Reaching Out to Transition-Age Youth Through Leadership and Employment Training Cheryl Grenwelge Jackie Pacha Leena Jo Landmark Dan Dalun Zhang

Reaching Out to Transition-Age Youth Through Leadership and Employment Training Cheryl Grenwelge Jackie Pacha Leena Jo Landmark Dan Dalun Zhang

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Page 1: Reaching Out to Transition-Age Youth Through Leadership and Employment Training Cheryl Grenwelge Jackie Pacha Leena Jo Landmark Dan Dalun Zhang

Reaching Out to Transition-Age Youth Through

Leadership and Employment Training

Cheryl GrenwelgeJackie Pacha

Leena Jo Landmark Dan Dalun Zhang

Page 2: Reaching Out to Transition-Age Youth Through Leadership and Employment Training Cheryl Grenwelge Jackie Pacha Leena Jo Landmark Dan Dalun Zhang


Youth with disabilities need

self-determination and employment skills to successfully transition to

adulthood; so, how do they acquire these skills?

Page 3: Reaching Out to Transition-Age Youth Through Leadership and Employment Training Cheryl Grenwelge Jackie Pacha Leena Jo Landmark Dan Dalun Zhang


• Extensive and intensive training• Real life experiences• Expanded opportunities to participate

• Extensive and intensive training• Real work experiences• Expanded opportunities to participate

Page 4: Reaching Out to Transition-Age Youth Through Leadership and Employment Training Cheryl Grenwelge Jackie Pacha Leena Jo Landmark Dan Dalun Zhang

History of the YLF

• California– Originated in 1992 – 38 states currently conduct statewide YLFs

• Why have this forum?– The ADA has created unprecedented

opportunities for young people with disabilities to fully develop as positive, contributing members of our society.

– The YLF enables them to learn from each other and from successful adults with disabilities.

Page 5: Reaching Out to Transition-Age Youth Through Leadership and Employment Training Cheryl Grenwelge Jackie Pacha Leena Jo Landmark Dan Dalun Zhang

Who participates in YLFs?

• Youth with disabilities who demonstrate leadership potential, academic success, involvement in extra-curricular activities, community involvement and the ability to interact effectively with other students– Selected through an application process

Page 6: Reaching Out to Transition-Age Youth Through Leadership and Employment Training Cheryl Grenwelge Jackie Pacha Leena Jo Landmark Dan Dalun Zhang

Why is the YLF only for students with disabilities?

• Critical that youth with disabilities learn to identify themselves with pride as there are many successful individuals within the disability community

• YLF offers youth with disabilities the opportunity to learn from others who have similar life experiences – LEADERSHIP BY EXAMPLE

Page 7: Reaching Out to Transition-Age Youth Through Leadership and Employment Training Cheryl Grenwelge Jackie Pacha Leena Jo Landmark Dan Dalun Zhang

What occurs at a YLF?

• Youth – Identify existing challenges to personal and

professional success and develop strategies to overcome those challenges

– Learn to manage their independence– Develop “Personal Leadership Plans” which

include specific action items for the youth when they return to their communities

Page 8: Reaching Out to Transition-Age Youth Through Leadership and Employment Training Cheryl Grenwelge Jackie Pacha Leena Jo Landmark Dan Dalun Zhang

YLF Program Components

• Programs include:– Small and large group

discussions– Leadership and advocacy

training– Trips to the state Capitol that

include mock legislative sessions and meetings with state legislators

– A talent and variety show– A dance– A celebratory luncheon

• Topics include:– Choosing a career– Understanding the history of

disability as a culture– Assistive technology for

independence– Available resources

• Presenters include: – Disability community leaders– Legislators– Celebrities– Other adult role models who

have disabilities

Page 9: Reaching Out to Transition-Age Youth Through Leadership and Employment Training Cheryl Grenwelge Jackie Pacha Leena Jo Landmark Dan Dalun Zhang

What makes YLFs successful?

