Rb Case Study Franks Redhot Sauce

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  • 8/10/2019 Rb Case Study Franks Redhot Sauce


    FRANKS REDHOT Cayenne Pepper Sauce

    The Franks RedHot team was in its fth hour o its strategic initiatives

    meeting. Mike Power, who had recentl !oined Reckitt "enckiser as the #ategor

    Marketing $irector on the %auces and &ew 'roduct $evelo'ment (usiness

    scratched his head and said, )*ka team, weve (een at this or a while, lets

    take a fteen minute (reak and re+grou'. The s'irited de(ate continued insmaller grou's as the team headed out into the hallwa.

    This was an es'eciall im'ortant meeting as the team was tring to decide

    on a wa orward with the Franks RedHot (rand. The team knew all too well

    that or the Food $ivision to make its num(ers or the ear, it was essential or

    Franks to grow its market share. -hile the (rand had (een growing in ste' with

    the categor, the team knew that to reall win in the categor Franks growth

    had to out'ace the hot sauce categor. %o ar, the team had de(ated three

    'ossi(le strategies which could deliver the desired results. The were

    /. Focus on a s'ecifc region o the countr and com'ete aggressivel tosteal share0. 1ttract new users ( driving hot sauce categor 'enetration2. 3nnovation to attract users in the Me4ican stle segment o the


    The (rand had enough resources to 'ursue onl one growth strateg. -hich

    a''roach would create the (est chance to grow5


    The frst (ottle o Franks RedHot sauce emerged rom 6stillettes 'ickling'lant 78 ears ago in /90:. 3n /9;

  • 8/10/2019 Rb Case Study Franks Redhot Sauce


    is cooked and s'ecial s'ices are added to give ood a surge o Davor. Franks

    RedHot *riginal contains all natural ingredients and no gums or thickeners, a

    claim that not all hot sauces can make.

    #onsumers use Franks RedHot 'roducts with a wide variet o oods (oth as

    an ingredient and as a ood to''er. FrankEs comes in our Davors

    *riginal ?used in /9;< in the frst "u=alo wings ever served in "u=alo,

    &ew >ork@

    #hile & ime

    Gtra Hot

    "u=alo -ing %auce

    The (rands most loal consumers s'eak 'assionatel a(out using FRH as

    their condiment o choice to energie their ood. The seem to view their heav use

    as a (adge o courage and a testament to their unwillingness to tolerate (oredom inan orm. The will tr it on !ust a(out anthing and never hesitate to recommend

    Franks to a riend.

    Bufalo A Key Trend

    "u=alo Davor is a hot trend that doesnt seem to (e cooling down. 1t a

    growth rate o IA

  • 8/10/2019 Rb Case Study Franks Redhot Sauce


    seek (old and e4citing Davors ?see 64hi(it A or #ategor Penetration and "u Rate

    ( "rand@. "rand choice is driven ( consumers 'reerence or the o'timal (lend o

    Davor and heat, a non+over'owering taste, Jualit and (rand aKnit.

    #ategor re!ection is minimal C onl /:B o consumers re!ect the categor

    outright and e4'ress no interest in 'urchasing. 3t is e4'ected that categor growth

    will thereore come rom non re!ecters o the categor. %'ecifcall, turning )la'sedusers into )active users and increasing the reJuencLoccasions among )active

    users. #ategor users are signifcantl more likel to (e male and reside in the


    #onsumers are divided into light, medium and heav users. Heav users use

    Hot, Ta(asco, or -ing ?HT-@ sauce ever da, medium users use HT- once a week

    and light users can (e defned as using HT- less oten. Heav users are

    signifcantl more likel to (e 1rican 1merican His'anics and reside in the south.

    ight users are #aucasian and are more likel to reside in the &ortheast. Heav

    users, ( defnition, are everda users and light users are signifcantl more likel

    to have used HT- sauce with an )ethnic meal. %ee 64hi(its ;+7 or Nser$emogra'hics.

    The main (arriers or non+users tring HT- is the 'erce'tion that HT- is )Too

    hot, )Too s'ic, and )Too over'owering. 1dditionall, the desire or )something

    sweeter is the main reason or no longer using HT- sauce. *ther non+users in the

    household also 'la a role in wh HT- has not (een used in the 'ast twelve

    months. %ome o the 'rimar (arriers as to wh la'sed users are not more active

    can (e overcome. The ke (arriers are due to limited use, i.e. )3 use it more

    s'aringl, )3 onl use it or certain reci'es, others in the household i.e. )*thers in

    HH dont likeLuse it, )M 'artnerLamil doesnt like it and Davor)3 want more

    Davor, )3 want something sweeter, )Too hot, )Too s'ic, )Too over'owering.

    a'sed users ma not (e as e4'erimental and ma need guidance as to di=erent

    was to use HT- sauce.

