Reading Revision Mat Guidance To complete each reading revision mat, you will need to read a short passage of writing; these will be taken from either a fiction text, a non-fiction text or a poem. Once you have read and understood the passage, you will have to answer seven different types of question based on what you have read. Each of the seven areas has an accompanying canine character to hopefully remind you of the skills you need to answer that particular type of question: Vocabulary Questions Vocabulary Victor is there to help you work out the meaning of unknown words and phrases using context clues. 2a: Give / explain the meaning of words in context. Retrieval Questions Rex Retriever is there to help you to go into a text and just simply retrieve the facts and key details. 2b: Retrieve and record information / identify key details from fiction and non-fiction. Summary Questions Summarising Sheba is there to remind you to summarise the main point(s) or main event(s) of a paragraph or text. 2c: Summarise main ideas from more than one paragraph. Inference Questions Inference Iggy will help you hunt for clues in a text about how someone might be feeling or why something is happening. 2d: Make inferences from the text / explain and justify inferences with evidence from the text. Prediction Questions Predicting Pip tries to see the future and she will help you to work out what might happen next from clues in the text. 2e: Predict what might happen from details stated and implied. Page 1 of 2

Reading Revision Mat Guidance · Reading Revision Mat Guidance To complete each reading revision mat, you will need to read a short passage of writing; these will be taken from either

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Page 1: Reading Revision Mat Guidance · Reading Revision Mat Guidance To complete each reading revision mat, you will need to read a short passage of writing; these will be taken from either

Reading Revision Mat GuidanceTo complete each reading revision mat, you will need to read a short passage of writing; these will be taken from either a fiction text, a non-fiction text or a poem. Once you have read and understood the passage, you will have to answer seven different types of question based on what you have read.

Each of the seven areas has an accompanying canine character to hopefully remind you of the skills you need to answer that particular type of question:

Vocabulary QuestionsVocabulary Victor is there to help you work out the meaning of unknown words and phrases using context clues. 2a: Give / explain the meaning of words in context.

Retrieval QuestionsRex Retriever is there to help you to go into a text and just simply retrieve the facts and key details. 2b: Retrieve and record information / identify key details from fiction and non-fiction.

Summary QuestionsSummarising Sheba is there to remind you to summarise the main point(s) or main event(s) of a paragraph or text. 2c: Summarise main ideas from more than one paragraph.

Inference QuestionsInference Iggy will help you hunt for clues in a text about how someone might be feeling or why something is happening. 2d: Make inferences from the text / explain and justify inferences with evidence from the text.

Prediction QuestionsPredicting Pip tries to see the future and she will help you to work out what might happen next from clues in the text. 2e: Predict what might happen from details stated and implied.

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Page 2: Reading Revision Mat Guidance · Reading Revision Mat Guidance To complete each reading revision mat, you will need to read a short passage of writing; these will be taken from either

Author Choice QuestionsArlo the Author likes to help you to spot examples of ambitious vocabulary and figurative language, and explain how these words/phrases add to the meaning of the text. 2g: Identify/explain how meaning is enhanced through choice of words and phrases.

Compare, Contrast & Comment QuestionsCassie the Commentator discusses the content of a paragraph/text and compares events and characters. Can you do the same? 2f: Identify/explain how information/narrative content is related and contributes to meaning

as a whole.

2h: Make comparisons within the text.

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Page 3: Reading Revision Mat Guidance · Reading Revision Mat Guidance To complete each reading revision mat, you will need to read a short passage of writing; these will be taken from either

Alien InvasionVoss slowly opened her eyes, the suit’s alarm bleeping away in her ears. At first, she thought she may be blind; everything was black. Then a bright circle drifted past the visor of her helmet.

“Commander Dryden!” a human voice called through her ear-piece as the bright shape spun away and blackness returned. “We’re under attack! We haven’t much time!”

Her head was throbbing and she felt dizzy as the alarm continued to bleep. Voss tried to rub her eyes, but instead her gloved hand hit the outside of her space helmet. She tried to remember where she was. The bright circle drifted past once again, but this time her eyes were able to focus on it. It was a planet; a large, blue planet.

The blue planet whizzed past again, and then something else; something that looked like a spaceship. No – two spaceships! One of them was on fire, parts of it drifting into space.

“Commander!” the human voice cried.

“Warning,” a different, computer-sounding voice said, “Oxygen levels critical. Thirty seconds remaining.”

