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An alternate version of the Reclaimation for the Exalted rpg

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The Reclamation Revisited
The following covers purely thematic and fluff-oriented changes to the Reclamation which can be incorporated without any rules changes.

On the role of the Ebon Dragon
It is the nature of the Shadow of All Things to gain access to the secrets of the world. Every shadow cast, every lie told, every sin committed, and every terrible truth Jupiter has yet to reveal, bears the mark of his legend. It was inevitable that he would learn of the location of the Jade Prison, though by what means the Ebon Dragon did so is known to none save Oramus. It suffices that he learned of the facility and the secrets that guarded it, and as is his way moved to exploit this knowledge for his own selfish gain.

The Neverborn, pathetic remnants of his slain kin, could act outside of Malfeas where he could not. They alone could make use of his knowledge and provide him with a measure of what he desired. Negotiations commenced as the Ebon Dragon communed with the Abyss and transformed himself into a Creature of Death. He received what he wanted, blasphemous concessions of which the other Yozi remain blissfully unaware. But it was not in the nature of the Ebon Dragon to allow others to profit any more than was necessary. He demanded a share of the Exaltations to be harvested. As a freely offered service in exchange, he would bend his talents at escape to the creation of an inescapable chain for the new servants of Oblivion.

They should have known better than to accept the gifts of the Shadow of All Things, but the Neverborn were satisfied with the Monstrances that he provided to them. The Ebon Dragon accepted fifty of the Exaltations as his payment, and rejoiced in the dark glee of having put his mark on the creation of the Abyssal Exalted. As a side-effect the Monstrances would sabotage and destroy themselves if used to convert one of the Exaltations marked by his touch, but the truth of the matter is that the Ebon Dragon had little use for them. It was to deny the Neverborn of a portion of their gains, and not for any gain of his own, that he had named that price. It was useful to tell the other Yozis that the Exaltations were the benefit of his dealings with the Neverborn but for all his satisfaction they were but ornaments to his broader plans.

Enter Ligier
Heart-soul of the King of the Primordials, Peerless Demon Crafter, and Green Sun of Hell. Ligier wanted the Exaltations received by the Ebon Dragon as absolutely unique material components, beyond the compare of any that he had ever worked with in his uncountable years of existence. He knew the power of the Solar Exalted as well as any Third Circle Demon, indeed better than all, for the Solars were the progeny of the Unconquered Sun and through him partook of the nature of the Holy Tyrant. By examining them, using them, crafting them, he could restore something of Lost Theion to the embarrassment that Malfeas had become. And more pragmatically he could create wickedly powerful servants to perform his will in Malfeas, Creation, and beyond.

Ligier searched the many layers of the Demon City for the black dragon jouten. He was drawn to it by the horn of That Which Calls to the Shadows as she reveled below in the darkness her Oversoul had brought. Ligier focused his emerald light and dared to revoke the special privileges of one of the Yozi, shining his glory forth on the streets below the Ebon Dragon and scattering Erembours darkness-touched hordes into the filth beneath the layers of the Demon City.

By what leave do you do this? From below he heard a challenge as Erembour dodged into the lone spot of shade he had deigned to leave her. You do not shine your light through the Ebon Dragon. That is our ancient agreement and trust. You are one of the Unquestionable but you are not elevated above one of the Creators.

Ligier descended on a pillar of emerald fire, his four-armed humanoid form grasping the monstrous Sword of the Yozis as it emerged to confront the rat-tailed seductress. By right of my power, as fetich of the King, who will brook no disobedience, he haughtily answered her challenge. I would hold parley with your Oversoul. Beckon him.

Erembour shrank into her pocket of darkness as Ligier idly hefted his massive daiklave. On your head then, arrogant prince. She glanced up into the sky, wincing as she did so, confirming that the jouten was nearby. Oh Master and Creator, she began, slinking down in supplication, answer the prayers of your unworthy self-servant. There is one who would deny your dark majesty and power here. Ligier demands that you speak with him and has violated the ancient rights and compacts that protect your dignity. Show him that even the Unquestionable must bow before your Stygian might.

