Reactive and inelastic collisions of H atoms with vibrationally excited water molecules G. Lendvay, K. S. Bradley, and G. C. Schatz Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 110, 2963 (1999); doi: 10.1063/1.477939 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.477939 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jcp/110/6?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Ultracold collisions of O(1 D) and H2: The effects of H2 vibrational excitation on the production of vibrationally and rotationally excited OH J. Chem. Phys. 138, 164310 (2013); 10.1063/1.4802476 Relaxation of H 2 O from its |04 − vibrational state in collisions with H 2 O , Ar, H 2 , N 2 , and O 2 J. Chem. Phys. 120, 5592 (2004); 10.1063/1.1649726 Vibrationally-rotationally inelastic cross sections for H+SiO collisions J. Chem. Phys. 116, 1388 (2002); 10.1063/1.1421071 The branching ratio between reaction and relaxation in the removal of H 2 O from its |04 − vibrational state in collisions with H atoms J. Chem. Phys. 115, 4586 (2001); 10.1063/1.1389304 H+N 2 O collision dynamics: Branching ratios for T–V energy transfer and the effect of N 2 O vibrational excitation on the reaction kinetics J. Chem. Phys. 107, 4537 (1997); 10.1063/1.474815 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: http://scitation.aip.org/termsconditions. Downloaded to IP: On: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 10:11:35

Reactive and inelastic collisions of H atoms with vibrationally excited water molecules

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Page 1: Reactive and inelastic collisions of H atoms with vibrationally excited water molecules

Reactive and inelastic collisions of H atoms with vibrationally excited water moleculesG. Lendvay, K. S. Bradley, and G. C. Schatz Citation: The Journal of Chemical Physics 110, 2963 (1999); doi: 10.1063/1.477939 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.477939 View Table of Contents: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jcp/110/6?ver=pdfcov Published by the AIP Publishing Articles you may be interested in Ultracold collisions of O(1 D) and H2: The effects of H2 vibrational excitation on the production of vibrationallyand rotationally excited OH J. Chem. Phys. 138, 164310 (2013); 10.1063/1.4802476 Relaxation of H 2 O from its |04 − vibrational state in collisions with H 2 O , Ar, H 2 , N 2 , and O 2 J. Chem. Phys. 120, 5592 (2004); 10.1063/1.1649726 Vibrationally-rotationally inelastic cross sections for H+SiO collisions J. Chem. Phys. 116, 1388 (2002); 10.1063/1.1421071 The branching ratio between reaction and relaxation in the removal of H 2 O from its |04 − vibrational state incollisions with H atoms J. Chem. Phys. 115, 4586 (2001); 10.1063/1.1389304 H+N 2 O collision dynamics: Branching ratios for T–V energy transfer and the effect of N 2 O vibrationalexcitation on the reaction kinetics J. Chem. Phys. 107, 4537 (1997); 10.1063/1.474815

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Page 2: Reactive and inelastic collisions of H atoms with vibrationally excited water molecules

Reactive and inelastic collisions of H atoms with vibrationally excitedwater molecules

G. LendvayInstitute of Chemistry, Chemical Research Center, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, P.O. Box 17,H-1525 Budapest, Hungary

K. S. Bradley and G. C. Schatza)

Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 60208-3113

~Received 8 September 1998; accepted 2 November 1998!