Voss suddenly realised that she was the one spinning, not the planet. “Stabilise,” she ordered, and everything came to a stop. She twisted round. The blue planet was Earth and the spaceship on fire was the Vanguard Explorer. She remembered how it had come under attack, the aliens forcing their way on board. She remembered the explosion that left her unconscious and spinning into space. And she remembered what needed to be done. “Forward thrusters,” she coughed. The suit pushed her towards the outer hull of the Vanguard where an amber button was flashing beside a small control panel. Voss keyed in the 10-digit password, and pressed the self-destruct button. “Sorry,” she whispered.

“They’re here!” the human voice screamed in her ear.

“Oxygen levels depleted,” the computer voice said.

There is no sound in space, but if there was, the sound of the Vanguard exploding into a million pieces – and the alien ship along with it - would have been heard all the way to Earth.

1. Why did Voss think she was blind at first?

2. What was the bright circle that kept drifting past?

3. ‘And she remembered what needed to be done.’ What do you think Voss was thinking to herself at this point in the story?

4. “Oxygen levels depleted,”… Why has the author used such technical language for this direct speech?

Page 4: Reading Revision Mat Guidance · Reading Revision Mat Guidance To complete each reading revision mat, you will need to read a short passage of writing; these will be taken from either


1. How fast did Cassini travel on its way through the solar system?

2. How wide is the hurricane that Cassini photographed? Tick two. 1500 miles the width of Earth 77,000 miles the width of the continent of Europe

3. ‘…its latest pictures have sent the space-science community into an intergalactic spin!’ a) Think about what types of people might make up the space-science community. Write down two of them: b) According to the report, the pictures of the giant hurricane on Saturn have sent them into an ‘intergalactic spin’. What do you think it means by this?

4. It took NASA years to build Cassini, then 13 years for it to reach Saturn. Millions of dollars have been spent on it. Imagine you are the Head Scientist at NASA in charge of the Cassini mission. You have been asked to say some words on TV about the photos of the giant hurricane and how you feel about them:

Scientists at NASA say a giant hurricane on Saturn, 1500 miles wide, has been photographed by their roving spacecraft, Cassini.

Cassini, which was launched way back in 2004, has been snapping all sorts of amazing images during its 77 000 mph journey through our solar system but its latest pictures have sent the space-science community into an intergalactic spin!

On April 26, 2017, the spacecraft dived down between Saturn and its innermost rings, and what it photographed astounded scientists back on Earth. “We did a double take when we saw this… because it looks so much like a hurricane on Earth,” Andrew Ingersoll (a NASA team member) explained.

The hurricane, which is about as wide as the continent of Europe, has probably been churning for years, sometimes at speeds of up to 330 mph!

Scientists have long known about Saturn’s violent weather patterns. In 1980, NASA’s space

probe, Voyager, measured winds at 1,100 mph – which is about the same speed as an RAF Tornado fighter plane! Plus, keen-eyed astronomers have witnessed storms the size of Earth, using powerful telescopes.

But it is Cassini’s ability to get close and photograph the hurricane that has delighted scientists the world over.

Page 5: Reading Revision Mat Guidance · Reading Revision Mat Guidance To complete each reading revision mat, you will need to read a short passage of writing; these will be taken from either

The Watcher

1. Draw four lines to link these numbers to their fact.

I beam at you and you smile at meand I give you warmth and light. I watch you through your skies and clouds;but you turn and sleep at night.

Four and a half billion years I’ve lived;five billion yet to come, 110 times the size of EarthI’m way too hot for some.

The ancient Romans called me Sol, The Egyptians called me Ra,The Greeks knew me as Helios, you know me as your star.

Although 8 minutes is all it takesfor light to reach your home;93 million miles awayin space is where I roam.

My solar winds and solar flareslight up the Northern Lights;the polar pinks and greens and blues -the world’s most wondrous sights.

One day I’ll have no fuel to burn;the hydrogen all done, the light will go, your planet, too, but for now, I’m still your sun.

2. Why do you think ‘The Watcher’ was chosen for the poem’s title?

3. ‘but you turn and sleep at night.’ Explain what the poem means by this:

4. Read the final verse. In your own words, sum up what the poem is saying here:

8 how many times bigger the sun is compared to Earth

110 age of the sun

93 million how many minutes it takes the sun’s light to reach Earth

4 and a half billion distance in miles between the Earth and sun

Page 6: Reading Revision Mat Guidance · Reading Revision Mat Guidance To complete each reading revision mat, you will need to read a short passage of writing; these will be taken from either

Year 5 SummerEnglish Activity Booklet

Page 7: Reading Revision Mat Guidance · Reading Revision Mat Guidance To complete each reading revision mat, you will need to read a short passage of writing; these will be taken from either

Hello class,

Well what can I say about Egypt? It is extremely hot and sunny here in Cairo. Yesterday I sailed down the Nile on an old fashioned Rivership and even saw huge Nile crocodiles relaxing on the riverbank - as you can imagine, we weren’t able to swim despite the heat! Today I went on a camel ride and saw the pyramids and the sphinx. The sphinx looks like a big cat or a lion but it has a human face! Tomorrow I’m going to the Egyptian Museum - I might see some statues of the Pharaohs if I’m lucky.

