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VB6 nano

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COPY MSSTDFMT.DLL TO SYSWOW64 FOLDER REGSVR32 c:\WINDOWS\SYSWOW64\MSSTDFMT.DLL DONE, OBJECT WINDOW WORKS NOW! NO SP6 NEEDED FOR VB6.Dear Visual Basic 6.0 fan, Did you know how compact VB6 in its core is? It is < 5 MB compressed! However it is still able to run and compile your projects as long as all ActiveX DLLs, OCXs and TLBs etc. that you referenced within your project are installed and registered. You can even run this "NanoVB6" version on BartPE or other windows live CDs! (BTW: In runs quite well under Linux/Wine, too!!) Contents of VB6-Portable.rar: VB6.OLB VB6EXT.OLB DAO350.DLL MRT7ENU.DLL MSO97RT.DLL MSPDB60.DLL VB6IDE.DLL VBA6.DLL C2.EXE LINK.EXE VB6.EXE VBAEXE6.LIB And finally a registry file ("VB6.REG") which contains keys needed for licensing : ============================================================================ Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Licenses\74872840-703A-11d1-A3AF-00A0C90F26FA] @="mninuglgknogtgjnthmnggjgsmrmgniglish" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Licenses\74872841-703A-11d1-A3AF-00A0C90F26FA] @="klglsejeilmereglrfkleeheqkpkelgejgqf" ============================================================================