Re-Envisioning the Division

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  • 8/14/2019 Re-Envisioning the Division


    Re-Envisioninge-EnvisioningDivision 29ivision 29Embracing Diversity,Embracing Diversity,

    Globalization, and BeingGlobalization, and BeingConnected Through TechnologyConnected Through Technology

  • 8/14/2019 Re-Envisioning the Division


    Who We Wereho We Were Primarily a membership-basedPrimarily a membership-based

    group of Psychologistsgroup of Psychologistscommitted to advancing andcommitted to advancing andpreserving psychotherapy as anpreserving psychotherapy as anart and scienceart and science

    Mostly over 50 years of age,Mostly over 50 years of age,Caucasian, and maleCaucasian, and male
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    What We Likedhat We Liked Attending conferencesAttending conferences

    Reading journals & booksReading journals & books

    Relating to others like ourselvesRelating to others like ourselves Passing on traditions of psychotherapyPassing on traditions of psychotherapy

    Addressing obstacles to our workAddressing obstacles to our work

    Teaching, training, researching, publishingTeaching, training, researching, publishing Being a member of an elite groupBeing a member of an elite group

  • 8/14/2019 Re-Envisioning the Division


    The Trend andhe Trend andChallengehallenge Membership has been dwindling every year andMembership has been dwindling every year and

    over the last decade has reduced approximatelyover the last decade has reduced approximately50% similar to trends in other divisions50% similar to trends in other divisions

    Many of todays psychotherapists do not find asMany of todays psychotherapists do not find as

    much appeal belonging to professional societiesmuch appeal belonging to professional societiesand organizationsand organizations

    Our source of revenue is shifting fromOur source of revenue is shifting frommembership to publicationsmembership to publications

    Newer social structures are emerging based onNewer social structures are emerging based ontechnologytechnology

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    Practice Directoratesractice DirectoratesSurvey of 3,000urvey of 3,000Practitionersractitioners 61.9% work in independent practice61.9% work in independent practice

    29.9% work in institutional practice29.9% work in institutional practice

    8.2% work in academic settings8.2% work in academic settings

    78% work in either full or part-time78% work in either full or part-time


    92% provide individual92% provide individual


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    Psychotherapy issychotherapy isRobust and Widelyobust and WidelyEmbracedmbraced Research has shown psychotherapyResearch has shown psychotherapy


    Pharmaceutical companies spendPharmaceutical companies spendmillions of dollars marketing vs.millions of dollars marketing vs.

    limited funding for psychotherapylimited funding for psychotherapy

    Many people prefer psychotherapyMany people prefer psychotherapyover medication management butover medication management but

    dont always have access to highdont always have access to high

    quality carequality care

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    A Paradigmatic Shift isParadigmatic Shift isOccurringccurring New social systems based onNew social systems based on

    technology are emergingtechnology are emerging Being connected may be enhancedBeing connected may be enhanced

    by technologyby technology

    The world is flat and informationThe world is flat and informationcan be accessed anywhere in thecan be accessed anywhere in the

    world that is connected to the webworld that is connected to the web
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    What Do We See Whenhat Do We See WhenWe Envision Oure Envision OurFuture?uture?

  • 8/14/2019 Re-Envisioning the Division


    ConsideronsiderCrea t ing a T ipp i ngrea t ing a T ipp ingP o i n to in t InformaticsInformatics How Public Perception Shapes ScienceHow Public Perception Shapes Science

    and Practiceand Practice Revolution in TechnologyRevolution in Technology

    Inter-disciplinarity, unification, andInter-disciplinarity, unification, and

    dissolution of boundariesdissolution of boundaries

    FromFrom Seed: Science is Culture MagazineSeed: Science is Culture Magazine 20082008

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    InformaticsnformaticsT h e s c ie n c e she sc ience sconce rned w ith ga the r ing ,once rned w i th ga the r ing ,s to r ing , re t r iev ing , a ndto r ing , re t r iev ing , an dc lass i fy ing in fo rm at ionlass i fy ing in fo rm at ion

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    How Informatics AdvancesHow Informatics Advances


    Informatics supports decision-makingInformatics supports decision-making::

    Psychotherapists have to deal withPsychotherapists have to deal with

    vast amounts of information and pickvast amounts of information and pickthe most promising elementsthe most promising elements

    Psychotherapists need powerful toolsPsychotherapists need powerful tools

    to reveal patterns, trends, and outliersto reveal patterns, trends, and outliersfrom multiple sources of evidencefrom multiple sources of evidence

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    Public Perception ShapesPublic Perception Shapes

    Science & PracticeScience & Practice

    Psychologist-psychotherapists need toPsychologist-psychotherapists need toknow how to present to the public and shareknow how to present to the public and shareour knowledge in meaningful ways toour knowledge in meaningful ways toimprove mental health and enhance societyimprove mental health and enhance society

    The internet has become one of the mainThe internet has become one of the mainvehicles for marketing our specializedvehicles for marketing our specialized

    knowledgeknowledgeHow many of you have been Googled before theHow many of you have been Googled before the

    patient scheduled an appointment?patient scheduled an appointment?