Love from Summer

Hello class,

France is such an interesting place to visit. I’m staying in the capital city (Paris). Yesterday I went up to the top of the Eiffel Tower - it was very tall so took a long time to climb but the views were stunning. Then I went to the Louvre and saw lots of legendary paintings including the Mona Lisa (which looked a bit like my mum!). I can’t wait until tomorrow because I’m going to Disneyland Paris - I wonder which characters I’ll see.

Love from Summer

Postcards from Around the World

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Page 8: Reading Revision Mat Guidance · Reading Revision Mat Guidance To complete each reading revision mat, you will need to read a short passage of writing; these will be taken from either

1. Who is writing the postcards?

2. Circle all of the cities that she has been to visit?

3. Why was she not allowed to swim in the Nile?

4. Find and copy the phrase that tells you she was excited about Disneyland.

5. ...and saw lots of legendary paintings... Tick the word closest in meaning to ‘legendary’.

beautiful famous unknown exquisite

Paris London Madrid Edinburgh Cairo

Postcards from Around the World

Hello class,

I’m having a great time here in Scotland! I’ve been doing lots of travelling around and have even been to Loch Ness to look for the Loch Ness monster - I thought I saw it but my mum said it was just a log floating in the water! Now I’m staying in the capital city (Edinburgh) and tomorrow I’m going to look around Edinburgh Castle - I might even hear them firing the cannons if I’m lucky!

Wish you were here,

Love from Summer

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Page 9: Reading Revision Mat Guidance · Reading Revision Mat Guidance To complete each reading revision mat, you will need to read a short passage of writing; these will be taken from either

Ice-Cream Match-Up!Can you draw lines to match each prefix to the correct root word to make each ice cream into a verb? Each prefix belongs to two different root words.

Could you use some of the words in summer themed sentences?



train dis-










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Page 10: Reading Revision Mat Guidance · Reading Revision Mat Guidance To complete each reading revision mat, you will need to read a short passage of writing; these will be taken from either

Summer Sun

1. Who is the ‘he’ in this poem?

2. What does ‘slip his golden fingers through’ mean?

3. Find and copy a phrase that shows that the sun is comforting.

4. ‘Among the ivy’s inmost nook’ Tick the word that is closest in meaning to ‘nook’?

Summer Sun Robert Louis Stevenson(from A Child’s Garden of Verses, 1885)

Great is the sun, and wide he goes Through empty heaven with repose; And in the blue and glowing days More thick than rain he showers his rays.

Though closer still the blinds we pull To keep the shady parlour cool, Yet he will find a chink or two To slip his golden fingers through.

The dusty attic spider-clad He, through the keyhole, maketh glad; And through the broken edge of tiles Into the laddered hay-loft smiles.

Meantime his golden face around He bares to all the garden ground, And sheds a warm and glittering look Among the ivy’s inmost nook.

Above the hills, along the blue, Round the bright air with footing true, To please the child, to paint the rose, The gardener of the World, he goes.





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Page 11: Reading Revision Mat Guidance · Reading Revision Mat Guidance To complete each reading revision mat, you will need to read a short passage of writing; these will be taken from either

Summer Sentence ScrambleUse your super sentence writing skills to create sentences with a relative clause. Read the main clause, add an appropriate relative pronoun from the list below and then add your own relative clause. The first one is done for you as an example.

Relative pronouns - who, which, where, when, whose, that

1. We often visit the seaside when the sun shines.

2. The girl jumped into the pool,

3. We went on a long plane journey

4. The boy sprayed his friend with the water pistol,

This time, read the main clause. Then re-write the sentence, adding an appropriate relative pronoun and embedded relative clause in the middle of each sentence. Don’t forget your commas if you need them! The first one is done for you as an example.

1. We went to the beach, which was on the east coast, to go surfing.

2. The ice-cream melted quickly.

3. Our dog dug a deep hole in the sand.

4. My dad paddled the dinghy out to sea.

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Page 12: Reading Revision Mat Guidance · Reading Revision Mat Guidance To complete each reading revision mat, you will need to read a short passage of writing; these will be taken from either

Strawberries This succulent, fragrant fruit is as beautiful as it is flavourful. Traditionally the strawberry season is quite short with a six-week season from early May until late August. The use of polytunnels and glass houses has extended the strawberry season. Although strawberries will be in plentiful supply throughout May the season will reach its peak in June and July. If good weather continues from July you can expect to see British strawberries until the end of September.

