. -. ·;.·.·· : •... ··" THE SHOCK OF iiECOGNIT!ON lu'ID T!lE '.'· .. ?IIILOSO!'HIC }.!lSI VALENCE Or L!miN loy RAYA DUNAYEVSKAYA

RAYA DUNAYEVSKAYA - marxists.org · now pogo 5 It WSI in thi• rinal ·~·tioa on Eoaonco tha~ l~oin oroko with tho oataaary ot ·c11u.ea11ty to explMln the .rehtlcnahtp nf mind

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lu'ID T!lE '.'·





' . · t)' RAr~ llii!At;;VSKA'tj<'(· .. •f'<;r { ,,,. -r;;;::- {~> . I ~'}-I ,;, C•C ll)ft l ( I .

______ !h,~~lt~~(~ ~\ .... ~•r·~~~·~-~i.ri-ci~f.~;;;.-~~. ~:~an Soo1d OtDIOo~-~~~b~ w;r-;,r~dit. -q ,[-L';,.l'4-f:OV-=allll>-t.oO;ctJoom·l:ll."cleZ.~: LCirln' the rbllOIQ!)hir.: :.;:!lund 1)11 wh1 ch he b ... ci. . •'toouJ' w.nd

bad thw&M .•• 1mpropo~,l•• eni"'•t 4, 1914 hod amuhod to •roithor>ona I .

~ht concept~ the\ all \tndenc1et in tho ~arxiet movo~n\ hod h'lO in co=m~n.

Up to Aui"'o~ _. 4; iil~!!liad ogrood tbe.~ tho lll&terbl conditi~n• lol.d lobo hoh

tor ~ho or~~tiou o't_: • new IOC1.al order, that the moro cidvs:noed tb(, u:\el'11:tl

-conili~1onir;)ho ·r;eUor pr•pored ~ould tho prolotariat ~.• for ·t.,akin;· o11or

· _pOwar :rrom : ... tone. ~our~oiaic, t\nd the lllr£tor the tm..ea._fartY. an·d· ~he ioore .. .· ' . . . . !

u\ure i t'o ;)i"rxlot .lndoi'ab1p, tho •urer waull ioo th& r~sd tci r6vulut1o~. • 1 • ,/

Tho ~~~to~1o{;.;.,.·tbo real a,;d tlic oxplan~tion f'or ~·h• .1dorilo . To ~oill.on ofll.liv<!(W~. '. ',''. ; -. .

·.··.' · ~: ~~· philoeoph's.u ,,dealiam, ltD'.trpo1a upolo&o:tica, cier1c:&l

o~ •• ~r~nt1illl:) .

. · Att•.r Au.autt. 4, howavdr, Marxiat rovolu1i1ollari'et :b~d to fo.ce . ·' ~-

o obocktn1 now· r .. Hty -- Mar >dot leadore (rtcognizod u auoh -by tho

whole Internot1oud, Bolahov1kr inc1udod) a~ tho hood of tho hr&tiot Jla ..

adYanc•d land, were the very onot who had ordered the workere, not to d'Mtroy

"" . --~~~-1.4 .. 9&P,it_al1_~~'- -~u~\to al_aughter oach other acroaG- n•tlonal front1era .. ~[

/ . .

~~·~~~_"_•• o! tl:o fa~h!':_l~"_d~") In tho l'aco or thio collapoo of all hh

1 pr;viO'Wii -fuinlleptlon• of the rehtion•hip lletween thtr ~t9rh:.l and the ideal,

*'J.~ject1v• and o•j,ctt.ve, the ~nliv~{l.~-1 a.n.i the piJr·t.tcuhr, Unr\.n waa fnroad

to .. arch fQr • now phil>•oph;r. \ !frtl•&•l ~ novor exl.ttod, !Antn would

hovo hod to invent ija&olton dl~~e~tj~ to rooon•tl\uto hi• own raooon.


.; '· i


... ·


It WEnn't that Lenin ~;ttp:!ri'!'nco~ : eingl" inat'lm. 1o luuit!"tion ·

a~out hi• own revolutlor:!H·y o;::p::>cition t~ t!1e lr:.:peril-lliat. w~r. On th!'.

~nequiv·acsl of alof.e._n•J¢t\tn~ def'eAt or on~ 1 o O"rtn c~untry iii ti:l:! i~o:ou1r

&Vil. "'fjrn the i!.l1;~ri9li~t ~•~r int.J civil h'!lr. In u ·,yooJ•d, !naofar !1& ),

.Lenin W!l& conce-rned, wh·lt ·,.;sa needed waa not tho picklng of' ths ~l.,cea


o't whut once wa•• What h11d b~come imperative .wYo the tot'!! sep:1rst~on ~~~.J;:-··-- .. -..

.tho Socorid, the creation of a Third Intern.tlono!;J \7 •h<ttorin~C~~Jr;) expel'io.1ce did not .l'Ut i.ntc quo•tlon hio rlohhoviY. Jflltico ond orgonlzo-

tion. il'h9t had be:m P'.J.t ~into g;•Jectlon \1!11:1 the "Z mattorie.liam 'lh3t ~a eked • I

I the principle of the Htransror!l!~tion in\o oppo/ ::t,rt \11 the dbhctic pro;:;er.ll

Thia ia wh9t Lenin w~c to •ingl~ out in ihe Heg~ll9n l~isl,ctic. •f / .

AI t.h~ holoca•at enveloped lf1~ .. · oi'ld. ~md rather 0!1f:.>Mnt.n CJf the

war a-=re running. saot.tt idtho:.tt reorzeniz ng tfleir :::¥n thiQking, Lenb., the: !

mo.'!!ent he re~~hed 3ern in Se~t~a:ber, 1')/4, rep9.lre::l \tliru.et~H' i,;:, tb~ li'or!lrv . I . to greppla ~lith th9 worka ;;f Hegel, ,.tecirllly his ~~ ~. ~· F.:~r ~n .Jncompro!llising revoluti.:~u~ry like Lenin to D?enci hie C:,ytl when 1.h~

wholo •r;orld, includin~ th~ 1.'!1rx:lat <t~ove~c~nt, ·.o~o;.e fJint t~ pi-!C·H, in f.h>!

-------------'--(1) The ;hr•He ~?P~!Hiil in L~nin 1 11 Let.t."la· to Kollo1t.ata "y:.•J e:nph'l.dZ!J :.h~t twe ttut~t p•Jt 1"or1·t~:-d ·1 ciug!Jn th~_l !!E~l<! ~r.Hz . .:!!!.•; I ~Jill ·~ell you fl·ankly th3t the thine; I f'~'lr ~o•t ·Jt th: FT!~enl tiCJ" 1-. lndbtri:;;in'ito ur,lt.y l•'h!.ch, I su:; ccn•Jinc.~d, i• ~J:~\ d"n;.:~ru;.u ~nd h1rm!\1l tJ tho r•rJlehri:tt." (:l:.tvt.~·tj in ~Iem;;,ri:u. of L~nin, 1/.:Jl 11, P• lr5'J, by 11. K. l:r'..lpth.·.>'/8.•)





But, Jay ln !olr.d cb.y o<..~.t, for..:. wholtJ l.sar(.2) Luni:1 lrcr..tLJ not '

~f Hegtrl1• Logic 'uce.me th!. philo~ophic : ... o'J.~Hlc.t.lo:l ·!'vl' ·~l)l :s!lri.J,IJ~ \lritin;::s

tht~t l.tJnin·h':llil to do'Jor tb-J !'CISt cif' JliJ4. lifo, fro:n J:n;.eri~ P-nd ~~

,!Ei R(.volution on lhe e7o of H~vemO~r, 1917, thruagh t!i.l! work iJf H.u ;~.ct~~~l Revolution, to hi• E!!l•

Lenin l..urned to He&e:l weril:r ~n.c:..~:gh, f'ore~er recindinz hlmsal!' th~t . ... {1-V...-

ha wa.a reading him "materin.listic!:llllr,rt and, ::1..11 r.:·Ef::ltte!I'Lali.a.t, W£l3 ltCOi:'l-

•ignin,s(Go1 and .~he philo•ophi~ raJ=Ule t~at def,nds Ciod to th9 rubbiuh

-· ~~~ ·heap,.: A1o th., aame ·Hf!le, howe-.re:r, i1e i• hit ~Q·the 3hock oi' ,,r9co~ition

t,hat the P.ogelian cii~1ectic· WS'i revolut.io,n~:~.ry,·tne.t Hegel'" ciial:~ct.ic, ·

1.-a· .. ~.f"~'t, Pr~ceded tl.ar~ ~ s 11applic~tion" in ·the Comnuni st 11oanif'ecto" "Who

WOuld Ccli"'ve,n Lenin exchlicaaC to h!:t"dlf, 11 that thio r.:o.,;F.-otent sn_d ~elf'-mov·~·~·'ent ia i.'be cor-3 .:~f •HUgeli;,;.niru:::, 1 of' abctr'ic1. and ebatnae (dit':'.'icUlt,

"a~iurdf) I~e-golie.ni:~:n?~ •••• The id6a c!' univer.:Ja] mo•tetr.en~ ~m::j change

(181;. Loiic).wau diac:lo~ed b~:r."'ore ita DQiJli.::s.t!on.to li:'t. and ::~odety.

It w:u proclaimed ln r~ferftnce to ao~.:i,~j (1847)• ~::~..rli'Jr thtJ.r. in r.:btl_,ll

to n;au (1859 ) .. • (5)

(2) Ac'tuall:t L~nin open~ ... t:'lo YC':.&!"o.--191·~-191-5--in tt.e Lii.Jrer:.r• 9ut h"J c.:omplete:i t.h-3 Ho~~l atuciie~ in 1715 ~nd began the [!:ltl,~rin;. •l~ I:litur!J!1 fc.t :..•ri't.tng Iruporiali.i11lo

• The r9fer(lnce is to Th: Co:n:!l' .. Wi:st f.:'::lnl:'~.wto, ,._,.. 7h5 !'af'er~:'lCfl is to :'h~ Oriii~ o'i' ~;:--

(5) 1 l!&.pp,n6d to hev~ U~en the firat to tr:J.n:.~l.et~ L'J:-ti.1 11 AiJo~tn:c:t. I ;'i)Jl b·~ udni:, m:1in1y, my OW!': ~rUn31}!:ltion, (.'lpp~ndi:-; !3 1 ~-!,! ~ f'rc.,dol'!l, 1)5~ odit1on

1 he)rein~.:'tcr J·u!'~rre3 to a~ !~F.) For t}:~ C.J•1'1~~11'1,10:.e ot' the l'~!:I.JerG, ho..,cv~u· 1 I Hill ~Lto cit3 th., p9.fi:'ldffir, i!". ti:e !.:.,.;.,;otJ 'lr!:"l~.bti)C".--(V, !. V•r.ir.. Goll~('trd ~. Vvl. ;8.) ~·:·3, ;;. ~ ... 1; ~· : .. ~, p. 141.


,. '

Je.ill., 11 Marx·•·--.'1!.~• on the on• h•.nd, and, on th• ot.htr hand, hit stru.ga:le·

with '""liar ma:tor,.al1am.• Thuo, ev~i> u ho h ar£Uinf: with Hoael and do·

c1p.at1a.c ~tbt' · eeotioA 11 Be:~1Y4&:-for-~lt" in th• ()Qctr1n• ot' Be ius, a a It dark vatttr•, I ..

h• tol1ove 1~ up 'ilfith• 11'h• idt~ or the tro.ne!'or_mation of the 11lt.al into "'c.ile

re&i 1• .l!rot'Gu.:d. Vt'ty 1mpcrtu.n1. f'or hiatory. But alae in tha poraondl lile

or ldln i~ !.'a ovidont that tiloro h ouch truth in thi .. · Againot wl&•r

me:t\Jr11ll1tm~" NB• IJ!'he dlftert~nee of the idenl from the utertel l:s alao .•·.

not u•condUlond, no'-· tia~~rocbwencl.1oho 1 (4) .:. \ · __ -·. __ - .·l<j.·,.· :.'·- ~- -,-,1-- .•

It 'i~\thio · dhcoV.ry or tHe"relot'ion•hip llot .... on tho idoal and tho

met,or1a1,'1Ji·;l\'ci~l·, l<hloh had hd Lonin,to aoe thot th• ~evoluU<>:>a:ry

op1'r11;; ln·;~~··,j~~lootl.o w~• not auporimp~oed upo,u Hegel \y l!arx, ~ut wo• in

· Hoplo., >Lt.;fn:coll~·inu•• ~o &rapplo all tho harder with l!o&•l'• a~otnot ' '

oah&oriolo llhon ho waa sUll in tho J)Octrino of Boini, he already otrouod.

