Reconstructing Earth’s Surface Oxidation

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  • 8/9/2019 Reconstructing Earths Surface Oxidation


    Reconstructing Earths

    Surface Oxidation

    with special reference to the

    Great Oxygenation Event

  • 8/9/2019 Reconstructing Earths Surface Oxidation


    Geological Evidences for variation in the oceanicand atmospheric redox states

    Mritunjay Kumar

    Geochemical Evidences in the rock record to

    track the rise of free oxygenSulfur and Chromium : Sumitra KCarbon : Deepak Kumar Jha

    Oxidative mechanisms and survival of oxygenSoumyaditya Mondal

  • 8/9/2019 Reconstructing Earths Surface Oxidation


    Faint young sun paradox

    In Archean-Proterozoic period the solar

    luminosity was 20 - 30% lower than

    today. But scientific studies show the evidence

    ofliquid water on Earths surface.

    So, what happened ?

  • 8/9/2019 Reconstructing Earths Surface Oxidation


    Green house hypothesis

    Earth's atmosphere may have contained more

    greenhouse gases early on. Carbon

    dioxide concentrations may have been higher

    without plant photosynthesis converting it tooxygen. Methane, a very active greenhouse gas

    which reacts with oxygen to produce carbon

    dioxide, may have been more prevalent as well.

    So for methane to be abundant Oxygen levelshave to be very low.

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    What is banded iron formation ?

    Distinctive type of rocks often found in Precambrian Sedimentary

    rocks, consisting of repeated thin layers of iron oxides, either

    magnetite (Fe3O4) or hematite (Fe2O3), alternating with bands of

    iron-poor shale and chert.

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    BIFs contains about 20 times as muchoxygen as todays atmosphere does

    Chemical composition of BIF in wt%





    Al2O3-very low

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  • 8/9/2019 Reconstructing Earths Surface Oxidation


    Snowball Earth

    It has been proposed that rise of free oxygen

    that occurred during this part of

    the Paleoproteozoic removed methane in the

    atmosphere through oxidation. As the Sun wasnotably weaker at the time, the Earth's climate

    may have relied on methane, a powerful

    greenhouse gas, to maintain surface

    temperatures above freezing. In the absence ofthis methane greenhouse, temperatures plunged

    and a snowball event could have occurred.

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    Environment of Archean-

    Proterozoic transitionArchean-Proterozoic transition contents low


    Rich in methane. Solar luminosity was low.

    Thereafter the Earths surface environment

    became irreversibly oxidized.

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    Geochemical Evidences

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  • 8/9/2019 Reconstructing Earths Surface Oxidation


    33S=0.515 x 34S

    Terrestrial Fractionation Line

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    Earths early Sulfur cycle

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    General trend with geologic time in 33S values

    for sedimentary sulfides and sulfates33

    S = 33

    S-0.515 x 34


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    Chromium in BIF

  • 8/9/2019 Reconstructing Earths Surface Oxidation


    Schematic of the surface chemistry of


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    Robert Frei et al.

    History of chromium in

    sea water

  • 8/9/2019 Reconstructing Earths Surface Oxidation


    Carbon Anomaly

  • 8/9/2019 Reconstructing Earths Surface Oxidation


    What is 13C isotope anomaly?

    Carbonate sediments during archean -proterozoic shows high value of13C value during archean -proterozoic boundary compared from present

    and phanerozoic.

    Carbonate sediments shows enriched (13C ~+5 to +14 PDB) 13C

    isotopes which is higher than the present and phanerozoic eon.

    13C anomaly during Archean - Proterozoic

    Measurement of 13C isotopes:

    Carbon has two stable isotopes, 12C and 13C . Enrichment in 13C can be expressed

    as 13C, in the same way that an excess of33S can be expressed as 33S

  • 8/9/2019 Reconstructing Earths Surface Oxidation


    (Del) HC13 in

    (C13/ C12) sample - (C13/ C12) standard

    = --------------------------------------------------- X 1000

    (C13/ C12) standard

    (C13/ C12) standard is the ratio in a standard sample of the fossil invertebrate Belemnitella

    americana (Cretaceous Peedee formation in South Carolina)

    Enrichement of the sample in12

    C relative to standard produces anegative values for 13C and vice versa.The standard used is the

    equivalent of carbonates made from Belemenite americana

    collected from the Pedee formation,USA.

  • 8/9/2019 Reconstructing Earths Surface Oxidation


    Outline of carbon isotope, tectonic, and biospheric changes through the Proterozoic. After Lindsay and Brasier (2004). (Circles)

    Supercontinents; (black bars) supercontinent events; (hachured bars) intracratonic basins; (black triangles) glaciations.




    2 {Incorporation of 13C in sediments}

  • 8/9/2019 Reconstructing Earths Surface Oxidation


    Data recorded from various craton:

    The data from carbonate sediments deposited between 2.6 and 1.6 Ga indicate that

    the isotopic composition of marine carbon underwent a very large positive change

    between approximately 2.22 and 2.06 Ga.(as reported from Africa (LomagundiFormation; values as high as +13 PDB; the Fennoscandian Shield , Scotland and

    North America.)

    Carbon isotope measurements, carried out on carbonate samples from different

    localities of the early Proterozoic Aravalli Craton, gives positive 13

    C values up to+11.20 PDB.

    Why 18O cant be used?


    compositions of Precambrian carbonates from different parts of world showsvalues between 5 and 8 to be normal for Precambrian carbonates .