Strawberries grown on farms in the UK grow on runners from a parent plant. It’s quicker than growing from a seed. It takes five to six months for the baby strawberry plants to grow roots of their own and be ready to go to their own polytunnel.

Polytunnels are like big plastic greenhouses in the shape of a tube. Giant glass houses are also used. They let in lots of light but they keep the strawberries protected from the weather and help stop pests and diseases. Once the strawberries are planted they need to be watered every day. A special method called irrigation is used to water the soil using special pipes.

The following year the strawberry plants are mature enough to start to flower. Each flower can become a strawberry, but it needs to be pollinated by an insect. The insect pollinates the flower by crawling on it to get the nectar. At the same time it rubs the yellow pollen on to the inside parts of the flower. This is what makes the fruit start to grow.

Thirty days after being pollinated, the baby strawberries start to form. To start with they are small and green. As time passes and they get more water and sunshine the fruits begin to grow and turn red. The polytunnel stops the birds from eating the young fruits.


ice-cream is the third most favourite

ice-cream in the world at 5%

(after vanilla 29% and chocolate 9%)

(Info from http://www.derinice.com)

Candy Tale, garryknight, pang yu liu, Bods, sigusr0 (@flickr.com) - granted under creative commons licence – attribution

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Is strawberry the favourite flavour of ice-cream in the world?

Explain how you know.

1. Find and copy two reasons why strawberries are good for you.



2. ‘The following year the strawberry plants are mature enough to start to flower.’ Circle the word closest in meaning to ‘mature’ in this sentence.

large old young ripe

Why are all strawberries picked by hand rather than with machinery?

yes no

Strawberries are the best!• Many children say that strawberries are their favourite fruit.

• Strawberries are a great source of vitamin C.

• Strawberries are low in calories.

• There is a museum in Belgium dedicated only to strawberries!

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Page 14: Reading Revision Mat Guidance · Reading Revision Mat Guidance To complete each reading revision mat, you will need to read a short passage of writing; these will be taken from either

The Water Fight Sentence 1: Include a relative clause.

Sentence 2: Use brackets to indicate parenthesis.

Sentence 3: Include a modal verb.

Sentence 4: Ensure cohesion in your paragraph with the inclusion of an adverb of time.

Sentence 5: Include an adverb of possibility.

Use this picture as inspiration to carefully think and write a short paragraph about the water fight.

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Page 15: Reading Revision Mat Guidance · Reading Revision Mat Guidance To complete each reading revision mat, you will need to read a short passage of writing; these will be taken from either

Summer Word Mix-UpWork out the answers to each of the clues (unscramble the anagrams below to help you find the correct answers). When you’ve filled in the missing letters, place each numbered letter into the boxes on the next page to create a seasonal phrase.

1. I had an ice-cream, which had sprinkles on top.

The underlined word is a .

2. Mum said that we must put sun cream on today.

The underlined word is a .

3. I met my friend, who had a sparkly swimsuit, at the water park today.

The underlined words are a .

4. Later on today, we are going to have a BBQ because it’s so sunny.

The underlined words are a .

5. On the beach, there is a large café where we can buy ice creams.

The underlined phrase is an .











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6. We visited our family in Scotland twice last year.

The underlined word is an .

7. I can’t wait to go on holiday (on a plane) this year.

The underlined words are contained within because they are


8. As the campers sat around the fire eating, the rabbit hid in the bushes.

In this sentence the circled punctuation is a which helps to

avoid .

Summer Word Mix-Up






4 13




6 7

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

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Summer Spelling Challenge Ask a helper to cut off the sentences on the bottom of this sheet and then read them out to you one by one. Can you spell the words that fill the gaps in these sentences?

1. The chocolate chip ice-cream was .

2. I was excited to be going on a trip.

3. We’re going to visit the water park this summer.

4. We went on a camel trek across the in Egypt.

5. I am sure that the sun will up tomorrow.

6. There will be a if we don’t get some rain soon.

7. The view from our hotel was .

8. I was very of the shade that was cast by the beach umbrella.

9. I can’t wait for our holiday to visit a island!

10. The at the ice cream van was so long.

Read each sentence out twice:1. The chocolate chip ice-cream was delicious.