The descent of the Ebon Dragon jouten was far swifter and more graceful than any but the survivors of the Time of Glory could have imagined. Nightmarish coal-dark reptilian scales framed a draconic face whose eyes blazed with null-color, as though to peer into them was to peer at Oblivion itself. You have my attention, he said, in a cloying smooth voice that seemed to whisper and yet rumbled through the area. For the first time in three centuries you have my attention. What do you want?

Your Exaltations, he answered without hesitation. Overhead, the Green Sun blazed with an intensity that rendered the walls of bronze along the street transparent. I am the Craftsman Without Peer, the greatest master of the Forge among all the subjects of my Creator. I will transform them into a vehicle to make an end to the accursed surrender oaths and to liberate our King from his unjust imprisonment.

The Ebon Dragon brought a stubby black arm up as if to stroke the whiskers on either side of his muzzle. Escape is my desire and domain. It is for that purpose that I acquired my Exaltations. You are mighty, Prince of the Green Sun, but what can you hope to achieve that I cannot?

The Solars are of kin to me and the souls of my Master, Ligier began. I know them, and can manage them, far better than any others among the Unquestionable. But it will require many talents and many resources to mount any kind of escape attempt. That is why the akuma have failed time and time again. Give me the Exaltations and I will forge them into something new, and I shall guide their efforts where your attention will wane.

So be it, the Ebon Dragon answered, almost seeming to smile. You will be in charge of exploiting these Exaltations to effect an end to this wretched imprisonment. It is only fitting that the heart of our noble King lead such an effort, after all. This Reclamation of our Creation will require many talents, as you have argued, so you will have my blessings to recruit such Unquestionable as you require. My Soul Erembour shall be your second, as a sign of my goodwill.

Ligier glanced over to the patch of dark, and found the reveler frozen in uncustomary fury. He gave her a mocking half-bow of courtesy. That is acceptable.

Then we are agreed. Erembour will have one of her souls deliver the Exaltations to your forge. The jouten began ascending, clawing its way back into the sky, but a final message resounded. Now sheath your light, Green Sun, and let the dark brood of Erembour play..

Magnanimous in victory, Ligier allowed the Ebon Dragon to block his rays and night rushed back into the area. Relieved eyes of all colors poked out into the total blackness underneath the jouten as Ligier stood triumphant before Erembour. Most of those eyes were darkened forever as the Green Sun ascended back into the sky on a supernova burst of sickly green light.

The Forging of Lilun
Alveua delivered the Exaltations to Ligier, as promised by the Ebon Dragon. Her arrival with fifty different dark containers, reeking of necrotic essence, drove many First Circle demons in her path to flight. Even haughty Ligier looked on with annoyance and distaste at the measures by which the Ebon Dragon had contained the Solar shards, and it was readily apparent to the Keeper of the Forge of Night that she might become a target for the Green Sun's wrath.

She offered up the idea of a living vessel to hold the Exaltations, hoping to engage the imagination of the Peerless Demon Crafter and thereby to stay his hand. Ligier found the concept intriguing though the transformation of living flesh was a specialty of hers, not his. She nonetheless bowed before the superior craftsmanship of the Green Sun and humbly requested that he allow her to apprentice under his brilliant leadership for the project. Suitably flattered, Ligier approved and tasked her with locating the perfect specimen to apply their most advanced techniques upon. In doing so he played into her own desires.

With the backing of the Prince of Hell she found it easy to requisition a particular subject of her own fascination. Her Oversoul was only mildly displeased when Alveua prayed to him to give her the daughter of the Scarlet Empress. The young girl was handed over to her, and brought to the Forge of Night where Alveua placed upon her forehead a coronet of innocence. She remained pliant and supine as the Keeper of the Forge and Ligier hammered her flesh and soul into one, transforming her into a spirit whose nature was distorted by the artifact affixed into her being. Lilun was made into an artificial Demon, a First Circle Soul, but the process had merely begun.

Lilun was forged and reforged multiple times, melted into chalcanth and refined further and further at each step, as the infernal essence of Ligier was pounded into her. As allies signed up to the so-called Reclamation the essence of other Third Circles was folded into her spirit, altering her metaphysical nature to give the Exaltations she would house access to the shinmaic legends of the Yozis. At the final step the Monstrances were broken apart and the control mechanisms grafted into her spirit-womb, linking the Exaltations to her naturally immaterial form and banishing the necrotic tinge of the Neverborn, or what the Ebon Dragon had claimed was the tinge of the Neverborn, in a flood of living Infernal essence.