    Most of the studied carbonate samples with heavy carbon also preserve oxygen

    isotope compositions . This is good evidence for a pre-metamorphic origin of the

    heavy carbon isotope .

  • 8/9/2019 Reconstructing Earths Surface Oxidation


    Cross-plot of13C/12C versus 18O/16O for Aravalli craton Iswal (), Bari Talab ( ),

    Babarmal area ().

  • 8/9/2019 Reconstructing Earths Surface Oxidation


    As any process involving a carbonate during metamorphic decrease its 18O values

    significantly. Exchange with other silicates, exchange with an infiltrating fluid and

    devolatisation reactions are all likely to cause a decrease in 18


    Comparatively low 18O values in Bari Talab carbonates may be due to the associated

    Delwara volcanic rocks.

    Carbonate strata belonging to the Jhamarkotra Formation, Paleoproterozoic

    Aravalli Supergroup, are characterised by 13C enrichment.

    It is suggested that increased oxygen contents of the oceans were produced and

    accompanied by an increase in organic production.The increased oxygen contents of

    the atmosphere may have been the direct result of an increase in the population of

    photosynthesising bacteria.


  • 8/9/2019 Reconstructing Earths Surface Oxidation


    This increased organic productivity, in the absence of a compensating increase in

    the rate of organic carbon recycling, would have increased the rate of organic carbon

    deposition and resulted in the deposition of high 13C carbonates .

    The global presence of13C rich carbonates suggest that the Lomagundi Formation

    in Zimbabwe , Kapvaal Craton;Brazil and the Aravalli Craton basin in India are marine in

    origin and were deposited under almost similar depositional conditions.


    According to this model the positive carbon isotopic anomaly of sedimentary

    carbonates at about 2.3 Byr ago reflects a very high O2-content of the atmosphere

    and the subsequent drop in 13C-values equates with a sharp decrease of the O2-

    content of the atmosphere.

    The close relationship between C-isotopic anomaly and glaciogenic rocks

    suggests that high rates of organic carbon burial facilitated glaciation by reducing

    atmospheric greenhouse capacity.

  • 8/9/2019 Reconstructing Earths Surface Oxidation


    It has been proposed that rise of free oxygen that occurred during this part of the

    Paleoproterozoic removed methane in the atmosphere through oxidation. As the

    Sun was notably weaker at the time, the Earth's climate may have relied on

    methane, a powerful greenhouse gas, to maintain surface temperatures above

    freezing. In the absence of this methane greenhouse, temperatures plunged and a

    snowball event could have occurred.

    The oxygenation event at the end of the Proterozoic would have resulted in a

    decrease of methane flux and could have caused the first Neoproterozoic "snowball"


    In addition to evolutionary questions, S and C data can also be used for

    stratigraphic correlations. This is particularly important for the Precambrian, which

    lacks biostratigraphic framework.

  • 8/9/2019 Reconstructing Earths Surface Oxidation


    Methane and the irreversible

    oxidation of the early EarthArchean environment was reducing.

    Solar luminosity was 20-30% lower than


    O2 content was very low.

    Methane should have present at the level of

    102 to 103 ppmV to counter the solar

    luminosity of the early sun.Though we are getting the evidences of the

    earth surface oxidation.

    HOW ???

  • 8/9/2019 Reconstructing Earths Surface Oxidation


    How did the earth surface

    oxidize?There are two ways

    1) Increase in the atmospheric oxygen


    2) Decrease in the atmospheric


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    Coupling of early oxygenic photosynthesis

    to the escape of H to space:

    CO2 + 2H2O CH4 + 2O2this equation sums the photosynthesis and


    CH4 + U.V C + 4H(space)

    methane decomposed in the upper atmosphereby U.V radiation.

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    Diffusion limited H escape rate

    Hescape rate = 2.5* 1013 ftotal (H2

    molecules cm-2*s-1)

    The total concentration of all H-bearing

    compounds in the lower stratosphere

    ftotal= (5fH2O + fH2+ 2fCH4. . .)(expressed as H2 molecules for these


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    We can explain oxidation results fromCH4 induced H escape in three ways

    (i) When CH4 originates from organic matterproduced by oxygenic photosynthesis,

    (ii) When CH4 derives from organic matter

    produced by anoxygenic autotrophic



    (iii) When CH4 derives from mantle H.

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    When CH4 originates from organic matter

    produced by oxygenic photosynthesis

    CO2 + H2O = CH2O +O2

    2CH2O = CH4 + CO2

    CH4 + U.V C + 4HC +O2 = CO2


    2H2O +the biosphere + U.V O2 +4H

  • 8/9/2019 Reconstructing Earths Surface Oxidation


    CH4 derives from organic matter producedby anoxygenic autotrophic metabolisms


    originating from anoxygenic

    photoautotroph's or


    H2S + CO2 + UV radiation

    3CH2O +H2O+ S

    If CH4 were derived from such

    organic matter, H escape would

  • 8/9/2019 Reconstructing Earths Surface Oxidation


    CH4 derives from mantle HIt concerns methanogenic CH4 derived from mantle

    hydrogen in volcanic gases.

    Mantle H can escape directly to space.

    In all cases discussed above, Earths overall

    oxidation state increases. Case (iii) oxidizes the

    mantle. Cases (i) and (ii) oxidize the crust (e.g., asFe2O3 or SO42), which, in the long-term, must shift

    kinetics to favor the survival of free O2. Free O2 is

    only produced in case.

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