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Reception Yearly overview - sydneyrussellschool.com · Literacy Maths Understanding the World Expressive Art and Design ... school day. Home corner. ... Valuing ideas and reinforcing

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Page 1: Reception Yearly overview - sydneyrussellschool.com · Literacy Maths Understanding the World Expressive Art and Design ... school day. Home corner. ... Valuing ideas and reinforcing

Reception Yearly overview

Communication and Language

Physical Development

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Literacy Maths Understanding the World

Expressive Art and Design

Autumn 1 Ourselves

Ourselves. Listening and joining in with Nursery Rhymes. Rhyming words. Responding to 2 part instructions. Listens and responds in conversations. Extends vocabulary.

Play dough. Experimenting with mark making materials. Hand washing. Scissor work. Dance Pen grip. Copying letters from their name.

Settling in routines and rules of the school day. Home corner. Making relationship and how we talk to our friends. Turn taking RE: Diwali

Introduce puppets as characters. Letters and Sounds phonics. Our Birthdays. Nursery Rhymes.

Number; Counting to 10, recognising and writing numerals. Counting songs. Our Birthdays. Recognising numbers of personal significance. Counting objects (1:1 corresponde nce)

Ourselves. Starting school. Autumn walk. Our Birthdays. Learning how to operate equipment in the class. Diwali. Age appropriate computer software-games.

Ourselves. Nursery rhymes. Autumn art. Song singing. Dance. Role Play. Printing (2D shapes).

Page 2: Reception Yearly overview - sydneyrussellschool.com · Literacy Maths Understanding the World Expressive Art and Design ... school day. Home corner. ... Valuing ideas and reinforcing

Reception Yearly overview

Communication and Language

Physical Development

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Literacy Maths Understanding the World

Expressive Art and Design

Autumn 2 People Who Help Us

Listening skills. Listening to stories with increasing attention. Why and how questions. Using more complex sentences

Practising letter formation. Dance. Experiments with moving. Pen grip. Scissor work.

Circle games. Home corner. Feelings. RE: God’s Family Nativity.

Letters and Sounds phonics. People who help us (nonfiction). Fiction Stories Not Like That like This Whatever Next LA scheme. Reading labels in the classroom. Giving meaning to marks they make.

Counting objects (1:1 corresponde nce). Sorting and grouping. Length. Teen numbers. 2D shape. 1more/less.

People Who Help Us- Videos of local jobs that help us. Ask parents who have a job who help to come into school to speak. Remembrance Day. Christmas. Light and Dark. Nocturnal animals. Age appropriate computer software.

Christmas art. Nativity songs. Dance. Role Play. Nativity story. Poppy day.

Page 3: Reception Yearly overview - sydneyrussellschool.com · Literacy Maths Understanding the World Expressive Art and Design ... school day. Home corner. ... Valuing ideas and reinforcing

Reception Yearly overview

Communication and Language

Physical Development

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Literacy Maths Understanding the World

Expressive Art and Design

Spring 1 Stories from around the world

Maintaining attention. Using storylines and narratives in play. African tales. Non-fiction animal books

Self-care. Gym - dressing themselves. Using gym equipment and other materials safely. Forming recognisable letters. Healthy lifestyles

Describing self and others in positive terms. Gaining independence. Ways of getting on with one another. RE: Getting to know Jesus.

Letters and Sounds phonics. Traditional stories. Fiction stories from around the world. Writing sentences.

Number; Counting forwards and backwards beyond 10. Estimating. Finding total numbers of objects. 3D shape. Weight Missing numbers/ ordering.

Winter. Signs of spring – learning walk. Chinese New Year. Lent. Age appropriate computer software-logging on and paint programmes.

Winter art collage. Chinese New Year. Art from around the World.

Page 4: Reception Yearly overview - sydneyrussellschool.com · Literacy Maths Understanding the World Expressive Art and Design ... school day. Home corner. ... Valuing ideas and reinforcing

Reception Yearly overview

Communication and Language

Physical Development

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Literacy Maths Understanding the World

Expressive Art and Design

Spring 2 Superheroes

Stories: predicting and talking about the story. Elliot the midnight superhero. Different types of superhero. Creating superheroes. Asking and answering questions.

Healthy lifestyles and exercising. Gym-moving under/over/ through equipment in different ways. Practising letter formation

Asking and answering questions. Valuing ideas and reinforcing the use of positive language. RE: New Life

Letters and Sounds phonics. Fiction Superhero stories- Elliot Midnight Superhero. Creating children’s superhero storybooks. Sentence writing.

Adding and subtracting. Doubling and halving. Time.

Animals and their babies. Floating and sinking. Magnets

Song singing. Seasonal Art. Superhero Art. Composing and adding music to stories.

Page 5: Reception Yearly overview - sydneyrussellschool.com · Literacy Maths Understanding the World Expressive Art and Design ... school day. Home corner. ... Valuing ideas and reinforcing

Reception Yearly overview

Communication and Language

Physical Development

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Literacy Maths Understanding the World

Expressive Art and Design

Summer 1 The Farm

Talking about life on a farm. Role-play farm and animals. Stories: predicting and talking about the story. Using storylines and narratives in play

Games: throwing and catching skills. Staying cool and safe in hot weather. Practising letter formation

Asking and answering questions. Valuing ideas and reinforcing the use of positive language. RE: Sorrow and Joy

Letters and Sounds phonics. Non-fiction Farm Stories. Writing simple sentences. Animal fact files. Jack and the Beanstalk.

Adding and subtracting. Money. 3D shape. Weight and capacity.

Frog life cycle. Planting vegetables/ plants. Age appropriate computer software-logging on, paint programmes, adding text.

Song singing. Farm paintings. Farm masks. Music-farm songs and farm sounds.

Page 6: Reception Yearly overview - sydneyrussellschool.com · Literacy Maths Understanding the World Expressive Art and Design ... school day. Home corner. ... Valuing ideas and reinforcing

Reception Yearly overview

Communication and Language

Physical Development

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Literacy Maths Understanding the World

Expressive Art and Design

Summer 2 Underwater animals

Class Assembly. Stories: predicting and talking about the story. Using storylines and narratives in play. Connecting ideas.

Games: throwing and catching skills/Sport s Day activities. Practising letter formation. Healthy eating (sandwiches for Red Riding Hood).

Asking and answering questions. Valuing ideas and reinforcing the use of positive language. RE: The Church

Letters and Sounds phonics. Bog baby. Sea life: Tiddler, Sharing a Shell. Non-fiction under the sea stories

Doubling and halving. Weight and capacity. Length. 2D and 3D shape.

Taking care in the sun. Holidays around the world. Aquarium observations. Age appropriate computer software-logging on, paint programmes, adding text.

Tadpole mixed media pictures (watercolours and oil pastels). Papier maché sea animals. Music-pond and sea songs. Sounds of the sea. Under the sea scenery. Holiday art.