2. I was excited to be going on a yacht trip.

3. We’re definitely going to visit the water park this summer.

4. We went on a camel trek across the desert in Egypt.

5. I am sure that the sun will brighten up tomorrow.

6. There will be a drought if we don’t get some rain soon.

7. The view from our hotel was beautiful.

8. I was very appreciative of the shade that was cast by the beach umbrella.

9. I can’t wait for our holiday to visit a tropical island!

10. The queue at the ice cream van was so long.

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Year 5 Summer-Themed

Maths Activity Booklet

Page 19: Reading Revision Mat Guidance · Reading Revision Mat Guidance To complete each reading revision mat, you will need to read a short passage of writing; these will be taken from either

Place Value Code Breaker

2 4 8 6 1 0 5 9 3 7

In the number what is the value of the ?


In the number what is the value of the ?


In the number what is the value of the ?


What is the number rounded to the nearest 10?


What is the number rounded to the nearest 100?


What is the number written in Roman numerals?


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Page 20: Reading Revision Mat Guidance · Reading Revision Mat Guidance To complete each reading revision mat, you will need to read a short passage of writing; these will be taken from either

Calculations Code BreakerSolve the calculations and use the code breaker to spell out a summer-themed joke. The joke will read down the tables.


6 15 21 5 13 24 18 7 12 1 25 19 9


22 16 11 26 2 17 20 3 10 8 14 23 4

Answer Letter

64 ÷ 8

63 ÷ 9

1300 ÷ 100

0.02 × 100

1.3 × 10

Answer Letter

55 ÷ 11

160 ÷ 10

Answer Letter

0.24 × 100

144 ÷ 12

1700 ÷ 100

56 ÷ 8

Answer Letter

1.8 × 10

1600 ÷ 100

Answer Letter

4 × 4

2.2 × 10

Answer Letter

42 ÷ 6

8 × 2

190 ÷ 10

96 ÷ 8

0.5 × 10

48 ÷ 8

0.23 × 100 ?

Answer Letter

3 × 8

60 ÷ 5

0.22 × 100

1900 ÷ 100

54 ÷ 9

11 × 2

0.05 × 100



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Colour by CalculationUse the key to colour the summer-themed picture.

249 - 21339 - 58

104 + 127164 + 85283 - 41

153 + 95

184 + 35

154 + 105

295 - 23

271 + 71 120 - 62

321 - 75

128 - 55

101 - 54

63 +


182 + 83337 - 66

243 - 31

50 + 49123 - 34


+ 72

595 - 56 505 + 87183 + 37705 - 115

471 + 54

482 + 88

573 - 28

142 + 75

603 - 86131 - 72

15 + 22

608 - 91 484 + 108 592 - 68

107 - 34381 +


407 + 58

131 - 81

569 - 81

583 + 50

532 + 91

673 - 71382 + 57

714 - 26

391 + 43

254 + 92384 -


494 + 81

700 - 13

623 + 43523 - 523

66 - 66


+ 43

591 + 32

230 - 52

274 + 44

42 + 121

700 - 43

673 - 51525 - 38

113 + 64

500 - 4

76 + 23

Grey: Red: Orange: Yellow: Green: Light Blue:

Dark Blue: White:

0 1 − 100 101 − 200 201 − 300 301 − 400 401 − 500 501 − 600 601 – 700

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2 1

4 3

5 6 7


9 10


2 4 8 6 1 0 5 9 3 7

Number CrossUse the summer-themed code to complete the number cross. Use written methods of multiplication to solve the number cross.

Across: Down:

1. × 1. ×

3. × 2. ×

5. × 3. ×

7. × 4. ×

8. × 6. ×

9. × 7. ×

11. × 10. ×

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Page 23: Reading Revision Mat Guidance · Reading Revision Mat Guidance To complete each reading revision mat, you will need to read a short passage of writing; these will be taken from either

Summertime Equivalent Fractions Maths MosaicSimplify each fraction to its lowest term to reveal the hidden picture. Each answer has a special colour.

yellow = black = pink = green = blue =
































































































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Page 24: Reading Revision Mat Guidance · Reading Revision Mat Guidance To complete each reading revision mat, you will need to read a short passage of writing; these will be taken from either

Summer Number PuzzlesI collect some shells on the beach.

I multiply the number of shells by 5.

I then subtract 15,

multiply by 7,

and divide by 2.

I end with the number 735.

How many shells did I collect?I decorate my sandcastle with flags.

I multiply the number of flags by 7.

I then add 78,

multiply by 4,

and divide by 3.

I end with the number 300.

How many flags did I use to decorate my sandcastle?

I practise cartwheels on the sand.

