RECOGNIZING THE END TIME CHRIST - Amazon S3 · 2014 Recognizing The End Time Christ 2 believers in Jesus Christ that He has come in His fullness as is seen in Revelation, Chapter

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Thought for the book taken from the

Message delivered on November 2, 2014

Dawsonville, Georgia U.S.A.

©2014 by Ben Howard

All rights reserved. This book cannot be sold,

nor in any way be used for the soliciting of funds.

All scripture quotations are taken from

the King James Version Bible

Published by the Sound Of Liberty

7286 Hwy 53W, Dawsonville, Georgia 30534 U.S.A.


[email protected]


We’re reading today in 2 John 1:7, and it says, “For many

deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ

is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.” Our

scripture reading indicates very strongly that in the days of

John’s writings there were those that were denying that the

Messiah had come to this earth in the flesh, which was our

precious Lord Jesus Christ. John said they were deceivers and


The issue here was that there were those in that day denying

that Jesus was the real Christ, the Jewish Messiah. That was one

of the ways the antichrist was working in that very early time

amongst the Jewish people. This kept them looking for and

waiting for their Messiah, when in fact, He had already come

and died for their sins. He was not to become their King at this


So by this fact alone it was easy for them to believe this lie of

the devil that the Messiah had not come in the flesh. But the

predestinated accepted Jesus Christ as their long awaited

Messiah with great joy, and so will many of the Jewish people in

this last day. In fact, many of those born of the Jewish linage

have become a part of the wife of the Lamb and are part of those

that Paul wrote about in the Book of Ephesians, Chapter 2,

beginning with Verse 14, concerning both the Jews and Gentiles

together becoming one new man.

However, the fact that one was born of a virgin named Mary

and lived about thirty-three years and died on the cross for our

sins is not an issue amongst the Gentiles. That’s a fact that is

believed by most of the Gentiles where the gospel has been

preached. But in this last day it is denied by many of the

2014 Recognizing The End Time Christ 2

believers in Jesus Christ that He has come in His fullness as is seen

in Revelation, Chapter 10.

This is the coming that I want to speak about in this message;

and I want to entitle it, Recognizing the End Time Christ. And by

our entitling it this way, it will automatically spark the question,

“Well, isn’t the end time Christ, the Christ that was in the other

time periods?” We will answer that question in this message.

We will also show that it is certainly a different manifestation of

Christ here at the end time than it was in the church of Paul’s

day; and even more different than it was in the seven church


Here we will see that the Christ we see in this end time was

manifested in the baptism of the Holy Ghost, starting on the day

of Pentecost and up until the church fell from its first love in that

very early church age. Then after the church fell away, Christ

wasn’t manifested in the gift of the Holy Ghost in the same way

as He was at the beginning. The many miracles we read about

in the Book of Acts began to fade away and in some cases all but

disappeared in the sense of the manifestation of the gifts of the


It was from this point and onward, even through the course of

the seven church ages, that the miracles weren’t seen in a great

way. It was in this time period also that Christ Jesus was seen

as the High Priest, making intercession for the fallen church.

This is seen in the Book of Revelation, Chapters One through

Three. These three chapters show this period of time known as

the kingdom of heaven age and is the same period also known

as the seven church ages. During this time, we see Jesus Christ

as He walked among the seven candlesticks until those ages

ended in this present day.

So after the church ages, we find ourselves in Revelation,

Chapter 10, where Christ, the Mighty Angel, came down from

heaven with the little book open in His hand, and immediately

the thunders that John heard back in 96 A.D. were revealed.

2014 Recognizing The End Time Christ 3

This is made plain as the prophet messenger, Brother William

Branham, preached unto us the church ages in 1960 and the seals

in 1963. This opened the door for the wife to be baptized into

the body of Christ; and our baptism into the body is a sure

confirmation that now Christ is here in the flesh (in our flesh and

bones), and that the espoused virgin has now become the wife

of our Lord Jesus; thus making us part of Him who is part of the

Godhead taking on flesh and bones. This is now Christ in the

flesh made of both Jews and Gentiles as the body of Christ

according to Ephesians 2:14-22. This shows two people

becoming one new man—Christ the wife of the Lamb. This is

seen in Revelation, Chapter 10, and Revelation, Chapter 19.

