissions or reservation, andmake returns and pay all such taxes or charges immediately when due, and

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    indemnify Licensor against all liability, claim, loss or payment of any kind by reason of Licensee’s failure or omission to comply with any such lawor regulation and/or to pay all or any taxes or charges.

    B. Licensee shall not use or attempt to use any part of Stadium for nay use or

     proposed use which would be contrary to law, common decency or goodmorals or otherwise improper or detrimental to the reputation of Licensor.

    C. Licensee agrees not to discriminate against any employee or any applicantfor employment for any reason prohibited by law, and further agrees not todiscriminate against any person relative to admission, services or privileges offered to or enjoyed by the general public for any reason prohibited by law.

    16. Restrictions On and Further Obligations of Licensee:

    A. Licensee agrees not to do any act or suffer any act to be done during theTerm of this Agreement which shall mar, deface or injure any part of theStadium; and upon expiration of the Term, Licensee shall deliver up toLicensor the premises aforesaid in as good condition and repair as thesame be found at the beginning of the Term, excepting usual wear andtear. Any repairs necessary to the field shall be made by Licensor (underthe supervision and direction of Licensor) immediately following theEvent, at the sole cost of Licensee.

    B. If Licensee brings into the Stadium any additional displays, props,decorations, material or other personal property, it must fully comply withthe Fire Code of Lancaster City, i.e., all wiring on booths or displayfixtures must meet the rules and standards of the applicable Board of FireUnderwriters and Fire Department. Among other precautions, cloth, paperdecorations, pipe boughs, leaves, tree branches and all other decorationsmust be flameproofed. Use of combustible material is forbidden.

    (1) Licensee understands that approval from the Fire Marshall’s Officeand a Permit from the Department of Licenses and Inspectionsmust be obtain before bringing into the Stadium explosives,gasoline, kerosene, acetylene or other fuel or combustibles. Such a permit shall be submitted for review to Licensor upon receipt and prior to the commencement of the Term.

    (2) Licensee understands that the fire fighting equipment in theStadium, such as fire extinguishers and fire hose cabinets and exits,shall not be covered or concealed in any manner whatsoever from public view or access.

    C. Licensee shall use the Stadium in a safe and careful manner.

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     D. (1) Licensor and its authorized representatives shall have the right at

    all times to enter upon and have access to the Stadium.

    (2) A duly authorized representative of Licensee shall be in attendance

    at the Stadium when doors are opened and throughout the event scheduledhereunder. Licensee shall provide all of its representatives and working personnel to be admitted to any part of the Stadium with distinctive, visualidentification which shall be approved by Licensor prior to thecommencement of the Term.

    E. In licensing the use of the Stadium to Licensee, it is understood thatLicensor does not relinquish the right to control the management thereofand to enforce all necessary rules and regulations. The decision ofLicensor’s representatives as to be the number of persons that can safelyand freely move about in the Stadium shall be final.

    F. All portions of the sidewalks, entries, doors, passages, vestibules, halls,corridors. Stairways, passageways and all ways of access to public utilitiesof the Stadium shall be kept unobstructed by Licensee and not used forany other purpose other than ingress or egress.

    17. Miscellaneous:

    A. This Agreement (including any and all exhibits hereto) reflects the entireagreement between the parties respecting the subject matter hereof andsupersedes any and all prior agreements, understandings or commitments,written or oral, between the parties hereto. This Agreement may only bemodified or amended by a subsequent written agreement signed by both parties hereto.

    B. Notices by Licensor and Licensee to each other shall be deemed dulygiven if (i) delivered personally with a signed receipt evidencing suchdelivery, (ii) transmitted by telecopier with confirmation of transmission.(iii) mailed by certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, or(iv) delivered by duly recognized air courier service to the followingaddresses:


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    Licensor: Lancaster BarnstormersClipper Magazine Stadium

    PO Box 4728650 North Prince StreetLancaster, PA 17603Attn: Joe Pinto, General ManagerFax: (717) 509-4486

    C. This Agreement may be transferred or assigned by Licensee provided theassignee agrees, in writing, to be bound by all of the provision hereof.

    D. The relationship between Licensor and Licensee is that of independentcontractors and not agents or employees. Under no circumstances shall

    this license be considered a contract of partnership or joint venture. Neither party shall be liable for any of the debts, accounts, obligations orother liabilities of the other party, its agents or employees, and neither party shall have any authority to obligate or bind the other party in anymanner except as may be expressly provided herein.