• Planning – Includes youth involvement– Includes Project Advisory Committee

• Accessible environment • Trained, professional, high quality staff and

volunteers• Community involvement

– Partnerships and collaboration with other agencies serving or assisting youth with disabilities

– Family involvement and support

Page 10: Reaching Out to Transition-Age Youth Through Leadership and Employment Training Cheryl Grenwelge Jackie Pacha Leena Jo Landmark Dan Dalun Zhang

What makes YLFs successful?

• Mentoring– Peer and adult role models/mentors/ facilitators

include people with disabilities• Relevant and research-based training• Hands-on, experiential, and varied activities

– Focus on each individual youth’s needs, assets and interests

– Varied opportunities for progressive leadership and advocacy roles for youth

Page 11: Reaching Out to Transition-Age Youth Through Leadership and Employment Training Cheryl Grenwelge Jackie Pacha Leena Jo Landmark Dan Dalun Zhang

How much does it cost?

• Free of charge to delegates (youth participants)

• Average cost is approximately $1500 per delegate, not including thousands of dollars for services and goods provided in-kind by volunteer supporters

Page 12: Reaching Out to Transition-Age Youth Through Leadership and Employment Training Cheryl Grenwelge Jackie Pacha Leena Jo Landmark Dan Dalun Zhang

Texas YLF Model

Page 13: Reaching Out to Transition-Age Youth Through Leadership and Employment Training Cheryl Grenwelge Jackie Pacha Leena Jo Landmark Dan Dalun Zhang

Texas Statewide YLF Goals

• To form a statewide YLF training network by working with regional YLFs

• To increase leadership skills of 30 youth with disabilities a year

• To train state and national level advocates and leaders

• To demonstrate the effectiveness of YLFs by conducting data-based research

Page 14: Reaching Out to Transition-Age Youth Through Leadership and Employment Training Cheryl Grenwelge Jackie Pacha Leena Jo Landmark Dan Dalun Zhang

Texas Statewide YLF Program Components

• Typical components– Examples: intensive training on university campus, visits

to the State Capitol, etc.

• Unique components– Majority of the youth are already trained on basic skills

through their regional YLF programs– Youth implement leadership plan-of-actions throughout

the year with assistance provided by assigned advisors– A 2 day follow up celebratory event in the spring where

youth share their experiences, celebrate successes, and plan for future leadership activities

– Pre and post curriculum-based evaluations

Page 15: Reaching Out to Transition-Age Youth Through Leadership and Employment Training Cheryl Grenwelge Jackie Pacha Leena Jo Landmark Dan Dalun Zhang

Texas Statewide YLF Delegates

• 30 high school juniors and seniors • Selected from across the state

– 4 step application process • Review completed applications• Initial screenings• Interviews• Final selections

– Priority given to Texas regional YLF trainees

Page 16: Reaching Out to Transition-Age Youth Through Leadership and Employment Training Cheryl Grenwelge Jackie Pacha Leena Jo Landmark Dan Dalun Zhang

Texas Statewide YLF Successes

• Texas Statewide YLF youth have:– Lead their own IEP/ARD meetings– Started a business– Attended college– Mentored other youth– Spoke to educators at their regional Education

Service Centers about the importance of leadership and advocacy opportunities

– Utilized each other as a network for problem-solving and support

Page 17: Reaching Out to Transition-Age Youth Through Leadership and Employment Training Cheryl Grenwelge Jackie Pacha Leena Jo Landmark Dan Dalun Zhang
Page 18: Reaching Out to Transition-Age Youth Through Leadership and Employment Training Cheryl Grenwelge Jackie Pacha Leena Jo Landmark Dan Dalun Zhang

Importance of Work Experiences

• Nationally, 65-70% of adults with disabilities are not employed (NOD, 2004)

• Better postschool outcomes are achieved when youth with disabilities have real work experiences (Benz & Lindstrom, 1997)

• Youth with disabilities often lack employment opportunities that their same age peers without disabilities receive

• Youth with disabilities do not generalize skills well and need real work experiences

• Schools have a difficult time providing real work experiences– Why? Limited funding, time, and staff; lack of knowledge of

successful models; weak community relations; low expectations; uncertainty regarding how to integrate academics and career preparation; etc.

