Rear Window Alfred Hitchcock

Rear window

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Page 1: Rear window

Rear WindowAlfred Hitchcock

Page 2: Rear window

This shot is a close up shot of Jeff who is portrayed in a paranoid way as he is trying to find out what is up with his opposite neighbour the “salesman". Late one night after Lisa had left, Jeffries noticed something going on in the salesman's apartment. He saw things he thought were strange and became

convinced that a gruesome murder has been committed.

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Jefferies continues to be suspicious about the salesman as he sees a neighbours dog sniffing soil, this creates tension as the

audience are anxious to find out what lays benath the soil.

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This shot is a medium shot of the salesman, this shot allows the audience to gain an insight on what is occurring with the constant suspicious salesman

and his wife's jewellery portrayed. Moreover it allows the audience to engage and allows the audience to be apart of this unresolved mystery by

looking at the hints i.e. The jewellery box, allows audience to think for themselves. In addition, it increases constant nerves this is simply down to the fact that the salesman could look straight out the window at any time

and in the process find out that Jeff is watching him with his camera/binoculars. Hence, increasing nerves.

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No one else believed him at first, but after he explained his reasoning more and they saw

more strange things, Lisa and Stella came to believe him.

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The two women even decided to try to find evidence to prove that Jeffries was right. But doing so could put all of their lives in danger.

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Lisa: A woman has a favourite handbag and it always hangs on her bedpost where she can get at it easily. And then all of a sudden, she

goes away on a trip and leaves it behind. Why?Jeff: Because she didn't know she was going on a trip. And where

she's going she wouldn't need the handbag.

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Thorwald: What do you want from me?

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At this point Jeff is about to cry as he cant bare no longer seeing his girlfriend, Lisa being assaulted by the potential murder man

“salesman”, this gains a lot of anxiety for the audience this is down to the way the emotions are portrayed via both Jeff and Stella. In

addition the constant reverse match cut shot showing both scenes creates tension and realism. “A man is assaulting a woman at 125

West 9th Street, Second Floor at the rear”

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Thorwald “salesman”: What do you want from me? Your friend, the girl, could have turned me in. Why didn't she? What is it you want? A lot of

money? I don't have any money. At this scene a medium shot portraying Jeff in a very uncomfortable way, we as the audience can see his reaction and it is clear he is very worried and nervous, this is because the room is dark, he

has no one with him and he is undefendable due to fracturing his leg, only to find out the killer is in the same room with the door behind him locked, is he about to murder him next??? Who knows?, this is the most tensed bit via out

the film ..they say they leave the best to the last they certainly did in this film. At this point the audience are jumping off their seat with anxiety and

nerves kicking, pumping up and down . They cant see the murderer just yet which increases tension. Waiting , hoping Jeff survives. All they can hear is the murderer speaking to Jeff with Jeff taking extremely long to reply back.