Real Estate Principles

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  • 7/25/2019 Real Estate Principles


    2011 Cengage Learning

  • 7/25/2019 Real Estate Principles


    Chapter 1

    Introduction to Real Estate

    California Real EstatePrinciples

    2011 Cengage Learning

  • 7/25/2019 Real Estate Principles


    Trace the history of real propertyownership in California

    List the 4 parts for the definition of

    real property & distinguish

    between Real & Personal


    Explain the bundle of rights!

    List the " legal tests for a fixture

    Chapter 1

    2011 Cengage Learning

  • 7/25/2019 Real Estate Principles


    California #istory1$ %atie '(ericans

    )$ Explorer *alboa +1"1,-,$ .P'%I.# rule +1"4)/10))-

    .an iego2 lst settle(ent3 by Cabrillo

    4$ .panish deelop(ents +156-

    7orts 8presidios 9illages 8pueblosLand grants 8 ranchos: )1 ;issions

    "$ ;E%ITE .T'TE. ruleTreaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo +1040-

    .tatehood +.epte(ber 63 10"?-

    2011 Cengage Learning

  • 7/25/2019 Real Estate Principles


    California Real Estate*oard of Land Co((issioners

    7or(ed to settle priate land clai(sRecording syste( adopted for land

    California legal syste(7or(erly .panish Ciil Code

    English co((on law enactedRetained .panish co((unity property laws

    ;odern California>rban@suburban residents

    Population centers2 Areater L'3

    .an iego3 .acra(ento3 .an 7rancisco@Baland

    2011 Cengage Learning

  • 7/25/2019 Real Estate Principles


    Real Estate

    Real property is the physical + plusthe legal

    rights of ownership = the Bundle of Rights

    Real estate in a physical sense is land and

    buildings, things you can touch.

    2011 Cengage Learning

  • 7/25/2019 Real Estate Principles


    *>%LE B7 RIA#T.DInclude the right to2

    1$ Bwn and possess

    )$ >se

    ,$ Enoy

    4$ Encu(ber or borrow


    "$ ispose

    5$ Exclude others who donot share ownership *Subject to

    governent controls

    2011 Cengage Learning

  • 7/25/2019 Real Estate Principles


    .a(ple Test Fuestion>nder todayGs concept of the bundle of rights3 a

    property owner has the right to all E

  • 7/25/2019 Real Estate Principles


    Property Rights o NOTInclude the

    Right to2


    !"alue to neighboring property #vacant lot$!%ealth & sa'ety issues on tear do(ns #environent$


    2011 Cengage Learning

  • 7/25/2019 Real Estate Principles


    Property Bwnership

    Is not absolute

    Is subect to goern(ent controls3 such as2Honing and building codes

    7air housing and antidiscri(ination

    #ealth & safety regulations

    Police power

    Per(its and licenses

    Public interest issues

    2011 Cengage Learning

  • 7/25/2019 Real Estate Principles


    efinition2 Real Estate


    '77IRTE%'%T TB L'%

    I;;B9'*LE * L'=

    2011 Cengage Learning

  • 7/25/2019 Real Estate Principles


    RE'L PRBPERTis L'%2

    L'% includes2

    EarthGs surfacelateral supportsubacent support

    ;aterials under the surface.ubstances3 including water

    ;inerals3 oil & gas

    2011 Cengage Learning

  • 7/25/2019 Real Estate Principles


    'ir rights2 aboe the surface



    surfaceto the




    2011 Cengage Learning

  • 7/25/2019 Real Estate Principles


    ;ineral Rights

    Bil and Aas RightsRule of Capture

    Rule of Extraction

    2011 Cengage Learning

  • 7/25/2019 Real Estate Principles


    =ater RightsRiparianPrior 'ppropriation

    >nderground water

    Concept ofReasonable UseRiparian : borders

    stea( or laeLittoral : borders

    shore of sea or ocean

    2011 Cengage Learning

  • 7/25/2019 Real Estate Principles


    =ater Rights2+i''erent states have di''erent la(s

    - Appropriation(ater right-(ner has e/clusive right to tae

    all (ater 'or speci'ic bene'icial

    use o' the land-he state grants perission to

    nonriparian o(ner.