I multiply the number of cartwheels by 8.

I then subtract 132,

multiply by 10,

and divide by 4.

I end with the number 30.

How many cartwheels did I do?

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Page 25: Reading Revision Mat Guidance · Reading Revision Mat Guidance To complete each reading revision mat, you will need to read a short passage of writing; these will be taken from either

Area =

Perimeter =

Pirate Flags

Red = 13

Green = 16

Blue = 12

Red = 14

Green = 18

Blue = 12

White = 18

These flags have been designed on cm square grids.

• What is the area of each flag?

• What is the perimeter of each flag?

Colour in the flags according to the fractions.

Area =

Perimeter =

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Converting Units of Time Board GameInstructionsEach player must choose a space to start from and place their counter on it.

The first player rolls the dice and moves their counter clockwise.

They must answer the question in that square, find the answer on the correct shell and cover it over.

The next player will take their turn.

If a player lands on a square where the answer has already been covered, they must miss a go.

The winner is the player who has covered the most shells.

How many minutes are in 3 hours?

How many days are in 2 weeks?

How many years are in a decade?

How many seconds are in 6 minutes

How many hours are in a day?

How many hours are in 3 days?

How many minutes are in 4 hours?

How many seconds are in

8 minutes?

How many days are in 5 weeks?

How many years are in a millennium?

How many years are in a century?

How many days are in 8 weeks?

How many minutes are in 5 hours?

How many seconds are in 10 minutes?

How many hours are in 2 days?

How many seconds are in

7 minutes?

















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Page 27: Reading Revision Mat Guidance · Reading Revision Mat Guidance To complete each reading revision mat, you will need to read a short passage of writing; these will be taken from either

Butterfly Pattern SymmetryDraw a symmetrical pattern on this butterfly using different quadrilaterals.

Which quadrilaterals did you use in your symmetrical design?


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-10 100



Coordinate and Reflection Mystery Picture

Plot these shapes onto the coordinate grid and join them together with straight lines. Next, reflect the shapes over the y-axis to reveal a mystery picture.

The mystery picture is

1. (-7, 3), (-5, 3), (-5, 5), (-4, 4), (-4, 2), (-3, 1), (-2, 1), (-2, 2), (-1, 2), (-1, 1), (0,1), (0,-4), (-1,-4), (-3,-3), (-4,-2), (-4,-1), (-3, 0), (-5, 2), (-6, 2), (-7, 3)

2. (-4, -1), (-6, -1), (-6, -2), (-4, -1)

3. (-4, -2), (-6, -3), (-5, -4), (-4, -2)

4. (-3, -3), (-3, -5), (-2, -5), (-3, -3)

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101 2 3 4 5 6 7




in °C




Summer Holiday Temperatures Line Graph

Jasper went on his summer holiday to Greece. Sonia went on her summer holiday to Cornwall. Here is a line graph showing the highest daily temperature on each day of their summer holidays.

Use the graph to answer the questions.

1. What was the temperature on day 4 of Jasper’s holiday?

2. What was the temperature on day 1 on Sonia’s holiday?

3. What was the difference in temperature between Greece and Cornwall on day 3?

4. How much warmer was it in Greece than Cornwall on day 7?

5. On which day was the temperature of Sonia’s holiday 21°C?

6. On which day did the temperature in Greece decrease?

A Line Graph to Show the Highest Daily Temperatures in Greece and Cornwall

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Page 30: Reading Revision Mat Guidance · Reading Revision Mat Guidance To complete each reading revision mat, you will need to read a short passage of writing; these will be taken from either

Summer Holiday Activities Board GameYou will need:• counters

• a dice

• a pencil

InstructionsEach player starts the game with 1000 points.

The first player will throw the dice. The number rolled shows how many squares that player can move their counter around the board.

When the player lands on a square, they must add or subtract the points on that square to or from their score.

The next player will then take their turn to roll.

When a player reaches the finish, the player with the most points is the winner.