Now as we continue to look at Revelation 10:1, we see the

Mighty Angel as He comes to the earth and puts one foot on sea

and one on the earth and cries with a loud voice. And then in

Verse 4, the seven thunders utter their voices. And then on to

Verse 6 where Christ in angelic form says in this verse, “there

should time be no longer.”

Now, “there should be time no longer,” doesn’t mean that time

on earth has stopped or that the time of the church ages have

stopped. But it simply means that time is no longer for us to

continue to operate in this era of time as though we are still in

the church ages. That’s because we have arrived at the time of

the fullness of the stature of the man Christ Jesus. And now this

has put us past the church age era as far as there being any

benefit in it for the wife, who has been called out of the church

age; seeing we have arrived at this place where Christ is here as

the Mighty Angel and we, both Jews and Gentiles, have been

baptized into His body. That’s marriage; and now we are one

with King Jesus, our Husband, as is shown in Ephesians 4:13.

Now that’s the end time Christ.

Oftentimes we use that word till in Ephesians 4:13 to show

how things were done till we came to the fullness of the stature

of the man Christ Jesus. It’s at this time that we, the King’s wife,

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have arrived at ‘our fullness in Christ’ where we are no longer

tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine.

Now we edify one another in love as we continue to grow up

into Him in the same way that a perfect marriage of husband

and wife grow into perfection. This transaction puts us beyond

the baptism of the Holy Ghost into the full blessings of God on

His Son’s wife.

Again, this is the coming of Christ in the form of the Mighty

Angel with one foot on the sea and the other foot on the earth.

Remember here that there are two legs (or parts) of the coming

of the Lord. That’s why God in His wisdom did not allow the

first church to know about these things; for this was for the end

time when it would be a time of rejoicing with both legs of the

fullness of Christ in marriage. (Revelation 19:7-8)

Now we can see what happened when both the Jewish side

and the Gentile side fell away. That’s when God allowed the

wheat and tares to begin to grow together. And when this was

known, thank God there were some zealous ministers which

God had ordained and anointed who began to ask, “Shall we

pull all the tares out of the congregation?” They were very

concerned about what they saw. But it was told them by the

Lord Himself, “Let them grow together until the harvest,”

meaning until the end time. God knew that when the end of this

period was over, then it would be different; because then the

angels would separate the tares from the wheat and gather the

tares out of the kingdom first and bind them into bundles to

burn, which He has done.

These bundles are the world council of churches; and all of

these different religious groups are bound in bundles. And then

the wheat is gathered into the barn or garner. That’s expressed

in the parables of Matthew, Chapter 13, and was clearly made

known by the seventh church age messenger as he explained the

seven thunders.

2014 Recognizing The End Time Christ 5

So when Paul introduced a people to Christ by the gospel, he

began to come into the realm of knowledge that God was going

to get a wife for His Son. God told Paul that he would use him

for this purpose. It was at this time that he began to work

towards that goal by saying, “I espouse you as a chaste virgin to

Christ.” And he knew that this wasn’t marriage but that it was

the first step under the first leg of the coming of Christ, which

was the baptism of the Holy Ghost.

Then in the Book of Revelation the Word says, “His wife has

made herself ready, and to her is given fine linen, clean and

white.” This wasn’t written until after Paul’s departure from

this life; and we are the fulfillment of it.

We find, according to Paul’s prophetic writings, that not only

would Christ be in the form of the Holy Ghost (the first leg of

His coming), but that we would be baptized into the fullness of

Christ at the second leg of His coming. (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18)

And since this transaction has taken place, now we are the very

Christ by the Spirit that John saw coming down in Revelation,

Chapter 10. I’m speaking of Christ here, and not the man Jesus

Christ. Jesus is not going to come back to this earth until the

beginning of the millennium.