    For man users, HT- sauce is a amil tradition. Famil mem(ers and riends

    tend to serve it as the introduction to HT- sauces,

  • 8/10/2019 Rb Case Study Franks Redhot Sauce


    man (rands. 3n act, over a Juarter do not make a decision until the are in the

    store. The decisions at 'oint o 'urchase do not a''ear to (e 'rice driven, however,

    those who *&> use Ta(asco are more loal and generall alwas (u the same


    Key Player%


    3n /7;7, 6dmund Mcllhenn, created a fer condiment rom a mi4ture o

    aged ri'e red 'e''ers, 'remium vinegar and 1ver 3sland salt. He called it

    T1"1%#* "rand Pe''er %auce. *ne hundred and ort ears later Ta(asco is

    made in much the same wa it was (ack then e4ce't now the aging 'rocess or the

    mash is longer C u' to three ears in white oak (arrels. 3t is still made on 1ver

    3sland, ouisiana, and the Mcllhenn #om'an is one o the N%s (iggest makers o

    hot sauce 'roducing as man as 80:,::: two+ounce (ottles o Ta(asco sauce each


    Te'a% Pe!e

    Te4as Pete is manuactured ( the T- Oarner Food #om'an in -inston+

    %alem, &orth #arolina. The (rand is (est known or its 2.: o (ottles with their

    (right red sauce, shaker to', and white and ellow la(el eaturing the name in red

    and Te4as Pete, a red silhouette cow(o.

    The caenne 'e''ers used in Te4as Pete are aged or two ears to soten

    their skins, and the com'an claims this also enhances the 'roducts heat 'rofle.

    The 'e''ers are then com(ined with vinegar, salt, 4anthan gum and sodium

    (enoate. *ne o the issues surrounding the sauce is the inclusion o 4anthan gum,

    a thickener that allows or less overall 'e''er 'ul' in the reci'e to achieve the

    desired te4ture, which some hot sauce ans fnd distasteul. Te4as Pete is not as hot

    as Ta(asco which the com'an acknowledges through its tagline )Te4as

    Pete%auces are all a(out F1Q*R not "NR&


    ouisiana The *riginal Hot %auce is a caenne 'e''er sauce 'roduced ("ruce Foods, a #a!un and Me4ican ood com'an, ounded in /907 in &ew 3(eria,ouisiana. 3t is made rom aged 'e''ers, vinegar, and salt and is (right red andthin with a moderate heat level. ouisiana is not as hot as Ta(asco sauce and thecom'an uses the milder heat as a selling 'oint, calling the sauce &ot too hot, nottoo mild. ouisiana The *riginal is most common in ; o. shaker (ottles and isknown or its ellow, (lue and red la(el and ellow 'lastic saet seal adorned withthe *riginal logo.

  • 8/10/2019 Rb Case Study Franks Redhot Sauce


    Ta(asco is seen ( consumers as a high Jualit, heritage (rand, Franks is

    seen as modern and milder while Te4as Pete is o'erating in the value segment ?see

    64hi(it /: or the #ategor Perce'tual #a'sule@. Franks user 'rofle is slightl

    ounger ?ages u' to 29 ears old@ com'ared to the Ta(asco user 'rofle ?see 64hi(it

    // or age 'rofles o (rand trialists@.

    %ee 64hi(it < or siing and 'ricing ( (rand.

    Sale% and S)are

    FRH shares is the volume market leader with /AB share (ut is S0 in the

    categor in terms o value share. %ee 64hi(it / or national share data and 64hi(it 0

    or regional shares.


    The Hot %auce categor has some 'ronounced regional dnamics, as ethnicgrou's and regional cuisines strongl inDuence usage and Davor 'rofle 'reerence.

    Oenerall, the categor is strongest in the southeast and the west. Hot sauces

    ?e4cluding Ta(asco@ are strongest in the -est and -ing sauces are strongest in the

    &ortheast and %outheast regions. %ome (rands are clearl regional 'laers, and

    'erormance ( region varies signifcantl even or national (rands like Ta(asco and

    Franks Red Hot. %ee 64hi(it 0 or Regional "rand Perormance and 64hi(it 2 or

    categor develo'ment ( region.

