Re-engineering Collaborative Mechanisms and Knowledge Networks to Accelerate Innovation for Alzheimer’s Richard A. Johnson Chairman, OECD/BIAC Science & Technology Committee National Academy of Sciences Board on Life Sciences CEO, Global Helix LLC Unlocking Global Collaboration to Accelerate Innovation for Alzheimer’s Oxford, 20-21 June 2013 [email protected]

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Page 1: Re-engineering Collaborative Mechanisms and Knowledge ... Johnson.pdf · Re-engineering Collaborative Mechanisms and Knowledge Networks to Accelerate Innovation for Alzheimer’s

Re-engineering Collaborative Mechanisms and Knowledge Networks to Accelerate

Innovation for Alzheimer’s

Richard A. Johnson Chairman, OECD/BIAC Science & Technology Committee

National Academy of Sciences Board on Life Sciences

CEO, Global Helix LLC

Unlocking Global Collaboration to Accelerate Innovation for Alzheimer’s

Oxford, 20-21 June 2013

[email protected]

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Drivers of Key Inflection Points for AD Research, Accelerated Innovation, & Care Models Require Policy Shifts

• Re-engineering Clinical Research


• Convergence and the “New Biology”

• Next-generation “Enabling Tools Revolution and Platforms”

• Aligning Science and Biomedicine

with “Challenge-driven Innovation” and the “Knowledge Triangle” : Problem-driven, Tool-based, and Solutions-oriented

• Big Data and Knowledge Networks

and Markets • Patient-centered Approaches from the


• Global Solutions & Local Knowledge

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Re-Engineering the Clinical Research Ecosystem (10 years on) (Grady 2004)

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Convergence of the “New Biology” with Physical Sciences & Engineering + Redrawing the Boundaries for Accelerating Research and Translation =

Foundational Shift for AD and Biomedicine over next 20 years

The “New Biology” (NAS, 2009/2011) The “Third Revolution” in Life Sciences (MIT 2011)

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New Enabling Tools and Platforms Required to Traverse the Scales (and Complexity) of the Brain – not to mention

Innovative Care Models (Donoghue, Brown Institute for Brain Science, 2013)

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Aligning AD Research and National AD Strategies with National Innovation Strategies and new Business Models: New AD Initiatives Build

on Open Innovation, Multi-directional S&T, University-Industry Partnering, Pre-competitive Consortia, Forward-looking IPR, and New Public-Private Collaborative

Mechanisms to Enable Cutting-edge Research, Innovation, and Care Models

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Challenge-driven Innovation: AD Research as a Foundation for The Creative Destruction of Medicine [in a good way] and Innovative Care Models

Eric Topol (2012) Patient-driven needs require innovative research beyond traditional research paradigms

• Expand the Research Agenda

– Social Science research matters – Risk Reduction strategies – Understanding support communities – Behavioral and lifestyle research

• Non-technological innovation matters: Risk reduction strategies, Best practices for Innovative Care, Innovation Models of support services

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Big Data Changes (Almost) Everything -- The Fourth Paradigm (Gray 2009), the Internet of Things/M2M, Big Data Analytics,

and Patient-centered Data Come Together in New AD Research, Collaborative Mechanisms, Patient Choice Options, and Healthcare Initiatives

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Big Data: New Sets of Access, Diffusion, Ownership, and Re-Use Policy Issues

Range of Inter-related Issues

The eMERGE Network = DNA biorepositories + Electronic Medical Records + GWAS studies + Results in Clinical Care Settings

• Data Silos

• Governance

• Curation, management, and quality

• Privacy and confidentiality

• Data linkages

• Lack of standards, interoperability, data exchanges, common nomenclature

• Patient consent and research re-use

• Data, samples, and material transfers


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Rapid Growth of Knowledge Networks and Markets

OECD Knowledge Networks and Markets (2012)

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Patient-centered from the Outset: Re-coupling Research and Technology with Patients, Families, and Support Communities

Banner Alzheimer’s Institute/NIA Experiment

Reintegrating Technology Innovation, Social Needs, and Patients (Maynard 2013)

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AD is a Global Crisis: Addressing the Growing Burden in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

10/66 Dementia Research Group: more than 2/3 of dementia patients but < 10% of the population-based funding

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But New Global Opportunities to Leverage Global Solutions & Local Knowledge/Contexts

G8 Dementia Summit AD Innovation, Financial Infrastructure, Portfolio Theory, and Global Securitization (Andrew Lo, MIT - 2013)

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Research Collaborations Broaden and Deepen

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Global Business Becomes a Major Player and Partner

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Comprehensive Regional Initiatives – e.g., Europe

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Patient-driven Strategies and Venture Philanthropy

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1. Maximize OECD’s Role as the “Gold standard” Think Tank and Economic Bridge to Economics/Finance/Budget Ministries

The Reality of Alzheimer’s: Fiscal Nightmare and Barrier to Sustainable Economic Growth: If Dementia Were a Country, It Would be the World’s 18th Largest Economy

Developing the Economic Case for Investing in AD and the Need for a Global Financing Mechanism Cumulative Costs of AD ~ € 460 billion; >1% of global GDP (and rising)

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2. Create an OECD Global Policy Forum on National/Regional/Subnational Plans – leverage the OECD’s convening

power on a global scale by creating a global policy hub

13 National Plans +

Complement Core Building Blocks such as JPND (Europe/Canada) and NAPA (U.S.)

• Best Practices, Infrastructure, Governance and Accountability

• Whole-of-government Policies (beyond Research only)

• Financing Mechanisms

• Multi-stakeholder Strategies

• Comprehensive Collaborations

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Develop a Global “Network of Networks” to Enable Comprehensive Collaboration and Policy Coherence

Leverage extensive OECD expertise on new Innovation Modes, Knowledge Networks, Business Models, and Virtual Organizations

• Scaling for optimal impact

• Compression of time scales/cycle times (“Silicon Valley time” rather than academic/government ministry time cycles)

• Optimization

• Prioritization

• Impact assessments and metrics

Combined with OECD-facilitated Global Databases

• International Database of Shared Research Infrastructures for AD

• Network of Global AD Database Linkages

• Database of International R&D Collaborations in AD

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3. Focus on Innovating Regulatory Governance and Regulatory Science: an OECD “Berlin 2.0” Process

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4. Develop Financing Toolkits and Mechanisms to Leverage Public-Private Funding, to Attract Risk Capital, and to “De-Risk” Research & Innovative

Care Models


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5. AD and Big Data Technical Roadmap: Standards, Validation, Measurement, Interoperability, Data Transfer Protocols

Why a Standards-driven Roadmap? Proven Approach in other Complex, Cumulative, Integrated Domains

• Standardized Information Commons

• Global-scale patient registries

• Facilitating trans-border data flows and database linkage technical policy issues

• Best practices for pre-competitive data sharing, access & diffusion

Biomarkers as a Case Study building on OECD 2010-2012 work programs and analysis

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6. Strategic Design, Business Models, Globalization, and Measurement of PPPs and Collaborative Mechanisms

• Program design and metrics

• Governance structures

• Interoperability and collaboration

• Financing Modes

• Strategic Policy Mix for PPPs

• Globalization of PPPs

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Compelling OECD Value Proposition: Delivering Global Best Practices and Innovative, Whole-of-Government Policies in Support of AD

Research, Innovative Care Models, and Public Awareness

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“Knowing is not enough; we must apply.

Willing is not enough; we must do.”


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