The dynamics of the collisions of H atoms with vibrationally excited H2O were studied usingclassical mechanical reactive and quantum mechanical nonreactive scattering calculations. Theclassical trajectory calculations were performed with the I5 potential surface of Isaacson. Theseresults show the expected behavior for an endoergic reaction with a late barrier, with the crosssection exhibiting a high threshold when the water is unexcited, and a much lower threshold if theasymmetric stretch of water is highly excited. Qualitatively this matches experimental results,although the threshold energy for reaction of water in the ground vibrational state is too low toreproduce the measured rate coefficients. The rate coefficient is higher than for ground state waterby six orders of magnitude when the asymmetric stretch mode is excited by four quanta. Howeverthe rate for reaction from this excited state is still two orders of magnitude smaller than the totalreactive1inelastic rate coefficient obtained in recent measurements by Smith and co-workers.Quantum scattering calculations of the vibrational energy transfer rate coefficients show that thepure stretch excited states can have very high deactivation rate coefficients, resulting fromtransitions to states that are separated by a small energy gap~,50 cm21! from the initial state. Thecalculated rate coefficients for reactive1inelastic transitions are therefore dominated by inelasticscattering, and the results we obtain are in good agreement with the Smith data. ©1999 AmericanInstitute of Physics.@S0021-9606~99!00106-3#


The reaction of water with H atoms

H1H2O→H21OH ~1!

is one of the benchmark systems for both experiment andtheory in research on reaction dynamics. Extensive measure-ments have been performed on the kinetics of the reversereaction,1–5 OH1H2, and a number of dynamics experimentshave studied the forward reaction.6–23 In the dynamics ex-periments, the stereodynamics of the reaction,9 as well as theeffect of reactant kinetic energy10–15 and H2O internalexcitation16–24 have been studied. Particular interest hasarisen in studies of the effect of reactant vibrational excita-tion, as some of the highly excited local modes of water areaccessible by overtone absorption,15–21 thereby making themolecule a good candidate for vibrationally controlled bondselective chemistry. The experiments of Crimet al.15–21 aswell as Zareet al.22–24 have demonstrated significant en-hancement of the rate of the reaction when the asymmetricstretch mode of water is selectively excited. However, noquantitative data concerning the absolute rate of the reactionhave been produced until recently, when experiments byHawthorne, Sharkey, and Smith25,26 determined the rate co-efficient for the reaction of theu04&2 state of water~four

quanta of OH local mode stretch excitation! with thermal Hatoms. In these experiments, highly vibrationally excited wa-ter molecules are generated by laser excitation, and the rateof formation of OH radicals resulting from reaction withthermal H atoms is monitored. The rise of the OH concen-tration is sensitive only to depletion in the concentration ofthe excited water molecules; it essentially maps this deple-tion into that of an experimentally measurable signal. As aresult, this experiment does not directly determine the rate ofthe reaction, but rather the rate of loss of excited water due tocollisions, reactiveor inelastic, with H atoms. Resolution ofthe measured total rate into reactive and inelastic contribu-tions is not possible without additional measurements.

Theory may help to resolve the ambiguity present in theHawthorneet al. experiment. Reaction~1! has been the sub-ject a large number of theoretical studies, being comprehen-sively reviewed by Bowman and Schatz.27 The reaction is atesting ground for both classical28–33 and quantumscattering34–43 methods. However, there has been surpris-ingly little work done on the reactivity of excited water withmore than two quanta of asymmetric stretch excitation. Mostof the results have been based on quasiclassical trajectorycalculations, which show significant speedup of the reactiondue to vibrational excitation of water,28–33but the activationenergy is nonzero~.1 kcal/mol! even when the water isexcited to states that are well above the barrier to reaction.The only quantum scattering calculations available for statesa!Electronic mail: [email protected]


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Page 3: Reactive and inelastic collisions of H atoms with vibrationally excited water molecules

above ~002! have been based on reduced dimensionalityapproximations.37–39Although none of these studies has con-sidered the stateu04&2, a study of the~003! state39 found areactive threshold energy that is similar to what has beenobtained in the trajectory calculations.

In this article we present the results of theoretical studiesdesigned to model the experiments of Smithet al. and todetermine the importance of inelastic and reactive processesin H1H2Ou04&2 collisions. In Sec. II we discuss the theo-retical methodology and potential surfaces. Section III pre-sents the results of the classical reactive scattering calcula-tions. The results of the quantum inelastic scatteringcalculations are presented in Sec. IV, and Sec. V is devotedto a discussion of the results.


