P.P.W.C. P.P.W.C. P.P.W.C. P.P.W.C. YOUTH MINISTRY YOUTH MINISTRY YOUTH MINISTRY YOUTH MINISTRY BISHOPS BLESSINGS BISHOPS BLESSINGS BISHOPS BLESSINGS BISHOPS BLESSINGS LIFE SEMINAR LIFE SEMINAR LIFE SEMINAR LIFE SEMINAR DIVAS MINISTRY DIVAS MINISTRY DIVAS MINISTRY DIVAS MINISTRY AMEN MININSTRY AMEN MININSTRY AMEN MININSTRY AMEN MININSTRY ADMIN CORNER ADMIN CORNER ADMIN CORNER ADMIN CORNER R.E.A.L. TALK & NEWS R.E.A.L. TALK & NEWS R.E.A.L. TALK & NEWS R.E.A.L. TALK & NEWS Monthly Newsletter of Perfected Praise Worship Center Perfected Praise Worship Center OCARTA Building | 2801 NW 31st St OCARTA Building | 2801 NW 31st St OCARTA Building | 2801 NW 31st St OCARTA Building | 2801 NW 31st St Oklahoma City, OK, 73112 Oklahoma City, OK, 73112 Oklahoma City, OK, 73112 Oklahoma City, OK, 73112 REAL Talk & ews is a Publication of Perfected Praise Worship Center (PPWC) the views and opinions expressed are not necessarily those of PPWC. All material is the sole property of PPWC. Do not reproduce or copy without the written consent of the ministry of PPWC. Issue # 201201 Date: September 2012 And Jesus saith unto them, Yea; have ye never read, Out of the mouth of babes and suckling's thou hast PERFECTED PRAISE? Matthew 21:15-16.

REAL Talk & NEws

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R.E.A.L. TALK & NEWSR.E.A.L. TALK & NEWSR.E.A.L. TALK & NEWSR.E.A.L. TALK & NEWS Monthly Newsletter of Perfected Praise Worship Center

PPPPerfected PPPPraise WWWWorship CCCCenter OCARTA Building | 2801 NW 31st St OCARTA Building | 2801 NW 31st St OCARTA Building | 2801 NW 31st St OCARTA Building | 2801 NW 31st St

Oklahoma City, OK, 73112 Oklahoma City, OK, 73112 Oklahoma City, OK, 73112 Oklahoma City, OK, 73112

REAL Talk & �ews is a Publication of Perfected Praise Worship Center (PPWC) the views and opinions

expressed are not necessarily those of PPWC. All material is the sole property of PPWC. Do not reproduce

or copy without the written consent of the ministry of PPWC.

Issue # 201201 Date: September 2012

And Jesus saith unto them, Yea; have ye never read,

Out of the mouth of babes and suckling's thou hast

PERFECTED PRAISE? Matthew 21:15-16.

Keeping It R.E.A.L.

Restoring Hope, Empowering People, Advancing the Gospel, Leaving a Legacy

Perfected Praise Worship Center (PPWC) is a multifaceted Worship Center dedi-

cated to helping individuals of all ages, in every life situation. We believe God has

given every person a destiny to fulfill no matter their social, economic, or cultural


Our approach differs from many ministries through our unshakable confidence in

positive change. This confidence is manifest in the radical transformation that has

already occurred among our members. Our diverse array of ministries contributes

to this success.

At PPWC, we recognize a ‘seed of greatness’ planted by God within the heart of

every believer. Through our various ministries, we nurture this seed into a com-

mitment to serve those in need. We hold steadfast to the philosophy, “The greatest

of all is the servant of all.”

Perfected Praise Worship Center strives for innovation. The various departments

of PPWC will reflect our holistic approach to ministry. Please review our spec-

trum of ministries and we invite you to find your place.


BBBBishop’sishop’sishop’sishop’s BBBBlessingslessingslessingslessings

Wayne A Lawson, Senior Pastor


I still cannot believe that we have transitioned into the Autumn season. Although

it is still 90+ degrees here in Oklahoma, we do understand the season will soon

change. I pray as we begin to move closer to the final months of another year that

we begin to also transition into a period of real Worship. Our church name indi-

cates that we are a people that don’t mind worshipping the Lord – Perfected Praise

Worship Center.

Worship is defined as an act of religious devotion usually directed towards a deity.

The word is derived from the Old English worthscipe, meaning worthiness or

worth-ship, to give, at its simplest, worth to something or someone.

To the Believer, Worship is defined as “The absolute acknowledgment of all that

lies beyond us.” It is the response that we as conscious beings make to God, our

Heavenly Father, Creator and Sustainer. When it comes to God, it means that we

ascribe to God His worth. It means that we state and affirm His supreme value and

glory. Worship asserts the reality that the heavens and earth are filled with the

glory of God, therefore we must recognize and acknowledge Him for who He is.

