Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen Readjustment in Distributed Morphology Jochen Trommer [email protected] Universität Leipzig Institut für Linguistik Phonologie/Morphologie – SS 2007 Jochen Trommer [email protected] Readjustment in Distributed Morphology

Readjustment in Distributed Morphology · Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen Readjustment in Distributed Morphology Jochen Trommer [email protected]

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Page 1: Readjustment in Distributed Morphology · Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen Readjustment in Distributed Morphology Jochen Trommer jtrommer@uni-leipzig.de

Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen

Readjustment in Distributed Morphology

Jochen [email protected]

Universität LeipzigInstitut für Linguistik

Phonologie/Morphologie – SS 2007

Jochen Trommer [email protected] Readjustment in Distributed Morphology

Page 2: Readjustment in Distributed Morphology · Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen Readjustment in Distributed Morphology Jochen Trommer jtrommer@uni-leipzig.de

Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen


I machen die Drecksarbeit

I DM braucht sie,

I aber keiner will wissen, was sie machen und wie

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Page 3: Readjustment in Distributed Morphology · Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen Readjustment in Distributed Morphology Jochen Trommer jtrommer@uni-leipzig.de

Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen


Englische Verben (Halle & Marantz, 1993)

Deutscher Umlaut (Embick & Halle ,2005))


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Page 4: Readjustment in Distributed Morphology · Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen Readjustment in Distributed Morphology Jochen Trommer jtrommer@uni-leipzig.de

Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen

Finite Verbformen im Englischen (regulär)

sg pl12


3 play-s play-s

sg pl12 play-ed3 play-s play-s

Präsens play-ingPartizipPräteritum play-ed

Infinitiv play-Ø

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Page 5: Readjustment in Distributed Morphology · Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen Readjustment in Distributed Morphology Jochen Trommer jtrommer@uni-leipzig.de

Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen

Vocabulary Items für Englische Verben (regulär)

/-d/ ↔ [+prät]

/-ing/ ↔ [+part]

/-z/ ↔ [+3,–pl]

Ø ↔ [ ]

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Page 6: Readjustment in Distributed Morphology · Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen Readjustment in Distributed Morphology Jochen Trommer jtrommer@uni-leipzig.de

Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen

Ableitung für Präteritum 3sg: (she) play-ed

play [+3-pl+prät-part]

/-d/ ↔ [+prät] -d

/-ing/ ↔ [+part] —

/-z/ ↔ [+3,–pl] —

Ø ↔ [ ] —

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Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen

Ableitung für Präsens 3sg: (she) play-z

play [+3-pl-prät-part]

/-d/ ↔ [+prät] �

/-ing/ ↔ [+part] �

/-z/ ↔ [+3,–pl] -z

Ø ↔ [ ] —

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Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen

Ableitung für Präsens 1sg: (I) play-Ø

play [+3-pl-prät-part]

/-d/ ↔ [+prät] �

/-ing/ ↔ [+part] �

/-z/ ↔ [+3,–pl] �

Ø ↔ [ ] -Ø

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Page 9: Readjustment in Distributed Morphology · Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen Readjustment in Distributed Morphology Jochen Trommer jtrommer@uni-leipzig.de

Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen

Finite Verbformen im Englischen (irregulär I)

sg pl12


3 play-s dwell-s

sg pl12 dwell-t3 play-s play-s

Präsens dwell-ingPartizipPräteritum dwell-t

Infinitiv dwell-Ø

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Page 10: Readjustment in Distributed Morphology · Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen Readjustment in Distributed Morphology Jochen Trommer jtrommer@uni-leipzig.de

Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen

Finite Verbformen im Englischen (irregulär II)

sg pl12


3 play-s beat-s

sg pl12 beat-Ø3 play-s play-s

Präsens beat-ingPartizipPräteritum beat-en

Infinitiv beat-Ø

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Page 11: Readjustment in Distributed Morphology · Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen Readjustment in Distributed Morphology Jochen Trommer jtrommer@uni-leipzig.de

Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen

Vocabulary Items für Englische Verben (“irregulär”)

/-n/ ↔ [+part,+prät] / X +/ (X = ~hew, ~prove, go, beat, . . .)

Ø ↔ [+prät] / Y +/ (Y = beat, drive, bind, sing, . . .)

/-t/ ↔ [+prät] / Z +/ (Z = dwell, buy, send, . . .)

“~” = Verben, die optional /-d/ oder /-n/ nehmen.

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Page 12: Readjustment in Distributed Morphology · Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen Readjustment in Distributed Morphology Jochen Trommer jtrommer@uni-leipzig.de

Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen

Ableitung für Präteritum 3sg: (she) dwel-t

dwell [+3-pl+prät-part]

/-t/ ↔ [+prät]/ Z + -d/ (Z = dwell, buy, send, . . .)