A. Classical trajectories

Standard technology quasiclassical trajectory calcula-tions were used in this work44,45 to determine reactive crosssections and rate coefficients. A special feature associatedwith reactions of polyatomic reactants is the correct model-ing of the quantum states of the reagent molecule or mol-ecules. In the present study the water molecule is in an ex-cited state that is best described as an excited O–H stretchlocal mode. Accordingly, we generated quasiperiodic trajec-tories with quantized vibrational actions associated with twoO–H stretch local modes~one excited and one not! as well asa ground state bend mode~thus approximating theu04&2

state where the bend quantum number is suppressed!. By‘‘quantized’’ we mean that the action variable for each modeis equal to (N1 1

2)q where the quantum numberN is deter-mined by the corresponding quantum state.46 The actionscorresponding to the modes were calculated by a Sorbie–Handy-type, fast Fourier transform method.47 The initial pre-collision conditions were selected by a Monte Carlo method-ology. Reactive trajectories were analyzed by calculating thevibrational and rotational actions of the resulting diatomicmolecules. We found, in agreement with earlier work,48 thatphysically meaningful threshold energies can be obtainedonly if the trajectories that lead to H2 molecules that have alower action than 0.5~corresponding to the ground vibra-tional state of H2) are discarded. A similar zero-point con-straint was not applied to the OH stretch excited state, forreasons that have been discussed previously.48

B. Quantum scattering

Our studies of H1H2O inelastic scattering have beendone using a quantum scattering method, the details of whichare described elsewhere.49,50 We used quantum rather thanclassical methods for these calculations for several reasons.First, for inelastic scattering calculations where the averagechange in quantum number for each mode is small, it is verydifficult to calculate this change from the good action vari-ables, as it requires a more precise determination of the ac-tion variables than is provided by the Sorbie–Handy methoddescribed above. Second, the probabilities of many inelasticprocesses are so small that they are forbidden classically ex-cept at high translational energies. This makes it difficult to

determine thermally averaged results. Third, the determina-tion of the maximum impact parameter is numerically ill-behaved for near resonant inelastic scattering processes. Byusing quantum methods instead, the determination of abso-lute cross sections for elastic and inelastic scattering, whichis a primary goal of this study, is computationally well be-haved. The two negative aspects of using quantum calcula-tions are:~1! that it is necessary to make an approximation inthe treatment of the rotational motions of the water moleculeusing the rotational sudden approximation, and~2! that it isnot possible to treat the reactive and inelastic nonreactivecross sections in a consistent fashion. Item~2! would be aproblem if the reactive and inelastic cross sections werecomparable, as then reaction would provide a big perturba-tion on the inelastic scattering dynamics. However what wefind instead is that reaction is a small perturbation on theinelastic collision dynamics, so ignoring reaction in our treat-ment of the inelastic collision dynamics seems justified.

In the quantum calculations, the three modes of the wa-ter molecule are described by the zero angular momentumWatson Hamiltonian. The intramolecular force field of waterwas described by the spectroscopic potential developed byPolyanski, Jensen, and Tennyson51 ~the PJT2 potential!. Theintermolecular potential is described in Sec. III. The eigen-values and eigenfunctions were calculated using a discretevariable representation~DVR! method. States were assignedbased on the nodal pattern of the wave function. In thepresent work we use the traditional normal mode state labels,i.e., H2O(n1n2n3), to identify states, although for high en-ergy states like~004! it is more meaningful to describe thestates using local mode labels, i.e.,u04&2. The coupled-channel equations were solved by a sector based numericalmethod similar toR-matrix propagation. The lowest 80 stateswere included in all calculations. A few test calculationswith smaller numbers of states indicated that the large crosssections for states up to~004! were sufficiently convergedwith respect to addition or subtracting states from this list.Rotation was treated by the infinite order sudden~IOS! ap-proximation, with cross sections determined by averagingover H2O orientations using grids in the two Euler angles.The calculations were repeated for each partial wave andover a grid of total energies, and the thermal state-to-stateenergy transfer rate coefficients were determined by integra-tion of the spline-fitted cross sections over the translationalenergy grid. Elastic cross sections were calculated by solvingthe radial equation with vibrational adiabatic potentials fromthe coupled-channel calculations, including enough partialwaves to converge the partial wave sum.