\otb tho idoct.ity or,' .,.,d tran•formaUon into, oppooiteot(•D i a l o o t. 1 ;,;J h tho ~ootr11_1o of tho idor.Uty ~!. oppooitea-'-how they ••.~ ~• and how .. they

~ecome--undar whioh con:Sition• they ~ecome identical: tr'n~forminc: one into q;'r~); . .·

the-- other •• ,I (5) ~.we got to tb~ J)a.ctrin.t of' Eaaonce, ..:44il'-'lt.--.a'tf'l tho "' . ~ ' -

atr••• w--~-E~;~;i~~!~~}l\ rirlt·--~-d- r~-;~-~~t ~~ A• _he continue~ hi•

commentR on Tho Le:w of Contradiction, hi• utro•• 1• n'ot. on the identity of

oppoeitea a• on t..b• tranaltion from one to tho other,1and the eho.rpanin' of

the cont.radil)tion, on the one band, and, on the othe': bail:!, •u~h comprehondve

knowladao ot t.otelitr that even esu•ality, that llu&ll•ar of' llueo-cmpiricilifm,•

~eco:a.ea Jut a •mot44tnt 11 ot ths whole a J"

•osu•• and eff•ct, er&c, only h'HY · or overy kind of inhrd.epend•n••, conn•ci.ion (of tho unl.vsr•lill ), tht ·ooncaten~tlon of evonta ace only link• in the chain of the developmtint or, rutter.•

•tm All-l.lldedn••• and all-elc~racin& ch11racter of world ccnnection are onl7 ont-aidedly, (g~sultorily and 1ncom­plAt•ly •xpraalld ly cauu.l1ty... )

"Thla aontonco io in Eniliah in

(6 )ll!oF, P•~}51 J2! ~. pol59o

Lenin 1o terl.

1(.._- .. - . ~;;~U

.. ,.


now pogo 5

It WSI in thi• rinal ·~·tioa on Eoaonco tha~ l~oin oroko with tho

oataaary ot ·c11u.ea11ty to explMln the .rehtlcnahtp nf mind and tnst~er liven .~;a·

•tron •coaomto la~•• ~nd 1easenc~~ had ccnatuntll ~aen contr~tt8d to •oppearanco1

ea it t.her•lt)r tho ~\al1tl r,t a pro~lem hlld lte6n exhauet•d. ~bat ~IIC!UtO ealient

tor Len1:n n~.lf' 'faR ~h, Heaolia.n concept or "motl!~tnta 1111 1

.•tbs- ••&ecce i• that ltoth the world of app.ta%"anc:a r.nd the ::;Hor1c1' whl'!'h 1• ln itaelf ·are ••ientially moMllta ot the ~-.'~~ltl'edg• ~f natur• c•X" ._mrtn, •t=p•, ohang~ ~n (o~ d«epen-.•1Di. ot') k40wlodgo, • 7 I ·

. ' . . .. . Lenin oloo·kept·u? o ~·11•~•nt ar:~Ument w!th,h!"••1 .. i'. Every tilllfl hJ

vao lior~!"l~~{~t•1nat Hog•l'• •myotic ism and upty p~dantry, li · Z...nin, at. th~ on.,. ' - ' . . -.: : . . . ' .

i.1111 1 ,:iaJ:d ~tr~11 ·on ·the 'jll'Ofund!t:)' or tho dialectio, 0tho.1doB Of' iOOiuo,O .By . . . . - :-·, "'· ; - . .· .

. ·c, .th. tt~'.Lo.ii.n··~·~~htd The Dootrino ot tho Notion--and it 1a ~h~ro th.,t, Jio ioroko.

:>wt,b ,.b:~• .,.Own·:ph1:~~•ophic pa11t.--wh,.t Lenin waa uador•coriui wal'l that· t.h, e.lf!mtnta

ot lliAhrialio& .. wore pr.~oent !!! Fiogol I

~·_Wb_an- H•&\!'1 tt""iea•..;.aoaetimsr~ even .tre.1na himaelr •nd W-;lll"rit~t · to. death-~to ouo•11..., the purpoaotul act! vtty or mari under tbo

'ar;toaorioo of log1a, anjring th•t thia ocHv!ty !.o tho '•.vllo,ilm,' tliat the ou~jeot playo tho role .of' oo.,. •ort or '=•m~er' in tl~o -~o,~Oa-! Ofigure' of ·the •,rlloglem, etc;-, !h!!! !!!!.!.!.! ru?! onlX.! •train, -.!!21 onlt..! gt.•• · 'l'here 1• her• a very de•p c~mtent, -

··purely matarhlht1o, It 11 noceuary to turn thh oround 1 Tho pracUO'al aot1vity of' at•n, repeated ltillion• or timeo, IIJ.Iot lood the ·aOnaoiouan&~• of ~an tu the r•p1tit1on of the variou• lopc~l ficurea· in Ol"dtr that \~··G can 2Ch.iev• tho dinlf"lesanCI

. Of &n &Xi.OIIle I!!!! ,!!2!.! .!!.!!!.•" ~ J

Ii io p~ocholy iocauoo Lenin '• Allatroct or llagel'a s'cto'!.:! 2!: Lode

roveah a mind in .:ct.ion, arguing with itoolt &t~ well '11 wit~ Heictl, ,lldVf.~ni' htmult' ·~o roturn ~o' Uogol, 'to work out• ideu, hhtor,v, •chr~eo, Morx'o Copil!!,

earr~tnt thooriea, jo~lag up oppodtes, end looping into ths ~lotion which ho now t.rane..,

latod aa '!Ia l"raodoJo ooijeotivity ('arl) goal, con•ciouaneoo, otrh!ng NO,' (9) th•t

Lenin'• A••troct ~•oomea nn 'xcitini oxrerioncs alao for hie reodGra. Thua, Lenin no

aooner dadgnatee tho firat 3_.Ction of the Notion as 11Theoo parta o!' the work aho-.Jld

.. -

ie called, a- •••t meana of :6tt!ng a head~ehe~• then ho nloo $Ocentuoto• tho f'ollowingr 'NB He&el'• onaly•i• of tho Syl!ogi•~ (I-P-u, 4individool

1,,r::,_.1 (illllorp,~,!\1 ltl M, Pol5}, {B)~u.r, P•!iJI}Iltl ~; Pol)>O, (9)!!Y:, p.~~6; ltl ~~ p0

164 ,.;,i)<) • Th!a IOntonce h in on,tlhh in Looin 1o toxt,


,parttoular, ~niveroal, 1 ·~~~' otc.) 1• rominiaoont or Marx'• iml~atlon . (10)

ot !lo~o-.1·1n Chsphr x.• Lenin will later dovolop tile clooo r•lationahip

~.t,.on Marx'• Oap1hl and Hoaol'o Logic r

11t !iAn did ·not :1eue o Lo&ic (with a capitol latter), ho latt tb~ ~ci1la ot oaptbl, and thh oh<!'~l~ h upochll¥ u\11,• . had on ·t e &twn quut1on. In Q!oeitol,. tho loric, dhl~ouc and t.hoorr or knododa• or m•tor1alhlll (~ ·wo~do ero not nooauar;;rr they lll"l one and th<J oamo) aro oppUod tu ono cc1~11••• toldng all that h .,.lu,a\ole,in Hopl ~nd mning it for~nrd.•I"J.

"·'. -....

a.&t tth11• h~· .1• ... 111 in ac.o"loion on• ot •rhe~ Doctrine of tht Notion, 11 !Mn1n .ferel•

th• noe~·t.o ••~•rate himaelr, f1ra'to, from Plvkhano,., end wddtmly even tr\Je

hi•••lf. Thr•• apbo~iom• quickly follow ono ~rtor ths othorr

• (1) i'l•khanov crt Ucla .. Xont!oniom (and aaaooUciam in 'onorol) ,...,.. frril!l·.tha wl&ar mahrialhUc than tho dlala.cUc mat.uid· 1c'\1o--- _p01Q\ of .. view •••• (2) Airtbo ll<tpnnins; of the 20th contury MILrxl.lt'o critir.iood ~b•· bnUoao a.o.d' Blmhto more in a P'ouerloachhn (and Buchnarh.n ),

· ti>Ari:f~arllioaoll"n mannor.•

•n··i· i~hui!tle t\111¥ to rraop llan 1o o~p1tal, ardupo?i•ll:v ito tint obApt;ar, 1f. you have not otudiod thPou&~~ and liuder­otood''tho vhollo of Ho~l'o LOI:io. Oonovquontlr, nona of t.bo · MOrxioto fo~o paot i conturr hav• ~nd~rotood Morxll~(l2)

Tho opigona who deny that Lenin had hi111•olr !o1 min& 011ot an..,er

vilat .Lonin did """" loy tho addtional re..,rk slongoide the f1rat two ·aphorhmo,

100DCII'n1ng the queai.ion of tht croitioiuJ or ll!Odern Xa!'1t1anJ.•m, Maehia"!,. •tafn,

·whole work !21or• than hla own Mo.t.er1al1•::D !m! ionp1.r1o-crJ.t1clam centered zo

(lO)I!W', P• ;,91 12!• OM, P• 118. Chapter I ret'oro, or ooura~ to <Japih~. .. It 1o t~> wary ahoptu tbo.t StoUn, in 194,, vhon h• doci~ed to ~ro&lt

~ith ~rx 1 o Analyoh of th~ Low of Value ao charactorht1c. of copitalh" and onl¥ capital1o~, ord•~•d 50v1ot thooreUoiuno not to r.ollov. (Sn tho tranolatlon from l'-2!· Zlwoenom llorxhga anJ 1111 oom•nhry on H &\1~ tho do~a\oo around it In ths American ::oonomtc Roviow, Sopt. 1944 to 3<Jpt. 1945.) Ever Mince it hea remsiced a IU~jact of controver$y wb3"evar the qJ•at1on of alieoati~n and tho fot1oh!om of co=mod1t1oo ~ooomoo th• ou~joot of dleC~.&IIaioa.

(11 )IW', P• ,,~I Vol. !<!, P• }49. (12)11U', P• }401 Vol.~. P• 180.



en '~M::t.chisa:#? Tho re:tl ,!J~int i' not, ·•of ~.J'.lr~e 9 ··th~ n:cr:! qucsti..:n of n·J.dng

r'l1n:..s•, mu~h l~a• .-...·h4thal' ~n_, :.t.phori.:~rr.:a con:tain ex~g~r.::~tion:~. Thu,, .r..an~ hs.d

written more profoundly th~.n .Le:nin on 1-!::tr.t.'• £3t~itril, ~ut"-::ci!dly on V.Jl!J:Ue II.

ttnd Lenin ce-rt.9inl:; ::lid not rt"gn th!:l.t ::~11 .who · . .;l•hed ~o •tud:r ~~ :r .. ut, f'1r•t,

lsbor tr.rou~h the t\::> volu:ft3 of the Sc:-ience o!' ~· ft'b~t ·;a"' cruti!ll to him

now, whtJt. he sow loo:r:ing b:!for~ him wa;;; a great philo~vphic d'!lt..·~t.e, -'Udd~nl·{

di:ec .. ,.sd, not to I:iUCh 9gainat Hegel as ag'!in2t Pl::~kh~nov nnd even .riendng o..

contradiction within himaelf, hi¥ philo•ophi<.. peat. ·rh~~t pr;:,;:,f ia in thet f!!C""

tbl!tt he,. VB.• ·now r.iot fully a:~tlaf'ied ev~m with hi• eac~y, !!.d..lP.!:.!.t t!.9t h•

-·· ·:'_::ha~ -JUia~ .. co~plet~d for th~ J:.r,cyc1opedl!-t ~· In C!ill~ng ·~::~ttentiofl'to tl:.:t f5Ct'that Leriin 1 a e,n9.~1 h3d begun wlth

. u · discuaaiOn qf phil'oaophic tz:at.erialiam and dl~:!ectica, Krupak:Jya cocment~d

t'~~~~ 11 \hh w:u not ~he u~u!il w~y or' present{ng l·:3rx 1a te9.Ciling~>-(l3) That

cf3l't:sinly waa true. W'h9t Y.ri.IPIJkaya does r.ot mention W91 that t.hili dap!!.rturos

fron~; previllUII e.naly~ia had, by th~ tin:~ L:~min finhhed tl:., wh.:-l!e ~of th:J _!..o;dc,

not boen concrete enough to .atts!'y hio. :1e;.~ compr!.:henlions of th~ di~l1ctic.

Thd IUiitay~wu:r ~.,.rit.ton d1.1.ring the- July-Hovember, 1:?14. t.enin hsd bt:et..m •tudying

the t.ov,ic ir. Septamber !l.Od CO:!!pl.eted i!· on i)cace:no'!!r 17, 1914• Thill !l~d tha

dB.to on \1hich htt wrote !::1 new lc.'ltter to Gr~n9t -- JamA·Jry 14, 1915 -·- holp;. -~• ':i.,L~·\t.,•.~JU ,I, ~;~~.· :'

·~point lih,-n LenJn thought th'l gr~et rev.)lutlor. in hi• phih,aophlc c.Jncer.-tions

occUrr=d. In !:tny cua~, with chllracterl3tic r.reciaion, thi:~ i• Wh'\t Lenin

wrotrt Gr!inat •

11 8y the wuy, rlill t.h~re not at,ill lit! ti:11~ f:)r c~rt.3in corr~ct.ion:J in t.hft •~cti..Jn on di:llectlca? •• , I ha·/~ Ueen at~.Hiyin:; thia queation of dbhctice f'or th·) hs'l. month 1nd ~ h~lf' ~nd I think I :culd Add !o~ethin~ to it if th~ro w~' time ••• "

li.:·ur.l · \~-The pr.1c.·'•11 of' f{ne bre'Jk ;,·:!.th Jhi co!:c.,pt.e :!.a r.o\1h~r~ clt!~Jr'jr U.11n

in hia CO!:!Illl'ln'..'lry ;Jp:Jr. th!! r~hti·:>nshlp bet.\;r~r. ti:,;;~r:• 'lnJ ;r.:c·tic~. -~----'-j


--· .... ~.,_.. . . _ .... -~·····~··--· v


Thua, avon ;.;hsn Lenin ~apeak• a.lout practice, he lltr~:u!li)a th:1t ·Hog~l ..!/,1,,(_.-

1• hore te._lkin~ !.'ocu:t practice "in the theory of co,r:nitl.:~n.,. ut~n

. :@1 • L-:.uin hima$}f to 110ar & Ali.11a t

t.ho o~j'ICt.iv~ \'ior.ld, D'.l+.·crcat~• it.K(l4) .