/-d/ ↔ [+prät] —

/-ing/ ↔ [+part] —

/-z/ ↔ [+3,–pl] —

Ø ↔ [ ] —

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Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen


Syntaktische Objekte werden

durch phonologische Objekte ersetzt

Lexical Item Lexical Item Lexical Item . . .

m m m . . .

Vocabulary Item Vocabulary Item Vocabulary Item . . .

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Page 14: Readjustment in Distributed Morphology · Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen Readjustment in Distributed Morphology Jochen Trommer jtrommer@uni-leipzig.de

Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen

Vokalwechsel bei englischen Verben (I)

a. (i) beat beat beat-endrive drove driv-enbreak broke brok-enfall fell fall-en

(ii) put put putsing sang sungbind bound boundcome came come

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Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen

Vokalwechsel bei englischen Verben (II)

b. dwell dwel-t dwel-tleave lef-t lef-tsend sen-t sen-tbuy bough-t bough-t

c. (i) prove prove-d prov-endo di-d do-ne

(ii) yell yell-ed yell-edtell tol-d tol-d

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Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen

Problem mit dem Grundmodell

Vokalwechsel bestehen nicht aus Objekten

sondern aus prozeduralen Veränderungen

(z.B. sing→ sang)

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Page 17: Readjustment in Distributed Morphology · Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen Readjustment in Distributed Morphology Jochen Trommer jtrommer@uni-leipzig.de

Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen


Readjustment-Regeln manipulieren die phonologische Form

von VIs in bestimmten morphosyntaktischen Kontexten

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Page 18: Readjustment in Distributed Morphology · Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen Readjustment in Distributed Morphology Jochen Trommer jtrommer@uni-leipzig.de

Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen

Readjustment Regel für sell ~ sold, tell ~ told

V → [+hinten+rund] / W U [+prät]

(WVU = sell, tell)

/sel/ /d/:[+prät]

W = /s/, V = /e/, U = l

/sol/ /d/:[+prät]

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Page 19: Readjustment in Distributed Morphology · Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen Readjustment in Distributed Morphology Jochen Trommer jtrommer@uni-leipzig.de

Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen

Readjustment-Regel für shall ~ should, will ~ would

Reim → /u/ / X [+prät]

(X-Reim = shall, will, can, stand)

/wIl/ /d/:[+prät]

X = /w/, Reim = /Il/

/wu/ /d/:[+prät]

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Page 20: Readjustment in Distributed Morphology · Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen Readjustment in Distributed Morphology Jochen Trommer jtrommer@uni-leipzig.de

Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen

Noch mehr Readjustment-Regeln

a. Reim → /i/ / Y [+prät,–part]

Reim → /2/ / Y [+prät,+part], [–prät,+3,-pl]/(Y-Reim = do)

b. Reim → /e/ / Z [+prät], [–prät,+3,–pl]/(Z-Reim = say)

c. C → Ø / Q [+prät], <[–prät,+3,–pl]>/ (QC = make, <have>)

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Page 21: Readjustment in Distributed Morphology · Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen Readjustment in Distributed Morphology Jochen Trommer jtrommer@uni-leipzig.de

Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen

Readjustment-Regeln sind Zwitterwesen

I sie werden wie morphologische Regeln ausgelöst

I sie manipulieren Struktur wie phonologische Regeln

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Page 22: Readjustment in Distributed Morphology · Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen Readjustment in Distributed Morphology Jochen Trommer jtrommer@uni-leipzig.de

Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen

Evidenz für 2 verschiedene Regeltypen

Affigierung und Wurzelveränderung sind unabhängig:

Ø -t -tdwell dwel-t dwel-tleave lef-t lef-t

Ø -d -nprove prove-d prov-endo di-d do-ne

Ø -d -dyell yell-ed yell-edtell tol-d tol-d

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Page 23: Readjustment in Distributed Morphology · Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen Readjustment in Distributed Morphology Jochen Trommer jtrommer@uni-leipzig.de

Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen

Umlaut with diminuitives

Wald ‘forrest’ Wäld-chen ‘small forrest’

Schloss ‘palace’ Schlöss-chen ‘small palace’

Turm ‘tower’ Türm-chen ‘small tower’

Maus ‘mouse’ Mäus-chen ‘small mouse’

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Page 24: Readjustment in Distributed Morphology · Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen Readjustment in Distributed Morphology Jochen Trommer jtrommer@uni-leipzig.de

Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen

Umlaut with diminuitives

/a/ Ô /E/

/u/ Ô /y/

/o/ Ô /ø/

/au/ Ô /oy/

[+back] Ô [-back]

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Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen

Readjustment-Regel für Umlaut

V→ [–hinten]

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Page 26: Readjustment in Distributed Morphology · Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen Readjustment in Distributed Morphology Jochen Trommer jtrommer@uni-leipzig.de

Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen

Warum Umlaut Readjustment ist (I)

“We take it that Umlauting is accomplished via a ReadjustmentRule. The important point for our purposes concerns theenvironments in which this Readjustment Rule is triggered.