    E. Subject to the provisions of Section 2E. above:

    (1) If any event occurs whereby Licensor’s performance hereunder ismaterially hampered, whether before or during the Term, as aresult (wholly or in part) of any cause not entirely withinLicensor’s control and which it could not by reasonable diligencehave avoided, such as destruction or damage to the Stadium orunfitness of the Stadium for occupancy as a result of fire or otherAct of God, riot, labor strike, national or local emergency, calamityor other cause entirely within Licensor’s control (each “LicensorFor Majeure”), Licensor’s performance under this Agreement shall be suspended for the period of the Licensor for the affected periodwithout any further liability or obligation on the part of theLicensor which arises out of suspension.

    (2) If any event occurs whereby Licensee’s performance hereunder ismaterially hampered, whether before or during the Term, as aresult (wholly or in part) of any cause not entirely withinLicensee’s control and which it could not by reasonable diligencehave avoided (each a “Licensee Force Majeure”), then, withoutlimiting Licensor’s rights as a result of the occurrence of theLicensee Force Majeure, Licensor shall have the option, withoutliability, to suspend the engagement for the Event for the duration

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    of such Licensee Force ajeure, by giving Licensee written noticethereof.

    (3) Upon removal or cessation of the Licensor Force Majeure orLicensee Force Majeure, as applicable, the parties’ respective

    rights and obligations hereunder shall be reinstated.

    F. This Agreement is entered into in the State of Pennsylvania and, in eventof any controversy or litigation, shall be governed by and construed inaccordance with the laws of the State of Pennsylvania, without regard toits principles of conflicts of laws.

    G. No waiver shall be effective unless in writing and executed by the [arty to be charged with such waiver. No waiver shall be deemed a continuingwaiver in respect of any subsequent breach or default, whether or similaror dissimilar nature, unless expressly so stated in writing.

    H. The invalidity or unenforceability of any particular provision of thisAgreement shall not affect the other provisions hereof, and this Agreementshall be construed in all respects as if such invalid or unenforceable provision were omitted.

    I. Any headings preceding the text of the several sections, paragraphs orsubparagraphs hereof are inserted solely for convenience of reference andshall not constitute a part of this Agreement, nor shall they affect itsmeaning, construction or effect.

    J. This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of whichshall be deemed an original but together shall constitute one and the sameinstrument.

    K. Licensee represents and warrants to Licensor that it has the full right, power and authority to enter into and perform this Agreement.

    L. This Agreement and Licensee’s rights hereunder shall be subject in allrespects to the approval of the Redevelopment Authority of the County ofLancaster.

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     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed thisAgreement the day and year first above written.



    By: _______________________________ Name: _____________________________Title: ______________________________


    Lancaster Barnstormers

    By: _______________________________ Name: Joe PintoTitle: General Manager, Lancaster Barnstormers

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    Schedule or People

    Caterbone/Advanced Media Group - Launch2016


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    tmaster Confirmation Print Receipt


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    Order #69-12653/PHI Print Receipt

    VIP Badge: Launch Music Conference & FestivalFreedom Hall / Lancaster Co. Convention Center, Lancaster, PAThu, Apr 21, 2016 12:00 AM - Sat, Apr 23, 2016 12:00 AM

    Details: Launch Music Conference & Festival

    VIP Badge: Launch Music

    Conference & FestivalFreedom Hall / Lancaster Co.Convention Center, Lancaster, PAThu, Apr 21, 2016 12:00 AM - Sat, Apr23, 2016 12:00 AM

    Phase 4 Pricing

    Section GA

    US $97.95 x 1

    Price Details

    US $97.95

    Payment Info.MasterCard ************7232

    Order DateApr 20, 2016



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    Order Processing Fee US $3.55

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    Total US $101.50

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    Freedom From Covert Harassment & Srve!""an#e$%

    Re!stered !n Penns'"van!a

    1250 Fremont Street

    Lancaster, PA



    A(r!" )*$ )*+,

    Stan J. Caterbone-Advan#ed Med!a Gro( !ora(/'

    Present 0 Advan#ed Med!a Gro($ Pres!dent$ O1ner$ and Fonder.

