Recipes Using Oranges

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  • 8/13/2019 Recipes Using Oranges


    1 V, * %> ' < * A CaliforniaS u k i s t O i ^ i f c s

    D e s s e r t s & S a l a d s

  • 8/13/2019 Recipes Using Oranges


  • 8/13/2019 Recipes Using Oranges


    S u n k i s t D e s s e r t s& S a l a d sand Sunkist Premiums

    C a l i f o r n i a F r u i t Gr o w e r s E x c h a n g e139 North Clarlc Street Chicago Illinois.Cop yr igh t 1915 by Ca l i forn ia F ru i t Growers Exc han ge

  • 8/13/2019 Recipes Using Oranges


    ySiixtxhii s i D e s s e r t s a n d S a l a d ;Sunkist Oranges

    This book was writ ten for the people who love unkistOranges, and who have learned that there is as wide a gulfbetween ordinary oranges and the golden fruit bearing thismagic nam e, as the re is betwe en a new laid egg and th eindifferent cold storage kind . W e thin k, therefore, th a t i twill interest you to learn why your Sunkist Oranges are sogoodwhy they are as fresh, luscious and superbly f lavoredwhen they reach your table as i f you had s tepped out in toyour own yard and picked them from the t ree.This golden harvest is gathered under the supervision ofthe California Fruit Growers Exchange, a str ictly non-profitco-operative company, organized to market the crop ofOranges and Lemons for the California grower at actual costof operation.The f irst and biggest reason is that only California sun-shine and soil can produce the f lavor and quali ty you get inSunkis t .Second, that Sunkist groves are the f inest in the world.Third , that the Cal i fornia Frui t Growers Exchange haveso perfected their methods of handling and shipping fruitthat i t reaches you, the person who eats i t , in the height ofi ts perfection.The splendid t rees that make up the Sunkis t groves arecult iva ted in th e m ost scientif ic m an ner. Th eir ownerswatch over each individual tree to insure that each receives

    the expert care that i t has been proved will develop thefinest oran ge it is possible to ripen. On ly perfect fruit ispacked under the Sunkis t name.Once you e at a Su nkist Orange no othe r kind will eversa t is fy you . Th e nam e unkist is a gua ran tee of qua li ty,corresponding to the Sterl ing mark on silver .There are two varieties of Sunkist Orangesthe famousSun kist Seedless Na vel, w hich is in the m arket, f rom Decem -

    Orange Spoon . (N o. 1 .) For eachspoon desired send 12 Sunkist orRed Ball trademarks and 12 cents.

    Three- quarters actual size

  • 8/13/2019 Recipes Using Oranges


    S i t r t l c i s i D e s s e r t s a.rtd S a l eThe Queen of Fruitsber t i l l June, and the delicious Sunkist Valencia Orange,which is m arke ted f rom Ju ne unt i l Decem ber . Th us orangelovers can get the incomparable Sunkist at al l t imes of theyear orange s which are no t only th e f inest in th e world,but also are invaluable f rom a heal th s tandpoint .

    On page 24 you will find a few of the reasons why SunkistOranges should be eaten regularly, not only because they areso good, but because they are so good for you.These health hints will be confirmed by your physician,who will gladly tell you the part they play in regulating theentire system , thu s assist ing the entire family to bette r h ealth .

    For BreakfastT he orange m ay be served w hole, if preferred, bu t iseasier to handle if halved and eaten with the Sunkist OrangeSpoon. W itho ut removing th e r ind, th e f rui t m ay b e cut

    int o qu ar te rs an d e aten f rom the f ingers , or ca n be separatedinto i ts natural divisions, heaped about a cone of f ine sugar.I t would be ha rd to imp rove th e fresh, clear juice of aSun kist Orange as a delightful drink, bu t for variety, th eadd ition of a tablesp oon of grape juice to two orangesmakes a pleasing change.W hen recipes call for gra ted r ind of Sun kist Orangesor Lemons, i t i s im po r tant t ha t care be tak en to remove

    only th e yellow portion. A light pressure on the grate ris am ple, an d a suff icient am ou nt ma y be secured byrubbing the entire surface of th e fruit . Th e essentialoil thu s obtaine d h as a most pun gen t f lavor and i tshould be used sparingly.If orange cups or lemon shells are to be usedfor serving any mixture, the pulp may be removedwith a teaspoon and the edges cut in points with

    Coffee Spoon . (N o. 11.) Fo r eachspoon desired send 12 Sunkist orRed Ball trademarks and 12 cents.Tea spoon . (N o. 7 .) For each spoondesired send 12 Sunkist or RedBall trademarks and 12 cents.

