REACH Magazine A Publication of Restoration Worship Centers International Volume 1; Issue 1: February 2013 WIN HOW TO THE FIGHT OF YOUR LIFE! Encountering GOD POWER of THE MASTERING IMAGINE OUTLOOK DEBT-FREEDOM FORGIVENESS YEAR RESTORATION CHURCH’S

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A Publication of Restoration Worship Centers International

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A Publication of Restoration Worship Centers International

Volume 1; Issue 1: February 2013



Encountering GODPOWERof









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November 10th, 2013Restoration Church

Fayetteville, AR

Est. 1998

Ministry to Northwest Arkansas the WorldCelebrating 15 Years of &


November 9th, 2013The Chancellor Hotel

Fayetteville, AR


Anniversary Worship ServiceSaturday

Anniversary Gala

Page 3: Reach Magazine

ENVISIONPastor Dexter Howard

I’m intrigued by the power of vision. For as long as I can remember, I’ve had in my mind an image of my future that compelled me to keep moving forward past di�cult circumstances. Many of those images have come to pass. Now I realize that I’ve been a visionary all of my life – not just since I’ve been a pastor. I also now know that those pictures in my mind were not self-contrived. It was God who painted my future in my imagination. He is the source of vision.

Sight is natural, but vision is supernatural. Webster’s dictionary de�nes vision as “something seen in a dream or trance; a supernatural appearance that conveys a revelation.” Vision is the mode of seeing something immaterial in nature. In essence, vision is when we see something before it exists. If vision comes from God, then it can only be accomplished with His assistance. It cannot come about with natural ability alone. It’s too big. A vision will require supernatural help.

What's your vision? What do you see in your future? If you haven't identi�ed it yet, let me give you some pointers that will help you determine whether or not you have received a vision from the Lord.

1. It will be as real to you as what you see with your eyes.2. It’s too big to accomplish on your own. You will need God’s help and the help of others. 3. It consumes you and motivates you to work hard.4. It’s not just about you, but also countless others.5. It will require great personal cost.

Restoration Church has a vision – a big one that came from God. Here is what we “see” over the next �ve years. It will require faith in God and a lot of work, but together we can get it done. Envision with me…

Membership Growth – We will continue to grow God’s family by aggressively reaching out throughout the Northwest Arkansas region. We will be a church family of at least 1000 members strong, worshipping in two locations (north and south).

Land/Property Acquisitions – We will acquire highway-frontage acreage on which to build a facility that accommodates worship, education, and community outreach. We will acquire land and/or a facility to serve as a retreat site for Encounters, leadership training, and prayer.

National Expansion – We will launch at least two branch locations nationally, sta�ed with branch pastors.

Media Programming – We will aggressively pursue media opportunities to impact at least one million households via local, national, and international programming.

Education – We will establish a nursery – 5th grade academy, �e Genesis School, to provide excellent and innovative education to the next generation of societal and spiritual leaders.

Restore Community Development Corporation – We will strengthen our CDC to provide more services that focus on the restoration and success of families; and encourage entrepreneurship and economic development.

Ministry Training – We will establish a ministry institute to prepare, train, and equip ministers to operate with integrity, excellence, and fruitfulness in the �ve-fold ministry (apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers and evangelists).

Leadership Training - We will establish a leadership training institute to prepare, train, and equip business and societal leaders in principles of integrity, moral excellence, and biblical leadership models.

Ministerial Alliance – We will establish an alliance of ministries to serve as a source of encouragement, support, and training for pastors and their families.

Restoration Worship Centers International

Five-Year Outlook

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Financial Matters:Imagine Debt-Freedom


Family Matters:How to Win the Fight of Your Life

Leadership Matters:Who Is Leading You?

Relationship Matters:Happiness Happens In Relationships:Connecting in Small Groups

The Power of Encountering God

Mastering Forgiveness

pg. 5

pg. 7

pg. 8

pg. 9

pg. 10

pg. 15

In This Issue of REACH:


2012 was a year of many challenges and victories for our family. In early 2012, during a routine wisdom tooth removal, the oral surgeon spotted an unusual growth inside of John’s mouth. A�er a thorough examination, the surgeon informed John that the growth was indeed cancerous. �is was a very sobering time in our lives, and suddenly nothing else mattered. Shortly therea�er, John underwent surgery, in which a portion of

his mouth was literally removed. �e doctors informed John that he would have to wear an arti�cial mouth piece, and possibly for the rest of his life. A�er only a few months of wearing it, John was able to remove the mouthpiece, despite the doctors’ predictions. A�er having to relearn how to speak, John is completely healed and there is no sign of cancer!