    In +234 $ became a %e&eral w'istleblower %or t'e case o% local &e%ense contractor $nternational Signalan& (ontrol, or $S(. $S( was a blac) ops program %or t'e *SA an& ($A t'at was con!icte& in 1##2 %or

    an elaborate sc'eme to arm $ra+ an& ot'er i&&le -astern countries wit' a broa& arra o% weapons,most notabl cluster bombs. $t was t'e t'ir& larges %rau& in /.S. istor at t'at time. $ 'a!e been a

    !ictim o% organie& stal)ing since 1#7 an& a !ictim o% electronic an& &irect energ weapons since 2005.$ 'a& also been telepat'ic since 2005. $n 2005 t'e /.S. Sponsore& in& (ontrol turne& into an all"out

    assault o% mental telepat' snt'etic telepat' 'ac)ing o% all electronic &e!ices !an&ilism an& t'e%tso% personal propert, e4tortions, intellectual propert !iolations, obstruction o% ustice !iolations o% &ue

    process t'e%ts an& mo&i%ications o% court &ocuments an& pain an& torture t'roug' t'e use o% &irecte&energ &e!ices an& weapons t'at usuall %ire a low %re+uenc electromagnetic energ at t'e targete&

    !ictim. 'is assault was no coinci&ence in t'at it began simultaneousl wit' t'e %iling o% t'e %e&eralaction in /.S. istrict (ourt, or (A-89:*- !. Lancaster (ount Prison, et. al., or 05"c!"22. 'is

    assault began a%ter t'e 'an&lers remotel traine&;sc'ronie& Stan s.

    In )*+5 $ %ile& an amicus curie on be'al% o% Lisa ic'elle Lambert w'o was con!icte& in 1##2 o% t'emur&er o% Laurie S'ow, bot' o% Lancaster, Pennsl!ania. $ currentl am in litigation in t'e /.S. 'ir&

    (ircuit (ourt o% Appeals an& in Februar o% 2016 Lisa ic'elle Lambert publis'e& 'er boo) title& (orruption in Lancaster (ount B StorC, w'ic' is a!ailable in boo)stores an& on $

    am in %re+uent contact wit' 'er co"aut'or, a!e 9rown o% P'ila&elp'ia, Pennsl!ania.

    Stan J. Caterbone/Advanced Media Group Biography Page 1 of 6 Wednesday, April 20, 2016

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    In )**2 $ Propose& an :8?A*$D- SAL@$*? A* $8-(- -*-8?E -AP:*S A8ASS-* 9$LL

    to Pennsl!ania ouse o% 8epresentati!e i)e Sturla GLancaster, Pennsl!aniaH an& (it o% Lancasteraor 8ic'ar& ?ra in 200#. 'e &ra%t legislation is t'e wor) o% issouri ouse o% 8epresentati!e s strategic planning

    an& t'e per%ormance it e4pects %rom it>s management team in or&er to increase s'are'ol&er !alue.-4pan&ing t'e %ootprint o% t'e regional ban) 'as not iel&e& an increase to t'e bottom line t'at is

    consistent wit' t'e e4pectations o% s'are'ol&ers. Lancaster (ount 'as seen se!eral local ban)inginstitutions ac+uire& b larger regional ban)s, t'us increasing t'e competition Fulton Financial will see in

    it>s local mar)etplace as well as in it>s regional %ootprint.

    In )**5 $, as a Pro Se Litigant %ile& se!eral ci!il actions as Plainti%%s t'at are in current litigation in t'e

    /nite& States istrict (ourt %or t'e -astern istrict o% Pennsl!ania, t'e /nite& States 'ir& istrict(ourt o% Appeals, t'e Pennsl!ania Supreme (ourt, 'e Pennsl!ania Superior (ourt, t'e

    (ommonwealt' (ourt o% Pennsl!ania, 'e (ourt o% (ommon Pleas o% Lancaster (ount, Pennsl!ania.'ese litigations inclu&e !iolations o% intellectual propert rig'ts, anti"trust !iolations, an& inter%erence

    o% contracts relating to se!eral business interests. (entral to t'is litigation is t'e igital o!ie, igitalec'nologies, Financial anagement ?roup, Lt&,;F? A&!isor, Lt&., an& itKs a%%iliate& businesses along

    wit' a Fe&eral False (laims Act or Fe&eral 'istleblowers Act regar&ing t'e %irm o% $nternational Signal

    an& (ontrol, Plc., G$S(H t'e 19illion ollar Frau& an& t'e -4port !iolations o% selling arms to Sout'A%rica an& $ra+. 'is litigation &ates bac) to 1#7. Stan

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    In )**6 $ embar)e& on our past en&ea!ors in t'e music an& entertainment in&ustries wit' an emp'asison assisting %or t'e %air an& e+uitable &istribution o% artists rig'ts an& roalties in t'e %ig't against

    electronic pirac. e 'a!e attempte& to assist in &e!eloping new business mo&els to a&&ress t'econ!ergence o% p'sical an& electronic me&iums as it &isplaces roalties an& re!enues %or t'ose

    creating, promoting, an& &eli!ering a range o% entertainment content !ia wireless networ)s.