C. Potential energy surfaces

Even though H1H2O is one of the simplest four-atomreactions, there is no potential surface available in the litera-ture that is completely satisfactory for the study that we wantto do. Most of the theoretical work in the literature has beenbased on theab initio results of Walch and Dunning.52 Themost extensively used fit to these data was developed bySchatz and Elgersma53 ~the WDSE surface!, but it is knownto have deficiencies. There are various modifications to thissurface33,34 but neither WDSE nor improvements thereon

2964 J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 110, No. 6, 8 February 1999 Lendvay, Bradley, and Schatz

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Page 4: Reactive and inelastic collisions of H atoms with vibrationally excited water molecules

have been developed to describe reaction or energy transferwith highly excited water. A different approach was taken byIsaacson,54 who used high qualityab initio data of Kraka andDunning55 along with a fitting function centered around theminimum energy path to generate a surface called I5. A com-parison of the properties at the saddle point of the WDSEand I5 surfaces is given in Ref. 56. The WDSE surface isfurther compared with a modified surface developed by Ala-gia et al. in Ref. 57. Isaacson’s test calculations for the re-verse of reaction~1! showed that the experimental thermalrate coefficients can be well reproduced by carefully per-formed variational transition state theory~TST! calculations.However the ability of the I5 or Alagiaet al. surfaces todescribe reaction or energy transfer involving highly excitedH2O is unknown.

In the classical mechanicalreactive scattering calcula-tions, we used the I5 potential surface. Only one of the twowater hydrogen atoms in the H1H2O collisions has a prop-erly parametrized potential, so in all of our calculations wehave ignored reaction that involves the unphysical hydrogenatom, and then multiplied the cross section associated withthe physical hydrogen atom by two. This same procedure hasbeen used in the past with the WDSE potential~where theunphysical hydrogen atom cannot react at all!, and it givesabsolute cross sections for H1H2O(000) that are in goodagreement with experiment.

Although the I5 potential is reasonable for describingreactive collisions, it turns out that the long range potentialon this surface is unphysical, thereby causing the inelasticscattering cross sections to be useless. The asymmetry of thetwo hydrogen atoms on this potential is also a source oftrouble for inelastic scattering calculations, as it is muchmore difficult to identify trajectories as physical or unphysi-cal since many trajectories involve significant interaction ofthe incident hydrogen atom with both hydrogen atoms in thewater molecule during a collision. We were therefore unableto do a comparative study of reactive and inelastic H1H2Ocross sections using this surface. To circumvent this, wechose to calculate the inelastic rates with a potential surfacethat is expected to reflect reality more accurately. To do this,we used the PJT2 potential for the intramolecular potential ofthe H2O molecule. For the intermolecular force field, weused~as one choice! standard pairwise atom–atom Lennard-Jones potentials. We shall refer to this combination of forcefields as PJT21LJ. However, this potential is not expected tobe realistic, for it is known that on a potential surface thatallows reaction to take place, such as H1H2O, the reactantcan perturb the intramolecular force field of the molecularpartner more strongly than is allowed by the Lennard-Jonespotential. As a result, the probability of inelastic eventsshould be larger than is predicted by the PJT21LJ potential.