When we �rst got married, our family doubled within a year and half. You can imagine the �nancial constraints we faced. Last year, John received the opportunity to apply for a Directorship at the University of Arkansas. John beat out several other candidates and is now the new Director of the Center for Multicultural and Diversity Education. When our family needed increase the most, God stepped in and showed Himself to be a provider. In a few months’ span, our �nancial situation changed and we were able to buy our �rst home. We never imagined that we would be able to do this at this time in our lives. As the Fred Hammond song “We’re Blessed” says, “late in the midnight hour, God’s going to turn it around…” We were living this song.

Our encouragement to you is that if you are in Christ, no matter what your situation looks like, you can rest assured that God is working things out behind the scenes on your behalf. Don’t give up, don’t lose hope, and keep the faith.

Right around this time, we happened to meet Pastor Dexter and other church members during one of the outreach programs, providing free gasoline. We attended Restoration Church the following Sunday and have since become members. We cannot overemphasize how the church has ministered and blessed us. We both have attended “Encounters” at the church. What an awesome experience, fellowship, and freedom in Christ!

As we sat in the circle and men became transparent before each other and before God, I felt the comfort of a loving Father. I talked to these men openly and they did not condemn me, but were loving me back into fellowship. Since this time we have both been so blessed and are so grateful for the miracle that God has bestowed upon us. I will never

forget what God has done for me. Restoration has ministered to us both, keeping hope alive. Our Pastors, Dexter and Genette Howard, are truly a blessing. �ey have presented the Word and challenged us to serve the Lord with all our hearts.No matter what you have done, there is forgiveness with the Lord. I repented and rededicated my life. �e enemy has nothing to bring up. All praise is given to God. Both of us share daily with someone about Restoration, and what the

Lord is doing through His Church. What a privilege and honor to be a part of this loving family.

From �eresa:2012 was the worst year of my life, due completely to the fact that I found out about my husband’s a�air. Being confronted with the truth was painful on both of us and our kids. I was so upset and angry. �e other woman even crossed the line by calling our house phone one night, and I talked with her. I told her that God was the one talking to her, not me, because I would not be this nice. �e Holy Spirit led me to witness to her over the phone and even told her to kneel on her knees with Eddie and me to pray. I wowed myself when I told her she needed Jesus and to be saved, to which she informed me that she was. My response was, “�en you need to repent.” Eddie said he couldn't believe how calm I was. I reminded him that it was the Holy Spirit, not me. We went to counseling together, and have not missed reading the Bible every day.

We are in the Life NET Marriage class that Elder Todd and Andrea Kitchen teach. It has been so helpful. We have laughed so hard at each other’s stories in that class, it carries us through the rest of the week and can't wait to meet again. We are blessed!! Restoration has been the best thing, besides our salvation, that has happened to us. �ank you church, and Pastors Dexter and Genette, for your support and love. We love you all!

From Eddie:Let me �rst say that our God is greater than anything that can come against you. My testimony begins with forsaking God. Although still attending church, I had put God behind all else. I was not in the Word, or trusting God- I was walking in the �esh. �en, last year, I committed adultery. �is led to me drinking and having a total denial of the power of God in my life. I was very miserable.

When the a�air was discovered, it looked for all practical purposes that my marriage of 29 years was over. �ank God my wife is a woman who had not put her faith aside.

John and Bridgette Jones

Eddie and �eresa Stiles

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Leadership Matters



Tony and Sheila Posey serve as Executive Directors at Restoration Church. �ey oversee our New Members and New Believers Ministry, CARE Ministry, and the Men’s and Women’s Fellowships. �ey are the parents of three children: Jemal, Stacy and Destiny.



Samuel and Dionna Moses are Elders at Restoration. �ey are currently on an 18-month assignment in Bangalore, India in their roles with Walmart Stores. �ey have one daughter, Lauren.


Todd and Andrea Kitchen serve as Elders at Restoration. Elder Todd Kitchen is associate minister and oversees almost every function that makes the Sunday “Restoration Experience” so powerful, including I-Team, Altar Workers, Creative Arts and Worship, and First Impressions. Andrea coordinates our L.I.F.E. Net Groups. �ey are the parents of three children: Brianna, T.J. and Adrianna.