    In )*** to )**) $ &e!elope& an arra o% mar)eting an& communication tools %or w'olesalers o% t'eA$ $n!estment ?roup  an& manage& se!eral communication programs %or se!eral o% t'e companw'olesalers t'roug'out t'e /nite& States an& (osta 8ica. e also began a a ra&ing proect t'at

    laste& until 200= wit' success.

    In +222 $ &e!elope& a compre'ensi!e business plan to &e!elop t'e %ormer Sprec'er 9rewer, )nown as

    t'e -4celsior 9uil&ing  on -. @ing Street, in Lancaster, Pennsl!ania. 'is plan was &e!elope& inconunction wit' t'e (ompre'ensi!e -conomic e!elopment Plan %or t'e 8e!italiation o% owntown

    Lancaster an& t'e owntown Lancaster (on!ention (enter %or t'e %ormer att M S'an& buil&ing.

    In +222 $ contribute& to t'e &ebate, researc', an& implementation o% strategies to counter t'e e%%ects

    o% t'e global E2@ t'reat to t'e worl&s computer tec'nologies. $ atten&e& t'e /.S. Sponsore& E2@

    smposium an& (on%erence in as'ington, .(. 'oste& b t'e Senate E2@ Subcommittee an& Senator

    illiam 9ennett.

    In +223 $ 'a& began to a&minister t'e c'arit gi!ing o% omKs Proect ope, a non"pro%it organiation

    promoting e&ucation an& awareness %or mental illness an& suici&e pre!ention. e 'a& pro!i&e& %un&ing%or t'e ental ealt' Alliance o% Lancaster (ount, (ontact Lancaster G'e 2=;7 Suici&e Pre!ention

    otlineH, 'e Sc'reiber Pe&iatric (enter, an& ot'er c'aritable organiations an& %ait' base& c'arities.'e !i&eo I*umbers on>t LieI 'a!e been &istribute& to sc'ools, non pro%it organiations, %ait' base&

    initiati!es, an& municipalities to pro!i&e e&ucational support %or t'e pre!ention o% suici&e an& to bring

    awareness to mental illness problems.

    In +22, $ 'a& &one consulting %or companies un&er @AL, $nc., &uring t'e time t'at $ was controller o% P%lumm (ontractors, $nc., $ was retaine& b ?allo 8osso 8estaurant an& 9ar to computerie& t'eir

    accounting an& recor&s management %rom top to bottom. $ 'a& also pro!i&e& consulting %or t'e

    computeriation o% accounting an& paroll %or Lancaster (ontainer, $nc., o% as'ington 9oro. $ wasretaine& to e!aluate an& &e!elop an action plan to migrate t'e $n%ormations ec'nologies o% t'e

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    In +22+ $ was electe& to People to People $nternational an& t'e (itien Ambassa&or Program, w'ic'was %oun&e& b Presi&ent wig't . -isen'ower in 1#56. 'e program was %oun&e& to o gi!e

    specialists %rom t'roug'out t'e worl& greater opportunities to wor) toget'er an& e%%ecti!elcommunicate wit' peers, 'e (itien Ambassa&or program a&ministers %ace"to"%ace scienti%ic, tec'nical,

    an& pro%essional e4c'anges t'roug'out t'e worl&. $n 1#61, un&er Presi&ent s ?eo Sstems, w'ic' was &e!eloping !arious interacti!e mapping tec'nologies, w'ic' is now a

    maor asset o% ap Juest. ap Juest is t'e premier pro!i&er o% mapping so%tware an& applications %ort'e internet an& is o%ten use& in &eli!ering maps an& &irections %or Fortune 500 companies. e 'a&

    arrange& %or ig' $n&ustries to sell American eli4, t'e manu%acturer o% compact &iscs, to 8.8. onnell.e 'a& bro)ere& a &eal an& t'e e4ecuti!es %rom onnellKs ('icago 'ea&+uarters %lew to Lancaster to

    &iscuss t'e &eal an& per%orm &ue &iligence o% t'e manu%acturing %acilit locate& in t'e ?reen%iel&$n&ustrial Par).