· Y.Atftria.li•:ll !!!f! Err:piria-Qrit-L(.iaml And .y:Jt i' .. is not t.~C'lL.;Ii" I.onln l:ad fors:ot

hi• mS.torialiat roota, auch l"ou his revolutionury ~it!WS on~ conjj;cio!..u-

'J - - .-.e-n•·•·~ ao.~r-d:JI! 11 iina~-r;.ve-11 . )

a. totally n:w appre.:::i_ation of


,. .

-·.ohi10··~phY £!. .E£11i_tica, economic~ o'r orgsnization_. And Deing, a~ th: o81.!le· _time, a

,,-,. :man of\ t_!'to, c;·O~~re_te, U.nin, •trs~a;n_toa~" Hegsl 1 c phr'lee ai:lout the .. .noti-a~.tuality ·or. :tho ~IJ~id•.:. ~•-: foi_loWI! 1 · liThe ·>uorld doe a not a~tief:r man and !ll·J.n .1or.iGea· t_o chc1nge it.

o)' hh. activity.• ... ,•.

In a. word, "it lan\t that, LG~in h~s g;on!! irito abatractillns in gaining

a. .;~~w 'appz'~oiO.tion~ of !.Qea.lle-n. It l~t that. in (P.i.nin:r thi"' appr!lci3.tion,

ths. AUJolut_e Id~tt .. i-.o:J;an to !o~•e th., !lttrib~tt"J of -'!ll thln;iM ~5yil.

Nat_ural}y thi:s i• not d•H! to a!"ly t:t·.3.nsfor.:::ttion of Lenin f'ro~ t·o'Jvolut.:i.on~ry

mat~rl~liat t.o"f1~1Jl.i.r£:C::Oill iU!711liat, 11 i"l.:lr to any accept.,tncr: iJy hiul "~· !;j;;~l 1 3

m"·.,e,ment ol' "pure tho.lght•' not. onl~r 11 reflecta11 reo:..llt:,.•, but ·-ti~tl.t t:-.a dialectic


(1") . in thf;l one rJ.nd tt:o other 1~ ~ r-rocfla•, ,!nJ th~ o\'l~Olut.u id 11 li1a~lut~ n~lat_:\.vity. 11 ~· .-

treata "•in:pl~ 11 !!:'ld ":~.o:s.:~lutll." !./!~ir. co:!l!l:.:l:1l•: 11 'i'he dl:'rec?nC•' 1s ;~ot claH'

tom-.:, l!'! nJt th~ :.!l.!~:il'J1,c e:;:.Jiv ..... l~nt t-J th.o; :"''Jr'e;. ~~:>ncr~~.e'! 11 (l7) L!:!nin now


even ana.or-;d ly the A~•olute Idea Hgoing to natura .. • 1n11t•a.d, he say• that

H~_a•l th•re•y d•·t.ratohe• a hand ~o '~'t.eri'sliem.• H• writ.aa •h.tedll•t '•

1It 1e ·not.ttf~r~.n:r that the )(hole ebrq:.tor 0:1 th• 'Atleol-.&t'" Idea.• •oarcely oay• a word aba1.1t Jod (hardly ovar'ba• 11. ldivln•• •tt_otS.on·r "alipp11ci out •.c.c.idcotly) and a:OI.n. frora ''hat-tliic NB-1-t. conta\na ·alco•t tl.:athing th~t i~;_._,e.'ptcif'ically rciUUcm, •ut ·hae for i.1..1!1 u1n ••.uaject ih• dla.:lilotto.al method. •••And one thlni mc:-rs 1 ·in thi• M0•1r i-Ga&'l':L"a't!v o£.' .fieze.l 'e Wor:u t~ero 1• tho lta:•-t~_-ldeallt~ and tL-c.~'llo•t _ ma'teriall•c:• •con:tradictory, ' klumact l' \16 J

. ~iJ~ ·f~lt .none CJf t-he eXct·te~nt ~hat he h~d: Oxpe_rienc•d in t}le . ·,. : . · Ph\\osophlj. ·'

Logic who11 h,~.· turnod.to HogoHo . .!!!.!!m of -.,h,.,. }~'t ·it h thoro tl>st

ho complet~il:'tH• :tinal .~roo.k wtth .Plol<hsnoy1 : ·:."· '.,:_';.;:,~~: ;:_._. •" •, :" ·1 _:.-;' 011B':,;'florJC;;oi,Jt,l ,Plol<hanov. wroto p~o~oily noarly<l·,opl)·:pagoo (ilil~~~'f'((i1¢~•t Boidano~ aa;ainlt' Kantbno . · ~it.~ a: :jil .. tiono, ot,o,~.i'.r~.t~: 0,!\.;p!;>Uo•.ophy (d~>lectl.c )• · .... • ,_ .· . , · 'l'htril(•~ll\';tu"thom nil aoou·L th~' Lurso;:o· Losio, ·ito·:;t~oughto (loio~:i?!J.i:~,teo~io oropor, •• a phtl?oorhic oct~~:lnuH"(19)

i·,;~~~~ o~l)' that, 11hon he f:Ote .to C\lDI llp 1,; •· ·'~~~ or11anizo.d fol'lll

what tlie · .. di.afoo.tfc moan• noY that he h•• gone throu~h tho·.major ~ork•• of . ·.. _.,_

·Hegel ,-fb~:.e~~ oritici:f'l• bgol• 1 . '. ·, ' '~\- ': ' ' .


•tb~·opli~ting of a •1a&l• who!o and the oogn!.t>on af·it• contradictory parte ... ia thee a a • n c .... of -'d11lloct1cw •••tl\1• ·aepoct of dialectic• · (• .g., ~n Pl•khanOv) u·aually -re ... c•h•~. lnadelj\1. ato attention • tho id~l!tlty o1' oppooltoo h~ ttk•n aa tho sura 't!">t•l of • x a m P 1 e • ·IJtO,. example, a ne~d~~· 'for aX11~plO, }Jr1uit1ve~ comuuniam:.•> The uma .1• tr~loq_1'_ Engel•. aut it 11 :Vtn the inters•t• o!'"itOPularialll:.ionl ... • \ 1· '"'

So ~"eat 1•· leoin 111 epprsc1at1on or d1alect1cil that even hi• ret~.

erencea to ~oler1cal o\Jecu.rant..i•m,• a :t•t.•r1le tl:;:~)l;or,• io expartded to melln

•a attt.t"llu flower that growe on tha living treo ot' living, fertile,, gew;.ine,

pow•ufo..:l, omn!pot.6ut, oDjectl ve 1 ubaolute hu:uan knowlodg.c .•

(16)VU1. OM. P• 254. (l9)Kiol', P• ~541 .!!!!• ~. P• 277• (20 )!'ol. -;8, P• 359, P• ;6~. • We do not hav• Lenin'" Note a on ltei•l'• Pbenoraenglogy .?£ ~ru!,, but the l!E!!.t!=

llocka !!!: Il'lp•rit.liltn •how that he had read it tthile he w&o prepuing the fomphlet on l!£!r1allom. (The Notooooko oro a m•••tvc 739 p•s•• aa •&ainot tho ahor\ pcmphlet that woo actually ?U~liohcd,)



'"·--··· ............. . nov page 10 12556

A• •&ainot tho oommonto ~y Lonin alonso1do work• ~y othoro, mainly

Hegol, thw_ laot quotation wu from tho O!lly arliolo ~y Lon1una~o11'!o<>lly 'Oil

Dlalec\laa.• rqouJh lik~wl•• nQt pr.-pared for p.&ltlicatio!l, thia, at l"ae\, hal

-a:a.ilver ·"t;ee~ tT.•.•t.•.d·'iu.· ·mere • joitiJ,gc~" It 1• t11e laat word we haro tron ~nln'a

a\r1oUy 1')>1looophh cc..,.ctory. of the cNohl 1914-1915 period, _ !ltir.>e IA>n1n ho~ ·-

~ propartd hii Philoeophlc l!ot•liooke tor 1>1l>l1cot1on und tt,ey thnfo,•o remained 1 pr1v~t.e;~ ~~.nae I.en.tn ao•~:ed· d:aply t:1 ha'!'• .oont1J1!~ed with ~1• econoJtllo rtudte~_. · ~11't;1c•l t~••••l or&atJlzat.lom!l works and linoe th• ta.ctJ.orJal pol•mlc'w oont1nu.ed

' . I ' . • '

. una~at.edly,,. 'Lenin'•· he!re were not p~11par11d for the lmpere:t! n- ot' tillcing G. mOr;t

Iliac, to-t.a_ll.y .·aontradlc~ory d®lth vio~lcn r OIJ the ~n• hend, ti19 Jcncwn vul&arly ""''"''1a!o,

iati,.· Ml:~·~.•l18.az .a~d ·~pt!'1o.:.Orit1c!•m, and 1 oli the oth.tr h'l;nd, e~dl,a• ret'erenc88 .. '.·; :· .. •.·.;:;~.~ ' ·. . . : ::-:

to d1aloio,Uo~-4ho dialoc\i~i> -of hiotory, ~he dialoctio of revolutio!l, tho diale.otio • .. • ·': ' • _;...,, • ' 04 • ..; .... ·.-~ •

. f!t Melf~•'dohr.;ih~n~n covering .~otb. the -National Q,taotion and ·world' rovc,lution; the. • • ·.: ~' '·.:' ,; ·.• ' ~ ' • ' • ' r •

_ dtaloc~i'c~~ei.O..~S:or.alilp of theory to practice an~ vl.oo voro"~ ~nd even ~l!o d1••l•tci.:l;o.:o:~,: :: '~~" ·<.·>'(i:.·: {·'~·>~ ... . ' '.• •' ' Bolaht~l_k · ~•adtir~h(p to theory,- ~o the eelt-&ct1 vity of t.tae auaesea a a ~'lall t.s ·to

.· •; ·. . . 1tiolt,_, · I.O~i:n•.a adhra_nts aa .,.11 "" poUUcol apponont• kn•w notht-ne;, •rid __ cared

laio, aitoui.- any· ~roit phllcoojlhic d1 vida ••t up ~)' H•&el '• A~aoluto llotbod~h. ',' ,. ' •· :• .

diw.loct~o ot dovolopmont or "tho J>1r• movo,..nt of tho~ght•!!!! of.ruUty !:AU ling

1h ny, th••ough contudl.ctlono, to oo total o _unity of o~joot and aubjoot, th .. t

tho.acf.hiot, the revolutionary metorinliot Lonln oould copy o-~t tho pbil~•oph1col

1dea11•t f:egel1• concept. at 1 subjeotivefl and h.,y epeciel atrena on. the hat ••nteo.co1

11ilaoh- uew otago or axt-erior1zotion (that- h, of fLlrthor doterm1natio1t) h ulao an intoriori.zatton, and treater oxten•ion 1 t al•o. hi&hsr :ln.ten•i't·¥• 1.1hW

ri'd .. ,.s-r coneoquontly h ulto \h• moot concreto ond •ulljoativo ... •-121)

How could anyone conceive that. the· "phtloaophie noutrali;:t," who, tor a

long period. acc:•ptttd aven 11Mach1t~1.11° into Uu' 'lohheovlJu j1.ut ao long a• thoy . . f .

accepted ,.Bol•h•vik di•e:ipline, 1 would now •e- undef'1the spoll of khat hot called *~the

dialectic proper, 11 that th1J1 1 juet ~.!.!.• wo•.Jld 'uecon:o Lt~nln'.• underlyin¥ phil03C.phyT

For hi a part., l.enin waa faced with thl!l feat that ht hetf to !'ight: apt nat not oriJ y

Detraycn·a 'lncl: J-ielnahev1k• aa well Q.a non-Bolahsv!k intet-OIJ'\.iontt.liat• lilte Ro<~a

tuxoml1.1rg and 11the DJ.tch,"• Jut oho hia o:.rn •~::~1111 Bolahevik group abroad. And he

hRd to do 110 on, of nll thinea, a •ubject thst Bohh~vika h11d prtn•iouMly a;r••od t;o

(21 )!!cienco of. Logic, Vol II, o.48'

-now """' u-

0in pr1nc1~le1-~he oelt-dete.,.lnaUon of·naUono·. (22)

