Recent developments in nonlinear dimensionality reduction Josh Tenenbaum MIT

Recent developments in nonlinear dimensionality reduction

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Recent developments in nonlinear dimensionality reduction. Josh Tenenbaum MIT. Collaborators. Vin de Silva John Langford Mira Bernstein Mark Steyvers Eric Berger. Outline. The problem of nonlinear dimensionality reduction The Isomap algorithm Development #1: Curved manifolds - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Recent developments in nonlinear dimensionality reduction

Recent developments in nonlinear dimensionality


Josh Tenenbaum


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• Vin de Silva

• John Langford

• Mira Bernstein

• Mark Steyvers

• Eric Berger

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• The problem of nonlinear dimensionality reduction

• The Isomap algorithm

• Development #1: Curved manifolds

• Development #2: Sparse approximations

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Learning an appearance map

• Given input: . . .

• Desired output:– Intrinsic dimensionality: 3– Low-dimensional


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Linear dimensionality reduction: PCA, MDS

• PCA dimensionality of faces:

• First two


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• Linear manifold: PCA

• Nonlinear manifold: ?

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Previous approaches to nonlinear dimensionality reduction

• Local methods seek a set of low-dimensional models, each valid over a limited range of data:– Local PCA

– Mixture of factor analyzers

• Global methods seek a single low-dimensional model valid over the whole data set:– Autoencoder neural networks– Self-organizing map– Elastic net– Principal curves & surfaces– Generative topographic mapping

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A generative model

• Latent space Y Rd

• Latent data {yi} Y generated from p(Y)

• Mapping f: YRN for some N > d

• Observed data {xi = f (yi)} RN

Goal: given {xi}, recover f and {yi}.

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Chicken-and-egg problem

• We know {xi} . . .

• . . . and if we knew{yi}, could estimate f.

• . . . or if we knew f, could estimate {yi}.

• So use EM, right? Wrong.

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The problem of local minima


• Global nonlinear dimensionality reduction + local optimization = severe local minima

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A different approach

• Attempt to infer {yi} directly from {xi}, without explicit reference to f.

• Closed-form, non-iterative, globally optimal solution for {yi}.

• Then can approximate f with a suitable interpolation algorithm (RBFs, local linear, ...).

• In other words, finding f becomes a supervised learning problem on pairs {yi ,xi}.

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When does this work?

• Only given some assumptions on the nature of f and the distribution of the {yi}.

• The trick: exploit some invariant of f, a property of the {yi} that is preserved in the {xi}, and that allows the {yi} to be read off uniquely*.

* up to some isomorphism (e.g., rotation).

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The assumptions behind three algorithms

No free lunch: weaker assumptions on f stronger assumptions on p(Y).

Distribution: p(Y) Mapping: f Algorithm

ii) convex, dense isometric Isomap

iii) convex, uniformly dense conformal C-Isomap

i) ii) iii)

i) arbitrary linear isometric Classical MDS

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The assumptions behind three algorithms

Distribution: p(Y) Mapping: f Algorithm

ii) convex, dense isometric Isomap

iii) convex, uniformly dense conformal C-Isomap


i) arbitrary linear isometric Classical MDS

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Classical MDS

• Invariant: Euclidean distance • Algorithm:

– Calculate Euclidean distance matrix D– Convert D to canonical inner product matrix B by

“double centering”:

– Compute {yi} from eigenvectors of B.



iijijij d



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The assumptions behind three algorithms

Distribution: p(Y) Mapping: f Algorithm

ii) convex, dense isometric Isomap

iii) convex, uniformly dense conformal C-Isomap


i) arbitrary linear isometric Classical MDS

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• Invariant: geodesic distance

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The Isomap algorithm• Construct neighborhood graph G.

– method– K method

• Compute shortest paths in G, with edge ij weighted by the Euclidean distance |xi - xj|.

– Floyd – Dijkstra (+ Fibonacci heaps)

• Reconstruct low-dimensional latent data {yi}.

– Classical MDS on graph distances– Sparse MDS with landmarks

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Illustration on swiss roll

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Discovering the dimensionality

• Measure residual variance in geodesic distances . . .

• . . . and find the elbow.



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Theoretical analysis of asymptotic convergence

• Conditions for PAC-style asymptotic convergence– Geometric:

• Mapping f is isometric to a subset of Euclidean space (i.e., zero intrinsic curvature).

