Reading Itinerary

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  • 7/29/2019 Reading Itinerary



    Rencana Perjalanan Wisata


    Tour package to Australia

    January 19 22, 2006

  • 7/29/2019 Reading Itinerary


    Thursday, 19 January10.00. pm Departure from Jakarta

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    Friday, 20 January

    02.00 pm Arrival at Brisbane (Australian


    03.00 pm Sightseeing tour.

    Places of interest:

    Fortitude Valley, Brisbane

    Cultural Centre and Mount Cootha

    for a panoramic view of Brisbane


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    04.00 pm Welcome Cocktail hosted by


    06.00 pm Complimentary dinner, Chinese


    08.00 pm Free

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    Saturday 21 January

    08.00 am Breakfast at Summer View Hotel hosted

    by Jet Air.

    09.00 am Visit to Sea World, a large marine park:

    free, unlimited use of all rides including

    Wide Wave, Water sun, Water Slide,

    Flume Ride, Bumper and Pedal Boats,

    Pirate Ships, and the most exciting

    Cockcrew roller coaster.

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    06.00 pm Return to hotel; guests may

    use the evening for their own

    activities; try a wonderfuldinner at Fishermans Wharf.

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    Sunday, 22 January

    07.00 am Breakfast at Summer View Hotel

    hosted by the hotel

    09.00 am Free for last minute shopping

    01.15 pm Transfer to Sidney Airport for

    departure to Jakarta at 3.15 pm

    (Australian Time)

    09.15 pm Arrival at Jakarta International


    (Jakarta Time)

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    1. How long will the tourists have a tourin Australia?

    a. two daysb. three days

    c. four days

    d. five days

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    2. What do the tourists have if they go to

    Fishermans Wharf?

    a. A Welcome cocktailb. A breakfast at Summer view Hotel

    c. A wonderful dinner

    d. Evening activities for their own

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    3. How many times can the tourists havefree times to do their own activities?

    a. onceb. twice

    c. three times

    d. four times

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    4. The tourists can have fun and try manykinds of games offered at

    a. Brisbane Cultural Centre

    b. Summer view hotel

    c. Sea world

    d. Fishermans Wharf

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    5. Mount Cootha for a panoramic view

    of Brisbane city.

    The underlined word means

    a. beautiful

    b. wide

    c. long

    d. good

  • 7/29/2019 Reading Itinerary


    Elliptical construction

    Pengertian :

    Digunakan untuk menyatakan duahal yang diungkapkan dalam satu


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    Pola kalimat :

    Kalimat positif : too dan so Kalimat negative : either, neither

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    Kalimat yang menggunakan to be

    Lion is a mammal

    Whale is a mammal

    Lion is a mammal and Whale is too

    lion is a mammal and so is lion

    I was not there

    You were not thereI was not there and you werent either

    I was not there and neither were you

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    Kalimat yang menggunakan modal

    Cheetah can run fast

    Horse can run fast

    Cheetah can run fast and horse can too

    Cheetah can run fast and so can horse

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    Kalimat yang membutuhkan kata bantu

    I like swimming

    Tuti likes swimmingI like swimming and Tuti does too

    I like swimming and so does Tuti

    We dont have any money

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    They dont have any money

    We dont have any money and

    they dont eitherWe dont have any money and

    neither do they

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    Tina visited Borobudur in Jogya lastholiday

    Anton visited Borobudur in Jogya Last


    Tina visited Borobudur in Jogya and

    Anton did too

    Tina visited Borobudur in Jogya So did


  • 7/29/2019 Reading Itinerary


    I didnt do it

    Liza didnt do it

    I didnt do it and Liza didnt either

    I didnt do it and neitherdid Liza

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    Kalimat berbentuk simple present

    perfect tense

    Andy has gone

    Ferry has gone

    Andy has gone and Ferry has too

    Andy has gone and so has Ferry

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    I havent done the homework

    Irfan hasnt done the homework

    I havent done the homework andIrfan hasnt either.

    I havent done the homework and

    neither has Irfan

  • 7/29/2019 Reading Itinerary


    Bentuk have sebagai kata kerja

    Mr. Ratno has a new car

    Mr. Wahyu has a new car

    Mr. Ratno has a new car and Mr.

    Wahyu does too

    Mr. Ratno has a new car and so

    does Mr. Wahyu

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    I dont have a pencil

    Tuti doesnt have a pencil

    I dont have a pencil and Tuti

    doesnt either

    I dont have a pencil and neither

    does Tuti

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    1. Cici : I like reading Harry PotterBaba: .. The story is interesting

    a. So are you

    b. So am Ic. So do I

    d. So did you

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    2. My father is from Padang and my mother So they were neighbors.

    a. does too

    b. is too

    c. so did

    d. so was

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    3. Rudy : Did you meet Ani in the concert?

    Lukman : I didnt. What about you?Rudy : I think She had gone home

    when we arrived.

    a. Neither didnt Ib. Neither did I

    c. So did I

    d. So didnt I

  • 7/29/2019 Reading Itinerary


    4. There were an accident on Jl kenari this

    morning. A woman was hurt, and .her

    two daughters. Now they were in the


    a. So does

    b. So were

    c. Was too

    d. Does too

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    5. Arini : I cant do the test. It is too difficult

    for me.

    Rista : We must study harder then.

    a. so can Ib. I cant either

    c. neither cant I

    d. I can too

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    Ungkapan permintaan


    Could you , please?

    Would you mind .? Do you mind ., please?

    Id be very grateful if you

    I am sorry but could you

    Do you think you could

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    1. In the store

    Shop assistant : That will be Rp 50 000 all

    Together, Madam.Woman : Yes, here is the money.

    wrap it for me with pink

    paper, please its for


    Shop assistant : Of course madam.

    a. Do you want to

    b. Would Ic. Could you

    d. Shall I

  • 7/29/2019 Reading Itinerary


    2. Aldi : I cant concentrate doing the math's

    problems. turning down the radioplease!