&l.d~euly, Lenin f011nd hl,.oolf ·totally alono on~, th• llhlo word-­

dlalocUao--lcept opr1as:1ng. up • .,..,.,.,bora. tt wu "" lo~g•~ li:>ihJ tn 'the trono­

t'OI'I3lllt1on 1nto oppo111.•n 1n•ot"a.r· «U elt.her. trftnut'orrvl'ltion of' oomp•t.l't • .ton 1o:t.o lll0110.;.;

poly or a ··ec1.1on of l11~or 1nt.o tht .,.ttrlat,ocr.tcy of l!!t.or11 w•• conll.trnad so.ncl which

Kow dtoloc~ico vao oXtondod to revolution 1tael!. .tod tho •on~my'--tho tr.ooretical

~.& w~a noM~ o1.her t.han the Sol.aherlk the¢rotielan, 3UA111i~1n. · 'ft.• atark n~w t!"Uth

, w~•- tbat -Lonin. cal.lod tb• 3<>hbn1k oppoai \ion to ael1'-dotoradll8ti~n of ~o.tione

.notbin,,ohort ot '1mFSrial1a~ oconomiom.• For our porpo••• tho 1~portanco or. tbio do~ah .,;;,h ilot ir.o ""•h in ·aakharin '• tbuh •• in hie m•th>d~log, t1hich Linin ·

. ·k~pt rt!'erri·ng to all tho_. wey to'hh -~ ... tb lJod, ao "" ahali ..... l'.ean~hilc,' Lolii'l\ ••

1ro woo ..;..,,~d loy St.lkharin • • •tatnont th~t

· •-ri.o. 't.,'J>!Iri.aliot op~ob 11 an epoch' of tho ·~•orption or" o:i!o.ll •tate a,• tbat . •.th.O'rlitor,j• ·it vaa •1mpcal1~l• to atrilzglo ci11a1oo1. ·tho oilolutO..nt ot notlo..a,•

6·Xc~Pt·•, •ot· ,'?D'Ilr•s, 11 in 11. ttrugglc ror aociali•r.a• and ~hAt 4 -t.h .. i-st~re. ··~ do-.iat1:;,i1 .t'roill 1.hat .~Qa~, iony odvanco~~~<~nt o!\ 1pcrt.1ol' tub of'; tbe,c 'l1~araUe>n Of natli:lno 1 dthiD tno rolilm of oapihliot civ111zatiOIJ w:lO utootiori and reaoUoaa.r.v•' (22} . . -......-

It wao t.ht •therefore '•' thot Lonln ...,.t lnt•n•Ol:r oppco~d. l!i indatod

tbot tho ho~rors oi' tho lmporlaliot· war had l~d to "tho .!2J!.Pr .. o1~ of' ltuoan.

rll)a•on1ns;l1 how .oth!!rw1•o •xplain the aolehevik 11 curiOUI or.ror"t! i:t logictll Inatoad

of: ~hol.r oooia,g that tilt vary \rancl'ormatioa into opposite oi: l'roe competitive

ca,iteli~Sn; into mooopoly 1mper1all.llm c.nd ita at.tppreat1on ot ne.tiona:l dtl!lOt;t·eey wou!d

_produc• rDaict~cctJ that. the imp~.tlea t.,a self-Ulovomcnt. came praciaely ;Nt ot thast

c0nt:rad1c:.t.1ou•, ~eca.rr.e \he d1Y.leo:tice or revolu'tion. To t.h1nk othetl"W11ot Lenin

1ttdli\od, wa.a i.o trots.t ae••• ea o-.,ja.:'- 1netel.!d at' eultjact o!' hiatory. If' tho

"t.hraret;)ro 1.s" do not. eC30rgo out a1' 1.)1.• living coot.redict.ion 1nit.ead at t.he dead

aulta1.anc•, then IJOtialiom itt nothin.z lrut an '1ought... 11 Thu \.r..lth it th~1.

(22)1 will le quotins; 3canldn and 1"'1.sher, I!l!. UohhO"'Vi'k'aand 'the~ tJa.J:,, _ itoo••a• it wo.o llU~h•r1n 1 o thoo .. (••• eop•o1olly pp. 219..::!2')• But tho lotut and of th~ finoat ~took• on the ltattle against nc~10n«l chauvinism tor thm ~tr104 sfter tha aolahev1Jt• gatnud puwor 1• to 'oo roune t.n !).Oahe Lswln'a ~ ..!=!..!!. §.!.r..azgl0J and thu most comprehon•ive on 1.he NationAl ~eetion ltoth ~eeort aod ~rt•r ~olehtvlem triumphed ie Th~ Form•t1G~ or ~ho Soviet Unlont Oom~oiam and ~aticnali•~, \y iU,c:h~rd I'ipet-. -Sea al•o my Dh'BPt'•roii'StilinTnMi'i=if;;-ond l"rfledonh ·




not only th•t: prolet!lri'lt, but nflw r~vv1'..1t l:ln'i.!'7 !'ore !1•--the: r.!!.t ions 1 :ninor! ti~·•-­

_.•r& ~ri-elng and m9.~·ing tha fight for ~~~l'f'-det::iruin3tion of nationa not only

11 "pZ..inciplo11 r~ut. IJ 'reality, 91 the !ri'ah ::~ett~r Heb~llion prov,d. 'I'hero never

haa besn !:1 11


revolution !lr.d the 11o· .. ionlil revo11.a ;.!er~ v~lld b:;,th !.n thtun.;.

.. lv~• and !U tfie "oaccili" for t.he pr.Jletsrian l"'ev~Jlution"•

Db.lectica, -:.bat "Algebr~ o!' re?olut.ion,~ (24 ) h~t boen on !Ilany grsat

'2-) :t~st~• '• ;)

:i.n phllo•ophy, bec'jtte, with f.~orx. :J phJ!ouoph_y:!! r"v.:~]ution, !l to't.sll~· new

_ ~tj·~gZ.y _or liilor9.tlon -- tho proletari9.n r~vol\.ltlona ;;f·t8QS culc:inatinc: ·in

th~ Pari• Comnuncr·or 1571. Lenin 1 • redi•t:ov:ry of di~hctic!l, or aolf'-\,. ':'

aC.tiV_ity, :J_! S-lbjdct vcroua Subat3!1c,~ 9t the y,,ry ttom~nt of r.oll!lp•s cf' th~ _ '., di•cto·~ci.d~ at Q.n:~ and~the '&I:la_th:e,

·'.SmCo~d_ !nt~r:aa_t~ori::J.l /• the o.'ppesrt:tricd of countcr.-T~voltJt.ion, f~on: with~.r.

'·'the i.htrxi.-t movement and the new forcea uf r~volutl:m in th~ netion!i] movoment·•·. ·. ~.

-wo:-10:. iihat hi• ~conomic att.tdy 6f ia:peri:3lits!:: reve~l«'d ~1aa thst ii b!1d gorg~:i

·come a totglly mn1 theor~ti::: -ieps:-ture aft!!:_ the !3olall~ivik C0!1?,.tleat or p~Jiisr,

'(24) Al::;wndar H;r;-:!n;-Se IE::ted Ph1i-;;o;F.TC;l :/orka, -i).'5~1. (2.5) Jsrring ~3 lhl:s m'!y ao:1'!1d to til~ prof!:::J::;i.>:'ltll ;:hil:.,.:~pl:~r :Jcc~sto:reci t.c th: diethctic f:-o!:! 1.h'3 :Sr~r.;da t!--ro·Jg!J 1\:.snt tv !-!l.!f'd in th'! r~!!l•~ of th::)'J.g!;t elon:!, th~ trJttt ~! ~~= 3bov~ ¥tJt~=enl ~9~, in rc~ent li~ca, b~en cur~fu~!y t.rarod thr;:>u.~h in the ;;.:~rk:s .JC ._r~~n Hyp:.clite (G':rt'!til"! ~t 31.r:.~c.ture d'! ls Fh_o,!l~~enolovie.- E!. He;!!l :'i.nd ~~ic" .?...!2.~!2 ~.TH~;;;l)~;-;;;rr-~; ~heOc.tu::11 docum~nta of E~_g!!] 1

1l '!!lrl~t :lo·tt:lJ~:.:.er,t • .0.?!~:.£.!1!.! ~He·:~.~~.[· • Jeo ?art III, ".::cuni)tth Re,-l!.a.:r :.H',d t!':-l ~Llectic.~ v:· LL;~r·d.icn,'' ~tt:~ru I dev:lop t~iJ tt~;fg ror the ~friLl~ r~v~l~ti;:>~t i~ v~ 1 · J~~.

' .. -

--- --.--- --· ._ __

tl.oo·llitUIU.a taKing i'lJt~ i·ltJ t?-::;ir o'A·~ h;;Jnd$ i!J Irtbn::i .i.e 1.~16 :;-,!in U1d tr.~ dob•,to• o~ tho ;;."ion.l ~"'•tion liith hi. 3cl•'-.cvU. coJl""l"'"· (2!0) 1917 aho•Jld

longer to •d!:il.t tb ri;'>t of eelf-dct•rminsti.cn since ~••ia woa r.o"" w~rk•r_sr •tat. wheroao.nation•liim meant oourfA.oio ond proletariat togot,her an~


a •top b•ckward; · In hie adcio.ion th•t "b •o"'' caooa 11 he would be for i~, h•

liot.ocl 'Hotton<;~ts, ths 8"•hmen and the Indiaoo. 11 To :thich Lenin excbim•d:

~•ljeart,;g .this' enum~rati% I theyugnt, ho'' 1> it that Cvmr>dz Bukhorin


·-·hed f'org:ot"t:!o P. .em!lll trii':::., the J3:all~lkirt? Thor'!' !:lro no Buthn;,en in ~8eiu, nor h1va I h!t~rd t!Jat the :i<Jttetr!..ot..'!' )1~>VG hid. clilim .. to an a•;totiomuu111 r:lpublic, but we li'iv~ S:uhkirs, IUl·gh!.:z. ••• ~je cilnnot;, deny it ·tc o.· cing16 uri~ of' the (2~~r'le:J livi:1cr within the Oo~ndariaa H

of ths :!'or'l:er _Ru:=u.i.an E:;::piro.H I) .

Bukh..!.!"in, 'f:;Jr· whom !lll the queetiona from 11uelf dater:n.t:l'ltion:or

neiiona• to stote-<apit>lio~ ;,oro teoorotical quo•tiona, ma;• oot """• oaf'f''<~d


too l=t• •• it turn•d out--L•nin >roko toiully ·,:it•, St-.Hn--uod, tf.,cnticolly. rc-

(26)riz do not attribute >igni!'iconco to the do•lr• to hold onto the word, 1

3ol•hevirru, 111

L3r.in 'tfrot~ i:1 hi~ r~ply to ;31lkh::~rlr., 11 for I kuo!Y D:)r.J~ 'old 3oloheviko I frott •hon; ~···T a~a Jro"urv• ,... T!:o 3olol:cvlk• ~ ~ i\'orld W'~r, Dy 0. Gaukln <~nd H: fibh;r, p. 2 '5· --

(27)Leoin,SOlected :;ork•, Vol. VIII, p. :112. Tho i<ilole ot Part IV, "rho P&>·ty frogrsa;, (191t'·-l:?")ll"i'"; vor:; v~)u:.Ii.:lf! f':Jr 4:.h: tihor~tlc !)V.int• in Ci~p·.Jt,~ ::.nd ha.v~ thr.t ~ciY·J:rt;l[e of Gein~ <·!.t=~ T.Jr'3 in !l tht!or,ltic:l.l l'ro;.a:: t~.un l.h'J f~ctioaal Uit~ uf th., Tr~Jdo Uni.;~n Di111,t:: .. r~~ u;;lc.;!: cun ue fourJd ir! 1/ol I>\.



A~atl"B.c'\· r .. v.,lu1.i~:dam waa the_.~ethodoloa1c.al_ enemy. at.lld'lal'in'•

tboory ot · oiia~e-tJ,IIUe.u..,, tbo ol!vor .. oid• ot hio th•ory ot oeonollli< dnolc;.-

· .. · ·--.At ".G.de.r 11. worke'rw• at.ate, .13 that of a ccnt.inu.q'U• davolop7US:l4;1

"- t: .. rsl&:hil

lirlt le&ldtna rr"J41 ,.,,~or&-1t:1ztd1 competitive .:~pit11l1n1 to 11-org:anizad" atat'­

r8p1tal1am,._ ~a wor-ld aoal~t it re111al'na 1a.n•Z.ch1c, 1 sutject to the •tllnd

laws of thtt; W(jrld mafoket,• r\na.rchzi ie IS.IIapplsmc.nted lly ant~goni•'Ut~ elaue••'

Only, tbt proletDrilit., by ••lzing ;:ol itlccl_ pow=r, or.:n extdr.::l 'l"r.i~nJ.zed pro­

duc.:'\ic.rt~ tg; thtf whole _world, The tact thnt B•.tkiu~rln ~alltvev: in r.tocld rsvolu­

Uon doe a 1i~, ·however, soom to stop hiw fNrr. dealing with la~or, not •• ~­ject., ~: __ -.. -~.--~{~~"oct.