Now as we recognize the end time Christ, do you know what

that does? It exposes the antichrist. And if the real Christ is here,

then the antichrist is here. They are both on the scene at this

time. And now you can hear the antichrist speak and see the

things that are taking place; all you’ve got to do is open your

eyes and look. But when it started back there in history, it was

just ‘an antichrist spirit’ and many people picked up on that

spirit. And John said, “There are many antichrists;” all of the

same spirit. But when you get in the Book of Revelation,

everything becomes very clear; there’s the beast, the false

prophet, and it goes into one. There is one man that all of this is

manifested through. It’s done at first through his church system,

2014 Recognizing The End Time Christ 6

but in the final hours it becomes more political. This is seen in

Chapter 17 of our book entitled, The Interpreted Book of Revelation.

So God has brought us to the end time. He’s brought us

through the church ages where we had many baptisms and we

had our communions. And that’s been one of the big things in

Catholicism—communion; wine and a little wafer. And it

looked nothing like the true church that lost its way in the

church age period. It came through the church ages and then it

was restored through justification, sanctification, and the

baptism of the Holy Ghost in preparation for the end time when

Christ came to the earth.

A few years back, I preached a message at a church in

Chitungwiza, Zimbabwe, about the little book not being

available to us until now, and I entitled the message, Obtaining

That Which Was Previously Unobtainable. And a man (a leader in

that church) got up rejoicing when I got through, and he said,

“Heaven has come down!” A few days later, I preached in

another part of Zimbabwe, in the city of Harare, where there was

about four or five hundred people rejoicing and praising God

for the message, The Transition of the Bride from Engagement to

Marriage. We all had such a wonderful time! But I had to leave

the next day to go on to another country, and another preacher,

after seeing the move of God taking place, wanted to stay and

preach since I had other meetings in another country. So he

stayed there to preach. And when I saw him later on, I asked

him, “How did your meeting come out over there after I left?”

And he said, “I went over there and preached and only a few

came to hear me.” This tells me that when God moves you have

to get it when He’s passing through! Jesus passed their way.

Praise God! And now it’s the same with this today, we have to

receive while God is giving.

Now we have recognized the end time Christ. We have

received the Christ that was not previously available in this

form. See, the Mighty Angel didn’t come down until the seals

2014 Recognizing The End Time Christ 7

were open, because the Book of Redemption was in heaven.

(Revelation, Chapter 5) The Book of Redemption was there and

it was sealed with seven seals. The prophetic part of Paul’s

message was laid right in there (hid) and it could not be received

in the church ages; they hardly knew anything about what was

going on. That’s why many of the things they preached are not

found in Paul’s writings.

For example, you’ll not find Paul ever preaching to get saved,

sanctified, and filled with the Holy Ghost, as three separate

works of grace. I’m going to say this, and some of you won’t

like it, but it doesn’t make any difference anyway, but you will

not find the apostles giving an altar call. Not a single one

preached and said, “Come down now and give your heart to

God.” No, it takes the Spirit of God to draw you and reveal

Christ Jesus to you.

So most of what we see out here in these church systems is

something that was picked up through the church ages that

came down through time to this day, and much of it doesn’t

even have a scriptural basis. But that was the best that they

could do. And when we get to the end of this journey, we will

find that those saints that did their best will be saved. Those that

were ordained will be there. But most of the religious world

does not have this life in them. But I’m glad to say that we are

in Him, and God doesn’t even see our goodness; He looks at the

goodness of Christ. We recognize the end time Christ. And if

the end time Christ is here, then the end time antichrist is here,

and he’s flexing his muscles getting ready to make his move to

bring the world to its knees.