Dexter and Genette Howard are the founders and senior pastors of Restoration Church. �ey cast vision, set the ministry’s overall direction, teach, discipline and inspire. �ey are the proud parents of six daughters, named in alpha order: Alexa, Bethany, Celeste, Destiny, Eden and Faith.

The Bible tells the story of how an ordinary man, Moses, was thrust into one of history’s greatest leadership assignments. Without formal training or education in leadership, Moses was tasked with leading the children of Israel out of Egyptian bondage and into their God-given promised land. Many doubted his qualifications for the job as Israel struggled to remain committed to following God’s plan. Weary from the challenge of this task, Moses heeded the wisdom of his father-in-law, Jethro, who instructed him to “look at those who are around you, and choose men – men of courage, wisdom, and a willingness to lead God’s people to a place none of them have ever seen” (Exodus 18:21-22, author’s paraphrase). Moses’ story is one of a man with a vision and a mission from God. However, the magnitude of his assignment made it literally impossible for one man to accomplish this mission alone.

Dr. Todd Kitchen

William and Blanch Lang are Directors of Restoration Student Ministries, which ranges from nursery-aged to college-aged students. Minister Will works full time at the church. �ey have one daughter, Staisha.

Robert Clinton, author of “The Making of a Leader,” explains in his book the central task of leadership as influencing God’s people towards God’s purpose. Pastor Dexter and Pastor Genette have intentionally developed a leadership team committed to this exact purpose – leading God’s people towards God’s plan and His purpose! The common thread among the ministry’s leadership team is their support and belief in the vision of Restoration and ultimately, their total dependence upon the leading of God through the Holy Spirit. So who is leading you? A group of ordinary people, with a strong faith in the ability of an extraordinary God!


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Back by Popular Demand...The Sisterhood Women’s Fellowship presents:

No More Women™ Silly

2013 Conference

October 4-5




“… the �re must be kept burning on the altar at all times. It must never go out.” Lev 6:13

sAVE THE DATE: aUGUST 22-24, 2013 (tentative)

2 0 1 3

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Family Matters

Our Spring Travel Itinerary...Please Pray for US



February 20, 2013St. Peter’s World Outreach ChurchWinston-Salem, North Carolina

March 6-11, 2013Dabira Conference &The Elevation ChurchLagos, Nigeria

April 24-27, 2013Living Word Bible ChurchWomen’s ConferenceMesa, Arizona

Everyone will face a life crisis at some point -- a sickness or disease, a nancial loss, a failing relationship, a wayward child, a legal battle, a sudden death...the list goes on and on. Jesus said that we would have trouble in this world so we should not be shocked by every little trial. But there are some situations that knock the air out of us and threaten our very life. �ese are crisis moments and they require us to dig in and ght.

�e believer's ght is always a "faith ght". We recognize that we are not wrestling with �esh and blood, but with strong spiritual enemies that seek to devour and destroy us. �e enemy is not so much a er our physical life, but more so our faith, hope, love -- our light.

Our family has faced many crises over the years and I am grateful to say that we have always come out victorious, with our family, faith and goods rmly intact. In this article, I want to share with you the spiritual strategy we use when we are facing intense di�culty. I hope you will adopt it as your own and win every ght to the glory of God.

1. Round the troops. �is is what my husband calls it, but it means to bring the family together. He gathers the girls and me and leads us in a discussion of the matter at hand. �en we get in agreement on the outcome. �e denition of crisis is: “a situation that could turn for better or worse.” In our family, we decide to agree that the situation will turn for the better. Together, we choose victory and stay in agreement concerning the outcome.

2. Declare your victory. We nd God's promises to help us overcome whatever matter is at hand, then we open our mouths boldly and declare it. We speak His Word over and over again, declaring our victory. We say only what God said. No matter how the situation looks, we continue to speak in line with His Word. We refuse to speak in defeat. If we can't say what God said, we don't say anything at all.

3. Take communion. During the crisis, we take communion with bread and wine (juice) frequently, sometimes daily, depending on the situation. Jesus said that we should take communion in "remembrance of Him". �rough communion we remind ourselves of the price that Christ paid -- His very life -- for our victory. It reminds us of the covenant we have with God, sealed by the blood of Jesus. A er communion, our faith is strengthened and we walk through each day expecting victory.