:..:' Q\ilj;f the contr.ry, 1~17 notwlthotanding - and d .. pite tho foot ·

thlit Bulchiirlit.:'iia;,od no om&ll rolo in the rovolutl.on -- hh conc~pt of rovolu­

.tion h:•~·~~ri~ac't:t;hat all 'humun.acttvity\o aubaumod under ito T~~•i ho 11 ·;·

: inioaoap~~lY;dri~h to procludo lllf-movemant,. Which io·oxact'ly vhy lllool' ·~~ · mal.na '·an o~jtiot .. tO"him •. AI' oojoct; tlle highut attrhuh &.JI.:he~!r- can think

.:. '

Of. a:esi.iut~ lailar 1• tt1 ~eeo:ni.ng an !laggrognte.• People were retarred to

ao 1111illl:ln · m'ich1n ... • (2S)

.For 1'. revoll.ltione.ry intellectual t., have. bec:..ms 10 entruppad in th•

tundtHnental ali'lna.t.ton of philo•ophera ln !l cl-ua e-,ciety, identifying tnan wit.h

thine•, 1• • phenomenon tb3t laid heavy on Lenin'• .. mind •u he h'rotot hi" ID.!•

(aS)~ Ql Prognm, included in .!!_ake, P• 121, 'Oolloctlon of Thoorotical l.rticl .. lty 11. Sukharirfl (May, 1927i;" lloocow, ~nian), unro.-tunotoly, neJ.thwr -.Bukharin 1

• Eoonomioe-of thd Traneitlon Psrlod, nor lllnln'• oo..,.utary on .it 1o av11l4~lo in Eii811oh. (I •v;:u;od th• Ru .. ian texto,) However, oth~tr worka_ ~Y' !, Bukharin are avn.lle.ble in ~nglilh, 'i'heu are 1 ~~ ~conQmy ~ Imperi~li•m, Hintorical Materialla~, und individual ••aay~ are included in other workn, thoa~ 3JGinat self-deter~lu5tion in Tho Bohhovl.ko and tho 'iorld ~or (edHod lty Gankin sn~ Fhher, !ltanford Uo ?.=e •• , 1940) ancr;y;;;h~-


',,__ ..

'' i


SO hhlly ~id Lonin dlUjji'Oo «Hh. Dltkborllo0o JHthod of pz-.. onht1on that .-,on

wh•n he .. aV••d wlt.h .the epcc.tf1<: po1o1.e 1 he f"l1. lt nec•••ca.ry. to orit1.c~u·.

· Thue, '\here lfa.e 6•rta1nly.no dl11arree:a.nt •bout the m• jor fluhi•l"~re~t of tho

nu•&len RevOlution.~ tho d•~truct1oG ot ~~rge~l• production rela\1on•• eut

tho lllD&h llukhuin t'riod to ,.ke an o~a\racti.on ot thot, tried to ou~ou,.. pro­

du,Uono rolat1ono undor •tochniool r•lat.lono,• It ••••~• oltn~u• to Lonin tb•t

a.ski~Arl.ll oir;pl;y tailod to updor•tand tho didoo\lc. l'llua, ><han he cr~oted

aukhif.i'ln'a leoaoldaa ~!. !ll!. ~ll.&!.! .fe~ t? th• etr.,t that1

•ouo• tb;, d., ..

tructh~ 'or .oopitolht pr~d .. cUon. z-alatio~a 1• ruUy glnn, and onoo th• tho.,_

r~Ua 1~odi>111ty o!'. their root oration 1e pro von, 1 Lonin hit ~ack with 1

·,' .. l11pooo11o1,i1ty 7 ia d•mcr.>atra~b only p~octJ.call,. Tho atlthcr dooo not PQ09 ' ···J· ;· ,• ..

dioletioo'll:i tbo l"olotionobip or thoory ~0 practioo.•

'Tho: ~.t di1'tloult roloUonoh!p to ~orlr out ~hn ono hao •hto

po.e,. !~._.pl'aOiaaty the ralaticm•blJ1 of theory to p.ractlae tor it 1• not only

On tbo llaUonal ~ .. tion Nt upoo1ally in rohtlonobip to tho· world.J>g .J .. uu

th~t a ;ulf doito opon ~·t~oen Solohoviko in power and tho workl.n;; pooplh A!!~

t.he p~rty '~~ld ouroly dogonoroto - 0To thlnk. thot wo oboll cot ~· thro•n

ltaak iu ut.oriu.• tdat Linin rear•d 1rroat w•a tho 1n1dden II Paaai.,n tor toerd.ng•

taklal oommnn~. Unl••• they practice the ne~ concrete ~niva~sal •to ~ ~an,• thoy will w• doomodo

1iY8ry citizen \o a man mu•t ,tt &e a judge and pnrtlci?ate in the iOYarruunt of the country. And 1that 1a 1mportcat tQ ua la 1.o enliat all tba toll•r• to a m•n in the governaNnt of the at&te. That 11 a tr•mend~~•ly difficult ta~~. aut IOCialia~ Qannot ~. introduced iy a minority, a party.• (29)

(29) Lon1n, £olloctod ~. Vol, VIII, P• '2ry,

; _ ...

I j r .· <

I. · thh ot~df of Loai~ '• phil~oophlc horit•,• 1e not tho plooo to analyae

1.h• ca'\,t&al o~ject.i Yl t.ranetormr.t1oa or. iht wo1•k•r~o~ 1 a\ a i.e into ita Ofpg•1t.e,

a atato-oa~l\alht aoo~•~y, ~O) IIUch lou llhl1u 1a uourpaUon or power. · Ot d!

ot S\M.ll'l'• •1rh~ore·u.c•_ i'tv!•io"e• wh·~t.-·lt~ ;ralovant to our e:.~bject 1D stal1n 1$ ' '··

work ·.o~ \be reloUor.ahip of g,yte~ phl.loaoph.7 to ochoct lti>Lch t•plodoe ·~he co_,l!ht '

.!!!!. ~;; ~~~;.., !d~'!~·~lo\ myth of '~rtyn• .. in philo•o!'hy.' ~~~ Lenin 1 (;!l). . .. ~ . ... .

. •zn ·orur ~o achieve thto intorprctaUon 0110 ~~>•at a leo diar~i~r~ ·tho, f'•ct 'ha~ .\b~. o,Hsidl.''aurceo, 1nolu'd!b& llatorialilim''.!!.~ ~lrlo..(;;.IU'!!!! U.ooU',: nnor·-~~B!•t vhat (~~r""'J l:<~lto o.~d tho Scwbt:•••l!o~uo at­t~1Nta \o Lo1>~1!. · 'Tb• aourcoa :ihow·tbat ha 11~a &"~'OUUcr.l aim'in·

· "rlUaa':'ibi·o 'llook, llut 1~ ""'· ..Ot to j~1n tb~ •. ~hLlosophl.ooi. ,l':"d. pcl1t1a~l ioaue• that. ~adlin Marxi&to win· 4>"&U1Dg ooouH"tt , .. to liep/irato ~liti111. 1

··. 'rb~ro io no\ a Jfhi!'f ;l:'·'-11art.yceeo~ i~"tl\o Philooopbi~ ·Nilh~ocke~-~ot · onn .tho old concoFt oi' 0 tho partJ' ot Ldoolhlll,• 0>" >party of Olah.~ioll•=•'

·' ,, . ' •. • :,...; : ~. ,• . (!. ' • '

oat.•.r• aaywbon, .\lbat wo oro oouoornod lf~th 1,; 'n;;t ·t.ll• .~cn~t"ci-"o' ~~ .~t. 1 !'art,\'llll~a• ia pbUooopb.r• What vo ~· concerned •ith 11 ~ho <No.Utr. of' th•· philoeopll1c

horlto,o• Par from Lenin JUlllloly procll!mlng hio philcaophlc ropu~laUcn

ot' Plekh!ino,., or hio irook dth h11 own philooopotc p .. t, Lon!o odviood SOvio~ youth \o otudy

0evor)'tblng l'lokho11ov wroh on l'h!looophy ••• •, and ha l"oprlntod

hio own .~•rlal!.om !!a!! li:joplr1o-cr1Ucim, ~~ need not go in ror tho cimplht1c

•zpl&AII"U.on tor '\!1••• :!!Ct1oo• th:1t. or.e e.x.~l:l !)ol•hovik ofterud wht~n hCI

wrotto 1 (!12) 1

Aa4 1Gt Lenin did not hovo tho c:>~••::• to uy pponly th••. t •• hod thro""

O'J.t,. a.e 1.1eelou, gotH Hry za~rl«nti"l p'lr!o or hiE~ ~hllo3.:};;:hy ot 19:l:l."

tbe r•a•cn ror tbe "'~1n.c,:;·4 ot h1:r i"ai.lollaphln !lotci:..uokv 1• u~~b •irr.;'l'$r and

(}0) 1 d;vot.ad a o~ood p:a.rt-of l.tol"xi.8c~rr;;~~tO"'ih~·ot'Udi;-;i~;r;n--•tate-~apHa!hll. - --·

('1) .'!Oviot lluxi.o"'.!!!!! Hat~rol .:lahnco, 1;11~, ll;• [)o.vid Joru•~y, ~,,lj, Tho \vo llto\ione 1:11o.-t rohvan~ to our •tuify "'"~ ~ tonln ~ruf the 1-'D.r\yn~tau ot Philoeophy" (ppe24-114), and 11T1'Hi ~ultvr:~-1 1ttvQl-Jt1on 'lnd J:«I'X'hlt Ph1lo•o;.!Joro• (;>po76-8;>),

(!12) ~"'•ntora !!!.lli l.onla, ily iiikolay v~hotioov, p.2!)6.

-1( ....

mare. cot~pliCstod and neither ll!i::. anything to do with an alleged lttck or cuurago.

Tho trr.gady.li•• ol•ewhore~, dC~ep in the rttr.:euaC!I• or +.ics, revoluti-on - s.nd

cc.u.nter-revolution. Too eho1·~ wore the yoara b~t·.,oen 1~1.'• ttnd 1917, 'l:J~ iletweon

1917 and In;·. Too groo.t th~. Uovt~mb9r .Revolution in Ruuie, a.n.d too many tho. i...>!",Ciaded

and miauotJ rovqlutiona ola.,Whf!jre--and too ovsrwhel1ning the cor .. creo problama of' thi•

groat h;•toric avotd;, . .-objeCtivo ·'ln~l ~:.lbjact.ive, inchtding wh·;t _L-,cln r-:..llod cult.ure.l

le:cbrardn•••· The pull thorefor~ wns for "etege-ii'yingN when to !:tudy what -.':""t'ir111t

one roadv. PlokhG.nov, then }!atori~ and Em.p!rio-critici•m, then •••• ~nin him..,l;t'. ' ' .. r·>

contilll.lacl his Hl!lgelian .re~ding:: evon 1.t the height of the fa!l'.in.,. ~·,/ Lenin wae

10 moved by one book on Hagel ~Y' Ilyin that, though ths author ·...-aa~ both r"l!giou.

:an enem.y of thC'· Sovi•t stet,, Lei1in intervened to 6et htm out of' jail.

Tho duality in. Ler~n 1 a ph~.},:,l'o?hic-9.1 heritJtge i.:J ur:.miwt3.kable. 9ut how

c,an that ,excuae the:' failu!'e to grspple with the Philosophic Notabook& on the

grot_md thtt'f.. :thay ttre aere· "jottin,ga/1 11 had n¢.vcr been int~.nded for 'p.t?i_ic~t1o~0

·~d.· ~thl!l~eror~ 11 it would be no mere th>-tn "idle ap~culation'1 to conclud9 thQ:t

te-riin rleh'!id tc; follow one ·rol.id ruther "tht.m a~1oth~r?. In a.nj· c.ue, no one cl!.n "

explain aw~;.y the Cleer public task.u ht::~ •et for the oditort~ of the n.,wly-ettshli•hed

phi l<aophic organ, Pod Zn!lmone:n M~rxizm!l (Under· the Bnnn&·r of ~rarxi11ro ), · to

work out a "•-'lid philoaophi\! grou'!'l.d 11 , nhich }';~ ~LJ:::llod out ue ,-

L9nin In•titut~ h~3 records for the year 1920, wh~n ~nin ~~k~d f,:,r th~ Ru$ai~n transln-. ·0_~· i_I~ge~ 111 Scienca of Logic o.nd !Jhenomenolc~~ E£. ~ftnd a.c well c.s ·,.to:oktt by LaUriola and

Il)rin'.•· The .. Philo•ophy of H!g!l!.!. ~ eoctrine_.of the Concrr;,teneJS!I of God nnd f.~n. D~borin, in_ his-. iiltroduct!.on to the Note~ooku t1hen- they wer!' fin:llly pu'.lli xhcd t n .1 5'291'Lenir..•1d _Sbornllc, IX~, and I

,,:,·Aclor·~t,a~:y in hi• 'prefuce to the 19~~ editl,:,n (Leninaki 3bcrnik, XII) raf'er to the Lenin Institute .:J ••,occ>l"<h. and then, without t~lling anything aUout the i!!tri£Ue~ in the dehy in publiC•ltion, pro- _l

·_.1 with pb.titudinoue praise leadinl to r.ot:-1ing C":~ncre'tr;' th~!· ar~ of 11 !,tr~!l1. significrJ.nce,"· . I 1intere-.,ting,ll contain "leadinc indicatio!'l~ regardin:r the diroJ(.tion in which !'t~rthar matcria.Uttt · . dialoctic· 6hould be ·..rorkc.d nut. 11 .~.