    Three- quarters actual size

  • 8/13/2019 Recipes Using Oranges


    i f k i s f D e s s c H s a n d S a l a d s

    a sh arp knife. T he cases m ay then be placed in cold water,if the y are n ot to be used a t once, to p reve nt softeningor discoloration. By careful hand ling one can cut a hand ledba ske t form to use for serving a dressing or relish, whichm ake s an at tra ct iv e garnish for special occasions.In expressing th e juice from Sunk ist Fru its , th e glass orchina lemon squeezers are best an d m ost conv enient. M ak ecertain th a t th e juice is s trained before serving and neverpre pa re any tim e in ad vanc e, as it loses th e fine flavor andpungency.Salad Suggestions

    In the making of salads there seems to be no end tothe varie ty. Success depen ds firs t up on th e qua lity of th eingredients; second, upo n judicious com bination, and third ,upon the dressing which is used.Fruits and vegetables are cut with a sharp knife (neverchopped) and all juices drained fro m th em . To enrich

    the m oil or cream ma y be used and som etimes bo th. T hedesired a m ou nt of acid is secured from Sun kist Lemon s (amuch more wholesome article than vinegar) as i t is ana tura l acid instead of a ferm ent. Indee d m an y of thevinegars on the market are manufactured products of amo st un he alth ful nat ure . Th e fresh ly expressed juice oflemons is not only the finest but safest of all acids classedas foods. All salads, with the exception of po tat o andcabbage, should be combined just before serving. Lem onjuice added to any fruits , accentuates the f lavor.Some Salad Com binations

    W hen th e blending of salad ingredients is u nde rstoodand the various dressings are known, it is quite unneces-sary to have many distinct formulas, but a few suggestionsare given here which ma y prove helpful. T he basis of eac hsalad is the Sunkist Orange.Des sert Spoon. (N o. 2 . ) For eachspoon desired send 24 Sunkist orRed Ball trademarks and 20 cents.

    Three-quarters actual size

  • 8/13/2019 Recipes Using Oranges


    S t t r t l c i s i D e s s e r t s a n d S a l123456789


    Cut celery, oranges, pecans and lettuce.Oranges, almonds, and lettuce hearts .Romaine, oranges, and ripe olives.Sweetbreads, celery and orange.Strawberr ies , orange and banana.Halved oranges covered with chopped nuts .Spanish onions, oranges and cream mayonnaise.Cherries , oranges and minced pistachio nuts .Halves of canned pe ars heaped w ith orange cubesOrange sections in lemon jelly, s tr ips of pimento.French Dressing

    Place in a shallow bowl or de ep sauce dish ateaspoo n of salt , half as m uch pap rika and oth erseasonings to tas te, such as celery salt , mu star d(French or English), black pepper, onion juice,garlic or some of the tab le sauces, and mixtho rou gh ly w ith half a cu p of olive oil. Ad dthe juice of a Sunkist Lemon and beat vigorously.Th is dressing m ay be m ade in a glass fru it jaran d ke pt in a cool place, t o use as need ed. Asthe ingredients separate easily, the contents mustbe well shak en before opening th e jar . Th isdressing is of ten used to ma rina te cooked chickenor fish to be used later in salads an d also topour over s teaks some hours before cooking,to flavor and enrichen.Quick Mayonnaise

    M ix w ith one egg yolk a teaspoo n of Su n-kist Le m on juice, half as m uch salt andsome white pepper, using a shallowbowl an d sm all egg wh isk. Ad d oliveoil gradu ally un til m ixture thickens,then a l ternate ly add more lemon juiceSou p Spoo n. (N o. 15.) For eachspoon desired send 24 Sunkist orRed Bal l trademarks and 25 cents .Bou i l lon Spoon. (N o. 12 .) For eachspoon desired send 24 Sunkist orRed Bal l trademarks and 20 cents .