4. Give more. Yes, we give a sacricial o�ering(s) when we are facing a trial. One reason we give is because our o�ering demonstrates our trust in God to deliver us. Another reason is Jesus taught that we receive in proportion to what we give. Simply put, if we need a lot, we have to give a lot. So, in times of crisis, we increase our giving because we need so much. We do this very sensitively, listening for the voice of the Holy Spirit in what or how much to give away.

We have experienced many miracles of healing and nancial provision using this strategy. Six years ago, when I battled for my life a er the birth of our sixth daughter, I overcame gloriously using these exact weapons. A few years ago, our oldest daughter, Alexa, was diagnosed with mono and the doctor prepared us for a long battle with the illness. She warned us that Alexa might not be able to return to sports for a year. We immediately went to our strategy -- staying in agreement, declaring God's Word, taking communion with her daily and giving more. In two weeks, there was no trace of the sickness in Alexa's body and she was cleared for sports. Alexa's faith went through the roof as she saw God's Word work.

Precious people of God, we are the victors. Choose to turn the crisis in your favor. Don't lie down and let it turn for the worse. Pick up your weapons and ght for your life. You are triumphant in Christ.


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EncounteringPOWERofEncountering God, the Creator of the Universe, is a very powerful and life-changing experience. What is an encounter? Why is it so life changing? I like Webster’s de�nition of an encounter, “to come upon face-to-face.” ­at’s exactly what happens when we encounter our Heavenly Father. When we encounter God, there is an awakening in our spirit, intimacy, and transformation. ­ere are several examples of people in the Bible who had an encounter with God and we see their lives changed. In the Old Testament, there is the example of Jacob (Gen 32:24-30). In his encounter, he was desperate for God to bless him and wasn’t giving up until he had his request. In the end, Jacob experienced God in an intimate way and his name was changed to Israel in order to re�ect his real identity.

In the New Testament, there is Saul of Tarsus. He was headed in one direction in his life and not even thinking about living for Jesus (Acts 9:3-5). He encountered Jesus on the Road to Damascus. ­rough his encounter experience, Jesus was revealed to him and his name was changed to Paul. We know from the scriptures that Paul was transformed and began preaching the Gospel.

Personally, I can say that over my eight years of encountering God, I have truly been transformed. I am literally a new woman, or should I say that the woman that has been there all the time has been revealed. I wasn’t really sure what to expect when I started attending the Encounters at Restoration, but I was open to seeing how it could help me. At the time, I didn’t really know who I was


GOD Sheila Posey


in Christ or what God had planned for me. I knew I was saved, but I was not experiencing the abundant life that the Bible said I should have. In the Encounters, I would say that I felt like an onion being peeled. ­ere were layers that God had to work through (some took longer), but he didn’t take

me too fast. I felt it was just me, my thoughts, and God in that special place and He was speaking to me, but I had a part to play. I had to respond. I had experienced things in my life that caused some hurt, pain, and wounds that were not healed. It was extra baggage I was

carrying around and it was heavy.

One of my greatest experiences in the Encounters was my deliverance from low self-esteem and lack of con�dence. I wanted to step out and be like others who were risk takers and con�dent in their actions, but it was like I couldn’t break free. I tried reading books and using mental assent, among other things, but only to come back to my safe place – my shell. A�er hearing God’s truth in a 36-hour Encounter, Pastor Genette, that following Sunday, was exhorting the congregation and she said, “We are not weak, we are strong!” It’s as if she was talking to me. At that moment, something happened in me and I said to myself, �at’s me, I’m strong. ­at was over 8 years ago and I can say that I have not dealt with low self-esteem since then. Had I not let God work in me and go through the healing process, I would not have been in a position to hear, receive, and act on the truth. Today I know who I am and I am living a thriving life in Christ!

Spring Encounter Retreat DatesMen's Encounters

*February 8-9*June 7-8

Women's Encounters*January 25 - 26

*May 3-4

Youth Encounter*March 15-16


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An anonymous friend of Restoration wants to see our ministry become debt-free. He has issued our congregation a challenge to motivate us to accelerate the elimination of the mortgage on our facility.

Here’s the challenge:

Currently, we have two mortgages on our facility at 682 S. Government Street. The first mortgage is approximately $365,000 and the second is $165,000. When we pay off the first mortgage, he will pay off the second mortgage for us. Then we will own the building, valued at over $1.2 million, free and clear!