    In +234 Po1er Stat!on Std!os o8 Ne1 9or: an& ;on' on!ov! retaine& me as e4ecuti!e pro&ucero% a motion picture proect. 'e t'eatrical an& !i&eo release was to be &eli!ere& in a &igital %ormat t'e

    %irst o% itKs )in&. e 'a& originate& t'e mar)eting %or t'e tec'nolog, an& create& t'e concept %or t'ePower Station igital o!ie Sstem GPSSH, w'ic' woul& %ollow t'e coprig't an& mar)eting %ormula

    o% t'e :L9E tec'nolog tra&emar).

    e 'a& also create& an& &e!elope& mar)eting an& patent researc' %or t'e &e!elopment an&

    commercialiation o% e+uipment t'at we inten&e& to manu%acture an& mar)et to t'e recor&ing in&ustr%eaturing t'e &igital tec'nolog. Si&el, ?on&a, ?ol&'ammer, an& Abbot, P.(. o% P'ila&elp'ia was t'e lea&

    patent law %irm t'at e 'a& retaine& %or t'e proect. Power Station Stu&ios was t'e brainc'il& o% on9ongio!i, a lea&ing engineering genius &isco!ere& b otown w'en 'e was 15. on an& Power Station

    Stu&ios was one o% t'e lea&ing recor&ing stu&ios in t'e countr, an& were responsible %or &e!eloping 9on

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    $ also create& t'e concept %or t'e PSS tra&emar), w'ic' was to be t'e ra&emar) logo %or t'e

    tec'nolog, similar to t'e :L9E soun& sstemKs tra&emar). 'e acronmKs stan& %or t'e Power Stationigital o!ie Sstem. o&a, O is t'e mainsta %or &eli!ering &igital mo!ies on a portable me&ium, a

    compact &isc.

    In +234 $ 'a& a create& an& &e!elope& F? ortgage 9an)ing, a compan t'at was %un&e& b a maorban)ing %irm in ouston e4as. e 'a& t'e capabilit to %inance proects %rom 3 to 100 million &ollars.

    :ur terms an& rates were so attracti!e t'at we 'a& +uic)l recei!e& solicitations %rom &e!elopers acrosst'e countr. e were also !er attracti!e to companies t'at wante& to raise capital t'at inclu&e bot'

    &ebt an& e+uit. 'roug' m compan, F?, we coul& raise e+uit %un&ing t'roug' pri!ate placements,

    an& &ebt %un&ing t'roug' F? ortgage 9an)ing. e were retaine& b ?amillion Stu&ios o% ollwoo&,(ali%ornia to secure %inancing o% t'eir postpro&uction Film Stu&io t'at was loo)ing to relocate to *ort'

    (arolina. e 'a& secure& re%inancing pac)ages %or *orris 9o& o% an& t'e :l&e ic)or an& were in t'emi&st o% replacing t'e current loan t'at was wit' (ommonwealt' *ational 9an). e 'a& meetings an&

    &iscussions wit' rew Anton o% t'e -&en 8esort, %or re%inancing a portion o% 'is &ebt port%olio. e were+uic)l see)ing commitments %or real estate &eals %rom *ew Eor) to (ali%ornia. e also 'a& a number o% 

    ot'er prominent local &e!elopers see)ing our competiti!e %un&ing, inclu&ing :wen @ugal, ig'

    $n&ustries, an& t'e art Sponougle a partner o% 'e Fis'er ?roup Gowner o% t'e 8t. 30 :utletsH. ewere constantl tol& t'at our %inancing pac)ages were more competiti!e t'an local institutions.

    In +23, $ 'a& %oun&e& Financial anagement ?roup, Lt& GF?H a large %inancial ser!ices organiation

    comprise& o% a !ariet o% pro%essionals operating in one location. e 'a& &e!elope& a stoc) purc'aseprogram %or w'ere e!erone 'a& t'e opportunit %or e+uit owners'ip in t'e new %irm. F? 'a&

    %inancial planners, in!estment managers, accountants, attornes, realtors, liabilit insurance ser!ices,ta4 preparers, an& estate planners operating out o% our corporate 'ea&+uarters in Lancaster. $n one

    ear, we 'a& 2= people on sta%%, 'a& appro4imatel 12 o%%ices in Pennsl!ania, an&

    se!eral satellite o%%ices in ot'er states. e 'a& in e4cess o% 50 million un&er management, an& our

    a&!isors were generating almost = million o% commissions, w'ic' &i& not inclu&e t'e %ees %rom t'eot'er pro%essionals. e 'a& ac+uire& our own 9ro)er ealer %irm an& were !alue& at about 3 to =


    In +235  $ &e!elope& t'e -aster 8egional Free Agent (amp, t'e %irst Free Agent (amp %or t'e

    Pro%essional Football in&ustr w'ic' was !i&eotape& %or &istribution to t'e teams scouting &epartments.