    Key *ea%ure% &y Brand

    1mongst consumers Ta(ascos total (rand awareness remains nearl

    universal while Franks s'ontaneous awareness has (ounced (ack ater a 'eriod o

    decline ?see 64hi(it /0 or #ategor 1wareness ( "rand@. Franks RedHot *riginal

    is the most well+known variet with AAB awareness, ollowed ( -ing %auce which

    has 27B awareness. The Gtra Hot and #hile n ime variants are less well known

    with 2:B and 0/B awareness res'ectivel.

    Franks is neither strong in converting awareness into trial nor in converting

    trial into loalt, relative to Ta(asco and ouisiana. However, maintaining loalists

    is a (rand strength. %ee 64hi(it

    Franks a''ears to (e re(ounding on several ke glo(al (rand attri(utes such

    as high Jualit, value or mone and is a (rand or me as well as on some o its core

    categor attri(utes, including not too hot, wont over'ower and (etter tasting. ?%ee

    64hi(its /2, /< and /A or "rand 3mage Trends@. However, ver little di=erentiation

    e4ists in the categor. Franks minor 'oints o di=erentiation include (eing not too

    hot, alive, delicious, and modern.

  • 8/10/2019 Rb Case Study Franks Redhot Sauce


    S!ra!eg#c Op!#on%

    Having considered all the data and trends, the team has identifed three

    'otential 'aths to share growth. 6ach has its 'ros and cons and the team must

    choose a single o'tion to move orward.

    Op!#on +, Reg#onal %)are con-ue%!

    Oiven the (arriers to use that kee' non+users out o the categor, it ma (e

    easiest to target consumers who are alread using other (rands. Franks Red Hot

    would stand to gain signifcant sales and share i it can close the 'erormance ga'

    (etween its &ortheastern stronghold and the other regions o the countr. This task

    is made diKcult, however, ( the act that most consumers are ha'' with their

    current sauces and eel no 'ressing need to change (rands. %outheastern

    consumers use hot sauce heavil as a condiment, and while the generall (u

    sauces with the same (asic Davor 'rofle as Franks the also show an aKnit or

    less e4'ensive (rands. -estern consumers use more hot sauce than the rest o the

    countr, (ut a heav His'anic 'o'ulation and atin cuisine drive a strong 'reerence

    or Me4ican+stle sauce (rands.

    Op!#on ., Dr#"e ca!egory pene!ra!#on

    1s the categor volume leader, FRH has more to gain than other (rands i it

    can drive increases in categor 'enetration. The team eels confdent that Franks

    eJuit is )cool enough to create as'irational a''eal among 0:+something

    consumers who en!o s'ic ood (ut dont (u hot sauce. *ne team mem(er hasdescri(ed this target as )loal Franks users who !ust havent met us et. 1s the

    (rand that started the "u=alo crae, Franks could also ta' into a huge 'o'ulation o

    'eo'le who en!o wings and are thereore amiliar with the FRH Davor 'rofle. The

    team worries, however, that non+users ear o )too hot and )thatll hurt will (e

    diKcult to overcome. 1dditionall, while wings are ver 'o'ular at restaurants,

    ring them u' at home is a mess hassle. 6ven the most devoted wing eaters are

    generall content to (u them rather than tackle the 'rocess at home, thus

    'otentiall limiting the volume o''ortunit o this 'ath.

    Op!#on /, Co0pe!e 0ore d#rec!ly $#!) !)e 1a%!2gro$#ng *e'#can2%!yle


    The team has defnitel taken note o the high growth+rates shown ( Ta'atio

    and #holula C (oth Me4ican+stle sauce (rands. -hile several o the 1merican+stle

    sauces have lost ground, the Me4ican (rands as a grou' are clearl winning.

    Partici'ating in this segment is certainl an o'tion C the team could launch a green

    !ala'eno+(ased sauce or a chi'otle+Davored e4tension that would (e a much

  • 8/10/2019 Rb Case Study Franks Redhot Sauce


    stronger ft with Me4ican cuisine than the current FRH (ased caenne and vinegar

    Davor 'rofle. This would reJuire a signifcant launch investment and would (e a

    de'arture rom the (rands "u=alo roots. #onsumers have also indicated that

    authenticit is an im'ortant actor in their choice o hot sauce, and the Franks team

    is worried that the (rand would (e viewed as an )im'oster i it tried to 'la directl

    in the Me4ican+stle s'ace.

    The team has (een wrestling with this choice or some time, and its time to take

    a decision on which 'ath 'rovides the (est chance or growth.