In thj a reupflct Il~·in 1 D works 11r~ n:o:-e r~ve::;.linz \:.ec:lulle you f'I'Jol ilhy hit~ t~.nelysi:l of ·}


the concrote ao :1nfluer.c"d Lei!lnl "The f'irat 'lncl .t-un·h:aentnl thin.rr th3t on!'·~_.!lo '.dtih!.-' u.d~que.ta...; ly to under•tand '!lnd lM.n1.C~r "~ohe philOI!O:Chic trn.chinr: or Hegel !IJ.tart. do bt t'J ex;>l~ln tr,~ on~'• aelf·'· !. h1:.S r~le.ti.on to the o::oncrc~e e~ylric .,•orld ••• n . ., t~r~n, 'concrete, t:o~~· .Pr~n: the Latin 1t:oncre•- 1 cere'. 'Oreacere 1 mc~n.1 1to z:row 1; 1 concr-=:~';erf.l 1 --coalosc•'!, to ari:to thr."Jttt,;h rrawth • .~i.ccord- ' in.gly, to Hegel'' 1eo;tcrote' !::!e')nd firat of .!ll the .~rO,·Ii~t tor~the!" ••• rh~ co':'!cr~t~ e!llptrtc la aooio1.hinz: in th~ order of h~ing (3aln), G~~:nethin£ reY.l (:lealitst ), -~.ctu'llit~r (Wirklicllkeit. ), .


'•o~ething exi•thJ.g (S:r.ht..,n?:), eom~thi:t(; Dttaein. In it.a totdit~,, this r~'llity !'ores 11 world, :1.

whole liOrld ot' tbtngli (Din£:9, Sech.-,n), erlstf'Jnc~~ (:!:xl,tcnzen), re:.~HticD--t..hn 1 ui:jce·t.j•;~t world, e . . reulr.J ~:Jf 1objdctivit;r. 1 T~.b ~J, pjj~ ,;o.rlci lr, !l~:,~ ti~t1 ""'~}.:.£!.! worlC, Mut onlj tC,a tt;Ciric-uoucra1."!•1t



(1)1~ho oyote~tic otudy of Hogtlian dialoctico fro~ a ~;o:rlolU.O! otandFo:int, i.e,, tho dialocUco which )!ar:< appllod: ;,,. •• ·"•-·•~· in hi.o Capital' and in hh hhtoricol. and political wo~k•Q

(2)1?1aJdn!: ao O<lr ila-.io )!a?.x 1o ~athod of applying-tho HogdioJt diil.ltotioa ruteriali.tically c:atio-a1·ved, we can and ehould · treat hi• div.lect1c• r:fom. all~jj,_dea 1 print excerpt" frOm. Httgel 1e prinotpal work•••••'\.,:;.) . ·

(~)"~he 'group of, oditoro and oontrtoutort of tho macnnnt Sonner of llarid.•~ ohauld, in my opinion, ~. a Jd.-A·4 of 'lli•~iot':'i'':·:· C•f lllhrbliot Friondo of l!ogolian D!.doctioo,•l'6)

I I . . Thie ttaa tho .y111ar~ 1922, the yS;ar ef hi~ mo•'t intitn••· ilit•lle~uiil·

acthity, which o~rotoh•d into_ hsjffrat 1110ntho of 1)12~ and tho l .. t of hh gr~at : 1

eettlu •&ali>_~t 'l.ho top l .. dor , ipl ; l!oot of· all it waa againot- ShUn wbobi, too· l .ii~if..!i•~

b(will ~ok_t~~~· romavOd, '¥.., of all it """· ac&in~t -~•linia -.,..,t~l, ·~~de :ind

:;:::~:-~:-t;~:·:7c::::ttt ~=~::· f:::t ):.::t i::.:::· ~:::~:t. •~toil3 a>l<h~1-n hol~ tho """'" p;.oiti~n ~n tho 'l!ation~l ~ootion,

' ....

OYIIIr the 'ea_;~·lr IDui-eaucrail:r;ation of tho . workorP I

~aOk~RT-dl tO ·oRpi:ta.lialil1 -.:.Lanin took the meaa~.tre

8tate arld 1 t • t•ndenCy •to · moVe_ . .

of hi~ cio-loadoro in l1ie 'IHl~C7> .. -ror our ~rPo•e• what he aaye of 3ukharin 1• what 1• mo•t relev~ntt

1 Bukh~rl.n-h not only tho moot valuaHo and bigg10t thoorotlcien of tho party, iut doo ay,lo,g11•-1a..toly \o OQnoi~erod tho favorite of tho whole party; ou', hio thoorotical only with. tht vory groilteot doulot ~. rogard•d ao fully ll.arxion, for thoro h OOD1t1ohilllril ICholaatic iii him. (He never ha~ 141arned, and ::;; think never fully undercatood ~hi 4ialoctio.; )1

~ .,_nin, Selected .!2.!:!!• Vol. JI, P• 77• ... _,. ;i5)0onoidor tho i'atuouo, greatly ovor-ratod yo.,ng French 00II!D11nl.ot philooophor, ·Louia

Uthuoaor, in our epoch proclai:otn~:, 'One phanto111 io moro eopocio.ll:;r aru·:ial than any other todayr tho ohado of Hegel, To driv& thi• phontom ~ack into tho ni&ht And rend .. pooislly how otudiouoly ho writea of Lenin u if he never hod w~itton· anything i>oyond.)!atnialia!G and Empirio-Qritlchm. (!Anin.!!!!!, Philoaophy) su· Part II, 1 Altornlt.t. ve•, 11 where I dove:lop!!":the ccnqequencea of not ~u1ld1ng on the i'oundaUona lot.'~ ~y LorJ.n'• Philoooph!.o ~~· .

(~)Selected~. Vol, !Io P• 78, . (~7)Sinco Kruohchov 1a Dootalinizstion opooch in 1956, Lenin'• Will boo finally ~oen­

puoliohod in P~ooia and appear• oleo in the lsto>t edition (5th) of hi• bolloct"d Worka. However, I tva the tsxt lfhich wcu flret JX1.bli•hed lly Trotoky, and ! t1.m ~foro quoting from !h! Suppreaood Teotamont of ~ (19~5)•

'~ . -.

Clearly, 0&~11dorotandl"'! tho dioloctlc0 had ~•••• tho pona'){1111 for

IMIIill· · Ol .. rly, it vao !lOt •n a~otrocUon whon 111od to duari~e tho ohi~t

t~ooretl.oian of the pony. Cltarly, •not und•r.~ar.dln!f tho dluhotio• hod ~oo011o

cruc!•l· ·'The h•ad of the firat wor~•r•• •tate 1n h1otory. witne••lnr \ho emor&•nc•

or. INNII!.ltr•U"'!:Uoa o.nd n~U~n•l ohauv1r:h'll ot loath ll<>hhovilm and non·a~lobnilm

aoilll! eo j)C!.nMa\ecl Vlth an adltlnhtrotin =nhUt;-- •• to coli tor ih• otatitl.c•Uoi.

ot tb• 1Z'lldll ul>!.ono, and tho oblot thoont1c1an '• v1ewa ~e1n.1: non•didacUc and thoJ'tl• ·· ! · toN Mt '~lly llul<bn1-""'1l thooo trolta cf mo•t unc.qual :uaure got J•,.,.d up bo•

·coauae, ·iD tlidr totality, tbay dl tended to aUrlo ntbor th•11 reluoo the <.ro••tift

:·pOw•:ra •!:': tho mua~o. Nothing obort of unoinz tbh dongor wo-•ld bs...., pro!Opt<'d I.AI111n' '

. I! ' ~ .:'':' : . 'lt h·th11 ilo.tul'e of tro~th, oo!d H•£oil, tc :!'roo:.: ito war up w~on 1to

.-,~.,;._:--~,1 .. -·_·.;: <--:: •'.-.•u•. ~~a• ··~•;•

II• ~o<ii'dc;r hitva known how =•h a ~tato-capi tcuot as• cai> nor•t<> to . ..U:~ 1t

· . 111i>ou1lil8 ~o ·oae tho >~.ruth •von vhon 1t our fee... :lo oonoplrocy 1101 .n•odod . . .. . I . .

H\wt>cn .. •$oot 0 ar.~ •w .. t• to koop Leo\n '8 fhUvaoph1o Noh~ool<a 011t oi' tlie roaoh ·

ot .. h. ,. ..... --aad thon wa~k to cako it 0 boyond• tha1r undor:otan~.i'lt· !t h

1ri tbo liatur" of' tho admlniotr~tivo :..nhUtr ot our ahto-eap1to.11ot, a:.~to~te~ •1•. to oon.eJ.d•r neg•li•n philo•ophy, at one 11nd the •aiM tlme 11 \he _private pr-ea•rve

ot tho>ao "111. tho know• and to lot 1\ ro,..in °gibb~rhh0 to tho ulllni~ht.,d. And,

•lthouah 1n ~ho •ecat• ~hoy ~ov ~oforo tho f~Jnder of tho1r atato, and, in tna

11 Ve.t• ~••r at L4nln'• non-prof'o•elon.d et.atut oa phtloaopher, "oth pole• 'find

it connniont to koop apart wbat h1a\ory hod jo1nod togothar-Htllol ond l~rx,

H•&•l and Lenin. In. '\h1.e 2aoth a.nu.ivu.uery ~""'r- oi" Hegel, und lO'ltrh onnt.veraDry

yaar or Lonin, 1\ 1• h1&h ttDO to ~ogin llo\on1ng both to th~ volcoo fro~ below who

•r• fln~lng ~.t tho tNth f'or tho:uolvo> ~~ ot.tupUn: to proctloo the ~1oloct1co

Dotro1t, ~loh1g•n Ftbtuor7 25, 1;70

,I •,

. Llldn'e ~'LGU IIWI a:l!MJ'II toati of ~ &t tiw liillilill" - IN

~ QIPO.\~, pao~~~t or o~ r.aUonallty - aa allll'...:l~ '-'~lb-. . .

. . ~ 1.n U• dattt clip or 1-brlct <.u 1; • 'lflle the .,ro:tet=-Ja~ -" slu:;litliO'in£

-" ~ ..- ,.t.toml lxluni:u'T l.!nelo M SUI Utili 1n 1:.h8 stN¢e ot

flllll.\ Mt!ima f_. nlf..c!~tidAI "1M lllal.GJt.lcll of hifM>7 .111 Nih

tll&t ...U oat.lanll0 pt-JM& H 11ft Jqi!!?:1!!5!e\ !'Aot.=' irA tltll lltl'll~..e

.e-211ri Sapli'SIIU.o !lllfo1 a part aa or.a or tlw· t8'lllll\t4o -one or til• '*'>UU 'llldtlb

. bliP Um- fiDIIIIl' •• ~ 1o - 0:1 the ~ ..... ~. tile

·. IIGOISfiJ.t"- (lnll_.kt.~ (xm. P• 30"J)

,: "::: i:.· ;. !.' .

-~._ ~-~IIUoll did not.- tlltlt "'t""'~.<!ftl1rlat.lon-- llillOP,SW :. . .- ; . I' . ·.

••a-ble. st&UA•s'lGU piece of' "r.r:lol!i'loos" lllll!l ~,... dllritle JA!Wlla

~ - ~ bo - p!"ei!UtilT ·1n· "1J> Gl'llSt. ~ ct.auwin.\!!t aWH:!G

to .... -~ ldaosot.U., the ~ ""f>f>'l!sll,y• "" Lal1n lAI7 ~. ·• tlatlrllllt«l \bill 11\s.,. a;:a1:u1t stsUn on tllo C!-u&m or naUoliAl lli1r.or1Uel

t.o \be IIM:Io or· ~· M, u ws QIIAn\ct.erllltl.n or TJro~ ~

bill we, bo O!li!'8 ~ ,_, 1n fot" "ao~~~>!l \e.I:1M.'Is!''• llo raSlatl to uni'lu'l

the l!!iniW or st.ru,;(tl.11 ~~Pinet stalb at t..be tval.ftb eonvoe• or thlt ''~

Pii.Jo\r 88 b8 had l'ftllllulr! ~ !:oO ...:>lll.<l <ioo

JINIIIJoual<ro In l9al hn dkl 90tO fO>" i..anill'o tll05CS an tl>lt li&t.iooal

and •'OlonJAl QQGetW,I _(~ e;:aln, a.s on t.'ul toi'.oJ.o qlW<I~ or d1al110t.1'"'•

boo~ llXII"tll.Y ''took it far g!'ant.a'" ,Jithnut evor dOV<Ilorl.njJ tbo un1Yill'-.ltl

of -Jal1.11Q ~.., 111tlt tho :1e<dy dwnlopir.c: ob.)<J<t.ive aitll6tWno tile one and

cnJ.Ir UP!o t!Mt -~ j!AVfJ IIUl'i<>llOI cOM:1o:i<r.nt1on to thl> fAci;. tint. t.!l~ 'lbo6flll

<.Gtabliall«l a nor.: ;><~in~ of dfl!!IIIM:uru l.n tl"""'•'lo &oc. thl&t that n<JH point wu


:. ' '

1.2567 -te.

dlatlnaulah Ita "the petty bourgoolale In a

-u.ch.~46) WhMt did dlatlnauloh trio oocloliot r-.olutlon waa the vay It

"We recos:nlee only one -road, e'lwftll!l frM /' /', :.(::"" J.i-' .