  • 8/14/2019 Re-Envisioning the Division


    Revolution in Digitalevolution in DigitalPublishingublishing Digital publishingmore profound thanDigital publishingmore profound than

    the printing pressthe printing press

    Open access publishingrapidOpen access publishingrapidavailability may do away with paperavailability may do away with paper

    Creating freely available information onCreating freely available information on

    the internet e.g., Wikipediathe internet e.g., Wikipedia Introduce psychotherapediaIntroduce psychotherapedia

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    Technology is Changingechnology is Changingthe Social and Globalhe Social and GlobalLandscapeandscape

    The computer/internet and rapidThe computer/internet and rapidtechnological advances havetechnological advances havefundamentally changed who we are asfundamentally changed who we are as

    social, information-gathering individualssocial, information-gathering individuals We have moved fromWe have moved from hunter-gatherershunter-gatherers, to, to

    farmersfarmers, to, to industrialistsindustrialists, and now to, and now toinformation generators-gatherersinformation generators-gatherers

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    What is thehat is thePrescription?rescription?

    Capitalize on

    these Trends to

    Meet the Needs of

    Current and


    of the World

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    Moving Fromoving FromContemplation to Actionontemplation to Action

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    Inspire Our Fieldnspire Our FieldP r e s e n t o u r K n o w le d g e &re s e n t o u r K n o w le d g e &In t roduce ou r Lead ersn t ro d u c e o u r L e a d e r s

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  • 8/14/2019 Re-Envisioning the Division




  • 8/14/2019 Re-Envisioning the Division


    Use Internet as Portalse Internet as Portalto Advanceo AdvancePsychotherapysychotherapy

    Offer the best available and most currentOffer the best available and most current

    information about the science and practice ofinformation about the science and practice of


    Make it easy to view all educational programsMake it easy to view all educational programs

    and attain CEs from anywhere on the globeand attain CEs from anywhere on the globe

    Create a compelling site that is user friendly andCreate a compelling site that is user friendly and

    attracts users because of contentattracts users because of content

  • 8/14/2019 Re-Envisioning the Division


    What Can We Do?hat Can We Do? Re-envision ourselves based on needs ofRe-envision ourselves based on needs of

    psychotherapists and publicpsychotherapists and public

    Be responsive to current trendsBe responsive to current trends

    Anticipate future trendsAnticipate future trends Capitalize on trends to advance our missionCapitalize on trends to advance our mission

    Use the tools (technology, informatics, marketing)Use the tools (technology, informatics, marketing)available to us to make us the portal to informationavailable to us to make us the portal to information

    about the science and practice of psychotherapyabout the science and practice of psychotherapy

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    Speak and Capture Ourpeak and Capture OurAudience with High Qualityudience with High QualityInteractive Informationnteractive Information

    Offer cafs that are for members only whereOffer cafs that are for members only wherethey can join a video-conference usingthey can join a video-conference usingwebcams from their officeswebcams from their offices

    Create blogs on a variety of topics byCreate blogs on a variety of topics byleaders in our fieldleaders in our field

    Have an ongoing video feature where someHave an ongoing video feature where someof us interview various individuals in theof us interview various individuals in thefield and make their personal-professionalfield and make their personal-professionalstory come to lifestory come to life

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    Capitalize on ourp a ze on ourSpecialized Knowledge aspecialized Knowledge asour Source for Generatingur Source for GeneratingFundsunds Offer various levels of participation forOffer various levels of participation for

    access to our information through ouraccess to our information through our

    internet portalinternet portal Provide a basic free access zone toProvide a basic free access zone to

    interested parties to increase traffic oninterested parties to increase traffic on

    our siteour site Offer electronic journals that make itOffer electronic journals that make it

    easy for people to access informationeasy for people to access information

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    reng enPsychotherapy bysychotherapy byIncreasing ourncreasing ourCollaborationollaboration Continue to work closely with Society forContinue to work closely with Society for

    Psychotherapy Integration (SEPI), Society forPsychotherapy Integration (SEPI), Society forPsychotherapy Research (SPR) and other highPsychotherapy Research (SPR) and other high

    level scientific and practice based groups.level scientific and practice based groups.Have links to their sites, after they areHave links to their sites, after they areapproved, so that we can enhanceapproved, so that we can enhancecollaborationcollaboration

    Create links on our site to approved non-profitCreate links on our site to approved non-profitorganizations which provide pro-bono servicesorganizations which provide pro-bono servicesfor mental healthfor mental health

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    Strengthen Scientifictrengthen ScientificResourcesesources Create on-line research-clinicianCreate on-line research-clinician

    collaborative programscollaborative programs

    Offer downloadable empiricalOffer downloadable empiricalmeasures to monitor psychotherapymeasures to monitor psychotherapy

    and accumulate large cohorts of dataand accumulate large cohorts of data

    available to researchersavailable to researchers Link to psychotherapediaLink to psychotherapedia

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    Brainstorm, Dream,rainstorm, Dream,and Envision Ournd Envision OurFutureuture
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    I Want to Hear YourI Want to Hear Your

    Vision for the DivisionVision for the Division

    Thank You!Thank You!

    Jeffrey J. MagnavitaJeffrey J. Magnavita

    [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]