  • 8/10/2019 Rb Case Study Franks Redhot Sauce


    E')#! +

    N#el%en S)are and Sale% Da!a Ho! Sauce Ca!egory

    E')#! .

  • 8/10/2019 Rb Case Study Franks Redhot Sauce


    2007 Brand $ Shares by Region

    National Northeast Southeast Central West

    Category 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

    Frank's Red Hot 16.7 33.0 8.9 19.9 9.4

    Crystal 3.7 3.5 7.5 1.6 3.2

    Valentina 4.5 0.7 1.6 8.4 7.2

    Col!la 5.4 4.3 3.6 5.1 8.6

    "a#atio 8.3 0.9 1.4 3.0 24.0

    "a$as%o 19.4 18.6 17.0 19.3 22.0

    "e&as ete 7.5 9.9 17.0 0.9 0.4

    (o!isiana 6.3 2.2 10.4 11.3 2.6

    ri)ate (a$el 3.4 3.8 5.6 3.6 0.8

    Regional Brand $ Share Chg vs 2006

    National Northeast Southeast Central West

    Category 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

    Frank's Red Hot *0.0+ 0.7 , *0.5+ ,

    Crystal 0.8 , 2.2 0.5 0.6

    Valentina 0.0 *0.2+ 0.1 *0.3+ 0.2

    Col!la 0.3 0.4 *0.1+ 0.5 0.1

    "a#atio 0.7 , , 0.5 1.1

    "a$as%o *0.8+ *0.5+ *1.1+ *0.5+ *1.2+

    "e&as ete *0.2+ *0.2+ , 0.1 0.1

    (o!isiana *0.5+ *0.1+ *1.3+ *0.9+ 0.1

    ri)ate (a$el 0.3 0.7 0.6 0.2 0.1

    Brand Development BD!"CD!#

    National Northeast Southeast Central West


    Frank's Red Hot 162 54 114 78

    Crystal 77 202 41 119Valentina 11 36 180 222

    Col!la 64 66 90 221

    "a#atio 8 17 35 402

    "a$as%o 78 88 96 158

    "e&as ete 108 227 12 8

    (o!isiana 29 167 173 58

    ri)ate (a$el 91 164 99 112

  • 8/10/2019 Rb Case Study Franks Redhot Sauce


    E')#! /

    Category Development !nde CD!#

    "otal CategoryHot -a!%es*e& "a$as%o+ ing -a!%es

    /ational 100 100 100

    /orteast 82 75 123

    -o!teast 101 94 153Central 96 100 78

    est 139 150 55

    E')#! 3

    Pr#0ary HT4 %auce &rand %e!

  • 8/10/2019 Rb Case Study Franks Redhot Sauce


    E')#! 5

    Ca!egory Pene!ra!#on and Buy Ra!e &y Brand

    % && 'enetration Buy Rate

    2006 2007 2006 2007

    Hot -a!%eing Category 28.





    Frank's Red Hot 5.





    "a$as%o 8.





    (o!isiana 4.





    "e&as ete









    Crystal 1.





    Col!la 1.





    "a#atio 2.





    ri)ate (a$el 3.





  • 8/10/2019 Rb Case Study Franks Redhot Sauce


    E')#! 6

    Ca!egory 7%er De0ograp)#c%

    E')#! 8

    7%age Fre-uency &y 7%er

    E')#! 9

  • 8/10/2019 Rb Case Study Franks Redhot Sauce


    Hea"y 7%er De0ograp)#c%

    E')#! :

    First Become A User of Either Hot, Wing, or Tabasco Sauces

    E')#! +;

  • 8/10/2019 Rb Case Study Franks Redhot Sauce


    Corre%pondence *ap Ho! Sauce Ca!egory

    E')#! ++

    Brand Tr#al#%!% Age Pro

  • 8/10/2019 Rb Case Study Franks Redhot Sauce


    E')#! +/

    Brand =0age Trend% Brand >ener#c%

    E')#! +3

  • 8/10/2019 Rb Case Study Franks Redhot Sauce


    Brand =0age Trend% Core Ca!egory A!!r#&u!e%

    E')#! +5

    Brand =0age Trend% O!)er Ca!egory A!!r#&u!e%

    E')#! +6

    Frank% Con"er%#on Ra!#o%

  • 8/10/2019 Rb Case Study Franks Redhot Sauce


    E')#! +8

  • 8/10/2019 Rb Case Study Franks Redhot Sauce