An act of worship may be expressed individually, in an informal or formal group,

or by a designated leader. Religious worship happens in a wide variety of loca-

tions: in purpose-built places of worship, at home or in the open. Certainly, we as a

church family can attest to that as we have transitioned from the S.W. side of the

City and then to N.E. and now resting in the North side of Oklahoma City. We are

praying for one more transition that we can finally call our own! What a day of

worship that will be!

Even in the midst of our struggles this year, we worship because of our relation-

ship with God. We humble ourselves as we give glory, honor, reverence, awe, re-

spect and homage to God. This means that we recognize His vast superior standing

and we humble ourselves before Him and give glory to Him. Let us continue to

worship as God moves us to higher ground.

Bishop Wayne A. LawsonBishop Wayne A. LawsonBishop Wayne A. LawsonBishop Wayne A. Lawson

You can connect with

Bishop on the following



Bishop Lawson @walawson


Wayne A Lawson

Sermon Central




Life Seminar


Bishop Wayne A. Lawson PhD.


[email protected]


Minister Charlene J. Palmer


[email protected]

Assistant Superintendent:

Sister Stephanie Newman


[email protected]

Financial Secretary:

Deacon Kebe Newman

Minister of Christian Ed:

Rev. Frank W. Lawson Sr.


[email protected]


Adult Class:

Bishop George Palmer


[email protected]

Rev. Frank Lawson

Sister Stephanie Newman

Elder Michelle D. Lawson

Young Adult Class:

Minister Charlene Palmer

Youth Class:

Minister Charlene Palmer

Sister Sylvia McClanahan

We have competed another year of our Standard Lesson Commentary for

the 2011-2012 year. Our entire year was based on Justice. The lessons for

the year were based on four quarters.

The Fall Quarters lessons (Sept, Oct Nov 2011) were on Tradition and Wis-

dom coming from Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon and Matthew. The

Winter Quarters lessons (Dec 2011, Jan, Feb 2012) was God Establishing a

Faithful People coming from Genesis, Exodus, Luke and Galatians. The

Spring Quarters lessons (Mar, Apr, May) was based on God’s Creative Word

coming from John and the Summer Quarters lessons (Jun, Jul, Aug) was God

Calls for Justice coming from Pentateuch, History, Psalms and the Prophets.

We had a powerful year and look forward to the beginning of our next les-

son cycle beginning the month of September 2012. The entire year will be

based on FAITH. The year for Unit One we will be discussing What Faith Is.

The second unit will be Who Understands Faith? And our third unit will be

Where Does Faith Take Us.

This year brought us some challenges however I believe that the challenges

have strengthened us. We truly believe in God’s word “We Walk By Faith

And Not By Sight” 2 Corinthians 5:7. KJV. It is that faith that we will study

and grow within us.

We welcome you to come out on Sunday mornings to our Life Seminar

which begins at 9:30 AM. We have a class for every age. Our youth and teen

classes have been as they like to say “jogging through the Bible”. We have

started with Genesis and will discuss every book of the Bible and how they can

apply the word of God to their individual lives. We also have a new comers

class that is taught by our Minister of Christian Education. We welcome all

questions and our teachers live by what they teach.

We are planning on activities this year and a picnic which we are looking

forward to. We would love to have you join us.

God Bless You and Keep You.

Minister Charlene J. Palmer

Gather the people together, men and women and children and thy stranger that is

within thy gates, that they may hear, and that they may learn, and fear the LORD

your God, and observe to do all the words of this law. Deuteronomy 31:12 KJV

Min. Charlene Palmer, Superintendent

Elder Michelle, First Lady

DIVAS Ministry

Take the

21 DAY Challenge!!

From the beginning of the Old Testament to the ending of the New Testament, words were spoken by

God, Jesus, the disciples and things happened. God spoke and creation existed! The Bible shows us

by example that words play a very large part in our life. Thinking and speaking positively is some-

thing that will bring about healing, prosperity, joy and love.

Words can bless a person or they can curse a person. Words that ridicule, torment, harass and tear

down a person will never bring life. The Lord says our thoughts are not His, but they can be His if we

will change our way of thinking and speaking. For 21 Days let us meditate on Christ words and

Think before we speak or Act!!! Philippians 4:8 give us and excellent blueprint o remind us as Chris-

tians; “Think before we speak!!!”

Proverbs 16:24 states that: Pleasant words are honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and healing to the

bones. Changing our speaking will change our life, allowing us to become stronger vessels for Christ.

God’s Word to assist us during this 21 DAY challenge:

You say: 'It's impossible' God says: All things are possible (Luke 18:27)

You say: 'I'm too tired' God says: I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28-30)

You say: 'Nobody really loves me' God says: I love you (John 3:16 & John 3:34 )

You say: 'I can't go on' God says: My grace is sufficient (2 Cor 12:9

You say: 'I can't figure things out' God says: I will direct your steps (Proverbs 3:5-6)

You say: 'I can't do it' God says: You can do all things ( Philippians 4:13)

You say: 'I'm not able' God says: I am able (2 Cor 9:8)

You say: 'I can't manage' God says: I will supply all your needs

(Philippians 4:19)

Think before you speak

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatso-

ever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report;

if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8

You can connect with

Elder Michelle on the following sites:







AMEN Ministry

Deacon Kebe Newman , Superintendent

God has anointed you so that you may be equipped for every good work: to

resist evil, to know the truth, to preach the Word, to be able to pray, to have

fellowship with God.