For years we have confessed that we will owe no man anything but to love him. Here’s our chance! Imagine with me the strength of a debt-free ministry:

1. We will have more choices. When we have less debt to pay, it increases our cash flow. Increased cash flow gives us more options of how to invest our resources.

2. We can grow faster. When we don’t have to focus on paying for the building, the more we can focus on building people. Resources are freed up to hire more staff and provide solutions to people in need. Our influence and reach as a church grows.

3. We can save money. When we pay off our loan sooner, we pay less in interest. The money we once paid in interest will be invested back into the ministry’s initiatives.

4. We can inspire others to be debt-free. Sometimes people just need to see the possibilities in order to unlock their own potential. When we pay off this debt, we hope to be a picture of what is possible when people work together to achieve a goal. We can do anything!

There are so many ways to tackle the $365,000 debt. The quickest way to do it is for one person to write a $365,000 check. That’s possible, but it would be better if more people could share in the blessing of making God’s house debt-free. The next way is for 365 people to give $1000. Wow…I can imagine that. Can you?

Our goal is to burn the mortgage on our 15th anniversary in November and enter into year 16 stronger than ever, owing no man anything but love. Can you imagine?

Each month we will be celebrating the individuals and families who present their $1000 contribution to the mortgage elimination campaign. We believe the momentum will build into a great wave of generosity that will wipe the debt away quickly. I hope you will release your faith, be diligent with your finances, and set your expectation to be a $1000 giver. Can you imagine?

If you are a friend of the ministry and want to help us, we welcome your gift! You can send your

contribution to:

Restoration Churchc/o Mortgage Elimination Campaign

P.O. Box 3682Fayetteville, AR 72702www.rnwa.org

Pastor Dexter Howard


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In Relationships

Relationship Matters

by Andrea Kitchen

When He had stopped speaking, He said to Simon, “Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a catch.” But Simon answered and said to Him, “Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net.” And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish, and their net was breaking…(11)so when they had brought their boats to land, they forsook all and followed Him. Luke 5:4-11 (NKJV, paraphrased)

The �fth chapter of Luke tells the story of three failing �shermen who experienced the power of connection. Simon, James, and John had �shed all night and caught nothing, now Jesus was asking them to change their perspective and connect to a greater cause: the Kingdom. Simon had a direct conversation with Jesus and he accepted the invitation to connect to something that was bigger than what his eyes could see. The request was simple: to �sh as Jesus dictated and to abandon his old ways of survival, and it worked! Not only was Simon blessed, but so were his partners. All it took was a change in the way he �shed! All it took was a new perspective that came from a powerful connection.

There is no denying the power contained in making great connections. God created humankind to connect within a community. This was true during the times of the disciples, and it is still true for us today. Connections are vital for living a Christ- empowered life.

For the disciples, the connection they made that day with Jesus allowed them to experience the di�erence between powerful living and living a frustrated life. Through this relationship connection, the disciples gained access to the power that could only be found in accepting a closer walk with Jesus himself. This same power helped a group of twelve dedicated followers grow to include millions of believers today.

Jesus knew that communicating this vision of the relationship connection to the disciples in the “masses” would end without positive results, so he had to pull

out from “among” the crowd to really communicate the vision and to take care of the needs closest to the heart of each man. Jesus knew that large crowds didn’t possess the ability to grow disciples; that disciples could only be born out of a more intimate relationship, which possesses the ability to minister to the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of each man. Jesus knew that the disciples needed community.

In Restoration Church, LIFE NET (Network, Engage, Transform) Groups is the community for believers. LIFE NET Groups is where connection happens. When you join a NET Group you will join with others in your pursuit for purpose, and make powerful connections to help transform your life in Christ. The relationships formed in small group ministry time are instrumental in helping you to become devoted to “the cause” of the Kingdom of God. Getting involved in small group ministry will empower you for living out the purpose of God for your life.

LIFE NET Groups o�ered this session include:

Financial Peace Marriage Champions The Journey for Men and Women New Members New Believers Power Thoughts


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PUTGOD Giving Matters

The POWER of FIRST FRUITSPastor Dexter Howard

For the past several years, our ministry has set aside the �rst week in April as a time to give a sacri�cial �rst fruit o�ering to God to acknowledge Him as the source and sustainer of our lives. �is year on April 7th, we will once again o�er our sacri�cial seed and declare the blessing of God to rest upon our houses in 2013:

Honor the Lord with your possessions, and with the rst fruits of all your increase; so your barns will be lled with

plenty, and your vats will over�ow with new wine. Proverbs 3: 9-10

A �rst fruit is a prized representation of a group; a sacri�ce; a choice representation; a special seed set aside to honor God and worship Him. �e law of �rst fruits was set forth by God for the Jews. He commanded Israel to bring an o�ering of the �rst and best of every animal and crop they produced. If they obeyed, He promised to abundantly bless their future harvests. �is �rst fruit o�ering was usually given around the spring of each year.