    -Correlative (ater right

    -(ner entitled to tae only a reasonable aounto' (ater 'or bene'it to the land #irrigation$

    2011 Cengage Learning

  • 7/25/2019 Real Estate Principles


    Property 'ffixed to the land2

    'ffixed : *uilding i(proe(ents

    'ppurtenances : Landscaping attached by roots

    Incidental : >tility pipes

    'ttach(ents : 7enceEase(ents : Right of way

    7ixtures : Patio coer

    .toc in a (utual water co(pany

    I((oable3 by law

    2011 Cengage Learning

  • 7/25/2019 Real Estate Principles



    ! 3aseents

    ! Stoc in a utual (ater copany

    2011 Cengage Learning

  • 7/25/2019 Real Estate Principles



    eerything that is %BT real propertyChattel / Chose

    ;oable goods

    Paper ocu(ents about real property2 (oney3

    stocs3 contracts3 deed3 lease3 pro(issory note

    Transferred by a *ill of .ale

    E;*LE;E%T.'nnual cultiated crop

    2011 Cengage Learning

  • 7/25/2019 Real Estate Principles


    Real BR PersonalpropertyJ

    RE'L Property PER.B%'L Property

    Real property can becoe personal property

    4ersonal property can becoe real property

    2011 Cengage Learning

  • 7/25/2019 Real Estate Principles


    TE.T B7 ' 7IRE

    53 he la( 'avors the borro(er over a lender, a buyer over aseller, and the tenant over the landlord.

    M ethod o' 6ttachent

    A daptability 'or rdinary 7se

    Relationship o' the 4arties

    I ntent o' the 4arties

    A greeent 8et(een the 4arties

    2011 Cengage Learning

  • 7/25/2019 Real Estate Principles


    TR'E 7IRE

    Personal property of a business affixed or annexed

    to the real property

    Considered personal property +cash register@safe-

    Tenant (ay re(oe before the lease ends but

    (ust repair any da(age to the real property

    2011 Cengage Learning

  • 7/25/2019 Real Estate Principles


    California o(estic Partnership Law

    Effectie Kanuary 13 )??" registered do(esticpartners hae (any of the sa(e California

    constitutional real estate rights as husbands &


    %ot recognied by federal laws & regulations

    Bther states also do not recognie this law

    2011 Cengage Learning

  • 7/25/2019 Real Estate Principles


    1$ 'irspace aboe a parcel of land is2

    +a- real property

    +b- personal property

    +c- an encu(brance+d- a fixture

    )$ Honing regulations hae the greatest i(pacton which rightJ

    +a- right to encu(ber+b- right to possess

    +c- right to use

    +d- right to exclude

    Review Quiz Chapter One -

    Introduction to Real Estate

    2011 Cengage Learning

  • 7/25/2019 Real Estate Principles


    Review Quiz Chapter One

    ntrodu!tion to Real "state

    ,$ 'll of the following are real property except2+a- fruit trees

    +b- chattels

    +c- stoc in a (utual water co(pany

    +d- built/in stoe

    4$ In a dispute oer fixtures3 courts tend to faor

    +a- sellers oer buyers

    +b- landlords oer tenants+c- lenders oer borrowers

    +d- grantors oer grantees

    2011 Cengage Learning

  • 7/25/2019 Real Estate Principles


    5$ =hich of the following is a test of a fixtureJ

    +a- attach(ent

    +b- chose+c- appropriation

    +d- restrictions

    Review Quiz Chapter One

    Introduction to Real Estate

    "$ The right of a land owner along a rier to tae wateris called2

    +a- percolating rights

    +b- rier water rights

    +c- user rights+d- riparian rights

    2011 Cengage Learning

  • 7/25/2019 Real Estate Principles


    Review Quiz Chapter One

    ntrodu!tion to Real "state

    $ California beca(e a state in2

    +a- 10?,

    +b- 1040

    +c- 1046+d- 10"?

    0$ .heles in a retail store are an exa(ple of2

    +a- real estate

    +b- encu(brances

    +c- trade fixtures

    +d- real property

    2011 Cengage Learning

  • 7/25/2019 Real Estate Principles


    6$ 'll of the following Mrun with the land3M except2

    +a- ease(ents

    +b- priate deed restrictions

    +c- water rights+d- current harest rights

    1?$ =hich real estate ter( is the (ost inclusieJ

    +a- real estate

    +b- real property

    Review Quiz Chapter One

    ntrodu!tion to Real "state

    2011 Cengage Learning

  • 7/25/2019 Real Estate Principles


    'nswers to Chapter 1 Reiew Fui

    1$ ' 5$ '

    )$ C $

    ,$ * 0$ C

    4$ C 6$

    "$ 1?$ *

    2011 Cengage Learning