Keep track of your score here:

Name: Name: Name: Name:

1000 1000 1000 1000

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Page 31: Reading Revision Mat Guidance · Reading Revision Mat Guidance To complete each reading revision mat, you will need to read a short passage of writing; these will be taken from either

Summer Holiday Activities Board Game

START+ 120 - 150

+ 90 - 110 + 150 - 70


+ 100 - 40 + 120 - 150 - 130

+ 100 + 140

- 130 + 140 - 110 + 160 - 100

+ 170 + 160

-40 + 160 - 90 + 120 - 120 + 180

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Page 32: Reading Revision Mat Guidance · Reading Revision Mat Guidance To complete each reading revision mat, you will need to read a short passage of writing; these will be taken from either

Ultimate Division and Times Table ChallengeName: Number Correct:

Time Taken: Previous Score:

1 × 1 = 33÷11= 10 × 12 = 27÷3= 1 × 9 = 25÷5=

28÷7= 1 × 2 = 121÷11= 4 × 1 = 63÷7= 4 × 5 =

3 × 1 = 12÷6= 9 × 12 = 99÷9= 6 × 1 = 18÷2=

56÷8= 4 × 3 = 44÷11= 11 × 7 = 54÷6= 3 × 9 =

5 × 1 = 55÷5= 5 × 5 = 45÷5= 2 × 7 = 18÷6=

32÷8= 6 × 3 = 70÷7= 2 × 11 = 9÷9= 1 × 7 =

5 × 3 = 24÷8= 7 × 5 = 22÷2= 7 × 9 = 40÷5=

8÷8= 10 × 1 = 20÷2= 6 × 5 = 40÷8= 8 × 11 =

9 × 1 = 48÷8= 3 × 10 = 110÷11= 4 × 7 = 20÷5=

24÷3= 6 × 8 = 8÷4= 10 × 7 = 30÷5= 10 × 11 =

11 × 1 = 9÷1= 11 × 5 = 27÷3= 4 × 11 = 48÷8=

84÷12= 12 × 12 = 12÷12= 12 × 7 = 49÷7= 12 × 11 =

2 × 1 = 120÷12= 6 × 7 = 80÷10= 1 × 10 = 10÷2=

48÷4= 9 × 11 = 88÷8= 2 × 8 = 54÷9= 7 × 6 =

11 × 4 = 72÷12= 5 × 9 = 88÷8= 2 × 4 = 54÷6=

40÷10= 4 × 4 = 45÷9= 6 × 9 = 48÷6= 9 × 5 =

5 × 2 = 77÷11= 12 × 1 = 32÷8= 3 × 6 = 54÷9=

36÷12= 6 × 4 = 56÷8= 12 × 3 = 88÷11= 8 × 4 =

7 × 2 = 64÷8= 2 × 10 = 5÷1= 1 × 8 = 48÷12=

3÷3= 6 × 10 = 12÷2= 12 × 4 = 77÷7= 8 × 2 =

10 × 4 = 8÷8= 3 × 12 = 4÷2= 12 × 8 = 28÷7=

24÷3= 9 × 6 = 30÷10= 3 × 2 = 8÷2= 9 × 10 =

11 × 2 = 42÷7= 5 × 12 = 18÷6= 11 × 10 = 24÷8=

66÷11= 10 × 10 = 24÷4= 7 × 10 = 9÷3= 10 × 8 =

Page 33: Reading Revision Mat Guidance · Reading Revision Mat Guidance To complete each reading revision mat, you will need to read a short passage of writing; these will be taken from either
Page 34: Reading Revision Mat Guidance · Reading Revision Mat Guidance To complete each reading revision mat, you will need to read a short passage of writing; these will be taken from either
Page 35: Reading Revision Mat Guidance · Reading Revision Mat Guidance To complete each reading revision mat, you will need to read a short passage of writing; these will be taken from either
Page 36: Reading Revision Mat Guidance · Reading Revision Mat Guidance To complete each reading revision mat, you will need to read a short passage of writing; these will be taken from either
Page 37: Reading Revision Mat Guidance · Reading Revision Mat Guidance To complete each reading revision mat, you will need to read a short passage of writing; these will be taken from either
Page 38: Reading Revision Mat Guidance · Reading Revision Mat Guidance To complete each reading revision mat, you will need to read a short passage of writing; these will be taken from either

Y5/Y6 Statutory Spelling Fill in the Blanks Activity

Leon is an _______________ boxer, who is _______________ to make it

to the 2020 Olympic Games. With his _______________ attitude, he

goes to the gym for a _______________ training session every day.

_______________ to his trainers, he has the _______________ presence

and _______________ commitment to hopefully _______________ his

dream. Almost every _______________ in Leon’s family supports

his choice of _______________ except his Gran, who often tries to

_______________ him to give up boxing. She thinks the sport is too

_______________ and _______________ gets upset at his matches.

Activity 1

Y5/Y6 Statutory Spelling Fill in the Blanks Activity

The _______________ Night is a _______________ comedy written by

William Shakespeare. The play begins when twins, Sebastian

and Viola, set off on a _______________ journey to sea. During a

terrible _______________ storm, their _______________ is destroyed

and they both _______________ think that the other has drowned.

