Reading Guide for Unequal Childhoods Work and Family Roderick Graham

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Reading Guide for Unequal Childhoods Work and Family Roderick Graham Slide 2 Concerted Cultivation vs. Natural Growth Child Rearing Approach Concerted CultivationNatural Growth Key ElementsParent actively fosters and assesses childs talents, opinions, and skills Parent cares for child and allows child to grow Organization of Daily LifeMultiple child leisure activities orchestrated by adults Hanging out, particularly with kin, by child Slide 3 Concerted Cultivation vs. Natural Growth Child Rearing Approach Concerted CultivationNatural Growth Language UseChild contestations of adult statements Extended negotiations between parents and child Rare questioning or challenging of adults by child General acceptance by child of orders Interventions in InstitutionsCriticisms and interventions on behalf of child Training of child to take on this role Dependence on Institutions Sense of powerlessness and frustration Conflict between child- rearing practices at home and at school Slide 4 The Consequences of Different Parenting Styles Child Rearing Approach Concerted CultivationNatural Growth ConsequencesEmerging sense of entitlement on the part of the child Ability to navigate bureaucracies as adults Emerging sense of constraint on the part of the child Acceptance of societys norms and an ability to bend them to their interests Slide 5 Response Paper Background In the lecture, we discussed the idea of work by understanding the concept of class. Then, we discussed different types of family settings. In the lectures, we discussed the idea that being in the nuclear family and being middle class is the default settings in society. Also, you have read how class position affects parenting styles, and therefore can lead to a perpetuation of inequality. Finally, all of you have personal experiences of family and class settings. Slide 6 Response Paper Question Discuss the types of classes and family settings you see in your neighborhood. In your opinion, what are some drawbacks to people and families who do not fit the default class and family positions? Is there a relationship between class position and family setting? Why or why not? Finally, discuss some ways in which you think an understanding of work and family can benefit you in your future.