Real-Time Non-Rigid Shape Recovery via AAMs for Augmented Reality Jackie Zhu Oct. 24, 2006

Real-Time Non-Rigid Shape Recovery via AAMs for Augmented Reality Jackie Zhu Oct. 24, 2006

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Real-Time Non-Rigid Shape Recovery via AAMs for Augmented Reality

Jackie Zhu

Oct. 24, 2006


IntroductionExtended Active Appearance Models

(AAMs) FittingAlgorithm

Offline construction of 3D shape model Estimate 3D pose and non-rigid shape parameters

Experiemental ResultsConclusion


Rigid Object L. Vacchetti et al. (PAMI‘04) proposed an efficient

solution for 3D rigid object tracking Two 2D AAMs approach for rigid object pose


Non-rigid Object V.Blandz: 3D Morphable Models J.Ahlberg: 3D AAM with generic Model. Jing X. (CVPR‘05) 2D+3D AAM


Extended AAMs Fitting Algorithm

AAM Fitting Sample

The AAMs are built up with 140 still face image belonging to 20 individuals, 7 images for each. The fitting experiment is performed on an AAM with 14 shape parameters, 68 texture parameters, and 36335 color pixels.


Building offline basis: Acquire the 2D shape of objects using the AAM fitting algorithm, then construct the 3D shape basis.

Online tracking: Estimate the 3D pose and shape parameters simultaneously via local bundle adjustment by building up the point correspondences between 2D and 3D.

Algorithm: Offline 3D Model

Algorithm: Online Pose Estimation

The optimization problem can be derived as:


Experiemental Results I

Experimental Results II

Experimental Results


A novel two-stage scheme for online non-rigid shape recovery toward Augmented Reality applications using AAMs.

Obtain unbroken point correspondences across multiple frames to construct 3D shape models

Provide 2D to 3D vertex correspondences in the online tracking.

An efficient algorithm is proposed to estimate both 3D pose and non-rigid shape parameters via local bundle adjustment.


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Vacchetti, L., Lepetit, V., Fua, P.: Stable real-time 3d tracking using online and offline information. IEEE Trans. PAMI 26 (2004)

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C.Bregler, A.Hertzmann, H.Biermann: Recovering non-rigid 3d shape from image streams. In: IEEE CVPR'2000. Volume 2. (2000) 690-696

Jianke Zhu, Steven C.H. Hoi and Michael R. Lyu: The Real-Time Non-Rigid Shape Recovery via Active Appearance Models for Augmented Reality. In: ECCV'2006. Volume 1. LNCS 3951. (2006) 186-197.

The End

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