    Three-quarters actual size

  • 8/13/2019 Recipes Using Oranges


    S l w n l c i s i D e s s e r t s a n d S a l a d sand oil in the proportion of two-thirds of a cup of oil and twotablespoo ns of lemo n juice. Th e lat ter should be adde din small amounts or dressing will become too thin, but theoil m ay be used qu ite freely af te r i t once thicke ns. Ke epclosely covered in refr ige rator un ti l read y to use. I t m aybe softened with whipped cream when salad is combined,or chil i sauce may be added for variety.Orange and Green Pepper Salad

    Cut the pulp of four Sunkist Oranges into sectionsentirely free from inner skin. Rem ove center from a shapelysweet green pep per an d cu t int o qua rter- inch r ings. M ak enests of head lettuce for individual service and in eachone place half a do zen o range se ctions (well drained )encircled w ith a pe pp er ring. Sprinkle w ith crush ed Brazilnuts and serve mayonnaise or cream dressing.Orange Game Salad

    Cut all skin from five Sunkist Oranges and cut pulp intove ry th in slices. Sp read th es e in a sieve to drain for tenm inute s, th en place in dish, sprinkling w ith a teasp oon ofsugar, a little salt, th re e ta bles poo ns of olive oil, one oftarragon vinegar, a generous quantity of paprika, and ateasp oon of lemon juice. Chill for half an ho ur befo re serv-ing and place a choice branch of celery filled with creamcheese on each salad plate.Tropical Salad

    Cut into sections four Sunkist Oranges, two f irm bananasand a cup ful of marshm allows. M ak e th e dressing by scald-ing three-fourths of a cup of cream and thickening i tcarefully with tw o egg yolks be ate n with a tablespoon ofsuga r. As it cools ad d a little salt an d th e juice of halfSol id Ha ndle Ta ble Kn i fe . (No . 4 . )

    For each k nife desired send 24Sunkis t or Red Bal l trademarksand 25 cents .Sol id Ha ndle Dess ert Kn i fe . (N o. 31 . )For each knife desired send 24Sunkis t or Red Bal l trademarksand 25 cents.

  • 8/13/2019 Recipes Using Oranges


    a large Su nkist Lem on. Blend thorou ghly with the saladm aterials and sprinkle generously with fresh grate d coc oanu t.Prune Salad with Oranges

    So ften a dozen choice p run es in cold w ater over night,and bring to th e boiling po int slowly. K ee p th em ve ry ho twithou t boil ing, unt i l tend er . Th en cool and drain the f rui t .Spl i t the prunes and remove s tones , then cover with thecut pulp of two Sunkis t Oranges and one Sunkis t Lem on.Sprinkle with spli t almonds and serve each portion with aspoonful of cream salad dressing.Butterfly Salad

    Rem ove all skin f rom two grape frui t and three Sunkis tOranges an d c ut into un iform slices across th e fru it , and the ninto halves. D rain juice from a small can of pineapple andcu t slices also in halve s. M ak e individua l nes ts of shredd edlettuce on serving plates, place two sections of grapefruitin center , with the curved edges together , on these two ofpineapp le, an d abo ve th a t tw o of orange. Place a str ip ofpim ento down th e center and a nut m eat at one end, and coverall with French dressing, or serve mayonnaise separately.Jellied Orange and Celery Salad

    Cook the leaves and outer stalks of two heads of celeryin boiling water (or white stock) with a slice of onion, sprigof parsley, bits of carro t an d a sm all ba y leaf , un ti l veryten de r. S train an d for one pin t of th e l iquidsoftenone-fourthpackag e of gelatine in one-fourth cup of cold wate r and addto th e ho t stock. Stra in again, pou r into a shallow moldand wh en almost f irm add slices of Sun kist Oranges. C utjelly into sections for serving, place in nests of water cressand pass mayonnaise or other dressing as preferred.