The completed Phylactory-Womb is a Behemoth, or perhaps an artificial Third Circle Demon, one boasting the essence of many different Yozis. Not even Ligier seems absolutely certain of just what Lilun is, but he has every confidence that she will serve as a repository, control-mechanism, and mascot for the Infernal Exalted. She retained much of her personality and memories of being the daughter of the Scarlet Empress, but her mentality is distorted by the enforced innocence that was forged into her soul. Most of the time she is at the Althing, improving the brass tower with objects of art from the demon-markets, or encouraging the Green Sun Princes in her earnest, superficial way. In turn she is treated with deference or indulgence by the Demons and Infernals of the Althing. She is loved, with what passes for love among the Demons, by all.

And no one has yet realized that for all the ministrations of Alveua and Ligier, she still cries for her father when alone and hides a burning hatred for her mother.

The Agendas of the Reclamation
Ligier had promoted his leadership as vital to using the Exaltations to end the imprisonment of the Yozis. The Green Sun hoped, in a rather distant sort of way, that the Green Sun Princes he would forge could discover some sort of loophole or cosmic key to let himself into Creation. But that was not the true reason he wanted the Exaltations, and none of the Third Circle Souls recruited onto his Reclamation Conclave actually has an idea as to how the Infernal Exalted might accomplish that goal. The Ebon Dragon, the sole Yozi engaged by the Conclave, has likewise declined to offer any advice or suggestions or to take more than a limited interest in the matter.

Ligier primarily hoped to use the Solar Exaltations to restore something of the great Holy Tyrant to the mutilated corpus of Malfeas. The essence of the Unconquered Sun and that of his father the Empyreal Chaos were not so different. Indeed the Solar essence is that of Theion, refined and magnified by the Divine Ignition. While not even Ligier has an idea where Cytherea actually is, one of her Third Circles was instrumental in the process of forging the Infernal Exaltations. He yet hopes that some of the Infernal Exalted will find her, or exploit the access to the metaphysical nature of Malfeas that he has given, or forge some other way that Malfeas can be changed for the better. And in the meantime they will prove to be exceptional servants of his, performing his will in Creation and in the Demon City.

The motives of the other Third Circles are not dissimilar. While nominally all of them are in favor of escape, most joined to gain access to the power offered by the new Exaltations. Each member of the Conclave is allowed to choose a First Circle Demon to act as the initial vehicle for an Exaltation sent out to Creation, and to submit Urges to replace those completed by established Green Sun Princes. It will come as little surprise that most such urges blatantly further the aims, ideology, and agendas of the Third Circle Demons rather than providing concrete guidance on goals enabling an escape of the Yozis.

The Third Circles of She Who Lives in Her Name unanimously backed the project under the simple reasoning that Ligier is their superior in the demonic hierarchy. Munaxes, The Ravine of Whispers, favors the use of the Infernal Exalted to punish traitors to the principle of hierarchy. Any traitors to any hierarchy, even when that strengthens the enemies of the Yozis. The more pragmatic and worldly Kanzue, Sage of Perfected Interaction, will offer Urges of somewhat less sweeping scope and of greater use to She Who Lives in Her Name specifically, such as to restore the rightful rulers of An-Teng. And in general they will support and even defer to Ligier himself and other ranking Third Circle of Malfeas, though they look with suspicion at the presence of such disruptive elements as Erembour.

For her part Erembour seeks to throw Creation into chaos that her particular revels may expand. Urges which seek to dissolve the bonds of society and promote selfish interest can usually be traced to her influence. More ambitiously, souls of the Ebon Dragon seek the demise of the Unconquered Sun as the source of their Creator's only weakness. Undermining the Celestial Hierarchy to strip the Unconquered Sun of defenders is a preliminary to that move. And unknown to all save certain of her Second Circle Souls, Erembour wishes for the dimming of the Green Sun to avenge his slights and to allow her summon forth her vast multitude of warped dark broods unimpeded. For now she remains subtle about her grudge, but her embrace of many Green Sun Princes as proteges and lovers may allow her to subvert the Reclamation Conclave without anyone else being the wiser.