Page 19: Reaching Out to Transition-Age Youth Through Leadership and Employment Training Cheryl Grenwelge Jackie Pacha Leena Jo Landmark Dan Dalun Zhang

What is the BVEP?

• Employment project designed to develop model demonstration sites in the Brazos Valley– Assist schools in developing programs to provide real

employment experiences to students with disabilities

• Goal:– Improve the employability of secondary students with

disabilities in the Brazos Valley– Provide technical assistance, training, and funding to

schools– Assist in developing cooperative partnerships between

schools and employers

Page 20: Reaching Out to Transition-Age Youth Through Leadership and Employment Training Cheryl Grenwelge Jackie Pacha Leena Jo Landmark Dan Dalun Zhang


1. Form PAC– Individuals with disabilities, parents of

secondary students with disabilities, educators, and business people from throughout the Brazos Valley

2. Develop application process3. Choose model demonstration sites

– Applications sent to all districts, special education directors, and high school principals

– 2 schools per year (total of 6 during grant period)

Page 21: Reaching Out to Transition-Age Youth Through Leadership and Employment Training Cheryl Grenwelge Jackie Pacha Leena Jo Landmark Dan Dalun Zhang


4. Develop each school’s work plan – Present information about different models to school

• Examples: CTE, WBL, Service Learning, Customized Employment, School-Based Enterprise, Supported Employment

– Identify the program(s) the school currently has and what type of program the school would ideally like to have

– Determine the steps needed to move from the current program to the ideal program• Training, ongoing technical assistance, funding for

equipment or transportation, etc. – Obtain support and approval for this work plan from

school officials

Page 22: Reaching Out to Transition-Age Youth Through Leadership and Employment Training Cheryl Grenwelge Jackie Pacha Leena Jo Landmark Dan Dalun Zhang


5. Assist school with development of local transition team (LTT)– Encourage participation and collaboration from

community businesses and agencies – Identify the direction of the work experience

programs– Identify and create community employment and

training opportunities for students– Solve problems– Help identify on-going sources of support to


Page 23: Reaching Out to Transition-Age Youth Through Leadership and Employment Training Cheryl Grenwelge Jackie Pacha Leena Jo Landmark Dan Dalun Zhang


6. Hold Disability in the Workplace seminar– Attendees: Employers, human resources staff,

educators, agencies– Information on the benefits of hiring people with

individuals– Testimonies from employees and employers– Local networking opportunities– Catered lunch– Resource packet– Certificate and plaque

Page 24: Reaching Out to Transition-Age Youth Through Leadership and Employment Training Cheryl Grenwelge Jackie Pacha Leena Jo Landmark Dan Dalun Zhang

BVEP Successes

• To date, BVEP has:– Established a regional network of educators and

employers– Selected 2 model demonstration schools and

developed their work plans• School-based enterprise• Work-based learning

– Scheduled to hold the Disability in the Workplace seminar • National, state, and local speakers • Employees with disabilities• Employers of individuals with disabilities

Page 25: Reaching Out to Transition-Age Youth Through Leadership and Employment Training Cheryl Grenwelge Jackie Pacha Leena Jo Landmark Dan Dalun Zhang

Questions for us???

• Cheryl Grenwelge [email protected]

• Jackie Pacha [email protected]

• Leena Jo Landmark [email protected]

• Dan Dalun Zhang [email protected]

Page 26: Reaching Out to Transition-Age Youth Through Leadership and Employment Training Cheryl Grenwelge Jackie Pacha Leena Jo Landmark Dan Dalun Zhang

Support and Funding Information

• Both the Texas YLF and the BVEP are affiliated projects of the Center on Disability and Development at Texas A&M University.

• Financial support for the Texas Statewide YLF is provided by the Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities, ($250,000) and the Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services ($75,000).

• Financial support* for the Brazos Valley Employment Project is provided by the Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities, with federal funds made available by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Developmental Disabilities. *$375,000 DD funds; $137,000 non-federal resources