The rule makes reference both to morphosyntactic featuresand to the identity of particular Roots.

Moreover, the morphosyntactic environments in which Umlautapplies are not a natural class; rather, they must be listed”

(Embick & Halle, 2005:8)

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Page 27: Readjustment in Distributed Morphology · Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen Readjustment in Distributed Morphology Jochen Trommer jtrommer@uni-leipzig.de

Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen

Umlaut: Morphosyntactic Environments

a. Verb forms: fahr-en ‘drive’ Inf, fähr-t 3s Pres.

b. Noun Plurals: Huhn ‘hen’, Hühn-er ‘hens’

c. Diminutives: Vater ‘father’; Väter-chen ‘father-DIM’

d. Adjective Formation: Europa ‘Europe’, europä-isch ‘European’

e. Comparatives: lang ‘long’, läng-er ‘longer’

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Page 28: Readjustment in Distributed Morphology · Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen Readjustment in Distributed Morphology Jochen Trommer jtrommer@uni-leipzig.de

Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen

Warum Umlaut Readjustment ist (II)

“In addition, it is also the case that a Rootthat undergoes Umlaut in one of these environmentsmay or may not be subject to this processin another environment.

This fact must evidently be listed;”

(Embick & Halle, 2005:8)

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Page 29: Readjustment in Distributed Morphology · Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen Readjustment in Distributed Morphology Jochen Trommer jtrommer@uni-leipzig.de

Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen

Inkonsistente Umlautung einzelner Lexeme

back(-en), Bäck-er; fahr(-en),

Fahr-er; fahr-en, fähr-t

Maus, Mäus-e, maus-en;

Luft, lüft-en

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Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen

Warum Umlaut Readjustment ist (II)

“a Readjustment Rule like Umlaut may be triggeredin a number of distinct syntactico-semantic environments,while at the same time being a single rule of the grammar.

In this way Readjustment Rules can potentially showdistributions that are much broader than thosefound with exponents inserted by Vocabulary Insertion. ”

(Embick & Halle, 2005:9)

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Page 31: Readjustment in Distributed Morphology · Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen Readjustment in Distributed Morphology Jochen Trommer jtrommer@uni-leipzig.de

Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen

Charakteristische Eigenschaften von Readjustment

I werden von bestimmten Wurzeln ausgelöst

I definieren durch ihre Verteilung keine natürlichen Klassen

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Page 32: Readjustment in Distributed Morphology · Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen Readjustment in Distributed Morphology Jochen Trommer jtrommer@uni-leipzig.de

Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen

The Piece Assumption

“some further questions remain about the relationshipbetween Vocabulary Insertion and Readjustment Rules,since both of these rule types are required in the grammar.

Given that word formation is grounded in syntactic structure,a guiding hypothesis concerning these two rule types isthat the default assumption should bethat morphological alternations involve pieces:”

(Embick & Halle, 2005:29)

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Page 33: Readjustment in Distributed Morphology · Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen Readjustment in Distributed Morphology Jochen Trommer jtrommer@uni-leipzig.de

Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen

The Piece Assumption

“All other things being equal, a piece-based analysis

is preferred to a Readjustment Rule analysis

when the morpho-syntactic decomposition justifies

a piece-based treatment.”

(Embick & Halle, 2005:29)

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Page 34: Readjustment in Distributed Morphology · Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen Readjustment in Distributed Morphology Jochen Trommer jtrommer@uni-leipzig.de

Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen

Braucht DM unbedingt Readjustment?

Suppletions-Analyse von sing/sang/sung

/sung/ ↔√

SING / [+prät +part]

/sang/ ↔√

SING / [+prät]

/sing/ ↔√


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Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen

Embick & Halle gegen Suppletion

“Suppletion is very rare in natural language, and constitutes asort of ‘worst case scenario’

– a maximally opaque phonological relationship between twosyntactico-semantic objects that are taken to have a commonderivational source.

As such, it is clearly undesirable to generalize suppletion tocover all morphological alternations that involve some changein the phonology of a Root.”

(Embick & Halle, 2005:18)

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Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen

Ist Readjustment anders als Vocabulary Insertion?

I Auch Affixe zeigen schwer generalisierbare Synkretismen(Baerman et al. 2005)

I Auch Affix-Allomorphie wird von einzelnen Stämmenausgelöst

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Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen

Affix-Allomorphie & einzelne Stämme

Albanische 1pl-Aorist-Formen

regulär irregulärpuno-va “ich arbeitete” pa-sh@ “ich sah”pi-va “ich trank” la-sh@ “ich liess”la-va “ich wusch” dha-sh@ “ich gab”

Nur 3 Verben in der Sprache nehmen -sh@

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Intro Halle & Marantz (1993) Embick & Halle (2005) Anmerkungen


Nuss Nüsse

Schuss Schüsse

Kuss Küsse

Fluss Flüsse

Buss Büsse

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