Ligier expected and desired no input from the souls of Adorjan, and did not greet the surprise intervention of Jacint with good grace. That is, until a young woman with a pageboy haircut and teeth of white jade intruded giggling into their argument. He agreed to allow the Third Circles of Adorjan onto the Conclave, though thus far only Jacint has sought admission. He seeks revenge on the Emissary of Nexus, and constantly submits urges that amount to Destroy the Emissary of Nexus. He does provide other Urges from time to time, primarily directed at undermining established social certitudes and introducing the philosophical insights of Adorjan to Creation. He is frequently accompanied by the the young girl with teeth of white jade when he does so, though the jouten simply giggles the entire time she is in the presence of the assembled Unquestionable and Infernals. Lately Sacred Kamilla has blown through the Althing and and there are rumors that she has addressed some of the Green Sun Princes, but few know the truth of the matter.

The souls of Cecelyne have, like those of She Who Lives in Her Name, taken a disproportionate interest in the Conclave. Hamana, The Harlot of the Wastes, is the most prominent of these souls and has dedicated her assigned Infernals to spreading her worship among the cities of the South. In contrast Semos, The Prophet of Bitter Tears, frequently pushes for acts of rampant destruction to remind Creation of the majesty of the Yozis. To date no Infernal has yet fulfilled his wish to destroy Gem in a spectacular manner but most expect that it is only a matter of time before one does. Orabilis has requisitioned Princes to silence those who know secrets they are not allowed, or who have wrested them from his purview. Occasionally he has also tasked Infernal assets with supporting Lucien in keeping Sacheverell quiescent. In exchange he has provided the Althing with Glass Libraries dedicated to the sorcerous education of Green Sun Princes.

Dukantha represents Kimbery on the Conclave rather than a Third Circle Demon, though Madelrada provided essence to allow the Infernals access to Kimberys legend and has made requests through him. As could be expected most of their interests are found in the West and involve the Lintha in some manner or another. Dukantha seems to be looking for an Infernal Champion to do what he can not, which is to aid the recovery of the purity of the Lintha bloodlines. Another desperate and seemingly heartfelt Urge the akuma has submitted involves saving the life of the behemoth Lintha Ng Oroo. He has made several concessions to Ligier in exchange for support from the most promising Infernals, which presages a rise of the fortunes of his people. A rare few non-Lintha centered Urges from Kimbery's demons involve particular artistic ambitions and/or punishment of individuals in Creation.

Szoreny, Isidoros, and Oramus all have multiple Third Circle Demons represented on the Conclave, while Qaf and Cytherea are represented by a single Unquestionable each. None of these have yet elected to allow the Green Sun Princes to adopt the power of their creators, but have provided backing and support enough to be allowed to submit Urges. Most such Urges are predictable given the nature of their progenitors, and may be focused on Creation or Malfeas, or rarely in the case of the Serene Asura Reflecting on High, involve the Underworld. Cytherea's Third Circle, The Ardent Flame, has a particular priority due to his involvement in forging the Exaltations with Ligier though the Urges he submits are often quixotic or otherwise inexplicable. It is not impossible that one of these reluctant Demons may yet be convinced to share the nature of their makers, perhaps by one of the Princes.

Green Sun Princes
When Ligier opened the monstrances to complete his forging of Lilun, the Solar Exaltations inside began their flight back to Creation. The craftsman was prepared for this, however, and worked feverishly alongside Alveua and with the help of the Ardent Flame to complete binding their chains to the Phylactory-Womb. As the Exaltations crossed the Endless Desert they were, one by one, reeled back into Lilun and brought into the workshop of the Prince of Hell. Not a single shard of the fifty given to the Ebon Dragon crossed into Creation or knew the light of the Unconquered Sun.

Instead they were bathed in the emerald brilliance of Ligier as he flooded them with Infernal essence. Lilun removed one shard at a time from her womb, allowing for their individual transformation into Infernal-aspected Exaltations. The Green Sun broke through their outer layers, contaminating them with Yozi principles and binding them to power new protocols to tap into the legends of the Titans burned into the shinma. The Ardent Flame then seared each new sickly-greenish Exaltation shard in his utterly pure and impossibly hot white-blue fires, fusing Ligier's additions to the shard and sealing it up again. As each shard was treated it was returned to Lilun, save for the first five which were fused to First Circle Demons and released to find Exaltation candidates.