O.low, we" .Mntvd 'lfOricerli r:t-.oCue!vea to drav up, from below, t~ nev ~inct- ( )

plea of' economic ccadltlona,"(47) I , , ' ,; ; ;./ ,''//

·''· -·,._

.t , . ..-" lf; tlwtn, ti!A C.,_1nl1t Party did not beco .. bureaucrotlo¥o and.

<lid not !Jealn thlnklns thot It can ~o for tt.. ""'•••• vbat only tho ""'••••

c~n do for theuelvea. tMn, !!f1 plY tbp~ could people 1110V'l to 1octaJ.Ifrrll

Every cittua. to • riln aic~ aot ao .2 juC:1• and par­tldpatlt Ia the r.""'"'~"""nt of ths countrr, and vhat Ia 110at. l""'"tant to ua Ia to enllat all tho tolle:-o ea • ..,.,, In t!W. aon.....,..nt of ~hi· a~ata. · That 1o a truend­oualy <ll(flCl•lt tioak, but. ,.;,11all1m cannot be lntr<>-du~d . 1>Y c ~~<lnorlt7, u part)'."( 48) . · ..

Aa., ... 'aiM, thlre -h nut a alnsl• crfttcal quutlon, fro."' .th• NBth>r.al ··:, "' ,_. I· ;, - . '

' ' t;u..atlclll ead.'eha. d"!"lnont r,ole of worker• Inn ••>t•kers' atate, to ltla 01111,

,1 ulll(iu~ _;..,~~;ln•tlon on Ol!'&aniEitlon, tho "Vanguard Party~C49) thst h not

... 'fng t;rat-.1 by the. dlal•ctl~• of t'ibarotlo~. The ••vect that c:mCan ..

· 111 ..,.r.· bert< h the relatloftlhlp of that notlonol question to lnternsttonallora

be~auoo It lo.thore that he leld now polnta of dcportur~ In theory that .- .

\are moot relevant to our age, ond-lt !a there tbot hla final battla·agolnat

\ • : hlo decloretlon of .: ~ ·'.{ Sta~!n waa fouaht. Indeed, ahaJti&i:iifi1ii&fillii!!iLA& -"w~rr to the doath ~ I]._ ~ · (SO) vaa blteed, not only on the Ru•alsn ~ ~ "".dominant national cheuvlnllm" ••••llo '; =•trir:z-; k bt

1J ·'f.., altuatlon, but on that of the world revolution. Whan the flrat GeriiUin ,,. ,, .... ,~ \J~

1:: •. revolution _'!81 behc,aded in 1919. LPntn raised the quest toni If not r:hrouKh

:: :'\''/ · \., .,. Berlin, could not the world revolution become a real tty through P•ktnR?

·~' .-·.,:.',):, Later, he r~lnded the white world thatl 1/ ,.~ : A I 1j /0. I" ' ,'</ I ' ., ;-· 'J I' ' -'.. ·. i~ fj ,..-- ~.1 ,( Y In tha lsst nnalyala, th~ outcome of the lltrugRU-P.· .. · ..- /' wlll be deterMined by the fact that Rueata, lndt,.. "I _ Ji7c Chl1111, etc,, account for the ovorwhelmlnc ..,.jorlty of

' -1 1, ' '.''~-/-'the population of the RlobQ, (51) / 1¥;;/.:;, · .- ~-.. I' I \

,f.J_~ ',\ \ .. : . '

'IJ\i '\/1) \ ' /\ ~) ,. ,, I I: . '•l _.,

' ....... ''


. J1) :.. to,tally new pohit of departtJra hi thaJr:t bod been projected by Lenir. ••

hit developo.d tbe dialectic of world revolution and aald that P.ua•l•,

thousb ic had -~xperJ•nced e lu~c•e~ful re~otuttan ~let ~ rse~y to 5ubo~dl~t•

IU lfttereata .1! ,it ~re DOaalble t.o overthrow ""rio copltallam by tho

colonial ~.Volutlonao

. J'ett)'•louracola nauo ... llan declaru the recCJ11nltlon Of the equality of nat!!>n•, ami nothlua ella, to be l!lferMtloNIUa,., vblle. proaervlnlJ .Intact 'nACIDNil •aotam ••• proiQtarlan lnterootloaallom ~~ndo, flratly, che aubordlnotlon of tbo in~er .. t~ of tbe proletarian etnaaloe 111 (Jfte co~mtry to the lntneata r.f the

· titrus&lll on a vorl<! scale ••• CSl) · . ·: . i. ':-. .·' . -. '· ~ -. . '' ,. . '

. · .. r.,..t.lant •.c•MI'c Marxllta ~ notvttbatandtna, ill! . 't~~otonclca! p.;lntl>f M..l"'rture tor >l\'lrkl•li out tlw dloleotlc .. r vC>rld

'n.,lut't;.,. W. 'l41d d<lim In 1920, • ,. ... hillf·c•ritury··..,,ore Marc\iioa,· . ,_)·: .. ',, ·. ,, " ' , •, .. ' · .. ', -.. ,. ' '. . _,

>111:t~h11 to 't'hrol. overboard the Malixht concept of prol~torlan revolution,

,:_.~{~l!oy:~,;ritenil that, : .. . Leriln, ;:.,tlctMI revo.lutlono ~re only wo~~x!llerY", .

· vloerua tiHIIJo vlth the rlar. of tho Third World, we ~•n look at m6tter1

~·"sioW<U)l.•U4) In cny .e<~ae, what 11 of t!il e•ionoe dialectically, hto.

tG.rte~llJ, h(tr.~u:tna ·Lenin'• "HtgellanJa!R" huaeJ)tlrable from the c:ancr•t.a

"'l<ilYeroalo" thlt &ll)ne can aoaure thtt comlftll of world uvolutlon, h to

hold on tlabt to Lenin's herlta~e phl!oaophlcalty •• volt a• nationally,

vbat erupta apontaneoualy Ds well a• whst come• out of organtz.s:tton, ex:•

tan4wd all the vay. as tentn did, to teaderahtp and orsontzatlon.

tt vaa not onl' tho Oriental majority that bnr.ame • new dlmenolon

for vOTld: revolutloMry c!evelooment. It wi!R the Btac\t dlun~tton snd mtftorlty

problema tn ~en@rel that becaMe ~vlng forces. Thus, ln ~he ThealR on

National and ColoniGI Queotlon, vbare he projectao·the new oolnta oi

d•partu~• ln theory_

(55) Jew• ht Poland.

he llated the Negro tn tbe United qtates •nd the


12568 ,"t•

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T J !

,. (

... ,,._ .. -. ... v-20·

':he "~peor~"''" of the G•rvoy movo.,.nt ~·~ tbc Bl~ck di!Oift!;lon, v~l!,eft-i!iJiilill

,-Jiad:.._ atu.;...¢' """ '"Ioney In the onry ptirlod when tho Ger""'n Revel::'

ohlpo of theory to practice hed ~otbln& whotwwar to do with the old

"' Cotteept, ot pr8Ctlctt II "th(:t ',:elrYln& Wt of II "iir~" •labor•ted by the.

t&rty loo'"7•hlp, but the loodoroblp llotonlnstoto, loornlno frgM th!

!W'' ,.-•sUe• .... r.ow poll'ltl of departurcr ln tbeo:--y !t'om the one aource

. o! t!leory till'~ wao ot.o 1 to •ow 1.

on. thins tho Lonln Institute did bako ~votlablo to tho public in

tboae ollpt.y lN:rCitluctlono to Lenin'•• Ph!J!!!!C!phic Notebo:i.ka, Dnd tl>Ot tf. thoo. ···:. - . . • ., .. ·. I·

· llottlis.· ,of tile 1r•quooto Lo_nln mode for. boilkl. (56) It to clur ·It hat 1,;, ·.

u•·not.'etoppod otudytna the lloaollen diOll'ctlc onoo the. rovol~tlon .,...:•' . ' _·, ,•-: ' . ,_ ... 1• euacee•~l. Nor w11 thl• "•c•4•mic,~: or llmited to tiM fact t-~t he

aohed ·"tlie tbooratlctone", the edltora of the now theoretical O'l'l!an,

.!!Hft ~- .Bol!!!!lr of Ka.glsm, to lJCt •• "Moterlollst Frlondo. of the

Hoaellon Dialectic" and cont!nu2 to publloll Kogel•• works. r:.,, It """

tho woy he applied It In life, In tfwte>ry, In hh b•ttleo ~th hlo co- .

- l .. der 111 .&-., ~L;':T;•"LWhf c:J-e/l~h-e- . »~Jt tl<-<. ~.l.l<fluA..c/ 1 ?/ ..

,_..--. --- folio more treKic molll8nt In ell of hl•tory than the Will Lenin

left. The crltlcl•m of hla Bolohovlk co-!ee~era wao dlractod not ortly

•a•tnat Stalln whom he aaked to be "removed", .9.! Z!ttoviev-KEmtnev whC'6e

publication• of tho date of the plonned oel•ure of poweT In tho bourg~·

ola praaa waa "no accident,., or against •trotsky•a "admlnhstratlve men• I , '· . , ,

"./.: \ 1 \ < I' • I '

tallty"\. 1 NO, also darDntng 1ft Lentn•a crltlc:llm of "a a-.oAt valuable and

ujor theoretlc:J.an of the party"~ 8ukhnrt:n, who could "only with the very

flreateat doubt be regarded os fully Ml!lrxlsn," for there ts sometblns echO*

leatlc In htm (he never toarned and l thtnk nt!ver fully undaratood




the diDtoctlc.•(S?)

ll ... t t.e"l" wa 8UODII'I(t up, whtother It wa11 In the T!>ooeo, or In tho

:!!.Ut I• • llfetl• apent tn ~be trevoiutloNiiry movu•nt 11t the OOMnt vben

tt •c~tew.d tbe avaatcet prulet•~t•n revolution ln bl•tory, ~nd v~re,

phllotlophlully, d!ol<>otlcv bee- tha pcm• .. 1!).!, of ell 'Lonln'o thoo;gbt.

' 1.1/ It •• ~o ~mat!., II~Mtruse matter vtw:n~ vr~c tblat the =aJor t'bet.~-

rotlclo• of tho porty did "not fully underotandR tho dlala<:tlo:, •n,...,..o tloan

It wa • mnor quoatlon vhort he ver""~ tut .!f. tl .. foctiOn.tl •~r~s~loa rarl..,t

act~l cla~oa dlvlalonl, notbS na. f".Othlng vhlllt«ver, tbllt tw or' anyon& alM­

cw;d Uf ,...!d ar;cop the pro!st5rlan otote fr""' collaooo. (58l Nothln& did.

Ouce tht Rusalan Rtivol~tlon va!i not extended to !urope, lwt el~• t~

vorld,, world caplt&Us• &•I ned raore tban a ·breatbar. the lootattor; "f thl

, VOi'~a•: at.au·, •• wttll •• ·ats ~ruucrattc..•tl~n, lad to Jt• t.rane£0ru.tinn

'· . , ·l,llto oppoalte. Once tho JOU"'l vorkna' aUto bud tt:iolf .1101: on' ehe CI'OOitl•lll:l'

of j: ........... IN& In OI'Mrl"'l thai: about I on1le tba Mte1'8ln""t ,.. not labor

·' .IN& ta. "State Plan1 Onc:e .the Sene Party, the 010nollthtc atlote boca• :o ls.o!li~

' -- . fr"" tllo maaeo, aru! ta. P"rty v11s not checked by tho "non-l"'rty ... ..,.•(5t),

lout aot Ita 1o1pulooo froalvorld productlaa, It hod reached a """ atos•_ of·

wOrld ea'ltatt .. -- •tate c-plt•llwm. lt Ia Ruaat•'• movement •back"arde to

.:<~ptt&ll•,... which lo ox~ctly vh8t IAnln feared vhon, In bto !oat apoecb to

tllo R11•al11n Part? C•>!l4;rell, ho warned that hlotory hbd vltne .. od ... ny retro­

araotlona0 Inti It would bo nutophn\'to thtni(~o will not bo 'tt.r""" bac~1•

Tblo, J.m thlp, v .. the reuon vby Lonln did net ll•lt hl.a critique of

theoretician," lllkolal Bukharln. Lanln would h.>rdly haw aone Into an o~

atract dlacu•el~ &bout th• d!•lfictl~ and Bukberln'• fetlure to "fully Undlr•

atand the dtate~tlc", at the very movement when he ley vrltlQA thln ~-o~y ••

not juet pbyalcal ••mny, but s.:J;ony c.ver the eArly burecucrattz•tton of tbe






of the WOI'kera• atate and ita tend~ncy to SDOVa ttl)sckval-·da to cepltaUam.•· lllltf

h!l IIDt fQlt tlYt tho thearetlcal pottttc"'" of ll!!kharh• on th<i 11atlonol Quentlon,

im tha Tralk UniON, on tile economl~•· of t.he t~•n•lt 19n l"'rlo~, conotltutad a

f""' of ettfll!llo rather t~.an rela•olna, the craatlvz _..,.. of tile na••••• Ita vould .,...11' ba, .. uda auch • devDct•ttw& crltlch ....