In order to understand the importance of this effect, westudied a collision system, H1HF, where the potential ismuch better known. Inelastic cross sections for theH1HF(v54)→H1HF(v8) obtained using classical trajec-tories on the 6SEC~scaled external correlation! potentialsurface58 ~a surface that was derived from high qualityabinitio calculations! are shown in Fig. 1~a!. This figure showsthat there is a significant cross section~.1 Å2! for inelastic

collisions, even at low kinetic energies. On the other hand, ifthe forces acting between HF and H are described by pair-wise Lennard-Jones potentials, the inelastic cross sectionsare much smaller at low kinetic energy, as shown in Fig.1~b!. The reason for the difference is that many inelasticcollisions occur through what Hawthorne, Sharkey, andSmith refer to as a frustrated reaction mechanism: The reac-tant is turned back from deep in the reactant valley near thesaddle point for reaction on the 6SEC surface. This suggeststhat we need to use an intermolecular potential for H1H2Othat contains reactive features. The WDSE and I5 surfaces dothis, but they are deficient in other aspects~long-rangeforces, and inequivalent H atoms! as mentioned above. Tocircumvent this, we ‘‘borrowed’’ the two- and three-bodypotential terms from the well-behaved 6SEC potential, usingthem for the intermolecular force field in the H1H2O quan-tum scattering calculations. One justification for this proce-dure is that the saddle point energies on the H1HF andH1H2O surfaces are similar, so accessibility of the region ofsignificant intermolecular interaction should be similar forboth surfaces at the energies we consider.

We shall refer to this alternative intermolecular potential

FIG. 1. Inelastic cross sections in the H1HF system obtained in classicaltrajectory calculations on~a! the 6 SEC potential and~b! using the nonre-active HF interaction from the 6SEC potential and adding pairwise Lennard-Jones potentials between the reactive H atom and the reactant molecule.

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Page 5: Reactive and inelastic collisions of H atoms with vibrationally excited water molecules

as PJT216SEC. We should note that with the 6SEC poten-tial there are open reactive channels present in the inelasticscattering calculations. These channels are suppressed withthe finite basis expansion used in the quantum scattering cal-culations. However the influence of the barrier region is stillincluded, at least approximately. This treatment is analogousto earlier distorted wave studies of H1H2 and Cl1HCl,59–61

and should give reasonable results with the right basis set,although it is only a perturbative approach.


Reactive rate coefficients.The classical trajectory calcu-lations based on the I5 surface show that the reactivity of thewater molecule increases spectacularly when the O–H localmode is excited. Figure 2 shows the reactive cross sectionsas a function of the translational energy for the (00n) statesof the water molecule. The threshold energy for the~000!state is above 10 kcal mol21 and the cross section increasesslowly with increasing translational energy above threshold.The threshold energy is lower for reaction from the~001!state, being around 6.3 kcal/mol, and the cross section in-creases much faster with increasing translational energy thanfor the ~000! state. These tendencies continue as higher ex-citation is deposited into the water molecule. The lowestthreshold energy, as expected, is obtained for the~004! state,but, being around 1.9 kcal/mol, it is still far from zero, eventhough the total energy is above the barrier. Note that themaximum reactive cross section for~004! ~observed in the‘‘plateau’’ region of thes r versusEtr curve! is around 3 Å2.

For comparison, we have calculated the cross sectionsfor the analogous reaction between H atoms and HF(v),

H1HF~v !→H21F, ~2!

using the 6SEC potential surface. The results are presentedin Fig. 3~a!. The threshold energies for reaction of HF(v50 and 1) are very high and the cross sections are very low,very much like H1H2O(000), so the results are not shownin Fig. 3. Even HF(v52) gives essentially negligible cross