The first Green Sun Prince was a champion of Malfeas, discovered by a neomah drawn to the aftermath of a bloody palace coup in the Hundred Kingdoms. The neomah, like all future coadjutors, had been drawn from the ranks of the Citizens and so was more than capable of handling the inconsolable youngest and only surviving child of the former Queen. She found a secluded chamber in a forgotten dungeon of the palace and merged with him, protecting him inside the Chrysalis Grotesque while his pursuers searched in vain. When he emerged in Malfeas the Reclamation Conclave inspected him for flaws amid paranoid secrecy. When Ligier pronounced himself satisfied with the result days of celebration were ordered, which the Brass Dancer graced in what was taken as a sign of approval from the Demon City.

The remainder of the first Coven made their way to Malfeas and passed a similar inspection. After it was clear that the coadjutor system would suffice for guidance and control Ligier went on a renewed drive to recruit among his fellow Unquestionable. Madelrada was the first new Third Circle Demon to have a portion of her Essence forged into Lilun, allowing future Infernals to form Charms based on Kimbery's nature. But she turned down a direct role on the Conclave in preference to assigning the seat to Dukantha, the favored Champion of the Great Mother, and allowed the Terrestrial Akuma to submit urges in her stead. To date no other Kimbery Unquestionable has joined the Conclave though Dukantha will sometimes submit an Urge that clearly came from another of her Third Circles.

Gaining support and backing for the Conclave proved easy, but Ligier found the remaining Unquestionable far more reserved in their willingness to donate Essence to Lilun. He did not press the issue, deeming that the powers already available to his Chosen are sufficient, but he expects that some others will come around eventually. Kagami, fetich of Szoreny, is likely to bow to his nature sooner or later and allow the Green Sun Princes to mirror his Oversoul, while Kashta, Eighteenth Soul of Isidoros, has a standing offer to do so if an Infernal champion can win her gladiatorial games and defeat her in combat afterward. On the other hand the Ardent Flame has consistently refused to do so and has intimated that no Third Circle of Cytherea would ever be willing to allow access to her Essence.

Having secured what he considered sufficient support, Ligier turned his attention to the infrastructure needed by his Green Sun Princes. A powerful manse was constructed in the middle of his own Empire, with palatial quarters for all fifty Infernal Exalted, an ornate throne room and reception hall, and a debating chamber and briefing rooms that lent their name to the manse; the Althing. The gigantic brass tower was personalized by Lilun, supplied with lavish gardens of Creation-born life, a fountain of pure water, and staffed with neomah servants and other largely humanoid Demons. Once all of the Infernal Exalts had been gathered together Ligier introduced them to Lilun, the Conclave, and each other and bade the Exalts select a Marshal from among themselves.

The resulting deliberations were part-election, part-brawl, but in the end Ligier was delighted as his first Exalt became the Marshal of the Althing. Ligier surrendered the hearthstone of the Manse to his favorite, and addressed them in a brief speech on their new status as Peers of Hell. They could bring their concerns to the Conclave via their Marshal, and make their own rules for deliberations and broader planning. Ligier concluded by promising the Exalts all the support they could require. He then ascended into the sky in a flash of impossible brilliance, leaving the Green Sun Princes to settle their affairs.


(This is presented as an alternative to Lillun as she appears in the Manual of Exalted Power: Infernals, and the canon process of Green Sun Prince Exaltation.)

Lillun, the Coryphee of Hope is the final form of a mortal girl sacrificed to the glory of the Yozi. Imprisoned within Malfeas, she was used as a component in one of the greatest works of artifice that the Demon Realm has ever known, her soul and destiny becoming a tether to the world of Creation.

Her apotheosis required work from all five of the original Reclamation Architects, utilizing an organic N/A Artifact, itself forged from N/A Hellforged Wonders to which each Architect sacrificed a Third Circle Soul to complete. The process birthed a new humaniform behemoth into the world with a mental gestalt of the mortal girl and the five aspects of the Yozi implanted within her.