    GSee as'ington Post page article o% arc' 2=, 1#5H (urrent camps were &epen&ant on t'e teamscouts to tra!el %rom state to state loo)ing %or recruits. e 'a& &e!elope& a strateg o% !i&eo taping t'e

    camp an& t'e &istributing a cop, %ree o% c'arge to t'e teams, to all o% t'e scouting &epartments %or

    teams in all t'ree leagues FL, (FL an& FL. brot'er was signe& at t'at camp b t'e :ttawa8oug'ri&ers o% t'e (FL, an& went on to be a lea&ing recei!er w'ile

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    In +235  $ was electe& Oice Presi&ent o% t'e (entral Pennsl!ania ('apter o% t'e $nternational

    Association o% Financial Planners, an& 'elpe& buil& t'at c'apter b increasing members'ip 3to = times.e 'a& personall retaine& t'e nationall acclaime& an& nationall sn&icate& Financial Planner, s.

    Ale4an&ria Armstrong o% as'ington .(. to 'ost a maor %un&raiser. ore t'an 150 pro%essionals

    atten&e& t'e &inner e!ent t'at was 'el& at t'e -&en 8esort M (on%erence (enter. s. Armstrong&iscusse& %inancial planning an& 'ow all o% t'e pro%essions nee&e& to wor) toget'er in or&er to be moste%%ecti!e %or t'eir clients. e attracte& a wi&e !ariet o% pro%essionals inclu&ing bro)ers, lawers,

    accountants, realtors, ta4 specialists, estate planners, ban)ers, an& in!estment a&!isors. o&a, it 'asbecome e!i&ent t'at %inancial planning was t'e wa o% t'e %uture. $n 1#6 e4ecuti!es approac'e& us

    %rom 9lue 9all *ational 9an) to 'elp t'em &e!elop a Financial Planning &epartment wit'in t'eir ban).

    In +236 $ 'a& 'elpe& to &e!elop strategic planning %or San& eill, %ormer Presi&ent o% (iti ?roup Gt'e

    largest ban)ing entit in t'e /.SH. e were one o% se!eral associates as)e& to 'elp a&!ise on t'e %utureo% Financial Planning an& 'ow it woul& impact t'e bro)erage an& t'e in!estment in&ustr at large. r.

    eil was per%orming &ue &iligence %or t'e merger o% American -4press an& $S G$n!estors i!ersi%ie&Ser!icesH. e were at t'at time a national lea&er in t'e compan in &eli!ering Fee 9ase& Financial

    Planning Ser!ices, w'ic' was a new concept in t'e in!estment communit an& mainstream in!estors.

    'at concept is now wi&el 'el& b most in!estment a&!isers.

    Stan J. Caterbone$ Pro Se

    Freedom From Covert Harassment & Srve!""an#e$%

    Re!stered !n Penns'"van!a

    1250 Fremont Street

    Lancaster, PA



    J.C. No. *70+,02***5 O88!#e o8 t/e C!r#!t E=e#t!ve$ Un!ted States ;/!rd C!r#!t Cort o8A((ea"s 0 (:PLA$* :F

  • 8/17/2019 Recorded Case No. 15-03984 Habeus STATEMENT Re Netwerk Management & Clipper Stadium Agreement for Sar…



    Freedom From Covert Harassment & Srve!""an#e$%

    Re!stered !n Penns'"van!a

    1250 Fremont Street

    Lancaster, PA 17603(((.am"oba"enteta!nmentro).#om

    [email protected]

    A)r!" *+$ ,-*+

    M' Stor' o V!#t!m!/at!on or Derr!#0 Rob!nson1s Do#ment to t2e F3I 

    n 19!7 became a "e#eral $%istleblo$er "or t%e case o" local #e"ense contractor nternational

    Si&nal an# 'ontrol, or S'. S' $as a blac( o)s )ro&ram "or t%e *SA an# 'A t%at $as convicte# in1992 "or an elaborate sc%eme to arm ra+ an# ot%er i##le astern contries $it% a broa# arra/ o" 