Wbera· Lenln oansed •a pa1elon for boootnf In revolutl~~rle• wllldlne

lUte J~oWQr, tNI !lev Left In our otote cGpltallot .,., unfortun.<tely, end up

loy IU~IIIIIo If not tho baolan ot11te _r, then tho Chlneao, aithou'-'b el'll

. uprielll!!~r eopeclalty ln .. Ea•t i!uropa, blve oholm tbot fnedCKA flghuro llul\ller

for fft8dolo f.t2! tba Stete Pnty, fr~m the State Pl~n, ·ft.., the S~ate, .Qnd w\lt

t!l&y ,~end f.2!: vare .d!!•centrelliUlUon of rule -- Workna' CCNnu!la,

!lltitllectuel c .... .wua, Ycnatb C®nclle. ·•

hi .truth, lliao ••• alwayt• terrified of tlw obltctlv tty of titlo ffilei&ll8n~.

ciilltrdlctlon, tbot to to 1ty, the octu~llty of opPCI"Itlon to the Coaaanttit ·

'· !~Ute fram tic Left; Tllu1, In 1937 11urln& thl lN"tl>lc Yunan p&rlod wNIR ha ude'.:-

ki• ujol' con&'J'.Ibutton to dlal•ct!c:a. Ol"s mor• Accurately put, to lta.r:.,lsloc, . . . ' .

i.e 11~1lte41 • .U... dlotlnctton bet.,.en tbe "l'rlt!C!pol" snd • ~Principii! At~peetK­

, ...

of cOAti'adlcUon tblt neither lolcrx nor ~ny Marxist lfter bloo bid evu Hflft bafo1re•'

From thla, be drew tl>l conclusion that the s..la01 nat~n need ·)t be thl .nc111-..- ·

contr•dlctt<ml "When tb• aupnotru~tun -- politico, culture, •nd 10 on -- bllld'llli

the da., .. lo-nt of the HCOROIDIC_foundatlon, political Bed ~ultural. (60)

the principal and dectstve !=ctora." Thcr pl'actical reeeon for thta tnwntlon .. ·

va: obwtoua enouah1 lt w•• used to ftRht ~~ "dog~tlsta" tn tbb ~ntl-Japane••

sts.-uula and to fOdfst upon the maases "the l•adertthlp of Chlan kat·ubak.n tn 1957, b& a•v• e etlll n.,.r t~lot to thl• crlaln•l contribution to phllooophy. Tbis tl~ tbe denuding of tho cl••• content of contradiction wa~ for purpo¥es of

advlolng lbru1hcnav to cruah the Hung•rlan Revolution, an<! for telling the .. nut<r••''' =-•••• Lhat since the cantradlctlona ln China were "nonQantegoalatl~"• ~re "•oona the poo~le". such cont.rsdlctlona ~auld be "hondled."(61) ny 19~6, wa



?J.,}t( . ··. . 1tiJib. "" tbl ••• aiD&le track, ""d thla tl0!8; th<NJh It Is auppoogd to· ·be n<>tbl;,g

. . '\)~l .. . llloort .. of a "S.P...,d RtiWI.utlon.O, tha rooolutlon of cantrA<!!ctlona dapand toll :m tha . . . . ' .

thouaht of OM, ."Tile r. .... t lfal...,..n, Chotnun H.to,• .At tu s10w tiM, thouch •

"War .to tlMI'·eaul" .. Ia dlnct"d •11einst "c:•olullat roodera" llkA hie co-foundn, Llu

Sl•ao-l!hl, It Ia DO acqldent whatanr tlu:t tha "revolution" Ia not •••ln.\t tho

•:tuel ~!are, but Is coaflned to "culture,

. ~D4re4 aiMl flfLy yean Ofo, Regel Jtln:>21nted the lnverte<l relatlon­

abl~ ~cf'r.ulitJ alllr•cterlotlc of •cultura"l

t...Orioin o,t reality •lkl tl>ousht, th>tl r . .:ntlre t•tranaeiDOlnt . of - fttGM tbe ott.erl It •• pur'<! cultu~a({ij) [Thla o1dy lad • t.o·Mtu~a!'lao, for vhlcb.] tha 100~1<1 11 abeolutely Itt own

. will. (.,)

!leo, at couree, luta 10118 ki1CM\ that which Ia familiar to ell ~nlate0 .Ji:·.:· .. :' • '; ' .... • . . . . '

· ··;k.t cliltli'e Ia ,,only •cbo auP....cructu"'" ·""d not< tha deteJ'8!1!1& Pl'l'ductiOS> .~e-· .. '···1\· ·: ... ·_ . ':·· .. : '·. . ·/ ,. . ' . . - .

btloz:a~ IIIIIch Ia .,..cUy vhy bl bae ourroundad that "revolution~ vlth tho

"' .:·',"j:;,t_l;;.,, "11raat~· Proletarian, Cultural," GifJt It·,. no eccldt~nt tbat thl ··.,....;... l~Ueat -.. =hou!!il tbay talk &llbly a""";b of revolution, leave O.:.t

l~ .pnlet<trlat, and tluluab thaY. project nothlns olwrt of a vorld .......,lutlon,

. til. !oar•~tlYOa tba' set ou~or tba lntall•ctuah Ia only tlutt of "lladlcal ... . .. . c6'1>

-: .ln~ist.to- of othel'a.•

What wa aead lnatead Ia aome •oarlouanaaa, labor, patience and oufferlng (61.. .

of tiN aqatlva," 'l'l That naedo to be ~one on tvo lew Ia, It Dllt atart vllan

Let>lll left off, thot lo the lndlape~aable fouru!atlon, but It h not the uho!a,

t~ a.w -- tbe reality of our ~a•, can not be conatdered sa n ~r• ~pd~t\ng.

No, Chi .,... ha"l"" by lhteniM to nev lmJ>Ulseo orlslng from below, arhlflll

from precttce, not the alltlat practlcil of th:oraticlana •:mo1na to tba peaaar.ta"

but theoratlclona leo~tna from tbe moooea •t which pclnt tbly flrmt b•~ln to

davelup thaory. For our ero, tho nav erupted flrot In Eeat Berlin on Juno 17, 19Sl

•nd h1a contlnuod• not only ln !a•t !urope ~nd thToughout the Third World, ~t


' .. , -:~

l l

'{ lj ·,

., l


but IR t~ tocbnolllllcally advencad cwntrlen, 11><1 not nnly In the reco.ntoab\y

anat lloiJ 1968 .l'ln'olt Iii Praru:&,

li21lted St•tn.~e ne" f~rc .. but vitb nll the naw 'force• of revol&Jti~'l h1 tU

of revolution -- boglnnlng and f.orevgr retun:in:

til the llack nwolutlo!l. alone viti\ tM Yoilth, WO...n•• Liberation, ChiM>'IO, helton ••

not, ......_r, eo e allhtlt"t~ fu: tM proletariat, "-'< In oolldarlty "lth lt.

It la ,....,IH1J tho lllack ll'fiVDlutlon, that continuous, pcrolst~nt, novar-endlaa

'revolt that nevar lata ua fora•t tho lndlapcnaoble labor otrulil&, of which they L t, 1) .

eYe lta ~at •lltt•nt parr• ~ thing Mao recosnlzaa at l~aat ln ~rda aftd thst ' wUt

Ia the rota ef labor. ilut of !l«:TOlP It t& no accident that a!.l catch II blo -weluRtowt~ &G If one dey ccu14 lndft~d equal tv.nty ~era. Becauo~ oo ouch

of ,·~:..t Kw Left fM•• luolf on the ao choracterlatlc 1\aotrlcOR bcuYaooh phll...,pby,

. a.Ptricttll, ha,..u .. , vber• It ~oea not feoti lt .. lf on I!Jiola11, It 18 !"'at!u•ry

·. tlllt 118 contraat Mao•• dla\actlca to Le~ln'•• I tr..•t you viii ali~ mo t~ ~ote \ ·:'

.. ,.,

Ma~'• failure to •r••P ~lalectlc logic baa aothlns thate.er . 1 to do vlth "'mderatandtaa phlloaoJ)h,.,M. Dlaltlctlc !citJtc ta th<!l_ 1 l~lc of .. frHdOOI 3nd :an be sreal>tld oniJ' bJ' tho•• •na•s•d In the ··!. actnl auugle for freed001. Ther•Un Ilea tbo key to the fulfill· Mnt of bwun ~entlclltl .. aod ~banln li&l tb.ot ...,. rslctlon-olrolp bstve(ui·the~ry and practice vhlcb coul4 lauan the birth-PillS af lnduottlelloet!on. Anytblaa aloe IG tile ~ypa of oub-jeotlvl•• "bleb bldca M<oo•o c...,.,H taa nacd ~o t!'olisfon> tbo atr&~@ll• f~r the ~Indo of,..~ ln~o G ~rl~ to.bralr.vaab tbam •••

It Ia aed c~ntary '" our tlmoa and .. po1eo haw totally lacklna tn any c~nfldence In tba ••lf-octlylty of tbt moaaao are tod•l''a clolunto to the title, ~14arxlat-Lonlnlat." Tbalr •llhancy &•Ins -ntum only vhare th•~• fa • otatc -r to back It uJo· .... TIMI chall•aa• II for a nov unity of ltotlo'l and Rsallty vbl~h viii raleaa" the voot untapped enorsleo o, llln• kind to put an end, once and for all, te w~»t H•rx called tba J!I!•bl~y of bu31o!nlty oo tlult Ita true blatory can finally ioa un-fold.-~ .

Thlo ... t~bon Lanln beR•n In 19!7 and continued till hi• deeth in 1~24.

Thl• 11 vbare Hao'• B!! revoJuttonary OFPQaleion, Shen~wWu-lten, trt~d to begin ·~

vban It loouad Ito HUnan f~nlf«oto In !~681


·• '; /

/ '

/ /•-;;

Contempor•~J Ckl~ Ia tbe focva of world c~t~•~lctl~ ••• Slnce r.l,. peat tMO 1110!!&11&_, t.,. Cl•"'• atruqle b!l$ eat~ad

_ e_blallu et•a•···lt_ le •to W<>!'thrCN tb ....,born bourac:~lale as.<! t.aeei!Uab tllfl ~ple'a C-IW e>f CI!INJ' •• • row IMII~J t'ne f~oa buruucrato, llka t .... Path c .......... (68)

Ae w aae f...,. thll S..Mn ·M.nife~to, It Ia, altn all, not -•11>1• t"

c..,.. tba tloiltll 'of t.,. dlalecuc tor tile ll"l'le r~ooon that It 11 not Oftly

,.I!OIOpkyJ' It 11, oba¥o •ll, lite •• tba eatre-.ly contra~lctarJ ltf• ~f

C4'tc"ll .. , lttte fe !f!H •• Mlvstt• IIMtbar "" hook at tbo 10'<ft« C!atneu

. rewl>KIO&Ortci1·or at tbe rreiiCh (both event~ were h1 tile 11•• t%8)1 vt>etnsr

w !colo at tbe atltl•\'_letM• ..... -ot or It '"" Block revolutiOtt, or •t ti!e

late~ - foorc., ~~~~·11her~--4?~ United Rtatu; tbay •11 Ill~ ~~­

lie u tbo ~• of e~t"'c.Jf!l~tw.r Sta!t11 nor t.,. ude-St•IIO\!Htl"­

e,._,nlets, ..,ch leae tbe •ve,..uardlate" who •• ya~ lutve 110 atatl ,..,.., .. INt

bu113or fir-· """stop t~.11 foRnd -lit '..t the .. ,. a••re:t"" of 'nWlia"- ·· . .;-- .,

Uourl .. • It beo-e llperltlft therefore, . ..,..,. end for aU, _to fUt' .&be

tbeoraUc nld IIIIC<I l.tinln'a dletb. ~urel)\-future ano~atl- will atlncl bl

eaua•nt •t t'IIIJ equivocal £nd ~•lanUaas nAiote,..c that t"""• vbo C<lll tlloaoo­

ael~-.. l'.an&lata -In ou!' aaa haw carrl&d on aaatnat "f.ba cli<~la~tlc ,.-o;>er"' aft.!

tloe dialectlce of llbolratlon •lllch Lenin had VMkei:l ""' both Cll .ti-oe .,.1 to

pouer end &ftor _.r woe achlned, but aoci•U•• was .not. It .... !.tint•'•

t:<>iOCl;ooolon that •ooc:lalloll e.annot be lnt110duced 1>1 a •lno~lty, a !lo-;ty". t.bat

only wben tbol populatiOtt •to o .,.,.. , 'tO ;-. HAN Ukc Mttera lllto their """

haw; It Ia only .,.,., tbla 1Moc0111a not only till ull07l:Jf.na pl>lloaopby of

r .. olutlon but to n•cttce, that tM Ide•, f .. edoco, will no lon&l-r be

~pnlloeophy"; It viii IMo ~••llty.