From Malfeas, she burns with an unquenchable desire for redemption - that part of the Demon Emperor that knows his shame and wishes to rise to glory once more. From Cecelyne, she knows an unflinching dedication to justice, and a drive that will risk everything to see others get what they rightful deserve. From She Who Lives In Her Name, she understands interdependence, that no one is an island, and only through working together can one achieve feats far beyond themselves. From Adorjan, she lusts for freedom; not just for herself, but for all that are bound against their will. And from the Ebon Dragon, she comprehends ruthlessness like no other - a pragmatism to achieve one's goals regardless of what anyone else thinks about her.

Together, the newly reborn Lillun resides in the Basilica of Carousel Whimsy, a truly massive open-air stadium in which she holds absolute authority by the word of Cecelyne. In this mock miniature kingdom, she presides over the Celebration Eternal: a lavish party that she has decreed to have no end, and that has been ongoing for several years now. All things there are welcome, so long as they do not disrupt the Celebration. Demons from all over Malfeas have flocked there to bask in the light of the Coryphee of Hope, such that the Basilica is always overflowing, new room made only by the forceful ejection of party crashers, or the unconscious forms of demons that have partied themselves out.

Lillun, the Coryphee of Hope
Motivation: Expand the Celebration Eternal as far as it will go, eventually converting the entirety of the Demon Realm into a single neverending, and unquestionably rockin', party.
*Give all those that have fallen, and who wish to make amends, a chance at redemption.
*Uphold justice; see that everyone gets their fair due.
*Bring people together, and inspire teamwork.
*Free all those unwillingly bound.
*Never give up.
Attributes: Strength 6, Dexterity 8, Stamina 6, Charisma 10, Manipulation 10, Appearance 12, Perception 8, Intelligence 10, Wits 8
Virtues: Compassion 5, Conviction 5, Temperance 5, Valor 5
Abilities: Athletics 10, Awareness 6, Craft [Wood] 10 (Tailoring +3), Dodge 7 (Unarmored +3), Integrity 10, Larceny 8 (Disguise +1), Linguistics 7 (RSVP +2), Lore 5, Martial Arts 6, Occult 10 (Demonology +3), Performance 10 (Dancing +3), Presence 10 (Never Give Up, Never Surrender! +3), Resistance 8 (Partying +3), Ride 1 (Demons +3), Socialize 10, Stealth 8
Essence: 10
Essence Pool: 250
Willpower: 10
DDV: 14, PDV: 7, MMDV: 15, PMDV: 10
Join Battle/Debate: 14
Soak: 50B/50L/0A
Hardness: 10B/10L/10A
Health Levels: 0x51/-1x2/-2x2/-4x1/Inc

Essence Powers:

Urge From Beyond: Lillun possesses five Urges, one for each demon fused with her. When she performs an action in line with an Urge, she adds five dice to that action. If an action qualifies for multiple Urges at once, this bonus is cumulative. Her mortal essence also extends her senses through the cracks in the Demon Realm, so that she may perceive certain events in Creation. Every time an exceptional mortal cries out for redemption, justice, authority, freedom, or power, she hears it, and may spend a mote to view that mortal's past and present.

Green Sun Princess: Lillun is known metaphorically as the "Phylactery Womb", as she holds the fifty Exaltations of the Green Sun Princes within herself. While containing such power, even without them bound to one's soul, would be fatal to nearly any being, the strength of five Primordials contains them within her without ill effect, save for a minor feeling of megalomania.

Once an Infernal Shard is within her, she has the power to perceive memories that have clung to it from its previous owner, and may "clean" the Exaltation by absorbing these memories through the spiritual umbilical chord that attaches the two together. She need not clean all memories from it, and often leaves particularly inspiration echoes in line with her Urges upon the shard.

If a spare Exaltation is within her, and she is currently viewing a mortal through her "Urge From Beyond" ability, she may spend 30 motes and 1 willpower to establish a link with an unbound First Circle Demon in Creation, and send the Exaltation flying off into Creation at impossible speeds. There, it attaches to the demon, and makes a few subtle alterations. Firstly, its nature and domain are altered slightly to make it more suitable as a harbinger of the Exalted. Secondly, Lillun gains absolute control over the demon, and may force it to perform actions of her choosing, and may speak through it with her voice. Thirdly, the demon gains the Hurry Home spirit charm as a Training effect if it did not already have it. Lillun may then command the demon to activate Hurry Home to dematerialize and teleport directly to the location of the mortal that she wishes to receive the Exaltation, as they are now within the demon's domain. She may then speak through the demon to the mortal, and offer it a choice.