    Ho llow Ha ndle Tab le Kn ife . (N o. 29 .)For each knife desired send 60Sunkist or Red Bal l trademarksand 60 cen ts. (In Canada 70 cents.)Hol low Handle Dessert Knife . (N o. 30 . )For each knife desired send 60Sunkist or Red Bal l trademarksand 60 cents . (In Can ada 70 cen ts.)

    S u n k i s t D e s s e r t s a r id S a l a j S

  • 8/13/2019 Recipes Using Oranges


    S ^ n f l c i s i D e s s e r t s a n d S a l a d ;

    Pre pa re th e dressing by cooking thr ee level tablespoonsof butter with two of sugar and three beaten egg yolks in adouble boiler un ti l thi ck ; th en add th e juice of a Sun kistLemon, a seasoning of salt, paprika and celery salt, and cooka few m om en ts longer, st irr ing m ixture con stantly . Rem ovefrom fire, be at well an d cool thoroug hly. W hen rea dy touse add a cupful or more of whipped cream.Fo r th e salad, com bine sections of Su nkis t O rangeswith half the ir bulk each of wh ite grap es (halved an dseeded), sliced ban an as an d pineapple. Addsome cut pecans or wa lnuts and garnish allwith cherr ies and whipped cream.Sunkist Marmalade

    Shave one orange, one lemon and one grapefruitve ry thin , rejec ting noth ing bu t seeds and cores.M easure th e f ru i t an d add to i t three t imes thequ an t i ty of wa ter . Le t i t s tan d in an ear the ndish over nig ht a nd nex t mo rning boil for tenm inutes only. Sta nd ano ther night and thesecond morning add pint for pint of sugar andboil stea dily till it jellies (ab ou t th re e h ou rs).Stir as l i t t le as possible b u t wa tch carefu llyth at i t does not bu rn.Sunkist Orange Pie

    Make pastry of one cup of f lour, one-thirdteaspoo n each of bak ing p ow der and salt , an dthick cream to moisten (about one-third ofa cu pfu l if sof t flour is use d). Roll out qu itethin, spread with two tablespoons of creamedTab le Fork. (No . 5 . ) For each forkdes ired send 24 Sunkis t or R ed Bal l

    trademarks and 25 cents.Desse rt Fork. (No . 28 . ) For eachfork desired send 24 Sunkist or RedBall trademarks and 25 cents.

    Fairy Fruit Salad

  • 8/13/2019 Recipes Using Oranges


    S tt r v lc i s i D e s s e r f s a n d S a lbutter , fold over, roll out again and place in eithera per fora ted or wire pie pa n. F lu te th e edges nicely,pour in the f i l l ing and bake in a moderately hot oven.

    For the f i l l ing cream three tablespoons of butter with asca nt cup of sugar an d add tw o egg yolks an d one wh itewell be ate n toge ther . Stir in th e juice an d grate d r ind ofone Sunkist Orange and the juice of half a Sunkist Lemon,and a bit of salt.When the pie is done and partly cooled, cover i t with am eringue of tw o egg wh ites beate n stiff and f ive tab le-

    spoons of f ine sugar add ed grad ually. Sif t sugar over th eto p af te r spread ing an d bake in a slow oven ab ou t f if teenminutes .Ye Old Time Orange Layer Cake

    Cream one- third cup of bu t te r with a cupof sugar unti l very l ight, th en be at in threeeggs singly, making mixture quite smootheach tim e. Si ft a cu p of flour with half acup of corn starch, two and a half teaspoonsof bak ing pow der an d a l i t t le salt . Add th isgradu ally to f irst mix ture alte rnate ly w ithtwo -thirds of a cup of wa ter , bea ting tho r-oughly unt i l ba t te r is l ight an d smo oth. Ba kein two deep layer pans about twenty-f ivem inute s. W hen read y to serve cover eachlayer with thinly sliced Su nkist Orange swell suga red an d du st th e finished ca ke w ithpowdered sugar, or with grated cocoanut ifl iked. T he fru it juice will soak int o th e cak ean d ru in its delicacy if it be p u t tog eth er long be-fore serving tim e; b u t it is delicious wh en fresh .