    $ea)ons, most notabl/ clster bombs. t $as t%e t%ir# lar&es "ra# in .S. istor/ at t%at time. %avebeen a victim o" or&anie# stal(in& since 19!7 an# a victim o" electronic an# #irect ener&/ $ea)ons

    since 2005. %a# also been tele)at%ic since 2005. n 2005 t%e .S. S)onsore# in# 'ontrol trne#into an all-ot assalt o" mental tele)at%/ s/nt%etic tele)at%/ %ac(in& o" all electronic #evices

    van#ilism an# t%e"ts o" )ersonal )ro)ert/, e4tortions, intellectal )ro)ert/ violations, obstrction o" 

     stice violations o" #e )rocess t%e"ts an# mo#i"ications o" cort #ocments an# )ain an# tortret%ro&% t%e se o" #irecte# ener&/ #evices an# $ea)ons t%at sall/ "ire a lo$ "re+enc/

    electroma&netic ener&/ at t%e tar&ete# victim. %is assalt $as no coinci#ence in t%at it be&ansimltaneosl/ $it% t%e "ilin& o" t%e "e#eral action in .S. istrict 'ort, or 'A8:* v. Lancaster

    'ont/ Prison, et. al., or 05-cv-22!!. %is assalt be&an a"ter t%e %an#lers remotel/traine#;s/c%ronie# Stan s.

    Stan J. Caterbone Story and Evidence of a Targeted Individual  Page 1 of 29 Saturday, April 16, 2016Stan J. Caterbone Story and Evidence of a TI Page 1 of 29 Saturday, April 16, 2016

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    n 2015 "ile# an amics crie on be%al" o" Lisa ic%elle Lambert $%o $as convicte# in 1992 o" 

    t%e mr#er o" Larie S%o$, bot% o" Lancaster, Penns/lvania. crrentl/ am in liti&ation in t%e .S. %ir#'ircit 'ort o" A))eals an# in Febrar/ o" 2016 Lisa ic%elle Lambert )blis%e# %er boo( title#

     'orr)tion in Lancaster 'ont/ B / Stor/C, $%ic% is available in boo(stores an# on am in "re+ent contact $it% %er co-at%or, ave ro$n o" P%ila#el)%ia, Penns/lvania.

    n 2009  Pro)ose# an :8?A*D SAL*? A* 8' *8?E AP:*S A8ASS*LL to Penns/lvania ose o" 8e)resentative i(e Strla GLancaster, Penns/lvaniaH an# 'it/ o" 

    Lancaster a/or 8ic%ar# ?ra/ in 2009. %e #ra"t le&islation is t%e $or( o" issori ose o" 8e)resentative

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    Stan J. Caterbone, Targeted Individual Evidence Page 1 of 27 Saturday, April 16, 2016

    Stan J. Caterbone Affidavit

    Stan J. Caterbone Story and Evidence of a Targeted Individual  Page 3 of 29 Saturday, April 16, 2016Stan J. Caterbone Story and Evidence of a TI Page 3 of 29 Saturday, April 16, 2016

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    Stan J. Caterbone, Targeted Individual Evidence Page 2 of 27 Saturday, April 16, 2016

    Stan J. Caterbone Affidavit

    Stan J. Caterbone Story and Evidence of a Targeted Individual  Page 4 of 29 Saturday, April 16, 2016Stan J. Caterbone Story and Evidence of a TI Page 4 of 29 Saturday, April 16, 2016

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    Stan J. Caterbone, Targeted Individual Evidence Page 3 of 27 Saturday, April 16, 2016

    Stan J. Caterbone Affidavit

    Stan J. Caterbone Story and Evidence of a Targeted Individual  Page 5 of 29 Saturday, April 16, 2016Stan J. Caterbone Story and Evidence of a TI Page 5 of 29 Saturday, April 16, 2016

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    Stan J. Caterbone Affidavit

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    Stan J. Caterbone Affidavit

    Stan J. Caterbone Story and Evidence of a Targeted Individual  Page 7 of 29 Saturday, April 16, 2016Stan J. Caterbone Story and Evidence of a TI Page 7 of 29 Saturday, April 16, 2016

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    Stan J. Caterbone Affidavit

    Stan J. Caterbone Story and Evidence of a Targeted Individual  Page 11 of 29 Saturday, April 16, 2016Stan J. Caterbone Story and Evidence of a TI Page 11 of 29 Saturday, April 16, 2016