sections, but HF(v53) has a threshold of about 2 kcal/mol,and HF(v54) has a threshold of essentially zero, with across section of 5 Å2 at 1 kcal/mol and a plateau cross sec-tion of about 13 Å2. This, of course, is the expected behaviorfor an endothermic reaction with a late barrier,62 and it isqualitatively like what we see in Fig. 2. However forH1H2O on the I5 surface, the increase ofs r for the vibra-tionally excited reactant is slower and begins at a higherthreshold energy, and the absolute values are smaller, thanobserved for reaction~2!. This difference between H1HFand H1H2O could be due to different potential surfaces, butit could also be intrinsic to the dynamics. What we mean bythe latter statement is that in a triatomic molecule the spec-tator modes are not necessarily completely passive so thatthey can exchange energy with the reactive modes during thecourse of the reaction. As a result, some of the excess energycould be locked up in those modes, resulting in a nonzerothreshold for reaction even when the initial excitation putsthe system above the barrier.

In our H1HF(v) calculations, we also obtained nonzerocross sections for the F-atom exchange process

H1H8F~v !→H8F1H. ~3!

FIG. 2. Reactive cross section of reaction~1! as a function of the initialtranslational energy obtained in classical trajectory calculations on the I5potential surface for the (00n) states of water.

FIG. 3. Reactive cross sections for the reaction~a! H1HF→H21F and~b!H1H8F→HF1H8 as a function of the initial translational energy obtained inclassical trajectory calculations on the 6SEC potential surface for variousvibrationally excited levels of the water molecule.

2966 J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 110, No. 6, 8 February 1999 Lendvay, Bradley, and Schatz

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Page 6: Reactive and inelastic collisions of H atoms with vibrationally excited water molecules

These results are plotted in Fig. 3~b!. Here we see behaviorthat is a lot like Fig. 3~a!, with the cross sections being neg-ligible for v50 – 2, and the threshold dropping to essentiallyzero for v54. For v54 the exchange cross section isslightly smaller than the abstraction cross section, but other-wise the energy dependence is very similar.

The importance of exchange in collision processes in-volving H1HF has been examined previously by Schatz,63

so we will not discuss this here other than to say that the6SEC surface that we have used provides a reasonablethough not perfect description of the experiments. What weinstead consider is whether exchange might play a role in theH1H2O reaction dynamics. Exchange has only rarely beenconsidered in H1H2O, for example in the paper by Kudlaand Schatz,31 and in the experiments by Brownswordet al.64

Although the I5 and WDSE potential energy surfaces havean exchange reaction pathway in them, this pathway was notbased onab initio or empirical input, and thus could be to-tally erroneous. The onlyab initio study of the exchangebarrier comes from Talbi and Saxon,65 who suggest that theexchange barrier is comparable to the abstraction barrier,much as is the case for the H1HF system. We conclude fromthis that exchange probably does contribute to the H1H2Osystem, but it is unlikely to have a cross section forH1H2O(004) that is much larger than the abstraction crosssection.

Now let us return to the results in Fig. 2. The reactivecross sections for the ground state of water in Fig. 2 can be

compared with the experimental data obtained on hot-atomsystems. According to Jacobs, Volpp, and Wolfrum13 thecross sections are 0.16 and 0.25 Å2 at translational energiesof 23 and 51 kcal mol21. Quasiclassical trajectories using theI5 surface yield 0.21 and 1.36 Å2, respectively, at the sametwo energies. While the former cross section agrees wellwith the experiment, the theoretical reactive cross sectionincreases much faster than the experimental.

The thermal rate coefficients show much poorer agree-ment between theory and experiment. The thermal rate coef-ficients we obtain from the reactive cross sections shownin Fig. 2 are collected in Table I. The experimental ratecoefficient at 295 K is24 2.0310225cm3 molecule21 s,21

while our value for the ~000! state at 295 K is6.1310220cm3 molecule21 s,21 a much higher value. Thetoo high theoretical rate coefficient is a consequence of thetoo low threshold energy on the I5 surface. Note that thethreshold energy for reaction from the ground state is higheron the WDSE surface than what we have seen here,29 and theagreement of thermal rate coefficients is much better.