Notice in Bible days, antichrists, many of them. Jesus said in

Matthew 24:24 that there will be many false prophets and false

Christs go forth. But when it all comes into the Book of

Revelation, you will find one antichrist. When the church comes

into the Book of Revelation, you will find one wife! You will

find one Christ! We’re the body of Christ, because we are

2014 Recognizing The End Time Christ 8

baptized into it. And when we are baptized into the body of

Christ, we are no longer tossed to and fro.

If we’ve got eyes to see, we see right now what is going on. If

you can’t see it, then I am sorry for you. We see the real Christ,

we are a part of Him, we are members of the body, and we

recognize the Christ of the end time. Not just the Christ in the

baptism of the Holy Ghost. We recognize that, too, of course.

And we know what happened in the church ages as we see the

Christ who was the High Priest for the seven church ages. He

was the one that walked among the seven golden candlesticks.

That was Christ, but He was in the High Priest office making

intercession for the sins of the people. He came first as the Holy

Ghost, then as High Priest, and here at the end of the age He

comes as the Christ, the Mighty Angel.

So after we have come through the church ages, we now have

something that previously was not even available. And

anything that was not available, we were not required to have.

But now it is available, and now it is gladly accepted by the wife

of the Lamb who recognizes Christ in the earth today.

You might say, “Brother Howard, where is Christ?” Christ

means the anointing of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is us. The

anointing is upon His wife, the body of Christ. Not one member

alone is Christ; but the many member body is Christ. If anyone

ever comes up and says, “I am the Christ.” Then you will know

that man or woman is a deceiver, because as I said, Christ is a

many member body.

All of the members make up the body of Christ, and at the time

of the rapture there is a resurrection and both the living and the

dead is included in this event. That’s the fullness of the wife of

the Lamb. By one Spirit we are baptized into the body of Christ.

And the many member body has one mind. But it is not the

mind of the preacher of himself. It’s the same mind of Christ in

all the body members. That one body has one doctrine. They all

believe the same thing and they are not tossed to and fro. We

2014 Recognizing The End Time Christ 9

are not of those that say, “I really don’t know what to believe

about some of these things.” Well, the wife knows, because we

all have the same mind. And Jesus Christ has leadership in the

body. He’s got apostolic leadership. He’s got the five fold

ministry, but we are not rulers; we are leaders, and we all speak

the same thing.

In the denominations they say, “We need to have preachers’

meetings and get together so we can work things out so that one

of us won’t preach one thing and the other preach another thing,

so we can agree on what we’re going to preach.” No. All that is

needed is to be baptized into the body of Christ where there is

one mind. So if you have to get together and decide what to

preach on a subject, then it is obvious that you don’t have the

same mind or recognize the end time Christ. If you recognize

the end time Christ, you’ll realize that He has leadership for the

wife. The Lord Jesus does this by the Spirit and by the

ministering of the Word by the apostle’s office that’s in the body.

Our Lord is doing things just like He did with Paul. Paul wrote

things and spoke things that wasn’t necessarily written. And

when he was put into prison, part of his writings were in a

prophetic utterance. But it was sealed away and put into the

Book of Redemption. The bloody Lamb opened the seven seals

(shown in Revelation, Chapter 5). That’s what He did at

Calvary, and that gave Him a right to the Book of Redemption.

And then Christ takes from the Book of Redemption a small part

of it called the little book and brings it down to earth and tells us

to eat it up.

Remember here, He comes down in the form of the Mighty

Angel to be a body, not a literal person. We are the literal person.

He is the Spirit of the literal person, which is us. But it’s all in

one body of people. There’s also some dead members of the

body, and they’re going to come forth first, just before the living

are changed. Now we can recognize the Christ of this day. As

2014 Recognizing The End Time Christ 10

we see the wife, we realize we are seeing Christ. That’s the man

Christ Jesus of Ephesians 4:16.

So when Christ came down ‘in Spirit form’ that made this

baptism possible. Before this we were happy with our water

baptism and the baptism of the Holy Ghost. But now we are

baptized by the Spirit into His body by this trumpet sounding.