�e �rst fruit o�ering is given as "honor" to God. It is a demonstration of love for Him and faith toward Him. �e �rst fruit shows that we trust Him as the source of our provision. Nothing pleases God more than when we place our full con�dence in Him, not in ourselves or our possessions. Nothing demonstrates our trust in Him, and not money, like sacri�cial giving.

�e �rst fruit o�ering also establishes divine order in our lives. Repeatedly, Scripture tells us to put God �rst and we will be successful. God doesn't ask for all of our time, talent and treasure, just the �rst and best of it. When we give to Him our �rst and best, everything else falls into alignment. We position Him as governor of our lives and position ourselves for abundant blessing.

As a church, we have set this year into divine order by beginning it with fasting and prayer. I believe that a sacri�cial o�ering completes the process of establishing God as �rst so the rest of the year will be blessed. I see this principle in Romans Chapter 10. A man named Cornelius gave himself to a period of fasting and prayer, but he combined it with a sacri�cial o�ering. As a result, God

heard his prayers and immediately brought salvation and blessings to his whole household. As a church, we have fasted and prayed, and now is our opportunity to give a special o�ering. God desires to release His best into our lives, but we must also be willing to release our best. Our quality of life is directly connected to seeds that we sow. �ere is undeniable proof of this connection in both the Old and New Testaments: II Corinthians 9:6-11; Genesis 4:3-4; Luke 6:38; Malachi 3:10; Mark 12:42-44.

Q. What amount represents my first fruit?A.�e economy of the Old Testament was largely agrarian. �eir material substance was mostly crops and livestock. �e �rst fruit was simpler to identify, but still di�cult to give. It was the �rst male, unblemished animal; or the best part of the �rst crop. Israel was to o�er it up to worship God as their source and to demonstrate their faith in Him for their future provision. �is honors Him greatly and He promised to excessively bless everything that followed. A �rst fruit o�ering for us today is measured in dollars and cents. You must be led by the Holy Spirit as you discern what this amount is for you. However, here are some guidelines that may help. 1. A �rst fruit should be sacri�cial, meaning it is an amount that requires you to have to give up something you want or need.2. Many people give the equivalent of their wages for one week, day, or month. What’s most important is that you ask God what you should give and then obey. Have faith!

Q. What’s the difference between the first fruit and the tithe?A. �e tithe is not an o�ering. God says it belongs to Him and we are commanded to return it to His house (Mal 3:10). It is the “tenth part” or 10% of every dollar you receive. You return the tithe every time you receive income from any source. A �rst fruit is a one-time o�ering you give when you come into a new place – New Year, new job, etc. God commands us to give tithes and o�erings.

Q. What will the ministry do with the money?A. A¦er we li¦ up the o�ering to the Lord and bless it, we will speak a powerful blessing over each household that gives. �e money will be used to advance the ministry initiatives of Restoration Church worldwide.

FAQ’s about First Fruit Offerings

Sunday, April 7, 2013IMPACT SUNDAY

Honoring the Lord Together With a First-Fruit Offering11

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William & Blanch Lang“Real Talk” is for our teens, aged 13 to 18 years, and college-aged students are also welcome. “Real Talk” takes place during our Wednesday night services in a comfortable setting in the lounge. This is where we talk real issues and give real results, allowing for each teen or college-aged student to be open and honest about dealing with day-to-day issues. It gives them the opportunity to express themselves and obtain a result to overcome the situation in their lives. It helps prepare each student to impact their peers and the world through their relationship with Jesus Christ. We are equipping them to GO, DO, and BE what God intended.

Restoration Student Ministries (RSM) is a ministry for the children and students at Restoration Church. The mission of RSM is to reach this younger generation through relationships in order to impact the world! We Reach. We Relate. We Impact.