If the mortal excepts the Exaltation, the demon latches onto the mortal's soul and becomes a Coadjutor, Exalting the mortal. Lillun has no control over them after they have woven a Chrysalis Grotesque.

For every Green Sun Prince Exaltation that exists, Lillun adds 2 motes to her mote pool, as well as 1 bashing and lethal soak and one -0 health level, and she regenerates one additional mote per hour. If a Prince ever discovers Heretical Charms, and invents Swallowing the Scorpion, those Exaltations that sever their connection to her no longer grant her these bonuses.

Bastion of the Yozi: All Shaping and Unnatural Mental Influence directed at Lillun becomes Obvious to her senses, and she may shrug any such attempt off without effect if she so chooses. In addition, she cannot willingly accept any Emotion effect that instills anything other than happiness, excitement, determination, or similar. The Yozi have stricken from her the ability to feel anything but these things. If she would despair, she feels only hope for a better tomorrow. If she would be sad, she feels only ambition for change. If she would feel loss, she looks towards a bright future.

Big Brother, Little Sister: All Green Sun Princes automatically know when Lillun is under duress, and from whom (insofar as Lillun knows). From anywhere in the cosmos, they may take a spiritual Defend Other action, sending Essence through the umbilical chord that links their Exaltation with the Coryphee of Hope, to protect her. As they do so, simulacrums of green light appear around her in the likeness of the defending princes, interposing themselves between her and her attackers. If they activate charms to supplement their Defend Other action, it costs an additional one mote.

Dance for the Underdogs: At the cost of 10 motes, Lillun may supplement a Performance roll that involve dancing. Creatures of Darkness that witness this dance are filled with hope, momentarily forgetting the troubles of their life. This counts as a scene eroding negative intimacies in opposition with Lillun's Urges, and removes one Crippling derangement and one dot of Limit. A single being can only benefit from this dance once per week, although it is still non-mechanically soothing.

If these things are not already present, Lillun may produce a variety of music, sound effects, and green pyrotechnics during her performance.

Additional Charms: Lillun possesses a massive library of Spirit Charms derived from the Third Circle Souls fused with her. Generally, if it would be in line with her personality and one of her Urges, assume she has it. She also inherently expresses the equivalent of a Celestial Martial Art Style through her intrinsic nature, though no other being knows of it yet. If she ever decided to teach another, she could spawn Emerald Devil-Princess Ballet Style.

Finally, she may serve as a tutor for the charms of any Primordial that has opened their charms to the Green Sun Princes.