It’s this message that is going forth. And if you’re part of this

message, you can’t help but believe it, because it will draw you

like a magnet drawing. It will be like David said, “The deep

calleth unto the deep at the noise of thy waterspout.” It will be

like Jesus walking down the sandy shores of Galilee where there

were some fishermen returning from their fishing trip. They

were rough fishermen out there making a living. Jesus just

walked by and He said, “Follow me. I’ll make you fishers of

men.” And the Bible says, “They left their nets and followed

Jesus.” There’s a magic about the voice of God, the drawing

power of God.

Then there was Matthew. He was a tax collector. And he was

one that worked hard all his life and went through all the steps

to climb up the ladder of success until finally the Roman Empire

saw him as, “This is a man we can trust. This is a man we can

use.” Collecting taxes is a good position. So Matthew landed

what he thought was a good job. But one day, here came a lowly

Galilean down the road. He didn’t come to pay His taxes; He

just looked at him and said, “Follow me.” That’s all He said; and

Matthew left all and followed Jesus.

Many people want to follow Him, but they don’t want to leave

all to follow Him. “I’ll follow you, Lord, if I can take this with

me, or do this, or do that.” No, if you follow Him it has to be

without conditions attached when He calls you or tells you what

to do, because He may not pass by your way again! He may not

send a message flashing on your pathway again!

It was Paul’s time on the way to Damascus. One visitation was

all it took; just one. And it only took the hearing of one voice for

2014 Recognizing The End Time Christ 11

the wife here at the end time; that’s Christ through this last

trump of God!

Now, do you recognize the end time Christ? I’m not talking

about recognizing the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Yes, that was

the manifestation of Christ, but not the fullness. That was only

one leg. Only one leg was represented until we got to

Revelation, Chapter 10. And unlike in the church ages where

Christ Jesus said, “I have somewhat against you,” the Lord Jesus

in this hour doesn’t have anything against His wife. He has

clothed us in fine linen, clean and white. But while the church

was coming through the church ages, He did have somewhat

against them—that’s why the wine representing the blood, and

that’s why the communion. That’s why Christ Jesus was dressed

in the High Priest robe, gird about his feet with a golden girdle.

But you’ll find right there in Revelation, Chapter One, His face,

His countenance, like the sun. His feet like burned brass.

Well, you go right to Revelation, Chapter 10, this Mighty

Angel coming down, His face like the sun, His feet like pillars of

fire. It’s the same one, but it is the spirit of that person. Not the

Lord Jesus Christ as a human. But it is the spirit of the Lord Jesus

Christ. It’s just like God took Adam’s spirit and a bone from his

side and created Eve. He took all the feminine attributes that

was in Adam and put them in Eve. That’s why a man ought to

act like a man and a woman act like a woman. Amen? What we

see out here in the world that is going on now is soon coming to

an end.

Now we see that God took that spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ,

the feminine part of it, and put it in His wife after He came down

in the form of the Mighty Angel. We are baptized into Him;

therefore that makes us the wife of the Lamb. Paul was getting

a glimpse of this when he said that we become bone of His bone

and flesh of His flesh, because we honor, obey, and live the

Word, and we’re getting all those contrary attributes out of us;

everything that doesn’t coincide with God’s Word. This is

2014 Recognizing The End Time Christ 12

happening while the real Christ is on the scene today, and also

the antichrist is on the scene. Notice back there, there were many

antichrists. Many. But Daniel saw one. John saw one. At the

very end time there’s one antichrist, just as there is one Christ,

the wife.

Do you see the real Christ? Do you recognize the end time

Christ? Not as He was in the church ages or in the days of Paul,

and not even as He was on the day of Pentecost, but as He is seen

in Revelation, Chapter 10. Something became available that has

not been available before. We’ve received that which was

previously unavailable; and that’s being baptized into the

fullness of the body of Christ. And we couldn’t do it until the

seals were open and He brought the little book down and gave

it to us and told us to eat it up. And now God’s getting ready to

take Christ the wife out of this earth for a while.