Every child needs a place to feel like they can BELONG, GROW, WORSHIP, and SERVE. Each student can BELONG by participating in our Sunday morning and GROW by learning from our leaders through weekly teachings and take-home projects. Through WORSHIP the students can experience the depth of God. They will learn to SERVE by helping to assist the teachers, volunteering to help at E-café, and becoming involved with community outreaches and missions.

“Kid Zone” includes children from nursery through 8th grade. Nursery is for children aged 6 weeks to 3 years. It’s a place where parents can rest assured that loving caregivers will attend to their children so they can receive from God in the main service. Kid Zone is a fun place for your child to learn from relevant and interesting lessons. Your child will learn about God’s love through music, games, and hands-on activities. Each month we dedicate a night just for the kids that we call “Fun Night.” It could be a night of dancing, playing games, or watching a movie- just a relaxing time for relationships to develop and to have fun.



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THESISTERHOODWomen’s Fellowship

The Real Men’s Fellowship Network Will Foster:Relationships, Leadership, & Spiritual Empowerment Among Men

OUR DREAM IS GOD’S DREAM:To be a spiritual family of women—sisters from all walks of life who love, support and celebrate each other. We worship Christ together, pray together and serve together. We laugh together. We cry together. We overcome together. We succeed together.

We are God’s dream girls in God’s dream world.OUR VOW: To love and protect our Sisterhood. John 13:34-35


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Save TheseDates!

April 7, 2013First Fruit Sunday

June 24-29, 2013Restore CDC Eagle’s Camp

June 26-29, 2013Restoration Church

Bible Camp

July 11-13, 2013C.A.M. Conference

August 10, 2013Restore CDC Back to School

Family Festival

August 22-24, 2013Fire Conference

September 15, 2013Church Picnic

October 4-5, 2013No More Silly Women


October 23-25, 2013Word of Faith ConferenceSt. Peter’s World Outreach

Winston Salem, NC

November 9, 201315th Anniversary Banquet

November 10, 201315th Church Anniversary

Worship Service


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to build your FAITH & ENRICH your life


In this prophetic message, Pastor Howard reminds you of your lawful right to healing, emotional wholeness, and life abundance as a follower of Christ. He will increase your expectation for God to bring justice to every area of your life.

Heaven has declared “no more injustice!” over you. �is message will teach you how to get in agreement, stake your claim, and watch God’s Word restore everything that has been stolen from you.

Are you encountering di�culties, trials, or “giants” that appear too big to overcome?

You will be encourages and empowered by this motivational message.

Pastor Howard teaches you how to:

-Face trouble with faith in God.-Gain con�dence that you will overcome.-Grow through trouble, not just go through trouble.

God’s Word guarantees that no matter what you face, before it ends you will win. You will come out as a champion-His champion. Triumphant!

God has given each of us talents, gi�s, and abilities and He expects for us to use them-no matter how small. His plan is for us to grow as we go. In this dynamic message, you will learn how to:

-Value and use what you currently have.-Eliminate the excuses that hold you back.-Focus on your strengths, instead of your de�ciencies.-Start small and grow big.

Don’t let life pass you by! Get up, pick up what you do have and use it. You will grow as you GO.

�is message reveals God’s �rst and highest intent for the woman, and why an entity that does not love, honor, and nuture women will not live up to its potential. Without the complexities of the feminine spirit, humanity cannot survive or thrive.


Page 15: Reach Magazine


You could be suffering from Chronic Stress like millions of Americans. Genette Howard

brings relief through simple and effective solutions in her book

“Fight Stress & Live!”:•Learn the disastrous effects of stress

and how to defend your body against it.

•Find out the 5 simple commitments that can save your life.

•Gain confidence that you can live a healthier, stronger and longer life with

peace and joy every day.

Order at GenetteHoward.com

or download your ebook at Amazon.com

Are you exhausted all the time? Work constantly?

Struggle to be happy? Can’t lose the weight?

Is your body sending you warning signs?

�en Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?” Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times. Matthew 18:21, 22

Forgiveness. It’s the dirty little “f ” word that none of us can avoid. No one has escaped this life without being harmed in some way by another person or in�icting harm on another. Unfortunately, it’s as much a part of the human terrain as breathing, eating and sleeping. In an imperfect world �lled with �awed people, personal violations are par for the course. In other words, we all mess up and sometimes our foibles hurt other people. At times we are victim and other times we are culprit. All of us. �is is what Jesus knew and why he taught so much on forgiveness.