The thermal rate coefficients calculated for various ini-tial states from the reactive cross sections in Fig. 2 indicatethat excitation of the O–H bond in the water molecule causesa significant increase in reactivity. The room temperaturerate coefficient is eight orders of magnitude higher for the~004! state than for~000!. Although this is a much smallerincrease than one obtains if the total reactive1inelastic ratemeasured by Hawthorneet al. is considered to be fully reac-tive, the increase is spectacular. As indicated by the quantumscattering calculations described in Sec. IV, the inelasticcross section for deactivation of the~004! state, however, ismuch larger than the reactive cross section.


The inelastic rate coefficients for the H1H2O(00n) sys-tem obtained with the PJT216SEC potential that mimics areactive interaction are shown in Fig. 4, and in Fig. 5 we

FIG. 4. Inelastic thermal rate coefficients for theH1H2O~00n!→H1H2O ~ijk! obtained in quantum scat-tering calculations on the PJT216SEC surface forn52, 3, and 4.

TABLE I. The thermal rate coefficients for the reaction H1H2O(00v)→H21OH obtained in classical trajectory calculations using the I5 potentialsurface~in cm3 molecule21 s21!.

State 300 K 1000 K

~000! 0.612E219 0.216E213~001! 0.645E215 0.788E212~002! 0.375E212 0.953E211~003! 0.103E212 0.104E210~004! 0.145E211 0.367E210

2967J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 110, No. 6, 8 February 1999 Lendvay, Bradley, and Schatz

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Page 7: Reactive and inelastic collisions of H atoms with vibrationally excited water molecules

present the analogous data obtained when the two partnersinteract through nonreactive Lennard-Jones pair potentials(PJT21LJ). The plots show, on a semilogarithmic scale, theinelastic rate coefficients at 300 K from the~002!, ~003!, and~004! states, respectively, as a function of the energy of thefinal state. The high elastic peak shows the location of theinitial state. The ‘‘spectrum’’ of inelastic rate coefficientsassociated with each of the three initial states does not showany strong propensity for transitions within the same mode.In other words, if we consider transitions starting from~004!,the (004)→(003) transition is—although it has a higher ratethan the transitions to the other neighboring states near~003!—not the most probable process. What seems to bemore important is the energy gap between the initial stateand the final state. For the~004! state, the largest inelasticrate coefficient is associated with a state that is closest inenergy. This state is a mixed state, mostly corresponding tothe configuration (nm0) with n and m both large, and it isseparated by only 13.1 cm21 from ~004!. Other large crosssections are associated with small energy gaps, and there isan overall envelope to the probability distribution that dropsoff rapidly for energy gaps larger than 50 cm21. This domi-nant influence of energy gap on determining the propensitiesfor inelastic transition probabilities is similar to what wasobserved by Bowman and Padmavathi66 in their quantumscattering studies of the Ar1HCN system.

The role of the energy gap is apparently stronger forhigh initial excitation where there is a considerable mixing ofstates. At lower excitation, say from the~002! and ~003!states, the preferred inelastic transition is associated with thethird and fourth closest state, which is~200! and ~300!, re-spectively. What is important with respect to the comparisonof the reactive and inelastic cross sections is that the magni-tude of the largest inelastic rate coefficient is greater than10210cm3 molecule21 s,21 in particular, it is found to be2.45310210cm3 molecule21 s21 for the fastest transition de-activating the H2O(004) molecule. The sum of inelastic ratecoefficients out of~004! is 4.47310210. The largest inelastictransition probabilities from~003! and ~002! are also above

10210cm3 s21. Note in Fig. 5 that these rate coefficients aredown by a factor of 10 for the LJ interaction potentials com-pared to 6SEC.