So when the real Christ is seen by revelation it exposes the

antichrist. This exposes everything in the religious world that is

affected by an antichrist spirit. It’s “the spirit of iniquity doeth

already work.” Where does it work? Right in the church. It

worked on Balaam. See, Balaam could prophesy. And his

prophecy is still good today, “Whoever blesses Israel will be

blessed. Whoever curses Israel will be cursed.” But watch what

he did, even after God let him know that Israel was blessed.

When the king said, “I can give you more gold than you’ve ever

seen before,” he said, “Well, maybe I ought to go back and pray

again. God might change His mind and curse Israel.” That’s

when the donkey he was riding saw the angel of the Lord

standing in his way with a sword drawn in his hand, and

slammed Balaam against the wall and began to talk to him.

I tell you, God can use a donkey to talk to you if He has to; if it

serves His purpose. After Balaam got through beating the

donkey with his staff, the donkey said, “Have not I always done

you right all these years?” And Balaam was so mad that he

didn’t realize a donkey was talking. And finally he came to

2014 Recognizing The End Time Christ 13

himself, “What in the world is going on? Here’s a donkey

talking to me.” But that didn’t change his ways, even after he

saw an angel with his sword (the Word of God) drawn. He went

and told the king, “I know how you can get God to curse Israel.

Have a party and get the young people of Israel over here. And

get them all together. Get them partying and they will sin and

God will take care of cursing them Himself.” In that day it was

much like it is today among the heathen; loose living, orgies, and

whatever. One real man of God ran into a tent and there was a

Jewish man that had one of those women and was involved in a

sexual act with her, and he put a dagger through him and into

the woman’s belly. And the Bible says, “The wrath of God was


That spirit of Balaam originally has never changed; it just went

around a different way. Balaam couldn’t out-right curse Israel,

but he figured out a way to get them to sin so that God would

curse them over this evil deed. And that’s what Constantine

done. He couldn’t curse God’s people, but he did like Balaam

with his politics there in Nicaea. Some men of God resisted his

ways and they were persecuted for it. But Constantine got his

group together, saying, “Let’s make Christianity an official

religion.” And then that’s where the seed of Catholicism was

sown. Constantine said, “Let’s don’t destroy this religion; let’s

make Christianity one of the official religions that we can use in

helping control the people. This sounds like ole Balaam.

(Numbers, Chapter 22)

So what I’m preaching here is gun barrel straight, right down

the line, one hundred percent Word! Anything else—out!

Recognizing the Christ of the end time. That’s both legs of the

spiritual coming of Christ in Revelation, Chapter 10. And we’re

baptized into the fullness of the body, members of the body of

Christ. And the antichrist is now in full bloom as is clearly seen

in this new pope with his Balaam deeds.

2014 Recognizing The End Time Christ 14

Heavenly Father, we come to you, praising you and thanking you for

your love, goodness, and mercy. I pray, Lord, that these words go forth

and accomplish that which you’ve ordained. And may, Lord, these

words not fall on deaf ears, but may this be an awakening that we see

the hour, see what’s going on, see the Christ of the Bible, and recognize

the end time Christ. We are members in Him. We’re the wife. We’re

married to Him by the Word of God. Lord, we thank you for each one

that came this way today and those that will hear this message

wherever they are. May it accomplish that which thou has ordained,

in Jesus Christ’s wonderful name. Amen.

2014 Recognizing The End Time Christ 15


All sermons by Brother Ben Howard are recorded on Cassette

tape, CD's, DVD's, and Mp3 formats. Also, there is a collection

of published books that are available for download or by

request as well. Please feel free to visit us at our website often

as new materials are constantly being added, or write to our

postal address below.

Sound Of Liberty

7286 Hwy 53W, Dawsonville, Georgia 30534 U.S.A.


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