    Bu tter Spreader . (No . 8 . ) For eachspreader desired send 12 Sunkist orRed Bal l trademarks and 12 cents .Oy ster For k. (N o. 9. ) For each forkdes ired send 24 Sun kis t or Red Bal ltrademarks and 20 cents .

    Bu tter Kn i fe . (No . 17 . ) For eachknife desired send 24 Sunk ist or R edBall trademarks and 25 cents.

  • 8/13/2019 Recipes Using Oranges


    S l ^ r f l t i s f D e s s e r t s a n d S a l a d sSunkist Shortcake

    Rem ove all skin f rom s ix S unk is t Oranges and cut thefru it int o thick slices. Sprinkle generously w ith suga r (anda li t t le sherry if desired) and keep in a warm place untilready to use.M ak e th e crust of tw o cups of flour s if ted twice, with fo urlevel teaspo ons of bak ing pow der an d half a teaspo on ofsalt . C u t into this four level tablespo ons of b u tt erand mois ten with water enough to make a sof tdough (abo ut half a cu p); toss th is ab ou t l ightlyon a well floured bo ard , th en roll in to a th in shee t,spread one-half w ith a l i t t le soften ed bu tte r ,fold th e oth er over i t a nd th en cu t th ecru st int o rat he r large biscuits . Place well ap ar ton a baking pa n and pu t into a ho t oven. Pullthe halves ap ar t when done, add bi ts of bu t te rand the Sunkis t Oranges between halves andon top and serve as individual shortcakes.Orange Torte

    Make a two-layer cake with one-four th cupof bu tte r, a sca nt c up of sugar, t w o w ellbeaten eggs, one-half cup of milk and one andthr ee- fou rths cup s of flour sifted w ith a littlesalt an d two level teaspoo ns of*bakingpowd er. Flav or this w ith th e grate drind of half a Su nkis t Oran ge, ba ke inm od erate oven and cool before hand ling.

    For the filling heat a cup of milk in adouble boiler and thicke n this with tw oegg yolks well blended with tw o table-spoons each of sugar an d flour. Coo kSalad Fork . (N o. 10.) For each forkdesired send 24 Sunkist or Red Balltrademarks and 25 cents.Cream Lad le. (N o. 39.) For eachladle desired send 36 Sunk ist or Re dBall trademarks and 35 cents.Ice Cream Fork . (N o. 23.) For eachfork desired send 24 Sunkist or RedBall trademarks and 20 cents.

  • 8/13/2019 Recipes Using Oranges


    S t t r t l c i s i D e s s e r t s a n d S a lthis fo r ten m inutes, s tirr ing fre que ntly, add a li t t le saltand grated lemon and spread between cakes when cool andcover with frosting.Orange Frosting

    T o th e grate d rind an d juice of a large Sun kist Orangeadd a teasp oon of lemon juice, tw o tablespoon s of m eltedbutter and confectioners sugar until s tiff enough to spread.Use a t once as i t har den s quickly. D eco rate the to p ofth e ca ke w ith sections of orange and str ips of m aras-chino cherries.Orange and Rhubarb Tart

    Cut two pounds of rhubarb into inch pieces withoutpeel ing and mix with the cut pulp of two Sunkis t Orangesan d one an d one-half cups of sugar. Ba ke in an ear the n-ware dish about one hour , add a tablespoon of granulatedgelatine which has b een so ftene d in cold wa ter, and setaside to cool. M ak e ta rt shells of r ich pa stry shaped oninve rted m uffin pa ns an d bak ed crisp. Fill w ith th e fru itand garnish with s tars of whipped cream.Orange Cream Sherbet

    Remove the r ind from one Sunkist Orange, andpour over it a pint of boiling water, add a cup ofsug ar an d cover closely for half an ho ur. Str ain themixture and blend with a cupful of orange juice andth e juice of tw o Sun kist Lem ons. Freeze un tilpa rtly s tiffened and add a cup and a half of doublecream which ha s be en bea ten stiff w ith half a cu pof sug ar. Finish th e freezing and let m ixtu reripen before serving.