Viola is washed up in a strange _______________ so to feel safe, she

conceals her real _______________ and pretends to be a young man.

Meanwhile, on another part of the island, Sebastian is found

safe and well. From then on, many _______________ incidents

_______________ when a _______________ of the other characters

confuse Viola and her brother- people don’t _______________ them

and think they are both the same person! The play ends in

_______________ when Viola reveals herself as a woman!

Activity 2

Page 39: Reading Revision Mat Guidance · Reading Revision Mat Guidance To complete each reading revision mat, you will need to read a short passage of writing; these will be taken from either

Y5/Y6 Statutory Spelling Fill in the Blanks Activity

Amy would have always described herself as _______________ but

this time it was quickly becoming _______________ to her that

she had gone too far. This time, she was finding it hard to live

with her guilty _______________. When she had tinkered with

the_______________ before the school sports day _______________,

she didn’t _______________ on causing such chaos! Now there

was a _______________ of angry children, parents and teachers

wanting an _______________ as to why there were banana skins

on the running track, holes cut in the bottom of the sack race

sacks and glue _______________ to the head teacher’s chair. Amy

hadn’t meant be a _______________ or to _______________ anyone,

_______________ not her friends. But now the head teacher had

pulled a _______________ trying to get unstuck, she was surely

going to have detention for years to come!

Activity 3

Y5/Y6 Statutory Spelling Fill in the Blanks Activity

As a cold wind swept over the eerie _______________ and

_______________ gravestones, Ben looked over his _______________ in

fear. Was he in any _______________ danger? The _______________

seemed to suddenly drop along with Ben’s _______________.

The _______________ of his heart quickened and began to

_______________ with his breathing. He was suddenly very

_______________ that he was alone, still at least a mile from home

and that he wasn’t _______________ to fight a ghost or ghoul on

his own. His friends would always _______________ their stories

about Lost Souls Graveyard. Now tonight, Ben’s _______________

had got the better of him and he’d risk taking the shortcut

straight through. Right now though, he _______________ wished

he hadn’t!

Activity 4

Page 40: Reading Revision Mat Guidance · Reading Revision Mat Guidance To complete each reading revision mat, you will need to read a short passage of writing; these will be taken from either
Page 41: Reading Revision Mat Guidance · Reading Revision Mat Guidance To complete each reading revision mat, you will need to read a short passage of writing; these will be taken from either

Answer in full sentences.

1. What do you think the poem is about?

2. Explain what you think the poet meant when he described the animal as ‘burning bright’.

3. When and where might this animal be found?

4. Writedown4examplesofalliterationfromthepoem.

5. What might ‘sinews’ be? Explain your reasoning.

6. Inverse4,Blakeissuggestingthatsuchapowerfulanimalmusthavebeencreatedby…

(a) a sculptor

(b) a painter

(c) a blacksmith

(d) a carpenter

Tick one and explain your reasoning.

Tyger Tyger By William Blake

Page 42: Reading Revision Mat Guidance · Reading Revision Mat Guidance To complete each reading revision mat, you will need to read a short passage of writing; these will be taken from either

7. Whois‘he’inverse5?

8. Is this a modern poem? Explain your answer.

Tyger Tyger By William Blake

Page 43: Reading Revision Mat Guidance · Reading Revision Mat Guidance To complete each reading revision mat, you will need to read a short passage of writing; these will be taken from either

Subordinating Conjunction Jigsaws

Use your super sentence writing skills to create a complex (multi-clause) sentence using different subordinating conjunctions. Read the main clause on the puzzle pieces, add an appropriate subordinating conjunction and then add your own subordinate clause. The first one is done for you as an example.

The cold wind blew violently

The relaxed man snored on his sofa

Florence jumped high into the air

I hate Sundays






the tornado hit the village.


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Page 44: Reading Revision Mat Guidance · Reading Revision Mat Guidance To complete each reading revision mat, you will need to read a short passage of writing; these will be taken from either

The sky suddenly turned black

Mollie was inspired by her favourite dancer

The arrogant man sneered

The forgetful wizard stirred his potion

I’d prefer to go tomorrow night

It is very important to exercise







Subordinating Conjunction Jigsaws

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Page 45: Reading Revision Mat Guidance · Reading Revision Mat Guidance To complete each reading revision mat, you will need to read a short passage of writing; these will be taken from either

Subordinating Conjunction Jigsaws

Challenge: Now write three complete complex sentences of your own that follow the same pattern (main clause + subordinate clause).

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Page 46: Reading Revision Mat Guidance · Reading Revision Mat Guidance To complete each reading revision mat, you will need to read a short passage of writing; these will be taken from either