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    Stan . Caterbone Stan J. Caterbone

    June 19, 2015



    19 June 15

    Stan J. Caterbone - I was a notary from '94-'98 Don't Know When

    Stan J. Caterbone, Targeted Individual Evidence Page 10 of 27 Saturday, April 16, 2016

    Stan J. Caterbone Affidavit

    Stan J. Caterbone Story and Evidence of a Targeted Individual  Page 12 of 29 Saturday, April 16, 2016Stan J. Caterbone Story and Evidence of a TI Page 12 of 29 Saturday, April 16, 2016

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    39/55THE ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP Page 35 of 41 06/10/2007

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    Stan J. Caterbone AffidavitSamuel P. Caterbone Jr., (Father) Affidavit

    Stan J. Caterbone Story and Evidence of a Targeted Individual  Page 13 of 29 Saturday, April 16, 2016Stan J. Caterbone Story and Evidence of a TI Page 13 of 29 Saturday, April 16, 2016

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    40/55THE ADVANCED MEDIA GROUP Page 36 of 41 06/10/2007

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    Samuel P. Caterbone Jr., (Father) Affidavit

    Stan J. Caterbone Story and Evidence of a Targeted Individual  Page 14 of 29 Saturday, April 16, 2016Stan J. Caterbone Story and Evidence of a TI Page 14 of 29 Saturday, April 16, 2016

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    Stan J. Caterbone, Targeted Individual Evidence Page 13 of 27 Saturday, April 16, 2016

    Sammy Caterbone (Brother) Affidavit

    Stan J. Caterbone Story and Evidence of a Targeted Individual  Page 15 of 29 Saturday, April 16, 2016Stan J. Caterbone Story and Evidence of a TI Page 15 of 29 Saturday, April 16, 2016

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    Stan J. Caterbone, Targeted Individual Evidence Page 14 of 27 Saturday, April 16, 2016

    Sammy Caterbone (Brother) Affidavit

    Stan J. Caterbone Story and Evidence of a Targeted Individual  Page 16 of 29 Saturday, April 16, 2016Stan J. Caterbone Story and Evidence of a TI Page 16 of 29 Saturday, April 16, 2016

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    Stan J. Caterbone, Targeted Individual Evidence Page 15 of 27 Saturday, April 16, 2016

    Sammy Caterbone (Brother) Affidavit

    Stan J. Caterbone Story and Evidence of a Targeted Individual  Page 17 of 29 Saturday, April 16, 2016Stan J. Caterbone Story and Evidence of a TI Page 17 of 29 Saturday, April 16, 2016

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    Stan J. Caterbone, Targeted Individual Evidence Page 16 of 27 Saturday, April 16, 2016

    September 25, 2009

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    Restoring Human Rights andDignity to the Field of Mental


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    WHAT IS THE CITIZENS COMMISSION ON HUMANRIGHTS? !!"# $$!##! $ !# %& !# '(! $) ) *+

    #'#!,) ( )'! $ - )*# '! !!.!)# ($ ,#!.

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    Restoring Human Rights andDignity to the Field of Mental


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    ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF THECITIZENS COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTSBringing Psychiatry to Justice for More than Four Decades

    !!"# $$!#! $$!##! $ !# # % & '!# & 

    $' ' &$ #! ()' %* +!' ++ ,!

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    Restoring Human Rights andDignity to the Field of Mental


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    Under the banner of the Mental

    Health Declaration of Human

    Rights, tens of thousands of

    people around the globe have joined CCHR and taken to the

    streets to protest psychiatric

    drugging and other inhumane

    mental health practices.


    al Health Declaration of Human Rights

    11/6/2015 1

    Stan J. Caterbone, Targeted Individual Evidence Page 22 of 27 Saturday, April 16, 2016Stan J. Caterbone Story and Evidence of a Targeted Individual  Page 24 of 29 Saturday, April 16, 2016Stan J. Caterbone Story and Evidence of a TI Page 24 of 29 Saturday, April 16, 2016

    Case 5:15-cv-03984-JCJ Document 38 Filed 04/18/16 Page 24 of 29

    Sara McLachlan & Clipper Stadium Contract   Page 50 of 55 Friday, April 29, 2016

    Case 5:15-cv-03984-JCJ Document 45 Filed 04/29/16 Page 50 of 55

  • 8/17/2019 Recorded Case No. 15-03984 Habeus STATEMENT Re Netwerk Management & Clipper Stadium Agreement for Sar…


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