�e Danger of UnforgivenessTo forgive is to let go of bitterness, resentment and all expectation of punishment because of pain caused by others or oneself. Just let it go. It’s simple in concept but di­cult to perform because when we are wounded our human nature craves vengeance. Yet, no matter how we want to justify it, the inescapable truth is unforgiveness is toxic to every part of our life: spiritual, mental and physical.

Research has found that unforgiveness is the leading cause of many physical ailments. Harboring bitterness and resentment raises blood pressure, depletes immune systems, sti�ens joints and makes you more easily depressed. It produces fatigue, lack of focus and causes people to hold excess weight.

Unforgiveness creates anger, mistrust, fear and tension in relationships. It blocks the way to hope, joy, peace and love – all the things that are vital to well-being and make life worth living. Studies show that people who forgive are happier and healthier than those who hold resentments. �e �rst study to look at how forgiveness improves physical health discovered that when people think about forgiving an o�ender it leads to improved functioning in their cardiovascular and nervous systems.

�e truth is: holding on to o�enses and seeking payback is not an option if you want to thrive in life. You must forgive.

Fallacies About ForgivenessMost people are disempowered to forgive because they have believed a series of lies that may sound like this:

-To forgive you must pretend like it didn’t happen.-To forgive you must act like it didn’t hurt.-To forgive is to be weak.-It feels good to hold a grudge or get revenge.

Here’s the truth about forgiveness:

-Genuine forgiveness begins with an acknowledgment of what happened and that it hurt. As a matter of fact, you can forgive a person and still feel the pain. Wounds take time to heal.


-Genuine forgiveness is not weak at all. It takes great strength to free someone (or yourself) from the punishment that is deserved. Forgiveness doesn’t absolve someone of guilt; it just releases them of punishment.

-Holding a grudge may feel good to our lower nature, but it is actually destructive to our long-term health and happiness. �e end result won’t be good at all.

Learning to ForgiveDr. Fred Luskin, a professor at Stanford University, wrote an award-winning book called “Learning to Forgive”, which reveals research that shows the a�ects of forgiveness on our overall well-being and, most importantly, that we can be taught to forgive. In three separate studies, including one with Catholics and Protestants from Northern Ireland whose family members were murdered in the political violence, he found that people who are taught how to forgive become less angry, feel less hurt, are more optimistic, become more forgiving in a variety of situations, and become more compassionate and self-con�dent.

Forgiveness is mastered with practice. �e more you forgive, the easier it is to forgive. Practice makes perfect. Maybe this is what Jesus knew when he answered Peter’s question, “Master, how many times should I forgive someone who o�ends me? Seven times?”

Jesus replied, “No, I say seventy times seven.”

Could it be that “seventy times seven” means mastery? Maybe Jesus was telling Peter to always forgive – quickly and completely. Master it, so he could live a long and strong life.

My personal belief is that the one who masters forgiveness is unstoppable. Nothing can hold back the person who knows how to let it go. Living in forgiveness is the Master’s key to lifelong success. �rive!

by Pastor Genette Howard


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Main Location:682 S. Government St. Fayetteville, AR 72702Office: (479) 251-7327 Fax: (479) 251-3504Office Hours:Mon, Tues, Thurs, & Fri. Wed9:00a – 5:00p 9:00a – 3:00p


@RestorationNWA@DexterHoward @GenetteHoward


We Reach. We TEACH. We CARE. We SHARE.

The Core: Our Guiding Values These values shape the spirit of Restoration Church and make our church a special place to worship, grow, and reach your

potential. You should see these qualities reflected in all we do.


Our MissionWe are a church that reaches out to all people to strengthen their relationship

with Christ and to restore their life to one of purpose, power, passion and dominion.

Our VisionTo establish Restoration Worship Centers in communities throughout the world.

Visit www.RNWA.org for live streaming, podcasts & message archives.

ExcellenceWe consistently go above and beyond to achieve the

“Wow Factor”. Our personal best honors God and draws others.

CompassionWe are love-driven. We go as far as we can and stay

as long as we can to help hurting people.

RelevanceWe deliver God’s Word in big, bold, innovative ways to

reach people with a message that matters to them now.

RelationshipsWe do life together – up close and personal, by

providing meaningful, creative ways to connect people to God and to each other. To us, it’s all about family.

GenerosityWe give like there are no limits.

PowerWe’re impact-players who expect God-sized results

that radically change lives. We play to win.

ServiceWe are here to meet the needs of people. Period.