There are many reasons why customer service can make or break your business that you may never know or even suspect. The reasons will vary from person to person and you will never likely suspect that there could be a problem until someone is anxious enough to actually tell you that there is a problem. If a customer mentions an event even jokingly, I suggest that you should consider the remark to see if it could be a problem.

Reasons Why Customer Service Can Make or Break Your Business

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Page 1: Reasons Why Customer Service Can Make or Break Your Business

There are many reasons why customer service can make or break your business that you may never know or even suspect. The reasons will vary from person to person and

you will never likely suspect that there could be a problem until someone is anxious enough to actually tell you that there is a problem. If a customer mentions an event even jokingly, I suggest that you should consider the remark to

see if it could be a problem.

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Most people are diplomatic and unless really riled up or upset over something, are unlikely to come straight out

and say what is wrong.

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Diplomatic People:

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Diplomatic people will usually mention something jokingly or at least in a nice type of comment. The fact that they

are mentioning something to you as a comment, should be enough for you to consider what they are saying. It

doesn't mean that you have to agree with them, but it should trigger a 'need to consider' if it could be a more serious problem in the future or to another customer.

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Outright Rude People:

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If you are unfortunate enough to strike an outright rude person, then you need to keep your cool and listen to see

if perhaps there is some substance in their rudeness. Some people lack diplomacy and respect for others and you

can't take their rudeness to heart but you can consider seeing if their complaint has merit or not. There is

absolutely no point in reacting to their rudeness but if you consider the cause of their rudeness, you can learn if there

is a real problem or not.

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Then again, you can't please everyone all the time so when you get a rude customer who thinks they 'rule the roost' under the guise of 'the customer is always right', just smile nicely and nod your head. If you can see that

there is a problem for them, then tell them that you will consider what they have said and do something about it.

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Occasionally (very occasionally) even rude people have something worth listening to.

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Three Unsuspected causes that can upset some customers:

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1. Strong Smelling Perfume or Other Smell

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If one of your employees or even yourself, wears a strong perfume, too much of it, or a strong smelling aftershave lotion, this can make some customers nauseous or bring on a migraine. This is an unfortunate medical condition and often goes unnoticed until someone tells you that they suffer these medical conditions. For the person

afflicted with this problem, shopping or interacting socially is a serious problem.

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Even some types of businesses emit a smell that some people can and do find, disturbing.

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2. Inappropriate Dress:

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Many people get upset when confronted with inappropriately dressed people. Also, some female

employees do dress inappropriately for work and the positions that they require their bodies to be placed in to perform their jobs. Short skirts and ladders don't go well together for example particularly if they have a customer

standing below them. Low fronted dresses showing an inappropriate amount of cleavage is another. Not every

customer wants an 'eyeful' of an employee's other attributes.

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3. A simple smile:

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It may sound too simple to be true, but a smile or lack of it, will break or break your business.

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Unsmiling wait staff: Do you like being served in a shop or restaurant by an unsmiling waiter? No, most people don't either. Grumpy people are less likely to do something nice

for you and most people know this.

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Smiling wait staff: means that they are happy to see and help you. A customer is much more likely to approach a

person who smiles at them rather than approach someone who looks grumpy.

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There are many reasons why customer service can make or break your business and you as a small business owner need to make sure that there are many more reasons that good customer service will make your business rather than

break it.

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