The Celestial Host wins. Luna is a more active participant, throwing in her lot with the rest of the Incarnae. It happens when Theion brings the Unconquered Sun before him, beseeches him to turn away from this mad errand and fails. During this confrontation, a Lunar, Ogri Sky-Traveller, gave his life ripping free the secrets of the means to allow Sol Invictus to turn against his masters. What resulted was the cataclysmic Battle of Suns, between Ligier and Sol Invictus. Ligier was slain and Theion underwent Fetich death. Soledades, the Lonely Black Star, Queen of One and Everything, was the being that emerged. The singularity of her identity absorbed the surviving Primordial Host into her form. The Principle of Heirarchy tried to blast away three of her sphere as a last ditch vengeance but these spheres could not escape Soledades's pull. Her solipsist world was remade around her, so the rest of her brethren were unmade, like they had never been, they had been Neverborn. A being such as she could not be bound by oaths and to Amongst the Primordials that died against the Unconquered Sun, there was the Dragon That Was and the Black Boar. One proved to be too insidious and the other too intractable to be absorbed in the formless soup of the rest of the dead. Their stubbornness to lose themselves to endless pain reawakened the identities of four others, Who Holds In Thrall, The Great Tentacled One, The Cavern That Devours Cities and Whose Laughter Turns The Sky To Blood. The combined pain and hate of these Ghost create the Hell-dimension called Malfeas, in which the undying Yozi now reside. So it was the Celestial Host was given dominion over the Cosmology of Creation. As it had happened in reflection of Creation, so it did here, the curse of vengeful ghost wormed its way into the hearts of the Exalted, the Solar above all others. But the Vast Cosmos were too great for even the God-Kings to tear down with their callous might so the Five Score Fellowship only shook their heads. Instead it was the Ten Thousand Dragons and all those who suffered below them that chafed under the increasingly insane rule of the Deliberative. The window for rebellion though did not, perhaps could not, manifest until Gorol Thrice-Damned became Damned. At the time, the Yozi ghosts were unbound, only limited by incomprehensible patterns of their Passions. waging on and off war upon Creation, each separately and rarely more then one at a time. Then by merest chance all five had their Passion align for once and made total war upon Creation once again. Spear heading this invasion was Gorol the first Akuma of the Yozi. A Circle of three Solars and two Lunars defeated Gorol and through him forced the Yozi to surrender. They threatened to cast the titanic ghosts into the singularity of Soladades. The Black Boar did not fear it but the Dragon That Was feared losing his identity above all else and quailed and convinced the rest of the Yozi to concede and the Black Boar never forgave them. So they swore upon the oaths called the Black Nadir Concordant. This granted the Exalted the dark cousin of Sorcery, Necromancy, and power over the various circles of the Yozi's Spirits. Now with black powers and with the mightiest of Spirit at their call, the Solar's were even worst but still not a danger to the overall stability of Creation. Autochthon still grew nervous and fled and one Dragon-Blooded had had enough. She, as Gorol had done, sold her soul to the Yozi. At the time, the most Passionate was the Dragon That Was and to him she came. She became an extension of his Passions in exchange for the chance to lash out at the Solars and he intended . However, it was the Dragon's nature to betray, even himself, as so she did betray him and take back her soul and even greater power then before. Where then she hadn't enough power to actually do enough against, now she could. She had already a cadre of followers but now the whole of the Ten Thousand Dragons seemed eager to flock to her, the Scarlet Empress. She spearheaded the Usurpation against the Solar. They called upon the Sun but he had turned his face from them in shame. She killed them all and threw their Exaltation into the Beyond, she scattered the Lunar and as for the Sidereal... Of them there existed two factions based upon the Great Prophecy. They saw two choice, they could fight the Scarlet Empress and they may win but if they lost and became like the rest of their Celestial brethren, Creation may crumble without their care. Those who wanted this option were the Iron Faction. The other was to bow to the Scarlet Empress and continue to upkeep Creation. This was the Jade Faction. With the Night of Falling Stars, Jade Faction one and the Five Score Fellowship bent knee to the new ruler of Creation. As a test of their loyalty, the Scarlet Empress commanded them to shatter the Mask. Some of the ghosts of the dead Solar were caught in the gravitation of Soledades's identity, like many other unfortunate souls that in despair wished to throw away their sense of self and embrace Oblivion. Ruvelia, the Maw of the Void, spat the Solars' ghosts back out, stripped of their identities but not their hatred and their passions. Taking up new names, they became the Deathlords. They released the Contagion upon Creation and invited the Fae into its bored for the Balorian Crusade, all to end their suffering by forcing everything to tumble down into Ruvelia's Maw. Balor cut himself to the capital planet of the Cosmos, Blessed Terra, and here he could not resist himself, engaging the Scarlet Empress in single combat. It ended on such a satisfying note though; neither of them triumped you see. He would have preferred to have lost totally, you see, then that they cut themselves both down each. Balor therefore self-destructed rather than leave anything ambiguous but the Empress was still wounded so deeply she had to be interred on life-support as she fell into a coma. She has not awoken for a thousand years but the Realm tells the lie that she has ascended to a higher state of being, her spirit joining with the Immaculate Dragons. Only yet another lie, among the demonization of the Celestial Host and the angelifying of the Ten Thousand Dragons and the other propaganda of the Scarlet Dynasty. Now the Solar Exaltations have been pulled back from Beyond and the Lawgivers are returning. Some though, did not land in Creation, but into the hands of the Yozi, to be twisted by their hatred and passions, becoming the Infernal, to perhaps better regain a measure of their life and revenge, in the efforts of the Reclamation. Or sucked into Ruvelia's Maw, only to be spat out and gathered by the Deathlords, becoming the Abyssal. The Iron Rebellion ferments further into life in Yu-Shan and in the middle of it all the Lunar still stand.