Have you ever considered yourself to be an anointed Christian?

Maybe you've thought that only certain people in ministry are anointed?

Maybe you've only considered that the O.T. prophets and the N.T. apostles

were the only ones anointed and that you are not.

No matter what you have or haven't thought about the anointing of God, if you are a Christian, then you have

received an anointing.

According to Webster's Dictionary, to anoint means to "rub oil or ointment on," "to put oil on in a ceremony

of consecration." So, to anoint something or someone is to apply something, in this case oil, to an object.

Prophets were anointed

1 Kings 19:16 says, "Also, anoint Jehu son of Nimshi king over Israel, and anoint Elisha son of Shaphat

from Abel Meholah to succeed you as prophet" (NIV)

Priests were anointed Exodus 40:13, says "Then dress Aaron in the sacred garments, anoint him and consecrate him so he may

serve me as priest" (NIV).

Kings were anointed 1 Samuel 16:3,13 says, "Invite Jesse to the sacrifice, and I will show you what to do. You are to anoint for

me the one I indicate...13So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers,

and from that day on the Spirit of the LORD came upon David in power. Samuel then went to

Ramah," (NIV).

1. Man of God you are anointed for service! You are anointed vessels of God. You have been cleansed by

God and been filled with the Holy Spirit.

2. Not only is He in you but He is upon you.

3. As the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples at Pentecost in the upper room and anointed them for service,

you too have been anointed by God with the Holy Spirit for Christian service.

I have taught you this so that you would learn about your anointing.


Introductory question: What are idols? What do you

understand about them?

In the Old Testament, God was very annoyed because

people did not worship him, but idols instead. They

seemed to devote themselves to visible idols more than

an invisible God.

We now no longer live in the Old Testament times and

no one today would worship some idealistic images

(there are bound to be a few exceptions). Despite this, the situation is not

much different today. Even today, we still run after some kind of idols:

money, power, football or pop stars.

What else can you think of? What are the modern idols of today? If you are

serious about your relationship with God, then he takes the first position in

your life. Is Jesus important to you?

In the book according to Matthew in chapter 6, verses 19-21, there is a very

suitable sentence:

"Where you find your treasure, there is your heart!" You can ask

yourself what your heart belongs to. Which things do you run after in life,

which things are important in your life and do you spend your time?

Important Info

Activities 2nd & 4th Saturday

@ 12:00pm

Ministry meeting Saturday’s @ 11:00pm


J’ Nary Roberts, President



D.I.V.A.S. 21 Day Challenge Month D.I.V.A.S. 21 Day Challenge Month D.I.V.A.S. 21 Day Challenge Month D.I.V.A.S. 21 Day Challenge Month

Family & Friend Day September 23Family & Friend Day September 23Family & Friend Day September 23Family & Friend Day September 23

Fifth Sunday Fellowship Sep 30thFifth Sunday Fellowship Sep 30thFifth Sunday Fellowship Sep 30thFifth Sunday Fellowship Sep 30th

A.M.E.N.S. Pancake Breakfast A.M.E.N.S. Pancake Breakfast A.M.E.N.S. Pancake Breakfast A.M.E.N.S. Pancake Breakfast

Prayer At ALL Times

When we're in need of guidance

Through times we cannot see

Just where we are heading

Or where we ought to be

When we need more faith

Through times that we doubt,

For those times when we ques-


What life is all about

When we're in need of comfort

Through times of so much grief,

Those times when our hearts


And we have so many needs

When we need a friend

Through times when we're


Those times when there's no


Just God and us only

When we need more power

For those times we're attacked

The struggle with temptation

Is one of Satan's traps

When we have His blessings

Abundant in our lives

When things are going well

And doors open wide

Through all of these times

In life that we go through,

One thing is very certain

In what we all should do

That we should never cease

From a lifetime of prayer,

For praying opens heaven's


And causes us to hear

What God wants to say to us

And the things He longs to show

So we can walk in His perfect


Wherever we shall go.

© Heavens Inspirations 2003-2012

The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous

man availeth much. “ James 5:15 b, kjv

REAL Talk & News is a Publica-

tion of Perfected Praise Worship

Center (PPWC) the views and

opinions expressed are not neces-

sarily those of PPWC.

All material is the sole property of

PPWC. Do not reproduce or copy

without the written consent of the

ministry of PPWC.

R.E.A.L. Talk & News staff

“Blow ye the trumpet in Zion…”

Joel 2:1