    Adri : Oh sorry.

    a. Can you

    b. Would you mind

    c. Shall Id. Do you

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    3. On the phone.

    Fitra : Hello, Ri. Are doing anything atthis moment.

    Riana : No. Whats up?

    Fitra : There is a good film on the movie

    tonight. go with me ?.Riana : OK. Pick me up then.

    a. can you

    b. Would you mindc. Did you

    d. have you

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    4. Nena : Tomorrow is my birthday. I have a small

    party at my house.

    Dilla : Id love to . What time.

    Nena : at 7 pm

    Dilla : Right. I ll be there

    a. Thats my conviction

    b. I do apologize

    c. I would be very grateful if you could come

    d. I ll be sad if you come

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    5. Ali : Oh I forget to bring my pencil.

    Harry : Oh sure . Here it is.

    Ali : thanks

    a. Could you lend me yours, please?

    b. Are you sure you dont need it, please?

    c. Do you love lending me, please?

    d. have you bought some?

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    Episode 9

  • 7/29/2019 Reading Itinerary



    label Obat

    Secretolytic agent


    5 ml elixir bromhexine HCL 4 mg


    For productive cough i.e. cough to influenza (flu),cough in acute/chronic bronchitis and asthma

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    Adults & Children > 10 years : 3 x 2 tsps

    Children 5-10 years : 3 x 1 tsps

    Children 2-5 years : 3 x tsps

    Children , 2 years : 3 x tsps

    Or according to doctors prescription.

    The elixir suitable for diabetic patients,

    Since it does not contain sugar.

  • 7/29/2019 Reading Itinerary


    Side effect

    Occasionally gastro intestinal side effects may

    occur but these are almost in variable mild.Headache, Vertigo, sweating, skin rash and an

    increase in transminase have been reported rarely

    Store in a safe place out of reach of


    Adapted from

    Bisolvon Elixir

  • 7/29/2019 Reading Itinerary


    1. What is the medicine for ?

    a. Headache

    b. Skin rashc. Vertigo

    d. Cough

  • 7/29/2019 Reading Itinerary


    2. A three years old child who suffers from

    cough should take tsps.

    a. b.

    c. 1

    d. 1

  • 7/29/2019 Reading Itinerary


    3. ..transaminase have been reported


    The underlined word means


    a. often

    b. not often

    c. Commonly

    d. Usual

  • 7/29/2019 Reading Itinerary


    4. The text above is kind of

    a. Letter

    b. Leaflet

    c. Brochure

    d. Advertisement

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    Perbandingan (Comparison)

    Perbandingan keadaan suatu benda

    (Comparative adjective)

    a. Tingkat sama (positive) : as adjective as

    b. Tingkat lebih (comparative) :adjective + er than/more adjective than

    c. Tingkat Lebih (superlative) :

    The adjective + est/ The most adjective

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    satu suku kata

    Tall taller tallest

    Big Bigger Biggest

    Young younger youngest

    Tiga suku kata

    Expensive more expensive most expensive

    Beautiful more beautiful most beautiful

    Dangerous more dangerous most dangerous

    Dua suku kata

    Happy happier happiest

    Easy easier easiset

    Clever cleverer cleverest

    Simple simpler simplest

    Modern more modern most modern

    Stupid more stupid most stupid

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    good better best

    bad worse worst

    old elder eldest

    older oldest

    far farther farthestfurther furthest

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    Contoh Kalimat

    My house is as beautiful as yours

    This book is thicker than that one

    Dian is more popularthan Andin Himalaya is the highest mountain

    in the world

    I think snake is the most dangerousanimal.

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    1.Via : I think TV is than a radioTia : of course, It has audio and visual


    a. Interesting

    b. More interesting

    c. As interesting asd. The most interesting

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    2. Budi : We are in hurry. I think wedbetter use motorcycle.

    Rudy : Yes, I agree with you. Its

    a. Fastb. As fast as

    c. Faster

    d. The fastest

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    Ungkapan Permintaan Ijin

    Can I , please?

    Excuse me, do you think I could ?

    Would it be possible ? Could I .

    May I ?

    Do you mind if I .?

    I was wondering if I could

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    Memberi Ijin


    Yes, of course


    Go ahead

    By all means

    Not at all

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    Ungkapan menolak memberi ijin

    Sorry But I

    Id rather you didnt

    Well actually Id rather you didnt

    I am afraid not

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    1. In a fashion shop

    Young lady : Excuse me, Shop assistant : Sure, Madam, The fitting

    room is over there.

    a. Do you think I could try this dress on?

    b. Do you agree to try this on

    c. What are you going to try this on?

    d. Could you try this dress on, please?

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    2. Daughter : Dad ?

    Father : With whom will you go?Daughter : with aunt Anita.

    Father : All right. Be careful then

    a. Can you tell me?

    b. May I go the cinema?

    c. Shall I do it for you?

    d. Could you tell me the truth?

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    3. Riani : What is the meaning of this


    Sita : Sorry I dont know. Why dont

    you look it up in the dictionary?Riani : I dont bring it. ?

    Sita : Sure. Here you are.

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    a. Where is your dictionary?

    b. Do you have a dictionary?

    c. Your dictionary is very importantthis moment.

    d. Can I borrow your dictionary?

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    4. Student : Would you mind if I turn on

    the lamp sir? It is getting dark


    Teacher :

    a. certainly

    b. not at all

    c. of course

    d. sure

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    5. Man : Can I submit the identity card


    Clerk : It should be now.

    a. of course

    b. go ahead

    c. I am afraid you cant

    d. You cant do that