    Child's Spoo n. (N o. 36.) For eachspoon desired send 12 Sunkist orRed Bal l trademarks and 12 cents .

    Ch ild's Fork . (N o. 14.) For eachfork desired send 24 Sunkist or RedBal l trademarks and 20 cents .Chi ld 's Kn ife . (N o. 13 . ) For eachknife desired send 24 Sunk ist or RedBal l trademarks and 20 cents .

  • 8/13/2019 Recipes Using Oranges


    W hy W e Give Valuable SilverThe beautiful Sunkist silverware which we offer inexchange for Sunkist wrappers is another strong induce-ment to orange buyers to insis t on Sunkist .One reason i s tha t th e fact th at these wrappers arevaluable, influences the dealer to leave them on the fruit ,instead of stripping them off to show the beautiful color.Thu s Sunkist Oranges are ident i f ied posi t ively to thepeople who want them. No chance of subst i tu t ion andinevitable disappointment if your Sunkist Orange comesin i t s Sunkist wrapper.Save these wrappers and send for a trial piece ofsilver and you will find it well worth your while tocollect a chest of Sunkist silverware. It is all Wm.Rogers & Sons extra hea vy plate of pure silver,and is guara nteed by them and by us. The

    Food Pusher . (No. 37 .) For eachpusher desired send 24 Sunkist orRed Ball trademarks and 20 cents.Baby Spoon. (No. 18 .) For eachspoon desired send 24 Sunkist orRed Ball trademarks and 20 cents.Napk in Ring. (No. 24 .) For eachring desired send 24 Sunkist or RedBall trademark s and 30 cents. (InCanada 40 cents .)

    pat tern is be autifu l and exclusive, especially designedfor us. Its quality and weight and intrinsic valuemak e it sufficiently elegant to grace any tab le on anyoccasion.The il lustrations which appear on these pages cannotdo justice to the bea uty of the originals. Therefo re,we urge you to send for one piece and judge foryourself.There is, of course, no advertising matter.

    Our GuaranteeIf you are not fully satisfied with premiums uponexaminat ion , re turn them to usand we will refund your money.Salt Shaker. (No . 25.) F or each shakerdesired send 12 Sunkist or Red Balltrademar ks and 12 cents. (InCanada 15 cents .)Pepper Shaker . (No. 26 .) For eachshaker desired send 12 Sunkist orRed Bal l t rademarks and 12 cents .( In Canada 15 cents .)

    Two-thirds actual size 12 3 Two-thirds actual size

  • 8/13/2019 Recipes Using Oranges


    IS J ^ n flc is t D e s s e r t s a n d S a l a d sSmall Orange Pudding

    Cream one-four th cup of bu t ter with three-four thscup of sugar and ad d one-third cup of juice of Sun kistOrange and a l i t t le grated r ind alternately with one and one-half cups of flour sifted with two level teaspoons of bakingpowder an d a l i t t le salt . Add thre e well be ate n eggs an dpour into dee p mu ffin pa ns or t imb ale molds. Set in a pa nof ho t w ater an d cook in m ode rate o ven. Serve ho t withsauce.Orange Sweet Pickle

    Cut one dozen Sunkist Oranges into thick sl icesaft er remo ving all skin w ith a sh arp knife. Ste amthe f rui t unt i l ten der and t ranslucen t , th en drainwell before placing in th e ho t syru p. Pre pa re syrupwith three pounds of sugar, one quart of vinegar anda rounding tablespoon each of cloves and stick cinna-m on. Tie th e spices in cheesecloth and boil syru ptwenty-f ive minutes . Add th e p repared f rui t andkeep ho t for an h our w itho ut cooking. Place injars and set aside at least a week before using.

