I want to greet all of you young achievers who are here right now. Yes, you heard me right. You are young achievers. Consider yourself extremely lucky because you are among the honorees today out of the several hundreds of JLES students for the past school year. You did a great job, that’s why you’re part of this year’s cream of the crop. Congratulations to your teachers and most importantly to your parents. Alam natin na kung anong saya ng mga mag-aaral sa kanilang tagumpay na nakamtan, doble pa roon ang kasiyahan ng ating mga magulang. Another school year has come to a close and it is once again time to look back at the accomplishments and milestones we have achieved in the last 10 months. Today we celebrate that you are all moving on to the next year of your high school life, having done the necessary work, passed the requisite exams and put in the time and effort needed to learn and to prepare yourself for the eventual responsibilities of adult life. We also recognize those among you who have shown exemplary performance and reward the extra hard work and perseverance you have invested to stand out among your peers. For indeed in life, we reap what we sow --- an important lesson we should inculcate in our students that all good things in life come with hard work, determination and dedication. There are no shortcuts to any place worth going. I believe in the importance and relevance of the theme that the Department of Education has chosen for this year's commencement and recognition exercises. "My education, my contribution to the future". It reminds us of why we need to go to school. It reminds us that education is our investment in ourselves and the only inheritance our parents can bequeath upon us that cannot be taken away. Indeed education is the greatest equalizer. No matter what circumstance, whether by fate or chance, you are in, your education is the one thing that will either keep you on a level playing field or will give you an advantage to succeed in life. Now more than ever, as our country and the rest of the world is in the grip of a severe financial crisis, we should put a premium on our

Recognition Day Speech

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I want to greet all of you young achievers who are here right now. Yes, you heard me right. You are young achievers. Consider yourself extremely lucky because you are among the honorees today out of the several hundreds of JLES students for the past school year. You did a great job, that’s why you’re part of this year’s cream of the crop. Congratulations to your teachers and most importantly to your parents. Alam natin na kung anong saya ng mga mag-aaral sa kanilang tagumpay na nakamtan, doble pa roon ang kasiyahan ng ating mga magulang.

Another school year has come to a close and it is once again time to look back at the accomplishments and milestones we have achieved in the last 10 months. Today we celebrate that you are all moving on to the next year of your high school life, having done the necessary work, passed the requisite exams and put in the time and effort needed to learn and to prepare yourself for the eventual responsibilities of adult life.

We also recognize those among you who have shown exemplary performance and reward the extra hard work and perseverance you have invested to stand out among your peers. For indeed in life, we reap what we sow --- an important lesson we should inculcate in our students that all good things in life come with hard work, determination and dedication. There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.

I believe in the importance and relevance of the theme that the Department of Education has chosen for this year's commencement and recognition exercises. "My education, my contribution to the future". It reminds us of why we need to go to school. It reminds us that education is our investment in ourselves and the only inheritance our parents can bequeath upon us that cannot be taken away. Indeed education is the greatest equalizer. No matter what circumstance, whether by fate or chance, you are in, your education is the one thing that will either keep you on a level playing field or will give you an advantage to succeed in life.

Now more than ever, as our country and the rest of the world is in the grip of a severe financial crisis, we should put a premium on our education. I congratulate you all, especially your parents for making sure that you are able to go to school, for making sure that the crisis we face is not made an excuse for you not to be able to attend class.

I know these are hard times financially, but I must emphasize the importance of not sacrificing our children's education. No matter how difficult, it is most important to make sure that our children's schooling is provided for and remains among our top priorities. I believe the 3 basic necessities of food, shelter and clothing, should include a fourth, and it should be education. Let us not worry and dwell too much about these hard times, for this too shall pass. For as long as we keep strong in our faith that the good Lord will always provide for our needs, and for as long as we continue to do our best as loving parents to our children, we will be okay.

To our dear teachers, thank you for your continued dedication to our students. I thank you, for despite the financial crisis you have chosen to stay in the country to help shape our future leaders. The path you have chosen to take professionally is one fraught with many difficulties. Unlike your professional

counterparts in other countries who receive their just compensation, our teachers in the Philippines, especially our public school teachers, have to contend not only with low salaries but often deal with disheartening conditions in our public schools. Despite this reality, you have all chosen this path less taken.

To you teaching is not just a job, but a calling -- a noble sacrifice in the service of a higher purpose.

Instead of aspiring for better paying jobs abroad, you choose to stay and be of service to our country. Instead of complaining and griping against our government, you have chosen to instead be partners in improving the quality of our education by sharing your talent, your education, your skills and creativity. For all these, we cannot thank you enough.

I extend the invitation to you our dear teachers to avail of the continuing education scholarships for post-graduate studies of the Office of Speaker Boy Nograles. If you wish to pursue higher education, obtain your masters and / or your doctors degree, please feel free to avail of our full scholarships, meaning full tuition and fees for those who enroll in any post-graduate course of their choice at USEP. We are also in preliminary discussions with UP-Mindanao to institute our postgrad scholarships there as well. Hopefully we will be able to increase the number of our partner schools so that we can also increase the number of our postgrad scholars.

To our parents and students, we also have college scholarships through the Oplam Kaalam of the Office of Speaker Nograles. We have full scholarships available for those who pass the qualifying entrance exams of two of our country's premier state universities, the University of Southeastern Philippines and the University of the Philippines in Mindanao. We also have tuition fee assistance for students who enroll in other colleges and universities. Our office also provides scholarships for technical vocational courses for those who wish to pursue them. Since all of you are still a few years away from college, please share the opportunity with your friends and families.

It is because of my family's firm belief that the bright future we envision for our country will be determined by the quality of education we provide for our children, that Speaker Boy Nograles has invested the majority of his priority development fund for scholarship programs and capacity trainings and seminars. The Nograles commitment to education is the Nograles investment in the future. It is the trademark of our politics and our greatest advocacy.

The future of our country shall be shaped by the quality of education that we are able to provide our children. Our future lies in the partnership of our parents, teachers and elected leaders in making education something that is not merely taught within the four walls of the classroom. Education is in the shaping and molding of our children in all aspects of their being, both in the home and in the classroom as well as providing enabling opportunities for self empowerment.

To our beloved students, the lessons you have learned throughout the school year are comprised not only of the facts and figures printed on your books. The knowledge that you gained are not only the equations and historical names and dates nor the science that your teachers wrote on the blackboard and explained in the classroom. The most important lessons are the values and attitudes that you

learned from your teachers, classmates and friends in school. For these values shall serve to be the foundations, the building blocks that would determine your character. I am confident that the past school year has imbibed in each and every one of you the values needed to make the future bright for yourselves, your families, your communities and ultimately for our country.

My warmest congratulations to all of you! My prayers and best wishes are with each of you my dear students and with your parents as well. As you move on to the next level of your high school life, grab every opportunity for learning as you possibly can, the knowledge you learn today will be your treasures in the future.

To our teachers and school administration and staff! Job well done! We shall do it again next year!

Once again congratulations to everyone!

Daghang Salamat! Maayong buntag kanatong tanan!