– Statistical: • Latent data {yi} are a “representative” sample* from

a convex domain.

* Minimum distance from any point on the manifold to a sample point < e.g., variable density Poisson process).

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Theoretical results on the rate of convergence

• Upper bound on the number of data points required.

• Rate of convergence depends on several geometric parameters of the manifold: – Intrinsic:

• dimensionality

– Embedding-dependent: • minimal radius of curvature

• minimal branch separation

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Face under varying pose and illumination

• Dimensionality

• pictureMDS / PCA


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Hand under nonrigid articulation

• Dimensionality

• pictureMDS / PCA


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Apparent motion

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• Dimensionality

• picture. MDS / PCA


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Summary of Isomap

A framework for global nonlinear dimensionality reduction that preserves the crucial features of PCA and classical MDS:

• A noniterative, polynomial-time algorithm.• Guaranteed to construct a globally optimal Euclidean

embedding. • Guaranteed to converge asymptotically for an important class

of nonlinear manifolds.

Plus, good results on real and nontrivial synthetic data sets.

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• The problem of nonlinear dimensionality reduction

• The Isomap algorithm

• Development #1: Curved manifolds

• Development #2: Sparse approximations

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Locally Linear Embedding (LLE)

• Roweis and Saul (2000)

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Comparing LLE and Isomap

• Both start with only local metric information.• Isomap first estimates global metric structure, then

finds an embedding that optimally preserves global structure.

• LLE finds an embedding that optimally preserves only local structure.

• LLE may be more efficient, but may also introduce unpredictable global distortions.

• No asymptotic convergence results for LLE.

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LLE Isomap

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• The problem of nonlinear dimensionality reduction

• The Isomap algorithm

• Development #1: Curved manifolds

• Development #2: Sparse approximations

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The assumptions behind three algorithms

Distribution: p(Y) Mapping: f Algorithm

ii) convex, dense isometric Isomap

iii) convex, uniformly dense conformal C-Isomap


i) arbitrary linear isometric Classical MDS

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Isometric vs. conformal mapping

• Isometric map: preserves the Euclidean metric at each point y.

• Conformal map: preserves the Euclidean metric at each point y, up to an arbitrary scale factor (y) > 0.

• Properties of conformal maps: – Angle-preserving.– Any subset topologically equivalent to a disk can be

conformally mapped onto a disk.

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)()()( iYX yiMiM


• Invariant: ,



ijjiX xxiM

||)(ijjiY yyiM


independent of i



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The Isomap algorithm• Construct neighborhood graph G.

– method– K method

• Compute shortest paths in G, with edge ij weighted by the Euclidean distance |xi - xj|.

– Floyd – Dijkstra (+ Fibonacci heaps)

• Reconstruct low-dimensional latent data {yi}.

– Classical MDS on graph distances– Sparse MDS with landmarks

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The C-Isomap algorithm• Construct neighborhood graph G.

– method– K method

• Compute shortest paths in G, with edge ij weighted by rescaled distance – Floyd – Dijkstra (+ Fibonacci heaps)

• Reconstruct low-dimensional latent data {yi}.

– Classical MDS on graph distances– Sparse MDS with landmarks

)()(|| jMiMxx XXji

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Conformal fishbowl

Data MDS Isomap

C-Isomap LLE GTM

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Uniform fishbowl

Data MDS Isomap

C-Isomap LLE GTM

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Conformal fishbowl, Gaussian density

Latent data C-Isomap LLE

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Conformal fishbowl, offset Gaussian density

Latent data C-Isomap LLE

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Data MDS Isomap

C-Isomap LLE GTM

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Images of Tom’s face

• Two intrinsic degrees of freedom:– Translation: left/right– Zoom: in/out

• Scale variables (e.g., zoom) introduce conformal distortion.

. . .

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Face under translation and zoom

Data MDS Isomap

C-Isomap LLE GTM

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Curvature in LLE vs. Isomap

• LLE: +/- Approach: look only at local structure, ignoring global structure.

- Asymptotics: unknown.

+ Nonconformal maps: good for some, but not all.

• Isomap: +/- Approach: explicitly estimate, and factor out, local metric distortion (assuming uniform density).

+ Asymptotics: succeeds for all conformal mappings.

+ Nonconformal maps: good for some, but not all.