    Sunkist FudgePlac e one an d one-half cu ps of su gar in a saucepan with a scant half cup of milk and boil forf ive m inutes. Add tw o level tablespo ons of

    butter , the grated r ind of half a Sunkist Orangeand three teaspo ons of orange juice. Boil ab ou tten minutes longer, or unti l st iff enough to forma soft ball in cold wa ter . T he n remove from fireLon g Pickle Fork . (N o. 33.) For eachfork desired send 24 Sunkist or RedBall tradema rks and 20 cen ts. (I nCanada 25 cents . )Berry Fork. (N o. 35.) For each forkdesired send 24 Sunkist or Red Balltrademarks and 20 cents.Ice Te a Spoon. (N o. 34 . ) For eachspoon desired send 24 Sunkist orRed Bal l trademarks and 20 cents .(In Canada 25 cents . )

    Three-fourths actual size

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    S t t r t l t i s i D e s s e r t s a n d S a land beat unt i l creamy, pour into greased pan and mark indiam ond shaped pieces wh en almo st firm. A few drops oforange extract may be added or some finely cut candiedorange peel , after the fudge is cooked.Jellied Oranges

    Remove al l skin from two Sunkist Oranges, cut fruit intoun iform slices an d place in a sieve to dra in. M eanw hileso fte n half a packa ge of gran ulated gelat ine in half a cupof cold w ate r, the n dissolve it in half a cup of boiling w ate r,add half a cup of sugar an d strain. Blend this w ith a cup-ful of orang e juice an d the juice of one lemo n; po ur a t hinlayer into a wet mold an d wh en firm cover this withoran ge slices an d a few spoo nfuls of th e liquid jelly. Chillan d re pe at process un til m old is filled. T he n place on icefor an hou r or mo re before turn ing ou t . Serveeither as a dessert or with game.Orange Cup Custard

    Beat three yolks of eggs with one white,lightly, and add one-half a cup of sugar, a littlesal t and the grated rind of one Sunkist Orange,with on e-fou rth cup of orange juice.Scald one cup of milk w ith one-fo urth cu pof crea m (bu t do no t let it boil) an d po ur'gradually into th e egg mix ture. Place fourbu tter ed custard cup s on several folds of pape rin a shallow pan , pa rt ly fil l with th e custardan d surrou nd w ith boiling wa ter. Ba ke in amoderate oven unti l f irm (the watershould not bubble) and set asideSugar Shell . (N o . 16.) For each shelldesired send 24 Sunkist or Red Balltrademarks and 25 cents .Sugar Ton g. (N o. 38 . ) For each tongdes ired send 36 Sun kis t or Re d Bal ltrademarks and 35 cents . (I nCanada 50 cents . )Fruit Kn ife . (N o. 3 . ) For each knifedesired send 24 Sunkist or Red Balltrademarks and 20 cents .

    Three-fourths actual size

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    S ^ l o l c i s i D e s s e r t s a n d S a l a d sto cool. Serve in th e cup s w ith wh ipped cream on to p, ortu rn ou t int o shallow dishes and surroun d with s licedoranges or a little orange syrup.Orange Bavarian Cream

    T o one cu p of th e juice of Sun kist Oran ges add th e juiceof a Sun kist Lem on an d half a pack age of gran ulate dgelatine which has been softened in half a cup of coldwater and dissolved with half a cup of boiling water.Strain the liquid an d pou r a thi n layer in th e bo ttom of amold. W hen firm decorate with ma raschino cherries andangelique cu t in pieces, and line th e sides of th e m oldw ith cross slices of orange. W hip one pi nt of creamqu ite stiff w ith half a cu p of sug ar an d blend care-fully w ith the orange jelly wh en slightly thick ened.Po ur into the mold an d chill thorough ly beforeserving. T ur n ou t into a shallow dish and surrou ndwith cubes of sponge cake topp ed with whippedcream and strips of crystallized orange.Orange Cup

    Remove all skin from six Sunkist Oranges andcut each lobe free from inner skin. T o this pulp,when well drain ed, ad d a cu pfu l of p ineap plecubes, half a cu pf ul of sliced cherries, stra w -berries or oth er fru it in season, an d a tablesp ooneach of lemon juice an d finely cu t mi nt . Sweetenwith a third of a cup of sugar and chill wellbefore serving. Th is m ay be used as a begin-ing at a dinner or served after the meat course.