The inelastic rate coefficient we obtained for the deacti-vation of the~004! state of water is very close to what Haw-thorne et al. obtained in their measurements25,26

(4.3310210cm3 molecule21 s21) for the sum of the reactiveand inelastic rates initiated from this state. The calculationsindicate that the reactive rate coefficient, being around1.45310212cm3 molecule21 s21, is less than 1% of the in-elastic rate coefficient. The contribution of the reactive ratecoefficient to the loss of H2O(004) concentration is thereforeminor. Even if the threshold for reaction were zero, the ratecoefficient~obtained the plateau value of the cross section inFig. 2! would be 7.7310211cm3 molecule21 s21 which isstill less than 20% of the total inelastic rate coefficient.

There is an important assumption which underlies thepresent conclusions as well as those of Hawthorneet al.,namely, that the evolution of the H2O(004) state is governedby kinetic rate theory with energy transfer from H2O(004)producing a much smaller reactive state. Obviously, a morecomplete treatment will involve solution of the master equa-tion, with the energy transfer and reaction steps included.


The relative importance of the reactive and inelastic col-lisions in reaction~1! was studied in a composite theoreticalinvestigation that includes classical reactive and quantum in-elastic scattering calculations.

The classical trajectory studies indicate that the rate ofthe reaction increases significantly with increasing vibra-tional excitation of the O–H local mode of water. Thethreshold energy decreases significantly and the absolutemagnitude of the reactive cross section increases. The 300 Kthermal rate coefficient increases by eight orders of magni-tude in going from the~000! state to the~004! state. The

FIG. 5. Inelastic thermal rate coefficients for theH1H2O~00n!→H1H2O ~ijk! obtained in quantum scat-tering calculations on the PJT21LJ surface forn52, 3,and 4.

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Page 8: Reactive and inelastic collisions of H atoms with vibrationally excited water molecules

thermal rate coefficient for reaction from the~004! state isfound to be around 1.45310212cm3 molecule21 s21.

The quantum scattering calculations show that the in-elastic rate coefficients are very large for the highly excitedpure stretch states. The thermal rate coefficient for deexcita-tion of the ~004! state at 300 K is found to be4.47310210cm3 molecule21 s21, about two orders of magni-tude larger than the corresponding reactive rate coefficient.The corresponding average thermal cross section~obtainedas ^s&5k/^v& thermal) is around 17 Å2.

The inelastic rate coefficient, and so the sum of the in-elastic and reactive rate coefficients is close to what Haw-thorneet al. reported. The measured rate coefficient is domi-nated by the inelastic contributions according to ourcalculations.

The very large role of the inelastic collisions can beunderstood based on the potential energy surfaces. If there isthe possibility of reaction, the reactant atom penetrates nearto the barrier region of the potential surface. There is, how-ever, not necessarily enough energy to surmount the barrier,and even if there is, the strong interactions invoke an exten-sive energy exchange between the modes. As a consequence,there is an increased possibility for inelastic collisions tooccur. This frustrated reaction mechanism for vibrational en-ergy transfer is apparently more important for H1H2O thanfor H1HF ~comparing the inelastic cross sections in Figs. 1and 4!. One feature which promotes this is the small energygap ~,50 cm21! between~004! and the closest state in en-ergy. The importance of the reactive scattering in producinglarge inelastic rates is supported by the observation that onthe purely nonreactive PJT21LJ surface the inelastic ratesare an order of magnitude smaller than on the ‘‘reactive’’PJT216SEC surface. We should emphasize, however, thataccuracy of our calculations depends on the quality of thepotential surfaces. It seems to us, that currently there is nopotential surface for H1H2O with sufficient accuracy to pro-vide chemically accurate reactive or inelastic rate coeffi-cients. In order that the new, highly sophisticated and com-putationally demanding four-atom quantum scatteringcalculations could provide results that can be compared withexperiments, a new, high-quality potential surface is badlyneeded.


This work has been supported by the NSF Grant No.95-27677, by the US–Hungarian Joint Fund Grant No. 411,and by the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund Grant No.I-15819. The authors thank Professor I. W. M. Smith forsome helpful discussions.

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