    Orange CocktailPrepare one cupful of cubes from SunkistOran ges an d m ix w ith half a cu pfu l of

    Cold M eat Fork. (N o. 21 . ) For eachfork desired send 48 Sunkist or RedBall trademarks and 50 cents.Tablespoon . (N o. 6 . ) For each table-spoon desired send 24 Sunkist orRed Ball trademarks and 25 cents.

  • 8/13/2019 Recipes Using Oranges


    S t i r t l c i s i D e s s e r t s , a n d S a Lmalaga grapes skinned an d seeded, half a dozen brand iedcherries cu t in halves, an d tw o tablespo ons of sherry.Serve very cold at the beginning of a dinner, either inorange shells or tall stemmed glasses.Orange Granite

    T o the juice and p ulp of s ix Sun kist Oranges (free fro mall skin an d mem brane ) add th e juice of one lemon, onecup ful of sugar an d a pi nt of w ater. Freeze as she rbetand serve after or with the meat course in a winter dinner.Orange Straws

    C ut oran ge peel in to long fine strips an d bring to a boilin cold wa ter, addin g a li t t le salt . D rain, add fresh w aterand again bring to a boil. D rain again and th en cook untiltender in a syrup made in the proportion of one heapingcup of sugar to a pin t of wa ter. Spread on waxed pap erand dry thoroughly.Orange Fritters

    Cut slices of Sunkist Oranges free from all skin andplace to drain af te r sprinkling w ith a l i t t le lemon juice.M ake the ba t te r b y beat ing tw o egg yolks with a l i t t lesalt , add one-third of a cup of milk and pour this intothr ee -fo urt hs of a cup of flour; a dd half a ta bles po on ofolive oil, cover and set the batter aside for an hour ortwo. Be at th e whites of eggs stiff , mix into th e b att erand coat each orange slice with the mixture before fryingin deep ho t fa t . Serve prom ptly e i ther with a hot syrupor s imply dredged with powdered sugar.Sunkist Orangeade

    Squeeze th e juice of six Sunk ist Oran ges an dtwo Sunkis t Lemons and add an equal am oun tTo m ato Server. (N o. 32 . ) For eachserver desired send 48 Sunkist orRed Ball trademarks and 50 cents.

  • 8/13/2019 Recipes Using Oranges


    esserts and Salads

    Now about Sunkist LemonsSunkist Lemons are as superior in size, color,flavorandgeneral quality, to the average run of lemons, as are Sun-kist Orang es to th e rest of th e orang e world. An d th e priceis th e same as you mu st pay for jus t lem ons .Therefore ,itis as profitab le to insis t on seeing the Sun-kist wrapper when you order lemons as i t is when you wantthe finest oranges.Sunkist Lemons are big and handsome, with a clear, bright

    color, an d are richly flavored and full of juice. Pra ctica llyseedless, they are easily sliced without marring.With the thought perhaps that there are uses forlemons which you may overlook, we make the followingsuggestions:Use Sunkist Lemon juice for salad dressings in placeof vinegar an d yo u will f ind th a t the re is a vas t improve-m en t in f lavor. Th is is tru e in almost any recipe th atcalls for vinegar.Serve them lavishly with f ish, oysters and meats .They are a splendid relish and improve the f lavor, whiletheir bright lemon color isamo st a t t ract i ve garnish.

    Lemon HintsFishofall kinds requires th e acidofth e Sunk istLem on to offset th e r ichness an d develop flavor. Lem onquarters , cut either lengthwise or across the halves, are

    easier to han dle an d mo re effective in use th an lemonslices, and may be made more attractive on occasion bydipping one cut s ide into minced parsley and powderingthe other thickly with papr ika .Fishtobe s teamed should havea slice or tw o ofSunkist Lemon placed insideofit , with th e salt andpepp er. If i t is to be boiled th e lemon ma y be used inth e w ater i tself . W hen servinga fish whole, place sec-tions of lemon on the platter with cress, parsley,or celery tips and also put one sectioninthemouth of the fish.

    Large Soup Ladle . (N o. 40 . )Foreach ladle desired send 144 Sunkistor R ed Ba ll tradem arks and $1.40.(In Canada $1 .50 . )

  • 8/13/2019 Recipes Using Oranges


    S t t r t l c i s f D e s s e r t s a n d S a l